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Final Battle

Final Battle

Postby Indinera » Sat Jan 20, 2018 10:23 am


$11.99 only!!!

This game contains strong language and revealing outfits. Don't play if this offends you.

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This is a first game by a brand new developer, Cherry Bloom.
A guide can be purchased at the following link: ... ID=2618061


Final Battle is a classic RPG where you play as Blade, an average bloke who has to become more than that. Guided by friends found along the way, he must find more about his inner strength as a major threat develops in the background, slowly threatening to overshadow the world.
Wander about to solve sidequest or focus on the main one, this game will satisfy the itch of players who enjoyed the old Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger games.






Lost in the game? Please feel free to use this thread to ask your questions! :)
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Game can't find file, can't continue

Postby flaxin1 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 9:48 pm


I'm getting a Unable to find file:


It happens right after I meet Raven and the bad guy/girl starts towards me. It acts like it's going into a battle, goes black and then I get the Unable to find file notice.

I'm playing the demo, I was going to buy this game but as of right now it's a no because of not being able to continue.

Let me know if there is a fix whether on your end (directed at the game developer, Cherry Bloom) or mine.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Indinera » Sat Jan 20, 2018 10:21 pm

Uploaded the new build, so this should be fixed (redownload the game first ^^)
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Valdy » Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:04 am

I think you are taking self-promotion a little too far, Indi. ;) When I click on "Discuss this game on the Forum" for this new game called "Final Battle", a page with "Aldorlea's Little Hearts" comes up, among other Aldorlea games.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Indinera » Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:18 am

Oops, good catch. +::Thumbup
Now fixed.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Valdy » Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:52 am

LOL ;)

OK, I have played the whole demo, and really like what I have played so far. I also like it that I get extras when I finish one area, having killed all enemies (the way it's done in "Girlfriend Rescue"). I also like the - so far - easy way the game plays (for example, no difficult to kill enemies right from the start as I sometimes see in other games), and so far haven't been lead to any dead ends. I don't like dungeons where you walk for a long time just so you get to a dead end and have to go back all the way you came from. I find those tiresome and mentally exhausting. +::fear
And I like that I can use "Auto" attack. :)
Forewarned of strong language, I was pleased to see that it wasn't half as bad - so far - as I have seen in that other game that warned of strong language. Nothing wrong with the odd strong language, but not all the way through, with every sentence spoken.

Maybe in the next game the developer could add a "dash" so that my characters can walk faster than they do in this game, but otherwise I have no complaints so far.

Anyway, long story short, I didn't have any problems with the demo, and will buy the game. :)
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby battwoman » Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:15 am

I just left Salazar and went back left and I'm stuck near the fence, can't move at all :(

So I reloaded an earlier save and made sure when I went back left I stayed as far to the top of the path as possible and that worked. Just a head's up for those who haven't reached there yet. Make sure you save, save, save.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby kimo » Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:09 am

I think I'm nearly done with the demo and have it enjoyed it. I will be buying it, too.

I want to sell the ash diamonds for money. Does anyone know if there is any reason not to sell them yet?

Also, I would suggest you follow the characters's comments because when I finished the first "dungeon" forest, I wasn't able to complete 2 quests back in the starting town.When the main character said he should return home when the 2 quest items had been found, I should have done so.

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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Valdy » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:57 am

kimo wrote:I think I'm nearly done with the demo and have it enjoyed it. I will be buying it, too.

I want to sell the ash diamonds for money. Does anyone know if there is any reason not to sell them yet?

Also, I would suggest you follow the characters's comments because when I finished the first "dungeon" forest, I wasn't able to complete 2 quests back in the starting town.When the main character said he should return home when the 2 quest items had been found, I should have done so.


I sold the ash diamonds, because I needed more money. One of the characters did mention something about them being used to make something with them, but I haven't come across anywhere where you can use them.

I was glad that I saved the game just before I went out of the first dungeon forest, because I wanted to first see what was beyond there before I went back to town to finish the 2 quests. So I was able to get back to town first and then went back into the forest and out of it at the other end.

--- --- ---

A big "thank you" to Cherry Bloom, and "well done" for their first game. And considering the "strong language" warning... it's nothing compared to that other game. Not a c-word in sight and just the odd politically incorrect and swear word. +::Thumbup

Last night I stopped the game where I am about to go underwater, and am looking forward to continuing today. :)
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby cherry78 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:47 pm

Hello, developer here.
Thanks to everyone who is playing and having fun with our game. The two reported glitches have now been fixed and the new build is available for download.
We hope that you will all continue to enjoy the game.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby gradius3 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:22 am

What does this game? can I use a gamepad, or just mouse & keyboard? I gotta know b4 I buy
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Indinera » Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:08 am

Hmmm it should be both but feel free to try the demo to be sure: ... e-DEMO.exe
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby littlebro » Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:20 am

I wasn't sure if I would like this game, but I thought I would give it a try and I'm glad that I did. It's an enjoyable game with some interesting touches. So far I'd say this is definitely a game to recommend.

Vald wrote:I sold the ash diamonds, because I needed more money. One of the characters did mention something about them being used to make something with them, but I haven't come across anywhere where you can use them.

As I've not played to the end I could be wrong, but I think that the hint from Raven means that you can use them "some time", not necessarily immediately. As the hint about finishing off the first 2 quests was meant to be noticed and acted on, I'm assuming that this one is as well.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Valdy » Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:30 am

littlebro wrote:As I've not played to the end I could be wrong, but I think that the hint from Raven means that you can use them "some time", not necessarily immediately. As the hint about finishing off the first 2 quests was meant to be noticed and acted on, I'm assuming that this one is as well.

You are right, but I was in desperate need of cash, and still am (I never have enough to buy expensive weapons), so I sold the ash diamonds, especially because I didn't know when I would be able to use them, and whether I would need to use them to make something I really need. But I will find out eventually, and if they are good for something I really want or need, I will keep them the next time I play the game. :)
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Valdy » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:17 pm

OK, here is something that annoys me: I am at the Evil House and am trying to defeat the last boss (blue flame), but can't. The fight is completely uneven. I only can make my party hit them the first time, after which I rarely get the chance to use my hits before they strike again. And I get hit far more times than there are creatures in this fight. So every time it's my turn, I can't use my hits, because it's their turn again to hit me loads of times, so by the time they give me a break, most of my people are dead.

I have killed every enemy on the way so that I would always be on the level I thought I should be. Right now my party is on levels 16, 17, and 18. The fights have become quite difficult as it is (starting with the snowmen), but so far I have managed to kill them all. But this blue flame boss is just unbeatable, because he regenerates all the time and regenerates his creatures, and I rarely get a chance to use my hits as it is, and the little I can use is usesless, because they regenerate right away. I find this a bit of a cheat.
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