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Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Re: New RPG: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby GrannyC » Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:05 pm

Well something else strange:
Just north of Theralan there is a dock.I can walk out to the end and just keep going, walking on the water and up into the sky.
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Re: New RPG: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby Kisareth » Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:53 pm

GrannyC wrote:Well something else strange:
Just north of Theralan there is a dock.I can walk out to the end and just keep going, walking on the water and up into the sky.

That is indeed pretty strange, I let the QA department know about it.
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Re: New RPG: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby littlebro » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:06 pm

GrannyC wrote:Well something else strange:
I can walk walk on water.

Always knew you were a special player!
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby feyone2 » Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:49 am

Hi Kisareth, I've been trying to beat Hazeezus but without luck yet.They are all level 40+ is there a trick to this? Also does he have the sword I need for the secret character? Any help would be appreciated! I'd also like to say that I've enjoyed the game very much and look forward to more from you and your team. +::biggrin
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby Kisareth » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:13 am

feyone2 wrote:Hi Kisareth, I've been trying to beat Hazeezus but without luck yet.They are all level 40+ is there a trick to this? Also does he have the sword I need for the secret character? Any help would be appreciated! I'd also like to say that I've enjoyed the game very much and look forward to more from you and your team. +::biggrin

We're glad to hear you're liking the game, Hazeezus does indeed have the sword you need to get [secret character] here is a boss strategy I wrote for our FAQ.

Oh boy, if you've just arrived at the Realm of the Fae, you are NOT ready for him, I'd reccomend taking at least one trip through the final dungeon before tackling this guy, for the levels and for the superior equipment. Recommended level 38+. Once you ARE ready, here's what you need to do:

Firstly, have some Quicken Scrolls, and use one at the beginning of the battle. Then focus solely on surviving. What you need to do now is get Xiria set up with Glory of Chaos/Magick Drain combo, have Magus use Dark Embrace constantly and Isis heal, buff when needed and use She'Dian Might if you can. Try and have Drea use items to heal you when you can to give Isis a chance to attack, or just have her attack regularly. The main thing working against you is time, this will take a long time as Hazeezus has an INSANE amount of HP, and a seemingly bottomless well of MP. His attacks range from bad to oh god stop, stop he's already dead, mitigate damage immediately or you'll be deader than shit, fast. He can poison you, use instant kill attacks, debuff you, buff his own can get ugly. If you can't beat him, level up by doing a runthrough or two of the abyss, and come back. The hardest part of the battle is the middle, when he starts using his best attacks more often. Towards the end he starts focusing more on buffs and debuffs, and even though he'll often use Agility Bless on himself, he likes to do it a few times in a row, wasting turns. It is also entirely possible that he may run out of MP at some point, which makes the battle a lot easier. If you notice he's using his physical attack a LOT more often, that's probably the case, you can verify this by trying Magick Drain, if you get very little or nothing from him, he's out of MP. Beating him nets you an Ultra-Elixir and the Dark Dragoness Blade. You'll notice no one in your party can equip this sword, which is a hint as to another secret, but more on that later.
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby Kisareth » Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:14 pm

feyone2 wrote:Hi Kisareth, I've been trying to beat Hazeezus but without luck yet.They are all level 40+ is there a trick to this? Also does he have the sword I need for the secret character? Any help would be appreciated! I'd also like to say that I've enjoyed the game very much and look forward to more from you and your team. +::biggrin

Just curious Feyone, did you ever beat him?
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby feyone2 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:00 pm

Sorry Kisareth, I still haven't beaten him yet but I have only tried once again, because I'm nearly to the end I have slacked off and been naughty playing other games so I can save the finish for a bit longer. I'll get there I'm sure and I look forward to any sequels you may have to the story as the characters are quite fascinating. Cheers feyone2
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby Kisareth » Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:57 am

feyone2 wrote:Sorry Kisareth, I still haven't beaten him yet but I have only tried once again, because I'm nearly to the end I have slacked off and been naughty playing other games so I can save the finish for a bit longer. I'll get there I'm sure and I look forward to any sequels you may have to the story as the characters are quite fascinating. Cheers feyone2

Thanks for the kind words, believe it or not, Hazeezus isn't even the hardest optional battle in the game, there's an entire dungeon that makes him look like a pussycat!
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby pafpearl » Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:03 pm

Like Granny I am also a grandma and I have the same thing with windowed and full screen being mislabeled. Maybe it is a grandma thing! Anyway I just click window and get full screen.

My more pressing issue is that my save files did NOT carry over and now I am afraid they are gone since I uninstalled the demo. I did not see any save files in the demo folder. I like the game enough to start over but I am not really happy that I have to. I really don't like BMT Micro, I never had any issues at all with Plimus downloads but have an issue every time with BMT.

A suggestion-I think we need a family tree to keep track of all the Lees! Also I think the timeline is a little screwed up, or maybe it's me. How does Magus have so many adult kids? I didn't think so much time had passed. And it would be nice to know how and when his kids became rulers of their respective kingdoms.

I really do like the game though!
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby Kisareth » Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:32 pm

pafpearl wrote:Like Granny I am also a grandma and I have the same thing with windowed and full screen being mislabeled. Maybe it is a grandma thing! Anyway I just click window and get full screen.

My more pressing issue is that my save files did NOT carry over and now I am afraid they are gone since I uninstalled the demo. I did not see any save files in the demo folder. I like the game enough to start over but I am not really happy that I have to. I really don't like BMT Micro, I never had any issues at all with Plimus downloads but have an issue every time with BMT.

A suggestion-I think we need a family tree to keep track of all the Lees! Also I think the timeline is a little screwed up, or maybe it's me. How does Magus have so many adult kids? I didn't think so much time had passed. And it would be nice to know how and when his kids became rulers of their respective kingdoms.

I really do like the game though!

We think the windowed/full screen thing may be a video card issue, it's really odd and only seems to happen to certain people, but as long as you can play the game we're happy.

As for the demo, the files don't naturally carry over as uninstalling it removes everything, unless you manually save the files, due to a limitation of the game engine we used, the demo and full game are separate programs, sorry that you have to play the beginning parts again!

About 30 years passes between the intro, where Magus is 18 years old, and the full game, where he is somewhere in his mid to late 40's, as for the story that takes place in the interim, it is a story we plan to tell in the future! But as for them all being adults and the fact that Magus even has a grandaughter, it's more explained in the sequel that we're preparing, but Lee family members tend to age to maturity very quickly, and then their aging slows down considerably, it has to do with the ancestry of the family dating back to Shenandor'ah.

The family tree is something that we've been wanting to put out for some time, I personally had the idea when I first came into the company, and it's sort of languished since then, I believe at our next staff meeting I will bring it up again :)

Thanks for all the kind words and constructive criticism, and we're glad we have so many grandma's playing! Please continue to let us know how you're enjoying the game and it's story throughout your playing experience.
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby pafpearl » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:35 am

Thanks for clearing up the timeline for me. I do think a family tree would be awesome! And it is a great idea to have a sequel (prequel?) to explain all of the history of the Lee family.

I'll keep playing and let you know how I do!
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby Kisareth » Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:33 am

pafpearl wrote:Thanks for clearing up the timeline for me. I do think a family tree would be awesome! And it is a great idea to have a sequel (prequel?) to explain all of the history of the Lee family.

I'll keep playing and let you know how I do!

We have several games planned, both sequels and prequels, currently we're working on Episode II and a prequel game called Shenandor'ah: Zero Chronicle. But the game that takes place in the interim is on the horizon somewhere.
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby feyone2 » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:52 am

Hi Kisareth, I just wanted to let you know that I finally finished the game and I'm really looking forward to the next enstallment. It was great fun & I enjoyed the way it played graphics wise + I really like the various characters. Thanks Feyone2
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby Kisareth » Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:00 pm

feyone2 wrote:Hi Kisareth, I just wanted to let you know that I finally finished the game and I'm really looking forward to the next enstallment. It was great fun & I enjoyed the way it played graphics wise + I really like the various characters. Thanks Feyone2

Thanks feyone2! We're working hard on the sequel, and it's coming along great!

Did you have a chance to play through the bonus dungeon as well?
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Re: Chronicles of a Dark Lord

Postby feyone2 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:21 am

Hi Kisareth,
I tried to go back and play through the bonus dungeons (sparkling star at top R in faeland) but it told me I didn't have the appropriate item to enter. Not sure how or where I missed that! Thanks anyway, it was fun! +::Dance
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