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Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Aggeliki » Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:05 pm

Thank you Indinera!! The game was great +::YAY ( though i rushed through it for this first time+:oops: )

Your opinion about Random? Random is a man now, much different from the boy he was in LP1..he is a good group leader and a strong fighter.

Your opinion about Sarah?i would expect more from an elf of the sun in this last crucial episode..her magic was a little low..exept her combo spell..maybe i would like to see her in a more central role.

Your opinion about Luciana? a true Godess!!but we dont know what this new upgrade changed in her..maybe in LFS, who knows! her laxius spells were devastating!

Your opinion about Wendala? i really liked her character! nice dialogs with pets and Kratin +::biggrin astral dancer is her true self i admit!

Your opinion about Coryool? i kept thinging that he was the traitor, but fortunately he wasnt!!! he was very effective against the enemy forces!

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter? i was prepared for a much tougher battle!( but i admit i was using one of Pato's saves and the charas were 99)..but still, he wasnt anything exeptional like guadiba and hondler

Your opinion about the new characters? i liked angelina, deuterium and nash

Your opinion about the game's ending?i hoped that luci could revive julian..and i would like to see some info about the heroes lives after the reconstruction of the towns

What was your favorite chapter and why? our dear wendala because she is my favourite and the pets did a really good job

What was your favorite moment and why? when apocalypsia revealled herself to random, really epic moment!

Which dungeon is the hardest? Astral-litz!

What's the game's best/strongest sides? the story and side quests, as well as the music were fantastic

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare? i liked lf2 best..lf3 was too long for me and the tech element of the last chapter is really not my thing +:oops:

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter? i really don't have an answer for this

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail? Win!!!!!!!!!! cute fighting machine +::biggrin

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla? little monkey-more flexible

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best? Kratin, funny dialogs!!!

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?Aliener..i didnt like titanic :(

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy? Marion and Sandy after their rebirth!

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back? i was kind of expecting them, they played their role in glabal wars, so ok

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back? i liked all of them, but Djarma was a bit weak in battle

The game was a true challenge!! i am looking forward to LFS trilogy!!! +::clap
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby ilsepants » Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:20 am

Your opinion about Random?
He's a good hero. Sometimes his cocky attitude got on my nerves, but after all he'd been through and all the people he'd saved I guess he deserved it. :)

Your opinion about Sarah?
I was kind of neutral about her for the most part. She's a little whiny and always seems to want her way, but after she got the In Go Fileha (sp?) she finally showed her true potential. Although in the dark maze in AL, I wanted to murder her! Haha

Your opinion about Luciana?
Couldn't have beaten AL without her. Her Royal Combo OWNED in this dungeon. She's a strong character and she developed nicely through all the games starting with 3S.

Your opinion about Wendala?
For sure one of my favorites. She's just so sassy and honest. Not to mention, she's a heck of a fighter!

Your opinion about Coryool?
Good for a laugh and awesome with the relic that makes the killer hit.

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?
A true despot. And a complete coward. Hiding behind his wall in AL like he did was just ridiculous. The fight was pretty easy, though.

Your opinion about the new characters?
They were all very colorful and clever. My only complaint is about Claria. She just sort of showed up out of nowhere and didn't really add much to the plot. It was great to see Leanda back again and we all know how much I love Neon and his awesomeness!

Your opinion about the game's ending?
It was a good ending. Definitely something I've been looking forward to. It was perhaps a bit rushed at the very end, but it gave the sense that everyone was hurrying to get back together now that the GC was dead.

What was your favorite chapter and why?
Honestly, I enjoyed them all but if I had to pick, I liked Our Dear Wendala because I got very excited at the end of LFII that she would be striking out a bit on her own and visiting her old masters. It gave some great insight into one of my favorite characters.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Any time when Neon talked. Just made me laugh all the time. Also, I enjoyed exploring all the new and beautiful maps. I loved going to Ultai and the oasis.

Which dungeon is the hardest?
Astral Litz for sure. All the respawning monsters and round about ways to get somewhere you could have gone directly made it very challenging.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The character development from 3S to LFIII was great. Also the complex plotlines and humor.

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?
I played and loved them all. It's hard to compare them because they were all different, much like LPI-III. Each had it's own excellent qualities.

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?
I can't say either was better because they were both horrible! Although, at least the GC never tried to befriend and help Random and Co. directly in order to further his agenda.

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?
Yay! Win! So cute and entertaining.

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?
Little Monkey for sure. Still incredibly powerful and you got to throw things at the enemy.

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?
Ever since the LP saga, I have had a soft spot for Charly even though he tried to get Wendie back in this one.

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?
Aliener for sure. My party took him out in no time. Titanic just got annoying and I didn't like having to use Daryl (don't like him too much).

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?
Wendie for sure. Especially with the Astral Ring equipped. She was so beautiful! Although Sandy returned from the dead might give her a run for her money.

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?
About the same way I felt when approaching Adrentana way back in LF I and seeing Louis standing there. Major UGH!

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?
Timbany is very funny and Kratin is almost unstoppable with the Ketakeri blade. Djarma has a nice personality. All in all, glad to have them on board.
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby D-Squall » Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:38 am

Your opinion about Random?

He dind't acted like a leader in this one, he was more the victim. IMO He haven't done great acts in this game. Still, he's the hero and he's cool.

Your opinion about Sarah?

Dumb as always, Sarah was very helpful aswell. But she did gave trouble to the Laxius Force, like her panic crisis when Random was near death and let be kidpnaped by that elf who put an seed on her. Still, cound't done without her, even if she haven't any Laxius Spells

Your opinion about Luciana?

She acted more of leader than Random, she decided everthing. Not only as her role of Queen, but also as a great leader for the Laxius Force unlike Random. She knew how to take quick decisions and control her emotions, that helped the whole party. And she helped the party to kill the GC, without her they would never do it.

Your opinion about Wendala?

Sassy and my second favorite character after Luci. She played a cool rold in this game. She was the first ally who learned how to use the Laxius Spells, she also helped the party member lot of times with her witts and good to deliever a good laugh to players.

Your opinion about Coryool?

Coryool for me it was a surprise, he wasn't at Balnunlla in the end of LF2, and sudenly appeared to help Wendy fight ''The Thing'', and asked to kept secret from the others. I really tought that he was an traitor. But his dettermination to defend Rillia, his hometown, have made me see that he wasn't a traitor.

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?

Coward, no big deal. He isn't so scary when met him personally. After he did, hiding behind his wall. Now that I know him for real XD IMO he got what he deserved, urgh, and his hideout was ridiculous, behind the trash.
He was an idiot coward, he died for the good of all of the Deport. Bragging himself as a god... not at all.

Your opinion about the new characters?

Beautiful and well done artworks they have, but the majority of them were weak. I almost dind't used them, only Xander and his party.

Your opinion about the game's ending?

Sorry to say but it was horrible and too rushed. Terrible... sorry, this is what I tought. I was expecting a lot more.

What was your favorite chapter and why?

The Grand Commendanter Attacks, because the GC was finally using his head and trying to strike Random directly. And the two times he tried to kill Random was exciting like, it was full of panic and thrills +::biggrin Like he was a step from death. Specially when he was infected by Aliener.

What was your favorite moment and why?

The scene before the GC fight. Random striking Luci, and she begging him to do that, was exciting... it had hurt even in me. Still, it was a great scene. I knew that Luci was going to use her Re-Incarnate spell XD. Because of the wall... And after the GC death, Sarah reviving Luci and Luci emotional talk to Random, was a relief after the panic before the GC fight.

Which dungeon is the hardest?

ASTRAL LITZ, Those damm robots were damm powrefull and has too much HP. Forcing you to use a lot of Laxius Spells and Lethal Punishment.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Well, the story for sure. The new allies, new places and the end of the order. Was excited to see all of that.

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?

IMO Laxius Force 2 is the best of the trilogy. Laxius Force 2 has gave me more excitment than Laxius Force I and III together. :) Still, Laxius Force III was exciting aswell.

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?

Yes, at least he had the guts to do the job himself than sending others to do the job.

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?

FAIL, he's weak.

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?

GORILLA, it helped me a lot in the Global War.

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?

Uba, he wanted to make Wendala a Blood Assasin, it was exciting those trials that she gave him. And Kratin showing up. Really great and a great start for the game.

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?

Titanic, because If I controled him to kill Random, I can control him to self-destruct lol

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?

Wendala, she was ever this kind of girl..... sassy. And I want to see Sarah angry. +::biggrin

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?

Angry, I never liked them.

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?

It was a great sensantion, after 2 years waiting since Laxius Force I, they finally back to help fight against the order.
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Natsumi » Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:08 am

Your opinion about Random? - I'm in love with the guy XD jk. But still, he is very strong when it comes to physical combat, probably has the stongest attack (can't say for sure because not many of my other charatcers are lv 99 but...). He remained about the same personality since Laxius Force I, strong, stubborn, a bit of a brute, all respected qualities in a hero I suppose. Although his magicka points are a bit low so he is hard to maintain in a long fight, luckily the new laxius power costs only about 5 MP.

Your opinion about Sarah? - Ok, Sarah is like totally silly and a bit dimwitted. She is childish, pure and a bit inferior to Random, but not in a necessarily bad way. Her spells were freakin' awesome in Laxius force II but now they're just a bit above average. Her attack is not much, she was at her best when she had North star (relic). It is better because she can use swords now but still...not much of a physical attack. Sun combo is probably her strongest magicka attack, and although she is supposed to be great in magicka Luciana beats her MP for almost 300. (I think Sarah has around 700 and Luciana has 900 something). She's got a lot of holy spells so she's at her best when fighting ghost and the undeads I guess.

Your opinion about Luciana? - Well, she is a....bit special. At times she is a bit hysterical XD but I kinda understand because she lost Julian and all. I must admit at times I found her annoying but that's just personal preference. She probably the most feminime charatcer after Sandy (in a mature woman kind of way). Her spells are strong, and it's great she can learn Aura bomb, it's stonger than Lava wall at times. She is unique in a way she can use spears and lances, and she's the smartest you can find.

Your opinion about Wendala? - OMG I LOVE THAT WOMAN. She's awesome. She's stubborn, sexy, "quietly intelligent" meaning she's not like Luciana who thinks everything through for thousands of times, but she has this instinctive intelligence. She has the greatest comebacks ever and is, deep down, a very simple, straightforward girl. She has an immensly strong perosnality, being able to take as much as she can from life, even if that means going through hell of being a body slave. She's the prettiest of them all, and I'd like to belive that one day she'll find a man that suites her(I'd like to believe it will be possible to put some flesh and bone on Kratin and that they could live happily ever after) She was a bit on the weaker side in Laxius force I, became a bit stronger in Laxius force II, and now in LF III she's one of the stronger fighters. Magdalenda leather suit gives her the ability to strike twice, Aethenia boots give her a weapon boost so she can have a physical attack around 720 something (I think), and her spells are great, laxius spells not even being the best of them (although they are great). Only her HP is a bit on the low side, she's 85th level in my game and her HP is around 650 smt, she can have a HP boost but it gives her a flesh hunting status so I gave up on it. Anyway, next to Random I'd say she's the strongest right now.

Your opinion about Coryool? -At first he annoyed me, being this unrefined guy who only drinks beer....but when I played with him a bit more I realized he just likes doing things his own way, being independent and all. Nothing wrong with thinking you know best but he should be a bit more of a team player, but I guess that wouldn't be him then. And I think it's supercute he has someone like Claire(she's great btw.) next to him. He has only a couple of spells but they serve their purpose quite well, and his attack is pretty strong. And "gwahahahaha" at the beginning of the battle can really make a difference.

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter? - know, at times he's like a big baby. Alexandra grrrrr she is the one that found the book, kill kill. I mean, no evil genius should give in to petty emotions like that. But I guess he's all about pettines, a bit on the shallow side, isn't he?

Your opinion about the new characters? - hmmm........Ok, there are a lot new charaters, but the only ones that made some sort of impression where : the Drukku Druk, being a dragon and all, he's a bit cocky but that's to be expected ain't it? ;) He's quite strong, I'm sorry I didin't work with him a bit more to reveal his full potential. Then it was Claire, she's showed up late in the game but I really like her, she's calm but a bit stingy, good with dealing with dangerous situations, and she's gotta have a lot of backbone being able to be next to Coryool all the time. She's not that high a level when you get her but her attack is pretty good nontheless, inflicting paralasys and all. Hmm..Daryl is...well Daryl, at times he remindes me of Bob Kelso from the TV show Scrubs, all grundgy and thinking he knows the best, didn't find him very useful in the battle tho. I think it would have been possible to take the robot down even without his help ,with Random's fury. And I like Deuterium, it's great he can go in any of the 7 caves without being crushed by gravity since he's a robot, but the downside is he can't just sleep everything off, you have to refill him with potions. Has very good laser attacks and he's kinda cute in a weird way XD. And Alexander can really take it up with the big guys, although he's new. He's spells are really very strong (and unusual).

Your opinion about the game's ending? - I'm the one with the bug in the last chapter so I still have to get there,sry.

What was your favorite chapter and why? Hmm The one in LF I when you get to Adretana this big glorious city and meet all these new guilds and weird people, that was the best chapter to me. As for the LF III it's gonna be the "Dear Wendala" chapter.
What was your favorite moment and why? There are two.
First, (LF I or II not sure anymore) when you enter that magical mirror (art guild quest) and you see Random, Wendala, Sarah and Brussian and you approach them and they all speak of their biggest fears and emotions. It is one of the reasons I grew to like Wendie so much ( people are stupid and evil, so why should I be any different,it's easier that way - she says smt like that- and then you see how much she changes through the game, brilliant, and Random admiting that he feels like a regular killer that doesn't deserve to be called a hero, or to live etc. - just great)
Second when Wendala gets all those Random's memories of people who died (where she learns the importance of friendship) and when she brings back the two of them (In my case Marion and Sandy) , now that was epic.

Which dungeon is the hardest? I don't know if it counts as a dungeon, but LF I , that airship or smt, when you confront that virus? I don't know which would be the hardest in LF III since I couldn't reach the ending, but all of the pyramid chapters were the hardest to me,not because of the enemies, but because of all the hidden passages you have to find.

What's the game's best/strongest sides? I think that it's the QUEST option. The fact that you can have over 300 quests makes it a very "in depth" game and they're good for relaxing a bit from the main quest. Not to mention all the funny moments and characters that pop out while doing a quest.

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare? Yep yep, played them both a couple of times. Hmmm this one is definitely the most complicated of all, having all these charaters that need to be taken care off. And it's hard finishig quests in a right time since your party gets split A LOT. But I guess this is what makes LF III more interesting and more difficult than others. All these different people, I tink that's just great.

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter? No, his name sounds kind of German (nothing wrong with German but it kinda spoils the feel of the game) XD But Kommender as a person hm hm hm he's and oddball.

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail? Petula YAY win.

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla? I prefer the little monkey, you get to throw a rock at the beginning and you have the "super dance" spell, besides I didn't notice the really big difference in attack power, only HP so...the little monkey :)

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best? Hmmmmmmm well, the only one that didn't try to mistreat her was Onyx so I'm gonna go with him. He's more of a fatherly figure.

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?
Hm. Aliener was really annoying because you had to GET to him destroying all the blue hearts and Titanic was just damn annoying, following me around (gave me a heart attack more than once) so I'm gonna go with Aliener since he's ultimately easier to kill and is less likely to have a large impact on my phsyical healt. ;)

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?
Wendie Wendie and always Wendie. There is no other woman worthy of her in my eyes. +::biggrin Although I guess Lucy is kinda exotic with that red hair, but I'm a bruinette so it's still gonna be Wendie.
(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back? Hahaha, they're like this weird couple that somehow manages to function together. You know, I had a feeling they'll come back one day. Being so tragicomical they were bound to swim out from some hole. Hahaha.

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back? Yeah, I was kinda wandering where was the point of introducing them in LF I (at least I think it's LF I) if I was never gonna see them again so I was pleasantly surprised, especially with Kratin since he's really strong (I equipped him with some sort of cursed sword and his HP was above 800 and he was only level 50 , and he attacked twice if the first hit didn't kill, countered the attacks, inflicted flesh hunting, he's just so strong!!). And Djarma is such a playboy! Hahahaha, but a gentleman playboy and that's kinda nice, although that scene with his daugther was just too much (hey daddy see) ahaha, that was way too funny. And Timbany is a cute monkey so enough said ;)

Sorry if my answers were a bit too elaborate and long but I couldn't help myself, there is still so much more I could say.
Last edited by Natsumi on Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Destinye » Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:04 am

Your opinion about Random?

He is great though needs a good woman (or several) to tell him what to do!

Your opinion about Sarah?

She is great and what would Random do without her! Miss her old outfit though!

Your opinion about Luciana?

Powerful but bad taste in men - come on! Do not waste any more phoenix hearts, so glad we used them for Sandy and Marion!

Your opinion about Wendala?

Awesome and powerful too!

Your opinion about Coryool?

I like him, he is funny and glad he was not the traitor.

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?

Reminded me of the wizard in the wizard of Oz...

Your opinion about the new characters?

I like them! Zander at level 99 was incredibly powerful, I expected more of Kenny, loved Claria and the less said about Vanina the better!

Your opinion about the game's ending?

Amazing - really pulled everything together and was a grand finale, but please let us export into the next trilogy, oh please, please, please!!!!!

What was your favorite chapter and why?

I liked the quests around town best!

What was your favorite moment and why?

I liked the ending best.

Which dungeon is the hardest?

Astral Litz - yikes, thank goodness for all the levelling!

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Storyline, quests, depth of detail and complexity - amazing. Indy is a genius, though after the Hall of Madness we realize there is a fine line between genius and well...! Amazing thoigh!

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?

Yes - pulls it all together and all are great!

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?

No he is a dishonest creep! Neither are better or worse!

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?

He grew on me by level 96!
Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?


Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?

The fairy!

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?

Aliener was much easier.

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?


(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?

Happy to see them and meant all the leveling was worth it! I liked them a lot before.

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?

Likewise! Really glad to see them and especially Marion and Sandy. It was so great how everything worked out and pulled together. Now what to do!!!

Cocka-Cocka was second only to Random in number of kills and many other stats, in my game, go Cocka-Cocka!!!

Thanks so much and truly amazing trilogy.
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Tomas » Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:24 pm

It's a wall of text, so I used the spoiler tag. But I felt that game like LF3 deserved more thorough feedback. Hope it will be useful for Indi.

Spoiler: show
Your opinion about Random?

Random might seem to be a little bit overshadowed by LF3, but I don't think that it really is the case. It's more like Random and Luciana beeing a true couple now, more so than Random and Sarah. Random respects Luci's wisdom, and that's why he lets her do most of the decisions, but he's still the hero we know from previous games. In fact, Luci says it by herself - "I made a call and I knew you were the only one who could answer it" (or something like it - after fight with GC) - that sums it pretty well.
Also, with ultimate equipp, Random is the strongest character in LF3 imo. He is almost invincible, is capable of dealing incredible damage (Although it's kinda weird that his strongest spell - Fury, gets replaced with weaker spells once you get the golden armor. I guess you really wouldn't need anyone else with it... :)) and with Azuron never runs out of mana.

P.s. And the new artwork of Random in golden armor is awesome!

Your opinion about Sarah?

Sarah changed in the end of LF2, but in LF3 she acts like the change never happened, or maybe she just doesn't get that much attention in LF3, because Luci is the main character here. Anyway, I've always liked Sarah.
And with In-go Fileha she's almost as strong as Random.

Your opinion about Luciana?

Luci has always been my favorite character in LP, but in LF2 I felt like she was a different person than in LP. I understand that people change, but Luci, as I understood her in LP, couldn't change to the Luci in LF2, imo. She was simply a different person. In LF3 she changed again, and now she is the person I believe Luci from LP would change into when grown-up. Strong and very wise. No doubt Luciana is the main character of LF3. Also, she's a goddess now, not only half-goddess, and I expect her to play major role in LS.

Your opinion about Wendala?

I've always considered Wendala to be very smart and powerful, and liked her pretty much since LP1, thus her change in LF3 wasn't that surprising to me. I should also add that I liked her artwork in LF1 and LF2, the new one in LF3 not so much.

Your opinion about Coryool?

I never could imagine Coryool being a traitor and in the end I was happy that I was right. I also liked his role as a "Wild card" - when needed he was always there. He also seemed to be much more determined than in LP. And, the "save the beers" quest was hillarious.

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?

Megalomaniac and brutal, but in the end he wasn't so invincible as he had thought. But, based on LF3 story, it seems to me that GC wasn't in fact that powerful as I've always thought. Let's take Kommender for example, he doesn't really seem to care if GC succeeds or not. He probably considers GC to be some crazy despot trying to conquer some remote planet, who happen to have lots of money. At least that's the feeling I have after finishing the game. When looked at on the bigger scale, GC simply doesn't seem so important suddenly - unlike the True demons, I'm really curious what will happen in LS.

Your opinion about the new characters?

- Adon - Fairly strong, often used him in party with Xander. But if I had to choose between demons, I liked Zoo in LP3 better.
- Angelina - Kinda crazy, but strong and really courageous.
- Alexander - Best of the new characters, imo. Strong, deadly spells and also very calm and supportive towards Laxius Force. Seems to be nice counter to the young characters.
- Claria - She just appeared with Coryool and I don't know how or why, it didn't make much sense to me.
- Daryl - He's almost as arrogant as Louis, but Louis was at least strong fighter. Although it's true that without his help Random would be probably dead, so Daryl deserves some praise.
- Deuterium - Fairly strong, but ugly.
- Djarma - Very proud and good leader, worthy addition to Laxius Force.
- Kenny - Haven't used her much, seemed quite boring to me.
- Kratin - Strong and courageous, I liked him. Had some pretty good quotes.
- Leanda - Another character from LP. And she seems to be stronger than she used to be in LP.
- Lily - Couldn't find her bazooka.
- Marilyis - Not very useful.
- Nash - Mighty Drukku Druk is back! I really liked him back in LP3. And his banters with Neon are cute.
- Oglong - Haven't found him.
- Seiman - Strong and loyal to Alexander. He seems to be pretty dense sometimes.
- Timbany - Strong and funny.
- Vanina - Useless.

Your opinion about the game's ending?

It was an absolutely stunning and breathtaking conclusion of the whole trilogy. Just epic.

What was your favorite chapter and why?

The last one.

What was your favorite moment and why?

I will list more of them, don't want me to write just one with a game like LF3. But I wouldn't call them exactly favorite, they were more the strongest moments.
- The encounter with GC and Random killing Luci. It was terrific, I literally couldn't believe what was happening on the screen! (If I had to pick up one strongest moment of LF3 that would be it.)
- When Random is dying after Aliener attack and Luci says that she loves him, that was crazy.
- Titanic chasing Random.
- Random getting the golden armor, for me that was the point where everything changed and I felt that GC was actually beatable.
- Random getting Apocalypsia, I was looking forward for the moment since LP3.
- Wendala and Alexandra killed by an assasin in the Throne room. (But it was kinda spoiled by one of the release screenshot of LF3, where you can see Random and Wendala in Astral-Litz - I didn't know at the moment that it was
Astral-Litz, but I knew that it was a place I haven't seen in the game yet, thus I expected Wendala to survive.)
- When Wendala had to decide who will be resurrected by Yveen. I wanted to resurrect Leona so badly (Even after all these years I still remember the scene from LP2 where Thomas kills her, it was so sad.), but I just couldn't do this to Brussian and had to resurrect Marion. I would go with Marion and Leona if possible, but unfortunately one of the characters had to be Alexandra/Sandy, it really sucked. I believe it was the hardest decision I ever had to make in any game.
- Flight to the Astral-Litz and then the silence at Landing pad, it was strangely serene, it really felt like calm before the storm and I felt that the game is reaching its climax.
- Fights with Hondler and Guidibba, they were both deadly foes.
- Finding Aaghamaniym (the ultimate mace) without any help, I was really proud of it.
- Fight with Louis.
- Fight with Wendala, Coryool and Louis on the bridge.

Which dungeon is the hardest?

Astral-Litz by far. Probably because of the fact, that with imported save, my characters outleveled and outequipped basically any other dungeon in the game, but Astral-Litz was tuned for lvl99 and top equipp. Even with ultimate weapons it was hard. I even stopped using Luck Ring on Random here... :) And Hondler was the hardest boss in LP3, imo.
Cosmopolis Guard was pretty hard, too.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

- Very well thought dungeons, funny and challenging battles, plenty of quests, insane ammount of secrets (it's plain impossible not to miss at least half of them for the first time, no matter how hard you try), interesting characters,
feeling of accomplishment when you actually finish it.
- Story. Sometimes I wonder what are the limits of Indi's imagination. He never seems to run out of ideas and things always happen differently and are more complicated than what I would expect. (LF kinda reminds me my favorite books - Barsoom series from E. R. Burroughs - in this.)
- Humor. There are so many good quotes. And things like red chest in one of the pyramids - empty, then I checked again and Djarma said something like that Red chest cannot be empty and here we go - I got a book Vana ancient times (teaches a very powerful spell). Or the computer in Astral-Litz, where Sarah needs to type anti-spam code... :) That was hillarious. Moments like this are really one of the trademarks of Indi's games. (Btw six years after playing LP1 I still remember following scene: Sarah opens a chest. Random: "What's inside?" Sarah: "Million gold, diamonds, ..." Random: "!!!Really???" Sarah: "No, just kidding!" I believe that's a good example how important and memorable these little momments are...)
- Then there's something, I would call it "synergy" between various aspects of the game. I mean not only that LF has good story, fights and so on, but each part supports the other and the game works well as a whole - You are searching for all the secrets not only because it's fan, but also because you want to snad a good chance against GC. Once you find some relic or ultimate weapon, fights become more enjoyable, thus you enjoy the story more (because you don't die so often and the game becomes more fluent). It's just an example and it's not so easy for me to explain the whole idea in my not-so-good English, but I hope that people who played LF understand what I'm talking about.
- And last thing - It's the game length. When playing LF3 I felt totaly immersed in its story, the game just went on and on and on, it was amazing. Shorter games cannot do the trick for me. In fact the only other game that ever gave me this feeling was LP3.

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?

I've played both LF1 and LF2. I loved both of them, but I still considered LP3 to be superior to both of them (and in fact to any other game I've played). LF3 changed this. It's huge (it took me 96 hours of in-game time to complete it in my first playthrough, considering how many times I had to reload/retreat back I would say it was between 120 and 150 hours of real time - and that definitively challenges LP3), incredibly complex with so many secrets and with absolutely crazy story. Even LP3 pales in comparison. (Just in case I haven't expressed it clearly enough - LF3 indeed is better than LP3, imo.) +::Thumbup

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?

Although GC was the main adversary here, Kommender seemed to be a much more dangerous enemy to me. GC is brutal and cruel and makes a lot of enemies before accomplishing what he wants. Kommender on the other hand seemed to be much more efficient and focused on the task. (GC sends a comet after Random and destroys the whole Temple of Indinera, Kommender sends Alienator and Titanic, both almost kill Random and make no collateral damage in the process.)

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?

Yay, yay, win. (I liked Petula since the beginning, he's really funny - in fact I like him almost as much as Guanidia). Btw there's a topic on the forum if Petula is male or female, but I always considered him a male.

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?

Most of the battless is LF3 were over pretty fast, thus playing Timbany as little monkey and choosing "Throw rock" all the time was annoying. I had him as Big Gorilla all the time (And it was pretty hard for me to figure what to with the last door in the Royal Library ...).

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?

Charly, he reminded me good old LP1.

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?

Aliener, this thing was nasty but fightable. Titanic was just unstoppable.

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?

Based on all the LP and LF games, I've always believed that Yveen is unmatched. If it wasn't for Yveen then I would say Wendala. But I've always liked Luciana the most.

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?

I liked Herbert and Joshua in LF2, and seeing them return was surprising for me. Unfortunately, it was so late in the game, that they were in fact only good for arena wins.

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?

I was glad to have them back. I was awaiting this since LF1.

And a few notices about the game, that didn't fit into any of the previous questions:
- With so many characters, managing equipment tends to be tedious. At least having some "unequipp all" spell like in LP3 would be useful. Also there's possible to cycle through party with Page-Down and Page-Up in the Equippment screen - if you could cycle through all characters, not only the four chosen ones, that would help a lot (don't know if it's possible in RPG Maker, though), (Btw that's how it works in Dragon Age - you can directly choose only between active characters, but in Inventory you can cycle through all of them.)
- I was glad that in LF3 was used the same script for XP eggs like in 3SoD, thus I didn't need to open inventory for every single of them when boosting my party. That was useful.
- I still believe that world map is better solution than maps in inventory and food rations (I know, I know, I'm probably biased toward world maps :)). Getting directions to some place and then searching for it on world map feels just more adventurous than getting map and using it.

- The amount of work put into LF3 must have been insane, everyone working on it certainly deserves a big praise. Thanks again for the awesome game and looking forward to LS!
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby EmeraldEyez » Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:07 pm

Your opinion about Random? Random really developed well throughout the game. He finally became a Man! :) Although Randoms Laxius Skills weren't as good as Luci's! Random is one of my favorite characters, but it was nice not to have to play him 100% of the time!

Your opinion about Sarah? As silly as she can be....Sarah is one of my favorite Characters! I think it's just because she has been around for the whole series. She just really grew on me! And with her new weapon she has become a powerhouse......very helpful in Astral Litz!!

Your opinion about Luciana? I wasn't a big Luci fan in LFII because she seemed really bossy, and at then at the end of LFII she had said something about them not knowing it, but she will soon own them all....and that had really turned me off from her, and then in LFIII she seemed almost like a totally different character...still a little bossy, but she seemed to be very helpful, and always wanting to do what was right! I wouldn't say I love her, but she's in my top 10!

Your opinion about Wendala? Oh Wendie :) I love Wendala....her spells are top-notch, she is great during hard battles, and overall her attitude throughout this whole game was awesome! She of course had to throw in some of her usual comments about Sarah's stupidity, but overall she was a great player, and ready and willing to help the deport!

Your opinion about Coryool? Eh....Coryool was good for entertainment! Other than that his battle skills are just not that great. I even had him around level 70 or so, and he is just not that good. But he is funny, and had some great Claria!

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter? The GC seems like the usual bad guy....all talk and not a whole lot of action. He was pretty easy to beat, but he had been "Mangled", so I am assuming that is what made him pretty easy to beat! Other than that I am very happy he was blown to smithereens, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him make an appearance in the next installment!

Your opinion about the new characters? Love, Love, Love Angelina! That girl is a powerhouse!
Claria was very cute, and sort of helpful.
Kenny....Eh....I didn't really use her. I will definitely have to do some leveling with her my next go around! The Reincarnated Marion was missing all of her best spells, but Her attack was pretty lethal. I would love to see her get Telekinesis back~ :razz: :razz:
Lily was a pretty good fighter....I would definitely like to see what she can do at higher levels!
Daryl was a wimp! The only thing he was good at was helping to complete side quests!
Deutrium was quite awesome! Love his laser skills! He proved to be very helpful in Global Wars!
Leanda was pretty good, but she was only used for a short time in the beginning and a short time at the end....she also seems a lot like Coryool with all of the wandering off! Wonder if those two are in Cahoots??!! +::biggrin

Your opinion about the game's ending? The ending was pretty epic....Guadibbia would not go down, and then I had to battle him for the second time, and I was pretty sure the whole Astral Litz was going to blow up on us during battle because it took longer than 1 minute 43 seconds! I would love to be able to leave the Laxius Manor at the end...just to walk around and stuff...Please Indi :razz: :)

What was your favorite chapter and why? Our Dear Wendala was a pretty good chapter....although I missed a couple side quests; which is going to cause a replay of the whole game! I think I need to take a little time off before battling through the whole game again!

What was your favorite moment and why? Favorite moment was at the very end when they were able to make it back to the ship safe and sound and return to Adretana safely! +::kiss

Which dungeon is the hardest? I know everyone keeps saying Astral LItz, but I think Random's Body was the hardest for me, because I kept getting lost,and I couldn't find that last Blue Orb to save my life! Second hardest was Astral LItz, because of the baddies strength...other than that I kind of flew through Astral Litz by mapping as I went along that way I could find my way through pretty quickly!!

What's the game's best/strongest sides? The best thing about this game for me is the Story...there is so much depth, mystery, discovery, heartbreak, and love! I am a softy for a good story, and this game has me hooked! :)

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare? I did play LFI and LFII, and LFI is still my #1favorite RPG of all time! LFIII is up there with the first installment! It was an awesome game full of excitement and anticipation! I can't wait for the next installment to come out!

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter? Kommender seemed like a big wimp, and I don't think he could be better than the GC. Kommender's strategy was obviously a big failure!

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail? I did not use him all that much, but I still love Petula! He is just too darn cute, so I say Yay!! :)

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla? Appearance wise....Little Monkey, Battle wise Big Gorilla! Little Timbany just didn't have any strength!

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best? I would have to say the Woman....I really cannot remember her name! But I liked her best :)

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why? Aliener for sure he was pretty tough, but done after one go! Titanic was just really annoying....chasing us all the way to the Institute, and having to fight him about 20 times. He gets the award for most annoying boss!

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy? Angelina should win for being so naturally beautiful!! Love her :)

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back? Eh....I used them for Global wars, and that was about it. They were the same old Joshua and Herbert....although levels were nice and high!

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back? I was excited to finally be able to play with Timbany again! I think this trio is awesome, and I hope they stick around for the next installments!!! :)

Overall LFIII was pretty epic, and I was very impressed! You've come along way with the dialogue that's for sure! I look forward to playing the remainder of the installments, and replaying......Although I have to figure out how to get my save onto my new computer, so I don't have to start all the way over with LFI! But maybe I will replay all of them before the new one comes out...I do have a whole year +::clap +::clap +::clap +::clap Way to go Indi +::clap +::clap +::clap
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Patonk » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:03 am

Your opinion about Random?
First I think he is stupid about the technology,but he has suprised me when he can flying the space aircraft!when do you have learn that Random?!wahaha

Your opinion about Sarah?
Sarah is the terminator one...!in one fight she can rid one big monster and the minions with her Sun Boommer!but when in the Iron Manor she is bit cowardly!too bad I think...

Your opinion about Luciana?
Her laxius spell is the best!

Your opinion about Wendala?
I love Wendala in LF 3,when she wear the leather suit??by Yveen,its HOT!!!wahaha and I like when she say the sarcasm one...

Your opinion about Coryool?
I like his laugh,Gwahaha...Gwahaha...Gwahaha...

Your opinion about the Grand
I think the Ocean Gaes can kill this man by one hit and take the lead of the order,but why you not do that?wahaha yes he is just a weak cyborg...

Your opinion about the new
I like all the new character,especially Nash and Lily!very cool indeed...hehe

Your opinion about the game's
Its make me cry when Luciana finaly have meet Julian at the balcony...

What was your favorite
chapter and why?
The Yveen Oath I think,because I never see map like Banuunla at other place in LF 1 or LF 3 I guess...

What was your favorite
moment and why?
When talk to a lady near the palace for information about the beautifull contest and Askhbar say ''Count Me In'' wahaha its so funny!

Which dungeon is the hardest?
Astral-Litz because too many switch and too many monster that have a huge HP!!!

What's the game's best/
strongest sides?
if I'm not wrong to answer this question...,the game's best is how to solve the side quest and search the ultimates or relics one!

Have you played Laxius Force
1 and/or 2 and if so, how does
this one compare?
Yes,LF 3 is same as LF 1 or LF 2 I think,and I love to play them over and over againt!hehe

Is Kommender better than the
Grand Commendanter?
dunno!I never fight Kommender...

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?
YAY!!!YAY!!!Petula is a good fish!YAY!!!

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big
Little monkey for steal the chest!hehe Timbany is a bad boy!YAY!!!wahaha

Which of Wendala's Masters
did you like best?
Onyx I think...

If you were to be on
Kommender's list, would you
rather face Aliener or Titanic,
and why?
Aliener,because Titanic is invicible!if I'm not have the card anti Titanic of course...hehe

Who should win the Beauty
Contest: Sarah, Luciana,
Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra,
Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?
of course Wendie!hehe

(old players) What did it feel
to see Herbert and Joshua
I dont much care about this two big heads human,they just wasting my revive potions!wahaha

(old players) What did it feel
to see Djarma, Kratin and
Timbany back?
I'm glad to see them againt,its a long time to wait you know...haha
if you're looking forward do not you look into backward.because all members of your body will look back as well.
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby CHR1ST » Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:28 am

Your opinion about Random?
He was a great leader, strong, resistable, warrior type..without pre-emptiveness, he not to fast, and his mind not high too..but with fury, and the other multiple hit, and also combo with 'slasher' or combo with 'striker' wendie, he is unstopable...In guidiba-metamorf battle, i use him as a healer, no

Your opinion about Sarah?
one of my favorite..great speed,spell...very balance character..

Your opinion about Luciana?
my favorite character..very smart spell caster...very usefull in any kind of battle..
her HP is high, weak PD and MD, low speed...

Your opinion about Wendala?
just like sarah, very balance character, speed, damage...with aa-ten and taat-xen equipment, she became a monster..

Your opinion about Coryool?
crazy person (just for a beer, he go attack the fortress..he smash the wall), very resistance...

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?
before i fight him, i think he's the best fighter, but very dissapointed..hondler and guidiba is better than GC..

Your opinion about the new characters?
I like lilly mega-bazzoka (kaboomm, 2000 damage...), monster seiman&timbany...Xander, on of the best spell caster..adon,angelina,deuterium are usefull too..oglong for his posionous state in every battle..djarma with some good spell..
i don't like daryl,broff,marylin,vanina..

Your opinion about the game's ending?
little bit confusing bout the end...I think (or hope) there will be a battle or duel or tournament between 41

What was your favorite chapter and why?
chapter 10 : sick titanic...
chapter 11/12 : kondler is the great place for levelling up..
last chapter : the global war is to prove each player strategy and to prove how strong and balance their team..

What was your favorite moment and why?
after beat GC...luci revive, she had strong will..

Which dungeon is the hardest?
1. cosmopolite...lot of monster, on first play, I trapped and can't escaped...
2. titanic attack...poor random, one hit kill

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I like to collect good item, like relic and weapon, also baretta stuff, it make other char is strong...hope that more relic and ultimate found, so lot of char can equiped at last one relic/ultimate..

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?
they're all good..but LF 3, is more interesteing, coz we can play in lot option char..

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?
kommender is more smart than GC...

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?
I can't understand fish

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?
Big gorilla, his a monster...but in little state, his usefull too, especially, his rock..and his long arms (ultai library), u can't pass without it..

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?
charly, his strong (not like broff), little hard to beat him...

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?'s remember me on terminator

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?
Wendie, she's so hot with bikini, slave custom, and others..

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?
nice couple...maybe they are guy..always together..

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?
I like to see them again..
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:02 am

Your opinion about Random?
He’s a great fighter and he has a good character. He always tries to do what’s right (though back then in Tyrine I doubted this a bit when he decided to do the assassin quest … ;-)), even if it means to kill a friend!

Your opinion about Sarah?
In LF 1 and 2 she was great but in this game I hardly used her. But that’s also because there were so many characters to level up.
Sometimes she behaves a bit like a child (especially when quarrelling with Wendie). Then Random has to act more like a father than like a lover.

Your opinion about Luciana?
She’s a real QUEEN! There once was this shy and modest girl that turned out to be such a strong woman. She’s become the true leader of the quest, replacing Random a bit in this role. And I liked this!

Your opinion about Wendala?
Also a great fighter and despite of her rude behaviour a very good friend. I like her. Thank God (no, Indy!) she’s still alive!

Your opinion about Coryool?
He’s funny but not very sympathetic to me. Yet a strong fighter.

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?
What a swanky bigmouth! Talking about his own invincibility and then going down in one round! Loser! His death should have been much more painful!

Your opinion about the new characters?
Some of them are cool, like i.e. Deuterium. With the Baretta X-Drill he was quite a killing machine. Yet many of them were useless. I only levelled them for the ArenA. Sure I needed them for the Global War but with well balanced parties this wouldn’t have been too hard even at lower levels.

Your opinion about the game's ending?
I found it a bit disappointing that the G.C. went down so easily. I would have expected a hard fight. But I liked the Re-Incarnate thing. I had already forgotten about this skill and when Luci talked about it, it was like OH YES, OF COURSE!!! And I’m VERY happy she survived!
And hey, thanks for the 37.605.466 G we could NOT take with us! Grrrrrr!
After flying away I would have liked to see a big explosion behind me!

What was your favorite chapter and why?
I can’t answer this. Every chapter was unique in it’s own way. In each there were things I really liked and others I didn’t.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Realizing that Luci wouldn’t die! I really thought she would! After all, Sandy did die too, didn’t she?

Which dungeon is the hardest?
Undoubtedly Astral Litz. Even at lv99 and with good equipment the fights were hard – and pretty annoying after a while because so many of the monsters respawned. And Hondler and Guidibba drove me crazy.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
It’s big variety. There are so many creative ideas and so many things to do. So many different maps. And though I would have preferred to have less characters I found it great how various they are!
Moreover the storyline is great. You’re really living the adventure with them, not only just ‘playing’ it.

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?
I found LF2 more emotional. You could really feel the growing despair after each failure. And then Sandy dying!!!!! But this one brought much more new things to explore.

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?
Both of them suck! One of them is beaten with a few hits, the other one runs home to wifey! Both just talking with nothing behind it.

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?
With good equipment he could really be useful. But most of all he’s simply cute!

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?
Little Monkey almost all the time. I often used him. His Super Dance spell is sooooooooo great!

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?
Liliana. She didn’t treat her as bad as the others. After all, our Wendie deserves a little bit of respect, doesn’t she?

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?
Both of them together. Then I’d make them fight each other instead of me while I’d watch and enjoy Sargent’s cup of tea which I secretly found but not returned to him!

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?
Leona. Just because you didn’t list her! (Though I don’t even know how she looks now because I didn’t revive her!)

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?
For me they could still swim around in Arvendel. I never liked them, especially Joshua. The positive side is they succeeded quite easily at the ArenA, both at lv 50, so I didn’t have to bother levelling them up.

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?
I was waiting for that since the beginning of LF2. Kratin seemed to be a good fighter and with the Ketakeri Blade he really was great. Timbany – well, I already mentioned him. And Djarma – he was not so amazing but a nice guy.

After all the whole LF series was THE BEST I’VE EVER PLAYED!!! It was demanding, it was funny, it was sad and sometimes I was really going insane!
Yet I would like to add two things I didn’t like so much in LF3. The first one was the many, many, many hours of levelling up all the characters without having a real good place for it. The Fire Guild was quite good at the beginning but at higher levels it wasn’t that great anymore, especially with the chars who couldn’t equip the Seed Pendant. Kondler Trial was better, but not accessible all the time and the guys who already touched the flame couldn’t even enter again. I think it would have been enough to not let them touch the flame again but at least enter. The Crystal Zapoo Cave was GREAT, but empty way too fast!
But okay, this is part of this game if you want them all to participate at the ArenA. The second thing could be different though: It was REALLY annoying not to be able to remove Random out of the party most of the time. I had him at lv99 since far back then in LF2 which means thousands and thousands of wasted XP points that could have been some levels for others.
Couldn’t we at least remove him at the Fire Guild? This is just a humble question of a player who would like to do the whole thing again but is really tired of levelling up!


Edit: Just changed my opinion regarding the Beauty Contest. HERBERT should have won!!!!!!! +::YAY
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby littlebro » Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:10 am

I waited until I'd done it more than once so that I had a better picture of it.

Your opinion about Random?
The big change is that he has moved from being motivated by glory and money to wanting to help others and do the right thing. However, still immensely egocentric. For example, he says that if it wasn’t for Sarah, Sandy would be the woman in his life – but what makes him think that a thirty something woman would be interested in a 17 year old (still 17? Something weird about the chronology here). It may also be revealing that he consistently describes Sandy not as an excellent Economist, but as a mother of two. Does he have a mother fixation? By the way, about the artwork; we are told that he’s grown to be 5 foot 7 inches (shorter than many of the women – is that why he’s so aggressive?) and weighs 164 pounds. There is no way that someone with those measurements is going to have that delicate sort of face; he’s going to be basically a cube.

Your opinion about Sarah?
In LFI and 2 she was a moderately strong character. In LF3 her main functions seemed to be to have hysterics and to be adoring (and I note that the only female teams that I came across in Legendra Tower are ‘Submissive’ and ‘Sexy’. Hhmmmm)

Your opinion about Luciana?
Improved immensely in this game; matured, had really useful spells; was able to think beyond her own personal circumstances; take decisions that served the common good rather than just her own self interest.

Your opinion about Wendala?
Best all rounder in the game; can fight, has excellent spells, can heal; has a dry wit with intelligence. Several times stepped outside the stereotype of whore to Sandy’s Madonna (and no, I don’t mean the singer).

Your opinion about Coryool?
Here’s where I make myself unpopular. With the right equipment, he’s an excellent fighter, but I can’t see why people find him funny.

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?
Like all megalomaniacs, deranged and finally not all that strong. I was surprised at how (comparatively) easy he was to finish off with only 3 characters.

Your opinion about the new characters?
Where would I have been without Xander? I used him a lot, and he gets a good compulsory role as well. Daryl’s character was so insistently one-dimensional it was painful. Kenny was a waste of space. Deuterium, Adon and Seiman were good and I liked the artwork for all 3. Claria turned out to be more useful than I thought she would be – and out of an earring? Like MM’s Jeanne. Is this the future of fairies in Aldorlea games? Angelina has to be thought of as a star, if only for her treatment of Titanic. Nash and Neon had great dialogue and were consistently reliable companions. Not sure what Lilly was doing in the game, but who am I to turn my nose up at her when I used her pre-emptive so often? As far as I’m concerned, Oglong’s main contribution was to fill out the number to beat Linda so that I could get the best prize. Leanda looked like she might be a really interesting character, but came too late for that to happen. The problem with all of them is that there were so many (plus revived characters too, plus old characters coming back) that inevitably their characterisation was thin; there wasn’t enough space for them to fill out.

story line.
Lots of twists and turns, which made it much more interesting. Setbacks faced, grief dealt with, so it wasn’t a Disney story. I was genuinely taken aback by Wendala’s death, not at all what I had been expecting. Some loose ends; I didn’t think the way that Louis explained his survival was at all credible, not given the artwork at his death; the way Coryool appeared with Louis on the bridge with Wendala doesn’t make sense to me, no matter how I try and explain it

Your opinion about the game's ending?
It seemed a bit abrupt, but after such a long game, perhaps anything would seem short! Depends, though, what is meant by ‘the ending’. If it’s the bit after the escape in the airship, then it was abrupt. However, if ‘the ending’ means from after defeating GC then it’s strong and much better than an instant success. I thought that having to defeat Hondler and Guidibba to get out was an excellent plot development.

What was your favorite chapter and why?
Each chapter had its strong points, but if I could only pick one then it would be Chapter 13, because it needed a lot of thought, and working out, though I did find the fights in the airport a bit repetitive; once I’d worked out the basic strategy it was just endless recycling of that. The fights in Astral-Litz need more concentration and strategy because the combinations were often different. Hondler and Guidibba were very good boss fights. Really enjoyed having to plan a total strategy on characters and equipment for the Global War.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Finally getting Broff past Linda, because I thought it was never going to happen. I also found the scene on the balcony between Luci and Julian touching, which surprised me. Also, for very different reasons, Neon’s dialogues, especially the last little spat between him and Nash.

Which dungeon is the hardest?
Astral-Litz, by a mile

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Length of game play; non-linear in many places, but with enough forward momentum to keep it going; lots of side quests which were good in themselves but which I could also use to relieve the immense tedium of grinding up; really interesting maps to explore, with plenty of side maps; the use of humour.

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?
I’ve played all 3 and each one is different (which is one of the strengths of the trilogy) so that it’s not possible to do a straight comparison. I think length of game play in LFIII gives it the edge, as well as having the opportunity to play some of the game without Random as a compulsory member of the party.

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?
‘Better’ in what way? Certainly not medically insane like GC; able to have a range of priorities and to choose where ‘success’ lay – in preserving his 100% success rate in his missions versus having a relationship which he obviously valued more. I can see that many people might think he wimped out, but I think there’s more to it than that.

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?
In the Arena I’d have gladly shot him, (or is it her? never sure which) he was so difficult to get through, but underwater he was excellent, and just for finding the Catharsis Orb he has to be a Win.

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?
Timbany’s small monkey form was useful for those irritating Pyramid things (can’t remember the name) and I loved his rock throwing; his big gorilla form was very useful in the Global War, so the answer has to be – it depends what fight you want to use him for.

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?
Can’t say that I ‘liked’ any of them, though the woman (whose name I’ve now forgotten) was potentially likeable.

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?
Titanic – he can’t get up stairs, remember, and I know lots of places that can only be accessed by stairs.

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?
Going just by the artwork, Leanda.

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?
I disliked both of them in LFII, especially Joshua who is a complete misogynist, so I wasn’t thrilled to see them return.

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?
I was moderately pleased to see them. Kratin is a great character, with humour and, once he got the Ketakari Blade, an excellent fighter. Djarma tries too hard to be noble and if I hadn’t picked Fury for one of his fusion spells I don’t think I’d have found him all that useful, even though I levelled him up to over 90. Both Timbany and Djarma felt a bit marginal, which is odd, seeing that Djarma was essential for the Ultai parts of the game.

I’d like to make a few general points about the game. I hope you’ll see them as constructive criticism which I’m only making so that future games are even better than present ones.
1. The problem with the hanging script bug might not have been so bad if the original design decision had been to eliminate quest items once they’d been used. (I’m guessing here, I have no idea how the programme for making these games works). Why did I need to carry round things like Baretta’s package, Civilia’s necklace, etc. etc. after they’d been handed over? It also meant that it was much more difficult to find things in the inventory because it was cluttered up with junk. Can they be eliminated from inventory in future games?
2. Compared with other Aldorlea games, the LF series seems to have many more bugs, and some of them really serious ones. Is there something about the development process or beta testing process that needs attention?
3. There were several mistakes in the Official Strategy Guide, some minor, some more significant. Is the Guide included in the beta testing process?
4. The translations have improved immensely over the series, but there are still a lot of small things, for example (can’t remember the names of the NPCs, so) the guy in the Undead Guild should not “learn” spells to characters, he should "teach" them; the woman who gives the big rewards in the Arena talks about how many people “winned” – no such verb exists, it’s how many “won”.
5. My memory may be faulty, but I think that in LP non-active members got a small percentage of exp points from fights (was it 10%?). If the LS trilogy is also going to have a big number of characters, would it be possible to consider using that idea again? Having to level up so many was incredibly tedious, even using the Lava Pool, and made it really heavy going at times.

Despite these points, I think the LF trilogy is something to be proud of.
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Ciristhan » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:08 pm

Your opinion about Random?
Random's character development was handled very well: He has matured a lot during the laxius adventures and turned from an almost anti-hero who is only out for fame, gold and boobs into a responsible man. I liked him a lot in the LF III. Apart from that he is great fighter but that goes without saying.

Your opinion about Sarah?
Sarah has always been ditzy, shallow and subservient. And this has not changed in the last installment. I always figured that Random could do with a better girlfriend...but maybe she is just incredible in bed.

Your opinion about Luciana?
Lucy's change into a stern and somewhat prissy queenn saddened me a bit. I always liked the bookish girl with super powers but recently she has turned into a bossy know-it-all who is just hard to stand. The one moment I felt some sort of compassion for her was when she confessed to Coryool that she never had a childhood - this scene was great. Apart from that I was sort of dissapointed with the way her character was handled; but then again, some great kids just turn into unlikeable adults...

Your opinion about Wendala?
Wendy is, has always been, will always be the star of the laxius series. Although her humour was a little tame this time (looking for a larger audience, aren't we?) she is still the queen of witty sex jokes and spiteful comments. Plus she renders everything she touches into ashes if she wishes to. I loved the the blood assassin/astral dancer discrepancy in her narrative by the way.

Your opinion about Coryool?
I really, really thought he was the GC. Well until he started defending the deport against his troops. Meh, I would have liked it better if he had turned into a traitor.

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?
Über clichée villain. Nothing interesting about him. Standard fantasy fare.

Your opinion about the new characters?
That is probably an aspect that divides the laxius saga followers: While many seem to have enjoyed the nearly mind wrecking diversity of characters I found it simply annoying and tiresome. I could not identify or sympathize with the myriads of faeries, warriors, animals and whatnot; I simply wanted more airtime for the real heroes and I found it very bothersome to level up all these nobodies. Please, if there should be a sequel sometime in the future - focus on fewer characters.

Your opinion about the game's ending?

What was your favorite chapter and why?
I really could not tell. All had their merits and their shortcomings. My least favorite was probably the one where the party was always going back and forth to Kondler to find the bloody airport. Yawn.

What was your favorite moment and why?
When Random dismantled the torture guild. That was laxius at its best: horrifying and funny - instead of trying to be epic. Also I simply loved the Hostel reference.

Which dungeon is the hardest?
Personally, I found the part most challenging when the various parties of semi-trained nobodies had to defend the deport from the hordes of the GC. That was really challenging!

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
see above: horror and humour. I do not know why but sometimes the laxius saga just gives me the creeps which is great, I think, for a computer game series with funny little sprites as characters. The same holds for the jokes: I find it rather amazing that a fantasy game can be so funny, especially considering that it is a genre that takes itself sooo seriously.

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?
Yes. I liked LF I best because it had a real progressing storyline with a lot of character development goind on. LF II and LF III were good, too but especially LF III became really tedious and simply too long from time to time. (Did I mention that I really did not like all the back and forth business with the airport?!) Nonetheless, all games were highly addictive, and that is a great merit for sure.

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?
He is cooler, that is for shure. And he is somewhat funny because he has got this nagging wifey at home.

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?
Ach, spare me.

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?
Don't know, none of the above?!

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?
Charly, I wish I had not killed him. Such a dear character since the VERY beginning.

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?
Titanic. I would simply get me some brass knuckles and simply push him away all the time!

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?
Wendy. Though Yveen is a close second, due to her MASSIVE cleavage.

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?
It felt like: Argh, more characters, and weak ones on top!

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?
Hmph, don't know.
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby anu rulz » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:16 pm

Your opinion about Random? he has really grown as a personality thru the games..and i really liked tht abt him..initially he was this teenaged hero bt he became a much bigger person as well..probably the tragedies he had to go thru like sandy's death et al matured him..
Your opinion about Sarah? well she came off as a strong personality in the first two games bt in the third she was back to being really good spells,a strong character fight-wise..
Your opinion about Luciana? she was as regal as a queen is supposed to be..liked her a lot thru the of my favourites,except her supposed hidden love for random which i found sorta wierd frankly..
Your opinion about Wendala? ooh,definitely one of the best characters..amazing sense of humour and she really blossomed in the last game..
Your opinion about Coryool? another character wid a great sense of humour..
Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?frankly,was quite a let-down as a character..evil bosses shud have a lil more personality..he came off as a wimp..
Your opinion about the new characters? claria was a waste frankly,she contributed hardly anything,except win me the arena..and daryl was extremely i liked..timbany,angelina and adon were super-cute..xander and leanda a big help in fights..
Your opinion about the game's ending? makes me want to play the next series even more..luci being a Goddess was a pleasant surprise..
What was your favorite chapter and why? chapter 10..loved wendy taking control of her life and funny interactions esp btwn her and guanidia..
What was your favorite moment and why? when i finished the tuk FOREVER..
Which dungeon is the hardest? astral-litz widout a doubt..even wid all characters being 99,the monsters were a pain..
What's the game's best/strongest sides? the amazing manner the story is weaved alongwid the game play..the side-quests were great and the exploring in laxius games is always praiseworthy..
Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare? my fav was laxius 2 since the story progress tht the second one had was the best..otherwise the battles,the number of characters in LF3 was much better..
Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?like i said the GC was a wimp frankly..kommender was lot more resourceful and interesting..
Petula: Yay, Win or Fail? yay yay yay..the fish got me the catharsis orb..hurray for him..and he is a monster in underwater dungeons..
Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla? lil monkey was much cuter,and big gorilla is a one man-army..i go for the cutie tho..
Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best? the not-evil were uber-meanos..
If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why? a doctor..i wud handle aliener much better...XD
Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?wendy widout a doubt..
(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back? ugh,dnt like again arena wins needed thm..
(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back? i enjoyed thm a lot..
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby linc » Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:50 pm

Loved the game, finally got the time to finish it! +::YAY
Looking forward to play the next laxius trilogy. What will become of our favorite adventurers?

Your opinion about Random?
Stronger than ever, he's more mature though shadowed by luci's leadership. The perfect hero.

Your opinion about Sarah?
IMO she's been through lots of trials and promotions and her skills/spells don't match it. Still imature for a Supreme war archangel elf of the sun (too many titles, little power)
New spells with high mp cost ; in-go-filea was a disappointment, because it should be a lot more powerful to make up for her lack of laxius spells.

Your opinion about Luciana?
She's became powerful through the LF series. Her title has made her very bossy...high-mp cost laxius spells. A true heroine, willing to save the deport by giving her life. At the laxius manor she was still majorly wounded +::O_o

Your opinion about Wendala?
The best female chara of the saga. She's the perfect fighter/ healer. Sexy, funny...I love wendie.

Your opinion about Coryool?
the killing machine. Coryool should join from the beggining...Hard time for the monsters +::biggrin

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?
No surprise about him. I always thought he was a coward. A darth vader cyborg hiding in the middle of the garbage?behind a wall glass? If he was a real ruler he should have defied the laxius force with his "minions" guiddiba and hondler . That would have been an epic boss fight.

Your opinion about the new characters?
I hate slow charas, because they allow the enemies to do a lot of damage to the party.
I missed Jezzie. She was an awesome fighter. What became of Luba? And Zoo? Only Batabog appeared...

Alexandra- weak, but her dreams were very cool, one of the best surprises from LF saga.
Xander - weak attack, good spells.
Adon - slow...good if well equipped.
Seiman - love his open chests' skill; strong /fast/good spells
Claria - she's tiny, but very resistant.
Daryl - sucks
Vanina - sucks
Oglong - sucks
Broff - sucks
Fierce- slow; sometimes he just wouldn't move; awful reward from arena.
Kenny - weak, slow, needed to lvl her up a lot
Marilys - well equipped she was a decent fighter
Deuterium - strong but slow
Angelina- one of my favorites, wish I could have played her more
Lily - strong and fast, loved her
Cindy - strong, but her mnd was too low to the high mp cost of her spells
Marion revived - stronger ; didn't like her new spells
Sandy revived - still weak..missed her "talk" spell :)
Leanda - she's great in LF III. Strong, fast, very different from LP series. Like her a lot now.

Your opinion about the game's ending?
A major letdown. I expected much more when it comes to a game's ending....a big explosion of Astral Litz..... Random carrying the GC's head to Adretana. ...A big party. Bragging around the streets of Adretana. Revisit other towns...Romance between Random and Sarah; Marion and Brussian; A huge treasure room in GC's HQ...lots of money we can't carry? +::grrr

What was your favorite chapter and why?
The last one. The most thrilling one.

What was your favorite moment and why?
When Luci asks Random to kill her and Sarah gets was really emotional

Which dungeon is the hardest?
Astral Litz...those monsters were die-hard bastards. The blade room was quite challenging also.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Sidequests, artwork

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?
Yes, I did.
LF III is bigger and features lots of sidequests we couldn't finish in the previous games, I liked that.

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?
Kommender wouldn't stand a single blow from Random...But GC and Kommender are equally cowards...

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?
Yay, love her treasure find skill

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?
Little monkey...faster and throw nasty rocks +::biggrin

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?
the vampire...lots of treasures in his hideout

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?
I don't get the question...I faced both...very annoying...

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?
Wendie...and she should have been granted the reward...

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?
Both suck, but they were useful to complete the arena 36 wins

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?

I liked it. Kratin is the hell of a fighter. Djarma is quite good when he gets the Sun Blast and the fury spell. Timbany is very cute
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby eve » Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:20 pm

Just Finished LF3 for the second time (the first time was a desaster I missed half of things +::shhhh ).

Your opinion about Random?

I liked him most of the times and he absolutely earns a certain respect because he uses his strong skills for people's sake.But I love the way he shows his love to Sarah.Me may be a little weird sometimes but he sure is a trustworthy friend, an amazing spouse,AND of course an AMAZING fighter :)

Your opinion about Sarah?

Ohh,Sarah is so sweet and naive!She is so devoted to her friends and especially to her love! :) A very passionate,strong and sweet elf!

Your opinion about Luciana?

My favorite character.Extremely mature especially for her age, (only 17 +::O_o ),the very best wizardess I ever played in a RPG,determined to take revenge and save her people.I like the fact that she is (almost) always so calm and she was the only character who didn't provoked anybody! (well except from Herasia of course +::lol ).Luciana is such a sweet and kind person and I was really sad that she lost her love.. +::cry

Your opinion about Wendala?

Wendieeeee!Great sense of humor,well ok, sometimes it was a bit nasty but you know she said the type of things that makes you burst into laughter and then say ooooh,I shouldn't laugh at this,this is nasty! +::lol But you laugh anyway because let's face it her lines are way too clever! +::biggrin and of course I loved her as a fighter especially as an astral dancer!

Your opinion about Coryool?

A funny beast!Especially in the wraith scene in Metrolia when he said ''wref'' and Kenny said '''Who is this retard?'' I laugh EVERY TIME! +::lol Coryool may seem like somebody who ahem...has no depth,but I really think he is much more that he shows! ;)

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?

Two words.Mommy issues. +::shhhh

Your opinion about the new characters?

Well,first of all,from Xander's party I really loved Adon because he seems sooo scary but he is soooo cool!Seiman of course made me laugh almost every time he said something,Xander was born leader and I loved his spells!Angelina,a courageous and very strong girl and a very strong reminder, (with Titanic) Angelina as a character tells that intelligence and devotion don't always much ;) Umm Daryl,hate him.Arrogant,not even good sense of humor,rude,ugly and totally weak.And not so smart either,Herasia kicks his ass!Deuterium,yay win!Very strong and talks only when needed. +::Thumbup Lilly is sooo YO!And I loved her pre-emptive bazooka,Marilys is a devoted friend (glad that she joined and although she doesn't have so many spells she sure can fight) Herbert and Joshua, I disliked them but I would say that they are characters that don't triger you intrest at all.Not even as fighters.Leanda is a little wierd but a good fighter in general.Claria is a sweet Nymph but her spells are unfortunately really useless.And Vanina....When Vanina rejoined I almost cry because I knew she would make my day sooooo much worse with the Arena....Although I beat the Arena with all the characters Vanina was a nightmare...Even Daryl wasn't so much pain as a fighter!

Your opinion about the game's ending?

I was very surprised because at the very end I couldn't possibly guess what was going to happen!But then again,I am always surprised with Indy's games. :razz: I was glad that Luci survived but until they get home I was like +::O_o +::O_o +::O_o And oh my God Luis a hologram????? That was totally out of my imagination!!! Indinera,I bow to thee! +::clap

What was your favorite chapter and why?

I have to say that my favotire chapter was the first one mainly because I really liked the fact that everything was calm and I liked leveling up sarah and random and especially my sweet sweet cocka cocka!I loved the first laxius force,I think I could play it all the time!But I also liked the last stand because I loved the evolution of the characters!Oh the laxius spells are my favorite!And the evolutions of Sarah I really wanted to see something more of her and ta'-da!The In go Fileha was a really cool weapon!

What was your favorite moment and why?

Actually there where three.First the moment that Sarah becaume an angel,second when Random took Apocalypsia and became a universal figher (loved the music in that part bravo Indy +::clap ) and third when Random went to save Sarah from the dragons (awwwww! +::heart ) Why?Because I love to see the inner power of every person take a certain shape.

Which dungeon is the hardest?

Astral Litz and the airport. +::O_o

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

I was addicted to the storyline...It had its sad moments but it was so intense,so full of mystery,full of quests and so much detailes!I loved that I could explore a single area and I could find sooo many things!As for the equipment oooohhhh!Soooo many good weapons,accesories,armors,boosts it was all in great detail,Indy I can't imagine your hard work but that makes an epic RPG!

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?

I really liked all of them all 3 for different reasons!Although I think the last one is as big as the first one!I really liked that because I was praying not to finish! +::lol

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?

Nope.They are both equally bad +::lol But to be completely honest Kommender had a wife which means he had someone how loved him which means that he probably had something lovable about him.

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?

Yay,win!I loved Petula's comments to Linda! +::lol Such a sweet little fish!And of course Petula was our savior underwater!

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?

Little monkey loved the crazy dance big gorilla sooooo strong! +::O_o

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?

The ghost lady (I don't remember her name) She was the only one who wasn't wicked and actually spoke nice to Wendie!

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?

Titanic because Aliener was disgusting. +::lol But of course I wouldn't survive against Titanic I would have fainted the moment he would start saying ''Target....'' +::lol

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?

I think Yveen she is really pretty! :)

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?

Oh well...Welcome aboard I guess...Whatever... 8)

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?

I was really excited because I knew they would be intresting!And very very strong,especially Kratin and Timbany (big form) are true beasts!Djarma is weak at first but when he recieves the ''filling the gap'' from the mage guild he becomes strong and don't die easily.In level 78 with fairly good equipment Djarma's strength was 1569 and his resistance 1343 and mind 1500.Pretty good.

The laxius force trilogy is one of my favorite games or as I call it laxius force,my sweet sweet madness! +::lol Congrats Indy,I really loved it! +::clap
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