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Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:19 pm
by Alikamou
+::YAY Going to mark calendar to check +::Thumbup Just keep up the creating and have fun with it. You're doing something you're dreaming about +::biggrin

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:36 pm
by D-Squall
Until there, don't you wanna make more questions? :)

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:01 pm
by Alikamou
did you get any ideas for cover? have you started on it yet?

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:05 pm
by D-Squall
I had, but as I don't know move much on those things, I just keep on my mind, until find someone who can do it for me. +::lol

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 11:24 pm
by D-Squall
The translation is going much quickly than I tought, the demo should be coming in this weekend. +::YAY

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:19 am
by D-Squall
The Demo is out :)

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:37 am
by Alikamou
Where! Where! WHERE!!! +::O_o

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:39 am
by D-Squall
First page.

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:39 am
by Kale
Wow, your game's 38MB, the RTP is a separate download, and the game's over after you enter the tournament less than five minutes into the game. +::O_o

Okay, so you can enter the town at least. The first thing I did was go to the Water Guild. I had no money yet so I couldn't afford to join, but the lady didn’t mind and gave me a quest to track down an elemental anyways. Then it goes in my quest book, which I have no way to access. Then I managed to chase down the water elemental, only to be annihilated by three jelly blobs. I mean Saimon fell in one attack, and there're three separate enemies. The healer lasted a bit longer, but even if she healed herself every turn she would at best die when she ran out of MP.

Checking that off my immediate to-do list, I remembered to return the amulet and got Saimon another level up, and I noted that he was still weaker than the healer in every aspect. I hope he comes into his own when his level catches up to hers. Finding nothing else to do I left town, only to be greeted with a message as if I had just arrived in town. Then I entered the nearby cave and was promptly slaughtered by two wolf enemies in the same fashion as the water blobs that had owned me a few minutes prior.

Unless I missed something, that's the entire demo in a nutshell. There were a few npc's that spoke in a different language, the death screen, a locked door , and the message for picking up an amulet were similarly in a different language. Not a bad first attempt, but it could have really used a bit more play testing, especially in the balance department where the two battles you can fight both see you annihilated in short fashion. :)

Still, I'll play it when the game is finished. I've played a number of RPGMaker 2000 games over the years and it looks fairly promising.

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:35 pm
by D-Squall
OH, about the language Im sorry, I was so excited to release the demo that I dind't even tested, I only saw if everthing was translated, and about the growing of Saimon, it's only on the demo, those features are still to be changed.

I promise, today I will fix everthing and.... what do you think about the demo? :)

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:43 pm
by Kale
It's not bad for someone's first outing in the engine.

Mapping: For a first outing in the engine, you'd usually expect to see a whole lot of big square rooms that are practically empty and boring. Otherwise, they'd be packed full of just an impractical number of boxes and accessories to make them look fuller. You found a good balance.

Story: Not that much to say here. You can talk to a few random NPC's and that's about it. The conversation with the cleric is the only real plot point and I recall it was fairly well done.

File Size: Could have used some work. Either you included a lot of unused resources, or something needs to be compressed. There are programs out there that can scan your game and tell you what resources you need to include. You might want to look it up if you can find it.

There's certainly room for improvement though, but that's why you would keep working at it, familiarizing yourself with the program, and pushing it further and further. I think back to LP1 and I don't recall that it had much in the way of special effects, fog effects, etc., beyond just barebones RTP, and look how far Indy has come since then.

For just starting off you're ahead of the game, but there's still plenty of room for growth. +::Thumbup

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:46 pm
by D-Squall
Thank you, I'll do something about the unused files, and remember about the conversation, Im a brazillian, I don't know the perfect english, oh, and I fixed the demo. You know, the demo is really small if you don't do the quests. I fixed something too like the monsters being too strong.

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:05 pm
by Alikamou
FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK!!!! +::biggrin I like +::biggrin Not strong enough yet cause got knocked out with 7th encounter +::lol I still need MANY MANY MANY save spots tho +::lol +::Thumbup Keep going DS +::Thumbup

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:09 pm
by D-Squall
Great, the version I uploaded is easier, try downloading it.

Re: The Legend of Nexus

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:42 pm
by Alikamou
Yessss....I can start at the beginning with this download +::YAY The first time I was already at the tournament +::biggrin Loved what happened to the shirtless guy +::lol +::lol +::lol Good job and keep it up +::Thumbup

btw, how long is this demo? +::lol Enjoying fighting the snow spiders +::O_o Got some power now +::biggrin