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Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:41 am

Created by Mellowkat | Revisions by Kehaul

Chapter 5- Luci & Her Party

1. Ok start by choosing import. If you saved the game after you reached Luciana in LF1 you should be able to see a save file that is highlighted and NOT grayed out. Choose this one. You should now be in Luciana’s house. NOTE: That you will not have all of your inventory items or be able to access the quest/allies screen until after you reach Random. Now you should be able to choose the mode that you wish to play. For this walkthrough I will be discussing the normal mode. Also please note that I have used the imported version. Some quests in Adretana would have already been done/started in Laxius Force 1 and is discussed in the Laxius Force 1 walkthrough.

2. While in Luciana’s house check the top left corner in the shelf to get 5x Magicka Potion, 5x Tij Herb and 4x Kirin Herb. Check the letter on the floor in front of the door to find it’s from Sarah. Read it and then Exit. You will be given the opportunity to play the tutorial which is recommended for first time players of this style RPG. You will soon confront a flying worm in town. Use Luciana’s Ark Flare spell and it will go down quick. Go into the upper left corner and check the side of the building where there is an open window. Inside is 215 Gold. Now enter the same building with a blue arrow pointing above the door.

Quest 1- Rescue Sabom (Q136)

3. Go up and talk to Vanaaten in front of you and Luciana will make up her mind that she needs to go and help Sarah and Random. Before you go Vanaaten requests that you go and find Sabom, a young boy who has gone missing and is most likely playing in the caves. The lady in the top left corner sells Ancient Conch’s. Leave this building and visit the item shop to the right. Ask Mumu for a quest and she will ask you to find 5x Jim’da Petal. Leave this building and to the right walk around the top of the building walk to the left until you see a skeleton and check it to get 1x Gaia Dust. Check the rock to the left of that to get 1x Golden Apple. Walk back into the main area. Exit this house and leave from the left side of town. In this area there are 4 flying worms that are good for leveling up. The guy under the palm tree immediately in front of you sells ancient pyramid replicas. Go down the hole to the left of the screen

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4. When you first enter the cave go right. When you see a purple bush, inspect it for 1x Jim’da Petal. Go down the stairs and check the second bush to the left for 1x Dahr Herb. Continue going right and go up the stairs. You will see a flame that you will have to return to later. Above that is a purple bush with 2x Jim’da Petal. Also check the 2 upper most pillars for a 2x Emerald Powder Go left and continue up. In the hole is a King Tigo. You may want to leave this for later however it is able to be defeated with just Luciana. Try to paralyze it with mind breaker if you want to have any effect on it. In the hole is 1x Luna Berry and a 1x Tigo Reagent. Go right and you will see a big clump of bushes. Under the first purple bush, inspect to get 1x Kirin Herb. The second purple bush has 2x Jim’da Petal. In the little area where the boy is to the right, check the second light green plant to get 1x Kirin Herb. Check the third light green plant, under the overgrowth to get 3x Cycca Leaf. Talk to the boy and quest complete.

Quest 2- Find 5 Jim’da Petals (Q137)

5. The plant directly to the right of the kid has 1x Tij Herb. Head back down and down the stairs and go left (You will notice a tree with sparkles below you to the right, this is a teaser and you cannot get into it). Pass the second set of stairs and when you see a split path to go up or down follow the lower path. The purple bush has 1x Jim’da Petal. The second green plant to the left of it has 1x Kirin Herb. Go down the stairs and the plant to the left has 1x Kirin Herb. Now go right. You will come across a hole with another King Tigo in it. Use the same techniques and once it is dead you will get 2x Aqua Spray and 1x Tigo Reagent. At the end check the purple bush to get 2x Jim’da Petal. Open the chest to get a Power Diadema and check the upper bush in the lower left to get 1x Dahr Herb. Exit this area by going left and then straight up. Go back to the item shop and give Mumu her Jim’da Petal for quest complete and 10 Gold.


Quest 3- Fix the Tiles (Q138)

6. Go into the building in the bottom right and the guy here will complain about his tiles being broken. Luciana can fix it. Just stand on the tiles and press enter. Quest complete. He will give you 2 Gold for your effort. Now go into the main building and talk to Vanaaten again. Luciana will say that she is ready to go now. Go back to Luciana’s home and check the clothes on the right side for an Ivory Javelin and a Heroine Mail. If you talk to Herasia he will not come with you, but don’t worry he will turn up later. Go into the upper right corner and talk to the flame elemental called Tarabulla. She will join your party. Visit the caves again with Tarabulla and check the flame for +7HP. Now go and level up a bit (highly recommended that you do) and when you are ready buy any items that you may need and leave by exiting the town to the left and instead of jumping down the hole keep going left and talk to the phoenix.

Quest 4- Break Through the Fortress (Q139)

7. The phoenix will accidently drop you and you will land in a crevice. Check your inventory and click the my cat Herasia item and Herasia will appear in your team. In this section there is both a Save Crystal and a separate Healing Crystal. The Healing Crystal is your only source of recovery down here, so remember where it is. Gold is not of importance in this part of the game. Above you is a mimic chest called the Warlord Devourer. Try to paralyze it and when defeated you will get a Acalcythe Helmet. (Note: You can recruit another character shortly, and use Energy Burn on Luci to increase her SP if you need to) Below you are 2x Explosive Mushroom. To the left is another mimic chest called the Legend Devourer. This one is quite tough but persist in paralyzing him and once defeated you will get 2x XP Egg, 2x Holy Water, 1x Crystal Pear and Myrtyr Mail. In the chest beside the mimic is a Blitzen Blade. To the south is another Warlord Devourer. Kill it to get 2x Gaia Dust. If you die while fighting this mimic, make sure you quit and reload otherwise you won’t be able to fight it again. Now go up and head right. On the next screen there are many many many lizards. Fight your way through them and go down the first path. Check the purple pylon in the middle of the room for 1x Hydra Tear. Check the cave to fight a Zeon. Paralysis works well on him. (Note: Kitty Kat does as well) He will randomly drop the Zeon Claw which is a really nice claw for Herasia at this point in the game. Once defeated you will get 3x Azure Pearl, 1x Golden Pearl, 2x Hydra Tear, 1x Mind Crystal, 1x Emerald Powder, 4x Crystal Pear, 1x Golden Apple, 1x Fairy Tear, 3x Gaia Dust and 1801 Gold.

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8. Exit this area and go right through the lizards again. You will see an elevated platform. On it is a fairy. Talk to her and you will find it is Rosa, a character that was in previous LP games. She will join your party. Go up the upper path and go up the first set of stairs. Open the chest to get a Leopard Coat. Go back downstairs and go up the second stairs to the right. In the first room to the right is an Explosive Mushroom. Go up and check the pool of water to get 1x Crystal Pear. Go back down the stairs. Go back into the room with the elevated area and then go down the lower right path. Go down the first area and to the left. As you enter the tiled area you will be ambushed by an evil soul. In the first lamp up the top inspect to be ambushed by another evil soul. Once defeated you will get 209 Gold. In the second lamp you will confront an ante-spirit. Once defeated you get 406 Gold. In the third lamp you will be ambushed by an evil soul. Once defeated you will get 222 Gold. In the pot where Luciana mentions that there is something moving inside but she cannot open it, ignore it. It is a teaser. In the lower lamp you will be attacked by a ghost. Once it is dead you will get 163 Gold and 1x Hydra Tear. Go into the lower room and you will be attacked by another evil soul. In this room you will see a heap of Gold bars that Luciana cannot pick up. In the top right corner however you can find a secret door that when opens up you will be ambushed by 3 ancient guards. Once dead you will get 10x Healing Reagent, 1x Revive Potion, and 1x Sajcdil Apple.

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9. Exit this area and go right and check the statue for 1x Yveen Water. Go down the ladder. Go straight down and open the red chest to get 1x Golden Apple. Now go up and go down the ladder to the right. Open the chest in the lower right to get an Aldai Ring. Go left and when you enter the next open area you will be ambushed by 3 ancient guards. In the top left corner of this room is a chest with 1x Life Apple. Continue going left. In this next area you will be ambushed by another 3 ancient guards. Open the chest to get 1x XP Egg. Flip the switch to be ambushed by another evil soul. Check the lamp in the top left to find a Djinn. He will bless your party members by increasing everyone’s Level +1.

10. Now go right to the middle room and go down. To the right are 2 Abyssal Lamias that can be quite tough. The best way is to use Luciana’s Mind Breaker, Herasia’s Kitty Kat, and Rosa’s Iceberg calling to lock them down, then use Herasia’s Lethal Claws spell. (Note: Use Energy Burn to increase your speed stat, so you go first) They randomly drop the Abysseal Bracelet. Open the chest to get an Aurora Shield. Head towards the left side and you will be ambushed by 3 more Ancient guards. On this side you will confront a Ground Fish, Medusa and a Temptress. Employ the same tactics against these as above to lock them down. Poisoning should help too. In the top left is 1x Ademia Powder.

11. Exit this underground town and go up the two sets of ladders. When you get to the top go right. When you move onto the next screen ignore the stairs to the right. Go up the stairs to the left. On this level this time ignore the stairs on the left above you. Go up the right set of stairs. When you get to the top, start to go up the stairs in front of you. In the middle is a hole where you can jump. In the next area open the chest to get 1x Crystal Pear. Below that is 1x Luck Starfish. Exit this area and go left. Go up the next set of stairs. You should now find yourself in front of a fortress. Go up to open the door to be confronted by 6 cave orcs. Kill them all to proceed. Inside you will find many other cave orcs. Kill them all. In the top right corner check the upper wall for 115 Gold (You have to walk under the tent). To the left of that is an open box with 29x Food Ration. On the left side, check the group of four boxes. In the lower right is 1x Healing Reagent. Open the 2 chests to get 406 Gold and 2x XP Egg. Go up and confront the big fat giant. He should be quite easy to take down. Quest complete. Now go back down and go up the stairs on the right again. In the top right is a secret area where you can walk across a black area. After what seems like forever you will come across an area with a ghost in the middle. Talk to him and he will give all party members +11MN. He will leave to reveal a chest that contains an Invernahen Javelin. (Note, the Zoix Bats can drop a Zoix Wings, and the Phosphorea Bee that rarely appears can drop a Salcerium) Now go back to the room where the Giant was.

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12. Open the door and go up the stairs. You will be on an island. Check the barrel to sleep. Two steps to the left of the rope check up and you will find 1x Fairy Tear. After some time you will be ambushed by several rounds of squids. You will then suddenly get transported. You will find yourself in front of Zanbard, Luciana’s old mentor. He teaches her a few spells and then sets her in the Akahal Desert, which is only a short distance to Adretana.

Quest 5- Reach 1001 lakes (Q140)

13. At this point Luciana and Tarabulla will become buddies. This means they will gain more experience points when they are together. You will now have to fight your way through several Adretana Anacondas. They are not too tough at this stage. Above you Zanbard who will heal you. Below you is a man who will sell you some items and shields. Enter the cave above you and check the cracked pot at the top. You will be attacked by several rounds of Zillions. If defeated you will get 1x Food Ration and 16x Zillion Edible Wings. (Note: Only 3x Zillion Wings if LF1 Random did not equip the Luck Ring pre-import. You can win the first round by using Energy Burn on Heresia/Rosa, but the second round is tough) Check in the hole for 1x Power Pepper. Exit the cave and head down a bit. Go right when you can. As you go down you will come across an area with a lot of hornets. Go down onto the next screen.

14. On the right side are two chests with 1x XP Egg each. On the left side there is a Neon Wraith. Boost your party with Luciana’s spells first. Try Lord of the Dance/Rain Wash with Luciana, healing with Tarabulla, Super Cat with Herasia and with the Zeon Claws equipped normal attack and inflict plague status, with Rosa use Iceberg Calling. It will drop 1x Yveen Water. Now go back up. Heal up at the start. Now you will have to fight your way through many Adretana Anacondas, and the occasional wraith and ghost. Now go down a bit and go left. When you can, go up to the top and head left. At the end you will find 1x Cycca Leaf. Go back left and keep going all the way right. At the end, go down and you will see a boat. Check in the middle of it for 232 Gold. Continue going down and check the chest for 1x Magicka Energizer. In the area just to the right of the boat go down. At the bottom you will be able to see 1x Cycca Leaf. Now head back to the start. Go down and take the second path from the bottom. Continue going all the way left. You will come across two boats. Check the second boat for 1x Revive Potion and 3x Fish Holocaust. As you go right you will come across a Gigas Hydra. Use Heresia’s Kitty Kat skill to lock it down while you debuff it soundly, and then finish it off. Now move onto the next screen.

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15. In this section you will have to fight more wraiths and Adretana Anacondas, however you will also have to fight more Gigas Hydras. First up go all the way left and kill the Gigas Hydra here. Go back right and go down then up to the sign. To the left is a chest with 5x Food Ration. Head back right past the sign and then go up a little bit and head right past the cactus. Go down and kill the 3 Gigas Hydras. Grab the 1x Aquapanga Flower and open the chest to get a Benevolence Mail. Head back up and go down the first left path. At the end of that path head right and open the chest to get 1x Life Apple. Now head all the way left. You will have to fight 3 Adretana Anacondas and a Gigas Hydra at the same time. Open the chest to get 1x Shark Meat. Grab the 1x Cycca Leaf along the wall too. Go into the cave


16. You should now be on a snow crest. Here you will just have to work your way through the wraiths. There are also two optional Holocaust Wraiths floating around in the top right. Herasia was my powerhouse for this one. Use Super Cat and then use Killer Claw. (Note: Luci can also silence them with Rain Wash) One gives you 1x Ademia Powder and 1x Omega Budon. The second one gives you 1x Necroleech. (Be warned they return if you leave the screen). The chest to the north is a teaser. Go left and fight the 3 Lementon in front of the cave. Go to enter the cave and you will be confronted by an Eternal Warrior. Use Iceberg Calling and Mind Breaker to inflict Ice Jail and Paralysis on him and he should be pretty easy after that. You will get a Ceremony of the Blood once he is defeated. You will now be at crystal lakes. Work your way down to the bottom and pick up the 5x Growth Mushroom. Open the chest to get a Hero Pendant. (Note: This is the point of no return if there is anything left you wish to do here) Leave this area to the left and you will see a cut scene with the Grand Commendanter. Quest complete.


Quest 6- Reach Adretana(Q141)

17. If you need to rest visit the giants cave below you. He will charge 100 Gold. Now move onto the 2 screens. Now go right and follow the lower path. Here you will find a cave with a fire mage called Lokoust. He senses some immense power in Luciana and gives her +3HP/+5MN if you agree to hold his hand. (Note: Make sure to agree the first time, or you forfeit the bonus) Head down back to the area just after the giants cave and go right. Follow this path, past the shop and then go up to the transports. Go to the Main land. Go up the stairs on the right and continue going all the way up. Quest complete. Watch the cut scene. Luciana talks to King Julian and Random shows up. The parties introduce themselves and tell each other about their adventures thus far. Luciana tells them to bring her to Arvendel Dome. King Julian will give your part 3000 Gold. That’s it for this chapter.

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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:41 am

Created by Mellowkat | Revisions by Kehaul

Chapter 6: The Invincible Armada (Part 1)

Those who imported: As soon as you can, head to the Royal Apartments in the Palace. Check the bookshelves and you may find an additional 3x Shining Parchment that were not available in all versions of LF1. Also, equip Random with the Luck Ring and use the Lighthouse Heart while Tarabulla is in the party, and she will get +39HP/14500XP. (6500XP w/o Luck Ring)

Those who started a New Game: Check the LF1 walkthrough, Chapter 4. Several quests are still active that you can complete. Some expire quickly, so don’t delay!

1. Herasia has vanished at this point so Luci tells the party to wait outside for her while she catches him. Walk forward and into the party room. Now go down into the Kings Bedroom. Check the upper bookshelf on the left for 1x Shining Parchment. Check the dresser to the left for68 Gold. Talk to Herasia on the bed and Julian will sneak up behind Luciana and startles her. She apologizes for intruding. Julian comments on Luciana’s beauty and shows his infatuation with her. Luciana is not overly happy about this turn of events and vanishes. She is unsure of what exactly happened and assumes that he wasn’t in his right mind. You rejoin the party. From this point on you can access your character change screen and quest book.

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2. Ok now first up put some more people in your team by pressing A and adding them. If you have imported, you can now equip Luci and her team with better equipments. (Before you go too far, make sure you *kill the bunny* in the area just before the palace entrance. It's not a terribly nice thing to do, but it is required to complete a quest much later in the game.) Exit Adretana to the south. Random will comment that Arvendel is to the east. Go right and talk the guard. You will travel to Arvendel for 8 food rations. Now go up and fight your way up to Arvendel dome through all the Minotaurs. When you reach Arvendel dome, Tatxux is standing in the way again. He is not so hard. He will call replica demons that are weak. Enter into the dome and go up to the computer. Herasia is apparently a genius at computer programming so he has a look. Apparently the program has been destroyed and the only way to control the stream is via an underwater switch. Guanidia appears at this point and joins your team. He mentions a fish that he saw on the way here.


Quest 7- Convince Petula to Join (Q149)

3. Exit Arvendel dome and head back to Adretana. When you find yourself at the Gates of Adretana; head south to the transports. Transport to the southern lands. Now first up take the upper path. Go across onto the next screen to the left and you should be able to see him in the corner. He was the same fish that lured you to the hydra before. He is sorry for what he did as he was a prisoner. He introduces himself as Petula a small fish. Guanidia convinces Petula to join your party. Quest complete. You will now see another cut scene with the Grand Commendanter. You will now be back in Adretana.


Quest 8- Find the Guild of Wanderers Lost Bundle (Q120)

4. Now to complete some side quests! Go back down to the transports. Go to the southern lands. First up go to the area outside the giants cave and go left. Check the water above the chest to get Petula to jump in and open the chest for3251 Gold. Now go back to the transports and then transport to the east land. Put Petula in your team and then walk forward a bit. In the first lake you will see a chest. Stand directly above it and Petula will jump in and get 1x Ice Cake and exp for Petula. Now walk forward a bit more and in the next lake above you is a parcel you can just see in the water. Stand directly below it and Petula will jump in and get the Lost Bundle. Quest complete. When you return to the Guild of the Wanderer you will get 500 Gold and 120GWP. (Guild of Wanderer Points)


Rival Guild (Q150)

5. If you've kept up with the wanderer guild points since LF1, you could now have 380GWP. Talk to Leni about 'Quests to Improve' and ask about the 'Rival Guild (300GWP)'. Continue to ask her about this quest until she offers an extra 50GWP for completing it, then ask again until she raises the reward to 80GWP. Go to your headquarters in the Adretana Main Avenue and check the grey square in the corner to enter the sewers. Go left a little ways and you'll come across Clemence. Talk to him and he wonders where his friend is. To find his friend, start heading up and when the path splits continue to the right. When the path splits again, follow it down. When you meet the next split, take the right path and follow it around to find the friend. He asks you to get Clemence for him. Return and talk to Clemence and he will leave to meet his friend. With him gone you can investigate the chest to destroy it. Quest complete. Return to Leni and report your success. Your active party members get HP (+1HP for every 100ST the character has), and you also get 80GWP (460GWP total) if you asked about the quest multiple times before completing it. Ask about the quest again to get Perception: +3 (Perception: +12 total), the same HP boost for your active party members, the Leni's Heal skill for your active party members, and finally a Recovery Ring. (Note: You can wait until you have access to a ST Seminary at the Fighter’s Guild to double your ST stat, which doubles you HP gains. You can also boost your ST with gear/auras)

Quest 9- Clean the Pond of Moormore (Q94)

6. Now continue onto Moormore by going all the way right. In the bottom left corner is a pond. You should already have the quest for it if you imported the game (If not go into the inn and talk to the guy sitting at the table in the bottom right). Luciana or Tarabulla will clean it. Quest complete. Walk directly left of the pond and you should be able to just make out a chest in the water. Put Petula in your team and boost his resistance to about 500 with equipments and get him to jump in and open it for an Axe of Justice (Relic). Now go into the Inn and talk to Lucas and ask him about the quest. He will give you a 1x Holy Water as a reward.


Quest 10 Create Magical Orb (Q143)

7. Now go back to Adretana. Head left to the Mirsen District and visit the mage guild. They are offering new quests. Talk to the fairy in the top right corner to learn the Dragon Blaster and Ars Demonia spells for Luciana. Also you can get a class boost for Luciana. Either +11 HP, +18RS or +17SP. Also ask to learn fast your spells, to see what/if they can offer, based on your character levels. The fairy can also teach Geomancy to your newer party members. Rosa learns Geomancy automatically, while Luciana needs 1200MN, 500RS, and Lv.40, and Heresia needs Lv.45. Talk to Sandra at the bottom of the guild. Do the orb of power one and Luciana will complete it in a flash. Quest complete. You will get +100MG. (Mage Guild Points) That’s 425MG total now.

Quest 11- Win Theory Tournament (Q145)

8. Ask for the win tournament quest. There is a Mage tournament of knowledge beginning soon and she wants you to enter and win. At this stage all you have to do is leave the text window and you will be transported immediately. Watch the first round. The second round answers that you need to enter are as follows: FIRE, WATER, AIR; DEFENSE DOWN; ZANBARD. Quest complete. You will get +70MG. (Mage Guild Points) That’s 495MG total now.

Quest 12- Restore Stolen Book (Q144)

9. Now ask Sandra for the Bring Back a Book quest. She is looking for one called “The 8 Elements of Power. This book is situated in Moormore so head back there again. Check the building on the left side (chapel) and go up to the top. The left side of the bookshelf has The 8 Elements of Power book that the guild is looking for. (This town really has a bad habit of stealing things that are not theirs) Quest complete. Go back to the mage guild in Adretana and give the book back to Sandra. You will get +40MG. (Mage Guild Points) That’s 535MG total now.


Quest 13- Succeed in High Mind Test (Q146)

10. Now ask about the have highest mind quest. She will award you this quest if a group of 4 has their mind over 6000. (With a bonus for a total of ~8000+ MN) My team was Luciana, Random, Sarah and Wendala. Swap your equipments around so that you get a high MN. Inflict Brilliant Mind with Tij Herbs, have Tarabulla use Mind Burn, and Luci use Half-Goddess Aura as well. If this still doesn’t help, do the seminary of intelligence to the right of you in the corner; it will double your MN. Quest complete. You will get +80MG (Mage Guild Points), and XP equal to your MN total for your party members. Ask her about the quest again and she will give you 1x Esclachaboom. (If you managed ~8000+ MN) That’s 615MG total now, granting Rank 4 in the guild.

Quest 14- Talk to the Ice Mage (Q234)

11. Now go up and talk to Georgia the grey haired woman at the top of the guild. Ask her for learning quest and then talk to ice mage. He could be anywhere in the area. Before you leave talk to her again and ask for Magicka Boost. She will give Luciana +26MP for 200 Gold. Talk to the blue robed person to the right of her. Ask for mage support and he will give Luciana 10000XP for 800 Gold. He will then ask if you want another 10000XP, but you will lose -1MN. He will also give Rosa 3000XP for 1000 Gold. Talk to the guy across from the bunny girl and he will teach you how to use your XP eggs more efficiently. If you enter and exit his shop a few times (You don’t have to buy anything) he will ask Luciana to decipher some writings. Luciana will learn St Christohart spell. Also make sure you buy a Magma Radiator and Ante-Flame Gloves. (Note: Need Rank 4 in the guild) Before you go to leave Adretana, go into the item shop on the right in the area just after you enter Adretana and talk to the girl on the right side. She will give Luciana +3MN. You can be nice if you like and talk to her again to teach her Ark Flare. Go down to the transports. First up go to Baretta’s Shop and buy her 5x Wicked Switch-Blades. Now go back to the transports and go to the southern lands, and then transport to the Eastern lands. Walk to the next screen and then go up the bridge. Enter the cave. You will now be in the Kenezzear Guard. In here are many suicidal grannies that explode after you kill them, dealing about ~200HP of damage, so be sure to heal up after you kill each one. Use Sarah's Sun Boomer attack and Cocka's Rock Rock attack and they should go down pretty quick. (Note: The grannies are also susceptible to Random’s Thunder Implosion, and Luci’s Mind Breaker) Go up and you will have to confront some Crystal Oak trees. Use Luci’s Lava Wall and Random’s Metallist Curse on them. Go left and kill two more Crystal Oaks. Go down and kill the two Ancient Taurus. (Note: They are susceptible to Luci’s Mind Breaker and Mammal’s Onslaught items) The mage is here. He will give Random +1MN, Sarah +9MN, Luciana +23MN, Brussian +9MN, Tarabulla +7MN, Herbert +18MN, Joshua +28MN, or Rosa +7MN. Don’t worry about Herbert or Joshua. Quest complete. Now go up to the top. When you see the locked area (Don’t worry about it you cannot access it), go left and up. Put Herasia in your team and inspect the crack in the wall to get 1x Power Hazel.


12. Now go to the guild of the wanderer and ask to be transported to the fire guild. Talk to the yellow fire elemental and ask to train fire elemental. At the moment you can only pick improve MN. If you have high MP and HP you will get good MN. (Note: There is a random variance of ~16MN) Talk to the purple fire elemental and teach Opalescence to Luciana, Tarabulla and Rosa. This spell is good to protect you against water. Now go up the corridor on the right and talk to the first fire elemental and they with give Luciana 1x Mind Crystal. With the next fire elemental ask her about time trainer and she will help Tarabulla learn better from her fights. Ask for fire elemental support. She will help Tarabulla move onto the next level if she is not far from it. They will ask for 300 Gold. Talk to the next fire elemental up and she will give Tarabulla 8000XP. Also you can choose to get another 5000 XP but you lose -1MN, another 4000 XP but you lose -5ST, and another 4000XP but you lose -5MP. (Note: None of those are worth it, IMO) Now go to the flame to the left and get the party to stick their hands in. Luciana will get +10HP/+10MP/+10ST/+10RS/+10MN and 9000XP. Tarabulla will get a bonus dependent on her RS stat. At ~1350RS, she can get up to: +19HP/+15MP/+14MN/+20RS/+2SP/3000XP. (Use items to inflict heroism and obsidian skin, and equip her with RS+ equipment) Rosa will get +7MP/+5MN. If you got the Ante-Flame gloves at the mage guild, you can equip those on certain members to succeed at the flame challenge as well. Random will get +5MN/+3MP. Wendala gets +4MP/+3MN. Herbert gets +5MP/+6MN. Joshua gets +3MP/MN. Heresia gets +3MN/+8MP. Petula gets +11ST/+6RS. Alternately, if you level up Petula quite a bit; he can eventually succeed without the gloves and will receive +13ST/+6RS instead. Now leave the guild.

13. Enter into the palace and go right. Go down the stairs and head left a bit. Go up and go into the first room and talk to Kadeldorn. Put in team members that have not fought him before. When you win you will get your reward. Luciana will not drink the alcohol, Tarabulla will get +1RS, Herasia will get +7ST, Guanidia will get +3MP, Petula will get +2HP, and Rosa will get +10HP. Now leave this fight area and go left. Enter into Alice's tournament. Fight her with the team members who have not fought her before. Guanidia will get 1 RS, 10000XP, and3000 Gold. Rosa will get 1HP, 10000XP, and3000 Gold. Petula will get 1HP, 10000XP, and3000 Gold. Herasia will get 1ST, 10000XP, and3000 Gold. Luciana will get 1HP, 10000XP and 3000 Gold. Tarabulla will get 1RS, 10000XP, and3000 Gold. (Note: Be aware, you only have till the end of the chapter, before you lose access to these tournaments)

14. That’s all the quests in Adretana for now. Buy any items you may need and head back to Arvendel dome. Inspect the computer again. You will now form your underwater party. Petula, Guanidia, Rosa and Wendala offer to go. (Note: Wendala can still equip an accessory underwater, so make it count) First, take the right path. Go straight ahead then up. Use your spells on the monsters as this is much more effective. When you reach the end go left and up straight away. Pull the switch. You will have 2 Medusas and one Temptress ambush you. Continue going up and in the top left corner of the large room is a hidden switch behind the pipes. When you pull it you will be ambushed by a dragon Razor (who randomly drops Dragon Scales) and 3 Aquatic Scorpios. Now continue right. You will confront another Dragon Razor. Pull the switch above it. You will now be ambushed by 3 western jellyfish. Continue going right. Now go up the first path. Pull the switch on the left. Ignore the one on the right. Now go back down and check the grate. You will be attacked by some fairly powerful enemies. You will get 7x Water Powder and 3x Luck Starfish. Now head back to the computer. You will be confronted by several enemies on the way back.

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15. Now head onto the left side. First up go down. Then go left. Open the chest at the end to get an Ocean Scale. Now go down and open the gate. You will have to fight 3 tough lamias. Open the chest to get 28 Gold, 1x Luck Starfish, and a Galantine Lance. (Or if Random has the luck ring equipped, you will get a stronger spear, the Gangas Javelin instead) Now go back up and go up the middle path. When you get the opportunity go right and flip the switch on at the end. The chest behind the bars you can get in a little while. Now go left and up the next path. Enter into the door. Go all the way up and talk to Arlis. Take her with you. Go down the path below that. Open the chest in the bottom left to get 157 Gold. Open the chest on the bottom right to get 1x Life Potion. Open the upper chest to get 1x Magicka Energyzer. Go back up and go right then down. Follow the path and open the chest to get 1x Recovery Spray. Now go back up and follow the right path. Step on the switch and go into the room above you. You will have to fight a dreadful squid and a titanium anaconda. Open the chest to get 1x Ice Cake. Now go back left and go up and through the door. Check the door in the top left and use an airbomb on it. You will get 403 Gold, 6x Laser, 2x Necrotear, 1x Toxic Water, 8x Dark Powder, and 1x Bazooka. There is a square switch in the top right area, make sure to activate it. With that button pressed, head back to the resting area and then hop into the right-side pool area. Travel to the second screen, where you can now reach the switch behind bars. Activate it. Now return back to the left side of the pool again, and you can now reach the chest that was behind bars to get a Coelancanthe Scale. Return to the final switch room at the top. Turn the middle switch on. There are now 4 switches to turn on. Flick them all on, and its quest complete. Make sure you flick them all on to proceed. (Note: You will lose access to both pool areas after flicking all 4 switches on, so make sure you have the Coelancanthe Scale)


16. Now head back. When you reach the computer you will get another quest complete. Walk forward and turn on the lights. Go up and inspect the body. You will see that it is Sandy. They bury her there and then. On the right side grab the bag to get 1255 Gold. (Or1566 Gold if the luck ring is equipped) Go down the stairs. If you have Brussian in your party about half way up you will see some chains with a blue arrow. Inspect them to open a hidden stairway, take that stairway up. Go right and open the chest to get a Bio-X Javelin. Head back left and then go up. Go up to the top and then open the chest on the left to get a Bio-X Skin. Open the chest on the right to get a X-RR3 Headphone. Flick the third switch to on. The others won’t move. Now head down the right path. Go down the first path and open the chest to get 1x Magicka Energyzer, 1x Silver Powder and 1x Thunder Powder. Go back up and keep going right. At the end go up the right path and open the left chest to get 8x Shark Meat. Open the right chest to get 13x Shark Meat. Inspect the door to be ambushed by the Eye of the order. Metallist curse it and inflict bleeding and paralysis and use attacks good against demons. Once defeated the door will now open. Walk up and you should be able to walk up a pipe and walk behind three waterfalls to the right and at the end there is 1x Ice Cake. Now go up to the computer with an arrow above it. According to it the appartments are behind this gate however you need to pull 3 switches to open it. Luciana opens the warehouse gate.



17. Go down and into the warehouse. On the left is a chest with a Plasma Gun. You cannot get to the Yveen in the cell below you, yet. Now go right into the laboratory department. First go down. Enter into the first right area. At the bottom below the left most barrel is a secret passage. Go down then right into the room (This saves you using a heap of air bombs). Open the chest in front of you to get 5x Bazooka. Pick up the gun to get an Auto-Loader B12 D24. Open the chest below it to get 5x Bazooka. In the bottom right barrel is 1x Barynium Gel. Below that is a hidden chest with 4x Bazooka and 1x Indigo Oil. In the top right barrel is another 1x Barynium Gel. The switch does nothing. Exit this area and keep going down. When you come across the barrels check the bottom middle one for a 1x Water Bomb. Now continue all the way down. Check the second upper box to get 1x Healing Potion. The first lower box has 1x Hydra Tear. The third lower box has 1x Magicka Potion. The fourth lower box has 1x Energy Herb. Open the chest to get 1x Healing Reagent. Now go back up to the top.


18. Now go right. Go up the first path into the shark labo. Go left first and open the chest to get a Shark Jaws Type S. Go back right and if you go up You will find a locked chest. Exit this area and go down the next path. At the very bottom check the left cupboard for 2x Magicka Energyzer. Open the chest to get 1x Bazooka. Don’t worry about the guy wondering around in the room beside you. It’s only a waste of air bombs. He is a teaser. Beside that room to the right at the end is a hidden passage. Go down and inspect to get 1007 Gold and 3x Bazooka. (With the luck ring equipped you will get 1622 Gold, 4x Bazooka, and an Indigo Oil instead) Now go back up and go down the path to the left of you. Open the chest to get the Tyrano Bracers. Go left and you will see three paths going up. Some of them are booby trapped. Just look for the symbols of the ground in front of them. The path with a different symbol is the one that’s not booby trapped. (Note: Go up the middle path) In the lower half of the room, the lower left cupboard has 1x Healing Potion. The right box on the right side of the room has 1x Laser in it. On the left side check the box for 3x Venom Darts. Open the chest beside the for 1x Plasma Gun. Above the open the chest to get 1x Plasma Gun. Go up the stairs and open the chest on the left to get 1x Ocean Orb. Open the chest on the right to get 3x Shark Meat. Flick the switch to on. You will now have to fight an Iro shark. Use Random’s Metallist Curse and Sarah’s Sun Boomer. Once defeated go back down (remember to choose the path with a different symbol) and then right. (Note: Go down the left path) Go up past the doctor room and into another hall way. On the left check the small room and open the chest to get 1x Shark Meat. Now continue going up and you will see six barrels to the left. To the right of the lowest right barrel is a hidden path going down. Inspect at the end to get 1x Indigo Oil. Continue all the way up and go right.


19. Walk right and open the chest to get 1x Healing Potion. Walk forward and kill the Zeon. Don’t worry about wasting an airbomb to get into the room below you. There is nothing in it except a monster. Continue going right. The box in the middle has a Zeon which surprises you. When its dead check the box again for 2x Healing Potion, 3x Laser and 3x Fire Bomb. From the box, go left. At the barrels check the third one down for 1x Hi-Jacking. Turn the switch above you to on. The middle box has 1x Laser. Go down either middle path on the right, and check the cupboard for 1x Semi Conductor. Go down the left-most path and then to the left, check the cupboard on the right for 1x Energy Herb. The third cupboard has 332 Gold. The second cupboard has 1x Power Hazel. Continue going down and open the chest to get 2050 Gold. Go down and follow the path right. At the end go up and right. Don’t worry about going down into the room by using an airbomb. The chests are empty and there are no hidden items. In the room to the right check the boxes to the top right to get 1x Aquapunga Flower. Check the middle lower box to get 1x Healing Reagent. Check the lower right boxes to get 1x Elemental Bomb. Head back up and go right along the next path. Go down into the room and open the chests to get 15x Bazooka, and 7x Elemental Bombs. Check the lower left barrel for 1x Barynium Gel. Check the middle right barrel for 1x Barynium Gel. (Note: If this door is closed, return to the area with Yveen in a cell, and pull the switch to the left) Exit this room and go right. You will see a computer with a blue arrow. Ignore it for now and go down. Flick on the two switches and then go down and open the chest to get a Hand 6-Razors. Now go back up to the computer and start the quest.


Quest 15- Turn on Switch at Underwater Network (Q 151)

20. First up go right and open the chest to get a Mermaid Bra. Check the box to get 1x Aqua Lung. Go right and then down and left. Open the chest to get 1x XP Egg. Go back up to where the first chest is. Now go up. Follow the path around and when you get to a grate, check it to be ambushed by some marine squid and a dreadful squid. Once defeated you will get Ice Cake. Now go up and you will be in a room full of dragon razors. Destroy them all. On the left side is a Jelly Contamination. Kill it. It can be Ground Locked. Use Earthquake skills and Wendala’s Carnage. Check the grate and you will have to face a Shark Slaughterer. This is a really tough fight even with high level characters. This enemy can multi strike your team and knock some of them out before you even begin. It is susceptible to Plague, Bleeding, and Lichea. Just heal up with Wendala and also use her Rise, Mortals spell. It will very rarely drop a Crystal Pear. (Note: If you are having trouble defeating it, equip Wendala with the Mermaid Bra and use a Sparkling Powder on her to make her fast, then use her Undead Curse skill to inflict plague/bleeding on the shark before it uses its multi-hit skill. Also consider using other item boosts for Obsidian Skin, Heroism, etc.) On the right side of the room check the right box for 1x Holy Water. Now go up and then left. Go past the square area and go up the second path. Open the chest to get a Metal Skin. Now go down and keep going left. Go up the second path and check the grate to be confronted by a dreadful squid and a titanium anaconda. Now go down and go to the left. Go up and move onto the next screen.


21. Follow the first path to your right. Follow it all the way to the end and kill any monsters along the way. Go up a bit and take the second left path. In this room open the chest to get a Magicka Energyzer. Go all the way left and go all the way up. Now follow the path all the way to the right and go down a bit and turn on the switch. This will open the cage beside you. You will now have to fight two Medusas and a Temptress. Open the chest to get 1229 Gold. To the left of the switch, look for the blue plant on the wall; and go down from there to find a hidden passage. Inspect at the end to get 4x Toxic Water. Now go back up to the top and then left. Go down the second path. Go through this room and go down into the next one. To the left kill the Jelly Contamination and open the chest to get a Pirahna Spine. (Note: If the door is shut, leave the underwater area, go south of the computer, and flick those two switches on) Walk across and flick the switch in the middle of the room to on. Continue going right and at the very right of the room you will see a switch guarded by a lot of tough jellyfish. Flick the switch to on. Now exit this room by going down then all the way left then down again. Now on the next screen go all the way down. Now go all the way right. At the very end go down and open the chest to get Pirahna Deltoid. Go back up and go right onto the next screen. Ignore the first path. Go up the second path and inspect the end to get 1x Emerald Powder. Go back down and go all the way right. At the end go down and open the chest to get 1x Life Potion and 1x Revive Potion. Now go back to the first path you ignored and kill the jelly contamination. Pull the switch. Quest complete.

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Quest 16- Turn on Switch at Lion’s Den (Q152)

22. You will now be in Joshua and Herberts party. It will ask if you want to swap Herasia for Tarabulla. Go into the cave above you. This cave is full of Lamentons. Go up to the very top. Drinking the water gives you a small heal. Work your way around and kill all the Lamentons. You will end up back outside again. Now go down. At the end grab the 177 Gold. Go back up and head right. Kill the Minotaur standing in the way. The party will have a conversation while crossing the bridge. Keep walking forward and grab the115 Gold. Go down across the bridge and open the chest to get 1x Saint Potion. Now go back across the bridge and go up and onto the next screen. Kill the Minotaurs and then check the cave to confront a Titan Zeon. Once dead you will get 3x Tigo Powder and 1x Tigo Reagant. Go across and down the bridge and onto an island full of wandering warriors. Open the chest on the middle island for 1x Yveen Egg. On the end island is 3x Eternal Warriors. Open the chest to get an Obsidion Shield, Obsidion Helmet, Broken Plate Armor. Go back left then go up the two bridges. Open the chest to get 1x Magicka Potion. Continue going up. Take the left path and open the chest at the end to get 1x Necroleech. Go back down now. Once go go back across the bridge go right. You will be ambushed by a terror of the height and a King Tigo. Kill them. You will see a cave further along. The cave is weirdly silent but when you go to inspect it you will be ambushed by a heap of Missile Bats, bolt bats, and War Minotaurs. When dead grab the 4x Shark Meat and 2x Mammals Onslaught. Go up and grab the Gold for 168 Gold. Keep going up and you will reach Zoldan’s den. At the top is Zoldan. If your team is strong enough, de-equip Joshua and Herbert before this fight. If you want, equip them with equipments that you have multiple of and aren’t rare. Use Magicka Bomb spell on him and he should go down in a few hits. (Note: Zoldan is vulnerable to exhaustion, if you use a Black Box or two) Quest complete.

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Quest 17- Turn on Switch at Arvendel Apartments (Q153)

23. You will now be asked if you would Like Cocka-Cocka instead of Brussian. Go to the left and into the cave. There are Lamentons and Harpies in here. There is nothing at the left path. Go up and over the bridge. Go right and you will find four flames. The green one is the pedestal of heroism and it will give all party members the Heroism state. The pink one is the pedestal of war and will give all party members Weapon H-Boost state. The blue one is the pedestal of invincibility and will give all party members Obsidion Skin state. The yellow one is the pedestal of the universe and will give all party members Giant Body state. Exit the cave and go to fight the mythic dragon. Use Sarah’s Sun Boomer attack, Random's Metallist Curse then Dragon Tomb, and Luciana's Dragon Blaster spells. Go down and confront the Zeon. Kill him easily. Go down and confront the next Zeon and cataclysm messenger. Go down and talk to the skeleton. You will see that it is Kratin. He has been paid to dig in the mines. He tells you to follow him to lord of Arvendel and then rushes off. Go forward a bit more and another dragon will attack you. This one is a lethal dragon. Use the same technique as the mythic dragon. Walk all the way down and you will see two things to walk under. Under the second one to the right you will find a hidden area where you walk right a bit then down. At the end inspect to get 3x God's Heaven. Go into the door and you will emerge on the other side. Walk up and open the chest to get a Lava Ring. Walk down and confront the 3 Titan Zeons. Go into the next cave.


24. You will now be in the apartments. Immediately two Cataclysm Apostles will attack you. Enter into the first upper room. Fight the Minotaurs. The right most bed has 104 Gold at the top. Continue going up and you will have to confront some harpy queens. On the right grab the 335 Gold. The chest beside you is trapped and the treasure will be broken. Go into the left room and pull the switch. Go down and enter into the lower right room. The yellow sacks has 1x Healing Reagent. Pull the switch and then go into the upper left room. Pull the switch and go back into the room you were in previously. Go down into the next room and pull the switch. On a plate on the table is 1x Zombie Heart. Now go back up and go left and down into the next room. Turn the switch to on and then exit this room and go left and up.


25. In this next area go right. Go down and then left. Go up into the room and you will see a treasure chest. This one is trapped and when you open it the treasure will be broken. Go back right and down. Take the next left path. If you open the chest, XP will be sucked out. (Note: Less XP is lost if the Luck Ring is equipped) You will now face a warlord devourer. Once defeated take the right path and check the last box for 2x Spark Dice. Now go back and confront the trees. Go to the right and confront the chest to get XP sucked out. Kill it. Go down and kill the trees standing in the way again. Go right then up. At the very top, go a little left until you are in the middle of the lower wall. There is a secret path here. Go down and inspect to get an Obsidian Helmet. Now go back up and take the lower path. Go all the way left and open the chest to get an Ebony Blade. Now go back right and go down the stairs. Open the chest to get a Necrotear. Flick the switch to on. Now go back upstairs and go right and down. At the bottom go back up and go to the left and go down the stairs. Open the chest to get 428 Gold. Go up into the next room and open the top left chest to get a Demon Diadema. Open the second chest to get 1120 Gold. Open the third chest to get a Demon Diadema. Open the last chest to get an Yveen Water. Go back upstairs and go all the way right and go down. Go left this time. Take the upper path in the middle and go left. Go down the stairs and open the chest to the left. You will get XP sucked out. Go back upstairs then go right, down, then left. Open the chest at the end to get 1077 Gold. Go down the stairs. Fight the Jellyfish. Flick the switch to on. Quest complete.


26. You will now find yourself back at the computer. Start heading left and you will come across some War Minotaurs who want to cut off your heads and bring them to the Grand Commendanter. There will also be an orc called Luoxor with several enemies to back him up. Use some spells that attacks multiple enemies to knock out his friends and then Metallist Curse him and sun boomer. There will also be another lethal dragon to kill. Continue all the way left until you get to the gates if the warehouse. Walk up to go into the next room and as you go past the water you will be ambushed by a jing-saw shark. Kill it and it will drop a Jing-Saw Jaws (Relic). Go up to where the door was locked before and there will be an ante-spirit in the way. Kill it and walk into the next room.


27. First, go right check the second pipe for a Beon Helmet. Now use an air bomb on the door. Go in and kill the jelly fish. Check the cave for 215 Gold. Now exit this room and then go left and up. Check the lower left blood fountain to get 1x Ante-Wave. Check the lower right blood fountain to get 1x Omega Buddon. Check the upper right blood fountain for 1x Mammal’s Onslaught. Check the upper left blood fountain for 1x Fish Holocaust. The chest to the left is an adventurer devourer. Go up and check the chest for 1x Indinera Potion. The chest to the right is trapped. Go into the second cave. Go up and right and open the chest to get a Holy Rituals book. Go down then right. The scorpion is a Magmalite Scorpion. Use Metallist Curse and Sun Boomer attack. It can also be paralyzed. It will respawn. When it dies the second time you will get a Magmalite Ghog, Lava Ring, 5x Fire Powder, 2x Gaia Dust. It will also randomly drop a Lava Ring. Go up the first bridge. The treasure chest is trapped but to the left of that, in the top left corner, is a hidden passage. Inspect at the end to get 1x Toxic Water. If you want keep going and kill the cataclysm apostle. There is nothing further up. Go back right and exit this area. Go up into the first cave.


28. The first two rooms have nothing so ignore them. Go straight up and use an airbomb on the door in front of you. In the first room check the chest for 1x Luna Berry and 1x Magicka Potion. In the second room up in the upper aisle of books check the lower right bookshelf on the left side for 1x Shining Parchment. Go up into the third room and ignore the paths going up. In the next room check the chest to get 1x Healing Reagent. Keep going up and open the chest on the table to get 84 Gold. The chest to the right is trapped. Go back down and right onto the next screen. You will now be in the treasure room. The top chest has 666 Gold. The chest to the right has 1x Light Glass, 1x Kirin Herb and 1x Dahr Herb. Check the next chest down to get a 1x Hero Cream and 1x Air Powder. The chest to the left has 1x Insanity Powder and 1x Sleep Vapor. Go down into the next area. The middle chest is a Drazzkaerkazarian. Sun boomer works well on it. The upper chest has 1x Life Apple and 1x Power Salt. The lower chest has 1x Bromium Powder. Go up the left area. At the end is an inscription. Look to the left and inspect to get 1x Holy Water. Go down one and look to the left again to get 1x Moon Dew. Go down one and inspect left to get 1x Mithril Drop. Go down one and look to the left to get 1x Power Pepper. Go down one and inspect to the left to get 1x Star Dust. Go down one and inspect to the left to get 1x XP Egg. Go down one and inspect to the left to get 1x XP Egg. Go back up and look to the right and inspect to get 1x Yveen Egg. Go down one and inspect to the right to get 1x Xen Mist. Go down one and inspect to the right to get 1x Mind Haze. Go down one and inspect to the right to get 1x Hydra Tear. Go down one and inspect to the right to get 1x Emerald Powder. Go down one and inspect to the right to get 1x Fairy Tear. Go down one and inspect to the right to get 1x XP Egg. Go to the right and through the room, go into the small room going up and open the first chest to get 402 Gold. Open the second chest to get 1x XP Egg. Go into the next room to the right and open the lower chest to get 1x Necrotear and 1x Magicka Energyzer. Open the upper chest to get 1x Magicka Energyzer and 1x Revive Potion. Now go up into the last room. The chest on the left has 1x Saint Potion and 1x Enchanted Potion. The middle chest has a Zeon Helmet and a Jester Boots. The right chest has 1555 Gold and a Volcano Cane. Check above the row of suits of armor for a hidden passage. Inspect at the end to get a 1x Kadaboom. Now leave the treasure room by going back the way you came to the royal apartments.


29. Go down to the area just before the door you opened with an airbomb and then go all the way left. Go down into the end room. Go down to the bottom. The chest to the left is trapped. The chest to the right has 1x Holy Water. Flick the switch to on. Exit this room and go into the next room to the right. To the right of the barrel go down and you will find a secret passage. At the end inspect to get 1x Necrotear and 3381 Gold. Go down and challenge Zormon, the guy in the blue robe. Do not physical attack him. It will heal him. He does not have much hit points. Use Sarah’s Indinera Calling and Luciana’s Mind Break. Also with the Killer Spear equipped you can attack with Luciana and it will knock quite a bit of HP from him. He will randomly drop the Ankh Rod. Exit this area and go up. Kill the Monstruoroa and get the Lab Key. Check the pot on the table to the left to get 3x Shark Meat and all party members will receive +60HP/MP. Go to the third table and from the seat go down to find a secret path. Go down then left to get into a room. There is a vampire that’s not evil and just enjoys drinking from the barrel. If you have Random drink from it you will get +3HP (permanent)/fatigue and drunk, -50 HP (non permanent). Have Wendala drink it and you will get +1MP. Have Herbert drink it and he will get +2HP/RS (Permanent)/fatigue. Have Herasia drink it and he will get +11HP/ Drunk! All can drink it so drink away. Be warned however the easiest way to get rid of drunk is to let that character die then revive them OR to go back to the start of Arvendel dome and sleep in the bed there. Beside him is a chest that is locked. Exit this area by going up the secret path. Go up the stairs and go all the way up. Open the chest at the end to get 103 Gold, and a Sandaaral Shield. Go up the stairs into the throne room.

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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:42 am

Chapter 6: The Invincible Armada (Part 2)

Quest 18- Kill Azygos (Q154)

30. Walk forward and you will see Kratin again. He will ask if you are there to beat Azygos the Ruler of Undead. Random will get annoyed with him and tell him to move. Kratin then challenges them to a fight. (Note: There are two outcomes to this fight! If you defeat him, even accidently with a counter attack; he heads off and is never seen again. If you spare him, by defending for several turns in a row, Kratin will get tired and the fight ends in a draw! He will then join your party, just up ahead) He disappears after the fight, either way. In this room are quite a few enemies. Check the chest in the top left to get 511 Gold. Check the chest just below that to get 1x Sparkling Powder. Check the lower chest to get 1x Necrotear. The skeleton on the throne will tell you to go away or he will call Azygos. Go down and about halfway down the corridor check to the left to find a secret path. Inspect at the end to get 5561 Gold. (If the luck ring is equipped you will also get a Banshee Cape as well) Continue going down to the next room and open the chest to the left to get 2x Luna Berry. Down a little bit more is another chest with a 666 Blade. (Note: The 666 Blade starts at 333AT, and gains +8AT per defeat of the one equipping it, capping at 66 deaths, and 861AT) Open the chest on the right to get a Bronze Key. Turn both switches to on. You will see the Supreme Bone again in the bottom left; however this time you must kill him. He will go down quite easily. When he is dead the room will flash red. Azygos himself will talk to you, and then fight you. Sun boomer with Sarah works really well. He is also susceptible to Metallist Curse sometimes, and is weak to Undead/Legend damage types. So Luci’s Ark Flare and Random’s God’s Blade work well. Once dead he will randomly drop a Underking Crown. Quest complete. (Note: If you defended against Kratin until he got tired and a draw took place, Kratin will join your party.) The place will now fill up with Holocaust Wraiths, which are weak to Holy/Legend, and are perhaps an excellent way to level up your party. Lastly, if Kratin joined your party, head up to the throne room and examine the left picture on the wall to get 1x Necrotear and 1x Necroleech..


31. Now go left into the zoo. Go up the first path and open the chest to get a Blood-Line Katana (Relic). Continue going up and open the chest to get 5x Shark Meat. Go back down and go across to the left. Luciana and Sarah will comment about the zoo. Go up the second path and about halfway up the first bit of the corridor to the right is a secret passage. At the end of it inspect to get 7x Royal Meat, 61x Shark Meat, and 2x Beast Blood. Continue going up and left into the room with all the boxes. Go along the middle row of boxes and at the end check the wall to the left to get a 1x Omega Buddon. Open the upper chest to get 12x Shark Meat. Open the lower chest to get 11x Shark Meat. Go back down and continue going left. Go up into the next room and open the right chest to get 23x Food Ration. Open the left chest to get Shark Labo Key. Exit this room and keep going left. Open the chest along the way to get 127 Gold. (Note: The switch to the upper-left of this area is the one that releases Yveen from her cell but it will also lock you into this area, unless you turn ‘off’ another switch first) That’s it for this area, leave this area. Now go up. When you get to the spilt path, take the right one and open the chest to get a 1x Mithril Drop. Now time to go and open some locked chests.


32. Go back to the room with the vampire drinking from the barrel. The Bronze Key will open this chest. You will get The Holy Sun book. Now continue down, through the Corridor, until you reach the Laboratory. Then go right a screen to the Laboratory Department. Walk along the top path, and then go up into the Shark Labo. Up at the top, the Shark Labo key will unlock this chest. Inside is a Shark Super Wing. Head back down one screen, and then continue all the way right. When you reach the computer console that was used to split up into parties, head down and click the bottom switch back off. (Note: This switch must be off, or the Zoo switch just ahead will lock you into the Zoo) With that switch off, return all the way back to the Zoo, and turn the switch you find there on. This combination will unlock Yveen's cell from the beginning of this area. Return there to find her. She will add +6MP to your entire party, restore everyone's MP, and give you 3000 Gold. Now go back up to the throne room and go up into the Mines. First go straight up into the Nef. Walk forward and you will see a trapped blue chest that deals about ~600HP of damage. If you survive, you will get Electrician Gloves and Scientist Gloves. (Note: Remove two party members from your party and have Random use Hero to boost his HP. Luci can equip the Orb of Chaos and eat a Growth Mushroom to boost her HP) Now go up to the top and as you go to go up the little stair bit you will be ambushed by a cleaner. It is quite weak and won’t take much to kill. The computer in front of you will turn on the lights. If you stand on one of the panels in front of the computer it will turn on a really bright yellow light. As far as I know it has no use except for hurting your eyes. Go to the left and check in between the two computers to be ambushed by a Power Catepillar (it randomly drops a Plasma Gun). Once dead you will be attacked by a few robits. Once they are dead you will get a 1x Barynium Gel. You will now be attacked by a over caterpillar (It will randomly drop a Bazooka). You will get a Fission Bomb once it is defeated. Now you will be attacked by 3 Trons (Random drop a Gun). You will now be confronted by 3 Super Robit and an Airport Defender. Sun boomer is your friend on this one. Use it on the Airport Defender. Also use Random’s Fury spell. (Note: Hi-Jacking items work great against the Airport Defender as well) Once dead you will get 11x Semi Conductors, 15x Plasma Gun, 10x Bazooka, 16x Laser, 1x H-Bomb, 3x Barynium Gel and 10x Indigo Oil. Open the chest to the left of you to get an AZ Sword. Now go onto the right side. Check between the computers again and you will be ambushed by a Bromium Tron, Destroyer Tron and a Bio-Gamasys. One of them randomly drops an Elemental Bomb, while the other two very, very rarely drop a Drosium Axe and a Demolition Axe.) Once dead you will get a 1x Indigo Oil. The chest contains a translucent prism. If you get one person in your party to touch it they will learn the spell: Iron Power. Leave the Nef by going down.


33. Now go right and into the next room. Kill the wandering warrior. In front of you is a purple tree. This is a Flower of Styx. It is quite a strong plant. Immediately some of your party will have the pox condition. Metallist Curse it and use sun boomer. It will randomly drop 1x Talys Root. Now go up the ladder and into the Underground Wastelands. Now work your way up towards the bridge. (Note: This is the point of no return for this Chapter. It is specifically your last chance to: Find Yveen. Access the entire dungeon area. Complete Q143, Q144, Q145, Q146, and Q150. Access the Kadeldorn Tournament. Access the Alise Tournament. Kratin gets +2ST from the Kadeldorn Tournament. Kratin gets 3000 Gold and +1ST/+10,000XP from the Alise tournament) As you go to step on the bridge, some dragons will approach. Kill the two Mythic Dragons. Use all your dragon spells and Sun Boomer. Once defeated, the dragon will grab Sarah and leap into the chasm. The team will split up. Half will go after Sarah; the other half will stay with Luciana to progress forward. Go across the bridge and head up towards the top. When you go through a little passage and assault will be called and you will have to fight many Minotaurs, Harpy Queens, Monstruoroas and dark dragons. Ignore the chest in the top right as it can’t be reached. Go up to the top and past the sign.


Quest 19- Kill the Lord of Arvendel (Q155)
Quest 20- Drown the Shrine to Escape (Q156)

34. Walk forward and to the right walk into the crack and inspect to get a 1x Star Dust. Walk forward and meet Kurbas, the lord of Arvendel. Luciana will question him. You will now have to fight him. Concentrate on knocking out the dragons first then focus on Kurbas. Quest complete. Now a heap of dragons will turn up behind you. You can have fun killing all of them if you like, but once they’re all dead you still cannot leave the room. De-equip Herbert and Joshua and walk up to the switch. Quest complete.


35. You will now be in Random’s team. In the nearby cave, de-equip Random’s sword and search the crystal to find a Dragon Sword. Leave, and walk to the right. Once you defeat the Mythic Dragon keep walking across and you will hear an explosion. It is Luciana pulling the switch. Random will tell Wendala and Brussian to leave and save their lives. Guanidia will come with you in an uncharacteristic act of courage. Keep following the path around. You will see a chest about halfway along. Ignore it, you cannot reach it. At the end you will see Sarah encased in some diamond. You will now have to fight a Lethal Dragon. Once defeated, quest complete. He will free Sarah and the scene will cut back to Luciana and her team outside Arvendel Dome. Watch the cut scene and that is the end of this chapter.

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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:42 am

Created by Mellowkat | Step #5-#15, Revisions by Kehaul | Maps by Patojonas

Chapter 7: Taking Lives (Part 1)

1. You will now find yourself in the palace. Luciana wants to go and visit Sarah to see how she is doing. Go to the HQ and talk to Sarah. After seeing that she is ok Luciana will want to go back to the palace for the war council. Go up and you will find several guards and Captain Lanovensen standing in the way. They won’t let you into the council. Another guard to the right will run up and tell you of a secret way to get in. You will be in the palace gardens. Occasionally you will be ambushed by minor monsters such as hornets. Go down to the second path. Go all the way down and if you have the Garden Key it will open the gate. Open the right chest to get 1x Red Pimento and 1x Oxhal. Open the left chest to get 1x Life Apple and 1x Power Pepper. There is also another hidden chest along the bottom wall below the one to the right. Open it to get 1x Dragon Blood and 1x Recovery Spray. Go back and when you get to the split go up a small way and follow the grass path down. Follow the path around and then go right and follow the first path up. About half way up you will be confronted by a heap of imps. Use Lord of the Dance to knock out the pink ones, physical attack with Herasia to knock out the blue ones, the yellow ones usually knock themselves out. (Roughly around this spot is a Power Salt, and a fight against two Earth Incubus that can drop Gaia Dust. Just refer to the map as it's hard to explain) Now go down and talk to the fairy. Ask about the locked gate and if you like buy the brown key off her. It doesn’t work on the gate like she says it does but I am not sure if it has any other use. If you do buy it off her and try it on the gate she disappears. Now go all the way up and jump through the window. Quest complete. Now go to the throne room and watch the conversation.


2. Now you will be Random. Leave the palace and you will see Wendala running up. She makes Random think that Sarah is dying. She then tells him that she was joking. Slap her if you like. She then tells you that she knows of a medium that may be able to help, who lives in the sewers. Go to the HQ to inform everyone and then your team can set out. (Note: If you go to the top-left building and speak to Demetrio with just Random/Wendala in your party; you can advance Q126) Head down to the Gates of Adretana, and then left twice to the second Mirsen District. Enter the top-left house and speak to Civelia for an Yveen Tear. Then exit and head all the way right to the ports, and in the top right corner, you can see a square. Inspect it and you will now find yourself in the Port Sewers level 1. (Note: You can speak to Naldo the fish merchant at the port area, to get a Luck Starfish for 990g, when you exit his shop menu) First, go straight down. If you like kill the jelly fish at the end. There is nothing in that little room. Go up to the next path and open the chest if front of you to get 105 Gold. Go to the end of this corridor to get a 1x Healing Potion. Head back left and back up to where the stairs were. Now go right. You should come across a bit where there is a blue arrow behind some jellyfish. Follow that blue arrow down, then go all the way left and go down the ladder. Now go down and right. Open the chest to get 1x Llanewan Powder. Open the second chest to get 1x Healing Herb. When you get to the split go down (the upper path has nothing). Kill the jellyfish and keep going left. Go across the bridges and at the end open the chest to get a Madu. Now go back and head up when you can. Ignore the chest to the left as it can’t be reached. Go up the ladder.

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3. In front of you, you can see a necklace. Ignore it. You cannot reach it AND it is not Civelia’s necklace. Walk up and open the chest to get a Paladin Shield. Now walk left until you reach the bit you went down before. Now this time go up and right and go down the stairs. To the right, open the chest to get 1x Necrotear. Now take the lower path and open the chest to get 57 Gold. Go back up then head left. Go across the bridges. Open the chest to get 5x Hornet Sting. Open the second chest to get 1x Magicka Herb. Continue going left. Take the lower path and go down. Follow the path to the right. When you get in front of the cave you will be ambushed by some monsters. When you go in front of the second cave you will be ambushed by two sets of monsters. Now go down the ladder. You should now be on the serpentine quest. Walk forward and when you get to a rock, you will be ambushed by several rounds of bats. After than point the screen will start to go red. Walk all the way around and then inspect the blue flame for a quest complete. Watch the discussion between them. Along the way back 3 Zeons will be blocking your way and tell you that you violated the underworld and that they are here for you. Work your way back out of the sewers.


4. Now go to the HQ. You will see a massive big dragon in your HQ... It is not Nash :P Onyx has decided to join. Now go up and talk to Brussian. Sarah is asleep. Now go to the palace and to the throne room. Talk to Julian. He and Luciana have decided to marry. Watch the ceremony and then the interaction between Luciana and Julian afterwards. After that it will cut back to Random and Sarah. She is exhausted after the wedding and needs further rest. Talk to Wendala and she will inform you that the tournament has been opened and that the four Counters have been built. Brussian decides to tag along. Go up to the throne room and talk to Walz. He will teleport you to the counters. First up is Rillia. Go up and help by offering some funds. (Make sure to donate 5000 Gold, as this is likely tied into an event later in the game) That’s all for here. Talk to Walz again and he will teleport you to Fanta. Talk to Zanbard and then talk to Walz to be teleported to Indinera. There is nothing really here. Have a look around and when you are ready get Walz to teleport you to the Metrolian Counter. Immediately, search the wooden storage bin to the right to find 1x Crystal Rain. Go and talk to the guy in front of a tent to the left and you will be attacked by a couple of Cerberus. The guy beside the chest sells minor items. Before leaving, search the wooden bin to the right again, to now find a Red Pimento Now talk to Walz, to go back to the palace.

[Before going any further, this is the only point in LF2 that a majority of your characters can participate in the Petro Arena. It is entirely optional now, and the Arena will still be around in LF3 for your future participation. I would encourage you to complete it with Random now, so you can complete Q171, complete Q186, learn the Arcanum Blade skill, find the Gill Shield (Ultimate), and get the Azuron helmet. Read the spoiler below for more specific details]
(If you recruited Kratin last chapter, check that spoiler tag below for more information too)

Putting Kratin through the Paces
Spoiler: show
Talk to Jaffrael at the Undead Guild and choose ‘learn’ so Kratin gets -5ST+6HP, choose ‘boost’ and Kratin can pick one of the following: +31ST, +39SRS, +30SP, or +24MN. At the Tower of Weapons, Kratin can pull out the sword (Make sure he has 900+ST) for MN. (Note: I got +21MN, Littlebro got +18MN) Just outside the tower, talk to Darrant about ‘Sword Greats’ for +4ST/+6RS, about ‘Fighter Boost’ for +9RS, and about ‘Pace Greats’ for +4SP. Jump down one level and talk to Balladine to teach Kratin the Elf Slaughter, Dragon Slaughter, and Demon Slaughter skills. Go to the Guild of Fire next, and equip Kratin with the Ante-Flame Gloves, and touch the flame to get +5MP/+6MN. Phew!

Petro Arena Guide
Spoiler: show
Beat Adretana Arena (Q186)
Beat Linda (Q171)

Head to the Petro District, just before the dock area; and take the path leading up to arrive at the Arena. Enter. Talk to the Jefferson, the guard on the left to get a quest: ‘Beat Linda (Q171)’. To complete both quests, just beat the arena with Random. To enter the arena with Random, you’ll need to remove everyone else from your party. (To enter the arena with anyone else, put just them and Random in your active party) Pay the lady at the counter to enter and you will be taken to the waiting area. Walk down from the table and you’ll find a spot along the wall you can walk through. Follow it all the way down and then to the right and search to find a Gill Shield (Ultimate). Talk to the guard above when you’re ready and you’ll have to fight and win a series of battles to succeed. (Note: Equip Random with the Legendra Helmet and either the Legendary Sword (400+AT) or Epic Blade. The helmet guarantees he will go first in battle, and either of those swords will take out all the challengers easily. Use his Fury skill each battle if you have enough MP, or use less MP in the earlier fights. Double quest complete! Report your success to Jefferson and he will teach Random the Arcanum Blade skill. Then he will run off to be with Doriana. Speak to the squid off to the right to get the Azuron helmet.

Basic Strategy

The standard strategy for the Arena is to be really fast (800-900+SP), or equip the Legendra Helmet to automatically go first. You then gear up to optimize your Pdef and Mdef stats, so you can survive multiple hits. You must also have access to some kind of really powerful Fire or Legend type damage, specifically to defeat the final opponent. This sort of gates the Arena behind having the really expensive 400+AT ‘Legend’ damage type weapons that Baretta sells, or being incredibly over-leveled. You do get access to the menu between each fight at least, so certain characters can use spells to heal and/or buff themselves before every fight.

Know Thy Enemy

Arcanus/Wolf Lion

Not too much to say here. They both just physically attack. Arcanus is stronger, so he should be your priority to take down first. Arcanus has some decent magical resistances, so basic attacks may be the way to go for some specific characters.

Lauren Witch/Jude

Lauren has a Fire, Thunder, and Air spell, but runs out of MP fast. (If you have high PDef/RS but low MDef/MN, you may consider defending for three turns here) Jude either attacks or uses a sleep spell. Lauren has some fairly solid magical resistances, so basic attacks seem best.

Wolfmark/Dodu Doloo

Wolmark hits hard and fast, and can also debuff you with slow/fatigue/defense down. Dodu Doloo has only moderate physical attacks, but can inflict you with sleep/plague. The majority of these status effects will lower your physical defense, and they stack with each other. So you can go from taking tens of damage a hit to hundreds of damage a hit real quick.


Gaarmock hits real hard. He can inflict madness causing you to attack yourself, wrath so you attack at random, or can buff his power and defense up quite a bit. The salamander doesn’t seem to do much of anything. Garmock seems pretty resilient overall, but is susceptible to the Legend/Earth/Orc damage types.

Linda Jude “Tidal Wave”

Like Wolfman, she hits hard and fast. She can cause blindness to reduce your accuracy, attack down to reduce your physical attack, and defense down so you will get extra mauled by her attacks. She also has a 3-hit attack, but thankfully doesn’t seem to use it too often. This is the character you basically need Fire/Legend damage of a high enough magnitude to 1-shot or 2-shot her.

Character Specific Setups

Random: Equip the Legendary Sword/Epic Blade and the Legendra Helmet, and use Fury for the final two fights, and potentially Elf Slaughter to save some MP before then. (Can also use Hero before Linda)

Wendala: Equip the Epic Blade/Gill Shield/Legendra Helmet. Use Carnage (Lv. 52) for the first three fights, Shocker on Gaarmock, and Striker (Lv. 55) on Linda. (Heal between fights, and hope for good RNG on Linda)

Brussian: Equip Brasant Jaws/Gaes Fur/Wolf Hat/Metal Skin/Necklace of Bahanur. Use Lethal Move forever and always. (You can equip the Bio-X Skin (or swap other gear around) for more speed, but you will likely die in 1 hit at that point)

Askhbar: Equip the Glorious Javelin (or Grandious Axe)/Crystal Madu/Legendra Helmet/Fridgen Mail/Legendra Necklace. (Almost 400 PDef, yes please!) Use Hulk (Lv51) between battles. Focus on Arcanus, Lauren, Wolfmark, and Gaarmock first. (Alternatively you can use the Krom War Helmet if your Askhbar is fast enough, and potentially swap some other gear around)

Cocka-Cocka: Equip the Super Wings if you have them and somehow weren’t already. Use Fire Storm (Lv. 61) for almost every round, but use Rock! Rock! against Gaarmock. (I wouldn’t recommend trying to win this before Lv 61. You can’t hurt Linda for more than 100 damage with your beak, and just 2-3 hits between Gaarmock and Linda will knockout Cocka-Cocka)

Kratin: Equip the Legendary Sword (Or Epic Blade)/Gill Shield/Legendra Helmet/Gaes Horned Armor/Exo Ring (Over 500 PDef, yes please!) You can just use Cross Slash (Lv. 40) the whole way. (There’s room to spare on the earlier fights if you want to throw in some Elf Slaughter, or use Blade Throw against Wolfmark, etc.)

Tarabulla: Equip the Solblast Rod/Crystal Madu/Acalcythe Helmet/Anaconda Skin/Exo Ring. Before the third, fourth, and fifth battles, you should use Fire Alchemy (Lv. 42), Mind Burn, and Fire Heal to heal her back up to full. Other than that, you mostly just attack the default target with your basic attack the entire way. Do make sure to use Inside Metal to Diminution/Defense Down both Gaarmock and Linda though. (Be aware, Linda has a pretty high resistance to both status effects, and can 1-shot Tarabulla at basically any time. So it’s pure RNG if you can manage to actually land both status effects on her, and then still manage to land enough basic attacks to actually beat her.)

Herasia: Equip the Zeon Claws/Crystal Madu/Feather d’An/Bio-X Skin/Dancer’s Pinnacle. This fight is heavy on MP expenditure and relies on Evasion and RNG to win. If you get hit by Arcanus or by fatigue, quit and reset. Just attack Arcanus with basic attacks, unless you have more than 114MP on Herasia. Attack Lauren once, and then use 2x Lethal Claw. Use Ripper Claws on Wolfmark. Use Ripper Claws on Gaarmock. Use Super Cat, then 2x Ripper Claws on Linda. That uses 114MP. If you have more MP than that, sprinkle some more where it makes sense. You need a reasonably high level, and plenty of luck to win this way.

Rosa: Genuinely has an awful time of it. She pretty much has to be Lv. 67 to learn At World’s End to take out Linda. Alternatively, you can teach her Aura Bomb with The Holy Sun book, and 3x-4x uses of that can feasibly beat Linda at a lower level, but you would need to get insane RNG, and dodge every attack she makes for those 3-4 rounds. Alternatively, at Lv. 67, you can just use At Worlds End to mop the floor with all of them.

Guanidia/Petula: They both genuinely struggle to make headway against Linda, and Petula struggles to even reach her. You pretty much inflict Werewolf or Zombification on them, and either level up a ton, or farm for critical hits. Preferably you would wait till LF3 when you have a much better pair of Jaws to use.

Coryool: Equip the Grandoise Axe/Crystal Madu/X-RR3 Headphone/ Gaes Horned Armor/Exo Ring. Just swing away with his axe on every default target, till the end. He should take very little damage from anything, and only needs a little luck against Linda.

Sarah: Equip the Gill Shield/Dream Diadema/Elven Astral Outfit/Exo Ring. Just use Sun Boomer from beginning to end, and heal between battles.

Arena Rewards

The rewards for completing the arena are as follows. To receive the final item, you will need to talk to the squid in the lobby area, but only after that character has beaten the arena. Additionally, Askhbar will learn the Monster skill for winning, something he normally learns at Lv. 93!!!
(Kudos to Maximus for compiling this)

Random: +28HP / Red Spirit / +3HP for the party / Azuron (helmet)
Wendala: +28HP / Green Spirit / +3HP for the party / Kuka Slavarian (ring)
Brussian: +28HP / Red Spirit / +3HP for the party / Silver Ivory Bracers
Tarabulla: +28HP / Blue Spirit / +3HP for the party / Iotezis
Petula: +28HP / Blue Spirit / +3HP for the party / Nautilea Coral
Herasia: +28HP / Green Spirit / +3HP for the party / Jungle of Hell (Book)
Guanadia: +28HP / Blue Spirit / +3HP for the party / Kata Nut
Askhbar: +28HP / Red Spirit / +3HP for the party / Inverness Bracers
Rosa: +28HP / Green Spirit / +3HP for the party / Mystery Drop
Cocka: +28HP / Green Spirit / +3HP for the party / Flavae Seed
Kratin: +28HP / Blue Spirit, +3HP for the party / Palacia Shield
Sarah: +28HP / Green Spirit / +3HP for the party / Adretana Legendary Conch
Coryool: +28HP / Blue Spirit / +3HP for the party / Grand Shark-Helmet

At 10 victories you can speak to Jendani (In the room with the item signs hanging); to receive 3x XP Egg.

Note that Coryool and Sarah cannot participate in the arena at this point in time. Later in the chapter you can return here and compete with Random, Sarah, Coryool, and Wendala only. This is mentioned briefly in Step #26. Apart from those four, no one else can participate in this arena in LF2, except for this exact moment in the game. In LF3 you can compete again.

(One final note, you can complete the majority of bullet points #5 - #15 before you speak to the Rilla Counter leader, and would still have three open party slots. Then take a second pass through, once Luci joins the group. Be aware, Luci joining the party also cuts off access to the Petro Arena)

5. Visit the Rilla Counter again and talk to the leader, and then Walz will call an emergency and whisk you back to the palace. There is trouble in Mirsen. There is a fire spreading fast in that part of town and all the guards that he is sending is coming back burnt. Luciana decides to come with you. Head up the stairs in the central palace area to the Room of Mediation, and speak to Gubert about halfway down on the left side. He will teach Luciana the Ground of Blood skill. Ignore the fire in Mirsen for now, and head to the Fire Guild first. (Note: Ensure that the bunny is dead, on the screen with the sleeping girl as you walk past it. The time limit to do so is quickly approaching!) Use either the map, or the Guild of the Wanderer transportation option to reach the Fire Guild. Report to Arulea and ask about quests. Get both quests: 'Restore Magicka Aura (Q159)' and 'Shrine of Ice (Q160)'. (Note: Be sure to complete both of them now, since they have a very short time limit on them!)

Restore Magicka Aura (Q159)

6. Luciana needs at least 2000MN to succeed. Use her Half-Goddess aura skill, inflict her with Brilliant Mind, have Tarabulla use Mind Burn, equip her to maximize her MN, and use the seminary of intelligence at the Mage Guild if you still need more MN. Then just talk to the guild leader about the quest and you'll complete it automatically. Quest complete.

Shrine of Ice (Q160)


7. After asking Arulea for this quest, talk to the purple flame just to the right of her. She will take you to the Ice Castle. Here your characters will be afflicted with Shrinkage, Slow, and Cold. The Thermal Suits from LF1 will protect you against Cold/Slow if you have any available, and the Mountaineer Mantle will protect you against Cold. (Additionally, Askhbar and Heresia are immune to all three afflictions, Kratin is immune to Shrinkage/Cold, Brussian is immune to Cold, and Rosa is immune to Shrinkage) There are a number of Caul opponents roaming around here. They are notably weak against fire, quite slow, and rarely drop an Yveen Tear. The Zero-Star enemies you can encounter here are actually immune to pure fire damage, but do take damage from other damage types like water, so Luci’s Lava Wall will still work against them. Proceed to the right. Along the way there will be a large torch in a small room above you. Destroy that torch. Continue to the right and take the next pathway leading up. If Tarabula is in your party she will flip the switch, opening the door at the beginning of the castle. Return there and open the treasure chest to find 4x Crystal Rain. Instead of going right again, take the path leading down this time to find 1x Magicka Energizer. Now go all the way right and into the final room along the top. The chest here has a Frozen-Hart Helmet. Now continue down, but ignore the chest you pass as it is trapped. Continue to the bottom-right area and check the stove for 4x Ice Cake. Go down and to the left to find four treasure chests. From top to bottom, they contain 1x Ice Cake, 12x Ice Powder, 3x Air Powder, and 11x Fire Powder.

8. Leave this corner area and continue on to the left. When the pathway braches south follow it. Observe the large square wall in the center of the room. If you walk into it from the bottom you can find two treasures hidden along the top. 2553 Gold, and 10x Ice Cake. Continue left and check the small pool of water to fight a Gabura. Considering the status effects heaped onto your characters, the Gabura can be pretty tough. It is susceptible to paralysis and Metallist Curse though. It randomly drops an Ice Cake. Check the two nearby chests to find an Yveen Tear, and 2x Magicka Potion. Continue left and up, fighting past the enemies. Prepare yourself and check the ball of light blocking your path. You will fight an Alphagorus. It hits quite hard, and with everyone inflicted by status effects, it is quite an uphill battle. You may want to equip someone with the Legendra Helmet and have them use an Yveen Egg, to remove the Shrinkage/Cold conditions and restore your party to their full, maximum HP. Equipping Ice resistant gear, can also help on top of that. To damage the opponent, you can inflict Metallist Curse to pierce its impressive defenses and then swing away as normal. Or, use Wave Vibrators and Explosive Mushroom attack items to do a lot of damage. Afterwards you will get a random number of Ice Cake. (Somewhere in the 20-30 range) The chest is trapped so ignore it, but you should destroy the last torch. Quest Complete. That's it for this dungeon. Return to Arulea and report your success.

9. At this point, Arulea will also offer Magicka Improvement under general training. It costs 2000 Gold per session and checks your active party each payment. Luciana gets +11MN/+11MP, Tarabulla gets +11MN, Wendala gets +7MP, Rosa gets +8MN, Cocka-Cocka gets +25MP. (Note: Cocka may need to be a Lv. 70 Elder Cockatrix to receive this bonus) When you return later with Sarah in your party; she will get +5MP. Before leaving, speak to the purple fire elemental here, by declining to go to the Ice Castle. She offers to teach 'Fire Power' (Teaches Fire Frenzy and Etnah), and ‘Fire Wire’ (Teaches Fire Eire) Random and Tarabulla can learn the ‘Fire Power’ techniques. Random, Luciana, Tarabulla, and Rosa can learn the ‘Fire Wire’ technique. Additionally, if you equip Wendala and Sarah with the Enzyma Exciter (sold at the Mage Guild, Rank 4 shop), then they can learn ‘Fire Wire’ as well. Also, put Tarabulla in your party and talk to Razzia along the top of the guild. Ask about ‘automatic help’ and she will learn Automatic Healing. Finally, you now have access to the ‘Lava Pool’ training method from Razzia, which can help train your entire party beyond just the four members fighting, but it costs 2000 gold each go. Next let us head to the Mage Guild in the Mirsen District. First, talk to Jabbur at the entrance and pick up the following quests: 'Destroy Cult of Torture (Q165)', 'Find Abducted Girl (Q166)', and 'Cursed Item (Q167)'. To my knowledge, none of these quests can be completed yet, so continue down and talk to Sandra for the following quests: 'Find Item (Q168)', 'Destroy Monster (Q169)', and 'Alchemy Contest (Q170)'.

Destroy Monster (Q169)

10. Head to the Palace entrance area. Talk to the guard on the right and enter the lower room. You will be hit for ~100 some damage (Less if the luck ring is equipped) and enter combat against the monster. It hits hard, and it quite resistant to damage. It will often get free attacks as well, causing paralysis/sleep/heavy damage to your entire party, throwing whatever strategy you had into disarray. The safest way I found to go about this fight is to boost Guanida's Speed so he goes first, and use his technique to inflict glue on it. You can also back this up with any skills that inflict ice jail. Then inflict plague and focus on keeping the three status effects on it until it slowly perishes. It occasionally drops a Gaia Dust. Quest complete. Report your success to the Mage Guild for 80MG (Mage Guild Points). That’s 695MG total now. Now head to the Fighter’s Guild, in the eastern Petro area. Talk to Floyd at the counter and pick up the following quests: 'Death Penalty on Bathory (Q179)', 'Yves the Zombie (Q180)', and 'Hornets in Pachami(Q181)'.

Yves the Zombie (Q180)

11. Head to the transports area. As long as you’re here already, check out Baretta's shop. She now offers 7x Moon Dew, and a Dancer’s Pinnacle. Now take the transports to the southern lands, then take that transport to the eastern lands. Go all the way right until you reach Moormore. First go into the house at the bottom-left. Talk to Caruhl and he will mention that he saw the zombie heading to Darmar’s. Leave, and Darmar’s house is to the right, but all that remains of him is a skull. Note that there are a number of ghosts wandering around at this point. If you equip the Luck Ring, there is a very small chance that they will give you either a Holy Water or an Esclachaboom when you bump into one of them. To continue, head to the chapel and talk to Gildas. He will mention that the zombie is now wandering outside. (Note: You must talk to Caruhl first, then visit Darmar’s house, then talk to Gildas; specifically in that order to proceed) Next, find the three torches that are roughly in the middle of the town, and walk down the middle of the torches, downwards. Yves will ambush you while empowered, very likely killing 1-2 members outright. Note that there is a second, hidden enemy in the fight but Yves is the far more dangerous of the two. (Note: Added expanded strategy in the spoiler below) First, you should probably revive and put up defensive barriers as he hits quite hard. Past that, he is susceptible to Guanida's Glue, and weak against fire/holy. I glued him, used Metallist Curse, and blasted him with fire skills till he was defeated myself. He will then ambush you again! Bring plenty of Revive Potions and hope you can keep him glued is all I can suggest. (If you're having trouble, you may prefer to return later with Sarah and use her Sun Boomer skill to great effect) Quest complete. Return to the fighters guild to collect a well deserved 2000 Gold. If you've completed the LF1 quests for the guild, this would now grant you access to the dark manor portion of the guild, behind the door to the left. Let's finish the other guild quest first.

Expanded Yves Strategy
Spoiler: show
Prior to the first battle, you can buff your entire party with spells, auras, and items to at least make the first half of the fight more reliable. Notably, Tarabulla’s Fire Alchemy (Lv 42) will temporarily double your Max HP. Throw in Heroism (Hero Cream), Obsidean Skin (Mithril Drop), and Giant Body (Growth Mushroom, limited supply), and you may even survive the first empowered strike.

Alternatively, or in addition to that; you may want to aim for an evasion build. If it’s going to knock out your party members in a single hit, you may as well go into the fight with 50% or more evasion. Random can do pretty good with a Luck Ring/Vapor Ring accessory and Monk Bracers as a shield. Guanidia with the Dancer’s Pinnacle you just bought from Baretta, the Pirahna’s Spine from Arvendel, and a Crystal Madu shield is also pretty solid. Divvy out what’s left to your other two party members.

In the fight itself, you can also rarely lock it down with Ice Jail using Luci and Rosa’s skills, though Glue is still your main go-to for that. You can de-buff it with Random’s Metallist Curse, Guanidia’s Meltdown, and inflict Bleeding on it as well. Then you swing for the fences with your strongest Fire/Holy/Legend attacks while its defenses are down. Burning Ground items can do okay-ish damage if you have some to spare, but won’t win you the fight outright by any means.

Hornets in Pachami(Q181)

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12. Use the Pachami map the guild gave you when you first asked about the quest from within the guild to go there. It takes 64 Food Ration and 500 Gold to travel there. Go into the nearby building and talk to the mayor about the quest. He will direct you to the guard towards the top of town. Go ahead and restock your Food Ration at the shop here. Talk to Leona towards the top right and she will give Luciana a Mind Crystal. You can then rob the chest for 1x Buala, as well as check the leftmost jar for 1x Healing Potion. Leave and walk around the house to find a chest with 51x Hornet Abdomen. You can hit the monument on the way back if you wish; all it does is release some hornets. Speaking of which, the hornet enemies are pretty resilient to damage. Luciana's Lava Wall, Cocka-Cocka's Fire Storm, and Wendala's Carnage do pretty good damage though, possibly other skills as well. (Note: Added expanded strategy in the spoiler below) Talk to the guard towards the top to proceed to their hive. You will have to work your way inside the cave and pass quite a lot of hornets. It helps to boost your speed and use the skills listed above, especially Cocka's Fire Storm skill. Check the hornet at the top for the queen hornet and two hornets. Use Metallist Curse on the queen and the same skills you've used to get this far and they'll all fall quickly. The queen will randomly drop a Sharp Spike. Quest complete. Now that all the hornets are gone, you can freely pilfer the cave for a total of 5x Queen’s Honey. When you leave the cave you will report your success to the mayor. Before you leave, check the top-left wall for a Hydra Tear. The sleeping person blocking it has left now. Also, if you talk to Rollande, at the bottom left of the town; she will mention that she finds nuggets of Gold in the water. Check the water for a total of 2x Gold nugget. Return to the fighters guild and report your success for 1500 Gold.

Expanded Hornet Strategy
Spoiler: show
The hornets are susceptible to the Water and Insect damage types, but are so incredibly robust, that only a handful of those skills actually output reasonable damage. Some additional spells that work well beyond those mentioned above are Rosa’s Ocean’s Tornado (Lv. 36), Rosa’s Hydrofugor (Lv. 51), Rosa’s The 7 Seas (Lv. 57), and The Storm of the Century spell. (Taught by a book) Storm of the Century and Hydrofugor are single target spells unfortunately, limiting their utility. Interestingly, Random’s Etnah can also do surprisingly good group damage, so grab it from the Guild of Fire if he doesn’t already know it.

Additionally, you can increase the damage output of Luciana’s Lava Wall by boosting her MN stat, Cocka’s Fire Storm by boosting his RS/MN stats, Wendala’s Carnage by boosting her MN/RS/ST stats, and Random’s Etnah by boosting his AT/MN/RS/ST stats. So gear up appropriately to maximize those stats. If you still need more oomph, buff everyone up between every fight. Use Random’s Hero, Luci’s Half-Goddess, Tarabulla’s Mind Burn, eat Tij Herbs, put a Mithril Drop on Cocka if he has Fire Storm, drink some Sparkling Powder if your fast characters aren’t quite fast enough, etc. Notably, Tarabulla’s Mind Burn (Brain Boost) buff does not wear off instantly after battle like most buffs do; it’s a great boost to have that can potentially last several fights.

Two other factors to consider, they are very fast to the point that only your fastest characters and those equipped with the Legendra Helmet are likely to act before them. They’ll also poison your entire party if you don’t manage to defeat them in the first round of battle, even ignoring status effects inflicted upon them, and poison resistance gear your party may have equipped. Some characters seem immune to this poison effect, but none of those characters appear to have good damage output, unfortunately. So make sure to stock up on items that remove poison, or use Rosa’s Heal, or Wendala’s Sariis Touch between battles.

If you lack the power/spells to instantly overwhelm them; you can lock down their powerful skill by inflicting Wrath on them. Either use Cocka’s ‘Awful Song’, or use a Holy Powder item you can buy from the Mage Guild at Rank 3. You can also inflict Madness to the same effect, but Madness wears off much faster and is otherwise rarer to come by than Holy Powder are. These status effects are not 100% effectual, so you may want to double up and have Cocka use ‘Awful Song’, while having a second really fast (Or Legendra Helmet) character also use a Holy Powder on top of that. If you can reliably seal off their most powerful ability, then you’ll only really need to worry about the poison damage you take each turn.

13. Now enter the dark manor portion of the Fighters Guild. At the top is Zander, who is the one you need to convince to stop the animal butchering. It does not appear you can be persuasive enough at this point, but let us keep it in mind for later. Ask him about sponsoring and their partnership and you can get 25% Off purchases made at square tower. If you ask about support and money, he will give you Gold based on your persuasion and the number of quests you’ve completed for the guild. I’d wait and complete more quests for a larger reward. Then talk to Karol, off to the right of Zander. If you ask for battle lessons, he will charge you 500 Gold per person, and give them +200XP and inflict Strength Seminary. ST Seminary doubles ST temporarily, much like the MN Seminary they have at the Mage Guild. Then ask him about quests and pick up: 'Fake Laxius Force (Q244)', and 'Terror in Guth (Q245)'. You will get the Guth Map.

Fake Laxius Force (Q244)

14. This quest is a little difficult to explain fully. Essentially, the fake force can appear in one of at least 2 separate locations. Either Dasdamene's house in Pachami, which is the location I found them, where Dasdamene will award you with a Kadaboom. Otherwise, they can apparently appear in the Garden of Adretana, somewhere down the stairs just outside the Fighters Guild. I could never get this location to take though. You may have to re-enter the screen a few times, or even go back and forth between the two. Any extra information on this quest would be appreciated. Once you find them, return to the Fighters Guild and report your success. You will receive the Orb of Damage, and he will offer you the Glorius Javelin (Relic) for an amount of Gold dependent on your persuasion. (Note: He charges more the higher your persuasion is. You can also turn down his first offer and keep asking again for a cheaper price) You will also receive the title of Baron from the guild for completing five quests, although I do not see any immediate benefits for this rank.

Terror in Guth (Q245)


15. Use the map Karol gave you when you asked about the quest to get to Guth. It costs 45 Food Ration and 900 Gold to travel there. Talk to the armored guard to gain admittance. You can enter the top building to restock on Food Ration if you wish. Continue on until you reach the castle. In the throne room are some darkened panels. Check the shaded wall above them to find a Skewer Spear. Then talk to the man on the throne. You will face him and five orcs in combat. Nothing too special about this fight, they all go down easy. He will sometimes drop a Tyrant Mask. You will also get the Guth Key after beating him. Use the key to open the gate to the left. The large red box has 4855 Gold. The top-right box has Heroes of the Deport book, and the top three chests have each of 4x Raw Mithril, 13x Raw Mithril, and 11x Raw Mithril. You will now have to fight your way back out. Report your success to Karol to get credit, but there is no reward beyond getting credited for the quest itself. If you're up for some exercise, head to the southern transports. Go down a screen, left two screens, up two screens, and take the left path up. Here, Bahran will gladly teach Random the Death Strike skill, for completing so many quests at the Fighters Guild. Also, check out the weapons tower while you're in the area. Apart from the new items that have trickled into the various shops, equip Random with his Luck Ring and keep checking the 'Blades' section of the shop. After a couple times of exiting that shop, he should offer to sell you a Draco-Lich Dai-Katana for 13000 Gold. Make sure you buy it since he may only offer it once! Also, head right a screen and then to the outside of the tower. Jump down to the lowest level and talk to Marandohra the Naga to learn the Particle Blade skill. Talk to her again and ask to visit the Gaes Cave in exchange for 99 food. In the Gaes Cave, take the boat, walk two steps down, and then face right towards the water. You should see the outline of a chest just barely visible. Petula needs 700+RS to fight against the current and reach the chest, so gear up appropriately and use a a Mithril Drop and Hero Cream on him. He will then have to fight a massive creature, but you can win by just using a Black Box or Fight or Die item to inflict exhaustion on it. When you win, you will receive a Fridgen Mail, and a Sophruna Helmet.

16. Now that that's all taken care of, let's go back to the Mirsen district (On the left side of town). Now go into the top right building. Inside is a flaming wreck. Walk across and inspect the dead mage for a Magicka Energizer. Go into the top left where the blue arrow is. You will find yourself underground. Here you will occasionally be ambushed by fire elementals. Luciana's Lava Wall spell works well on these creatures, as do most Water/Ice spells. Go straight down and take the right path. Walk around and at the end are 2 holes that give you a total of 2x Gaia Dust. Now go back to where the entrance was and then go right. Now welcome to the fire maze. First, go down and take the second path from the bottom. At the end is a hole with 1x Gaia Dust in it. Now go back left and go all the way to the top. Follow the path to the right. Go down one and take the path to the left. And then immediately go down. Along the way is a hole with 1x Gaia Dust. Follow that path around until you see it going right. Take that path and follow it around until there is another path going down. Before following it down, continue left and loop around to find a final 1x Gaia Dust in the pool of lava at the end. Then backtrack and take the path down. Follow that until you reach the fire creature. (If you have trouble understanding my directions please refer to the map provided). Kill the fire elementals. Now you will come face to face with Bang Burn. This guy can be tough. He will regenerate +3000HP each turn, and is resistant to almost everything other than Legend damage type. Optionally, equip the Epic Blade or Legendary Blade on Random. Use Random’s Metallist Curse to weaken its defenses, and then the Fury spell. Alternatively, just inflict Ice Jail on it using Luci’s Ice Blast and/or Rosa’s Iceberg Calling. That ends the fight instantly. He will run away when the fight is over. Quest complete.


17. Watch the conversation and Sarah and Luciana decide to stop over at the palace for a drink. (Make sure to de-equip Sarah's armor at this point) Go up to the palace and talk to the chef with the blue arrow above him (You can’t miss him). They will order their drinks and start a conversation. When it asks you to, the answer is PIERRICK. Bang Burn will reappear. Kill the elementals with Luci’s Lava Wall and Sarah’s Pituite Calling. Now time for Bang Burn. Again, you can inflict Ice Jail on him using Luci’s Ice Blast and Sarah’s Pituite Calling, and poof he goes. (You will now find that whatever armor Sarah had on was destroyed!) Now chase it down. Follow the little flames. Follow him through the banquet room, party room, through King Julian’s bedroom and out onto the balcony. They think he has escaped again and BOOM he surprises you with an attack. Inflict Ice Jail on him yet again with the same spells. This time, he won’t run away after being frozen though. But once he is frozen, you can finally finish him off for good by inflicting exhaustion on him using Sarah’s Death spell, or anything else that causes it. Quest complete.

18. Luciana will go and check on the palace. Everyone else goes back to HQ. Onyx points out that there is a traitor in the palace. He will now join your party. Check the weapon shop below the HQ and you will notice it has updated its inventory. If you equip the luck ring, it'll carry even more goods which you may want to buy some of. Enter into the palace (Onyx will be following you). In the main palace area (where the chef was), talk to Onyx several times and he will give you a Power Salt. Enter into the apartments below the throne room. The traitor is in the first room in the top right corner. He will threaten to cut the woman’s throat. However they see that this is a trap and the woman has actually drunk the dark potion. You will now have to fight her. She heals +8000 HP each turn. Metallist Curse her and blast away with your strongest spells. Once dead the traitor has escaped again. Onyx senses that they have escaped via the eastern exit and is heading towards the Snake Rock on the peak. The party will go to Julian and ask for help. Julian will join your party and half will go chase after the traitor and half will teleport with Walz. After 10 minutes Walz is still struggling to make the teleportation so the second team decides to go there by foot. It will cut to the entrance of Snake Rock. Julian will order them to open the gates. In the Barrel second from the top has 1x Buala in it. Weave your way up to the top in the court.

Find Abducted Girl (Q166)


19. To the left is a guy selling his wares. Above that to the left you can see an open window. Check to get 132 Gold. To the right is a barrel besides all the torches and inside it is a 1x Red Pimento. Go up the stairs. Go right and the left barrel has 1x Healing Potion. Go into the bottom-right building (you can't see the door, but just follow the pathway on the ground inside) Here you can find Shanice. If you got the quest from the Mage guild earlier, you have the option to abduct her. Do so as it's the only way to 'rescue' her. Quest complete. Now exit and go into the closed door. Along the bottom, between the torches, you can find a Necroleech. On the left you will find Coryool. Talk to lord Kanalis and watch the cut scene. Coryool will join your team. Random and Coryool will now have to fight Lord Kohmerandal and a snake rock guard. Kill them with ease. Now check the left side of the drawers for 2x Necrotear and 11x Healing Potion. In the right side of the drawers are an Yveen Tear, 3x Energy Herb, and 3x Royal Meat. You can sleep in the beds to heal whenever you like, and you should do so right now to restore your MP. Open the chest to get 1x Magicka Energyzer. Now go down the stairs.

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20. Now you have an opportunity to hide if you like to decrease the chances of being attacked. Go right and kill the guards. Open the chest to get 155 Gold. Now head all the way left and attack the guards. If you open the chest you will have to confront a Drazzkaerkazarian. Now head down and start to go right. In the niche above you is 1x Magicka Energyzer. Continue going right. At the end kill the guards. Go up the path and open the chest to get 1x Healing Reagent. Go down the stairs and kill the guards. First, go down and open the chest to get a Phantom Gaze. Now go up, right then up again and kill the guards. Inspect the upper bed to the right to get 1x Beast Blood. Now walk left. You will be ambushed. Kill them. Continue going left and when you go to open the chest you will be attacked by a Drazzkaerkazarian. Continue going left and open the door the cell. You will be attacked by some guards. The chests are empty. Exit the cell and when you open the blue chest to the left, you will be confronted by another Drazzkaerkazarian. Now continue left. You will see a darkened patch on the wall. Go up and inspect to get a Lava Ring. Now go down the second path and then walk all the way around. At the end, go down and up the stairs.

21. Go up across the bridge and to the left. Kill the guards. The chest to the left is another Drazzkaerkazarian. Check the wall above the right side of the bed for 765 Gold. Go back right and near the end to the right of the crack in the ground head down the secret path to get to Yveen. You will get +1Lv/+5HP, and 3x XP Egg. Now head back up and continue heading right and down and across the bridge. When you get to the four-way split, head right and inspect the shelf on the wall to get a Rebel Jailhouse key. Use the key on the door below you. Offer Rhys, the man to the right of you, a room in your manor. Talk to the girl in the top right and she will ask you to find her brother Tull. There is also a man named Garko here you can convince to come with you. (Note: You may need the maximum persuasion that is possible, plus Gable’s Cigar to do so. Older versions of the game, it was not possible to convince him at all) In the bed to the lower right, check the top half for 2x Food Ration.

22. Now head left. The red chests are empty. Check in the top left corner in the drawer for a Prison Key. Use it on the door above you and open the chest to get 5748 Gold. Beside the chest, go up into a secret area. Now walk around to the right and into the next room. Open the chest to get a Dream Diadema. Go back around and down. Now go to the lower part of the room and open the jail cell to the left and inspect the bowl on the table to get 37 Gold. Go into the jail cell on the right and then walk underneath the bed to find a secret path. At the end look up and inspect to get 1x Necrotear and 1275 Gold. Now go back and head down the stairs. Go up and right. Now open the cell and kill all the guards. Open the chest to get 3x Hero Cream, 2x Sparkling Powder, 3x Mithril Drop, 5x Hydra Tear, 1x Star Dust, 2x Pirate’s Dust, 1x Enchanted Potion, and 538 Gold. As you head back out, before crossing the entire bridge, go right, and search to find a Power Pepper. Now exit this cell and then go right and down. Open the chest to get a Carkaskr Sword. In the top right corner in the wall above the bed you will find 108 Gold. Now go up, and then left down the second path. Now go up the stairs.

23. Now go up and go left to the very end. Go down the bridge. At the very end take the left path down and kill all the guards. Now go down the stairs. Go left and and up. At the very end there is a very powerful trap that will explode. The chest is empty. Go back down to the bottom. To the right open the door with an air bomb and open the chest to get a Crystal Madu and an Adamantium Axe. Check the boxes to the right and get the 7x Healing Reagent on the left side. Get the 4x Necrotear in the middle box. Get the 2x Beast Blood and 5x Toad Blood in the right box. Now go up the path and pull the switch. Head back left and up the stairs. Go back up to the top and right. Go do to the door that previously couldn’t be opened. go down and head right. In the middle set of two chains go down the secret path. Open the top chest to get 3x Necrotear and 1x Manthra Tear. Open the second chest to get 2x Toad Blood, 2x Black Box, and 1x Ceremony of the Blood. Go back up and right. Now go down and down the stairs. Open the chest to get a Prismatic Armor. Now head back upstairs and go back left, down across the bridge and down stairs again. Go right and if you check the piece of paper you will discover that it is a very powerful bomb. Continue walking right. At the end you will be ambushed. Confront the guard at the end. You will have to confront a midget black hole once all the guards are dead. It is weak to physical attack and does not have much health. You will then have to fight 3 astral watchers. You will then have to fight a Malangos. Once it is dead go down the stairs. Kill the mythic dragon and grab the boy. Quest complete. Return him to Tulla. Talk to her again and offer them both a place in the manor. (Note: These two will actually appear in your manor if you visit it later) Now go back to the third level area, de-equip Julian +::fear +::fear and head up to the switch. A trap will go off and then the screen will cut to Wendala and Guanadia.


24. Wendala notices that the idiots put their equipment in a chest in the same room. When you head towards the door some guards will come in and harass Wendala. Kill them and quest complete. Go down the stairs and open the chest to the right to get a 1x Life Potion and a 1x Revive Potion. Kill the chef to get 1x Healing Reagent, 1x Toad Blood, 1x Royal Blood and 1x Necrotear. Open the chest beside him to get 5x Magicka Potion. To the left of the chest walk down to get a Wraith Dai-Katana. Now go right then up and flick the switch to on. Now go left and down and left again. Go up into the room. Open the chest to get a 1x Revive Potion. Now go down and talk to the guards. Now go up and right. Go down and across the bridge. As you reach the sleeping guards the gate will shut behind you and you will have to fight them. If you go left and open the chest you will have to confront a Drazzkaerkazarian. Go down the stairs and watch their conversation. Go across and under the water bit. You will be attacked about halfway across. Now go up and then right along the next path. Check the boarded up bit along the end to get 1x Revive Potion. Now go back left and up. Go across the bridge. Check the waterfall next to the crystal for 1x Moon Fish. Take the left bridge across and check the left crate for 1x Emerald Powder. Check the right crate for 2x Dark Powder. Work your way around the bridges and open the chest to get 1x Magicka Energyzer. Go back around the bridges and then head right. Walk partway down and go left into a secret area where you can find a Crystal Pear at the end. (This is right of where you found the Revive Potion earlier, up 8 steps, then left. In case you're having troubling finding it.) Now go all the way down. Go down the stairs and check the carts to the right. On the left side is one with 4 Gold in it. The bottom box with rocks has an Emerald Powder in it. The boarded up bit has 1x Gaia Dust. Now go up the stairs bit and pull the switch. Quest complete. Watch the conversation and now you will have to fight more guards. Watch what happens next and now follow the path left. Check the second boarded up panel to get a 1x Stone Flute. Check the crate for 2x Dark Powder. Check the last rock to get 1x Star Dust. You will see him about to escape again. Watch what happens and then quest complete.


25. You will be back in the throne room. Start the interrogation by going up to Gandermark and inspecting him. A guard will come in with a report about halfway through. Apparently a huge mosquito is going on a Rampage in Hannae. They will organize a team and Walz will teleport you when you are ready. Check the body in the top right for 83 Gold. Check the body in the top left to get 26 Gold. Check the headless guy below him for 1x Holy Potion. Check the boy to the right of the headless guy for 1x Wooden Fish. Check the guard at the entrance to get 1x Healing Potion. Now go up the stairs in the top left. The mosquito will be right there. Approach it and it will attack. After a few rounds it will escape. Take the right path and up. Open the chest at the end to get 3039 Gold (4288g if luck ring is equipped), 2x Mermaid Potion, 1x Crystal Rain, 3x Luck Starfish, Jangas Javelin, and a Vapor Spirit. Now go down to the bottom to where you started and then go straight up. (One of the shark slaughterer enemies you encounter here will respawn when you leave the screen. They rarely drop a permanent stat boost item, the Crystal Pear) Head left and down again. As you start to go across the second bridge you will be attacked by the mosquito again. It will fight you again for a few more rounds then disappear again. Go around and then to the left then up. As you go across the second bridge again you will be attacked by the mosquito again. It will leave after a few rounds again. Go up to the top and then go near the well. You should face the mosquito again. It will disappear again and they will realize that it was a diversion to get them away so it can attack Adretana. They will rush back. Watch the scene unfold back at the palace.
Last edited by Kale on Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:43 am

Created by Kehaul | Maps by Patojonas

Chapter 7: Taking Lives (Part 2)

26. After the scene, you will find yourself in the throne room. Your next objective is to intercept the mosquito. Let us put aside the impending danger to the entire city for a moment though. Go to the right part of town first, the Petro district. The ring shop from LF1 has finally opened for business here and has some nice rings you may want to purchase. In the Fighters Guild, ask Jennifer (the blue haired trainer to the left) about 'help fighters?' and she will train Coryool, giving him your choice of: +4HP, +7ST, +11SP, or +8MN. He will also get 8500XP. If you're interested, the Arena is open to the north of Petro for a very short window again. This is your last chance to participate in the arena in LF2, but only your current party is able to enter it. Take a quick detour to the Guild of Fire, via your map item or talk to Leni of the Guild of Wanderers. Now that Sarah is back in the party, she can do the ‘Magicka Improvement’ for her +5MP, and with an Enzyma Exciter equipped she can also learn Fire Wire from the purple elemental nearby. Coryool can also stick his hand in the fire torch for +1HP. Head to the Mirsen District next, the left part of town. Go to the mage guild and report your successful rescue of the girl to Jabbur. Continue left and visit the Art Guild. Ask about 'partnership'. Assuming you own the manor, he will offer you 10000 Gold to display art in it. You can persuade him for more Gold. While you're here, pick up the four new quests available: Find Statue in Balnuunla (Q187), Bring Zobul the A-Analyst (Q188), Make a Statue of Random (Q189), and Destroy Cult of Vampires (Q190). Ask about the Zobul quest again to get 300 Gold. We'll get to the actual quests later though.

27. With that taken care of, let us return to the mortal danger the city is under from the mosquito. Head outside town and fight your way through swarms of enemies. Nothing you haven't faced before though. You will notice a skull lying near the water. You may remember a boy who used to talk about feeding the sharks. You can click the skull to fight the infernal shark if you wish. Continue fighting your way to the transports. Verify you've already bought Baretta's latest stock since it'll update shortly. Travel to the southern lands. Continue down and left a screen. When you reach Solwan's shop, make sure you go down. Rescue the Fairy named Mina from some enemies. If you have the manor, she will invite herself. Head back up to Solwan and continue left all the way to the weapons tower. They have new gear up for sale now if you want to give it a look. Also, you can pull the sword in the tower with Coryool. (Note: Old versions of the game, prior to September 2010 have a nasty bug here that causes you to lose the ability to jump down the outside tower) That said if you're still up for it, equip Coryool with the Over-Titan gloves and have him pull up the sword in the tower. You may have to boost his ST up to 900+ to succeed. He will get +15MN.

28. With the side trips hopefully out of the way for a bit, exit the tower and head right to the four-way intersection, and go up this time. Continue fighting your way up through the opponents until you reach the mosquito. This time the fight it for real, so be prepared. This thing seems to be immune to Metallist Curse, and is heavily resistant to just about anything other than the Laser damage type. You either need to really boost up Random's AT/ST with the Legendary Blade (Laser) and then use Fury; or have Sarah Sun Boomer it to death, preferably do both. It will hopefully go down in only a few turns without too much incident. Alternatively, it will eventually inflict Pox on Random as the fight proceeds. Leave Random afflicted with it and it should suck out Random’s blood and gain the Pox status itself. This causes it to lose HP every turn going forward until it dies. Bird’s Havoc items also do a bit of damage if you have like a dozen of them to spare. If you continue up, you will find that the House of Vision is now open. Although I fail to find anything there apart from a bunch of scorpions that kill you instantly when you touch them, and switches that lead to more switches that ultimately lead to nothing. To be fair though, there is also an empty treasure chest. We may come back to this later though.

29. Return to the castle and report to Luciana in Julian's bedroom. (The place the Bang Burn ran through). Luciana is in better spirits and will rejoin the party. Following the scene, you will find yourself in the catacombs. While you're down here everyone will be constantly hit with the pox condition. No need to worry about it though. Talk to the Naga nearby and then leave. Above, your party will regroup, including Alexandra in their ranks. Before you cure the pox condition go back into the catacombs quick. Go to the end and click on the flame with Tarabulla in your party, she will get an entirely impressive +1HP. Now return upstairs and clear away the pox condition. Head to the room of meditation and walk down to the bottom of the area, directly below the pillar is the treasury room. Conveniently the person that used to point it out to you since perhaps back to LF1; has disappeared now that you finally have the key to unlock it. (Crafty Indinera :P) Anyways, there's quite a haul in here. Starting with the wooden chest and going clockwise you can find: Legendra Boots (Relic), a Golden Apple, 3x Insanity Powder, Adretana Legendary Bow (Relic), 4x Stone Flute, and a Moon Dew. Also, all the flames in here will give Tarabulla a small stat boost based on their color. Starting with the top-left and going clockwise: +2RS, +1HP, +2MN, +2RS, +2RS, +2MN,
+1MN, +1SP, +2RS, +100HP (Heals her for 100HP), +1HP, +1MP, +1MN, and +1SP.

Alexandra's Mind (Q199)


30. Head back down to the lobby. Put Alexandra in your party and equip her optimally. Make sure to de-equip anyone who is wearing the prismatic armor and give it to her. I also went with the Dream Diadema, crystal Madu, Solblast Rod, and the Yveen Diamond Pendent for the HP boost, but you may not necessarily have all those items. You should save your game to a separate save slot just in case. (You may also want to level her up a fair bit first though, especially if you didn't import) Click on the sparkly bookcase when/if you're ready. She will fall asleep and enter some kind of dream. Make sure not to talk to the guy nearby yet! The tea set on the floor inflicts brilliant mind. Make sure you can defeat the zombies in the next room. If you can't defeat them it's a good indication you should level Alexandra and hold off on this quest for now. Click the box of roses to inflict haste. Go right and you will find a zombie that gives you 3x Shining Parchment, and 9x XP Egg. Nearby, in the row of windows, check the wall that is missing a window to find another Shining Parchment. Now go back to the first room and talk to the guy to get the zombie to move. Continue to the right and go down when the path branches. Click on the squid and defeat them. With the squids gone, check the fireplace one was previously blocking for a Shining Parchment. Don't stick your hand in the bag, but do stick it in the boiling pot of water. If Alexandra has a little over 200RS, she will get a random item: Life Apple, Moon Dew, Omega Budon, Healing Reagent, or a Cycca Leaf. Then check the other half of the pot for the same grab bag item. A scorpion may wander in to defeat, otherwise continue on right, and defeat them. The Minotaurs are a bit tougher, defeat them to get +5000XP and +1HP.

31. The guard up top will ask which clock is missing; the correct answer is 'FOUR'. (This may vary game to game, but if you walk down a ways you can see for yourself which clock is missing) Continue on and enlarge the hole if you wish to fight some scorpions. The next guard warns you about the windows. If you check them anyways, he will be killed by the explosion that occurs. The right window is tough, and you're better off using a simple attack item such as a Fire Powder to win. Take the lower path to meet Brussian. If you let him keep biting you enough, you can temporarily pick up the lightning speed, heroism, obsidian skin, and armor h-boost auras. (Note: You may need to let him bite you here, to unlock the ability to have him bite you again much later in the game) Continue left and enter the room below. Talk to Guanadia and he will join, which is good because you'll need him. Head left while avoiding the Minotaurs and you can get Heresia to join as well. You should be able to take the Minotaurs in a fight now. Return to where Guanida joined and attack the demon to fight Tartux and a Mutated Minotaur. Tartux can be hard to damage, but is susceptible to Plague, Pox, and Lichea; so just have a pet equip a weapon that inflicts one of those on him and wait till he dies. (If you're having trouble, load up on status effects from Brussian beforehand) Click the counter Tartux was blocking to get +5HP/+1Lv for Alexandra. Head back left again and Heresia will get rid of the old lady if you bump into her. The figure at the top left has 250 Gold. Attack the zombie reading a book to get a Zombie Heart. The nearby chest has Alexandra inside it... somehow. Talk to Julian now and Alexander will get +11HP/+4MN/+1500XP. Quest complete.

Make a Statue of Random (Q189)

(Be aware that visiting your HQ at this point will effectively end this chapter, and cut off access to all of Adretana for the rest of LF2)

32. Leave the palace and walk down to meet Naho. Read the letter. Then check the top-left barrel that has been added to improve security here for 7x Life Apple. As the party suggests, now would be a good time to visit the counters again so return to the throne room. Go to Riliia first. Here you will find Cindy wandering around, talk to her and she will join your group. (She may not appear unless you made the full 5000 gold donation amount earlier in the game) Talk to the bunny girl to receive a Dragon Sword. Then put Coryool in the party and talk to Gerald off to the right for the Brontonsaurium Bracers. If you received the quest from the art guild, also click on the statue of Random here. They will steal Random’s Silver Statue. Quest complete. Note that until you drop it off, your party will be encumbered. Let's visit the other counters first though. Next up is Fanta. Talk to Zanbard and he will ask how Luciana rates her power. You can only pick one of the following: 'Leader' gets her +5HP/+6000XP, 'Strong' gets 4HP, 'Fairly good' gets +3HP/+1MN, and 'Still need to work things out' gets +2HP/+14000XP. There's nothing new at Metrolia, so return and go to the Indinera Counter next. With Cindy in your party, you can steal from the chest here to get 8x Magicka Energyzer and 2x Indinera Flower. (Note: You may need to boost her SP stat or equip her with the Primo Hat to succeed, but it seemed fairly easy to do) There is also a statue of Sarah here which Random will destroy if you investigate. I left it be.

Bring Zobul the A-Analyst (Q188)

33. Walk just south of the palace and you will find Zobul wandering. If you didn't kill the bunny earlier in the game he will be investigating it, and you will be unable to complete this quest. If you did kill the bunny however, talk to him and persuade him to join. If you have max persuasion he will join up without even needing the gable's cigar. Quest complete. Report the quest completion for 5000 Gold. Also report completion of the statue quest while you're oh so conveniently here already for another 3000 Gold. The statue will be displayed and the encumbered status will be lifted. Exit and enter Katia's house next, the middle building in this part of the district. Put Cindy in your party and raid her chest for 1101 Gold. (If there is a stat check, it's very easy to meet). Exit and probably avoid talking to the old man here as he will die of a heart attack.

Destroy Cult of Vampires (Q190)

34. Go right to the other half of the Mirsen District and enter the inn (pub). Go downstairs and the cult will already be on to you. They attack. When defeated, a second wave will attack. They shouldn't give you any trouble. Quest complete. On the way out I noticed an old lady at the table that wasn't there before. She will give Luciana an Enchanted Potion, 2x Hydra Tear, and 1202 Gold. Return to the art guild and report your success for 6000 Gold. Back outside the pub, talk to the woman with blonde hair to get a Sajcdil Apple. (Note: I believe this may be the woman that faints if you talk to her, so she may just be unconscious on the floor or just not there depending) Head to the Mage Guild next and talk to Sandra at the bottom. Pick the 'Hey, Luciana' option and she will give you a tip on finding the secret guild. (Note: This option may not appear immediately, but after Luciana completes more quests, it might?) Then ask about the new quests that came in to get: Write Thesis (Q196), Destroy Undead Pit (Q197), and Cure Plants (Q198). Check the chest in the bottom-right corner with Cindy in your party. Equip her with the Primo Hat from LF1, and Random with the Luck Ring. You need 48 steal points to succeed. (On a good import save, you'll need to get Cindy's SP up to ~1200 to succeed. Use Tarabulla's Energy Burn skill to double Cindy's SP, and equip her optimally to raise SP. You may need to level her up some to succeed.) You will get a Solblast Rod, Fairy Infinium, and 4451 Gold.

Destroy Undead Pit (Q197)

35. Talk to Sandra again about this quest and ask her to take you to the pit. Check the wall just to the right of where you arrive for a Talys Root. Then fight your way down past some skeletons. At the end you should save before fighting the two wraiths. They have an attack that inflicts exhaustion (all) and you could instantly lose the fight to it. The Elemental Blade on Random combined with his Fury technique, with Luciana's Lava Wall should work well. (Note: Random’s Silver Sword or Arcanum Blade also work well if you don’t have that sword, and other Holy/Undead dealing spells can also work) They randomly drop Yveen Water. Proceed to the bottom of your pit and fight past the various undead. Check the bottom-left path first. Ignore the trapped chest at the end, but do hit the switch. Go down the bottom-right path next. Along the way there is a purple flame that Tarabulla will comment on, but darned if I have any idea what it does. (Perhaps it's for a quest later on?) At the bottom ignore the trapped chest again and hit the other switch. With both switches on, enter the center room. You will have to fight two more of those instant-death using wraiths so beware. The treasure chest is again trapped, so prepare yourself and face the boss. The Elemental Blade also works wonders on him if you have it, suggesting he is weak to one or more of Ice, Water, or Air. Failing that, Holy and Undead spells like Random’s Silver Sword or Arcanum Blade will also get the job done. He randomly drops a Grimdohl Gloves. Quest complete. If you're so inclined, the majority of enemies on this screen will respawn if you go up a screen and return. When ready, leave the pit entirely. Report your success for +150MG (Mage Guild Points). That’s 845MG total now.


Find Necklace (Q99)

36. Next, let us leave town to the south and visit the transports area quick. Go to Baretta's as she has a bunch of stat boost items in stock now, namely 2x Power Pepper, 3x Star Dust, 5x Red Pimento, 1x Crystal Pear, 4x Power Salt, and 3x Gaia Dust. You can't travel anywhere else at the moment so head back to town. Go to the Main Avenue next, straight up from the entrance. Enter the second house on the left to find Fernand's residence. With Cindy in your party, check the chest in here. Whatever the thievery requirement is, you should succeed automatically. If not, equip the primo hat, luck ring, and inflict Energy Burn like last time. You will get Civelia's Necklace and 2144 Gold. That explains why you couldn't find this in LF1, Fernand stole it! Return it to Civelia in her house at the far left end of the Mirsen District. (Opposite the Art Guild). Quest complete.

37. Report to the Guild of Wanderer in the east district next. (Right of your HQ). Ask about latest gossips and then 'May I help you, Leni?'. She will ask Queen Luciana for some funds. Give her 5000 Gold for 120GWP (Guild of Wanderer Points). If you give her less, you get less GWP, so you really should give 5000 Gold. On a good import save, this should bring you up to 500GWP, and allow you to get the 'Power Collector (Q219)' quest. If you have not yet received the rewards for the 'Rival Guild (Q150)' quest, you now have access to most of the LF2 crew, as well as access to the ST Seminary at the Fighters Guild, which doubles the HP bonus you would get. If you did not complete that quest earlier, you cannot access the sewers right now to complete it, unfortunately. Assuming you have turned in Q150 for 80GWP, you could have 580GWP total now.

Secret Island (Q195)

38. At the Guild of the Wanderer, ask about maps and go to Crys Island. (Or go to the beach and walk off the bottom to reach there, if for some reason this map is not available directly) At the very bottom, there is a staff in a rock. You need to increase Luciana's AT above 600 to have a chance to succeed; while about ~650AT will be an automatic success. Equip her with your highest AT weapon and inflict weapon boost on her using a Silver Powder item. Also equip any gear you have that raises her AT like an Evil Mask or an Orb of Chaos. If all else fails, the box at the Petro Fighter Guild inflicts Blood Thirst, which raises her AT even more. You can also buy a strong spear at Baretta's shop if you absolutely need it to succeed. You will get the Glass Rod of Crys. Quest complete. This quest could have been completed already, but with a high number like Q195, now is around the time you were probably meant to complete it. Go ahead and visit the Fire Guild next using the map service again. Their quests will have updated again, replacing the prior quests so hopefully you completed them. You can still go to the ice castle apparently, but if you did not already complete the quest you can no longer do so. Make sure you do not ask about the 'protect the guild' quest yet! (If you refuse this quest, you fail it automatically, so do not even ask about it till you are ready)

Find Magma Radiator (Q193)

39. Do ask about the 'find item' quest though. She will want a magma radiator. If you've followed the walkthrough you would already have bought one. (Just for reference they are sold at the Mage Guild once you reach rank 4 in that guild. The shopkeeper along the right side of the guild behind the table is the one you need to buy it from.) Ask about the quest again with the item and you succeed automatically. Quest complete. If you have not already done so, have Coryool stick his hand in the flame towards the back. Equip Alexandra with the anti-flame gloves and do the torch challenge to get +3MN/+3MP. Then have Cindy equip the gloves and she will get +5MP/+2MN. Go and talk to the pink flame next. (You may need to decline the trip to the ice castle to actually talk to her) Double check that everyone has all the spells she offers. Random and Tarabulla should both have Etnah and Fire Frenzy by now. Random, Luciana, Tarabulla, and Rosa should all have Fire Wire as well. Additionally, Sarah and Wendala should have learned Fire Wire by equipping the Enzyma Exciter (sold at the Mage Guild shop), then asking about the skill. Also, double check with Razzia along the top area, that Tarabulla has already learned Automatic Healing just in case. It doesn't show up on her skill list to verify manually. Lastly, it would be a good chance to train up your new party members a bit. (If you have 18 Stealing Points and a Primo Hat from LF1 specifically, it would be ideal if you leveled Cindy up to Lv. ~50 so she can open a chest coming up shortly) I found that the 'hard' training option (talk to Razzie again) was a really good way to do this. At around Lv. 41 Luciana's 'Lava Wall' technique upgrades in power, and becomes strong enough to defeat these opponents in one use. Just boost Luciana's SP/MN as much as you can with equipment and spam Lava Wall for battle after battle. (Only stop to use Magicka Potions occasionally to restore her MP) With Seed Pendants equipped, you will get 500-600+ XP per fight in extremely rapid-fire succession. For me, it took just fifteen minutes to get Cindy from Lv. 39 to Lv. 44. If you have an alternative method to level up that you prefer, then go with it.

40. Let us head to the Fighters Guild next, in the Petro district. Talk to Dengren in the top-left and ask him about ‘sponsoring’ twice in a row to receive 2x Golden Apple, and 3000 Gold. The chest in the back requires a Stealing of 65 to open. (Note: Check the Spoiler below for more detailed information about Stealing) Equip Cindy with the Linderitz Scimitar weapon, Sharp Spike shield, Primo Hat head, Thermo Suit armor, and Fast Shoes other. Then inflict the werewolf condition on her using Brussian's Werewolf Bite skill (Learned at Lv. 56), and the energy burn condition using Tarabulla's Energy Burn skill. Also equip Random with the luck ring. The thievery outcome is somewhat random, so you may need to try the chest quite a few times to get the best result. (Just for reference, Cindy must be at least Lv. 50, with the exact setup as listed above. If you do not have the specific items listed above then you will have to make due with what you have, and level up even more to compensate the difference. If you're missing the Primo Hat and/or the 18 Stealing points from LF1; then you may just want to hold on this one entirely for now.) Once successful, you will get 5788 Gold, an Evening Gown, a Duke’s Monocle, and a Tungstene Lance.

Stealing Explained in Excruciating Detail
Spoiler: show
The exact formula to calculate your Stealing seems to be: (Credit to Seraphus)

+18Pts: Stealing Points: A reward from the Thieves' Guild in Chapter 3 of LF1.
+8 to +12Pts: Primo Hat: Equip on Cindy. Import exclusive. (Bonus is random each try)
+1 to +3Pts: Luck Ring: 'Other' equipment for Random. (Bonus is random each try)
+1Pt: Per 10 level ups on Cindy (So +5Pts at Lv. 50 for example)
+1Pt: Per 100 speed on Cindy (So +10Pt at 1000SP, or +15Pts at 1500SP for example)

(The Primo Hat and Luck Ring offer a random bonus each time. The two together will give you +9 to +15 Stealing on any given attempt, so multiple attempts will be needed to get +15.)

Status Effects that boost your SP stat:

Easy Mode: +30% SP (Select Easy Mode at the start of the game)
Lust Power: +10%SP (Give 5000 gold to Magdalena. Access with high GWP at Harpy Guild)
Werewolf: +56%SP (De-equip Brussian’s weapon, so Cindy survives Werewolf Bite [Lv. 56])
Energy Burn: +100% SP (Tarabulla’s Energy Burn; inflict Werewolf first as this halves Max HP)

(To get rid of Werewolf after, de-equip Cindy’s weapon and stall out a fight by using the Defend command for several rounds in a row)

To reach 65 Stealing you have to boost Cindy’s SP stat considerably. Equip the best SP+ items you do own on Cindy, and stack every Aura listed above that you can access. Assuming Cindy is Lv. 50, and you have +18 Stealing Points from LF1, and get the full +15 Stealing bonus from the Primo Hat and Luck Ring; Cindy will need 2700SP to succeed. If you don’t have the Primo Hat, but do have everything else, Cindy will need 3900SP to succeed.

Cindy doesn’t actually need to be level 50 to achieve this anymore, since I found out about the Lust Power aura, but it does give you some extra wiggle room to work with. You can also use some of your permanent +SP items on Cindy to reach the next 100SP barrier, if you’re right on the cusp of success.

Stop Animal Butchering (Q177)

41. Equip the duke's monocle you just received on Random. Walk right up to Dengren with the very monocle you just stole from him seconds ago and he will be persuaded to stop the butchery of animals. Quest complete. Report back to Lysette in the Eastern District and she will award you a Warrior’s Crown, and if the luck ring is equipped you also get 500 Gold. Now head back to the throne room once more and have Walz teleport to the Rillia Counter. Use Cindy's 'I know where he could be' skill. (If Cindy still has werewolf on her, you will not be able to access her spell menu. To clear werewolf away just have Askhbar use a skill that inflicts damage on her until she faints. Or you can de-equip her weapon and just have everyone defend for many, many turns until it wears off on its own.) You will end up in Blackhood Manor. Note that you cannot change you party here, so it's Random, Luciana, Cindy, and whoever your fourth member was. Bust your way through the door and you start find some tougher 'X' variant of opponents. Head left first and just past the lamp there are three picture frames. Walk directly down from the center one to find a secret room. The group of bottles is a treasure trove containing 4x Beast Blood, 1x Aqua Lung, 6x Toad Blood, 1x Necroleech, 2x Dead Rising, and 9x Dragon Blood. The lower-left zombie head also has a Zombie Heart. Return and continue upwards. About halfway up the hallway, check the wall on your left to find a Crystal Rain. At the end, the chest is locked and Cindy doesn't seem able to open it. Check the picture just to the right for a Necroleech. Also check the rightmost bench along the bottom for 415 Gold.


42. Head back down now and go all the way right next. Ignore the top chest here as it is trapped, but check the bottom one for a Saint Potion. Walk under the row of tables here to the left, then down to find another secret room. Both the rightmost and leftmost chests here are trapped. Open the middle three to find an empty chest, 106 Gold, and 3x Magicka Energyzer. Continue up to the hallway, and halfway up it, on the left, is another secret passage leading to a Bromium Powder. To continue up you will need to fight the Lamias. Move on to the dining area and speak to the lady to provoke a fight. Metallist Curse the leader and blast the Caul's behind with Lava Wall. He fell pretty easily after that. (Note: Ante-Wave attack items also work really well against him. Presumably Demon Blaster items would work as well, but I didn’t think to check) The boss randomly drops a Y'Paragus Third Arm, and the Caul rarely drop a Yveen Tear. Afterwards, if you kill them you will get the Blackhood Key. If you let them live they escape. I personally killed them for the key. Quest complete. Go upstairs now where you will find the zombie. Check the lower-left barrel for 4x Shark Meat. Then check all four cabinets for Beast Blood and Dog Blood (Pure), 3x Toad Blood, 1x Necrotear, and 2x Insanity Powder. Wind your way back to the chest that was locked earlier and use the Blackhood Key on it. You will get a Blood Phial, a Zombie Holocaust book, 2x Dragon Blood, and 2x Zombie Tear. That wraps up this location so leave when you are ready.

Protect the Guild (Q194)

43. Unfortunately, Luciana does not wish to visit the arena, so we will put that on hold till LF3. Now before you go any further, make sure you go to the Mirsen District, and visit the House of Wellbeing next to the Mage Guild. Make sure you buy at least one Chocolate Box from the shop keep. That wraps up new business, so it's time to move on. If you did not already supply the Fire Guild with two guards, head there now to do so. I personally selected Tarabulla/Rosa so they would have a good combination of speed and blasting the heck out of everything that might attack the guild. I equipped them fairly well, but not with the absolute best equipment before I let them go. (Also, I'd recommend you do not leave Petula as he will help out the main party later) Make sure if you stole the Fairy Infinium shield that it does go on Rosa though. The quest is not completed automatically but you've done what you can for now. Head back to the HQ to proceed with the main quest. (Note: I would recommend that you equip the Luck Ring on Random before you visit the HQ, in case it matters up ahead) Sarah will end up outside by herself in the rain, but thankfully all the pets/animals are on standby to be added to the party so put three of them in. (Those guarding the Fire Guild would not be available though) Continue down, and before you reach the transports, turn around and explore the left path leading up. One of the enemies here will award you with 3x Hydra Tear for defeating it. Then continue to the transports, and take them to the southern transports area. If you go north you will find that a Gorgonite has taken up residence in the cave. It's susceptible to at least plague and Lichea, but didn't give me much trouble. (It plays the sound effect that usually indicated you got an item afterwards, but it doesn't tell you what it was, assuming you even did get an item?) Continue all the way to the left and check the lake at the final screen to fight an Ohghmor. It is somewhat resistant to attacks initially, but is susceptible to Venom, Lichea, and Liquid Cells (Guanidia’s Meltdown).Inflict one or more of those and it'll go down much quicker. Afterwards you will get 4x Luck Starfish, 3107 Gold, and a Jangas Javelin.

44. Head back to the transport and continue going down and left. Buy some stuff at Solwan's shop if you wish. You can also check out the Weapon Tower, but nothing there is new, if you’ve visited there frequently. When you're ready, head back to the four-way intersection and proceed up. Be careful of the dragon towards the top here since you don't have Random to annihilate it. Go left and continue towards the cave. As you near it, some anacondas will attack. During the second fight some stronger anacondas will attack. The Gorgonum is a repeat of a LF1 encounter, but your armor is much better since then so it shouldn't be too much trouble. This encounter very rarely yields a Hydra Tear, and the Gorgonom itself will usually drop a Gorgonum Skin. Inside the cave you will find a portal to proceed. Quest complete. *groans* There are random encounters here to mix it up a little. I just blasted everything with Cocka myself once I just got tired of a fight every 10 steps. From where you start, immediately go to the right, and walk off the platform. Walk across the water and you can find a chest with a Golden Apple all the way at the end. Then backtrack and take the path up across the first bridge only, before continuing to the right. In the room at the end, one of the many chests has 2046 Gold.


45. Continue left and ignore the first plank going up. Take the second plank to find some treasure chests. The rightmost one contains 1x Emerald Powder. Continue to the left and take the lower path when it splits. The chests here are all empty, but go downstairs. You will arrive in the sewers. The second black container you come across has a Toxic Water. Take the bottom path and if you put Petula in your party he can get the chest in the water for another Toxic Water. Go back up just a bit, and where the wall meets the small pond (right of the black containers), you can walk in to find another Toxic Water. Go to the top room and put Brussian in your party. Assuming his perception skill is high enough, he will notice something strange about the wall. Go through to find the catacombs. The black containers contain 3x Bazooka and an Indigo Oil. Just below is another chest Petula can get for 2x Holy Water. Leave and head back to town. Return to where the path split and take the top-left path this time. You will come across some chests, one of which has a Power Hazel. The nearby encounter is a unique one. There is a small chance they can drop a Life Apple. Return to the right and find the long plank heading up to continue.


46. To the right there are two chests, one of which has an Aquapunga Flower. Ignore the harpies for now and go left first. You will come across an encounter with another Kao Ka'up and a Sky Wyrm. Continue all the way left to find a chest with 54 Gold. Also check below the bottom-left bench to find a Sajcdil Apple and 2016 Gold against the wall. Return and continue up to the harpies. They can drop a Harpiie Feather. The fight on the bridge has another Kao Ka'up and random apple drop. The chest off to the left has a Magicka Potion. Continue up and take the long bridge leading to the left for another encounter against harpies. Return and continue heading up to find an encounter against 3x Sky Wyrm. They rarely drop a Wyrm Skin. Continue up to the lost town.

47. Just above you is a chest with 4x Demon Blaster. To the right a bit is another chest with 1113 Gold. Head left next to find a chest with a Snake Rings. Continue all the way up, ignoring the first path branching off to the right. At the top, check the large waterfall above you. Towards the middle of it, you can find a Crystal Rain. Then continue to the right and you will come across a chest that teaches the Elven Touch skill to one of your party members. The skill is a fairly weak heal that removes plague. Go up and fight your way past the enemies to find a chest at the end. It has a Delta Shield. Return and start to take the path leading down. If Brussian is in your party and at a high enough level, he will notice a secret room. Go inside where there is a treasure trove of stuff. Start with the crack in the wall above the piano and keep inspecting it for a Star Dust. Then check every bookcase, as almost every one of them has an item. The total haul from all the bookcases is: 10x Shining Parchment, 2x Scroll of Indinera, 2x Ball of Spiritism, The 1000 Organs book, Elven Mist book, and The Purificator book. The chests to the right are locked and it doesn't appear you can open them. Leave the room, head down the steps, and start to go right. Along the bottom, there is a slightly darker spot you can interact with, if Petula is in your party, to find 1x Crystal Madu. Now continue to the right. Fight past one final encounter with a Kao Ka'up and hit the switch to the left. You will now have to fight your way back to the previous screen. The switch summoned some reinforcements you'll have to fight past, including some Kao Ka'ups you can get apples off of.


48. Once you reach the previous part of town, a bridge will now be there connecting you to a new part of town. Just continue moving left across the bridges till you come to a fight against a bunch of Kao Ka'ups, defeat them to continue on. Talk to the elf at the far back of the room first to get +4HP for Sarah. Then talk to the elf at the table. Quest complete. This also completes Chapter 7.
Last edited by Kale on Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:45 am

Created by Kehaul | Maps by Patojonas

Chapter 8: Yveen's Oath


1. The party (Random, Sarah, Luciana) now find themselves in the village of Balnuunla, a community on the border of the gardens of Balnuunla. Start off here by talking to the blue haired elf nearby to get a quest, namely 'Find Pillager (Q204)'. The nearby tree a sells Balnuunla Jars. You may want to buy at least 1 jar in case it has a use later in LF3. The Elven Half God (The block statue thing) offers you a large variety of new goods. Of note, the Zabo Knife seems to only appear once in the shop menu. It's pretty strong for a dagger type weapon, so you may want to pick one up while you can. Equip the luck ring and exit the armor shop a few times and it will offer a Legendra Ring (Relic) for 8000 Gold. Head to the left part of the village next, and talk to the elf near the tree to get another quest, 'Find Phoenix Silver Feathers (Q205)'. Visit the inn next. Talk to the blonde woman next to the bookcase to find an acquaintance of Random, Leanda. Offer to help get her out of here! (If you just say 'okay', you won't get the quest and forfeit your chance to do so!) You will receive a quest 'Leave Balnuunla (Q206)'. Talk to the frog next to get yet another quest 'What Happened to the Sleeping Mage? (Q207)'. You can't complete any of these quests yet, so return to the village and enter the leftmost building. Talk to the half god here for permission to enter the gardens. The Orc at the top-right of town will have moved now, allowing you to proceed. Go past him, but before you ascend the stairs, go left along the narrow path to the end. Investigate to find a Life Apple. Then check the wall immediately above you for a Golden Apple. Now go all the way up the stairs to find a familiar face. Talk to her and she will join your party.

What Happened to the Sleeping Mage? (Q207)

2. Return to the inn. Check on the sleeping mage and Random will convince Yveen to cure him using her powers. You have to persuade her, but it shouldn't be too hard to succeed. Equip the Gable's Cigar or Duke's Monocle if you need to. Quest complete. Report your success to the owner.

Alchemy Contest (Q170)


3. There is an incubus in the inn now. It will offer to take you to the druid contest for 5000 Gold. (Or you can hold off and travel here later in the chapter for much cheaper) Once you arrive, check the large tree to your left to find a Furrowed Pine Apple. Head up to the building and talk to the person all dressed in blue. Buy the book of ingredients from her. It doesn't seem to do anything, but it can't hurt to have it. Go in and talk to the person near the cauldron to enter the contest. It will tally your score based on how many rare ingredients you have in your inventory. Unfortunately, two of the items she tallied are LF1 exclusives, and success here may be impossible without a good import save. As always, it probably wouldn't hurt to equip the luck ring just in case. You will get the Awesome Hat of the Alchemist and an Azura. Quest complete. (If you cannot complete it, then hold off for now. There are some potential alchemy ingredients you'll find in the gardens ahead.) Return to Balnuunla and take the winding path up to the top. You'll need 10 Food Rations to travel to the gardens.


4. Battles against Elven Half Gods you'll start to encounter start off with it inflicting stone on one of your characters. Yveen's Blood Cure skill removes this, and so does the Llanewan Powder item. You will also occasionally encounter Millipufs if you explore the bushes, so you may want to have at least one weapon capable of harming them. The Predator Bow for example, though Millipuf damaging skills from LF1 will work as well. Start off by exploring the flower patch to the right with a Millipuf hovering above, you can find a Power Hazel in it. Go left next and check the roses near the frog for a Moon Dew. Check the bottom of the nearby gazebo for an Indinera Flower. At the top-left of this screen, the purple flower is another Indinera Flower.

(The areas that follow are a lot less linear than the rest of the game, so take note of the area names, and use this handy diagram if you get lost.)


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5. Take the top-left exit first to reach the Strangiato. A few steps up on the left, the flower holder has a Healing Potion. Then head up a few steps and to the right of the nearby table. The red roses nearest the gazebo has a Cycca Leaf. About ten steps to the left is another patch of roses. Click it four times for 4x 350 Gold. Now walk down and left to find a collapsed cave, Click the rubble to find 1x Banuunla Gem. Ignore the nearby pillar for now and head to the right, then up to find a pair of elven half gods guarding a door. One of the rose patches to the left of them has a Balnuunla Powder. Backtrack, go left, and head up the hill. Towards the top, the red roses are a Balnuunla Gem. Continue heading up but ignore the stairs and continue to the right as if you were trying to get the chest. Right before the river, face up and search for a Balnuunla Drop. That's it for this screen, so head back to the bottom-left and investigate the pillar now. Climb up each of the two mini waterfalls here to find 2x Balnuunla Gem. On the left is a note which teaches the Indinera Ivy skill. About halfway up on the right side, one of the white flowers has a Red Pimento. Along the top, most everything can be clicked on, but only one has the best reward. Directly above the sign, investigate the water to get a Salcerium, 3x Moon Dew, and +3MN/+5000XP. If you click any other spot you will only get 1000XP. Enter the cave next to reach a new area. The left part of the first statue you come across has an Indinera Potion. Continue up the stairs and you will return to Strangiato again.

Find Phoenix Silver Feathers (Q205)

6. Next, go a few steps up from the pillar that teleported you earlier and you will see a gazebo. Walk behind that gazebo and continue left to reach the Strawberry Lake. The nearby patch of purple flowers is a Cursed Leaf. Continue left to spot a dragon, but it runs away. Check the nearby pond to find an Azura. Two steps below, investigate the flowers to find a Balnuunla Drop. Continue left to find a mushroom that warns you about a witch. Check the leftmost flower container near it to find a Magicka Potion. Return to the Strangiato and head up to the three caves. They all take you to the same place. Towards the top there is a Phoenix King that drops the Phoenix Silver Feathers you need to complete quest 205. You'll need at least one, and the bird does re-spawn if you leave the screen and return. Before you leave though, this place is infested with items and Millipufs. They're everywhere along the edge of roses and it's easier just to click everywhere then try to explain where each specific item is. Starting from the top-left, the total haul of this place is: Cursed Leaf, Healing Potion, Balnuunla Drop. Going up the right wing is: Balnuunla Powder, Cycca Leaf, Cycca Leaf, Moon Dew. Continuing down the left side: Ademia Powder, 2156 Gold, Cycca Leaf, and Balnuunla Drop. Then up the remainder of the right side: Balnuunla Powder, Balnuunla Powder, Cycca Leaf, and a Balnuunla Drop. Lastly, check the right side of the tree for a Bromium. The various exits here take you to random places, but the bottom one should take you to the first part of the gardens. Exit the gardens and report that you found a feather. Quest complete. You don't even have to sell any feathers to him, and the amount of Gold he gives is pretty low anyways.


7. Return to the Strangiato area again. Head up the hill, up the stairs, and up to the next screen to reach the Witch Peak. On your immediate left, the purple flower is a Moon Dew. On the way up, one of the roses is a Healing Herb. If you walk towards the top, the witch you were warned about will give you a quest, 'Find Rosa Maria Petal (Q208)'. If you walk through the narrow archway off to the right side, then she will turn into a wraith that attacks you! This leaves you with two options. You can either come back much later to complete the quest (+1 quest, -1 Rosa Maria Petal), or just attack her when she turns into a ghost (No quest complete, but you get to keep the Rosa Maria Petal you find later). Either option will still force you to fight the thing, which randomly drops a Necrotear. You will also get a Bromium after the battle either way. Then check the lily pad behind where the witch was standing for a Gaia Dust. I'd generally recommend killed the thing, given the warning about the witch and all. It seems the more appropriate choice, resolves this whole bit right now, and will save you from having to walk back later on. (I can't guarantee that the Petal will have some awesome use in LF3 if you do keep it though.)


8. Return to Strangiato one last time and explore the final area, the door behind the elven half gods. It'll take you to the Villa Park. Check the patch of purple flowers above you to find a Llanewan Powder. Then go to the far right and check the middle of the rightmost flower patch for a Balnuunla Powder. Then go to the three gateways and go up through the middle one. Just on your left the flower that sticks out amongst the patch is an Indinera Flower. Then travel up and to the right and investigate the large tree to find a Talys Root. A little to the right and down, the roses have a Luna Berry. The puddle directly right of it has a Fairy Tear. Check the mini waterfall above to find a Crystal Rain. Now go left till you find a row of purple flowers. Investigate them all to find an Indinera Flower, a Balnuunla Gem, another Indinera Flower, a Moon Dew, and a War Powder. The flower a couple spaces above is a Balnuunla Gem. Now head behind the big tree and go up. The first red flower you pass is a Magicka Potion. Just above is a sword you can pull out if Random has ~1170ST. You get an Ulc-Varnia Sword. Talk to the nearby fire elemental and you can buy some unique equipment. Go up the hill and check the flower path directly above the elemental for an Ademia Powder. That covers this wing of the garden, so head back to the entrance of the gardens.


9. Now it's time to explore the other part of the garden. From the original entrance to the gardens, take the top-right path this time to reach the Bella Ragazza. Follow the path and check the purple flower for an Indinera Flower. Go up a few steps and walk behind the elevated gazebo to investigate the flower container for a Revive Potion. Then go back down to where the purple flower was and follow the path leading to the right. When the path starts to bend upwards, go down towards the lake and investigate the patch of flowers for a Moon Dew. Then take a few steps right and check out the roses near the table to find a Cursed Leaf. Just to the right is a pillar monument, inspect the flower patch just to the right of it for 1x Magicka Herb. Then take the nearby path leading to the right. It leads to a small area with a chest containing a Moon Dew, an Aquapanga Flower, and a Balnuunla Gem. Return to the previous screen and continue taking the pathway that leads up. Just a couple of steps later, the yellow flower on your left is a Life Apple. Then follow the path the rest of the way to the right, leading to the next screen.


10. This area is the Xen Roundabout and true to its name, its many paths will take you wherever you don't want to go. Just beneath where you start, one of the bush spots has a Healing Herb. Go to the right and before you pass the body of water, take the route leading down into the flowers. Investigate at the end of the narrow path to find an Emerald Powder. Head nearly to the end of the area and check the last yellow flower patch you come across for an Enchanted Potion. That's it for this area, any pathway but the one you came in with will take you to a faraway part of the gardens you've already been to. So exit this area the way you came in and return to the Bella Ragazza area. Head towards the top and go up the steps. Before the arch, take the path leading right and check out the yellow flowers for a Cursed Leaf. Then go up past the arch and check the flower patch on the right, at the very top of the screen, for an Indinera Salt. Straight left, the other patch of flowers has another Indinera Salt. Check the moldy stone nearby for a Llanewan Powder. Then check the flower patch to the left to find an Indinera Salt, a millpuf below that, and another Indinera Salt below that. Then head up.


11. This area is the Stacchato. Check the moldy pillar a few steps up to find a Cursed Leaf. Ignore the path branching off to the right and take the slightly obscured path leading to the left instead. This brings you to another part of the Stacchato area. Wander in and Sarah will spot the dragon again. In the cave above you can find a Bromium. That's it here so return to the main area again. Follow the path to the right and when it bends down, check the yellow flowers that stick out from the flower patch for a Power Salt. Continue on the path leading right and check the purple flowers for another Power Salt. Fight your way past a bunch of scorpions and up the stairway. Check the gazebo here for 533 Gold. Then go all the way left and check the large tree for a Talys Root. Up three flights of stairs, check the flower patch on the left for a Balnuunla Drop. Go right, and just past the body of water, the small flower patch along the bottom has a Tij Herb. Ignore the path for now and continue up another flight of stairs and take the top exit to get to the Promenade. Fight your way past enemies. The flower patch on the right has a total of 2x Cycca Leaf. The flower patch on the left has a Healing Potion. The lilly pad to the top-right has a Water Purple Petal. Check the rose nearest the waterfall for a Gaia Dust. Then check the waterfall itself where you can see something behind it to find a strange creature named Broff. If you have a 'chocolate box' he will join and you will get an Azura and a Salcerium. (If you don't have a chocolate box, I don't see any other way to get him to join.)

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12. Return back to the Stacchato and take the right exit this time to enter the Intermezzo. Start heading to the right. The left part of the water has a Fairy Tear, and the bundle of roses just beyond that are an Indinera Flower. The bottom of the nearby gazebo has a Bromium. This covers the first leg of the journey and it's time to move on. Return to the Stacchato area one more time and about halfway up (or halfway down depending which direction you entered the area from), you will find an archway just in front of the huge waterfall. It might be a convenient time to save to a different slot now. Walk through that archway into the falls. Quests complete. You will have to let one of your party members stay behind. You cannot choose Yveen though. Random can be used ahead for a persuasion check, so you may want to keep him. The choice isn't terribly important either way past that, as the next areas are a lot shorter and straightforward than the rest of the gardens have been so far.


13. Your remaining party members enter Floralis Falls, and you are unable to turn back at this point. First, head immediately left and you can actually walk on top of the waterfall to find a path leading to the left. You enter the Silent Falls, an awfully misleading name I might add. On the way you'll find a Golden Bee. Similar to the one in LF1, there is a high chance it'll run away if you touch it. If you're persistent though, you can fight it. Yveen smacks it down pretty quick with just a regular attack. It drops a fair amount of Gold and rarely drops a Golden Bar. Continue down and left at your leisure and you can find one chest in this whole area containing a Falls Feather Shield. Return to Floralis Falls and continue down. The chest is locked and you cannot open it yet. Towards the bottom right, check the bundle of roses for a Stone Flute. Fight the stationary enemies and take the bottom-right path to find another section of the Floralis Falls. Go all the way to the bottom and check towards the left part of the pond to find a Moon Dew. The lily pad a few steps to the right and up has a Water Purple Petal. Following the pathway up, the bundle of yellow flowers has an Indinera Flower. Head back to the original Floralis Falls and take the bottom-left path next.

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14. This area is Llanelly. Follow the path towards the house and check the building to find a Salcerium. Continue down and check the rose bundle near the next building for a Healing Potion. There will be an auction here for the 4 Elements Statue from the art guild quest. The best outcome seems to be just betting the highest amount each time and you can get it for 20,000 Gold. If you have Random in your party, it is possible to make a persuasion check and get it for as low as 10,000 Gold instead. Quest complete. Don't worry; this statue won't encumber you like the other one. Check the left side of the door to find a Snow-Rock Key. Return to the Floralis Falls and open the chest you passed earlier with the key to get an Elven Canopy Necklace. Then head back to the auction area and continue to the left.


15. You will enter Intermezzo. Along the bottom, the flower patch has a Cycca Leaf, and another Cycca Leaf a couple more steps in. Then check the top-right flower patch for a Balnuunla Gem. Check the flower patch below the second light post to find an Indinera Potion. Near the left exit, the flower patch there has a Cycca Leaf. The next area to the left is Gazza Ladra. This area is just infested with Millipufs. Towards the left part of this area is an Incubus selling equipment for Sylvans, possibly alluding to a tree or plant based creature that will join your party in LF3. Near the top-left tree, the rose bundle has a Millpuf battle that awards you a Divine Acorn. Now all that remains is exploring the vast flower patch that surrounds this area. Start at the entrance and work your way counter-clockwise to find a Cursed Leaf, Llanewan Powder, Llanewan Powder, Cycca Leaf, Balnuunla Powder, Cycca Leaf, Balnuunla Drop, Indinera Vapor, Balnuunla Powder, Balnuunla Powder, and a whole slew of Millipufs. Click on the tree to continue. Quest complete. You must part ways again, as only one member can continue on with Yveen.

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16. Yveen and her buddy are all that remains now. You are now in Vecchio Palacio, and again there are a lot of items and Millipufs in the flower patch surrounding the area. Going counter-clockwise from the entrance again you can find Balnuunla Powder, Moon Dew, Balnuunla Gem, Balnuunla Powder, Cycca Leaf, Balnuunla Gem, Balnuunla Gem, Indinera Potion, Balnuunla Powder, Cycca Leaf, Cycca Leaf, and a Balnuunla Powder. Continue up.


17. Onwards to Haze Falls. Check the large tree to get 1806 Gold. Continue up to left path to find the armored man that is the pillager from the quest. I would suggest you leave him be for now since Yveen is pretty ineffective against him and it'd be almost entirely up to just your other party member if you fought him now. Otherwise you will fight Haak at a disadvantage and the quest credit will be awarded only to your current members. (See the quest entry below, #19, if you wish to fight him now) Continue up past him and check the flowers at the top here for a Fairy Tear. Head back to the bottom right and check the flower patch nearest the corner to find an XP Egg. Continue up and the girl will ask you a question. The correct response is 'NANYBAWEL'. Continue up and check the flower patch surrounding the statue on your right to find a Salcerium. The flowers on the right side of the temple have a Revive Potion and a Magicka Energizer. Ignore the house as it will kick you back to the Stacchato area, and make you redo the entire party splitting again. Instead, walk up through the fog and take the path leading to the left.


18. You will find another part of Haze Falls. Start moving to the left and when the path splits, take the top path first. At the end investigate to find an Azura. Return to the split and continue all the way left and then up to find the next area, Home of the Guardian. As the riddle stated, drink from the smallest pond here, namely the bottom-right small pond. Any other pond will send you way back to the beginning of the gardens again. Quest complete. Yveen stays behind now and your remaining party member will move on alone. They'll have to fight one battle alone and hopefully they don't get paralyzed right away and then beaten to death... Good times, good times. Check the bundle of purple flowers on your left for a Power Pepper. Speak to the guardian but do not attack him. The correct answer is '4'. Quest complete. Enter the palace and your party will reunite.

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Find Pillager (Q204)


19. Turn right around and travel to the Guardian of the Gardens. Head back to where you found the pillager early. Now that the entire party is back together he should be much easier to defeat. Metallist Curse him and he will fall easily to your combined might. He randomly drops a Haak Horns. Quest complete. Return to the temple again. Go all the way left, past the steps, to find a hidden treasure chest containing a Wurm Rapier. Head up one flight of stairs, then head right and up the next flight of stairs. There is a sleeping Millipuf in one of the rose bundles, but it just asks that you let it sleep. So go up two more flights of stairs, then investigate the flower patch surrounding the statue here to find a Power Pepper. Continue to the right, across the flower bridges. The lady by the rose patch sells some items. Go down the steps, loop behind the large tree, and walk to the top and search to find a Sajcdil Apple. A little further down is perhaps the easiest Yveen hologram in the entire game to find. It is also green. Assuming you have found it each time possible, the reward will be +9SP/+4000XP (all members), +Yveen's Blessing (all party members). Since Yveen is in your party, Random will schmooze a further reward from her +3MP (all members). If you make a persuasion check, Random will also get +5HP. Then go straight left of where the hologram was and check the waterfall. Sarah will volunteer to jump to the chest and will get 7x Balnuunla Gem. You may need to boost Sarah's SP to succeed.

Find Rosa Maria Petal (Q208)

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20. With that, head back to the stairs and continue heading up to see an event. Before you enter the temple, weave your way to the right. Check the tree for a Meluhan Gem. Then go up and the third rose patch has the Rosa Maria Petal. Just to reiterate, you can now complete the quest with the petal you just found. This yields +1 quest, but will cost you the Rosa Maria Petal. If you already revealed the ghost and destroyed it, then this quest is already concluded. (Just revisit step #7 if you still need to resolve this quest) Now go back left, and continue past the temple again. The rose patch at the far left lets you fight a whole slew of the weaker Millipuf. Why you'd want a 100xp fight over and over I could not say though. Above is another Golden bee if you want some money, that's at least a bit more useful. Now talk to the giant. He will move aside allowing you to enter the temple. Enter the leftmost entrance first. Talk to the Millipuf here and he will give you a quest to clean its garden.

Clear the Room (Q209)

21. Enter his garden and begin the pruning. You will need to defeat a whole slew of Millipufs in here. Sarah's 'Indinera Calling' spell works on the Millipufs quite well. Report your success. Quest complete. (If you want to level up and make some good money, one of the flower pots in the garden will continuously spawn Millipuffs. With a good setup, you can quickly pull in ~7000XP and ~2500 Gold each time you click on the pot and fight the series of encounters.) When you're ready to continue, ask the Millipuf to take you to the forge. You can give the smith various ores you've collected through LF1/LF2 to make a selection of weapons, and these weapons are all top-notch in power. More specific details on the forging of weapons can be found in the spoiler immediately below:

Smithing 201: The Sequel You Never Asked for, But Got Anyways!
Spoiler: show

The effect seems to modify which attack attributes the weapon has. As a general rule of thumb it seems the choice conveys the following effects:

Eagle: +Reptile, +Orc
Fish: +Elf, +Fish
Mushroom: +Millipuf, +Insect
Butterfly: +Demon

So an Eagle weapon will damage reptiles and orcs more, or a Fish weapon will damage elves and fish more. The Salcerium Sword already has +Orc on it, and would only gain +Reptile from ‘Eagle’. The Salcerium Jaws already has +Fish on it, and would only gain +Elf from ‘Fish’.


After creation, it will ask if you want to empower the weapon by using extra ore. The following is a reference chart you can look over to determine how best to use your ores:

(Bromium seems to be the rarest ore, and you would need 4x Bromium just to make every unique weapon, if you desire to do so)


Azura (Water, Bird, Ghost, Weapon): 470AT, 48PDef, 62MDef (Boost: +45SP, -1 Bromium)
Bromium (Dark, Human, Weapon): 470AT, 47PDef, 49MDef (Boost: +52SP, -1 Bromium)


Bromium (Dark, Human, Weapon): 540AT, 55PDef, 54MDef (Boost: +40AT, -1 Salcerium)
Azura (Water, Weapon, Undead) 520AT, 42PDef, 58 MDef (Boost: +45AT, -1 Bromium)
Salcerium (Mammal, Weapon, Orc): 550AT, 64PDef, 47MDef (Boost: +45AT, -1 Salcerium) [Boost 2: +30AT, -1 Azura]


Azura (Water, Weapon) 460AT, 46PDef, 70MDef (Boost: +41MDef, -1 Azura)
Bromium (Dark, Weapon) 480AT, 50PDef, 60MDef (Boost: +35MDef, -1 Bromium)


Salcerium: (Dark, Human, Mammal, Weapon, Fish): 500AT, 52PDef, 31MDef (Boost: +112ST, -1 Bromium)
Bromium: (Dark, Human, Mammal, Bird, Weapon): 490AT, 35PDef, 38MDef (Boost: +85ST, -1 Salcerium) [Boost 2: +22ST, -1 Bromium]

22. Exit back to the main temple and enter the right entrance next. The mushroom here sells a lot of unique accessories. Equip the pheasant hat to reduce the prices. Then exit and finally enter the main sanctum. Once inside, head right a screen. Go up the left path and check the flower patch growing on the wall for a Power Hazel. The nearby person is a shopkeeper selling limited stock. Buy the bow at least, and she will make Sarah a Hourai-Sana Bra. Return and take the path leading left next. You can find beds along the top here if you wish to. Check the bookcase near the stairs for 5x Shining Parchment. Downstairs is an art room if you want to take a look, otherwise head back to the main temple and go further in. Talk to the old lady here to pick up another quest 'Slay Sariis (Q210)'. Head upstairs next and talk to the green haired elf. He will teach Sarah the Panacea Aura spell if she is smart and strong enough. Strictly speaking, this means she needs 1400+MN and ~850RS to learn it. Inflict heroism, obsidian skin, and brilliant mind with items; then equip her optimally. Return to the main temple and speak with the man in the brown robes to continue.

Protect the Guild (Q194)

23. Assuming you took the Fire Guild quest 'Protect the Guild (Q194)', the game will now transition back to whichever two you picked to protect it. If you picked Tarabulla/Rosa like me, then they would be the two guarding it. You may want to check out their equipment, as they have access to the equipment that Random has acquired in this chapter. Inspect the flame at the top-left to advance the plot. Le gasp, intruders, and just after everyone else conveniently stepped out to boot! Ice elementals are weak against fire; fire elementals are weak against water/ice. Experiment if you need to, but they shouldn't be hard to defeat. Defeat them all. Quest complete. Then it transitions back to Random's party again.


24. Walk left and talk to the man blocking the doorway. You will have to fight him with only one of your party members. Quest complete to the one that fought him. Continue down to the Anagram. To complete this area you have to follow a specific path and do not deviate from it. If you look at the ground you will find various sizes and shapes of arrows to direct you. To start off, begin walking down and take note of the arrows that are formed by the ground. Go down all the way, go right a bit, go up all the way, go right most of the way, then follow the second path up (the one that forms a huge arrow), then go left until you reach glowing orb. Validate your path. Quest complete. (It might honestly be easier to figure it out on your own, so if the instructions don't work for you; try just following the arrows by yourself and see if that works.) Head towards the middle area and continue down. Before you reach the steps, go right towards the two crystals. You can walk across the nothingness and loop around to the treasure chest to get an Emerald Powder. Head to the rightmost platform and walk down into the abyss to find another chest with a Kadaboom. That should cover this area, so head back to the steps and continue down. The bird has been overtaken by a demon that you will have to face. It has quite a bit of HP too. (Note: Bird’s Havoc attack items demolish him) I found that focusing on Random was the best way to go about the fight. Have Yveen use Cosmic Boost on him, and have Sarah use Slasher. Random should inflict Mettalist Curse first, and then just use Fury repeatedly. With Yveen and Sarah both boosting him, he can achieve ~10,000+ damage per hit, and fury hits multiple times. Your mileage may vary though depending on your equipment and levels. Do not go down the stairs yet! This is the last chance to complete certain quests, so return to the temple instead.

25. Conclude any business you have at the Temple; forging weapons, shopping, etc. You may also want to attempt the Alchemy contest again if you have not completed it, since the next plot advancement appears to cut off further access to it. You can talk to Ioana and have her take you to the alchemy contest if you have not completed the quest already. She's in the right wing of the temple with the mushroom that sells accessories. You've picked up some stuff such as the divine acorn and the water purple petal which might allow you to complete the quest now if you could not complete it earlier. Next, let's track down Sariis. This may have been possible earlier, but I'm putting it here because this is when I did it.

Slay Sariis (Q210)

26. Leave the temple, and take the exit at the far bottom to the Guardian of the Gardens area. Continue down entirely past Haze Falls to reach the Vecchio Palacio area. Equip Sarah with her Elven Astral Outfit, and just wait awhile and Sariis will attack. You have a chance to rearm yourselves, so you can have Sarah equip the Angel Gown instead of the Elven Astral Outfit if you wish. (Note: Q210 must be active in your quest book to trigger the fight. You must also have the Elven Astral Outfit equipped) I used the same tactics as the last battle again. Have Random Metallist Curse it then switch to using Fury. Yveen should Cosmic Boost Random, while Sarah uses Attack Up on Random and then her Slasher skill. Sariis will fall quickly. Make sure to report your success to the old lady that gave you the quest, to actually clear if from your Quest Log. Any other quests not mentioned specifically above can still be resolved later on; so we're ready to go on ahead. This is your last, final chance to forge any more weapons you want, buy anything you want from the shops at the temple, and finish the alchemy contest. You will lose access to the entire temple area, including the entrance area, in the next step!

27. When you're ready, return back downstairs to the Anagram. Continue downstairs again and speak to the creature at the top here. Following the scene, and another scene you will be back in Balnuunla. Sarah's class, skills, appearance, and parameters have changed for the better. Every bonus previously conveyed when wearing the Angel Gown also appears to be permanent now. With that in mind, depending on her level; the Elven Astral Outfit may be her best armor for the evolving aura it grants. Sarah aside, the entire party sans Yveen and Coryool are reunited again. If you return to the temple now, you will find a wasteland full of items there, but we'll cover that later. Talk to the bishop in the leftmost house first. After a long discussion, Fierce will join your party automatically. (Note: Fierce can eat any Power Meats you may have left in your inventory, as can Brussian)

Leave Balnuunla (Q206)

28. Return to the inn and tell Leanda that you are ready to go. Quest complete. Check the left part of the bookcase she was blocking to find a Shining Parchment.

Find Pillager (Q204)

29. Speak to Flynta again here in Balnuunla and report your success. You got the quest complete for it earlier when you defeated Haak, but reporting it now will clear it from your quest log. You may already have done this on your own though.


30. Now head back up, all the way to the Temple of Indinera that just got smashed by a comet in #26 above. It's a long trip through the various garden areas. The place is a lot darker and a lot more littered with precious items than it was the last time you were here. Just to your right is an Emerald Powder. Go left across the gap, and just above you is another Emerald Powder. Take the left branch, wind up and around to find another Emerald Powder. A few steps to the right is a somewhat hard to spot Star Dust. (You may need to be in full-screen mode to even see it) Continue to the right where there will be two objects near each other, which are 2x Gaia Dust. Here's where it starts to get interesting since the area above you is a wide open expanse just littered with different items, strewn about in every direction. The best way I could come up with describing this area was to just list the total of each type of item so you could keep count and know when you found them all. First, get all the large white crystals for a total of 9x Mind Crystal. Then look around the center area for just the green rocks, for a total of 3x Emerald Powder. Then look for the much darker rocks for a total of 3x Bromium Powder. (Two are in the middle area, one of which is hidden by mist. The third and final powder is towards the top-left.) Then aim for the darker crystals for a total of 8x Gaia Dust. (Four of these are at the top-right of this area. One of them is alone, and can only be reached by taking a narrow path on the outer rim of the area to get to it. The other four are towards the bottom-left of the area.) Now all that remains are 16x Star Dust. Most of them are focused around the center with just one oddball one towards the bottom-left where the Gaia Dust cluster was. I had trouble actually seeing about 4x of them myself, but there are 16 total.

Alexandra's Mind (Q217)


31. Return to Balnuunla again for one final quest. Make sure to equip Alexandra and Petula as ridiculously well as you possibly can. Track down whomever else may be equipping the Prismatic Armor, Dream Diadema, and Gill Shield; so Alexandra can have them instead. You will perhaps thank me later for this tidbit. Then go to the Balnuunla Inn. Have Alexandra read the book and you will enter another dream. If you recruited Broff earlier, he somehow manages to tag along. So Alexandra will have some backup from the get-go in this dream. Start by heading down and you'll notice Coryool, though he refuses to join. A little further down you will find Brussian, who is more than happy to bite Alexandra some more. (Note: He may not bite you, if you did not allow him to bite you in Alexandra’s previous dream) This time however, he awards stat bonuses when he bites you. For the first 10 bites, he awards one of the following per bite: +2HP, +1HP, +1MN, or +1Lv. Past that he'll temporarily grant you the lightning speed, heroism, obsidian skin, armor h-boost, and bleeding status effects. If you let him bite you too many times, you will eventually get a game over. Yveen won't even step in to save you if this happens. Continue to the right and you'll see Rosa. Head up when the path splits and knock the barrel aside. Check the bottles next to the captain and Alexandra will get +1Lv. Leave this area and continue to the right. As you cross the bridge, a Dragon Razor will attack. Broff's regular attacks can weaken the creature with status effects, but it's up to Alexandra having a good weapon to defeat it in a timely manner.

32. Before talking with Sarah, beat the mutated Minotaur guarding the room and go into it. The wine/bottle set at the top-right of this space gives Alexandra +1HP. Then talk to Sarah if you wish, and proceed through the door. You'll easily take out the Lamentons, but then you'll have to fight some pretty tough medusas. You may be able to get around them, as they move very slowly though. Otherwise, load up on status effects from Brussian and items, and then face them head on. If you have an Omega Budon to spare, this may be an opportune time to use one, as it will win this fight for you. Whatever way you manage to get past them, the book in here will give Alexandra +5MN. Continue on and Alexandra will comment on the demons ahead. This is your cue to return back to the Coryool you saw at the beginning of the dream. He will now join your party. With his help you should easily take out the demons. You can then optionally fight the skeleton standing still. As you cross the water, you'll fight waves of squid followed by 2x Dragon Razors. If you've made it this far, they should give you little difficulty. (Note: Coryool will soon leave your party, and you will not be able to access his equipment after the dream ends. I’m not sure if it matters in LF3, but you may not want to let him leave with your best gear equipped)

33. Save your game, then continue on and walk across the narrow plank. Then walk back and forth and back and forth across it. Why do you ask? Because it's a narrow plank says I. Eventually Alexandra will fall off into the water. You'll lose Coryool and have to fight a series of battles with just Alenaxdra and Broff. (If he joined) The battles will get progressively more difficult as you sink further and further down. Petula will join after a number of battles, so hopefully he has some good equipment on. After some more battles, you will finally hit the bottom and find an Ademia Powder, 4x Ocean Orb, 13x Muen’de, and 5x Red Mued'de. One fight later you will get a Tigo Reagant, 2x Ocean Orb, 3x Muen’de, and 2x Red Muen'de. The difficulty culminates when you meet another group of the Medusa enemies from just a bit ago. This is another opportunity to use an Omega Budon, though they are also weak to exhaustion if you have any Black Box or Fight or Die items on hand. (Credit to Puzzled for figuring out they are weak to exhaustion) You will get a Pirate's Dust for winning this fight. Then you will have an easier fight, which gives you an opportunity to revive and recover your team back up with items. This battle is awarded by 2x Luck Starfish. Then you must fight two of them at once. Alexandra will admire their surroundings and you'll get 7x Luck Starfish, a Conch of Dreams , and 2x Gaia Dust. Then you have one final fight against 3x Abyssal Lamias. They are even tougher than the Medusas fights above. Their magic attack in particular, tears away Broff’s HP, so hope for a bit of good luck here. This is either a 3x Omega Budon fight, or you can have all your characters use exhaustion inflicting items like Black Box or Fight or Die and hopefully get some good luck. When you win, you will get another Conch of Dreams. Quest complete. You will awaken from the dream. Alexandra's HP will get a boost, but it's hard to tell the exact amount, since she will also get +?Lv. It seems to be a pretty hefty HP increase though. You also managed to pick up a third Conch of Dreams somewhere.

34. Alternatively, you can just skip the gauntlet, and talk to Random at the end to get the quest complete. Although this method causes you to die and you would still lose 10% of your Gold without getting any of the items listed above, so you may as well at least try the gauntlet.

35. You're nearing the finish line. You may want to take Fierce out for a test run in the gardens, and make any final equipment changes to your party members. Also, as a best practices measure, make sure Random is equipped with the Luck Ring. I don’t know if it will matter in LF3, but it did matter here in LF2. (Note: As a final note, Sarah loses the ability to equip the Elven Astral Outfit once you import into LF3. If you equip it on her while you are still in LF2; it may possibly stay equipped on her into LF3) When you're done, talk to the person at the very entrance of Balnuunla town. You will mount some dragons and fly off into the far horizon that is LF3. It will display some of your stats with comments. Show you a few pictures and teasers for LF3, etc. At the very end it will ask you to save your game to a different slot so it can be imported into LF3. As it suggests, please do save in a different slot, as the save file can no longer be loaded in LF2. Game complete.

Mission Clear Time: Over 9000 Hours!
Collection Rate: 99.87% (Kratin Ardently Approves!)
Last edited by Kale on Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:49 am

I did a play through of LF2 on the current version of the game, and decided to bring this thing all up to date. As a bonus, I think I added upwards of 9 Patojonas maps that have never seen the light of day until this very moment!

Update Notes July 2023

Spoiler: show
Chapter 5

5. Color code 2x Jim’da Petal.

7. Consider recruiting Rosa and using Energy Burn on Luci before fighting the mimics. Being fast enough to go first and paralyze them, with extra damage from Rosa is helpful. Color Code Zeon Claw. Also, Zeon can be stunned with Herasia’s Kitty Kat skill.

10. The Abyssal Lamias can be locked down by Luci’s Mind Breaker, Herasia’s Kitty Cat, and Rosa’s Iceberg Calling. You can also Energy Burn Luci for more speed so she can paralyze before the enemy gets a turn. All of this, ditto for the Medusa/Temptress/Fish fight to the left.

11. It’s actually 29x Food Ration. In the area you find the Invernahen Javelin, you have random encounters. You can get a Zoix Wings for Tarabulla, and very rarely a Phosphorea bee appears, that can drop a Salcerium. Also, the stairway is your final chance to turn back and defeat the mimics and lamias below.

13. Zillion are extremely fast, extremely deadly, randomly receive multiple bats as reinforcements, and randomly get 0-2 pre-emptive attacks against your party before the battle even begins . They are quite frail though. Putting aside the massive randomness involved, the fight is all about who is faster. You can win the first round quite easily by using Tarabulla’s Energy Burn on Herasia and Rosa, to just out speed the bats and blast them with an instant win aoe attack. The second round though, Energy Burn will have worn off. This leaves you with two ways forward:

You get lucky enough with all the randomness that even a single party member is left standing, and win by using a single aoe attack.

You get Herasia to have 800+ speed, so she actually has a chance to act first and win with Lethal Claws. This is achievable at around Lv 35 on Easy Mode, but is likely closer to lv 45-50 on Normal Mode, so it is not for the faint of heart.

Alternatively, you can just ignore this entire sequence, the wings are only +1SP each. Oh, and the final cherry on top of all of this; the pot only gives you 3x Zillion Edible Wings, *unless* you import a save file where Random was already equipped with the Luck Ring at the end of LF1. (And yes, I figured this out the hard way :( )

14. Go back up and then all the way left, not “right”. Against Gigas Hydra, use Herasia’s Kitty Kat ability to keep it locked down while you slam it with a dozen debuffs from every other party member, and then you can mop it up pretty quickly.

15. The die or fight item appears to have been changed to a Benevolence Mail? Or maybe the text claiming it was a die or fight was corrected to say Benevolence Mail?

16. The Eternal Warrior is also susceptible to paralysis. So Mind Breaker and Iceburg Calling is the better combo here. Holocaust Wraiths can be silenced with Luci’s Rain Wash sometimes which also does decent damage. Also, leaving the screen left of the Hero Pendant cuts off access to this area, so last chance to backtrack for Zillion Wing or Holocaust Wraith fights.

17. Make sure to agree with the fire mage or you forfeit the bonus.

Chapter 6

1. If you imported from LF1, head to the palace entrance, up to the palace, then right to the royal apartments. Check all these bookshelves and you may find an additional 3x Shining Parchment that were not available in some versions of LF1. Also, use the lighthouse heart with Tarabulla in the party and Random w/ Luck Ring equipped for +39HP, 14500XP (6500XP w/o Luck Ring) If you didn’t import, check the LF1 walkthrough as several of the chapter 4 quests are still active, so you can catch back up.

5. You can have 380GWP before the Rival quest. 460 GWP after. +3perception raises it to 12 total.

To maximize your ST stat, wait until you have access to the ST Seminary, inflict heroism, steel muscles, legendary slayer, werewolf, lust power (Donate 5k gold at Magdelena Shrine)

7. Guild of Wanderer reward was already covered in #5. Fast Learning is level dependent what it teaches you will vary. Luciana can learn Dragon Blaster and Ars Demonia (color code). +100MG, gives 425MG total.

8. +70MG gives 495MG total.

9. Color code Book: The 8 Elements of Power. 535MG total

10 To boost MN; use Tarabulla’s Mind Burn (Brain Boost), a Tij Herb (Brilliant Mind), and grab the Int. Seminary. That’ll roughly triple your MN stat. 615MG total. Earns Rank 4.

11. St Christohart has the wrong color coding. Also, magma radiator and flame gloves are Rank 4 items; they’re either in the shop or not depending on your rank.

11. To elaborate, the grannies explode and deal 200+ damage after battle, so use high HP characters here. Metallist Curse will reduce their defenses substantially. Plague will do chip damage. They can be thunder numbed by Random’s Thunder Implosion, and paralyzed/silenced by Luci’s Mind Breaker spell. Also, Crystal Oaks aren’t weak to fire at all; they can be Metallist Cursed however. Ancient Taurus are susceptible to paralysis and Mammal’s Onslaught items.

12. It doesn’t make a huge difference, but consider equipping Tarabulla with a Mantle of Magicka if you have one, Orb of Value if you don’t. Use Luci’s Cosmic Shield or Sarah’s Element Shield if you have either, and use Tarabulla’s Mind Burn. Use a Growth Mushroom on Tarabulla if you can spare one as well. Then make sure to restore Tarabulla HP/MP to max before training. Also be aware that there is a random variance of about 16MN, and that random variance likely has a bigger impact on the final result than doing everything above combined. You can also level her up a whole lot more first to make a bit more noticeable difference.

12. It’s “talk to”, fix the typo. Opalescense is color coded wrong. Clarify that the XP trainer is -1MN, -5ST, and -5MP, since it kinda sounds like you get a stat boost here. Luciana is +10/+10/+10 across all stats.

14. Wendala can only equip an accessory while underwater, so make it count. The grate isn’t exactly hiding minor enemies; it’s the toughest fight down here on the right side.

15. Girl’s name is Arlis. To clarify, the gray metal “floor switch on the right side” in the switch room actually opens a door in the right side water network. Specifically on the second screen, a button down a narrow hallway can now be reached. That button opens the door to the Coelancanthe Scale back on the left side of the water network. You need to get this before you do the last bit of switches or you lose access to the right side.

14-15. Fun fact; the first two switches in the first right side area only appear to spawn enemies on that screen. Also, the switch on the left side that is in front of the Coelancanthe Scale doesn’t appear to do anything at all?

16. After you open a hidden stairway, go up the stairs, and then you can go right for javelin.

18. To clarify, go up the middle path, and on your way back, go down the left path.

19.”Go down either middle path, and check the cupboard for a 1x semi conductor.” And “Go down the left most path, and then to the left check the cupboard on the right for a 1x energy herb. If the room with 15x bazooka, etc. has a door blocking it; you missed the switch in the very first lab area with Yveen in a cage.

20. Against the Shark Slaughterer, you can also obsidian skin and heroism your team with items for a bit more survivability.

21. If a door is blocking the Piranha Spine, you missed the switches south of the computer.

22. Zoldan is weak against exhaustion items like black box. He’s also weak against so many other lockdown status effects, it’s kinda funny.

25. The specific numbered xp loss chests are all randomized, luck ring does help as stated. “Flick the switch to on. Now go back upstairs and go *right* and down”.

27. Change it to “first go right”. Book is wrong color code.

28. Near the inscription, the first wall on the left is actually a holy water.

30. When you fight Kratin, do not attack or deal any damage at all, avoid equipment that counter-attacks. Have your entire party defend over and over again and Kratin will state that he is tired and the fight will end in a draw.

30. Azygos is susceptible to Metalist Curse sometimes. He is also susceptible to Undead and Legend damage types, so Luci’s Ark Flare, Random’s God’s Blade, or a 400+AT Legend weapon will ream him. Holocaust Wraiths are susceptible to Holy/Legend, but there are only a few sword and axes that get the 400+ damage of those types you need to really rapid fire blast them away. A 600+AT Legendary Sword is preferable.

30. Assuming you defended against Kratin until he got tired of fighting, he will join after defeating Azygos. Go back to the throne area and examine the leftmost portrait on the wall. Kratin will point out the painting is hiding a Necrotear and Necroleech. Also, the 666 Blade starts with 333AT, and gains 8AT each time the wielder is defeated. This caps at 66 deaths and 861AT.

31. Take note that left and up of the 127 gold chest is the switch that unlocks Yveen’s Cell, however it will also lock you into the zoo with the current switches we have flipped at this point. Remember where it is for now.

32. Book is wrong color code. “Now go all the way down and into the warehouse” should be: “Now continue down, through the corridor, until you reach the laboratory. Then go right a screen to the laboratory department.”

32. The chest with the two gloves can deal nearly 600 damage to the party. Remove your two sidekicks and have Random use ‘Hero’ and heal him up first. If you still need more HP or also want to ensure Luci survives, equip the Orb of Chaos, use a Growth Mushroom.

32. The majority of enemies in this area are quite weak to hi-jacking attack items, especially the Airport Defender. Iron Power is wrong color code.

33. Attempting to cross the bridge is the point of no return. This is your last chance to find Yveen, or otherwise access this entire dungeon complex. It’s your last chance to complete Q150, Q143, Q144, Q145, Q146. This is also your last, final chance to access the two castle basement tournaments with your new LF2 characters. Speaking of which: Kratin gets +2ST for completing the Kadeldorn tournament, and 3000g +1ST/+10,000XP for the Alise tournament.

35. Inside the cave, if you de-equip Random’s sword, you can find a Dragon Sword on the crystal. (Credit to whoever pointed this out a decade ago, I never would have tried that)

Chapter 7

1. To clarify, the Earth Incubus drops the Gaia Dust randomly and rarely.

2. Mention that you can talk to Demetrio with just Random and Wendala in your party to advance Q126, but can’t finish it till LF3. He is in the top-left house on the section of town with the HQ. Mention Naldo Luck Starfish for 990g. Clarify that Civelia is in the leftmost house in Mirsen District. In the Sewers, clarify that you actually follow the blue arrow down.

3. “Now walk *left* until you reach the bit you went down before.” and “To the *right* open the chest to get a 1x necrotear.”

4. At the Metrolia camp, there is a Crystal Rain in the wooden storage bin on the right. After the Cerberus ambush, you can find a Red Pimento in the same storage bin. Also, it’s worth clarifying that the Arena is in fact, in LF3. It’s not going anywhere, and having the entire LF3 roster get +3HP per victory is a nice cherry on top. Recommend completing it with just Random to get the Gill Shield, Arcanum Blade skill, and two quest complete bonuses, since I have no idea if Q171 will stick around till LF3.

4.5. Putting Kratin through the paces: Talk to Jaffrael at the Undead Guild and choose ‘learn’ and Kratin gets -5ST, +6HP, choose ‘boost’ and Kratin can pick one of the following: +31ST, +39SRS, +30SP, +24MN. At the Tower of Weapons, Kratin can pull out the sword (Make sure he has 900+ST) for roughly 20MN. (I got 21, Littlebro got 18, no clue what’s going on here) Just outside, talk to Darrant about ‘Sword Greats’ for +4ST/+6RS, about ‘Fighter Boost’ for +9RS, and about ‘Pace Greats’ for +4SP. Jump down one level and talk to Balladine to teach Kratin the Elf Slaughter, Dragon Slaughter, and Demon Slaughter skills. Go to the Guild of Fire, equip Kratin with the Ante-Flame Gloves, and touch the flame to get +5MP/+6MN.

4.5. Q171 does give a quest complete now. Completing the tournament with Askhbar teaches him Monster, an ability he doesn’t otherwise learn until Lv. 93!!!! Kratin gets +28HP, Blue Spirit, 3HP for Party, and a Palacia Shield.


4.5 The basic strategy for the Arena is to be really fast (like 800-900SP), or have a pre emptive+ item like the Legendra Helmet equipped so you always go first. You then gear up to optimize your AT/ST if you’re a fighter, or potentially your MN if you’re a mage. (Though be aware that most spell casters don’t have enough elemental damage type coverage to do this effectively, and many end up having to club enemies like the fighters do) Also, you must have access to some kind of really powerful Fire/Legend damage, to deal any kind of real damage to the final opponent. This sort of gates the Arena behind having the really expensive 400+AT ‘Legend damage’ Baretta weapons, or really specific characters that just naturally have this in their spell/weapon kit.

You do get access to the menu between each fight, so certain characters can use spells to heal/buff themselves.

Know Thy Enemy

Arcanus/Wolf Lion

Not too much to say here. They both just physically attack. Arcanus is stronger, so he should be your priority to take down first. Arcanus has some decent magical resistances, so basic attacks may be the way to go for some specific characters.

Lauren Witch/Jude

Lauren has a Fire, Thunder, and Air spell, but runs out of MP fast. (If you have high PDef/RS but low MDef/MN, you may consider defending for three turns here) Jude either attacks or uses a sleep spell. Lauren has some fairly solid magical resistances, so basic attacks seem best.

Wolfmark/Dodu Doloo

Wolmark hits hard and fast, and can also debuff you with slow/fatigue/defense down. Dodu Doloo has only moderate physical attacks, but can inflict you with sleep/plague. The majority of these status effects will lower your physical defense, and they stack with each other. So you can go from taking tens of damage a hit to hundreds of damage a hit real quick.


Gaarmock hits real hard. He can inflict madness causing you to attack yourself, wrath so you attack at random, or can buff his power and defense up quite a bit. The salamander doesn’t seem to do much of anything. Garmock seems pretty resilient overall, but is susceptible to the Legend/Earth/Orc damage types.

Linda Jude “Tidal Wave”

Like Wolfman, she hits hard and fast. She can cause blindness to reduce your accuracy, attack down to reduce your physical attack, and defense down so you will get extra mauled by her attacks. She also has a 3-hit attack, but thankfully doesn’t seem to use it too often. This is the character you basically need Fire/Legend damage of a high enough magnitude to 1-shot or 2-shot her.

Character Specific Setups

Random: Equip the Legendary Sword (or Epic Blade) and the Legendra Helmet, and use Fury for the final two fights, and potentially Elf Slaughter to save some MP before then. (Can also use Hero before Linda)

Wendala: Equip the Epic Blade/Gill Shield/Legendra Helmet. Use Carnage (Lv. 52) for the first three fights, Shocker on Gaarmock, and Striker (Lv. 55) on Linda. (Heal between fights, and hope for good RNG on Linda)

Brussian: Equip Brasant Jaws/Gaes Fur/Wolf Hat/Metal Skin/Necklace of Bahanur. Use Lethal Move forever and always. (You can equip the Bio-X Skin for more speed, but you will likely die in 1 hit at that point)

Askhbar: Equip the Glorious Javelin(or Grandious Axe)/Crystal Madu/Legendra Helmet/Fridgen Mail/Legendra Necklace. (Almost 400 PDef, yes please!) Use Hulk (Lv51) between battles. Focus on Arcanus, Lauren, Wolfmark, and Gaarmock first. (Alternatively you can use the Krom War Helmet if your Askhbar is fast enough and potentially swap some other gear around)

Cocka-Cocka: Equip the Super Wings if you have them and somehow weren’t already. Use Fire Storm (Lv. 61) for almost every round. Use Rock! Rock! against Gaarmock. (I wouldn’t recommend trying to win this before Lv 61, you can’t hurt Linda for more than 100 damage with your beak, and just 2-3 hits between Gaarmock and Linda will knockout Cocka-Cocka)

Kratin: Equip the Legendary Sword (Or Epic Blade)/Gill Shield/Legendra Helmet/Gaes Horned Armor/Exo Ring (Over 500 PDef, yes please!) You can just use Cross Slash (Lv. 40) the whole way. (There’s room to spare on the earlier fights if you want to throw in some Elf Slaughter, or use Blade Throw against Wolfmark, etc.)

Tarabulla: Equip the Solblast Rod/Crystal Madu/Acalcythe Helmet/Anaconda Skin/Exo Ring. Before the third, fourth, and fifth battles you should use Fire Alchemy (Lv. 42), Mind Burn, and Fire Heal to heal her back up to full. Other than that, you just attack the default target with your basic attack the entire way. Make sure to use Inside Metal to Diminuation/Defense Down both Gaarmock and Linda though. (Be aware, Linda has a pretty high resistance to both status effects, and can 1-shot Tarabulla at basically any time. So it’s pure RNG if you can manage to actually land both status effects, and then still manage to land enough basic attacks after that, to actually beat her.)

Herasia: Equip the Zeon Claws/Crystal Madu/Feather d’An/Bio-X Skin/ Dancer’s Pinnacle. This fight is heavy on MP expenditure and relies on Evasion and RNG to win. If you get hit by Arcanus, or by fatigue, just reset. Just attack Arcanus with basic attacks, unless you have more than 114MP on Herasia. Attack Lauren once, and then use 2x Lethal Claw. Use Ripper Claws on Wolfmark. Use Ripper Claws on Gaarmock. Use Super Cat then 2x Ripper Claws on Linda. That uses 114MP. If you have more MP than that, sprinkle some more where it makes sense. You need a reasonably high level, and plenty of luck to win this way.

Rosa: Genuinely has an awful time of it. She pretty much has to be Lv. 67 to learn At World’s End to take out Linda. Alternatively, you can teach her Aura Bomb with The Holy Sun book, and 3x-4x uses of that can feasibly beat Linda at a lower level, but you would need to get insane RNG and dodge every attack she makes for those 3-4 rounds. Alternatively, at Lv. 67 you can just use At Worlds End to mop the floor with all of them.

Guanidia/Petula: They both genuinely struggle to make headway against Linda, and Petula struggles to even reach her. You pretty much inflict Werewolf or Zombification on them, and either level up a ton, or farm for critical hits. Preferably you would wait till LF3 when you have a much better pair of Jaws to use.

Coryool: Equip the Grandoise Axe/Crystal Madu/X-RR3 Headphone/ Gaes Horned Armor/Exo Ring. Just swing away with his axe on every default target till the end. He should take very little damage from anything and only needs a little luck against Linda.

Sarah: Equip the Gill Shield/Dream Diadema/Elven Astral Outfit/Exo Ring. Just use Sun Boomer from beginning to end, and heal between battles.


5. Clarify where the room of Meditation is. Also, on the way to the Fire Guild, make double sure the bunny is dead on the screen with the sleeping girl, your time limit to do so and be able to complete a later quest is quickly approaching.

5. Mention that visiting the Rilla Counter is specifically what locks off access to the Arena. It will also lock Luciana back into your party, leaving you only two free party slots. You can otherwise go and do the vast majority of #6 - #15 without Luciana, if you prefer.

6. You can also use Tarabulla Mind Burn skill.

7. Ice Palace will inflict your characters with Shrinkage, Slow, and Cold. Askhbar and Heresia are immune to all 3 debuffs, Kratin is immune to Shrinkage and Cold, Brussian is immune to Cold, and Rosa is immune to Shrinkage. A Mountaineer Mantle also protects against cold. The Caul enemies here are weak to fire and are quite slow to boot. The Zero-Star enemies are actually immune to pure Fire-type damage, but do take damage from Thunder and Water just fine, so Luciana’s Lava Wall notably still works against them. Color code Yveen Tear.

8. Gabura is also susceptible to Metallist Curse as well. The final boss can be made easier by having Random use a single Yveen Egg with the Legendra Helmet equipped: to remove Shrinkage, remove cold, and heal your entire party back to their normal Max HP. Bringing characters with natural Ice resistance and/or equipping gear that resists ice can also be useful. Additionally, the boss can be dealt a lot of damage by using either Wave Vibrators or Explosive Mushroom attack items.

9. Cocka-Cocka has an additional requirement to be able to get the +25MP bonus. My best guess is that he requires Lv. 70 for Elder Cockatrix status, since Lv. 67 wasn’t enough and Lv. 70 was.

9. While we are here, talk to the purple fire elemental by declining to go to the Ice Castle. You can teach Fire Wire to Random, Luciana, Tarabulla, and Rosa. Sarah and Wendala can also learn Fire Wire, but must equip them with the Enzyma Exciter you can buy at the Mage Guild (Rank 4). We’ll come back for Sarah later. You can also choose Fire Power to teach Fire Frenzy/Etnah to both Random and Tarabulla. Go up and speak to Razzia about Automatic Help with Tarabulla in your party to learn automatic healing.

9. You also have access to the Lava Pool training method now, which throws you into a series of fights against increasingly more powerful fire enemies, eventually including Lava Tentacles which are weak to Water/Ice, and can drop Burning Grounds. You also meet a Magmalite Eye, which can be Metallist Cursed, but still have fairly robust defense even with that debuff. Upon completing it, your other party members also receive XP from having watched your fights. They can potentially get a couple hundred XP, or even thousands of XP. I’m not really sure what determines how much XP you get. Supposedly a high MN helps, but the XP distribution seems all over the place with even the lowest MN characters getting oodles of XP. It costs 2000 gold each go though, your results may vary.

9. Q166 does show up in book now.

10 80MG gives you 695 total.

11. To elaborate, you must talk to Caruhl in the bottom left building, then visit Darmar’s house in the bottom right building, then talk to Gildas at the chapel to move the quest along. Once you have done that, find the three torches near the center of town, and walk down the middle of the three torches.

11. Prior to the first battle, you can buff your entire party with spells, auras, and items to at least make the first fight more reliable. Notably Tarabulla’s Fire Alchemy (Lv 42) doubles your Max HP, and a Growth mushroom does even more on top of that. You might even survive the first hit with Heroism and Obsidian Skin stacked on top of all that.

Alternatively, or in addition to that, you may want to aim for an evasion build, since it consistently one shots your party members with empowered strikes anyways. Random can do pretty good with a Luck Ring/Vapor Ring and Monk Bracers. Guanidia with the Dancer’s Pinnacle you just bought, the Pirahna’s Spine from Arvendel, and a Crystal Madu shield is pretty solid.

In the fight, you can lock it down with glue and occasionally Ice Jail. You can debuff it with Metallist Curse, Guanidia’s Meltdown, and bleeding as well. Then you swing for the fences with your strongest Fire/Holy/Legend attacks. Burning Ground items can do okay-ish damage if you have some to spare as well.

12. The hornets are susceptible to the Water and Insect damage types, but are so incredibly robust, that only a handful of those skills actually output reasonable damage. Some additional skills that work well are Rosa’s Ocean’s Tornado (Lv. 36), Rosa’s Hydrofugor (Lv. 51), Rosa’s The 7 Seas (Lv. 57), and The Storm of the Century spell (Taught by a book item). Storm of the Century and Hydrofugor are single target spells unfortunately. Interestingly, Random’s Etnah can also do surprisingly good group damage, for reasons I’m unsure of.

Additionally, you can increase the damage output of Luciana’s Lava Wall by boosting her MN stat, Cocka’s Fire Storm by boosting his RS/MN stats, Wendala’s Carnage by boosting her MN/RS/ST stats, and Random’s Etnah by boosting his AT/MN/RS/ST stats. So gear up appropriately to maximize those stats. If you still need more oomph, buff everyone up between every fight. Use Random’s Hero, Luci’s Half-Goddess, Tarabulla’s Mind Burn, eat Tij Herbs, put a Mithril Drop on Cocka if he has Fire Storm, drink some Sparkling Powder if your fast characters aren’t quite fast enough, etc. Notably, Tarabulla’s Mind Burn (Brain Boost) buff does not wear off instantly after battle like most buffs do; it’s a great boost to have that can potentially last several fights.

Two other factors to consider, they are very fast to the point that only your fastest characters and those equipped with the Legendra Helmet are likely to act before them. They’ll also poison your entire party if you don’t manage to defeat them in the first round of battle, even ignoring status effects inflicted upon them, and poison resistance gear your party may have equipped. Some characters seem immune to this poison effect, but none of those characters appear to have good damage output, unfortunately. So make sure to stock up on items that remove poison, or use Rosa’s Heal, or Wendala’s Sariis Touch between battles.

If you lack the power/spells to instantly overwhelm them; you can lock down their powerful skill by inflicting Wrath. Either use Cocka’s ‘Awful Song’, or use a Holy Powder item you can buy from the Mage Guild at Rank 3. You can also inflict Madness to the same effect, but Madness wears off much faster and is otherwise rarer to come by than Holy Powder are. These status effects are not 100% effective, so you may want to double up and have Cocka use ‘Awful Song ‘, while having a second really fast character also use a Holy Powder on top of that. If you can reliably seal off their most powerful ability, then you’ll only really need to worry about the poison damage you take each turn.

13. You receive Guth Map, color code pink.

14. He charges more for a higher persuasion, so make sure not to equip the Gable’s Cigar. You can also turn down his initial price offer, and keep asking him about the quest until he offers a price you do like.

15. It’s actually 4855 Gold. Random can also learn Particle Blade from Marandohra the Naga at the lowest floor of the tower. Also, talk to Marandohra and choose to visit the Gaes Cave again, using 99 Food Rations. In the Gaes Cave, take the boat and walk two steps down then face right towards the water. You should see the outline of a chest just barely visible. Petula needs 700+RS to fight against the current and reach the chest, so gear up appropriately and use a a Mithril Drop and Hero Cream on him. He will then have to fight a creature, but you can win by just using a Black Box/Fight or Die item to inflict exhaustion and win. When you win, you will receive a Fridgen Mail, and a Sophruna Helmet.

16. The blue arrow is actually in the top-left. Luci’s Lava Wall spell is likely the one you want to use here, or any ice/water spell really. Clarify you get 2x gaia dust total. Where it say “first up go down”, clarify you go down, not up. Bang Burn seems to be immune or heavily resistant to anything but the Legend damage type, so only a handful of weapons will really do damage here once Metallist Curse sinks in. Alternatively, you can inflict it with Ice Jail using Luci’s Ice Blast or Rosa’s Iceberg Calling, which will win the fight instantly. It also seems to be immune to exhaustion here during this fight.

17. Again, it seems immune to exhaustion here, but Luci’s Ice Blast and Sarah’s Pituite Calling will end the fight with Ice Jail. The balcony encounter however is immune to exhaustion initially, but after you inflict Ice Jail on it, exhaustion will then start to work. This encounter is probably why there was always so much confusion about exhaustion, since it literally only works here, and only after Ice Jail is inflicted.

18. You don’t need Wendala to have Carnage here, just Metallist curse and blast away.

19 You should sleep in the beds to restore your MP.

20. Where it says “first up go down” clarify you just go down, not up.

21. It’s a 4-way split not a 3-way. The man on the right you offer a spot at your manor is named Rhys. Garko can actually be convinced now, equip the Gable’s Cigar and you should be getting enough Persuasion, assuming you have the max LF1 import bonus.

22. Just before the room with a chest that has a ton of items, you can find a Power Pepper. It’s across the bridge leading towards the room, before you actually enter the room, on the right. When it says “now go up and right down the second path” it should be left instead.

23. It’s a Crystal Madu not a regular Madu. Also clarify that inviting Tulla to the Manor also causes Tull to come as well. Also, fix the double afraid emojis.

26. Remove Luck Starfish, since it was mentioned at #2. Mention Sarah doing Magicka Improvement at Fire Guild for her +5MP, and equipping the Enzyma Excited to learn Fire Wire as well. Have Coryool stick his hand in the fire while you’re there for +1HP.

27. Remove Particle Blade bit since it was mentioned at #15. Mention that there is new stock at the weapons shop tower again. Also, the tower progress bug was fixed, literally in September 2010; I have notes that old to back this up. :P

28. To elaborate a bit on the Mosquito, it is susceptible to Laser damage, so specifically Random’s Legendary Sword (Laser) is amazing if it is capped out at 650AT. You can boost Random up even further with the Orb of Damage, Key of the Hero, have him use his Hero skill and apply a Hero Cream and Dragon Blood to him for ultimate carnage. Failing that, and if Sarah cannot output the needed damage alone with Sun Boomer, there are two alternate strategies to employ. First, let it inflict Pox on Random and don’t cure it. After a couple of turns it should suck the pox’d blood out of Random, afflicting itself with Pox in the progress, and causing its health pool to start ticking down. Alternatively, Bird’s Havoc attack items also do some damage here, if you have a dozen or so of them on hand.

31. Clarify that the boosts are temporary, but helpful against Tatxux. Also, you may need to have Brussain bite you at least once, for the option to bite you to appear in the second dream?

31.5. Make sure to avoid visiting your HQ from this point forward, as it advances the plot and cuts off all further access to Adretana.

32. You acquire Random’s Silver Statue Pink item. It’s fairly good, not fairy. Cindy can steal the treasure chest at the Indinera Counter to find 8x Magicka Energyzer and 2x Indinera Flower, unsure of requirement but it seems easy to steal.

34. Outside the inn, the woman with blonde hair will give you a Sajcdil Apple. (This may be the same lady that faints if you talked to her. I’m not sure if you still get an apple if she fainted previously or not) Also, the ‘Hey, Luci’ Option may or may not appear here. (For me, it only appeared after I did Q99 and then came back. You can ignore it; it’s related to an LF3 exclusive quest anyways)

35. To clarify, Grimdohl is specifically weak against the Elemental Blade. Random’s Arcanum Blade or Silver Sword also works. 845 MG total now.

37. Mention you can now accept the reward for completing Q150, as you have your full team assembled now to choose who gets the HP boost, and access to the ST seminary at the Fighter Guild to increase the boost quite a bit.

38. The item that grants weapon boost is a Silver Powder. The Evil Mask or Orb of Chaos accessories also increase your AT.

39. Update the bit about Magicka Improvement and Fire Wire, Etnah, etc. Everyone except the newest characters should have everything here by now, from #9 and Sarah at #26

40. Ask Dengren (in the Fighter’s Guild about sponsoring twice in a row to receive 2x Golden Apple and 3000 gold.

40. Add a spoiler with more information of Speed and Thievery calculation here. Note that Easy adds 30% SP. Lust Power adds 10% SP (Donate 5000 gold at Magdalena Shrine, Leni of the Guild of Wanderer can take you there with enough GWP) Werewolf adds 56% SP (Un-equip Brussian’s weapon and put good armor on Cindy to survive Werewolf Bite). Energy Burn adds 100% SP (Also lowers HP Max by half, so use Werewolf Bite first)

Exact formula seems to be:

+18Pts: Stealing Points: Reward from the Chapter 3 Thieves' Guild, LF1 import exclusive.

+8-+12Pts: Primo Hat: 'Head' armor for Cindy. LF1 exclusive, the bonus is random each attempt.

+1-+3Pts: Luck Ring: 'Other' equipment for Random. The bonus is random each attempt.

+1Pt: Per 10 level ups on Cindy (So +5Pt at Lv. 50 for example)

+1Pt: Per 100 SP on Cindy (So +10Pt with 1000SP for example)

The Primo Hat and Luck Ring offer a random bonus. The two together will give you anywhere from 9-15 thievery on any given attempt, so you'll need to try a few times to get the max result. To reach 65 thievery though, you'll need to boost Cindy's SP stat considerably. Equip the best SP+ items you have on Cindy, but stick with the 'Fast Shoes' 'other' equipment if you have it; it's better in the long run. Inflict the werewolf condition on her first, using Brussian's 'Werewolf Bite' skill (Learned at Lv. 56). Then inflict her with the energy burn condition using Tarabulla's 'Energy Burn' skill.

Assuming you have the steal points from LF1, and get the full 15 thievery bonus from the Primo Hat and Luck Ring; Cindy will need 2700SP to succeed. Without the primo hat, but still using the Luck Ring, Cindy will need 3900SP to succeed. Cindy will ideally want to be level 50+ for this. Although you can also use some of your stat boosting items to buffer her speed stat.

Also, to get rid of the Werewolf condition, you either need to become exhausted, or un-equip Cindy’s weapon and stall a battle for a long time using the Defend command over and over.

42. Ante-Wave attack items also work really well if you don’t have the right weapons equipped here.

43. Make sure Random has the Luck Ring equipped before you enter the HQ. Ohghmar is also susceptible to Liquid Cells from Guanidia.

44. The new Weapon Tower gear was already mentioned at #27, but another look wouldn’t hurt anybody.

47. There is a Petula water chest outside the big o’ room of treasures with several skill books. It is practically invisible, and has a Crystal Madu. Along the bottom path, there is a slightly darker spot to spot. It was on the map of the area, it was in my notes from 2010-2011, but walkthroughs the world over somehow lost track of it.

Chapter 8

4. Can also use Millipuf attack skills from LF1.

5. It’s only 1x Balnuunla Gem in the rubble. Did this get changed? Luck Ring makes no difference, weird.

10. As soon as you enter the Zen Roundabout, one of the flower patch bits just beneath you has a Healing Herb.

21. Yah, Jaws bug was fixed! Probably 12 years too late to celebrate, but Hurrah none the less!


Azura (Water, Bird, Ghost, Weapon): 470AT, 48PDef, 62MDef (Boost: +45SP, -1 Bromium)

Bromium (Dark, Human, Weapon): 470AT, 47PDef, 49MDef (Boost: +52SP, -1 Bromium)


Bromium (Dark, Human, Weapon): 540AT, 55PDef, 54MDef (Boost: +40AT, -1 Salcerium)
Azura (Water, Weapon, Undead) 520AT, 42PDef, 58 MDef (Boost: +45AT, -1 Bromium)
Salcerium (Mammal, Weapon, Orc): 550AT, 64PDef, 47MDef (Boost: +45AT, -1 Salcerium) [Boost 2: +30AT, -1 Azura]


Azura (Water, Weapon) 460AT, 46PDef, 70MDef (Boost: +41MDef, -1 Azura)
Bromium (Dark, Weapon) 480AT, 50PDef, 60MDef (Boost: +35MDef, -1 Bromium)


Salcerium: (Dark, Human, Mammal, Weapon, Fish): 500AT, 52PDef, 31MDef (Boost: +112ST, -1 Bromium)
Bromium: (Dark, Human, Mammal, Bird, Weapon): 490AT, 35PDef, 38MDef (Boost: +85ST, -1 Salcerium) [Boost 2: +22ST, -1 Bromium]

24. The bird boss is extremely weak against Bird’s Havoc attack items as well, as a backup.

26. Make sure Q210 is active in your quest book if he doesn’t appear. It seems as long as the correct armor is worn, he appears without issue. The music bug and lack of quest complete was never fixed, but make sure to talk to the old lady to clear it from your quest log.

27. Fierce can start munching down on any Power Meats you may have in your inventory. Also, Coryool is missing from the group. He must be off drinking somewhere.

30. Clarify what/where the Temple of Indinera is.

32-34. Tonal update.

33. Exhaustion does seem to work quite well here indeed. The Nachrulea item was changed to a Conch of Dreams. You also get a second Conch of Dreams if you beat the 3x Abyssal Lamia, and then wake up with a third Conch somehow. (Everybody gets a Conch!) Abyssal Lamia are also susceptible to exhaustion if you must save your Omega Budon, but it is safer to use Omega Budon.

35.5 The LF2 Walkthrough Update Notes that I made for myself in 2011 (Sheesh, that one got away from me!) told me to remove the Mission Clear Time and Collection Rate. The me in 2023 is deciding to keep them both in, and updating it to say that it’s empirically 99.87% complete, and that Kratin ardently approves!

As a final, closing statement: I have finally colored in, and added maps to the walkthrough that Patojonas made way back in 2010. So for the first time ever, you can see them in all their glory! I don’t have Mellowkat’s maps unfortunately; they may be gone forever.

Update Notes Jan 2024

Chapter 8 #35: Mention equipping Elven Astral Outfit in LF2, while you still can.
Last edited by Kale on Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Storm14 » Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:43 am

Looks like you have done quite an awesome job after so long years with the updated walkthrough and with maps +::heart !!!

I remember something from my playthrough a few years ago. Sarah can't equip Elven Astral Outfit in the LF3, but if you keep it equipped at the end of LF2, you get to keep her armor throughout the third game.
You might wanna mention that in your walkthrough since the armor is the best one available for Sarah.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:16 am

I recall Indinera had mentioned something about the Elven Astral Outfit/Angel Armor being bugged in LF3. (Not sure if he just meant the unintended sprite changing effect was the bug, or if it was something worse like her spell list getting screwed up?) So he removed Sarah’s ability to equip them as a fix. He may even have hard fixed it on import, i.e. he runs a script to manually un-equip it from Sarah upon importing. Between respecting his wish to remove it from LF3, and it taking too long to check if it even still works on the current release of the game; I’d rather not risk mentioning it. I just fixed erroneous stuff that was added to the walkthrough without verification, and I don’t want to jump right back down that rabbit hole again.

I do lament its loss though, especially since Sarah never gets armor as good as it again.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby D-Squall » Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:27 pm

I am seeing this just now and I think it's amazing, it makes me very happy since the Aldorlea games I tend to replay the most is the Laxius Force trilogy. I wanna thank you Kale, what would be of us and future players if it wasn't for you the Laxius expert.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Storm14 » Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:10 pm

Kale wrote:I recall Indinera had mentioned something about the Elven Astral Outfit/Angel Armor being bugged in LF3. (Not sure if he just meant the unintended sprite changing effect was the bug, or if it was something worse like her spell list getting screwed up?) So he removed Sarah’s ability to equip them as a fix. He may even have hard fixed it on import, i.e. he runs a script to manually un-equip it from Sarah upon importing. Between respecting his wish to remove it from LF3, and it taking too long to check if it even still works on the current release of the game; I’d rather not risk mentioning it. I just fixed erroneous stuff that was added to the walkthrough without verification, and I don’t want to jump right back down that rabbit hole again.

I do lament its loss though, especially since Sarah never gets armor as good as it again.

Thats totally upto you, like I said it does work on older versions (tried and tested) and I was able to use it even at Astral Litz (by never unequipping ofcourse but also never using her at quests which removes armor and by not using a spell which random has which removes everyone's equipments) or you may test it yourself with the newer version (by speed running the wendala's chapter with pets +::biggrin ) if you have the save files and if you wish +::biggrin

But then again, if you dont do as mentioned above, you can still mention it for older versions and also you may ask newer players to respond with whether it works in newer version or not xD

Also, seeing as I was the only one who was able to find out that she keeps her armor this way, this seems close to impossible that Indy would have even thought about fixing it with imports in newer version. I mean usually bugs are fixed only after someone points it out. Or even if this thing was looked upon when improvising, they would have rather added the ability to equip the armor during the third gameplay rather than even fixing the only turnaround (unless it was intended to not let Sarah equip the armor for reasons like she changed her class to war angel of the sun ~ or something like that).
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:37 am

D-Squall: Yeah, it was a lot of fun to replay. Being able to see all the changes Indinera has made over the years all at once was fun too. It’s great to hear that people are still playing and replaying this game too!

Storm14: There were multiple threads of discussion about the armor, importing it, and the inability to equip it in LF3 around 12-13 years ago. Indinera should have known about being able to import it equipped, and could have prevented that. If he wanted to, that is. I guess I should mention it though. I cheated it onto Sarah in LF3, and at least nothing immediately detrimental happened to her.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby D-Squall » Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:41 pm

I also didn't knew Kratin could join if you spare him in Arvendel, that is news to me.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Kale » Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:35 am

Yeah, Indinera really hid that secret well. I just wanted to see if Kratin had any other attacks or if there was an easter egg type deal. I never expected him to pop up after beating Azygos and butt in a whole game early. It doesn’t change much in LFII, since you already have plenty of powerful characters, but still a really neat find. I suppose it makes LF3 a bit easier if you level him up now though.
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Re: Laxius Force 2 - Walkthrough (2023 Edition)

Postby Lady JJ » Sat Jan 13, 2024 3:31 pm

I replay the LF series every couple of years and I just want to give a great big THANK YOU +::YAY to you, Kale, for updating these walkthroughs. I'm definitely looking forward to finding all these unbeknownst-to-me goodies next time I play.
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