Laxius Soul Vortex Maiden Maiden Odessa When the Light Dies

Spell List

Spell List

Postby loof123 » Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:21 pm

+::whistle +::whistle +::whistle +::whistle +::whistle +::whistle +::whistle


Existing Spell – Aura Assault: Pw 311 Weapon/Holy | Infl. Blindness | AT14%ST55%MN45% MD70% Var22%
Existing Spell – Power Heal: Pw 160 | Var 15% | Infl. Weapon Boost
Existing Spell – Cure All: Rem. Many States
Existing Spell – Self Boost: Infl. Weapon H-Boost/Lightning Speed/Heroism/Genius Mind
Existing Spell – Vaccuum: Infl. Paralysis/Ground Lock/Instant Break/Slow

Existing Spell – Armor Crush: Pw 50 | Infl. Shatter + 1 Hit on Targtd Enemy | AT70%ST60%RS50% PD50% Var15% | Adon Loses 50HP/50XP

Level 68 – Craze: Load Twice then Launch!


Existing Spell – My Quest:
Existing Spell – Shockwave: Pw 151 Air | Infl. Fatigue | MN100% MD75% Var20%
Existing Spell – Mind Possession: Infl. Helloism
Existing Spell – Army Of The Dead: Pw 251 | Rem. Exhaustion | Infl. Zombification/Demented Rage
Existing Spell – Curse Of The Swamp: Pw 124 Water/Earth/Dark/Human | Infl. Plague/Silence | MN100% MD75% Var32%
Existing Spell – Bene-Gazr: Pw 68 (Dark Healing) | Rem. Plague
Existing Spell – Oblivion Ground: Pw 186 Ice/Earth | MN100%RS20% PD20%MD55% Var26%
Existing Spell – Hearts Of Honor: Pw 253 Legend/Weapon | ST10%MN90% MD75% Var3%
Existing Spell – 1001 Dark Slashes: Pw 265 Dark/Weapon | AT25% MN100% PD50%MD25% Var41%
Existing Spell – Cancelling: Rem. Battle Boosts
Existing Spell – Scorching Rain: Pw 313 Fire | Infl. Burn | MN100% MD75% Var15%
Existing Spell – Glacial Coffin: Pw 287 Ice | Infl. Ice Jail | MN100% MD75% Var10%
Existing Spell – Solstice Light: Pw 315 Thunder | Infl. Paralysis | MN100% MD75% Var18%
Existing Spell – Ground Implosion: Pw 316 Earth | Infl. Ground Lock | MN100% MD75% Var20%
Existing Spell – Tidal Wave: Pw 328 Water | Good Vs Bird | Infl. Fatigue/Diminution | RS20%MN100% MD70% Var24%
Existing Spell – Oxygen Burst: Pw 325 Air | Infl. Sleep | MN100% MD75% Var9%
Existing Spell – Mind Holocaust: Pw 351 Mind | Infl. Paralysis/Aura Broken | MN100% MD60% Var5%

Level 44 – Blades Of Xen Slashing: Pw 275 Weapon | Good Vs Ghosts | Infl. Shatter
Level 48 – Royal Iceberg: Pw 350 Ice/Water | Infl. Ice Jail/Silence
Level 50 – Days Of The Destruction: Pw 375 Fire/Thunder | Good Vs Human | Infl. Shatter
Level 53 – Gravity Inversion: Pw 398 Earth/Air | Good Vs Robot | Infl. Att/Def Down | AT15%RS20%MN100% PD30%MD30% Var45%
Level 56 – Days Of The Punishment: Pw 424 Mind/Weapon | Infl. Madness/Shrinkage | AT15%MN100% DM50% Var31%
Level 62 – AXA: Pw 484 ???
Level 69 – Anti-Noma: Pw 508 ???
Level 79 – Gamaeon: Pw 591 ???

Existing Spell – First Aid: Pw 25 | Var3%
Existing Spell – Charm: Infl. Naughtiness/Male Possession
Existing Spell – Read A Tale: Some Books Should Never Be Read

Level 25 – Fire Ball: Pw 42 Fire | MN100% MD75% Var80%

Existing Spell – Animal Massacre: Pw 175 Good Only Vs Animals | Infl. Fear/Madness | AT50%ST100% PD75% Var39%
Existing Spell – Multi-Hits: 3 Hits on Targeted Enemy | Improves with LV and Other Factors (Up to 12 Hits!)
Existing Spell – Treatment: Rem. Poison/Pox/Venom

Level 66 – Final Rush: 9 Random Hits | Angelina: Exhaustion/-2500XP | More Hits With High RS
Level 91 – Call Of The Wild Beast: Infl. Flesh Hunting Temporarily | Many Hits!

Existing Spell – Blood Exsanguin: Rem. Pox | Ally Loses HP
Existing Spell – Grom Punch: Rem. Ice Jail/Sleep | Damages Ally
Existing Spell – Kraor Massage: Rem. Cold | Askhbar Loses HP
Existing Spell – Mt Zulle Travelling: Travel from Mt Zulle to West Boundaries and Reversely

Level 33 – Kuhn Kuhn Massage: Rem. Fatigue | Damages Ally
Level 37 – Jabdoj Bite: Rem. Poison/Venom | Damages Ally
Level 44 – Niin’Grom Slap: Rem. Exhaustion | Askhbar Loses HP
Level 51 – Hulk: Infl. Weapon Boost/Armor Boost
Level 59 – Big Muscles: Pw 105 | Infl. Titan Muscles/Steel Skin
Level 93 – Monster: !!!!

Existing Spell – Swamp Elixir: Rem. Many States | Damages
Existing Spell – Earthquake 6.0: Pw 62 Earth | ST70%RS30% MD75% Var10%

Level 40 – Earthquake 7.0: Pw 102 Earth | ST70%RS30% MD75% Var20%
Level 50 – Earthquake 8.0: Pw 178 Earth | Infl. Diminution | ST70RS30% MD75% Var30%
Level 70 – Earthquake 9.0: Pw 301 Earth/Air | Infl. Fatigue/Diminution | ST70%RS35% MD75% Var40%
Level 90 – Earthquake 10.0: Pw 554 Earth/Air/Water | Infl. Fatigue/Ground Lock/Diminution | ST70%RS40% MD75% Var60%
Level 96 – Atom Earth 11.0: Pw 922 Earth/Air/Water | Infl. Fatigue/Ground Lock/Diminution | ST70%RS40% MD75% Var60%

Existing Spell – Perception: Find Secret Places

Level 14 – Predator Bite: Pw 56 Good Only Vs Flesh Creatures | AT50%ST100% PD50% Var8%
Level 19 – Super Speed Bite: Infl. Lightning Speed | Bite Can Kill Ally
Level 32 – Lethal Move: Attack 3 Times at Random | 4x at Lv55
Level 45 – Metal Bite: Pw 75 + 1 Hit on Targeted Enemy | Good Vs Mammal/Robot | Infl. Bleeding | AT65%ST100% PD40%
Level 56 – Werewolf Bite: Turn Ally Into Werewolf | Brussian: +35HP/+3XP

Existing Spell – I Know Where He Could Be!: The Grand Commendanter...
Existing Spell – First Aid: Pw 60 | Var 4%
Existing Spell – Steal: Steal Chests in People's Homes

Level 39 – Double Cross: Infl. Weapon Boost (Cindy) | Hit Twice at Random
Level 52 – Furia De Rillia: Infl. Weapon Boost (Cindy) | Attack All Enemies
Level 59 – Hyper Wind Blast: Pw316 Air | Infl. Delay/Dfse Dwn (Enmies) | Infl. WpnBst (Cndy) | +Attk All nm | MN100% MD75% Var22%

Existing Spell – Heal: Pw 150 | Var5%

Level 5 – Lucent Body: Infl. Translucent (Evade+25)
Level 8 – Purification: Rem. Poison/Pox/Venom
Level 11 – Zen-Zen: Rem. Wrath/Naughtiness/Fear/Madness
Level 14 – Obsidion Orb: Infl. Magicka Defense
Level 19 – Aura: Pw 145 | Var5%
Level 23 – Water Orb: Pw 277 Water | Infl. Venom | MN100% MD75% Var8%
Level 26 – Rebirth: Rem. Exhaustion | +195HP
Level 30 – Elemental Shield: Infl. Fire/Earth/Air Resis.
Level 35 – Crystal Heal: Pw 399 | Rem. Poison/Pox/Venom/Silence | Var 2%
Level 43 – Song Of Harmony: Infl. Silence/Sleep
Level 49 – Magicka Drops: Infl. Genius Mind
Level 52 – Minus Fifty Degree: Pw 22 Ice | Infl. Ice Jail/Cold | MN100% MD1% Var34%
Level 58 – Pacify: All Monster Defend
Level 60 – Miracle Of Life: Revive All
Level 65 – Vigan Elma: Restore 10MP
Level 69 – Aqua-Aura: Pw 275 | Var 47% | Rem. Burn/Bleeding
Level 72 – Aqua-Lung: Infl. Aqualunger/Fire Res. | Rem. Poison/Pox/Plague/Venom/Burn/Paral./Glue/Phago./L. Cells
Level 79 – Ke’ren Glacier: Pw 50 Ice | Infl. Ice Jail/Attack Down | MN100%RS100% MD5% Var51%
Level 85 – Water Glory: ????

Level 7 – Cocka Heal: Pw 15 | Var45%
Level 18 – Awful Song: Infl. Wrath/Fear
Level 36 – Ding Dong: Infl. Haste
Level 48 – Rock! Rock! : Pw 476 Earth | RS100%MN50% PD75% Var12%
Level 57 – 2-Hits! : 2 Random Hits
Level 61 – Fire Storm: Pw 600 Fire/Air | Good Vs Insect | Infl. Burn | RS100%MN50% PD60%MD14% Var56%
Level 71 – Chirp! Chirp! (Cacao) : Infl. Sleep | Rem. Sleep (Allies) | Cocka-Cocka Attacks
Level 73 – Cacao Heal (Cacao) : Pw 100 + 1 Hit | Infl. Heroism/Dazzle | Var30% | Cocka-Cocka Attacks
Level 76 – Bum Bum (Cacao) : Pw 414 ??? | Cocka-Cocka Attacks
Level 80 – Triumph Call (Cacao) : Rem. Exhaustion/Sleep (Enemies) | Infl. Haste/Steel Muscles (Allies) | Cocka-Cocka Attacks
Level 91 – Colours! Colours! (Cacao) : Pw 638 Holy/Water | Infl. Blindess | RS50%MN100% MD75% Var29%


Existing Spell – Gwahaha: When Coryool is angry, Coryool attacks immediately!
Existing Spell – Big Muscles: Enemies Might Hit Coryool Instead of their Action (3 Max, Depends of Coryool's LV)
Existing Spell – Bomber XY: Pw 285 Air/Weapon | Infl. Fatigue | ST50%RS50%MN30% PD15%MD60%
Existing Spell – Earthquake Punch: Pw 338 Weapon | Good Vs Orc/Demon | Infl. Ground Lock | AT35%ST100% PD75% Var18%

Level 40 – Bomber YYZ:
Pw 396 Air/Earth/Weapon | Good Vs Bird | Infl. Fatigue | ST50%RS50%MN40% MD75% Var15%
Level 62 – Bomber ZXZ: Pw554Fire/Air/Earth/Wpn | Good Vs Bird | Infl. Ftg/Delay/Dimin. | ST60%RS50%MN40% PD15%MD40% Var15%

No Spells

Existing Spell – Adaptor: Customize Deuterium
Existing Spell – Breaker: Pw 55 + 1 Laser Hit on Targeted Enemy | Infl. Broken | AT55%MN100% PD75% Var5%
Existing Spell – Body Laser: Pw 150 Laser + 2 Laser Hits | Good Vs Robot | Infl. Dsprsion | AT50%ST50%RS50%SP50%MN50% PD20% Var4%
Existing Spell – Multi-Laser: 4 Laser Hits
Existing Spell – Range Laser (all) : Pw 111 Laser + 1 Laser Hit | Good Vs Insect | Infl. Diminution | AT40% ST50%RS50% PD25%MD10% Var15%

Existing Spell – Heal: Pw 60 | Var10%
Existing Spell – Saint Waves: Pw 102 Water/Holy | Good Vs Undead/Ghost | ST20%MN100% MD75% Var16%

Level 14 – Talk: Talk to Your Friends
Level 21 – Vizira Kahul: Rem. Silence/Burn/Debility/Aura Broken
Level 25 – Sanity Hand: Rem. Madness
Level 34 – Healing Vapors: Pw 70 | Rem. Fatigue/Wrath/Burn
Level 42 – Ultai Saber: Pw 202 Weapon/Fire/Legend | Infl. Debility | AT40%ST100% PD75% Var15%
Level 48 – Barrier Of The Sun: Infl. Armor Boost/Magicka Defense/Brilliant Mind/Steel Skin | Rem. Plague/Dispersion
Level 51 – Duet Virtuoso: 2 Hits on Targeted Enemy | Infl. Diminution | Improves with Experience
Level 70 – Aesthesis Aura: Pw 190 | Infl. Steel Skin/Brilliant Mind

Existing Spell – Xerberus Bite (Left Head) : Rem. Plague/Sleep
Existing Spell – Berserker Bite (Mid Head) : Infl. Flesh Hunting
Existing Spell – Cure Zombification (Left Head) : Rem. Zombification/Madness/Paralysis
Existing Spell – Cerberus Move (All Heads) : Pw 55 | Att. 3x | Infl. Defense Down | -5XP/-5HP/Delay

Level 37 – Cerberus Craze (All Heads) :
Pw 65 | Att. 5x | Infl. Tired/Def down | -15XP/-10HP/Slow Cond.
Level 41 – Curse Of Maken-Hamdo: Infl. Debility/Weapon Boost (Good if Allies Target Enemies with Spells)
Level 47 – Destruction Bite (Right Head) : Pw 165 Wpn | Infl. Shatter/Dimntion/Disprsion/Aura Brkn/Df Down | AT140%ST50%RS15% SP35% PD75% Var15%
Level 65 – Atta-Hene Orivayhi (All Heads) : Infl. Exhaustion + Att. 11 times | -200XP/-100HP/Ground Lock

Existing Spell – Glue: Pw 55 Water | Infl. Glue | ST50%RS100%MN40% PD25% Var15%
Existing Spell – Phagocytose: Pw116 Wtr/Mnd | Eff. Mamml/Hmn | Infl. Phagctse | ST50%RS100%MN40% PD25%MD25% Var15%
Existing Spell – Meltdown: Pw 165 Water | Good Vs Human/Mammal | Infl. Liquid Cells | RS40%MD60% MD75% Var30%
Existing Spell – Kamikaze: Pw 240 ??? | AT50%ST65%SP35% PD75% Var15%

Level 35 – Ataraxia: Restore 8MP (All Party Members)
Level 75 – Anhilation: Pw 220 | Infl. Glue/Phagocytose/L.Cells | ST50%RS100%MN40% PD25% Var15%

Existing Spell – Rejuvenation: Pw 250 | Rem. Shatter/Demolition/Bleeding
Existing Spell – Fast Move: 2 Random Hits
Existing Spell – Kitty Kat: Infl. Cat Phobia
Existing Spell – Poison Rain: Pw 50 Water | Infl. Poison | RS50%MN50% MD10% Var15%
Existing Spell – Lethal Claws: Pw 55 ??? | AT15%ST100% PD50% Var15%
Existing Spell – Fast Learning: Earn More Experience From Fights!

Level 8 – Frozen State: Infl. Frozen
Level 18 – Super Cat: Infl. Cat'O Craze
Level 22 – Killer Claw: Pw 203 ??? + 2 Random Hits | AT50%ST100% PD75% Var15%
Level 28 – Big Lethal Claws: Pw 136 ??? + 3 Random Hits | AT20%ST80%SP20% PD75% Var15%
Level 40 – Ripper Claws: Pw 474 ??? + 3 Random Hits | AT50% ST60%SP40% PD75% Var35%
Level 49 – Ice Claws: Pw 101 ??? | Infl. Ice Jail/Cold | AT10%ST30%RS15%SP15%MN50% PD45%MD30% Var15%
Level 54 – Sign Your Claw: Pw 256 Ice/Legend/??? + 7 Random Hits | Infl. Bleeding | AT25% ST50%SP70%MN40% PD75% Var35%

Existing Spell – Heal: Pw 110 | Var15%
Existing Spell – Antidote: Rem. Poison/Venom
Existing Spell – Paladin Blade: Pw 151 Holy/Weapon | Good Vs Demon | Infl. Mind Disabling | AT25% ST60%MN40% PD60%MD15% Var15%
Existing Spell – Mist Of Rivendale: Infl. Silence/Sleep | Infl. Heroism (Herbert)
Existing Spell – Particle Rain: Rem. Silence/Burn/Bleeding (sleep qd revient) | Infl. Ice/Thunder/Air Resis.
Existing Spell – Brain Energyzer: Rem. Paralysis/Debility | Infl. Brilliant Mind
Existing Spell – Holy Punishment: Pw 162 Holy | Good Vs Ghost/Undead | Infl. Aura Broken | MN100% MD75% Var8%
Existing Spell – Power Defense: Infl. Armor Boost
Existing Spell – Clouds Of Saint: Pw 184 Holy | RS30%MN70% MD75% Var24% | Combo w/ Joshua
Existing Spell – Prayer Of Bagdiijbi: Pw 224 | Good Only Vs Ghost/Undead | MN100% MD75% Var3%
Existing Spell – Holy Enchantment: Infl. Saint Shield
Existing Spell – Paladin Pride: Infl. Hero Paladin
Existing Spell – Crusader Blessing: Rem. Poison/Fear/Fatigue | Infl. Crusader Blessing

Level 35 – Magicka Wave: Give 12MP to All Party Members!
Level 43 – Aura Bomb: Pw 347 Holy/Fire/Earth/Laser | Infl. Burn | Rem. Ice Jail | AT25%ST20%RS30%MN100% PD25%MD50% Var40%
Level 50 – Metal Barrier: Infl. Weapon Resist./Armor Boost
Level 58 – Magicka Bomb: Pw 309 Mind | Good Vs Demon | RS25%MN100% PD10%MD65% Var17%

Existing Spell – My Quest: "I want revenge!"
Existing Spell – Barrier: Infl. Steel Skin
Existing Spell – Heal: Pw 150 | Var10%
Existing Spell – Antidote: Rem. Poison/Pox/Venom/Cold
Existing Spell – Holy Punishment: Pw 162 Holy | Good Vs Ghost/Undead | Infl. Aura Broken | MN100% MD75% Var8%
Existing Spell – Preservation: Pw 50 | Infl. Armor Boost/Magicka Shield
Existing Spell – Brain Energyzer: Rem. Paralysis
Existing Spell – Mind Implosion: Pw 209 Mind | Infl. Debility/Sleep | MN100% MD75% Var3%
Existing Spell – Clerical Shield: Infl. Earth/Dark/Mind Res./Steel Skin | Lv47: Magicka Defense
Existing Spell – Benevolent Mist: Pw 50 | Infl. Brilliant Mind | Rem. Venom
Existing Spell – Revive: Pw 50 | Rem. Exhaustion
Existing Spell – Aura: Pw 130 | Var10%
Existing Spell – Ghost Slayer: Pw 281 Ghost Only | MN100% MD55% Var10%
Existing Spell – Mercantile: Buy and Sell Your Items at Lower Rates

Level 37 – War Blessing: Infl. Heroism | Lv50: Haste | Lv76: Weapon H-Boost
Level 40 – Purification: Rem. Many Bad States
Level 45 – Aura Bomb: Pw 332 Air/Holy | Infl. Aura Broken | MN100% MD75% Var10%
Level 50 – Metal Barrier: Infl. Weapon Resist./Armor Boost
Level 54 – Supreme Aura: Pw 240HP/30MP | Infl. Armor Boost/Magicka Defense | Rem. Poison/Venom/Plague
Level 59 – Magicka Bomb: Pw 309 Mind | Good Vs Demon | RS25%MN100% PD10%MD65% Var17%
Level 65 – Clerical Meditation: Rem. Pox | Infl. Genius Mind/Steel Skin/Brain Boost/Mind Res. | Joshua Loses LVx10 XP
Level 72 – Ante-Psalm: Pw 267 Mind/Legend | Infl. Plague | Good Vs Dmn/Orc/Humn | MN100% MD30% Var4% | Infl. Elvtion (Josh)

Existing Spell – Heal: Pw 125 | Var10%
Existing Spell – Guardian Protection: Infl. Armor H-Boost

Existing Spell – Heal: Pw 150 | Var10%
Existing Spell – Aura: Pw 150 | Var15%
Existing Spell – Saint Arrow: Pw 300 Holy/Weapon | Good Vs Ghost | Infl. Silence | AT50%SP50%MN50% PD30%MD45% Var5%
Existing Spell – Ice Arrow: Pw 300 Ice/Weapon | Good Vs Fish | Infl. Ice Jail | AT50%SP50%MN50% PD45%MD30% Var5%
Existing Spell – Revive: Rem. Exhaustion
Existing Spell – Crystal Rain: Pw 275 Holy/Weapon | MN100% MD75% Var24%
Existing Spell – Purification Dome: Infl. Preservation
Existing Spell – Pacify: Infl. Paralysis | All Monsters Do Nothing

Level 10 – Legs Cutter: Pw 30 Weapon | Good Vs Human/Elf/Orc | Infl. Bleeding | AT30% ST70%SP30% PD75%
Level 19 – Double Hit: Hit Twice At Random
Level 25 – Warrior Frenzy: Infl. Armor H-Boost (User)
Level 30 – Blade Throw: Pw35Wpn | Good Hmn/Bird/Wolf | Delay/Blding | Infl. Haste/W-Bst | AT115%ST100%RS40%SP15%PD65%Var28%
Level 38 – Death-X: Pw 155 Weapon | Infl. Exhaustion | AT60% ST80%SP30% PD40% Var25% | Twice at Lv48
Level 40 – Cross Slash: Infl. Diminution | 2 Hits on Targeted Enemy
Level 45 – Boomerang Blade: Pw 116 Weapon/Air | Good Vs Bird | Kratin Defends | AT56%ST65%SP40% PD75% Var29%
Level 52 – Sign Of The Brave: Infl. Weapon H-Boost/Lightning Speed/Armor H-Boost
Level 57 – Rocket Blade: Pw266Fr/Wpn/Lsr | Good Vs Mammal | Infl.Shatter | Infl.Haste (Kratin) | AT88%ST75%SP75% PD40% Var44%
Level 65 – War Wall: All 4 Defend (Have Kratin Play Last and Before the Enemies!)
Level 74 – Demi Strike: Infl. Shrinkage + 1 Hit on Targeted Enemy
Level 83 – Ancient Strike: Pw 256 Weapon/Legend | Good Vs Human/Dragon | Infl. Stone | AT200%ST100%SP20% PD75% Var9%

Existing Spell – Heal: Pw 115 | Var10%
Existing Spell – Armor Breakdown: Infl. Shatter/Defense Down
Existing Spell – Sick Imprint: Infl. Madness
Existing Spell – Power Heal: Pw 210 | Var15%
Existing Spell – Kah’hur Omen: Infl. Kah'hur Omen (no magic, damage slip)
Existing Spell – Samascu: Infl. Samus Samascu (45% in ST/RS/SP/MN for one round)
Existing Spell – Sacbajdila: Pw 245 Dark | Good Vs Human | Infl. Venom | ST49%MN51% MD50% Var15%

Level 36 – Kurahan: Pw 208 Dark/Legend | Good Vs Orc | Infl. Plague | ST30%MN70% MD75% Var1%
Level 42 – Farfyr: Pw 166 Dark | Good Vs Dragon | Infl. Magicka Blast/Weapon Boost | AT140%ST40%MN60% MD75% Var17%
Level 49 – Zekam-Marala: Pw 273 Dark | Infl. Slow | ST45%MN55% MD75% Var15%
Level 62 – Of-Nohr: Pw 336 Fire/Water/Air/Dark | Infl. Defense Down | ST30%RS30%SP30%MN50% MD75% Var23%
Level 78 – Degaagoga: Infl. Exhaustion/Slow/Attack Down/Defense Down
Level 94 - *****Curse Of Maalhem (Leanda) : ?????????????


Existing Spell – Kaos Strike: Infl. Kaos + 1 Hit on Targeted Enemy
Existing Spell – Power: Infl. Weapon H-Boost
Existing Spell – Dominion Sweep: Pw 555 Dark/Weapon | Good Vs Robot | Infl. Demolition | ST100%SP20% PD75% Var18%
Existing Spell – ??? : ????????????
Existing Spell – Hall Of The Damned: ?????

Level 68 – Despair Dance: ???

No Spells

Existing Spell – Crusader Pride: Infl. Heroism | Louis Loses 50 HP
Existing Spell – Inner Strength: Pw 25 | Rem. Fatigue/Shatter/Diminution Dispersion/Demolition
Existing Spell – War Master Combo: 2 Hits on Targeted Enemy | Louis Loses 25HP
Existing Spell – Severance: 3 Hits on Targeted Enemy | Louis Loses 45HP + Fatigue State
Existing Spell – Tactic Assault: Louis Attack & Loses 15HP | All the Rest Defend
Existing Spell – War Wave: Louis loses 125HP, Defend, Target of the Enemies | All Others Attack | Infl. Fatigue All

Level 45 – The Best: Infl. Weapon H-Boost/Armor H-Boost/Heroism + Hits | Louis Loses 1500XP

Existing Spell – Ark Flare: Pw 199 Fire | Eff. Mammal/Undead | Infl. Burn | MN100% MD75% Var5%
Existing Spell – Rain Wash: Pw 101 Water | Good Vs Ghost/Undead | Infl. Mind Disabling/Aura Broken/Slow | MN100% MD30% Var11%

Level 4 – Eye Of The Cyclone: Pw 55 Air | Good Vs Insect | +25MP (Luciana) | MN100% MD10% Var32%
Level 6 – Grand Protection: Infl. Grand Protection
Level 8 – Mind Breaker: Pw 161 Mind | Good Vs Orc | Infl. Paralysis/Mind Disabling | MN100% MD50% Var3%
Level 11 – Paralysis: Infl. Paralysis
Level 15 – Cosmic Shield: Infl. Earth/Water/Ice Resis.
Level 17 – Half-Goddess Aura: Infl. Goddess Spirit
Level 19 – Magicka Shield: Infl. Magicka Defense
Level 25 – Dominion Bolt: Pw 285 Thunder | Good Vs Demon | Infl. Demolition/Dispersion | MN100% MD75% Var20%

Existing Spell – Ocean Power: Infl. Ocean Power | Rem. Fatigue/Fear
Existing Spell – Waves Of Nemuii: Pw 10 Phys. At/Water | Good Vs Bird | AT50%ST50%RS40%SP40% PD75% Var30%
Existing Spell – Poisonous Javelin: Pw 41 Phys. At | Good Vs Fish | Infl. Poison | AT50%ST60%SP40% PD75% Var12%
Existing Spell – Water Orb: Rem. Exhaustion
Existing Spell – Mermaid Death Dance: Pw 72 ??? | Infl. Bleeding | AT50%ST50%SP50% PD40% Var18%
Existing Spell – Water Balm: Rem. Poison/Pox/Plague/Venom/Cold

Level 17 – Haanakuna: Pw 51 Water/Air | Good Vs Bird/Reptile/Fish | AT60%ST10%SP40%MN50% PD20%MD25% Var30%

Existing Spell – Energyzer: Infl. Light. Speed | Rem. Fatigue
Existing Spell – Courage: Rem. Fear
Existing Spell – Ice Blast: Pw 105 Ice | Good Vs Reptile | Infl. Cold | MN100% MD75% Var15%
Existing Spell – Undead Speaking: Talk to Undeads
Existing Spell – Telekynesis: Move Out of Reach Items

Level 3 – Water Bomb: Pw 154 Water | Good Vs Bird | MN100% MD75% Var15%
Level 5 – Warmth: Rem. Cold
Level 8 – Power Of Mind: Infl. Genius Mind/Heroism | Rem. Paral./Debility/Mind Dis.
Level 12 – Enchantment: Rem. Paralysis/Stone/Madness
Level 14 – Meditation: Infl. Brilliant Mind
Level 15 – Air Boom: Pw 204 Air | Good Vs Fish | Infl. Delay | MN100% MD75% Var15%
Level 18 – Brain Nihilis: Pw 70 Mind | Good Vs Orc | Infl. Silence | MN100 MD75 Var5%
Level 22 – Cure: Rem. Poison/Pox/Plague/Venom/Cold
Level 25 – Obsidion Muscles: Infl. Obsidion Skin | Rem. Shatter/Burn
Level 28 – Brain Paralysis: Pw 55 Mind | Infl. Paralysis | MN100% MD75% Var10%
Level 31 – Slow: Infl. Slow
Level 34 – Find Gold: Find Gold in Fights
Level 35 – Transparency: Infl. Shape of Mist
Level 37 – Poison Trap: Pw 185 | Good Vs Human/Mammal/Reptile | Infl. GroundLock/Poison/Venom | MN100% MD55% Var6%
Level 40 – Unbreakable Heroes: Infl. Armor H-Boost
Level 45 – Weak: Infl. Defense Down
Level 51 – Virtuosity: Infl. Dazzle
Level 55 – Magicka Barrier: Infl. Elemental Shield/Magicka Defense
Level 76 – Walls Of Madness: Pw 583 Mind | Good Vs Human | Infl. Madness | MN100% MD75% Var39%

Existing Spell – Fire Ball (Nash) : Pw 625 Fire/Weapon | Good Vs Elf/Bird | Infl. Shatter/Burn | ST100%RS100% PD50% Var25%
Existing Spell – Drukeel (Neon) : Pw 195 (Nash) | Rem. Fatigue | Infl. Brilliant Mind
Existing Spell – Thunder Sky (Neon) : Pw 705 Thunder | Good Vs Reptile/Fish | Infl. Thunder Numb | RS100%MN100% MD50% Var15%
Existing Spell – Chaos Of Nature (Neon) : Pw 299 All 6 Elems | RS50%MN100% PD0%MD0% Var100%
Existing Spell – Heal (Neon) : Pw 100
Existing Spell – Drukuel (Neon) : Pw 499 (Nash) | Rem. Fatigue/Plague | Infl. Genius Mind

Level 44 – Aura (Neon) : Pw 110
Level 48 – Jouvence (Nash) : Infl. Weapon Boost/Armor Boost/Haste/Brill. Mind/Steel Skin/Steel Muscles/Giant Body
Level 59 – Crazy Havoc (Neon) : Pw 399 Holy/Dark/Legend/Earth | Good Vs Human/Elf | Infl. Def. Down | RS100%MN50% PD75% Var63%
Level 66 – Neon’s Blessing (Neon) : Infl. Neonification
Level 70 – Concentration (Both) : Inflict (or Remove) Learning State
Level 75 – Thunder Skies (Neon) : Pw 681 Thunder | Good Vs Reptile/Fish | Infl. Thunder Numb | RS60%MN100% MD50% Var24%

Existing Spell – Monster Respawn: Revive All Monsters!
Existing Spell – Revitalizer: Pw 130 | Infl. Poison | Rem. A Lot
Existing Spell – Globulus Bite: Pw 201 | Good Vs Insect | Infl. Poison | Rem. Many Boosts | Oglong: +Lv HP
Existing Spell – Triple Virus Attack: 3 Random Hits
Existing Spell – Mortal Disease: Infl. Exhaustion/Fear

Level 35 – Contamination: Infl. Poison/Pox/Fear
Level 41 – Putrid Aura: Pw 200 | Infl. Poison
Level 44 – Respawn: Rem. Exhaustion | Infl. Poison/Pox | Oglong: +50HP/Giant Body
Level 48 – Blood Splash: Pw 285 Water | Good Vs Hmn/Mamml/Elf | Infl. Psn/Pox | Twice at Lv76 | RS100%MN50% PD10%MD50% Var37%
Level 51 – Filthy Bite: Pw 321 | Good Vs Human/Elf | Infl. Poison/Pox/Sleep | ST50%RS100% PD75% Var10%
Level 53 – Bone Breaker: Pw 253 | Infl. Paralysis/Demolition | ST100%RS80% PD75% Var21%
Level 58 – Triple Bite: Pw 306 (3x) | Infl. Pox/Diminution | ST100%SP20% PD50% Var15%
Level 60 – Mongolisation: Infl. Madness
Level 63 – Devour: Infl. Shrinkage + Hit Twice on Targeted Enemy
Level 67 – Monum Gaz: Pw 381 Air/Dark | Good Vs Bird/Fish/Insect | Infl. Poison/Pox/Hell Cancer
Level 72 – Entropy: Infl. Madness/Paralysis/Shrinkage/Sleep/Debility/Poison Pox ALL (heroes incldd, ex. Oglong) + 3 Hits

Existing Spell – Water Spray: Pw 158 Water | Good Vs Bird/Insect | RS70%MN50% PD50%MD25% Var25%
Existing Spell – Tail Hit: Pw 155 | Good Vs Human/Mammal/Reptile/Elf | AT100%ST50%SP50% PD75% Var12%
Existing Spell – Poisonous Heal: Pw 145 | Infl. Pox | Rem. Poison
Existing Spell – Water Breath: Pw 218 Water/Air | Good Vs Bird/Orc | Infl. Delay | ST50%RS60%SP10% PD75% Var10%
Existing Spell – Power Bite: Pw 105 | Good Vs Mammal/Fish | Infl. Plague | AT80%ST100%SP10% PD75% Var18%
Existing Spell – Earthquake: Pw 146 Earth | Good Vs Dragon | ST50%RS100% PD50% Var50%
Existing Spell – Poisonous Splash: Pw 90 | Infl. Poison


Existing Spell – Heal: Pw 40 | Var10%

Level 10 – Gates Of Thunder: Pw 44 Thunder | Good Vs Fish | ST30%MD80% MD75% Var15%
Level 14 – Hero: Infl. Legend Slayer
Level 15 – Metallist Curse: Infl. Metallist Curse (Useful Vs Resistant Monsters!)
Level 17 – Thunder Implosion: Pw 72 Thunder | Good Vs Ghost/Demon | Infl. Thunder Numb | ST10%RS30%MN80% MD75% Var15%
Level 18 – Silver Sword: Pw 69 Holy/Weapon | Good Vs Human/Undead | Infl. Silence | AT50% ST90%SP10% PD70%MD5% Var10%
Level 22 – Magnet Body: 1 Hit + PD125% MD135% | Last 2 Rounds
Level 28 – Whirling Blades: Pw 101 Weapon | Good Vs Bird | AT25%ST50%SP50% PD75% Var26%
Level 35 – Echo Sword: Pw 220 + 1 Hit | AT50%ST100% PD75% Var15%
Level 43 – God’s Blade: Pw 1 Holy/Legend/Weapon | AT125%ST100% PD50% Var24%
Level 45 – Fury: 3 Hits | Improves with Experience

Existing Spell – 8.5 Earthquake: Pw 112 Earth | MN100% PD10%MD40% Var22%
Existing Spell – Golomator: Pw 256 Earth/Weapon | Good Vs Insect | Infl. Demolition/Def. Down | MN100% PD75% Var9%

Level 8 – Iceberg Calling: Pw 181 Earth/Ice | Infl. Ice Jail | MN100% MD75% Var15%
Level 12 – Heal: Pw 85 | Rem. Poison/Burn
Level 19 – Calling All Diseases: Pw 50 Water | Good Vs Human | Infl. Poison/Pox/Plague/Venom/Cold | MN100% MD25% Var55%
Level 25 – 9.8 Earthquake: Pw 215 Earth | Infl. Ground Lock | MN100% MD50% Var60%
Level 36 – Ocean’s Tornado: Pw 333 Air | Good Vs Insect/Fish | Infl. Delay | MN100% MD60% Var20%
Level 42 – Aura: Pw 50 | Rem. Burn | Var5%
Level 51 – Hydrofugor: Pw 488 Water/Weapon | Good Vs Demon | Infl. Sleep/Def Down | MN100% PD75% Var19%
Level 57 – The 7 Seas: Pw 464 Water/Earth | Infl. Exhaustion/Delay/Slow | RS25%MN100% PD25%MD50% Var20%
Level 58 – Curing All Diseases: Rem. Poison/Pox/Plague/Venom/Silence Stone
Level 67 – At World’s End: Pw 575 Water/Legend | Infl. Fear/Aura Broken/Delay | MN100% MD50% Var15%
Level 75 – Prince Of Slayers: Pw 616 Legend/Holy/Weapon | Good Vs Human | Infl. Wrath | MN100% PD25%MD50% Var11%
Level 82 – Mega Assault: Infl. Weapon H-Boost/Lightning Speed/Obsidion Skin/Titan Muscles
Level 96 – My Lovely Rocket: Pw 829 ??? | Good Vs ??? | Infl. Exhaustion/Ice Jail/Demolition | RS100%MN100% PD15%MD10% Var34%

Existing Spell – XP-Up: Add XPs to Sandy | Various Improvements with Levelling Up
Existing Spell – Quark Tech: +5MP (All Party Members)
Existing Spell – Vision: Rem. Exhaustion
Existing Spell – Light Speed: Infl. Light Speed + 1 Random Hit (Sandy)
Existing Spell – Trauma: Pw 91 Mind | Infl. Fear | MN100% MD55% Var15%
Existing Spell – Air Quake: Pw 87 Air | Good Vs Mammal/Ghost | Infl. Tired | RS30%MN100% PD40%MD25% Var20%
Existing Spell – Gazification: Infl. Gaz Shape + 1 Hit (Sandy) | + Steel Skin at Lv32

Level 25 – Fire Bomb: Pw 186 Fire | Good Vs Bird | Infl. Burn | Rem. Ice Jail | MN100% MD75% Var15%
Level 25 – Simpleton: Pw 149 Mind | Good Vs Orc | Infl. Debility | MN100% MD75% Var4%
Level 26 – Milli-Vanilla: Pw 100 | Good Only Vs Bird/Millipuf | RS25%MN100% PD45% Var23%
Level 28 – Talk: Talk to Your Friends
Level 29 – Mind Snap: Pw 190 Mind | Infl. Paralysis | MN100% MD75% Var5%
Level 34 – Institute’s Royal: Trauma + Air Quake + Gazification | Infl. Heroism (Sandy)
Level 41 – Zero Buster: Pw 231 Mind/Fire | Good Vs Rbt/Reptle | Infl. Aura Br | Delay All | RS30%MN100%MD30%Var16%
Level 53 – Talk: Talk to Your Friends

Existing Spell – Heal: Pw 60 | MN100% Var10%

Level 3 – Spriggan Calling: Pw 10 Earth | Good Vs Reptile | ST20%MD80% PD40%MD35% Var15%
Level 6 – Emerald Laser: Pw 29 Fire/Laser | Good Vs Ghost/Dragon/Insect/Robot | Infl. Fragmentation | ST10%MD90% MD75% Var10%
Level 9 – Nymphea Party: Pw 18 Water | Good Vs Bird | Infl. Poison | ST20%MD80% MD75% Var20%
Level 10 – Attack Up: Infl. Weapon H-Boost
Level 11 – Antidote: Rem. Poison
Level 13 – Warm Touch: Rem. Cold
Level 15 – Lightning Speed: Infl. Light Speed
Level 16 – Noxodox Curse: Pw 39 Dark | Good Vs Mammal | Infl. Pox | ST25%MD75% PD20%MD55% Var15%
Level 19 – Revive: Rem. Exhaustion
Level 20 – Oni: Pw 96 Earth/Weapon | Good Vs Mammal/Orc/Dragon | Infl. Ground Lock | ST25%MD75% PD50%MD25% Var20%
Level 21 – Aura: Pw 50 | MN100% Var15% | Lv65: Brilliant Mind
Level 24 – Mass Enchantment: Rem. Poison/Venom/Plague
Level 25 – Element Shield: Infl. Fire/Water/Earth/Air Resis.
Level 26 – Hyper Attack: Pw 212 Weapon | Good ??? | Infl. Fragmentation | AT40%STR60%SP60% PD50% Var22%
Level 28 – Pituite Calling: Pw 143 Ice | Good Vs Demon/Reptile | Infl. Ice Jail | MD100% MD75% Var30%
Level 34 – Phoenix Revive: Pw 150 | Rem. Exhaustion
Level 35 – Defense Up: Infl. Armor H-Boost
Level 42 – Sun Boomer Attack: Pw 326 Fire/Laser | Good Vs Demon/Dragon | Infl. Shatter/Burn | RS25%MD100% MD75% Var15%
Level 47 – Indinera Calling: Pw 236 Legend/Earth | Good Vs Millipuf/Insect | Infl. ??? | Give Sarah Heroism | MN100% MD75%
Level 48 – Grand Heal: Pw 290 | MN100% Var10% | Infl. Weapon/Armor Boost and Better to Sarah if High Level
Level 50 – Slasher: Have Random Attack | Twice if Lv69 | Weapon H-Boost if Lv85

Existing Spell – Assassin Move: Pw 165 Weapon | Good Vs Human | Infl. Demolition | AT40%ST80%SP20% PD75%
Existing Spell – Sword Of Nojan: Pw 82 Weapon/Water | Absorb HP | AT55%ST70%MN30% PD65% Var7%
Existing Spell – Defense Up All: Infl. Armor H-Boost/Obsidion Skin
Existing Spell – Cure Poison: Rem. Poison
Existing Spell – Cure Pox: Rem. Pox
Existing Spell – Energy Up: Infl. Weapon Boost/Steel Muscles/Lightning Speed
Existing Spell – Cure Venom: Rem. Venom
Existing Spell – Corrosion: Pw 148 Water/Dark | Good Vs Insect/Elf | Infl. Pox | RS30%MN70% MD25% Var25%
Existing Spell – Cure Paralysis: Rem. Paralysis
Existing Spell – Spell Lock: Enemy: 0%MP | Lv59: Recover MP

Level 45 – Death Lock: Enemy: 0%HP
Level 53 – Weapon Crush: Enemy: AT50%
Level 60 – Death Arrow: Pw 355 Weapon | Good Vs Human/Elf/Bird | Infl. Exhaustion/Lichea | ST60%SP50%MN15% PD75% Var57%
Level 74 – Dahr-Jan Sword: /b] Pw 88 Holy | Infl. Fatigue | AT100% ST100% PD75% Var 12% | Heal Caster


Existing Spell – Mind Burn: Infl. Brain Boost
Existing Spell – Energy Burn: Infl. Energy Burn
Existing Spell – Infernal Slash: Pw 63 Fire/Weapon | AT25%SP40%MN60% PD25%MD25% Var10%
Existing Spell – Crazy Firewall: Pw 91 Fire | MN100% MD55% Var10%
Existing Spell – Purifying Fire: Pw 48 Fire | Good Vs Ghost/Undead | MN100% MD25% Var10%
Existing Spell – Fast Learning: Earn More Experience From Fights!

Level 2 – Burning Cure: Rem. Poison/Pox/Plague/Venom/Ice Jail/Cold
Level 4 – Ark Flare: Pw 199 Fire | Good Vs Mammal/Undead | Infl. Burn | MN100% MD75% Var15%
Level 7 – Slashing Fireballs: Pw 135 Fire/Weapon | Infl. Burn | AT16%ST20%SP20%MN80% MD75% Var20%
Level 10 – Rush Of Fire: Infl. Haste | Tara: Ark Flare | All Haste at Lv49
Level 14 – Sky Burning: Pw 163 Fire | Good Vs Bird/Insect | Infl. Burn | ST10%SP30%MN100% PD35%MD20% Var28%
Level 18 – Fire Heal: Pw 115 Fire | Rem. Ice Jail
Level 21 – Heat Wall: Infl. Ice/Water Resis. | Infl. Brilliant Mind/Steel Skin (Tarabulla)
Level 26 – In Flames: Pw 221 Fire | Good Vs Demon | Infl. Burn/Diminution | MN100% MD55%
Level 28 – Fire Blade: Pw 126 Fire/Weapon | Good Vs Demon | AT50%ST80%SP20% PD45%MD15%
Level 32 – Ante-Blast: Pw 218 Water | Good Vs Reptile | Infl. Aura Broken | MN100% MD75%
Level 35 – Fire Protection: Infl. Fire Resist./Elemental Shield/Magicka Defense
Level 39 – Inside Metal: Pw176Fre | Good Rbt | Infl.Dmnution/DefDown | AT30%ST60%SP30%MN20%PD50%MD25% | Combo w/ Blade Users
Level 42 – Fire Alchemy: Infl. Fire Machine
Level 48 – Orgy Of Flames: Pw 222 Fire | Good Vs Mammal/Undead | Infl. Burn | RS50%MN100% MD40% Var69%
Level 55 – Megaton: Pw 415 Fire/Air | Good Vs Demon/Dragon | RS20%MN100% MD75% Var27%
Level 62 – Burning Armies: Pw 182 Fire/Earth + All the Party Attacks (Boost if Level High) | Good Undead | MN100% MD75% Var40%
Level 69 – Dark Slash: Pw 205 Fire/Dark/Weapon | Infl. Plague | AT150%ST30%SP20%MN50% PD45%MD30% Var14%
Level 77 – Disturbance: Pw 55 Fire/Mind | Infl. Exhaustion/Plague/Wrath/Silence/Burn/Shrinkage | RS100%MN100% MD25% Var100%
Level 85 – SankT Flames: Pw 505 Fire/Holy| Good Vs Ghost/Demon/undead | Infl. Silence | MN100% MD60% Var10%
Level 90 – Flames Of Death: Pw 466 Fire | Infl. Exhaustion | MN100% MD55% Var33%
Level 93 – Revive Flames: Pw 310 | Rem. Exhaustion | Infl. Weapon Boost/Haste/Brilliant Mind | Var47%

Existing Spell – Super Dance: 3 Hits | Improves with LV and HP | Better if Timbany Leader | -LV XP
Existing Spell – Steal: Steal in Shops or Houses (Automatic Use of this Skill)

Level 18 – Morph: Swap from Big to Small and Reversely
Level 23 – Ridiculous: Infl. Debility/Slow/Defense Down
Level 25 – Scare: Infl. Fear/Slow/Attack Down


No Spells

Existing Spell – Death: Infl. Exhaustion

Level 5 – Sariis Touch: Pw 115 Dark | Rem. Poison/Pox/Plague/Venom
Level 17 – Delta Night: Pw 95 Fire/Dark | Good Vs Human/Bird/Wolf | ST30%MD70% MD75% Var12%
Level 19 – Lucien Konikcut: Infl. Haste/Weapon Boost | Rem. Fatigue
Level 21 – Shocker: Pw 186 Dark | Infl. Exhaustion | Good Vs Human/Mammal/Orc/Ghost | ST25%MD100% MD75% Var6%
Level 22 – Instant Break: Infl. Instant Break
Level 23 – Healing Tsunami: Pw 125 | Var15%
Level 26 – Undead Curse: Infl. Exhaustion/Poison/Pox/Venom/Fatigue Bleeding
Level 32 – Iron X-Slash: Pw 237 Laser | Good Vs ??? | Infl. Shatter | AT50%ST50%SP50% PD50% Var8%
Level 36 – Alpha Night: Pw 255 Fire/Dark/Laser | Good Vs Human/Bird/Wolf | ST40%MD80% MD75% Var16%
Level 42 – Omega Tsunami: Pw 205 | Rem. Exhaustion | Var25%
Level 52 – Carnage: Pw 294 ??? | Infl. Burn/Demolition | ST25%RS40%MN90% PD25%MD25% Var30%
Level 55 – Striker: Make Someone Attack x2 | +1 Hit at Lv72 | Killer Hit at Lv86
Level 62 – Rise, Mortals: Rem. Exhaustion | Infl. Weapon Boost/Armor Boost/Haste

Existing Spell – Cosmic Heal: Pw 400 | Var10%
Existing Spell – Cosmic Aura: Pw 150 | Var15%
Existing Spell – Blackhole Protection: Infl. Celestian Shield
Existing Spell – Cosmic Boost: Infl. Mega Power
Existing Spell – Cosmic Adits: Pw 177 Fire/Thunder | Infl. Thunder Numb | MN100% MD75% Var35%
Existing Spell – Purification: Pw 334 Holy | Good Vs Ghost | Infl. Silence | MN100% MD75% Var10%
Existing Spell – Armaggedon: Pw 255 Fire/Earth/Air/Dark | Good Vs Demon | RS50%MN100% PD20%MD20% Var55%
Existing Spell – Blood Cure: Rem. Many States

Level 50 – Revive: Pw 141 | Var 15% | Rem. Exhaustion
Level 59 – Super Nova: Pw 388 Fire/Water/Earth/Air/Legend | Infl. Ground Lock | ST40%MN100% PD15%MD50%
Level 70 – Omega Revive: Pw 391 | Var19% | Rem. Exhaustion | Infl. Lightning Speed
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Re: Spell List

Postby Cassiopeia » Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:28 pm

Good Gaia! You must be pretty bored, hehehe! +::lol
Awesome job!!! +::clap
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Re: Spell List

Postby loof123 » Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:29 pm

Well I made this before MM5 came out and yes I am pretty bored on vacation... In times like this I miss the school :razz: :razz: And thanks Cassie :)
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Re: Spell List

Postby Cassiopeia » Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:53 pm

I don't think I've ever been bored during my holidays, hehehe!
But if your boredom makes you do such useful stuff, then be bored more often! :razz:
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Re: Spell List

Postby nancyred » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:02 pm

Wow, great list, loof. :) Thank you for providing us with such useful information. So, does Marilyis not learn the 7 Seas skill at level 54?
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Re: Spell List

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:31 pm

IIRC, she learned that when she joined in LFIII... :)
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Re: Spell List

Postby nancyred » Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:42 pm

Oh, okay. I haven't played LF III yet, and only played LF II once to see the storyline development. Right now, I'm trying to get a really strong team to import to LF II, so I can play it again with better results.
Another question, though: Joshua's last three skills on your list are the ones he learned at the Mage Guild, aren't they? He learned them when he reached a certain guild level, not when he reached a certain experience level. So, if he didn't pay to learn them at the guild, would he automatically learn them anyway when he gets to the experience levels you specified?
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Re: Spell List

Postby loof123 » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:40 pm

yes, exactly. But it's better to learn it at the Guild, because you can learn it much earlier. :)
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Re: Spell List

Postby Indinera » Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:33 pm

Also a lot of quests carry on from LFI to II.
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Re: Spell List

Postby Maximus » Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:13 pm

Congrats to loof123! It's a wonderful and useful work! +::Thumbup
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Re: Spell List

Postby loof123 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:45 pm

MAXIMUS!!!!!! You are alive!!! How have you been? How is life? :) :) :)

Oh and thanks... :) I was also gonna make a list of when they update their spells, but I lost track of that list... :razz: :razz: :razz:
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Re: Spell List

Postby Maximus » Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:31 am

Hello, my friend!! :D Everything is fine for me, thanks. Hope you're fine too! +::Thumbup
After 3 years of absence is that i'm restarting to play again. Who is alive always appears, that's my case (even if sometimes). :razz:
Nah, don't need upgrade anymore. Better than this .. impossible. Your work is helping me so much, hihihi. +::biggrin +::Dance
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