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Laxius Party Walkthrough

Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:24 am

Since the other forum collapsed, there isn't a walkthrough around I guess... Luckily, I saved Kehaul's walkthrough on my PC, so here it is... :

By Kehaul
The Laxius Party

1. Walk around, and meet the members of the game. When you are ready to proceed, talk to Eridani, in the red dress. You will enter combat, but there is no way to win this battle.

2. Choose your Difficulty:

You can choose from: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Hell difficulties.

Hard difficulty is the 'base' difficulty. Every other difficulty will add a "game mode" condition to your party members that adjusts their stats as follows:

Easy: Str, Dex, Agi, Int: +60%
Normal: Str, Dex, Agi, Int: +30%
Hard: No change
Hell: Str, Dex, Agi, Int: -20%

Indinera has stated that there was no bonus for doing hell difficulty, and I don't believe there is a penalty for picking easy either. If it's your first time playing, normal is a pretty safe bet. If you're new to RPG's, or you just want to breeze through the game, then try easy. The strategies and tips that follow should get you through hard mode at the very least. Hell mode is at your own discretion.

3. Choose your Scenario:

Fantasy World
Brain Hospital
Hall Of Madness

The three scenarios are independent of each other. There are no rewards or penalties for doing them in any particular order. (The Fantasy World is detailed directly below, while the other two listed just above are linked directly to that section of the walkthrough.)

Fantasy World

4. You start out near a cabin. The cabin has a bed inside you can rest to recover your party. You'll want to remember it's there for later. For now, press "A" or "F6" to change your party roster. Indinera is the only active party member, so you'll want to add some others. It doesn't matter who you pick at this point, but I'd recommend you switch them around from time to time, so nobody falls too far behind the rest.

5. First, head up the rock stairway and take the pathway leading right to find 500g. Then return back to the cabin.

6. Head down a screen. Here, you'll start to find enemy encounters. Their attacks can really hurt at this point, but they are also easy to defeat. Eridani has a basic healing spell to keep you healthy. If anyone gets knocked out in battle, or you are low on MP; you should head back to the cabin to rest.

7. In a chest to the right is 18g. Further right is a sign you should read. Continue to the right edge of the screen, then head down for a chest containing an iron shield. I gave it to Pato. From the chest, walk left, ignoring the stairway, to find a leather hat. I gave it to Aura. Then head to the far left of the screen for a health potion. Optionally, the top-left area of this screen has a cave mouth you can click on for a conversation.

8. From the screen you are on, there are exits towards the left, bottom, and bottom right.

9. Take the left exit first. You start to meet tougher enemies here, and you may need to rely on Eridani or Indinera to do much damage. Nemarie's 'Wind Slash' skill (Learned at Lv. 2) does good damage as well. Follow the mountains upwards to find a wooden shield. I gave it to Aura. Head to the left, then follow the mountain down. Where the mountain meets the trees, there is a magical beans slightly hidden behind a tree. To the right is a pond with a strange blue orb, but it doesn't appear to do anything.

10. Head back to the original area, rest up at the cabin if you need to, and then take the bottom-right exit this time. Towards the bottom you can find an iron blade and 3g side-by-side. Both Pato and Aura can equip the Iron Sword. You can even alternate the sword between the two.

11. Head back to the original area and take the bottom exit this time. Head down along the left to find a magicka potion. Along the right path, there is an xp pumpkin almost entirely hidden behind a row of trees.

12. From the current screen, take the bottom exit. Head all the way down to the collapsed cave, where you'll see a plant lying on the ground nearby, it's a speed mugwort. Head up a bit from the plant to find a leather coat. I gave this to Mellowkat. A power root is lying on the ground to the top-right, just a few steps away. One more power root can be found lying on the ground at the bottom-right corner of this area.

13. You're on the home-stretch now; head back up one screen and take the right exit this time. Follow along the top of the screen and check the collapsed cave entrance for a holy potion. Continue along to the top-right corner to find Leather Boots. I gave them to Aura. Head down, across the bridge, for a total of 3x power root along the bottom-right corner. Head back up the bridge, to the left, then take the other bridge heading down. Here you can find a health potion in the bottom left. To the right is an xp pumpkin in plain sight.

14. Head down and into the Fox Village. At the bottom-left of the village are two foxes that serve as shops. You should buy enough armor here for everybody, as you'll need the defense. As far as items, I don't see much need for bread since Eridani and Pato should both have a heal spell by now. You might want a couple butterfly nectars though. The top-right of town has an inn you can rest in for 10g. When you're set, talk to the red fox to move the story along.

15. Head back outside town. Now that you finally have some good armor, you may wish to switch party members around and catch any lower level members back up. When you are ready, the enemy the Red Fox sent you to beat is towards the top-right of this area. Do not confuse this with the blue orb from step #9, which I'm sure many players went to.

16. Mini-Boss Battle!

Trick Mushroom x 3, Lady Breeze

Okay, so the battle itself is actually pretty easy. Lady Breeze has a water spell that hits all party members, but with the armor you just bought at Fox Village, it barely even hurts. Her regular attack is equally weak. The only thing you need to watch out for is confusion, both from the mushrooms and her. If Eridani is lv.8, her Nature Rebellion skill can wipe out all the mushrooms in one go. Otherwise, just take out the mushrooms first and then focus on Lady Breeze.
You should get a breeze vest from the battle, it's a very common, if not guaranteed, item drop.

17. Return to the Fox Village and let the Red Fox know you were successful. He'll grant you permission to use the collapsed cave, and then gives you 2x dynamite in order to do so. Buy anything else you think you'll need, since there's no turning back at this point. I'd suggest a full assortment of armor for every character, and at least 2 butterfly nectars if you haven't already bought all that. Head one screen up, one screen left, and continue upwards until you reach the cabin. Rest here one last time as there is no turning back once you enter the cave. From the cabin head a screen south, then head to the right till you find the collapsed cave with a sign.

18. Clicking on the cave starts a battle with 2x Golem. These creatures have ~625HP, high defense, and are weak against paralyze, and wind. Once inside the cave, you will continue to encounter Golem's as random battles. Indinera and Nemirae (Wind Slash) are the most effective damage dealers. Nemirae can also paralyze a golem quite often with just a regular attack. You may also wish to switch Indinera over to his Rocket Launcher at this point. It shreds golems when it does hit, but it also has streaks where it can miss 3-4 turns in a row.

19. Head up first. You'll find a pool here that heals your characters, but it does not replenish MP. If you're having a difficult time against the golems, this is a good place to level up. Continue up until the path splits. The right path leads to 168g, and the left path leads to a Storm Axe. I gave Aura the axe and then Pato the Iron Blade. Aura can now do fairly decent damage against the golems.

20. When ready, head back down and continue to the right this time. The standing golem is just a regular 2x golem encounter. A nearby chest has a health potion. The north path here just leads to a dead-end, so head right instead. There aren't any items here unfortunately. The right path leads to a dead-end, so go down instead.

21. You'll consistently start to encounter groups of three golems here. The standing golem itself, is a 3x golem encounter. Head right first and follow along the bottom path for 3x power root. Then head back a screen and take the bottom path this time.

22. Ah, fresh air again. Head down into town. Immediately on your right is a set of sacks with 348g. A barrel at the bottom-right of town has 126g. The town's shop is at the top of the town. You probably can't afford all the gear yet, but you can always come back later. You do find a canterbury mail very shortly as well, so keep that in mind.

23. To proceed, talk to the village leader, he's the druid in the middle of town. Then talk to the eastern guard, then to the elder again. He will give you permission to take the southern village exit. In the bottom-right of the town is an inn, for whenever you need to rest.

24. Take the southern village exit now. There is a health potion in one of the barrels, and another health potion in a nearby barrel. Loop around the building through the cloth overhang, and check this barrel for a canterbury mail. You could give it to Mellowkat, if she doesn't have one already.

25. Enter the cave to the south. There are two new enemies here that hit quite a bit harder than the golem. The Orc seems slightly weak against wind. The Durahan is weak to earth. On higher difficulties, you may need to rely on Eridani's 'Nature Rebellion' initially, to make headway here. The nearby pile of bones has 39g and a power root, the skull has another 57g.

26. Head right a screen and check the top-right jar for a health potion. Head right another screen and check the nearby jar for another health potion. The left pothole in the wall here has 13g. The standing golem here is a battle against a golem and 2x durahan. Ignore the right path, as it is just a dead-end, and take the south passage instead. Check the top-left skull for a warrior bracelet. I gave it to Mellowkat.

27. Head back to the entrance and defeat the golem if you haven't already. Go down this time, and defeat another golem that appears to keep your exit clear. There is 23g in the left pot-hole here.

28. Take the left path first, and defeat the golem there. Each of the five potholes here has 1g, for a grand total of 5g. Take the left path here first to find a chest with a pendragon armor, an extremely powerful armor. I gave it to Indinera. Head back a screen and take the bottom path now. Take the left path here to find a holy potion all the way at the end.

29. Head back to the entrance again. Optionally, you may wish to visit the town inn and shop again at this point. When you return to the cave, head down two screens. The middle pothole has a power root. Take the bottom path and check the middle pothole for 65g. The nearby skull has an additional 92g, and the pile of bones below it has a deadly ring. The deadly ring grants a permanent 'sharp weapon' condition that increases AT by 50%. I gave it to Aura.

30. Head back up a screen and take the left path this time. There are 22g in the rightmost pot-hole. Take the path leading down and survey the array of bones for: 88g, 35g, and a magicka potion. Take the path leading down again and search all the bones here for various small amounts of g. Take the lower path yet again. Search the top pothole for a power bean, and the one next to it for another power bean. The pothole near the bottom has a holy potion. Head down another screen and check the right pothole for a magical beans, and the adjacent one for another magical beans. The left pothole has 30g.

31. Whew, now head back up two screens and go right this time. Check the bones here to find 7g, a holy potion, and the hermes sandals. Eridani and Mellowkat can equip the hermes sandals. I gave it to Mellowkat for the defense. Defeat the golem blocking the cave entrance and click on the cave for:

32. Boss Battle!

Hydra x1

Okay, this boss actually means business. His attack will hit your party members randomly, seven different times for pretty devastating damage. However, he has two big weaknesses. One, he is quite susceptible to paralysis. The second, Nemirae's scapegoat skill can force him to attack a single member of your choosing. Even better, scapegoat will force him to attack only once, instead of seven times!

So start off with scapegoat and direct his attack towards a durable character, preferably Indinera. Hit him with whatever paralysis techniques your party has: Indinera's 'Phil Collins Calling (All)', Eridani's 'Freezing Frame', and Aura's 'Slashing Hand' all work. Repeat until he is paralyzed.

Once he's paralyzed, attack him. He doesn't appear to have an elemental weakness, but he is moderately susceptible to 'bleeding'. Both Mellowkat's regular attack and Indinera's Jaws Calling (Lv. 17) can inflict this. If you manage to inflict bleeding early enough, there's a chance he may bleed to death before paralysis even ends. Otherwise, fall back to scapegoat if paralysis wears off.
You should get a Hydra Jaws from the battle, it's a very common, if not guaranteed, item drop.

33. Head north slightly to free the girls. The small puddle of water in here will heal your characters, but it does not replenish MP. That's it for the cave, time to head back to the town. The women you just freed are now wandering around. Buy anything else you can afford from the shop and then head east to the newly opened area. Check the well here for a garrotje helmet. Only Aura can equip it.

34. Head right into Halloween Woods. This first screen doesn't have any enemies, but the left pumpkin is a xp pumpkin. Take the bottom path and you'll begin to encounter enemies. The lich enemy is the most deadly, with an instant-death spell and a magic spell that hits all your party members for a large amount of damage. The wraith enemy has a sleep (all) skill and a magic spell that hits all your party members for moderate damage. Both of them are heavily resistant to magic, making physical attacks your best bet. Depending on your character levels and game difficulty, you may need to use Nemirae's 'scapegoat' skill just to have a fighting chance.

35. First, head down a bit, around the trees, to find a magicka potion chest. Follow the path left towards a well and check the nearby pumpkin for an xp pumpkin. At the bottom-right is a pumpkin that gives you another xp pumpkin.

36. Take the path leading down, and check the nearby chest for a spirit ribbon. You can give it to whoever you want. The nearby pumpkin is an xp pumpkin. Head right for a barrel containing a health potion. The nearby pumpkin has an xp pumpkin. Head down and to the left for a magicka potion chest. Towards the bottom of this screen is a cluster of pumpkins and barrels, the top pumpkin of which has an xp pumpkin. The nearby half-tree, that looks like the dirt pathway ate it, has a humorous message as well.

37. Head down another screen. Here you'll start to meet battles with 3x lich, so be careful, and scapegoat them to Indinera if you need to. Head down to the house and grab the orb of energy in the chest. I gave it to Aura for the speed boost. The nearby pumpkin has an xp pumpkin. Towards the bottom-right of the screen are a total of 2x xp pumpkin.In the top-right corner of the screen is yet another xp pumpkin. One final xp pumpkin is along the top-middle of the screen.

38. You may wish to head back to town and rest at this point. Once you're ready, return to the first screen that had enemies and take the right path this time. There is an xp pumpkin towards the bottom. Head back up and there's a magicka potion chest. A little bit further up is a witch shop. Buy a witch bracelet for Eridani if you can afford it. Mellowkat can also use the bracelet in her un-morphed form, but the hydra jaws can only be equipped in her Tigress form. Continue towards the top-right and click the pumpkin for a xp pumpkin.

39. Take the path leading right first. You'll start to find 3x lich encounters here again. At the end of the path is a scepter of doom chest. Only Patojonas can equip it. The two nearby pumkins hold a total of 2x xp pumpkin.

40. Head back left a screen, then take the path laeading down this time. You'll find the 3x lich encounter here as well. The nearby skull/bone pile has a rat eye. A little further down, one of the skull/bone piles has a witch root. Another skull/bone pile a little towards the right has a rat eye. The chest further right has a magicka potion. Continue down, past the door, and click the pumpkin for an xp pumpkin. The skull/bone pile nearby has a rat eye. The wraith enemy on screen forces you into three consecutive battles without a chance to heal in-between. Scapegoat Indinera, or use your preferred strategy.

41. Follow the blue arrow to head inside the cave. Here, you'll find Cyclops enemies wandering around. They are weak against paralysis, and moderately susceptible to the Scepter of Doom's knockout effect. Otherwise, they aren't near as threatening as the enemies you've faced up to now. In the top-right area is a cabinet with rat eye x5 on the left side and witch root x8 on the right side. The nearby chest has 855g. Head down and talk to the witch for:

42. Boss Battle!

Lizardman x2

They are quite susceptible to paralysis, and slightly susceptible to the scepter of doom's knockout effect. They have quite a bit of HP and can hit pretty hard, but considering how easy they are to paralyze, they're not that much of a threat.

You'll automatically receive varon axe x2 and varon shield x2 after the battle. If you wish, you can press "A" of "F6" while the message is displayed to change your party members. (I'm not sure if you were intended to be able to do this though, but you can.) You are then brought to the menu where you can heal, revive, and re-equip your party members if you wish. When the next message displays, you have one last chance to change your party members, then it's the real boss battle.

Durian (Round 3?)
Orc (Round 6?)
Lich (Round 7?)

She uses a number of skills that induce status effects, the most deadly of which is probably Confuse (all). She will also summon backup from time to time. She is moderately susceptible to being frozen and stunned, but you're far better off using Nemirae's scapegoat on Indinera. That forces her, and any summoned allies to attack Indinera for pretty minor damage. Just have Indinera use Inner Energy to heal when necessary.

As far as damaging her, Patojonas's scepter of doom is quite strong. Mellowkats hydra jaws, and Aura's bastard sword/varon axe are also quite strong as well. Pato/Mellowkat can also inflict 'sharp' on your allies to increase their damage. Aura can inflict strong muscles as well.
You should get a Mandragore Root from the battle, it's a very common, if not guaranteed, item drop.

43. Feel free to heal up, head back to town and rest if you need to, admire your spoils, then head down towards the blue arrow for:

44. Boss Battle!


It uses a variety of skills. Either strong magic attacks that hit all party members, or really strong physical attacks that hit one party member. Even its regular attack is quite strong. It has a minor susceptibility to paralysis, but not enough to fully depend upon on just paralysis. The most useful condition you can hit it with is 'weaken'. Nemirae's Geyzer, or Eridani's Mine of Doom (Lv. 28) inflict this. 'Weaken' lowers the amount of damage it can inflict greatly.

The real tricky part though, is dealing enough damage to make him go down. It has loads of HP, no elemental weakness, and both high defense and magic defense. Aura, and Mellowkat are the only ones who can really hurt it. Using 'Boost' and 'Power! (All)' are almost required just to make it feel pain!
You might get an xp pumpkin from the battle; it's a somewhat rare drop.

If you're having trouble, try this:

Nemirae: Frozen Sphere, Iron Shield, Spirit Ribbon, Bear Skin, Witcheye Root
Indinera: Rocket Launcher, Orb of Energy, Fox Mask, Pendragon Armor, Magnetic Glasses
Aura: Bastard Sword, Varon Plate, Garrotje Helmet, Canterbury Mail, Deadly Ring
Mellowkat (morphed): Hydra Jaws, Warrior Bracelet, Leather Hat, Canterbury Mail, Hermes Sandals

With the Witcheye, Nemirae is guaranteed to go first. This is important!

Step 1:
Nemirae: Scapegoat Indinera
Indinera: Phil Collins Calling (All)
Aura: Slashing Hand
Mellowkat: Boost Mellowkat, Boost Aura, and attack while the effect remains on both.

Repeat Step 1 until paralysis takes, having Indinera 'Inner Energy' to heal as needed.

Step 2:
Nemirae: Geyzer
Indinera: Attack
Aura: Power! (All), and attack while the effect remains.
Mellowkat: Boost Mellowkat, Boost Aura, and attack while the effect remains on both.

Repeat step 1 when/if paralysis ends.

45. Pat yourself on the back; the Manticore is one of the toughest bosses in the game. After you have concluded patting yourself, keep heading downwards to complete the scenario.

46. That concludes the first scenario. Following a short cut scene, you are given the scenario select screen. Assuming you've followed the walkthrough, that leaves Brain Hospital, and Hall Of Madness. Brain Hospital is the top option, and the one I chose to tackle next.
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:24 am

Brain Hospital

47. You start out in a hospital room. You have an all new party and everyone's level 1 again. There is a bed nearby that lets you rest and recover your party. You'll want to remember it's here. Press "A" or "F6" to add more party members. It doesn't matter who you pick at this point, but I'd recommend you switch them around from time to time, so nobody falls too far behind the rest. Check the middle of the nearby table for aluminum gloves. Mike and Sephiroth can equip them.

48. Head down a screen. Here, you'll start to find enemy encounters. Their attacks do quite a bit of damage to your poorly equipped party, but they are defeated easily. Icklem has a basic healing spell to keep you healthy. If anyone gets knocked out in battle, or you are low on MP; you should head back to the bed to rest.

49. The left path takes you to a small room with a lamp you can click on for a conversation. The right path takes you to another small room. You'll start to encounter some stronger enemies here, so be careful. Click the skull/bone pile for a blood solution. Check the mirror to teleport to a small room. One of the opened chests has a brain solution, the closed chest has an aluminum orb. I gave it to Icklem. Click the small painting to return.

50. Return to the main hallways and take the bottom path. You'll continue to meet the same enemies you've already seen, just in new arrangements and quantities from here on for awhile. Here, take the left path first. Walk past the doorway since it just leads to a dead end. Continue left. The top room has a skin solution in one of the drums. The bottom room has a muscle solution in one of the barrels. The chest has an energy glasses. I gave them to Silversoldier. Also check out the left locker for a life solution.

51. Head back the 4-way intersection, and take the bottom path this time. The right pathway here leads you to a series of dead-end rooms with no items. Instead, enter the room on the right first. A catalyzer is in the left chest, and a spike whip is in the right chest. It has an unlisted effect that causes it to hit the same enemy twice. Head back out and go in the left room this time. The middle stovetop has a pair of tungsten gloves. I gave them to Mike.

52. Leave the room and take the bottom path to reach the refectory. There is a uranium block in the top-left greenish cube. A little ways right is a bald man in black attire. He is a shopkeeper. I'd buy a metal jacket for both Silversoldier and Mike. Keep heading right for a catalyzer in a chest. Head down the hallway and grab an energyzer from the left chest, and an automatic 16mm from the right chest. I gave it to Mike. Check the right-middle greenish cube for a uranium block, and the greenish cube adjacent to the bottom-left one for another uranium block.

53. Still on the same screen, head back to the main room and continue on downwards. You'll see a non-typical hallway that looks like it's stuck in the wall. Go down this corridor. Check the three bottom-left barrels for a total of 3x uranium block. Head right and check the chest for an energyzer. A nearby bed is not lined up in the row, check the top of it for 259g. Lastly, talk to the lady in this enclosed area to make an appointment with the doctor.

54 Head to the doctors room. Go up two screens to get you back to the 4-way intersection. You may wish to continue heading up and rest at this point. When you're ready, take the right path at the 4-way intersection, and head up the stairs At the top of the stairs, click the left bush for a life solution. Walk into the wall above you to teleport to another room. Click on the gray box immediately to your left for brain solution x5. Talk to the doctor to receive a halsey key, life solution x5, and 810g.

55. Head back down the stairs and click on the gateway to open it with your newly acquired halsey key. Beyond the gate, you will find the machine room. After introducing yourself, you'll be given free reign of the place. The grey haired woman wandering around is a shopkeeper. The green haired woman is the innkeeper. As far as equipment, I'd update your armor and buy a plasma gun. The Kalachnikov is probably too expensive for you at this point, and you eventually find one anyways.

56. Head down to continue. The enemies here are a bit stronger, but nothing too menacing yet. You'll find a brain activator in a nearby chest. I gave it to Icklem since it lowers the cost of her heal skill to 1mp. Head down for another chest with a electrified katana. Moonraven or Lax should probably use it, since Sephiroth has the best initial weapon of the three sword users. The barrel next to the chest has an energyzer. One of the barrels to the left holds a muscle solution. Head back up to the first chest, and head right. Go down the narrow hallway here to find a chest with an energyzer. Continue to the right to find a catalyzer chest.

57. Take the right path first. You'll start to see some tougher enemies here. The Brain Pod is weak to the electrified katana, and Sephiroth's double-hit weapon works well too. Continue right for a catalyzer chest. Take the right path. Continue heading right to find a booster chest. Head up now, and follow the winding path around. You'll come upon a room with a raised switch. Hit that switch to open a gate somewhere else.

58. Take the left path. Go into the room on your left to find a chest with a booster. Then follow the small hallway down and loop all the way around to find an energyzer chest. Continue to the left to find a room full of chests. They contain an energyzer, catalyzer, IKS headphones, IKS headphones, para bracer, kalachnikov, and an automatic 16mm. Equip as you wish.

59. Head all the way back to the first area and rest at the inn if you need to. In the initial room, take the bottom path this time. To your left is a chest with a booster. You can't get through that nearby gate yet, so continue heading down. The chest towards the bottom has a Sonic Ring. I gave it to Sephiroth.

60. Take the bottom-left path here first. The nearby chest has a brain solution. Continue down to find three chests containing a booster, booster, and a brain solution. Continue down, you'll run into an event here that triggers two consecutive battles. There is a chest partially hidden in here, containing a 250V pole. I gave it to Mike. The other chest has a bullet-proof vest. I gave it to Lax. The green cubes in here have a total of 4x uranium block.

61. Head back up a screen and take the bottom-right path this time. If you didn't press the block switch in #57, then there will be a gate here blocking your progress. Otherwise, continue down for a:

62. Boss Battle!

Miskatonic Cyborg
3x Brain Pod

The cyborg has a strong single attack, and a weak magic-all skill. He appears to have a slight weakness to thunder, but no weakness to any status effects. Skills, what few you have, don't inflict much damage on him. Take out the Brain Pods first, then focus on the cyborg. Use energyzer's to heal if you need to, you can always just buy more.

The 250V pole, and the kalachnikov are the best weapons to damage him. If you decide to use Icklem as a healer, you may want to give her the bullet-proof vest. If Icklem is Lv. 12+, then use her Protection (All) skill. On higher difficulties, you may just need to level up more to win this fight, since there are no real tricks or weaknesses to exploit.
You should get a cyborg armor from the battle, it's a very common, if not guaranteed, item drop.

63. Equip the cyborg armor on Silversoldier. Click the block switch nearby to open the gate on the screen above you. Take the path leading up and head into the enclosed area you just opened. The top chest has an articulate glove. I gave it to Mike. The next chest further down has a power headphones. I gave it to Sephiroth. It's probably a good time to go back and rest. When you're ready, return to the screen you encountered the Cyborg boss.

64. The gate at the bottom is closed for now, so take the right pathway. Here you will find several paths leading either up or down. Ignore them all for now and keep heading all the way to the right. The chest in here has a brain activator. Head back left now, and take the second hallway that leads down. Press the button switch here to open a gate. Continue left, and take the next hallway leading down, which you can now travel down since you removed the gate blocking it.

65. On the next screen, Head down the left path first. Click the button switch to open a gate on the right path. Head down the right path now and click the switch there for a:

66. Boss Battle!

Miskatonic Cyborg
3x Brain Pod

It's just the same boss battle you had two screens ago, and nothing is different this time. Refer to #62 if you need any help.
You should get a cyborg armor from the battle, it's a very common, if not guaranteed, item drop.

67. Following the battle, the switch is automatically pressed. This opens the gate on the screen you originally fought this boss; Up once, left once. When you are ready to continue, take the bottom pathway. This will cut you off from this part of the hospital though. If you want to buy any catalyzers, this would be your last chance to do so.

68. In the new area, one of the barrels below you has a life solution. The cabinet between the beds has a nitrofen. Take the left path, then the bottom path to reach the reception area. In the small room with the bed; you can find blood solution x4 in a cabinet. This is also your new place to rest, so remember it's here. In the top-right of this are, the line of barrels contains a muscle solution and a blood solution.

69. Take the exit at the bottom to reach the street. You'll start to meet new enemies here. You'll also see zombies walking around the area. If one touches you, it'll do damage to your party. It's not a lot of damage, but if you get backed into a corner, they can actually trap you and kill you, so be careful.

70. Go left a screen first. The left part of the telephone booth here has 116g. One of the trashcans in the bottom-left has an energizer. A top-left trashcan has a booster. The yellow haired man here operates a shop. If you can afford it, buy everyone new armor. Otherwise, stop by every so often to do so.

71. Head back to the first screen and head right this time. Along the top you'll see a tub; a nearby trashcan has a catalyzer in it. Further to the right is another tub, and a trashcan near it has a power headphones.

72. Head up the top-right path. Check the first trashcan you come across for a rocket launcher. Mike and Silversoldier can both use it. A trashcan in the bottom-right has 109g in it. The trashcan at the top-right has a para bracer. Walking near the door at the top triggers a:

73. Boss Battle!

3x Mummy

The only attack Throat-Slit seems to have is a double strike that randomly hits two party members. Even fully equipped with the best armor available, just one of his hits is enough to really hurt the more fragile members of your party. Mike's 'Demi' skill can be quite useful, as Throat-Slit is pretty susceptible to 'weaken', which roughly halves his attack damage. Between Mike's 'Demi' and Icklem's 'Protection (All)', you should be pretty well solidified. You may wish to use 'demi' even while the weaken effect is in effect. The duration doesn't stack, but you can reset the duration it lasts back to the full amount.

As far as hurting him, the rocket launcher you just picked up does quite a bit of damage. Mike or Silversoldier with this weapon will be your heaviest hitter. Preferably Silversoldier, since Mike will be using 'Demi' as often as he's attacking. Optionally, if you've leveled Moonraven up to Lv. 25, she can inflict bleeding, which affects him twice a turn for heavy damage. This isn't necessary though.
You might get an evil hood from the battle; it's a somewhat rare drop.

74. Assuming you got the evil hood; equip it on Moonraven or Sephiroth to give them quite a nice defensive boost. Then click the door to head inside. Take the top doorway to travel further in. Check the trashcan here for an energizer. Take the left doorway first, and check the toilet for a giant piece of molded cheese. Head back a screen and take the right doorway this time.

75. Here you'll start to meet the same enemies, but in far larger quantities. You may wish to familiarize yourself with these encounters, and ensure you can handle them before pressing on much further. Along the right is a column of barrels, one of them has a catalyzer. Keep heading towards the top. You'll find a collection of six barrels scattered, the middle of which has another catalyzer. Use the door at the top to enter the next building.

76. Take the right doorway first. Check the left part of the sink for a uranium block. Head back and take the left doorway this time. Check the cabinet on the right for 235g. Head inside the nearby doorway and check the second cabinet from the left for a molded cheese. Head back out and follow the corridor left, ignoring the staircase for now. Head into the next doorway, and check the refrigerator for a muscle solution. That's it for this floor.

77. Head up the stairway now. Take the furthest doorway on the left to start. The left refrigerator has a muscle solution and another muscle solution, the next refrigerator has one more muscle solution. Head out and into the next doorway to the right. The bottom trashcan has a life solution. Head out and take the next doorway to the right. Head all the way up, where the second cabinet on the top-left has a booster. The fireplace has 763g. The next room over is empty, so take the stairway leading up.

78. This expanse here is empty, so just head all the way up and out. Talk to the man here and you'll get into a real easy battle. Afterwards, click the partially hidden door to reach the Zombie Factory. You'll fight primarily zombies in here, but they're not that menacing compared to the large groups of spiders you've been facing up to now.

79. Take the path leading up first. In the nearby pile of barrels is a blood solution. When the path splits, head right and then down into a bedroom. The armoire here has 1980g. Head back to the split and go left, then up. One of the cabinets here has a para bracer. The two chests contain a booster and an energyzer. Continue up, and one of the yellow barrels has a brain solution. One of the blue barrels has a blood solution. The chest has another blood solution.

80. Head back to the original area and take the right path this time. One of the cabinets along the top has an energyzer. The big pot on the bed contains candy x13. The nearby chest has a catalyzer. Continue to the right, through the double gates, and take that pathway leading up.

81. The small room to the left has an energyzer in the left cabinet. One of the bottom cabinets has another energyzer. The small room on the right has 501g in the top-middle cabinet. Head right, up the small hallways, a little to the left, and into the small room.A cabinet in here has a booster. The pathway leading further left is a dead-end, so head up. The chest on the right has an energyzer. Continue up, and take the path leading right for a quick detour.

82. You'll start to meet swarms of five zombies at once here. The larger collection of blue barrels here has a blood solution, and another blood solution. In the room towards the bottom is a zync blade. I gave it to Moonraven, and the Electrified Katana to Lax. Across the bridge, the barrels hold a total of 6x brain solution. The chest above has a catalyzer. In the bottom right, through a narrow hallway, you can find a catalyzer on the stovetop. The chest has candy x5. You need to push a switch elsewhere to proceed further in this area, so head back out.

83. Continue up now, looping around into the room full of barrels for a uranium block in the left pile, mid-bottom barrel. Continue to the left and into the hallway leading down for a brain solution x4 in the chest. There's nothing else here, so keep heading up till you find a pair of switches. The left one opens the pathway back at #82. The right one though, doesn't appear to do anything. (Possible bug?) Either way, click both of them just for good measure.

84. Take the bottom pathway, and wind around the next area till you reach the right pathway again. Take the right pathway and continue across the bridges. Go through the gates now that you removed the one blocking your path. Continue to the right where you will find another switch and pull it. This opens a gate back at #83 where the original two switches were.

85. Take the left pathway back and head up. Wind around the pathway until you reach the top pathway and take it. Head up to the two switches and follow the hallway that leads left. Wind around all the way to find a chest with a special intervention shield. Click on the large pot nearby to proceed. Head up and talk to the old man for:

86. Boss Battle!

Aaron Roy

Aaron is slightly weak to stun, so the 250V Pole and electrified katana can occasionally cancel out his turn. He is moderately susceptible to a few status effects, though weaken from Mike's 'demi' is the most useful one. He's doesn't do as much damage as the last boss though, and Icklem's 'Protection (All)' should be enough to lower the damage he does to acceptable levels.

As far as hurting him, he doesn't seem to have a particular weakness. The rocket launcher is your best bet again, followed by the higher AT weapons you have. The 250V Pole is nice for the possible stun effect as well as the damage.
You should get an Aaron armor from the battle, it's a very common, if not guaranteed, item drop.

After you beat him, he will start talking. If you wish, you can press "A" of "F6" while he is speaking to change your party members. (Again, I'm not sure if you were intended to be able to do this, but you can.)

After this, you are taken to the menu where you can heal, change equipment, and then you are plunged right into another:

87. Boss Battle!

Mad Zombie x3

Bio-zombie has a magic-all skill that does moderate damage, and another weaker magic-all skill that inflicts status effects. He has a pretty strong physical attack, and a single attack skill. Most dangerously, he counters all regular attacks. This is deadly to the lower defense characters: Moonraven, Icklem, and Sephiroth. Not that Icklem should be attacking in the first place. You can use 'Weaken', and Protection (all) is as useful as ever. He is slightly susceptible to bleeding, so if you do use Moonraven, her 'Megaslash (All)' skill would be her best bet.

It's difficult to tell what his weaknesses are, since he takes so much damage from everything. He definitely has a slight weakness to fire, and the Zync Blade really hurts him.
You should get a zombie hatchet from the battle, it's a very common, if not guaranteed, item drop.

If you're having trouble with either of these battles, I find a party of Icklem, Lax (Morphed, Zync Blade), Silversoldier (Rocket Launcher), and Mike (250V Pole) tends to work best. Icklem should start each battle with Protection (All), and then heal. You could potentially have Lax use the electrified katana in the first boss battle, and then switch to Zync for the second if you wish. Otherwise, everyone but Icklem will just be using regular attacks, and possibly defend if they are low on health.

88. That's it for this chapter. The blue arrow is the point of no-return, so click on it when you're ready to finish this scenario. On the other side, you'll find a chest with candy x39, and 1000g. Head through the doorway and keep walking up.

89. That concludes the second scenario. Following a short cut scene, you are given the scenario select screen. Assuming you've followed the walkthrough, the Halls of Madness is the only option remaining.
Last edited by loof123 on Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:24 am

Halls of Madness

90. Like the other scenarios, you once again have a bed conveniently located nearby. Press "A" or "F6" to add more party members, yada yada. Note that none of your party members start with a heal skill yet, so don't stray too far from the bed until Firefly picks one up at lv. 4. The nearby shop offers equipment that is well past your ability to afford now, and some of the items for sale are outdated by the time you could even afford them. The barrel off to the left has 116g. The bag at the top-left has a healing balm.

91. Head down a screen. Talk to the guy here to gain access to the halls of madness. Head all the way right, down, and wind around the path to find two chests with a pearl gloves, and a mana balm. I gave the gloves to Evolgit. Head back and take the skinny corridor leading down. The block switches here are actually shops, which sell metro tickets to explore the various halls of madness. You'll probably want to buy at least 5 tickets if you want to explore everywhere, but you can come back later for more tickets if you need more.

92. The chest in the bottom room here has a mana balm. The pots in the bottom-left room can talk. Head right and down. The chest here has a healing elixir. A pot on the right holds a metro ticket. Now you're ready to begin exploring the various areas, head back to the initial entrance to this screen and head all the way down to find a vehicle transport.

93. First, go to 'Last Station'. It will randomly send you to one of three places:

Open area below: A chest containing a magic cane, a weapon that Arvind, Firefly, and Evolgit can use.
Open area to the left: A bunch of chests containing a total of 6x molded cheese.
Open area above: The nearby chest has a fomalhaut cane. It's a truly awesome cane that either Arvind or Firefly can use.

It'll take at least 3 tickets to get everything, or more if you don't save/load on a duplicate trip.

94. Head back, rest, and return to the Metro Ship. Neither the 'Wormhole' or 'Urban Station' trips seem to yield any items. (They might be a reference to either Laxius Power 3 or 3 Stars of Destiny. Anyone?) You could explore them for completion sake, and get some exp/money from the urban station. Whenever you're ready to continue though, pick 'End Station'.

95. At the End Station, head down a screen first. Keep going down till you see a chest. The password for the chest is "CT" without the quotes, which you can discover by looking at the barrels in here. The chest contains a bioflex armor. I gave it to Thauma. Continue down, looping around for two chests containing a mana balm and a lite bracelet. I gave the bracelet to Arvind.

96. Head back to the original screen of end station, and take the pathway leading up this time. Loop around to find the Twilight Merchant Gallery. You can rest here for 10g. You can also buy overpriced, low defense clothes, and a selection of unusable items. The Pina Colada is the only usable item and it's pretty overpriced for only restoring 10MP. (Does anyone know if any of this stuff actually does anything? It seems like a waste of money to me.)

97. Having rested and making any purchases you wanted, head back to the first screen of End Station, and proceed left this time. Take the hallway leading down to find a scripted encounter against some pot enemies. Several of the barrels in here are scripted battles that award the following: Healing Elixir, 245g, 248g, 173g, and finally a lite bracelet. I gave the bracelet to Firefly. Continue to the left and check the dead-end of the hallways leading down, for a total of 2x seal of the hall.

98. Take the left pathway first. The chest here contains a psycho gun, which no one here can equip. Further left is a '???' area of seemingly no importance. So head back to the last screen and take the top pathway this time. Wind around to the bottom right area, and check the three barrels in the bottom-right corner for a total of 3x blood solution. Clicking the door towards the top starts scripted battle. The skull pile in here has a Magdalena Mask. Only Evolgit can equip this mask. If she has another accessory equipped, then pass that on to another character. Then click on the female standing nearby to initiate:

99. Battle!

Demented Pumpkin x5

Not much to say here, this is just a regular encounter. If you wish, you can press "A" or "F6" while she's speaking to change your party members. (I'm not sure if you were intended to be able to do this, but you can.) Afterwards, it's time for the real:

100. Boss Battle!

Magdalena Leganov
Demented Pumpkin x3
Po-Pot x3
Sickie Sweetie x1

Wow, that is a lot of enemies, and if you don't take care of them things can go real bad real quick. Magdalena herself isn't too strong, but does two things you need to watch out for. She can revive all her minions, and she can possess you. Possession is similar to confusion; I'm not actually sure what the exact differences are. She is susceptible to several status effects. Kark's 'Crazy Fits' can occasionally stun her. Thauma's 'Metal Concert 10000Db (All)' can occasionally weaken/confuse her. Firefly's 'Holy Sign' can rarely paralyze her, and Evolgit's default weapon can rarely inflict 'sleep'.

As far as damaging her, you don't have a lot of skills to work with. Karks 'Crazy Fits' is the best consistent source of damage and skipping her turn. Depending on your level, you'll want to use some combination of Naito Jester's 'Boom (All)', Thauma's 'Thunderous Skies (All)', and Arvind's 'Sutzun Blast (All)' skills to take out her continually revived minions of hers. 'Thunderous Skies (All)' is the strongest, most cost effective of those, but you may not have learned it yet.

An ideal party would have: Karks: 'Crazy Fits' and Thauma 'Thunderous Skies (All)', to take care of Magdalena and her minions respectively. The other two members are up to you, though Firefly's paralyze skill can pretty much win the battle if the status effects connects.
You might get a madgalena vest from the battle; it's a somewhat rare drop. No one in your party can equip it though.

101. Continue ahead and talk to the man behind the bars. This causes him to return back to the original area of the Halls of Madness. Return to the metro ship, and take it back to the main area. Head up, and you'll notice the doorway is no longer blocked once you freed the doctor. In the room, there is a nitrofen, and a total of 3x coma pill in the various cabinets along the top wall. Talk to the doctor to receive a brain explorer.

102. The brain explorer will allow you to visit the minds of the four patients towards the left of the room. Each mind takes you to a rather unique location, where you must solve the patient's problems from inside their mind. There is no particular order you must complete these challenges in, though some are notably harder than others. Before we get too deep into it though, let us get some preparations out of the way.

103. First, go into the mind of the child towards the bottom. This is an Indian themed mind, and there are no random battles here. In the top-left red pot is an Indian flower. Head all the way right and check the tepee for an apache bow. This is a fantastic weapon for Firefly. If Firefly is using the fomalhaut cane, make sure to give that to Arvind. This might also free up the magic cane for Evolgit as well. The glorious wonders of hand-me-downs!

104. Head into the nearby well to teleport. Take the bottom-left well here to continue. Do not talk to the center guy here! You will very likely die! Take the left well instead. Check all the baskets here for a total of 5x Indian flower and 4x Indian boost. To finish this mind, talk to the man at the center hut, but make sure you save first, since you'll likely die horribly at this point. We'll come back to this later.

105. Take the wells back to where you entered this mind and leave it now. Delve into the mind of the other child now, where you'll find a carnival. You'll start to fight some tougher enemies here. The (all) skills in this scenario are much more useful than they were in the other scenarios, so don't be afraid to rely on them if you need to. For now, avoid the blue man at the top right! Talking to him will lock you into this mind, forcing you to complete it just to leave. We're just here to get some exp and items, since it has some of the easiest encounters of the four minds.

106. Just a few steps right of the entrance is a barrel tucked away, it has a circus talisman. The line of jars to the left contains a total of 2x circus talisman. There is a large collection of wooden barrels a little to the upper-right, one of these has another circus talisman. Follow the left side of the screen and squeeze through towards the top to find another circus talisman in the 3-barrel gathering.

107. Boy, this area is big. Continue towards the top-left of the screen and find another circus talisman in a barrel next to the circus director. A little further down, a wooden barrel has yet another circus talisman. Towards the top-right of the screen, there are two clusters of barrels, each cluster has one talisman for a total of 2x circus talisman. Heading down now, there is a collection of 16 barrels crammed together, one of the ones on the right has another circus talisman. In roughly the middle of the screen is a crescent of barrels, one of the top-right barrels in this collection has yet another circus talisman. That's 11 circus talismans all told.

108. Time to exit this mind, rest up, and buy some equipment. The next section is optional, and subject to your available funds. At the fairy shop, which is located at the first screen, where this scenario began, buy:

1x warrior armor (Evolgit)
1x warrior bracelet (Firefly)
1x feline bandana (Naito Jester)
2x steel shields (Thauma, Arvind)

Enter the grey haired patient's mind next. Be careful with the salad slime enemy here, they counter physical attacks. Spam your best (all) skills to make headway here. A little to the right is a building with a sword sign above, this is the Pitlochry shop, buy:

4x Pitlochry Mail (Thauma, Firefly, Arvind, Karks)

Make sure Naito Jester gets the bioflex armor this frees up. Also, Karks and Naito Jester should get the lite bracelets you freed up earlier. The salad slime enemy you can encounter here will pretty commonly drop Salad Helmets, the best helmet for Karks, Evolgit, and Thauma. Get three if you can. This will significantly enhance the staying power of your party members to the point you're ready to start tackling the minds now. Optionally, you could buy one of three shields at the fairy shop for Evolgit, it's up to you.

109. The next section details each mind in turn. They are ordered primarily by how difficult the last boss is, with the exception of one mind that has some peculiar quirks to it, which is saved for last.

8-Bits Fantasy Mind

110. Take your (hopefully) buffed out party members and enter the yellow-haired person's mind. Welcome back to the 8-bit world, your Nintendo missed you! The enemies here start off weak but do get a bit tougher and more numerous as you go. Head up and take the right pathway for now. You can enter the houses here and talk to people if you wish. Keep an eye out for the tree with the ladder though. Climb this ladder and click for an 8-bits potion.

111. Take the right pathway, and continue right, past the ladder. If you want a humorous conversation, walk to the end of the bridge to the right. The house here is a shop. The iron sword sold here is the strongest, most expensive sword in any of the three scenarios. The 3 pixels shield offers more mdef than your bracelets, and you could potentially use three if you have the money/desire to buy them.

112. Head up the ladder, and continue all the way to the top-right for a paradin helm. Head down the ladder to continue, and take the right pathway. In here, head down first and take the pathway leading to the left. The chest here has an impressive 4015g. Double back, then head all the way up the ladder, and across the bridge. Take the next ladder back down, and continue down to find a chest with a magicka potion. Further right, head down the first two-square wide path for a 3 Pixel Helm. I gave it to Naito Jester.

(This is the point of no return for this mind. Make any final purchases at the shop in here that you want; then proceed. You could also just walk all the way back out of this mind and return later.)

113. Continue right, and head inside the building. You'll come across a few scripted encounters in here. After you go up the ladder, walk on the gold square in here to restore 50mp. The blue arrow starts a:

114. Boss Battle!

Gamana Tree
Wicked Nag x2

Gamana tree has only one attack, its regular attack. It's quite strong, even as well armored as you (hopefully) are. Its critical rate also seems quite high, and a critical hit will likely kill the party member unless you've really been leveling up. It's moderately susceptible to paralyze/stun, making firefly's 'Holy Sign' and Karks 'Crazy Fits' quite useful at lower levels. As far as hurting it, it's pretty tough. You need either a high AT sword on Karks, or Arvind's fire skill to do much damage. If you have neither though, you can still get by just on paralyze and stun.

114. After the battle, you will find a chicken outside that offers to take you out of this mind. Ignore it for now and head back towards the entrance. You will find a haphazard chain of ladders that wasn't here before. It leads to the '8-Bits Fantasy Secret' area, which has a chest containing a decamate (all). (It's perhaps a reference to the Phantasy Star series, which had healing items like monomate, dimate, etc.) You can't actually walk out of here, so head back to the chicken to leave this mind.

Pitlochry Mind

115. Pitlochry is the grey haired patient's mind. Again, (All) skills are your friend here, especially against the 'salad slime x5' encounter. In the weapon shop, you can click on the furthest left crate to initiate a series of battles against 3 salad slimes. There are no items or reward for this, apart from the shopkeeper's thanks. There is an inn at the far-right of the town for 100g; it's expensive, but it's also close by. You may want to level up here a bit; it's certainly not hard to do.

116. Towards the top-left of the town is a warehouse you can enter, search the boxes in here for 58g, mason grog, and a pitlochry beer. Talk to the nearby elder outside the warehouse. Then check the doorway at the top of this area, and then talk to Joan; who is the purple haired person nearest the elder. This gets you the pitlochry warehouse key.

117. Return to the locked door at the top of the town to proceed. You'll face a series of battles without pause, all just random encounters of this area though:

Salad Slime x5
Salad Slime x2, Jelly x2, Ooze x1
Salad Slime x5
Salad Slime x2, Jelly x2, Ooze x1
Salad Slime x1, Slime x2, Ooze x1
Salad Slime x5

118. Click one of the red bottles in here to retrieve the elders stash; then return it to him. This will allow you to bypass the guard at the right side of town.

(This is the point of no return for this mind. Make any final purchases at the shop in here that you want; then proceed. You could also just walk all the way back out of this mind and return later.)

119. Take the newly opened pathway leading to the right, and speak to the man standing there for a series of encounters.

Salad Slime x5
Salad Slime x5
Salad Slime x5

Immediately followed by a:

120. Boss Battle!

Retarded Troll

The troll seems to have only a regular attack, which hits for quite a bit. He's susceptible to paralysis and bleeding. Both those status effects together will cause him to do nothing, and ultimately bleed to death. He's weak to mind damage, and susceptible to confusion as well. As far as damaging him, bleeding is your best bet, 'mental gong', or a strong sword on Karks work well too.

Kingdom of the Black Feather Mind

121. Talk to the child towards the bottom right to enter this mind. Assuming you came here earlier, you've already got the spoils, otherwise:

In the top-left red pot is an Indian flower. Head all the way right and check the tepee for an apache bow. This is a fantastic weapon for Firefly. If Firefly is using the fomalhaut cane, make sure to give that to Arvind. This might also free up the magic cane for Evolgit as well. The glorious wonders of hand-me-downs!

Head into the nearby well to teleport. Take the bottom-left well here to continue. Avoid talking to the center guy here until you've gotten the rest of the items. Take the left well instead. Check all the baskets here for a total of 5x Indian flower and 4x Indian boost.

(This is the point of no return for this mind. There is no shop here, but make sure you got all the items scattered around here.)

122. Take the two wells to head deeper in here and talk to the center man here for a series of encounters:

salad slime x2
salad slime x3
salad slime x5

Immediately followed by a:

123. Boss Battle!

Retarded Troll

The troll seems to have only a regular attack, which hits for quite a bit. He's susceptible to paralysis and bleeding though. Both those status effects together will cause him to do nothing and ultimately bleed to death. He's weak to mind damage and susceptible to confusion as well. As far as damaging him, bleeding is your best bet, 'mental gong', and a good strong sword on Karks are good too.

Immediately followed by another:

124. Boss Battle!


This guy is similar to the troll, except he has a larger variety of attacks. His magic-all skill can do a fairly large amount of damage, even with good armor. Again, this guy is susceptible to paralysis and bleeding, but doesn't appear to have an elemental weakness. He doesn't have near as much HP as the troll did though, but his defense is much higher. Karks with a strong sword, or bleeding are your best bets to damage him.
You should get a balbamon sword from the battle, it's a very common, if not guaranteed, item drop.

Amusement Park World

125. Talk to the child towards the top to enter this mind. Assuming you came here earlier, you've already got the spoils, otherwise:

Just a few steps right of the entrance is a barrel tucked away, it has a circus talisman. The line of jars to the left contains a total of 2x circus talisman. There is a large collection of wooden barrels a little to the upper-right, one of these has another circus talisman. Follow the left side of the screen and squeeze through towards the top to find another circus talisman in the 3-barrel gathering.

Boy, this area is big. Continue towards the top-left of the screen and find another circus talisman in a barrel next to the circus director. A little further down, a wooden barrel has yet another circus talisman. Towards the top-right of the screen, there are two clusters of barrels, each cluster has one talisman for a total of 2x circus talisman. Heading down now, there is a collection of 16 barrels crammed together, one of the ones on the right has another circus talisman. In roughly the middle of the screen is a crescent of barrels, one of the top-right barrels in this collection has yet another circus talisman. That's 11 circus talismans all told.

(This is the point of no return for this mind.)

126. Talk to the blue robed man in the upper-right area to be transported to Thistleberry. You can no longer leave at this point. Check inside the apple house for a thistleberry cake. Check the door of the shoe-house for another thistleberry cake. Check two of the three mushroom houses for a total of 2x thistleberry mushroom. Lastly, check the lilypad in the pond for a thistleberry jellyfish.

127. Take the pathway leading up. You'll face random encounters here, but just re-colored versions of enemies you've already faced. The mushroom house nearby has a thistleberry mushroom. The tree house towards the top-left has a thistleberry cake. Towards the middle of this area is a sign that teleports you to six different locations:

Loch Brattwhat
Deynwill Glade
Mc Dowie's Plantation
The Ol' Oak

128. You may encounter an enemy called the 'Autumn Tree' at some of these locations. Despite being a random encounter, it's eerily similar to a more durable version of the Gamana Tree boss from the 8-bit world. Defeating it is worth an impressive 808exp, and 281g. It is notably weak to fire and moderately susceptible to paralysis.

129. That said:

The Ol' Oak: Check the back of the tree house for thistleberry mushroom x2. There is also a shop here. Buying items here is the only way to heal and replenish MP in Thistleberry. He'll run off after you buy something, but returns when you visit the area again. (If you have 99x candies when you exit the purchase menu though, he will compliment you for being such a "good customer", and won't run away at all.)

Deynwill Glade: Check the blue flower patch for a thistleberry mushroom. There is a maruru leaf ingredient slightly to the right. Also, a squirrel will randomly (rarely) appear here, which will sell you thistleberry cake x3 for 100g.

Loch Brattwhat: The lily pad, to the immediate right of the fairy, has a thistleberry jellyfish. There is also a lazy frog ingredient to the top-right, half obscured by a bush.

Bogwanth: If you attack the wolf here, it will run away and allow you to loot its home for a thistleberry jellyfish. I'm not aware of any ill effects of this, and he returns anyways the next time you visit.

Mc Dowie's Plantation: In the top right is a magic bean ingredient. Autumn Trees are also commonly encountered here if you wish to seek them out.

Caenweth: Along the left side of his house, one of the squares has a thistleberry mushroom, though not visible, it is there. When you have all three ingredients, the gnome here will create the medicine you need to heal the child. This completes your quest here, cutting off access to this mind and its shop.

130. Head back into any remaining minds, make any final purchases, and finish them. When all four minds are finished, talk to the doctor to receive an angel wing. Use the angel wing in your inventory to teleport you to the next area. You can't turn back once you use it though, so buy anything you may still want from the fairy shop before you use it.

131. The enemies here can be a bit of an initial shock, depending on your difficulty selection, equipment, and character levels. The mirror enemy can cause possession, and absorbs some elemental skills, so be careful. The nearby crystal restores only HP.

132. Take the path leading right first. Go all the way right and then head up until you see a wine on the far wall. Climb the vine and click to receive the Yveen Ring, a very powerful accessory for Firefly. There's nothing else here so return to the crystal and head up when you are ready to continue. The four chests here contain a total of 4x magicka elixir. Further up, when the path splits, head left first to find a chest with a scepter of sacred. It's slightly weaker than the fomalhaut cane, but has better defense. Continue to the right, around the bend. Where the wall first meets the black gaping darkness, a little past the four jars; you can slip behind the wall, walk a few spaces left, and click to find a nanoo cookie. Continuing on, the next chest has a Yveen elixir. You'll come upon another crystal a bit further. This one only restores MP.

133. Use the crystal, heal your characters, and then talk to the green individual for a series of battles:

3x war statue
3x war statue
3x war statue
3x mirror of lore
2x mirror of lore, 1x war statue

134. Following the battles, Tenebrion will leave behind an item, the Tenebrion hood. The wearer will attack twice, even if the first target perishes. I gave it to Naito Jester, since he had the worst helmet at this point. Continue up the stairs for another crystal, which restores both HP/MP.

135. The left passage leads to a chest with a holy spear. I gave this to Naito Jester so he finally has a good weapon, and the hood makes him attack twice with it to boot! The room on the right has a Magdalena gown. Either female party member can equip it. Check the top-right jar by Yveen for a nanoo cookie. Talk to Yveen, then Magdalena to initiate:

136. Boss Battle!

Possessed Yveen, 2x mirror of lore

Possessed Yveen seems to be weak against everything, or just has really poor defense. She is slightly susceptible to paralysis, and quite susceptible to bleeding. Often, she'll just spend her turns healing herself for ~100HP. She does have her regular attack though, and it does hurt quite a bit. Still, this is one of the easier boss battles in the game.

Afterwards, you get a speech. If you wish you can press "A" or "F6" while the message is displayed to change your party members. (Again, I'm not sure if you were intended to be able to do this though, but you can.)

Then, you are taken to the menu to heal, change equipment, etc, and then must fight some more battles:

3x war statue
3x war statue
3x war statue, 1x mirror of lore
5x war statue
3x war statue

Afterwards, you get another speech. Feel free to press F6 if you want to switch party members again. Then you are taken to the menu one last time to heal, change equipment, etc, then it's:

137. Boss Battle!

Magdalena Leganov
3x war statue

She is moderately susceptible to paralysis, and is still susceptible to stun from Kark's 'crazy fits'. She has her possession technique and her revival technique from the last time you fought her. The possession technique is the far more dangerous of the two. A Tenebrion hooded, holy speared Naito Jester will get two chances to paralyze her per attack, and using Firefly's paralyze technique on the side helps too. So long as you paralyze her before possession can take hold, you should win rather easily. Just use regular attacks with all the mighty weapons you've gathered up to now.

138. Neither of them seems to drop anything, but it could just be really rare. That's it for this chapter. Talk to Yveen to end this scenario.
Last edited by loof123 on Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:24 am


139. Once you complete all three scenarios, your characters will meet up in Moonlight. The giant in the top-left room allows you to sleep for 50g. The two chests in the upper-right room have a moonlight gem and a moonlight ring. Both are good accessories. A little further down is a chest with a moonlight pendant, another good accessory. The twin pools of water at the top will purify your blood, which cures venom.

140. Take the top path to head inside. You'll start to encounter some pretty strong opponents here. Your more fragile party members can even get knocked out in a single hit. To this effect, you may want to cycle through your party members and remove their equipment. This would allow the four active party members their greatest chance of success.

141. Continue toward the top here and talk to the center angel. The conversation that follows will describe the tower, and give you a pretty good idea about how the next portion of the game will work. Rest at the inn and then head back inside. The angel will have moved, and allows you to venture further inside. Doing so will set your party to Indinera and Eridani, removes your ability to change party members, and removes your ability to save your game. If you leave, you will regain both functions though.

142. Inside, wait a couple seconds here, and a monkey will start to follow you around, joining your party. Lil' Monkey can equip a small, select few items. A salad helmet is his best helmet. For a shield, he can equip the counter tanto, mischievous beans, or the secret knife. The moonlight gem is his best accessory, while a pair of energy glasses would be a good alternative if you cannot spare to part with the gem.

143. The following area is quite large, but is also easy to navigate. You'll see some colored orbs floating around here. Black orbs give purity balls, and yellow orbs give revive balls. The orbs will respawn every time you enter the area, so their locations are not detailed. At the center of the large 'square' area you are in, is a chest with a Yveen elixir chest. The next 'square' over has a holy potion chest. The last 'square' has a holy potion. At the top of the middle 'square' is a save crystal. Take the nearby path leading up.

144. This is similar to the last area, but you start in the center 'square' this time. This section has a healing elixir, a save crystal, and another crystal to proceed further in the game. First though, check the left 'square' for a collection of chests containing: 4x healing elixir, 2x holy potion, and 2x magicka elixir. The right 'square' has a healing elixir.

145. To continue, click the green crystal near the save crystal, this teleports you to the central nef. Talk to the center angel here and she will offer to give you an item:

Weapon: Moon Orb: 'Pw 300' 16 Pdef, 32 Mdef
Shield: Moon Shield: 75 Pdef, 78 Mdef, -20 Agi
Armor: Moon Armor: 65 Pdef, 66 Mdef, -15 Agi
None: Nothing

146. You will then be teleported to a place called "floor". The angel here can teleport you to the exit at any time. Otherwise, the purple flame will initiate a battle against randomized opponents. Beating them will move teleport you to an identical area. Challenge the flame over and over again to eventually climb your way to the top floor, which has one final fight. The angel here can save your game. Any equipment you have equipped to Indinera and Eridini will stay with them after this last fight. You may want to downgrade their equipment to some more common pieces, so the party members that follow will have a better selection of equipment to utilize.

147. At this point, you need to get the remaining 16 members up to the top. If you take Lil' Monkey, he will just be returned your active party pool, as he cannot ascend. I'd recommend you unequip Lil' Monkey, and take 4 trips with 4 Lax members each. If you take Lil' Monkey, you could find yourself with an odd party member at the end, who would be forced to ascend with only Lil' Monkey as support. If you run into trouble here, remember the angel that offers you powerful equipment. She will offer you a piece of equipment each time you talk to her, and nothing stops you from exiting back to the entrance and collecting a bunch of them.

148. Once all members have completed the ascent, the party will be reunited in a desert environment. Clicking on the door to the left will cause a random battle, which is the only way to gain further experience at this point. Clicking on the pool of water will purify venom, and fully restore HP/MP. To proceed, you will need to talk to the spider, and then challenge the following boss in groups of two. This means you need to make 9 different groups, each balanced and strong enough to overcome the challenge. You should probably make a back-up save file at this point just in case you get down to your last two party members and can't win.

149 Boss Battle!

Trial Lord (Wolf)
Trial Lord (Orc)

The wolf has less HP, and randomly attacks twice for medium damage. The orc has more HP, is more vulnerable to status effects, and attacks once for higher damage than the wolf. They are both very resistant to paralyze, certainly more resistant than any other enemy I can recall. Sleep, confusion, and weaken are more reliable alternatives, though not nearly as potent as paralysis, when it actually affects them that is.

Additional strategies:

The following are what I feel are the 9 most effective members that should perhaps lead off your 9 groups. Though it really depends on what levels they are, how well equipped they are, how much moon equipment you stocked up, etc. Anybody with the holy spear and some great armor could run through these guys, but then the other seven groups won't have access to any of that great equipment:

Indinera: His 'Slackers (All)' skill has a high chance to freeze the orc, and a moderate chance to freeze the wolf. In addition, he is one of the sturdier characters in the game, and is pretty fast to boot.

SilverSoldier: His 'Self Destroy' skill should annihilate the wolf, and mortally wound (or kill) the Orc as well. I found that even fully unequipped, his valiant sacrifice all but won the fight.

Mellowkat (Morphed): In her morphed form with a Hydra Jaws and a Salad Helmet, two uses of her 'Triple Slash' skill should pretty much win the battle. She could of course miss twice in a row, but on the whole it's a viable strategy.

Karks: With a good sword and the Salad Helmet, his 'Katana Empire' skill should effectively wipe out the enemies. His high HP and durability also helps ensure he'll stay conscious long enough to put the hurt on the lords.

Lax (Morhped) : I believe Lax and an un-morphed Mellowkat are the only two characters that can use the Zombie Hatchet. Hence, he wouldn't hurt anybody else's equipment options by using it. He should be fast enough and strong enough to take out the wolf before it can move. A partner that can inflict sleep/confuse on the orc would be ideal.

Aura: His 'Sleeping Cloud (All)' has a high chance to put the orc lord to sleep, effectively removing him from the battle. He has fairly good HP, high defense, and can equip one of the many good swords you should still have on hand.

Mike: Give him the articulate glove to ensure he goes first, give him the '700-1490 fire dmg' rocket launcher to ensure the lords crumble before him, and take out the wolf lord first.

Naito Jester: With the 250V Pole equipped, his 'Omega Destroy' skill should do lethal damage to the wolf, and moderate damage to the orc, and the skill inflicts weaken to boot. He has high HP, and should be able to put together a serviceable enough spattering of low quality armor to survive the couple of hits the orc lord will get off.

Arvind/Thauma: It's sort of a toss-up here. A good casting of 'Metal Concert 1000DB (All)' can potentially weaken and confuse both lords; the two most useful status effects in this fight in one convenient package. Arvind's 'Pyro Wave' (All) conversely, is the strongest (All) skill you have left. It increases in damage quite rapidly as his Int stat rises, and the 'Great Brain' effect boosts its damage by roughly 50%.

150. Once you complete the challenge with all your members, you are met with a story scene, and teleported to "The End". Due to the presence of random encounters here, make sure you put together a well equipped party before wandering too much. The pool here will fully restore/revive your active party to help you get back on your feet. Save one last time and talk to Eridini to the north to complete the game!


Character Skills (In order of appearance)

Fantasy World


Lv. 2 | Slackers! (All) | Inflicts Delay | Possible to Freeze Enemies
Lv. 5 | Inner Energy | +105HP | Inflicts Barrier
Lv. 11 | Phil Collins Calling (All) | Inflicts Paralyze
Lv. 17 | Jaws Calling | Pw 163 | Excellent vs Humans | Inflicts Bleed and Stun
Lv. 25 | The Pacifier (All) | All Enemies Stay Still (Need Rest at the Inn to Repeat)
Lv. 38 | Genesis (All) | Pw 389 Earth/Wind/Fire


Lv. 1 | Kindness | +80HP
Lv. 5 | Freezing Flame | Inflicts Paralyze
Lv. 8 | Nature Rebellion (All) | Pw 134 Earth
Lv. 14 | Super Support (All) | +130HP
Lv. 18 | Debug | Cure all status ailments
Lv. 21 | Funny Mood | Inflicts Sharp/Barrier/Resist
Lv. 28 | Mine of Doom | Inflicts Stun/Venom/Mute/Weaken/Bleed
Lv. 33 | Global Protection (All) | Inflicts Sharp/Barrier/Resist


Lv. 3 | All Problems Solved (All) | Cure all to everybody!
Lv. 10 | Boost | Inflicts Sharp
Lv. 11 | First Aid | +15HP
Lv. 15 | Double Slash | x2 hits
Lv. 16 | Morph |
Lv. 27 | Triple Slash |
Lv. 31 | Kaboom (All) | Pw 181 Fire/Earth


Lv. 3 | Power! (All) | Inflicts Strong Muscles
Lv. 4 | Regroup! (All) | Inflicts Thick Skin and Fast Pulse
Lv. 9 | Order! | Pick Someone to Attack!
Lv. 12 | Morph |
Lv. 12 | Slashing Hand Pw 85 | Inflicts Paralyze
Lv. 12 | Heal | +90HP [Morph Only]
Lv. 12 | Fire Waves | Pw 196 Fire [Morph Only]
Lv. 18 | Sleeping Cloud (All) | Inflicts Sleep
Lv. 24 | War Zone | All Charas attack!


Lv. 1 | Enchantment | Inflicts Resistance
Lv. 6 | Heal | +60HP
Lv. 10 | Holy Shield | Immune from K-O and Paralyze
Lv. 13 | Earthquake | Pw 105 Earth | May Stun
Lv. 16 | Demon Blast | Pw 215 | Excellent vs Demons
Lv. 21 | Sphere of Power | Inflicts Sharp/Barrier/Resist | Removes Weaken/Clumsy/Delay/Feeble
Lv. 29 | Wrath of the Unholy | Pw 273 Darkness | Excellent vs Undeads | May Mute


Lv. 2 | Wind Slash | Pw 97 Wind
Lv. 8 | Scapegoat | Pick one Ally, All Enemies Attack Them!
Lv. 9 | Herbal Splash | Cure Stun, Venom, Confuse and Bleeding
Lv. 14 | Geyzer | Pw 168 Water | May inflict weaken
Lv. 14 | Cold Rain (All) | Pw 122 Water | May inflict clumsy
Lv. 20 | Infusion | Revive (on Map Only)
Lv. 31 | Super Infusion (All) | Revive (on Map Only)

Brain Hospital


Lv. 4 | LOLcat (All) | Infl. Feeble
Lv. 6 | Dark Moon (All) | Pw 66 | May Stun
Lv. 11 | Army of Cats | Pw 182 | May delay
Lv. 17 | Pressure (All) | Infl. Fast Pulse and Great Brain
Lv. 25 | Mega Slash (All) | Pw 275 | May make bleeding


Lv. 4 | Reptile Havoc | Pw 116
Lv. 7 | Fish Destruction | Pw 128
Lv. 9 | Animal Carnage | Pw 145
Lv. 15 | Total Spam (All) | Infl. Clumsy and Delay
Lv. 18 | Morph |


Lv. 1 | Heal | +60HP
Lv. 4 | Cure Venom |
Lv. 12 | Protection (All) | Infl. Barrier and Resist
Lv. 15 | Aura (All) | +80HP
Lv. 17 | Power Heal | +200HP


Lv. 7 | Demi | Infl. Weaken, Clumsy, Delay and Feeble
Lv. 9 | First Aid | +25HP
Lv. 18 | War Zone | All Friends Attack!
Lv. 27 | Auto Fight | Infl. 6th Sense (Attack at Round 0)


Lv. 1 | Laser Eye | DAM 100 | May dazzle
Lv. 8 | Regen | +50HP
Lv. 13 | I'll Be Back | Pw 195 Fire/Earth/Wind
Lv. 24 | Self Destroy |


Lv. 7 | Holy Words (All) | Pw 130 Light
Lv. 9 | Darkness Rising (All) | Pw155 Darkness
Lv. 16 | Aerith Prayer | Revive
Lv. 22 | Double Cross | Hit Twice
Lv. 33 | Evil Hero | Infl. Mega Power

Hall Of Madness (Pending level learned)


Lv. 2 | He-Man (Self) | Infl. He-Man
Lv. 6 | Crazy Fits | !!!!
Lv. 9 | Brotherhood of Wolves | Combo with Indinera
Lv. 15 | Pinhead Calling (All) | Pw 155 Dark | May kill
Lv. 17 | Dark Rain (All) | Pw 151 | May make bleeding
Lv. 23 | Le Brute (Self) | Infl. Strong Muscles/Thick Skin/Fast Pulse
Lv. 36 | Katana Empire | 4xHits


Lv. 5 | Metal Concert 10000Db (All) | Inflicts Confuse and Weaken
Lv. 10 | Thunderous Skies (All) | Pw 181 Thunder
Lv. 21 | Fury | ???


Lv. 1 | Blessing | Infl. Strong Muscles and Thick Skin
Lv. 4 | Holy Hands | +60HP
Lv. 7 | Holy Sign | Pw 141 + Infl. Paralyze
Lv. 13 | Holy Blast (All) | Pw 191
Lv. 22 | Rejuvenation | Revive
Lv. 29 | Aura (All) | +80HP


Lv. 2 | Light Dots | Pw 66 Light/Thunder
Lv. 5 | Cure | Cure Venom and Mute
Lv. 7 | Evolution (All) | Infl. Great Brain
Lv. 12 | Protection (All) | Infl. Barrier
Lv. 14 | Mana Replenish |
Lv. ?? |Heal | +90HP
Lv. 23 | Cure (All) | Cure Venom, Mute and Confuse

Naito Jester

Lv. 7 | Boom! (All) | Pw 246 Fire/Thunder/Weapon
Lv. 14 | Energyzer | Heal 80HP | Infl. Barrier/Resist
Lv. 21 | Super Call (All) | Revive All
Lv. 28 | Omega Destroy | ???


Lv. 1 | Sutzun Blast (All) | Pw 110 Wind/Light
Lv. 5 | Dead Explosion | Explode a dead ally!
Lv. 11 | Birds Attack (All) | Pw 156 (Good only vs Snakes and Beasts)
Lv. 12 | Mental Gong | Pw 214 Mind | May put to sleep
Lv. ?? | Pyro Wave (All) | Pw 306 Fire
Lv. 32 | Tortoise Reflex (All) | Infl. Barrier and Thick Skin
Last edited by loof123 on Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby Cassiopeia » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:25 am

You're an angel! Thank you very much!!!!! +::kiss
(You even kept the colored things colored!)

Edit - oh, I hope I didn't get space you needed with my post now. +::O_o
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:34 am

I needed only 3 more reserved things, 2 for the Brain Hospital and Halls Of Madness, and 1 for the Moonlight. And They don't transfer colored so I had to recolor them myself :razz:
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby Cassiopeia » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:35 am

loof123 wrote:And They don't transfer colored so I had to recolor them myself :razz:

I know, that's why I mentioned it. To show you that's it is being appreciated. +::kiss
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:36 am

Awww... thanks... but you should thanks Kehaul, he's the one who wrote this :)
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby Cassiopeia » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:40 am

Well, since he's not around I'm thanking you! :)
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:52 am

Added the brain hospital too but the others I will add later... :razz:
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby Cassiopeia » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:59 am

I've started with Fantasy World anyway.
Those are cool sprites! Do you know who made them?
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:00 am

No, not really... I know that the facesets were done by Aura though... :)
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby Cassiopeia » Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:05 am

Aura? Is that "Chris" who already posted artworks here too? Cause the style looks pretty much like what he posted.
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:50 am

I'm... not sure really +::biggrin
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Re: Laxius Party Walkthrough

Postby Cassiopeia » Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:56 am


I can't imagine that two persons would have such a similar style. Must have been him.
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