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Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby Indinera » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:36 am

Done with the game? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it will help me figure out how to make the next MMs even better game!

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
What did you think about the story?
What did you think about Marine?
What did you think about Lord Dragon?
What did you think about the music?
What did you think about the artworks?
Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?
Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?
Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?
Who is the funniest character and why?
Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby D-Squall » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:56 am

Done with the game? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it will help me figure out how to make the next MMs even better game!

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

I just loved the conversations with the Bear, that rage of him is inhuman, and then I thought... with all the persuasion that Marine had to convince all her warriors, she would fail with that man??? I knew that he would join but I thought ''how she would convince him?'' and after she failed all the trials, Marine resolved to burn his house and I thought ''he's going to kill her'' +::biggrin and suddenly he joined. Man, that was an amazing scene.

What did you think about the story?

It was great like the first three chapters, however in this one, like the own game's description says: it was suspenseful, emotional and thrilling. The events, the places, all fits perfectly with the story and was so cool that I couldn't stop playing. Meeting the lords, Borgon almost got fired (I loved to see Lord Dragon putting him at his place), Merline jumping in order to place the flag, Piu-Piu doing the registration was all perfect. ^^

What did you think about Marine?

The most persistant and corageous character that I've seen in a game, of all games that I have played, I haven't met a character like her. She was well designed, her character is amazing.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?

I was surprised to see him angry because of Borgon's disobedience, I never thought that a man calm like him would do that? Now I wonder if he's the loyal man that I used to think after all the games.

What did you think about the music?

I was disapointed to see that was only three new musics, still the musics were great, fits perfect with the environment and the cutscenes. I loved the medieval theme of Tabutu, that was a really nice music.

What did you think about the artworks?

They were incredible as always. Bokden and Bear's artworks were my favourites of this chapter. Saehral always amazes me with her talent. Great artist for a great game.

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?

It was exciting, I mean... how could Borgon thinks so evilish? And they went into the sewers. WOW, and in the end the biggest surprise, Piu-Piu was the savior. +::biggrin I thought that it was EXCITING. +::lol

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Graphics, Musics, Story!!! Everything. +::biggrin

What was your biggest surprise in this game?

To see Lord Dragon's wrath, I mean... he's known for being a calm and loyal man and suddenly he destroyed the table beside him. +::O_o That surprised me.

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?

I think this one was the best of all, this is what Indy does... make a Millennium game better than the other. +::biggrin

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?

Salome, it was other in MM3 memories. But I changed my opinion. +::biggrin

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?

Even being a man, I have to admit that Bokden is handsome. +::biggrin

Who is the funniest character and why?

Old Suzuki, even if was for a little while. I laughed when he said: ''That's a scandal'' +::biggrin

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?

I don't know, Indinera really surpised me in this game, I always thought that she would get all warriors in Millennium 4 and in Millennium 5 would be only the showdown. I'm gonna let he surprises me with the last game. ;)
Will be so bad when Marine's journey is over. :/ Oh well, I'll be waiting. +::clap
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby MiladyDW777 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:01 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Hands down, it was Piu-Piu saving the day. I have always loved him, have even levelled him up a few times to experience his “skills” (I use that term loosely ;)), and to see him be the hero was just a thrill. Bokden arriving at The Old Lighthouse was a close second.

What did you think about the story?
It had me on the edge of my seat. As I said, I wound up blowing off all the extras just so I could find out what happened. This time around the story was more exciting than the game, and with a game that exciting, that’s saying something!

What did you think about Marine?
I want to be her when I grow up, and believe people can do anything if they believe in themselves. And robots and fairies and Piu-Pius, too, of course. +::Thumbup

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
My suspicions about him were confirmed: that at heart, he’s actually a fair and just guy, but he is in desperate need of having his ego taken down a few notches. Oh, and that he has TERRIBLE taste in advisors.

What did you think about the music?
Although I have to agree with D-Squall that I wish there had been more, the new songs were just terrific (they're all on my iPod!), and the blending of the old songs worked very well.

What did you think about the artworks?
The background scenery was wonderful overall, and breathtaking in a few places especially. Wolfgang kind of creeped me out, but not because he was drawn badly; he's just kinda creepy. The Bear looked spot-on, and Bokden... ah, Bokden... +::heart The only disappointment was the new members of the Mystrock Team of Thirteen. I think I’m spoiled because all of Marine’s team and all the original villains are so detailed that the thumbnails of the Lords and Ladies of Mystrock, although well-drawn, just didn’t quite measure up.

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?
See above about blowing off extras to find out what happened, and my love for all things Piu-Piu. That was intense!!! Borgon, you jerk...

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The suspense. When Marine lost all three challenges, I don’t mind saying I freaked out and was sure I’d blown the game. I should have known better. Who would have thought our girl was a pyromaniac?!? And the race to register Soozookee was a real nailbiter.

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
HI, MOM!!! +::biggrin I kind of figured we’d see her again, but I never expected she’d be a playable character. Bokden as brave hero was a shock as well since historically he hasn't exactly been what you'd call courageous...

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?
They get better every time. I keep wanting to say that this one felt shorter, but I can’t really make a fair comparison given how I went out of my way to finish quickly.

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?
Although Marine’s new look has definitely grown on me, I call a toss-up between Karine and Salome.

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?
This, too, is a toss-up, between Bokden and JackandJames. I would never have dreamed that Goofy, Turns-up-in-the-weirdest-places Bokden would be HAWT, but DANG!!! Special award for Upper Body Maintenance goes to Hirado.

Who is the funniest character and why?
JackandJames. SO pretty. SOOOOOOO dumb, bless their macho little hearts…

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
I. Can’t. Wait. +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance

What I’m hoping for:
* Time for training and sidequests before the main event.
* That the hard work I put into getting the gang’s Bare Fist levels up in MM4 will import, at least partially, into MM5.
* That Jezabel will catch a clue (or at least not cause TOO many problems).
* That I’ll be able to save between matches during the contest so I’m not starting over from the beginning if one of Marine’s team loses, because even if the victor is the side that wins the MOST, I’m anal enough that I won’t be happy unless Marine wins ALL the matches.
* Repeat previous wish about Jezabel.
* Although I know the Bear was recruited to take on Lord Dragon, I would love love LOVE it if the Bear was the one to kick the crap out of Merryl instead, and Marine was the one to put Dragon in his place. Seriously, dude’s too arrogant for his own good, even if he IS just and fair and breaks tables when he’s really ticked off at his advisors (YOU SHOULD HAVE FIRED HIM, DRAGON!!!), and it would be the icing on the cake if “the teenage girl” took him down.

All in all, a perfect addition to the MM family of games. The best compliment I can give you is that I wish to heaven I didn't have to work today so I could go home and play it again!!!! +::clap +::clap +::clap
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby mipanda » Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:59 am

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
when Piu Piu helped save the day at the end!! it was sooo unexpected :D I'm glad Piu Piu ended up playing a role of sorts :D

What did you think about the story?
I absolutely loved it! Most of the time I was like 'marine might just make it!' then something happens and I'm just like 'she might not make it...' xD haha it's unpredictable :P

What did you think about Marine?
hmm I was a bit annoyed at her in this game for some reason...I mean it's good she stands up for her beliefs and everything but when she's trying to focus on something (the showdown and getting warriors), she is willing to wait hours for just one person when the deadline was like coming so soon xD I guess I felt bad for the others because in the end she didn't really listen to anyone even jeanne xD however overall I like her new look!

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
he was exactly like i thought minus the big ego! He's a real sweetheart inside +::kiss not to mention absolutely attractive!! though he could do with better advisors +::Annoyed

What did you think about the music?
the music was beautiful! millennium series is the only rpg that I turn on the music and sound for! it sets the mood really well for certain scenes +::music

What did you think about the artworks?
to me personally, i think the artworks are getting better and better each game! (though I must say old suzuki's sprite scared me a little, it was almost as if he was insane xD) but I loved the artworks! Very beautiful! +::biggrin

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?
The little moment between marine and bokden was nice :P it was almost as if he didn't want her to go...And as I said above, Piu Piu's role in the ending was great! +::biggrin

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
storyline ftw! and also the characters :)

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Bokden as a major character! never saw that one coming!

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?
I think millennium 4 seemed shorter to play though it might have actually been longer compared to the others. I think it's the fact that the first three games, marine was not that rushed and in the fourth one she is running out of time so as the player we feel the anxiety as well so perhaps that is why it seemed shorter...

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?
Even though Marine's new look is way better than her past one but I think to me it's definitely between Karine or Salome

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?
No Lord Dragon +::O_o argh fine...then it will have to be bokden or benoit!

Who is the funniest character and why?
J n J!! OMGosh! You put those two together, you could have a comedy series by itself!

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
I absolutely cannot wait for MM5! tie up loose ends plus I wanna know marine's love interest!! got so many different theories! just have to wait for them to be proven :P I do hope we can have a chance to double-promote some characters as I didn't have enough time at the end of the game. and also that there is a chance for us to level up their bare fists...I found that quite hard to do xD the only character I got up to level 5 was marine, the rest were on level 2, 1 and some 3...And Hopefully Jezabel will not cause too many problems and will willingly help marine or maybe she could become really good friends with another female characeter (heart-to-heart) then she changes her ways!
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:19 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
When Bokden's artwork first appeared cause I wouldn't have guessed that it was him. It was nice when he joined.

What did you think about the story?
As announced it was really suspenseful this time and left me quite tensed sometimes. And though of course the game just proceeds as fast as I do and there's no timer that at some point beeps and says, 'Sorry, you've been too slow, you've missed the deadline. GAME OVER!' I often felt I should HURRY!
Actually this game focussed much more on the story than the last one did.

What did you think about Marine?
She's been the same as usually.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
I still think he's not a bad person. But that's probably what we are supposed to think .......

What did you think about the music?
Didn't pay much attention to it.

What did you think about the artworks?
My 13 warriors are cool, but I didn't like the artworks of most of the Lords.

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?
Finally Piu Piu is useful, YAY!!!
Everything that came afterwards was just a loooooooooot of reading.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Fighting just with bare hands and increasing the levels by hits is something new and a nice change. Though it isn't easy to level some of the characters in this cause they are not in the party for very long.
The best imo though was Bokden joining.

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Bokden joining and that he's a real good fighter.

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?
MM4 focusses more on the storyline. It's more thrilling.
It's quite short though. Even though I explored more than I usually do it was just 10 hours of playtime. (But to be fair, on the other hand it's not expensive.)

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?
Wolfgang (because of his eyes).

Who is the funniest character and why?
Grandpa. No 'why'. He's just funny.

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
Hmmmmm, not a showdown with 169 fights. Something completely unexpected instead.

I'd like to add a few points of criticism.
Though I really had fun playing that game it left me a bit disappointed and unsatisfied in the end because a lot of sidequests remained unsolved and I did't get a second chance to find all the secret rooms.
The game doesn't offer the possibility to revisit all of the places. In some of the dungeons it even won't let you go back all the way which means you can't look for secret rooms you've missed.
I would have liked more opportunities to go after the sidequests. Yes, the party is in a hurry. But if they don't have any time for sidequests maybe the game should have gone without. They haven't been important anyway. But since there were sidequests I would have liked to return to the world map at least after finishing the main quest like in previous games.
And speaking of quests - what I really don't like are quests you can only solve if you have a walkthrough or by coincidence - like the Selena quest. Why the heck should a spider be attracted by mosquito cream??? That's not logical at all and it really irked me.
And finally - for my liking there was too much dialogue in the game. When playing the trial version you spend about half of your free hour only reading. And also during the game all the reading started getting on my nerves cause it kept me from playing.

So summarized - it's a real good game with nice surprises (or not so nice like a bunch of Animal Kings in one cave), a thrilling and sweeping story and cool new characters, but imo it does not exploit its full potential.
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby Aggeliki » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:50 pm

Thank you!Thank you!Thank you! +::heart
This was the best millenium so far!!! +::Thumbup

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

+::YAY Piu-Piu's final great did! He saved the mission! :razz:

What did you think about the story?

The story in this episode was the most intriguing and fascinating of all! 10/10

What did you think about Marine?

Very persisting and highly motivated as always!

What did you think about Lord Dragon?

Hmmm...hmmmm...cruel justice.. +::stop

What did you think about the music?

I would expect more new themes ...7/10 +:oops:

What did you think about the artworks?

10/10!!!!!!!!!!!! +::Thumbup +::YAY

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?

The story made me hold my breath till the end!! 10/10!!!! +::YAY

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Story-art-design-features +::Thumbup

What was your biggest surprise in this game?

BOKDENNNNNNNNN!!!!! 8) +::YAY +::biggrin (and Marine..they flirted.. +::heart )

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?

This is the best, except the sidequests ( i had more fun with MM3 +:oops: ) and the secret rooms ( they were less mysterius than before..imo..)

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?

Salome-mediterennean girl!!!!! +::biggrin

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?

Hirado-Abu!! +::heart +::heart +::heart

Who is the funniest character and why?

Bokden! so full of surprises!!

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?

WHEN??????????PLEASE give it to us for Xmas!!!!!!!! +::fear +::surrender +::heart

Things that i expect

1. Marine-Lord Dragon love story +::whistle
2.A secret city they go and train..maybe in an other continent..many sidequests to help the training part..many obstacles from the bad ones..only Lord Dragon secretlly admires Marine.. +::shhhh +::biggrin
3.Mom gets her colour back
4.Themistocles letters finally meet their purpose +::biggrin +::lol
5.optional endings depending on who Marine chooses for boyfriend (Bokden-Benoit-LD...) +::whistle
and the most high jumps in the whole saga!!!

+::heart +::Thumbup +::clap
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby kkhohoho » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:00 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Can't say; I can't really pinpoint one. Can't explain why; I just can't find a moment that really stands out. \=

What did you think about the story?
The story itself... is fairly compelling. More thoughts below. (And yes, I have played the previous 3 episodes, just an FYI.)

Marine is a character we want to follow; strong-willed, driven, and willing to do what it takes to achieve her goal. Some of her actions and behaviors seem somewhat reckless and maybe a bit unrealistic at times, but that's when I remember that's she's only 15, so it's understandable.

The other characters are a mixed bag. Some are interesting, with fairly well defined personalities, such as Benoit, Merline, Jack, Bodken, Abu, Old Suzuki, (who I hope stays around a while longer,) and to extents, Hirado, and Karine. (Yes, I know she's not in this one, but I'm counting her anyway.) Bear's alright too; we haven't seen too much of his character yet, but he only showed up late in 4, and then once he was recruited, we didn't see anything else of him. So, here's hoping 5 shows more of him.

The rest of the playable cast though, kind of falls flat. Jezable, Mom, Jake, Salome, Dee, and Wolfgang, (especially Wolfgang,) aren't as well defined. They aren't all that fleshed out, and we don't know them so well as people. To use an example, when I'm using Dee, I don't think of her as a character; I think of her as my Magic Nuke, and only as my Magic Nuke, because there isn't any other reason to think otherwise of her. Hirado, and Karine could use a bit of work as well, but they don't feel like major players, nor were they characters that stuck with you for a while, so they're more excusable. Now, this wouldn't be so much of a deal, but I've also played other games of yours, Laxius Force for one, and some of the character work was certainly better there. I just feel that you could be doing a better job with some of these characters (Salome and Wolfgang are practically blank slates,); flesh them out, show other sides of their personalities, define them, make them unique and memorable. But before everyone flames me, remember that it's just my opinion, and that there are characters that are fleshed out and developed, like I've mentioned.

And I suppose I should also give a word to our antagonists. Lord Dragon is portrayed fairly nicely; he isn't really a tyrant, per say, as he's actually a decent ruler, who's loyal to his home, and is respectable, courteous, and never plays dirty. True, the countryside is in shambles, but it's been like that for ages. Dragon was likely born into that state of affairs, and feels that that's just the way things are. Now, if he was a truly great ruler, he'd try to do something about it, but as it is, the land could certainly be worse off. No, Dragon isn't our villain here people.

Borgon, on the other hand, is. From the beginning of the series, we see that he's a self-centered man who only cares about himself, and is willing to do just about anything to stay in power in Mystrok, shown literally, from both sending the earlier spy/assassin out, and by his actions late in 4. He doesn't care one whit about the peasants, and shows no respect to them, even those to who his Lord Dragon does. In fact, he only shows respect to Dragon because he's his superior, and if he tried anything, such as what he did in 4, he'd likely lose his position and all of his power, as with what nearly happened here. Overall, I'd bet that if our heroes start actually winning a good portion of their fights, that Borgon is going to get quite desperate... (I also think that if he could, he'd take over the position of 'Lord' in a heartbeat...)

I can't say much about the martial artists at this point, but I will say that they look like fairly interesting opponents, and should make for some good fights when the time comes.

And finally, I should actually talk about the plotline. There wasn't a ton of it, in comparison to the large amount of dungeon crawling that was present, but it was definitely there. Depending on where it was at, it could get depressing, inspiring, exciting, somber, etc., and was pretty well-plotted, and the series of events and actions made sense; nothing really stood out to me as 'BS', which was good. The whole scene with the Bear was probably the best part of this Episode, though I also rather liked the earlier bit with Bodken. And the end, starting with the crew being locked outside of Mystrock, to the credits, was exciting, and while I knew they would probably get in, there was a small part of me that felt, 'Maybe they won't get in.' And the final scene gave a cue(yes, not clue, I really mean 'cue',) of some of what's to come. All in all, good plot, decent antagonists, a nice heroine, but the rest of the characters are a mixed lot.

Oh, and the dialogue, while overall serviceable, could use some touching up.

What did you think about Marine?
I've already talked about her.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
Him too.

What did you think about the music?
Pretty nice. Not the most memorable or striking tracks I've ever heard, but they fit where they were, and never made my ears bleed. ;) All in all, a pretty decent soundtrack, with some tracks being a cut above others.

What did you think about the artworks?
Pretty good. It's drawn well, and it all fits. Certainly some of the better artwork to be seen in a RPGM game. I'd just wish the artwork better matched up with the character sprites. (Or vice-versa.)

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?
I already talked Maybe it could have used a bit more ''oomph' at the end, but I'm not exactly sure what.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The whole scene with The Bear, and and the ending sequence(s).

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
The fact that Marine's Mom was still alive and not a ghost, but an actual playable character, if only briefly. That, and that a character that was previously just a random NPC (Bodken,) turned out to actually be a somewhat major character.

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?
Yes, I've played them, and I'd say that the biggest difference is actually the gameplay. It's not as good; since you made just about everyone use Barehand, they can't use their magic or weapons, and so they lose all of their buffs, debuffs, offensive spells, etc. I know that the characters had to try and train in the martial arts, but getting rid of those abilities wasn't the way to do it, from a gameplay perspective. I do hope we get them back by the end of 5.

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?
Marine, Karine, or Salome.

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?
Bodken, Jack, or Hirado.

Who is the funniest character and why?
Old Suzuki.

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
For one, I'd like to see all the spells and skills returned by the end. But aside from that... I think that just having The Showdown would be a bit unsatisfactory, because we've expecting it from the beginning. I'm not saying it shouldn't be there at all, but that it'd also be nice to see something unexpected occur as well. Something that really throws you a curve ball...

So yeah, that's all I have to say. Peace out. +::Thumbup
Last edited by kkhohoho on Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby Trex » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:55 pm

What more can I say? FANTASTIC! Can't really sum up any more than what the other players have answered. I totally agree and have nothing negative to say. Played all your games, Indy, and you just get better and better! BTW, I played in normal mode and wound up with 27 of 26 quests(?) all animal kings and secret rooms. Going to replay in hard mode now. Thanks again for all your hard work!
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby woodlandpearl » Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:46 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
This is difficult! I had several. The first was when Brodken comes on scene at the lighthouse after being late and the second was when Marine sets Bear's house on fire. +::biggrin

What did you think about the story?
I thought the story was very suspenseful and very fast paced. I ignored several quests the first time through because I was on edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going to happen.

What did you think about Marine?
Very bold especially when she started to burn Bear's house down. I could feel her passion on wanting to get all 13 warriors on the list in Mystock. I could also feel her confusion of her feelings especially when she was waiting on Brodken. She wanted to give him a chance, the others didn't. Honestly if I was in her shoes I'm not sure if I would have waited...

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
He has a caring heart. More likely he was brought up in his role so he doesn't know anything is different for others. Who knows what some of his Lords have told him about the "other" people outside of Mystock.

What did you think about the music?
I don't usually have the music on so hard to judge...

What did you think about the artworks?
The characters were great - Bear, Brodken etc. The only ones I had a rough time was the Lords and Ladies of Mystock. It seemed that they were not as detailed as the character artworks.

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?
I liked it - I didn't expect them to get locked out and have to go through the sewer. Grandpa was so funny with him yelling through the gate about a scandal. +::biggrin

I look forward for MM5!

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The storyline.

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Marine burning down Bear's house

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?
More linear and fast paced than all the others. Great storyline!
I felt that I was't able to explore other places as I did in the other MMs. Also I wasn't able to go back and return to other places to find secret rooms, missed items, and quests. I missed the flower quest from the guy in the cellar the first two times around and had to play the rift/bear sequence three times. +::cry

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?
Salome or Karome

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?
Benoit or Bokden

Who is the funniest character and why?
This is difficult! Jack and James were funny as well as Grandpa! +::biggrin

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
Maybe have the thirteen warriors practice and do quests to level them up and then fight the main battle.

I'm looking forward to Marine's warriors to win...but very curious how the fights will turn out.

Also, I would love to have Marine and Dragon get together. Granted she hates him, but all she knows about him is how Dragon's lords are portraying him to be.
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby Madmar » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:14 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
There were a couple of things. Piu Piu can write??!!?? Mom left the swamp. And of course Bokden.
What did you think about the story?
IThe story was good. It fleshed out a little more of the background surrounding Mystrock and there was certainly a sense of urgency to get to Mystrock on time but there was a lot of downtime with the Lords of Mystrock and the evil Borgon (HISS BOO)
What did you think about Marine?
Marine was still sassy and determined but showed a little more vulnerability this time.
What did you think about Lord Dragon?
Other than being one very handsome dude? I think he is fair and just in world that is neither fair nor just. I don't see him as the enemy.
What did you think about the music?
The new music was good.
What did you think about the artworks?
Loved the maps and scenery but the new Lords not so much. They were poorly represented compared to past characters. Some looked barely human or deformed.
Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?
LD lost his temper and Borgon almost lost his position. About time Dragon figured out he is a dirty player. Glad to have the 13 registered finally so we are set up for the last installment.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I think all the warriors are interesting and like that they are not "'perfect heroes". They have strengths and weaknesses. Some moreso than others. It will be interesting to see how they flesh out for the finale. It moved fast, almost too fast.
What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Mom left the swamp and Bokden joined the party. I honestly didn't think he would come to the lighthouse based on past performance. The fact that he was a decent fighter was also a nice surprise.
Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?
I have played MM 1-2-3 and each left me waiting for more. This was no different
Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?
They are all beautiful in their own way. Even Mom. Maybe they can find a cure for her? That could be a good side quest, no?
Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?
I do have a soft spot for Hirado
Who is the funniest character and why?
Well now that Bolkden is so serious, I would have to agree Suzuki is the funniest, a little delusional but funny. J and J also offer some comic relief, as always.
Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
I am so looking forward to MM5! The final chapter in this epic. Wouldn't miss it.
I would like the characters to maintain the hand to hand levels we all worked so hard for. I would like to return for double promotions for those I missed and equipments they can use to give them the best advantage. I hope James steps up to the plate and stops being such a slacker and Jezebel stays the course and proves me wrong. I definitely want that smirk wiped off Borgon's face and for Meryll to receive a righteous whuppin. Other than that Indy, bring it on. The sooner the better!
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby titaness » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:15 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Well naturally, for me, it would have to be when Bokden
showed up at the lighthouse. I thought he once again
was going to "shirk" his duty! I, of all people, should
have known he would "step up to the plate" when times
got tough. He's always been there for me! When you think
about it, he does know more about the terrain than anyone
else, as he's been can count on that!!

What did you think about the story?
The story was great, and followed along the overall plot
perfectly. And, it really makes you start to feel the
anticipation and pressure building. Time was crucial,
but our heroes never faltered.

What did you think about Marine?
Marine grew stronger in her resolve, and was the perfect
leader. She imparted her strength to the others, who may
have given up, had they not seen her struggle against all
the odds.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
I couldn't help but start to like and respect Lord
Dragon. He is honest and fair. He does not try to
manipulate the outcome like that rotten Borgon does.
If he and Marine can figure out some ways to jointly
rule the lands, it would be best for all! Dragon
has a lot of good qualities as a leader, in my

What did you think about the music?
Unfortunately, I never listen much to the music, as
I have the volume off most of the time, but what I
did hear, was beautiful!!

What did you think about the artworks?
This is one of the things that sets Indy so far
above the other RPG creators! He combines "real"
landscapes with the game ones superbly, and it
really looks almost "3D". I have never seen this
done so uniquely in ANY other games! It lends an
air of reality to a wonderful fantasy world!

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment
they go to Mystrock to register the last warrior)?

As always, the game leaves you "begging for more"!
I can not wait for the final installment! The plot
is in place, the characters are set, yet the ultimate
outcome is still looming ominously before us. Even
though they made the deadline, so much is left to
be done in only a brief amount of time! And, Borgon
is almost certainly going to go to any lengths to
insure failure of our heroes.I almost feel like I
need to go into training myself!!

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
This may sound like a rather unusual strength to
assign to a game, but it is something quite unique
to Indy, as well. He is totally committed to his
"fans". He listens to them, and communicates with
them. Most importantly he creates FROM them. He
has taken great concerns from the forum, and
incorporated them into his games, almost as if we
helped in the evolution of the plot! He has included
the elusive Bokden as a main character, after we
have watched him evolve for years!! We FINALLY have
the 3rd Themostecles letter, which has driven us
all crazy! Udo's mysterious existence has been
confirmed, and we FINALLY get to meet MOM!! It
gives such a feeling of satisfaction!! Other
creators could learn a real lesson from our Trickster!

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Either finding the third letter, or Udo's doll quest.
Both had me rolling on the floor laughing, as well
as savoring a feeling of accomplishment!!!

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this
one compare?

It is my favorite so far! I loved having Bokden on board,
of course, and loved the felling of suspense as the
deadline drew near! The artwork was the best so far
in my opinion. I continually marveled at it! And it
left me "drooling in anticipation" for the grand finale!

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine,
Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?

How can you not include Jeanne? I've always thought she
is gorgeous. Udo's doll wasn't bad either!!HEHEHEHEHE

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu,
Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?

Well, Bokden would never forgive me if I didn't pick
him. But on the other hand, don't want too much competition
for his affections!! Actually, I've always thought Abu
was absolutely gorgeous, but than I am partial to dark
skin!! Abu is downright S...XY!!

Who is the funniest character and why?
James was kind of funny in his "cluelessness", and PIU PIU
is always amusing just cause he's so cute. But again, Bokden
would have to win due to his capricious nature!

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like
to see in this game?

Hmmmmmmm, tough question to answer.Thoughts on this will
evolve as time progresses, but obviously, I want to see
changes that will inevitably occur as the characters
continue to train. Will there be conflicts amongst them?
What kind of challenges will Borgon present to prevent
them from making it to the final challenge? Will anyone
threaten to desert when Borgon tempts them? Will there
be "love connections"? Will Udo show up? Will we find a
hidden significance to the 4 Themostecles letters? There
are many questions still unanswered!

In conclusion, Indy has continued to show us why he is the
"King of RPGs", and why the MM series will stand as one of
the all time best of the genre!! Kudos, to the creative
genius of our "Trickster". We love you, Indy!!!
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And be lost to me forever, as a part of yesterday
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby Tomas » Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:48 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

The whole scene when Marine waits for Bokden at the lighthouse and then when Bokden comes (as a true prince...).
It was really touching and somehow I felt that Marine can accomplish anything after this. Also, I really do like Bokden and I wanted him badly in my party. He's my second favorite character (after Marine).

What did you think about the story?

Darker and more thrilling than any previous MM game. Similar feeling to LF2, imo.

What did you think about Marine?

So much courage and passion! Marine is just incredible. I loved how she had convinced the Bear to join. Even Jeanne couldn't predict what Marine is capable of. She's by far the most important character in MM4.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?

He's pretty much as I've imagined him since MM3 - strong, honorable and a bit naive. He doesn't seem realize what's Borgon really like, because he would never behave the same. Anyway, for me, Lord Dragon is definitively a "good guy" after MM4.

What did you think about the music?

Pretty good. And I liked the new music in the Crest.

What did you think about the artworks?

Once again, pretty good. My favorite new one is Bokden, he looks really good.

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?

The scene where Marine discovers the last wall in the sewers (the one that isn't on the map) is absolutely thrilling. And then, when Piu-Piu comes back and obviously doesn't know what to do... One day, I will get a heart attack because of you, Indi! +::biggrin
I also loved the preparation for MM5 in the very end - Borgon avaluating the Marine's warriors and so on.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Story, story and once again story. There's just so many memorable moments - the beginning, finding Marine's Mom, Bokden joining, Bear almost hitting Marine and the whole ending. Even the MM3 and Dragon of Malice pales in comparison.

What was your biggest surprise in this game?

Bokden joining, I never expected this!

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?

I've played all of them and MM4 is easilly the best. If we are talking purely about gameplay, then MM4 is comparable to MM3, although a bit shorter. But the story is the reason why MM4 is so good.
Also, for me MM4 was special, because it changed my perception of MM world. Until MM4, I perceived MM as a fairy-tale, where Marine is the brave girl who will change the world. Now it feels much more mature and complex - ancient temples, lost civilizations, knowing that Marine is not first one who tried to invoke the Martial Law... And Mystrock suddenly isn't the "whole world", there's so much more to it. I know that many of these things were told in previous MMs, after all there was a dragon in MM3, but it was MM4 that make me to realize it. And that was something I really loved about the game.

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?

For me it would be Marine.

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?

Bokden, no doubt about it.

Who is the funniest character and why?

Jack/James, nothing changed here. If I should pick one I would say James. But they are both overshadowed by Bokden this time. Not that Bokden would be so funny, but it seems that he's quite immune to their humor.

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?

Wrong question, you should rather ask how much am I looking to MM5. +::clap
I expect nothing less than the best game of the whole serie from MM5. Great finish of the story, lots of good fights and some wicked plot twists (as usual :)). And I want to see how Bear will mop the floor with Merryll...
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby blitzen » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:25 am

Indinera wrote:Done with the game? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it will help me figure out how to make the next MMs even better game!

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Marine setting fire to The Bear's house! Completely didn't expect that! I was horrified and laughing at the same time.

What did you think about the story?
I am enjoying the story always, but I wish we had more background on Lord Dragon because he doesn't seem like such a bad guy. Why does he let so much bad things happen?

What did you think about Marine?
Marine was great as always. Love the back-and-forth with the Bear, that was lots of fun and showed how much determination and heart she has.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
Seems like he has bad influences in his court keeping the real situation from him. Maybe he could turn out to be a good ruler after all?

What did you think about the music?
Good, distinctive, a little loud at points.

What did you think about the artworks?
The Rift and Firth and so on were pretty repetitive. A bit lazy.

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?
The ending was fine, exactly what I expected, although after hearing about Mystrock for so long I was frustrated that we didn't have a chance to explore it a bit! I hope in the next chapter we can look around.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Very good character development is the key for me. I like games where the characters are fun and distinctive, and you do a great job with that. I also like the areas where you can wander around exploring for yourself (not enough in this chapter).

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Piu Piu being useful! +::lol

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?
Not nearly as good, sorry. It was very linear, with looooong boring areas to go through and hardly any areas to stop and explore/do sidequests/restock on healing items. Seemed like a placeholder to prepare for the next chapter. I bought it on Monday and finished on Saturday, a bit disappointing. Still miles better than most games out there, though.

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?
Karine, except I wish she was a brunette. Love Marine's new haircut, though.

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?
LOL! Who is going to say Suzuki??? For me, either Hirado or Abu, but Lord Dragon is better looking than either.

Who is the funniest character and why?
Bokden thinks he is funny but he's not. Marine doesn't think she is funny, but she is. Abu doesn't understand funny. +::Dunno

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?

Of course! This is a great series of games, and if I am a little disappointed it is only because I have waited so long and this chapter was so short. This is still one of the best RPG games I have played (after Laxius Force and Aveyond) and totally worth the time and money.
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby linc » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:12 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Merline's race in Stalagmite Cave. She was awesome. I love fast charas

What did you think about the story?
Very well built according to previous chapters.

What did you think about Marine?
She's more stubborn than ever

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
I think he's a pretty decent dude.

What did you think about the music?
I keep the sound off most of the time

What did you think about the artworks?
Very beautiful, specially the Grand Rift, great job!

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?
I think it would be nice to train before the in MM3 ( the library quest).

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
finding secret rooms +::lol

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Claryssa. Pretty decent spells. Very ugly tough...

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?
Yes, I did. I think MM4 is shorter

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?
Karine for sure...Marine is too young...Jezabel is too fierce...Salome still looks like a comments +::biggrin

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?
Hirado looks like women's fav...strong and silent...

Who is the funniest character and why?
Suzuki. He's older and has nice lines

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
Can't wait. Wish it would be released next week...I want to see Borgon's ass kicked.(just like Wendala did to Linda in LP 1)....a big boss fight between lord dragon and the Bear...Benoit x Merryl...Marine x mystrock females...find many treasures.... and an use for themistocles' letters and the order' seals from inventory. New spells for Piu-piu and Merline. Marine as the Queen of Mystrock
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Re: Millennium 4: Players' Memories

Postby Tyrellias » Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:14 am

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

I have two:
1) When Marine is waiting for Bokden near the lighthouse at sunset. The music is perfect, this is among your best pieces of writing and the mood is set so well I thought it was hopeless... then Bokden appears like a hero and Marine is mad with joy. Great moment.

2) When Merline almost manage to win the race against the Bear. I was SURE I would win.

What did you think about the story?

I thought the best part of the story in this installment was about Dragon, Borgon and the lords of Mystrock. We finally learnt who they were and how they think. And I just like how Borgon underestimates Benoit, a real powerhouse in hand-to-hand fights. He could almost beat The Bear at high level! Salome was pretty strong too. Beside that, only a few moments of the game felt truly great. Overall, MM3 had a better pace of storytelling because this one felt a bit rushed during some parts. For example, the arc with Claryssa was a bit weak and random compared to all of the work you put to introduce the Bear.

However I will fondly remember the first time I went through The Grand Rift. The action tells the story for the most part and this dungeon is, in my opinion, a masterpiece of 2D design.

What did you think about Marine?

She's... totally mad. But I love her kind of madness. It's full of spirit and kindness.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?

Like the sage said, he's a great ruler. Too bad most of his followers do not share his philosophy. Maybe his pride does not allow him to see that's why Mystrock is corrupted.

What did you think about the music?

A few new ones... my favorite was the remixed one in Tabuthu and the Title screen. The old ones still pace the game very well.

What did you think about the artworks?

Still professional level for all of the characters and the monsters are getting better and better.
I have to admit that I was impressed by the design of the worm in the sewers. The artwork is SWEEEEEET.

Your opinion about the game's ending (from the moment they go the Mystrock to register the last warrior)?

-I have a feeling Borgon will meet a tragic end... and that Lord Dragon is very hard to beat.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

-The Grand Rift.
-The game is quite hard unless you train well.
-The animal kings are interesting.
-More tactical thinking is needed.

What was your biggest surprise in this game?

The good one was when Merline failed to best The Bear when I was sure she manage to outdo him.
Honestly, the bad one was the Flower quest... it's made in an annoying way and invite failure within the structure of this game.

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3 and if so, how does this one compare?

MM3 is still the best Millenium game, followed by MM2 then MM4. BUT... the Grand Rift is one of your best creations... for jumping MM4 was the best game.

Who would win a female Beauty Contest: Marine, Karine, Jezabel, Salome, Claryssa (Mom)?

Jezabel or Salome

Who would win a male Beauty Contest: Benoit, Hirado, Abu, Jack, James, Bokden, Wolfgang, The Bear, Suzuki?

James or Benoit

Who is the funniest character and why?

Piu, because of Piupiu

Are you looking forward MM5 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?

-I look forward to the biggest installment in the series and for a game worthy of ALL of my expectations like LF3 was.
-I want to humiliate Merryl with Jezabel. Her hands have a taming side :P
-I want the showdown to be something different than only traditional fights. Maybe something along the lines of 13 differents challenges of martial arts including a traditional fight.
-I want to fight Borgon with Lord Dragon.
-I want to visit somewhere epic before the final show. Maybe another ancient temple.
-I want a part of the story to focus on Jezabel temporary betrayal.
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