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Fantasy Heroes 2

Re: New RPG: Fantasy Heroes 2

Postby nicholas » Tue May 19, 2020 2:51 am

Yes. Finally. You have to make sure all the buttons are pressed DOWN. The tricky one is the room on the right cause if you press it down it locks the door. So what you have to do is press it down then use the emergency skill to go to back to safe place then go back and press down all the other ones. I think there's only 5 or 6 of them.. But the only tricky one is the one in the room to the right. Let me know if you make it through. Did you get the gun yet?
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Re: New RPG: Fantasy Heroes 2

Postby nicholas » Tue May 19, 2020 2:52 am

Yes. Finally. You have to make sure all the buttons are pressed DOWN. The tricky one is the room on the right cause if you press it down it locks the door. So what you have to do is press it down then use the emergency skill to go to back to safe place then go back and press down all the other ones. I think there's only 5 or 6 of them.. But the only tricky one is the one in the room to the right. Let me know if you make it through. Did you get the gun yet?
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Re: New RPG: Fantasy Heroes 2

Postby nicholas » Tue May 19, 2020 10:27 am

Yes. Finally. You have to make sure all the buttons are pushed DOWN. The tricky one is in the room to the right. You have to push it down then use your emergency skill back to your safe place then come back through again. I think there is 5 or 6 of them. Let me know if you make it.
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Re: New RPG: Fantasy Heroes 2

Postby Lady JJ » Tue May 19, 2020 10:38 pm

nicholas wrote:Yes. Finally. You have to make sure all the buttons are pressed DOWN. The tricky one is the room on the right cause if you press it down it locks the door. So what you have to do is press it down then use the emergency skill to go to back to safe place then go back and press down all the other ones. I think there's only 5 or 6 of them.. But the only tricky one is the one in the room to the right. Let me know if you make it through. Did you get the gun yet?

Glad you got it sorted out. I never had to do an emergency skill, but I imagine if the buttons were pressed multiple times, it's very likely that you might get stuck. Good thing there is an emergency skill, else that would be a game breaker bug.

I had already finished the game without getting the gun, so, for me, it was more a matter of satisfying my curiosity. Thanks for posting that info. Best of luck with finishing the game.
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Re: New RPG: Fantasy Heroes 2

Postby Gorilla4 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:18 pm

I really liked the game. The pictures are pretty, the story stand very well. I wished the music wasn't so loud. Each time I started the game, I had to lower it. As many old school rpg, the ending hurted my head! Lol Long endind that need strategy to finish the big boss. I would have liked to save inbetween battles because when I did get rid of the bad one, I was so in chocked that I couldn't listen to the final of the game. I had the same feeling with Opaline that I also love very much. With these games, you forget the pain after several months, you replay, and prepare yourself well for the big final fight. What I did with Moonchild. It was better, almost no headeck... I really enjoyed this game and all the Lumen games I am waiting for the next one... +::heart
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Re: Fantasy Heroes 2

Postby dmha44 » Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:53 pm

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Re: Fantasy Heroes 2

Postby Indinera » Tue Apr 20, 2021 7:31 am

ALT + ENTER should toggle between screen modes.
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Re: Fantasy Heroes 2

Postby MerryX » Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:09 pm

Hi Lumen,

Well, I have just finished the game and had a great time. I did download the demo a while ago and started it but couldn't quite get into it with the different game play from the games I was playing then (i.e., not being able to go into shops and inns). However, when I recently finished Fantasy Heroes 1, I got used to it so decided to re-try. And it was worth it +::lol

The game took me around 19 hours (as I like to savour the story and different areas). The characters reached the following levels - Valentin (32) - great sensible logical thinker but still unclear why he went silent at the end as noted by Dante several times; Anais (31) - earnest young knight with great skills and magic; Dominique (31) - a bit sanctimonious and annoying but did have very useful skills and magic; Mona Luna (30) - terrific little witch who would not put up with Dominique's nonsense, and her claw skills were epic; and finally, of course, Dante (31) Master Warlock and outright powerhouse.

I am glad I purchased the guide as I would not have known about needing to use Valentin's Gunblast minimum 20 times to get his ultimate weapon, nor Mona Luna's Claw skills minimum 35 times to get her ultimate weapon, or how to navigate those rotten yellow buttons.
Spoiler: show
Not mentioned in the guide - I found I had to step on the yellow button in the optional area bottom/left to open the door to the first yellow button in Old Coven Area 3

The gameplay and battles were excellent - lots of different enemies needing some strategic thinking. And the dialogue was great - particularly liked the dry humour and creative insults which left me laughing at times. The story and character development kept me engrossed.

A couple of minor things I didn't like was the low rate of earning gold - either that or I was a bit of a spendthrift +::biggrin I could only afford one set of wings for Dominique in the final shop and just couldn't earn enough to get another set for Dante. Nevertheless, I managed to wipe out the final boss handily +::Dance

I also found the music too loud as others have mentioned and had to lower the volume on my computer as it was a bit jarring, and the other thing that I found jarring was the depiction of Agathe (an NPC) - Anais' 12-year old younger sister. All the other art work was fantastic but Agathe just seemed awkward (which is probably the point for a young pre-pubescent girl with terrible dress sense, a bit pudgy with gangly arms). I suspect you meant it to be this way but it was "unfortunate" to say the least +::lol

So overall, great game and I would recommend it. It is a stand alone from Fantasy Heroes 1 - and in my opinion, I enjoyed it more (still lots of fighting with more story and character development!)

Many thanks for a great game,

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