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If it's bad tell me ^^

If it's bad tell me ^^

Postby rin966 » Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:18 am

err I don't decide the tittle already but it makes from RPG Maker VX. (I'm still amateur) I think i didn't insert many dizzy thing well there is the story:
In the night of stormy day a couple of Farmer see a baby girl below their tree. When the wife pick her up, she see a mark in the baby wraist. It said a mark of destruction. But is it really the mark that will destroy the world? Even so the Farmer still pick her and name her Marianne. The villager know about that mark and ready to dispose that baby anytime if she is really going to destroy the world
In other places. . . The Horizon Girl that will save the world is still been searched. The country itself is fallen in terrible disaster. Every people that have a gift is called and none of them is the right one.
10 years pass. . . Marianne became a really good girl. And she will enter a Hunter school with her best friend Anastacya. What will happen after Marianne graduated? Did she will be destroy the world with her own hand or be The Horizon Girl whom save the world?
I want the ending of destroy though. But i think i will submit her to be the Horizon Girl. please said what is the best, what Marianne become? And some tittle advice is good to.
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Re: If it's bad tell me ^^

Postby EmeraldEyez » Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:52 am

Hi Rin!!! It sounds like a great story, and game! +::YAY As for a title.....maybe Titaness will have some input :) She is great with that! I really think The Horizon Girl is great! :) Hopefully Titanesss will stumble upon this post and have some input for a title! And also you could post this in The Royal Families home page we would love to help you out!

Emmy +::heart

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Re: If it's bad tell me ^^

Postby rin966 » Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:47 am

thanks for the advice, i really meant it. But somehow (because my big brother said blablabla) i change some of the name Marianne is no longer Marianne but Tiana (from Diana Goddess of Hunting) except that i didn't change minor thing. And again my brother said blablabla and want it to be a greek mythology (and i suck at make these sort of thing) he make all of the building by stone! Oh my god, i feel delivered to some Bronze Age thingy. (Like the hell i care about that!)
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Re: If it's bad tell me ^^

Postby nanou » Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:21 am

if you want help with greek stuff, im here for you, but why, hell why make it all of stone???? it wasnt like that in greece! (well, there was stone and marble, but not everywhere!!!)
if my life was an rpg, i would put a spell on my models and make them be made themselves!:P:)
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