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Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm (Official Thread)

Re: Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm (Official Thre

Postby Dark Gaia » Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:03 pm


Hey everyone, I've set up a small forum on my website specifically for discussing Legionwood 2 and my other games in a dedicated setting. If you'd like to get the updates as soon as they become available, or engage with me on a regular basis (since I'm not very active around here anymore and may take some time to get back to questions left in this thread), please feel free to drop by: Of course, I'll stop pop in here every now and then -- this is just a means of getting your comment responded to quicker if you don't want to wait a while :)

Stay tuned for more news. Beta 4 release date coming soon!
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Dark Gaia
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:28 am

Re: Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm (Official Thre

Postby Dark Gaia » Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:42 am

Time for some news!

As of today, I've pretty much wrapped up development of the Beta 4.0 release of Legionwood 2, having completed all of the remaining content in Act II, and now all that remains is a couple of weeks of testing and some final polishing.

In the game's current form, all of the new content is completely playable from start to finish (and all up there's ~3 hours or so of new content to look forward to) in a basic and unbalanced manner, and most of the new events and scripts are working fine. Theoretically, I could release the beta now and players would be able to get right up to the beginning of the game's third act, but I want to spend a few weeks to a month from now thoroughly testing and polishing this new content to make sure it's all balanced and bug free upon release. I've contacted some of my old beta testers to help me with this, and they'll be receiving WIP builds of the game in the next few days.

In particular, I want to make sure that all of the morality based content in the new release is working as intended, and I'm also going to do a quick sweep of the game to rebalance the morality system in general to make sure that the game's choices and consequences aren't heavily skewed to one side over the other. The new release is intended to have equally valid reasons to play through the game with either positive or negative morality, and the game's plot reaches a huge turning point at the end of Act II with the death of one of two characters (determined by the player's morality). Ultimately, the goal is for Legionwood 2 to have multiple possible endings and for the player's choices in game to determine what the will (or won't) encounter in their current playthrough.

I've also made the decision to slightly revise the game's story into a three act structure, rather than mimicking the four chapters of Legionwood 1. Legionwood 2 will henceforth be divided up into an Act I, Act II and Act III (with the Beta 4 release containing the entirety of the first two acts). My reasoning behind this is that the game's second act, Aftermath and Alliance is already quite long and covers quite a bit of the game's backstory -- it's already at least as long as the first two chapters of the original Legionwood combined -- and what I'd planned for the last two chapters of the game is quite small in comparison, so it made more sense to combine Chapters 3 and 4 into a larger Act III which matches the scope and progression of the previous two acts. Overall, not a very significant change, but to me at least it helps make the game's story progression seem more fluid.

All of these final touches and polishes shouldn't take me longer than 2 or 3 weeks to complete. However, I am returning to university next week, and so my free time will suddenly become a little less readily available, which may impact on my progress and delay the release a little more (though I still hope to get this testing period over and done with as soon as I can). At the moment, I'd tentatively give mid to late March as a release estimate, though please don't hold me to that. I just wanted to let you all know that development is still going smoothly and that Beta 4 is all but complete sans a few final touches, and that you'll get the chance to play it soon. Stay patient!

More updates are to come closer to release. Thanks for your continued support.
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Dark Gaia
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Joined: Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:28 am

Re: Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm (Official Thre

Postby Dark Gaia » Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:58 am

New version of the game is available to download!

It's been a long time coming, but the latest release of Legionwood 2 is finally online. I fully intended for it to be out a couple of days ago, but due to all the new graphics and sound files I've added to this release it ended up having a massive file size and was taking literally forever to upload.

In any case, this new release (Beta 4.0) adds the second half of Act II to the game, along with a whole bunch of small additions, tweaks and bug fixes to existing content. Battles flow much more smoothly now several of the class combinations that were too similar in previous builds have been considerably reworked. All up, there's about 11 hours or so of gameplay in this release, and plenty of branching storylines and morality dependent events to experience.

Players who'd like to continue their save files from the previous build can do so by copying and pasting their saves into the game folder -- Beta 4.0 will detect older save files and run some brief calibrations to make them compatible with the updated scripts when the save is first loaded. On the other hand, those who'd like to start again from the beginning will find a handful of new surprises to behold, but I won't spoil them here.

Now, with all that out of the way, I'll be taking a well deserved break for a month or two to catch up on university homework -- announcements about the full release of Legionwood 2 to follow when I've recovered from everything :)
Want the latest news on Legionwood and my other projects?
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Dark Gaia
Posts: 69
Joined: Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:28 am


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