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Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby Indinera » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:06 am

Done with the game? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it will help me figure out how to make the next MMs even better game!

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
What did you think about the story?
What did you think about the graphics?
What did you think about Marine?
What did you think about Lord Dragon?
What did you think about the music?
What did you think about the artworks?
What did you think about the showdown?
Your opinion about the game's true ending? (
Spoiler: show
marine vs dragon finale
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?
Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?
Who is the funniest character and why?
• Play my latest games! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby woodlandpearl » Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:03 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): I had so many! But the most surprising was when Bear got bitten by a mosquito and fell into a coma. I was like - WOW, Bear taken down by a mosquito!!! Was a bit shocking!
What did you think about the story? I really enjoyed the story. It was perfect. I have always been wondering how the story was going to come together and I was hoping it was not strictly fighting in the arena and/or strictly training (in has doing 20 times through the pit of Infinity!) +::surrender . I thought that the sidequests (not the true sidquests) of finding the special ingredients for bear was a great move. All of the characters were "training" just not training by Bear! The Pit of Infinity was not very nice at first - however once everyone was equipped properly and once the weaknesses of those brontosaurus creatures were figured out, it was more enjoyable (I hate those brontosaurus things!!!) +::Annoyed
What did you think about Marine? I thought Marine was very strong young lady. She was very passionate and wanted to make a change for her family as well as for everyone. It shows that one person, no matter how old they are can change the world for everyone. Granted, there were times when she was in despair because of events that happened beyond her control, her friends were there (well some of them.... +::biggrin ) to encourage her to go on. She was not a selfish person - actually very inspiring and her mission was to make the world a better place for everyone and to be treated as equals to the people in Mystock no matter how many times she was put down or fell down - someone was always there to pick her up.
What did you think about Lord Dragon? I felt that he felt that he was doing the right thing with his people. I think that the other Lords and Ladies were not communicating to him what was truly happening outside the walls of his city. I think if he truly knew what was going on he would have helped. I think that several of the Lords were misguided in their actions. I always felt that Dragon had a kind heart and he would always do what was right.
What did you think about the music? I enjoyed the music. My favorite was the one that was on the Tartarian maps.
What did you think about the artworks? Artworks as usually are superb! I enjoyed the two "full screen" artworks that appeared in different parts of the game. Took me by surprise. My favorite was the last one which was so telling
Spoiler: show
about Dragon's personality

What did you think about the showdown? at first did not like it because I did not understand what I needed to do. I lost the first 30 fights out of 40 fights and decided that I needed to create a spreadsheet to keep track of my successes and failures. Once that was complete I was able to (not 100%) determine what would be the best action and I was able to win 84 fights...well...I could have won a lot more with this method. I do not think it could have been done any other way considering there were weaker characters like (Suzuki) and the fact that he could "trick" was perfect otherwise I would have lost 13 games with him alone. I totally enjoyed figuring out what the weaknesses of both parties and then determining my next strategy. I was so happy that after 13 fights, i could save and/or replay. I did replay several times.
Your opinion about the game's true ending? Oh my goodness. I was soooooooooooooo shocked.
Spoiler: show
At first I thought, oh no. Dragon is going to win and Marine is going to lose everything that she has worked for. Then, finding our Jeanne was going to help, I was like, ok, there is a chance. Then when she gave her life up to preserve their memory and friendship (Marine) I was floored. The most shocking was the artwork right after that. I was stunned at first with what Dragon did, but then I wasn't because that is just in his character and nature do to the right thing.

What's the game's best/strongest sides? I feel that the story was great and I enjoyed the arena. Artworks of course are always supreme. The game nicely tied together all of the other MM games. I did also enjoy finding the ingredients for Bear. Great ending to an awesome saga.
What was your biggest surprise in this game? The true showdown ending
Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare? I thought this one was very good. It's been awhile since I played the first 4 but I did like this one the best especially with the showdown.
Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock? I think Mai was one of the nicest....Merryll was one of the worsts as well as Nate.
Who is the funniest character and why? J and J were so funny. Those two could get themselves into so much trouble!!! I wonder what happened to them after the showdown?? I guess they went back to the beach?? +::biggrin
Other Comments: I would have liked to see a little more about Bear's story. Also, I believe in another MM game (not sure which one) and this one mentioned about helping Marine's mom. It would have been great to be able to have another quest or maybe tied to the main story (when they go to the Guru and/or healer for Bear, have someone mention something about Marine's mom). Also, what happened to everyone after the arena? I'm guessing several characters are going back to the beach +::biggrin but it would be great to find out where everyone went.

But these are just minor things. This game was very awesome and thank you Indy and others who worked so hard on making this an awesome game! +::clap +::clap +::clap +::clap +::clap
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby Tyrellias » Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:19 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

I have 4...
-When Benoit defeat Merryl, Merryl pretends he cheated with those iron fist and Borgon facepalm. The joke made me laugh for an entire minute.
-Marine motivational speech before going to Mystrock. The storytelling quality of that moment is one of the reasons I fell in love with your games: it's you at your best.
-Loved the fact that Jezabel had her moment to save the day in my favorite area in the game.
-Speech between Marine and Jeanne, when the fairy reveals to the girl how she made her change. It made the final moment even more powerful emotionnally.

What did you think about the story?
Overall, I loved it. It's a true example of storytelling in a RPG game, especially with so many different parties. I'm also very impressed that you actually took the time to write the dialogues for -every- fight in the Mystrock showdown because that was beyond my expectations. Searching ingredients to cure The Bear was a very interesting experience because of the variety and the challenges along the way. Finally, meeting Blondie (love her design) added a few more spices to the story. Of course, everything about the showdown was truly befitting of the title Battle of the Millenium.

What did you think about Marine?
She is the epitome of selflessnes and hope. In her mind, with everything she learnt from her journey, nobody is truly evil. Everybody is human and part of a great people. She strives for unity even if all the odds are against her. And she will do everything to make the impossible a possibility. That's what a dream is and can become. Truly a great heroine.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
I kind of expected him to slaughter everyone in the showdown, but it seems The Bear is far stronger than him. As for his personality, he's a very honorable warrior who firmly believes in himself and his comrades. His goal is the greater good of everyone, but I believe he was a naive ruler (before the showdown) that was too easy to trick. He may be a great and focused fighter, but to be honest, Borgon know the rules (and tricks) of politic far better than him.

What did you think about the music?
Still love it, but nothing new that hooked me.

What did you think about the artworks?
Seriously, Blondie design is top notch. The same can be said about every Mystrock Lord, especially Hitomi. And even if it doesn't strictly qualify as artwork, your map design is feeling more and more natural, let me even say beautiful at the best moments (The Jungle, The snowstorm mountain). Let me add that I loved the full screen artworks of Marine around the end of the game.

What did you think about the showdown?
I was looking forward to crush them, but since they are sore losers... I'll rate my own fighters.

As expected, Karine, Benoit, The Bear and Bokden were awesome. Marine was awesome because she was cheating +::biggrin
Unexpectedly, Grandpa was a very good martial artist and the master of trickery.
Salome, Jezabel, Hirado and Abu were good, but not on the same level.
Jack and James could win some fights...
Wolfgang... eh... -IF- you're -very- lucky, he'll win (at lv99, no less)... 1 or 2 times. (Piu-piu might have been a better choice)

It's interesting how every fight give insight on the Mystrock Lords personality and your own characters. For example, Hitomi appreciate Hirado, but has to fight him like an enemy and I have to say she's the fiercest opponent in Dragon's team (after Dragon of course). Jezabel reactions to failed trickery are sometimes very funny. Dragon himself seems reluctant to humiliate an opponent even if he doesn't give any mercy. However, I have to say that Borgon is the voice of reason on the enemy side even if he doesn't fight... he has a funny way to give wake-up calls to his own side. In the end, I started to like that side of his personality since he's not as shallow as I thought initially.

Your opinion about the game's true ending?
It doesn't matter if you're old or young, anyone can teach a true life lesson to the persons they meet as long as they have the courage and the heart to do so. Mystrock learnt this. But before that could happen, a tiny fairy had to learn the meaning of a golden heart. Marine helped so many people with so much heart during her adventure that Jeanne felt it was worth it to pay the final price for someone so dear. In the end, she became part of Marine's heart as the very symbol of selflessness. (I'll be perfectly honest, it made me cry as much as the beautiful (and sad) ending of Angel Beat)

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
-You care for the characters enough to feel something for them. You get angry with them, you cry for them. Only Xenoblade, Tales of the abyss and Radiant Historia made me feel that way recently.
-The showdown is truly epic and well made.
-Finding the ingredients to heal The Bear requires to explore some of the best designed dungeons of the Millenium series

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Having to throw away so many matches to lose the showdown after getting the bad ending... I was leading 81 to 49...

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?
A truly worthy finale. The best Millenium hands down. Even so, I still rank the Castle of Malice and the fight with the dragon in Millenium 3 among the top moments

Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?
Well... I like honorable opponents like Hitomi, Dragon and Mai. And except Nate, the other ones got slaugthered before I threw away fights. Okay, okay... Wolfgang lost even if I tried to win.

Who is the funniest character and why?
Borgon because of his sarcastic personality

Other Comments
I know the showdown, the final duel and the final speech is kind of the ending, but I think the closure was rather abrupt. Let me explain... your fighters fought for you with everything they got and only Marine gets a true ending. To tell the truth, you kind of wish to see how their life has evolved for the better at this point. The best example would be Claryssa and Merline who disappears in Green Grass before the showdown only to never be heard of again.

Now, put in simple words, I rank this game as an equal to Laxius Force 3 even if the Pit of Infinity made me want to shot myself at least 5 times. Everything else about the game is great to exceptional.
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby Lookz » Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:04 am

Hi, by some miracle too long to be told, I have done MM5, so i like to answer it now.........okay
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
well, Ive bought the guide as well as seeing many posts before playing it so.......there's no much surprise...but my favorite is during the Bear lecturing about martial arts. I like it the most because I feel like it's me on the game who lectured and I'm also part of the 13 warriors........

What did you think about the story?
I like it very much, so many stories in this MM5, like trying to find the cure for the bear, but in same moment JJMS missing in the beach.........

What did you think about the graphics?
Absolutely awesome.............

What did you think about Marine?
I want to have friend like her, very passionate, very optimistic, and absolutely never give up chasing dreams.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
He's awesome as fighter but seemingly doesn't have any knowledge on politics........

What did you think about the music?
Another absolutely awesome, I like the jig is up and the Lady's theme during showdown. And the Marine's speech with Jeanne during night before showdown somehow makes me sad..........

What did you think about the artworks?
Another absolutely awesome hehehe :D

What did you think about the showdown?
Another absolutely awesome, due to there are many scripts for the conditions, it's difference when Mystlandies got higher points, and difference when Mystrocks leading, so I need to congrats you for the patience making so many scripts.

Your opinion about the game's true ending?
Very sad about Jeanne's sacrifice, but I guess I'm to logical person, I don't get why just casting light blasting spell requires life of a fairy. And yes, a little bit disappointed bout the rushed ending, although you said that we players need to use our imagination but............I guess my imagination sucks hehehe.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Hm, it's story I guess, as well as the showdown. I don't think there's another game in which we need to fight 169 times to reach an ending and of course the showdown's script :D hahaha

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
3x stats enhancements........first after Bear's lecture, second the third(?) promotion the champion, the stat increase again. Last, during showdown, as I originally played the hard mode, and showdown is in normal mode, it increase the stat even more.

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?
Yes, during this July to August I played them all, and I guess this one is the best :D (especially in music)

Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?
Nicest i think.........the Mystlandies definitely :D Lord Dragon, Wise Sage and Lady Mai just neutral not nice. The most horrible is Nate, the one who broke the cup.

Who is the funniest character and why?
I guess I'm the only one who says not Jack, James or even Suzuki or's Bokden ehehehe.
Why? during showdown of course, he asks so many things to the lords, like Hitomi's dots, Jack's scar, and never got the answers, but while he asks Gissele and got the answer he just answer he doesn't really care bout the answer hahaha
Btw I really curious about his age, is he really a boy like Nalla's question?
Last edited by Lookz on Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby D-Squall » Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:32 pm

This is big.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

I had many:

*Marine and the party gathering at the rock having everyone to form a circle around them and the characters artworks started to appear one by one, it was beyond epic.

*The Bear, of that size was knocked out by a fly? It was shocking, at first I thought it was just one of his anger moments, but then he fell and that big noise, and I was like: WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND? That tension that scene created was exciting.

*The trip of Salome, Jack, James and Merline through the caves... Jack kissing Salome, Jack blowing the Tribal community, James exploding the rock for them to get out, Merline funny comments through the cave. Everything was so beautifully done.

*Norman has a face now XD Just thought it would worth mentioning

*The journey to find the ingredients to make The Bear get back into his feet.

*Jezabel leaving Marine and Bokden alone in that mountain, I was like: "WHAT? I KNEW SHE DIDN'T WANTED TO GO WITH MARINE, BUT TO LEAVE HER?" then I got surprised that she came back, not only that xD got even mroe surprised that she saved everyone with her Griphin whistle.

*The Pit of Infinity. :D

*The showdown, I just loved every comment that Borgon made... it was like he was so driven with fear of losing and rage against Marine and her friends that he forgot who he was, cursing everyone, refering to Lord Dragon as only DRAGON, igorning his order to not insult Marine and making fun of everyone of Dragon's warriors each time they lose.

*Jeanne's sacrifice to make Marine win.

And much, but much more.

What did you think about the story?

The story was absolutely fantastic, for one moment they were totally there... ready to begin training and then BAM, everything seems to be falling appart. But then they find help in the most unexpected cases, yet, dificulties are still found but they always manage to solve everything in the end.

But still, I thought there was some continuity erros, like... after the game ending:

*We don't know what happen with Benoit and Karine, I mean... Benoit fell for her right?

*I was expecting that little girl and woman from the intro of MM1 to appear in the end to say something like: "and that's how the story ends"

*No interaction with Merline nor Mom, and what the heck happens with Marine's dad?

*The Bear story about knowing that place wasn't very well told, and Blondie look liked that she had mysterious past too... like something related to The Bear. I feel that could be explored more.

*I was expecting a Jack and Salome story too.

What did you think about Marine?

Sometimes I didn't recognised Marine in this, I mean... I've never seen she wanted to give up and being so doubtful before, I know that she has been through the worst in this game... but that was still surprising to see. Yet, after the nigthmare of almost losing the Bear was over, she was back to her old self. And the motivation speech she gave the warriors was brilliant. +::clap

What did you think about Lord Dragon?

Serene and fair, but his desire to win was fierce than anything he shown in the series so far.

What did you think about the music?

The music was great as always, the songs of the battles in the Showdown was like... the very best to make you ready for battle and get you all excited. Not to mention new musics, like The_Jig_Is_Up-full_length_track, Sky_Dive and MM5-marineandjeanne-First_Steps. Sky Dive was a divine track that was present in the right moments of the game, I wish that was the title screen theme.

What did you think about the artworks?

Beautiful, the artworks... not only characters, but also monsters were at the best in this game. I loved Blondie's artwork, it was a charm to whenever eyes who sees it XD. And the Lords artworks were well-done and beautiful, perfectly fits their personalities, not only portraits but also as enemies.

What did you think about the showdown?

I'm going to put what I think of every warrior:

Marine: Good because she was cheating lol, but her high-kick is very powerful against every one of Dragon's warriors, so... awesome fighter.

Benoit: When he finally stopped freezing, then he was useful... only two of his slash-hand were enough to defeat the lords and he was holding up pretty well against the Lords attacks.

Karine: Like a warrior said about her: "She fight like a man" XD

Hirado: Strong not only with his skills but also with physical attacks, and that discussion with him and Gabriel was the most hillarios part of the entire showdown for me. XD

Abu: Just like Hirado, but stronger... that one really wanted to help Marine, just like the ones that I mentioned before.

Jezabel: Terrible at resistance, but her High-Kick was great. If she didn't defeat the enemy, she threw them out of the ring. I mean... who could expect that from Jezabel? lol

Jack: He was good while he had his skills, but not a good fighter.

James: Who could've thought that sleepy-head was strong with skills and physical attacks? He was amazing and his paralyzing attack were very useful sometimes.

Salome: Most of her battles I won by tricking the enemy, she wasn't good at resistance neither attack. Not a good fighter.

Wolfgang: In the beginning he was good, then he became failure... no attack power and no tricking skill. Totally sucks

Bokden: Just like James, he had an awesome attack power and powerful skills that were very useful. A true fighter.

The Bear: Do I really have to say anything about the Bear? His most funny comment was: "LEARN SOMETHING FROM ME, DAMMIT" lol, he was right

Old Suzuki: Good at tricking, good at skills, good at attack but terrible at resistance. Still, I put him in the decent fighter list which came up just now XD

The showdown was very well done and amazing, I liked the way the battles were made... showing the portrait of the fighter and the warrior, and that every battle the fighters interact with some nice dialogue between each other. Indy, you are a genius, you deserve all the awards for this.

Your opinion about the game's true ending?

I guess that all that I think about the ending is in the "what do you think about the story" part in the beginning of the topic, but I thought the ending was epic and heart-warming but very rushed, just like Laxius Force 3.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

EVERYTHING, really... graphic, music, story, mapping (which I must say Indy, that your mapping was at your very best in this game... I mean, all dungeons at the party splitting part of the game was beautifully crafted and well done, with beautiful details which was put with elegance and care).

What was your biggest surprise in this game?

Jeanne going so far to help Marine, I never thought about that. Jeanne was like the heart of Marine, and the way she helped Marine during the fights and during the battle against Lord Dragon was very good of her part. Marine and her are the two heroines of this joint. lol

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?

With a beautiful finale like this, of course that MM5 tops all of them. This one had the perfect ballance between gameplay and storyline, just thought that the party could go to the places were they were during the party spliting.

Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?

Nicest: Gabriel, That one was calm like Mother Teresa lol, he didn't insulted anyone from both sides, not even when he loses it... he for sure was the best warrior after Lord Dragon.

Worse: Nate, that one was a demented killer, not an martial artist... his looks shows exactly how nasty he is and my my, he was trying to kill Marine and in the bad ending he destroyed the cup. That guy is nuts.

Who is the funniest character and why?

Borgon made laugh many, many times during the tournament when he was losing his mind every time that a warrior of Dragon's goverment loses it. For sure it was him. xD
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby loof123 » Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:43 am

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Well, tbh, I actually didn't have a favorite moment. I loved most of the game. Just Pit of Infinity was annoying that's all :)
What did you think about the story?
The story was top-notch as usual. Collecting things for Bear and training. But the showdown was amazing, especially the time where you have to lose to get the true ending.
What did you think about the graphics?
Graphics-wise, this has to be your best game Indy! I especially liked the Ancient Temple and Kumai Kuma Kuma.
What did you think about Marine?
Marine... She has really matured in a month. But she was the same Marine, willful, strong, and determined.
What did you think about Lord Dragon?
He was like I thought he would be. No mercy, but no insult. He is very strong though. I beat him with the Bear only +::biggrin
What did you think about the music?
It is so good that I listen to it from the BGM folder when I'm not playing. The Jig is Up and Kusinov's Theme are the best IMO
What did you think about the artworks?
Blondie is beautiful... +::heart +::heart There weren't many new artworks but, Marine swimming with Blondie was great as well.
What did you think about the showdown?
It was fun, it was frustrating, it was AMAZING! +::clap +::clap +::clap +::clap +::clap +::clap
Your opinion about the game's true ending?
It was great! I certainly didn't expect Jeanne to sacrifice herself... My only complaint is we don't know what will happen to the characters after the showdown. Benoit +::heart Karine???
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
It has to be the dungeons. I simply LOVED exploring each and every of them (Except the Pit of Infinity) Oh and the party splitting was great too!
What was your biggest surprise in this game?
I never though that the Bear would get bitten by a mosquito and fall... Benoit's crush on Karine... Not much else.
Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?
This one is totally the best. The party splitting, the dungeons, the story.... Isn't it obvious?
Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?
Nice, Lady Mai was nice but the others weren't nice, but they were respectful at least. Only Merryl and Nate weren't respectful... I hate them :razz:
Who is the funniest character and why?
IMO each character is funny in their own way, but it has to be Jack and James, naturally. But OS is fun too +::biggrin

I apologize for it's length, but I can't think of anything to write. BTW you will update the previous MMs with things like Dee's promotions and stuff right?
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:30 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Finding myself being leader of the Mystlandies fanclub! +::biggrin
I really loved the scene when Marine told Jeanne all her fears right before the showdown.
Then the moment when they walk towards the area all together is very impressive.
And last but not least the finale!!!

What did you think about the story?
It was very thrilling. The change between the parties while searching for remedies for the Bear was cool.

What did you think about the graphics?
Simply amazing, stunning, awesome!!!

What did you think about Marine?
Determined as usual.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
Convinced of himself as usual, but also very fair.

What did you think about the music?
Most of it I really liked. The jungle music got on my nerves though.

What did you think about the artworks?
The MM series definitely has the most beautiful artworks of all Aldorlea games.

What did you think about the showdown?
To be honest, I didn't like it. Before the game came out I was always hoping for a totally different ending. A typically Trickster-like twist in the plot. It took me a while until I really understood what the spells are about and how to use them right. Until then it was frustrating to no end because I kept losing, losing, losing.
Later I caught up a lot of points and got a little more positive about it, although the entire showdown took me hours and started to bore me. But I had read that at least 74 or 76 points (two different posts, so not sure which one is right) are required to win the showdown. I fought really hard to achieve that and replayed some rounds over and over again. I ended up with 79 wins .... and yet losing the tournament. That maxed out my frustration and disappointment level.
Later I was told it's 80 wins, so maybe I'll retry the last one or two rounds.
Anyway, although I really enjoyed this game (way more than some of the other parts), I wish there was a different finale.

Your opinion about the game's true ending?
It was truly amazing! Jeanne's sacrifice and all that came after made me +::cry and really touched my heart. Even The Bear's stony heart got a little crack (although he still couldn't get himself to say at least one friendly word, lol).

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The way we kept switching between the parties while looking for the plants. That way it never got boring. Also the time to spend with each party was always just right. Not too long, not too short, just perfect.

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Hmm, dunno.

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?
It fits in the series very well. It keeps the original spirit up.
Only side quests were less important than in previous games, but I have to say, I was so fascinated by the main story, I wouldn't have missed side quests if there hadn't been any. Usually I love side quests, but this game would have done very well without.

Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?
Nicest ... hmmmm .... I guess they were all not really nice. They are all smug and self-centered.
Most horrible ... that stupid Merryll guy and Borgon and also Nate.

Who is the funniest character and why?
PIIIIIIUUUUUUUU!!!!!! Does that need an explanation? +::biggrin
Although he did show his value once again in that lighthouse ..... +::lol
Last edited by Cassiopeia on Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby briony » Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:00 am

Favorite In-Game Moment
Jeanne giving up her life for Marine so that she could accomplished her ambition- true loyalty and friendship

What did you think about the story?
near perfect - tied every MM story together to the ultimate ending

What did you think about the graphics?
loved them all, the artwork, music etc great to see the complete artwork of the characters

What did you think about Marine?
Determined to make life better for all - showed real courage in difficult situations - brought out the best in other people - inspiring true friendship and loyalty

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
sometimes showed that he was not aware of the mentality of his group - believed in the good of all - showed respect towards Marine's team even if they were not too competent in Martial Arts - a decent human being

What did you think about the showdown?
Thoroughly enjoyed this esp. giving butt to Nate, Merryll and Jack - loved comments made by Old Suzuki and Jezabel

Your opinion about the game's true ending?
Would have liked it to be referred to MM1's beginning with the Lady and girl ( and that is how it happened)
Also a bit more in depth information about other party members, their lives etc
Marine and Dragon we know about but Benoit/Karina - Bear/Blondie, Mum,Dad & Merline, Salome/Jack, James etc- how the quest affected their lives and what happened after the showdown -
but maybe Indy there is another MM to come following on from the showdown+:: +::lol
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby Alikamou » Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:59 am

Okay...playing from story mode and from scratch (no import)
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
What did you think about the story?
The've made me live usual +::Thumbup The highs and lows emotionally, physically exhausting trying to keep up with the different strategies to use with minimal gear and supplies +::biggrin and the "chicken skin" during the Introduction and the real Ending.
What did you think about the graphics? Awesome graphics you've kept throughout the whole series! +::clap
What did you think about Marine? She's my heroine! The hopes, fears and determination along with the final doubts all made me run through a gamut of emotions throughout the whole game. Loved her speech! ;)
What did you think about Lord Dragon? Still gorgeous as ever +::biggrin Think someone is gonna get jealous of Marine :razz: To see him in action and just lose to The Bear +::heart +::heart +::heart was something to behold +::biggrin Also being able to see another side with the care and consideration he tried to give Marine was heartwarming. LOL started feeling like seeing a romance novel come to life :razz:
What did you think about the music? The music you've picked has always been motivational...whether it was just background wandering or battling +::Dance
What did you think about the artworks? Adore them! hehehe to actually see Norman was something +::biggrin Also...Verona really truly looked like GIGANTINE!!!!! :razz: (Still can't get over those Giant Octopus Eyes" she drops +::biggrin )
What did you think about the showdown? Talk about NERVES!!!! I was just as excited and scared +:oops: I wasn't sure what was expected or how it was going to be done +::fear That was some awesome planning! +::Thumbup
Your opinion about the game's true ending? +::lol It took me about 5 times to get the true ending! +::grrr +::lol I did too well! :razz:
Spoiler: show
marine vs dragon finale As I already mentioned...someone is gonna get jealous of Marine +::lol Loved it though. Sure thought it would have been Bokden...but then Titaness would also be on a tear, too :razz:

What's the game's best/strongest sides? Loved the story and what direction it took. Turned out you gave us great training without realizing it +::lol But really don't like those PEPPERS!!!!! Bloody toughies they were! The introduction of Blondie was heaven sent to round out the parties and use everyone we could...including Mom and Merline! +::biggrin
What was your biggest surprise in this game? Going through the Pit and the Arena +::biggrin
Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare? This finale is the ULTIMATE! +::Thumbup
Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock? Nicest...Llady Mai and the Mystrockians!!!! +::biggrin As for horrible...I could never pass up defeating Kusinov and Merryl every chance I got! +::biggrin
Who is the funniest character and why? Grandpa!!!!! Ahhh...little "Grasshopper"...the bottle was perfect to keep away any backaches...and he kept trying to figure out if the women where hitting on him for a date every chance he got +::lol

Thanks Indy!!!!! I'm going to have to go finish my final MM4 now for that special double promo I'm trying to get for Marine and Abu so I can see the difference...after I try out an earlier save +::biggrin Congrats on another WINNER! +::clap +::clap +::clap
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:01 pm

Adding something cuz I did manage to win now.

Your opinion about the game's true ending?
It was truly amazing! Jeanne's sacrifice and all that came after made me +::cry and really touched my heart. Even The Bear's stony heart got a little crack (although he still couldn't get himself to say at least one friendly word, lol).
The finale definitely has to be added to my favorite moments in the game.
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby Aggeliki » Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:12 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

well, when Dragon picked Marine in his was a very intense moment and i felt totally "complete" as my inner desire was fullfilled! and when i red that marine would fall in love with Dragon and marry him, then, yes, i had my happy ending!their union also symbolizes the promise of a new era for Myst with less pain and discrimination, with equality for all!

What did you think about the story?

i loved it especially the Bear-Blondie reunion, the ending and the dialogs..the only awkward moment where when Blondie and Marine were bathing in the pool and Marine was covered with hair!!! +::O_o why would you have to put that in the senario? apart from that the story was well told !

What did you think about the graphics?

mapping skills in maximum! i admire your mapping abilities! i also loved the pics, my fav is the one with Marine and Lord Dragon! now that i think about it my favourite Marine is the one with the umbrella!!

What did you think about Marine?

she is like a beacon in the darkness of despair! she is the living hope and the proof that a fighter never gives up!
a heroine, not the typical rpg warrior, but the one who conquers by determination and inner power! +::heart

What did you think about Lord Dragon?

What a man! +::heart +::heart +::heart +::heart they make a perfect couple!

What did you think about the music?

sorry but i would like to listen to more new tracks..i have my favs among them of course!

What did you think about the artworks?


What did you think about the showdown?

in the beggining it felt like hell! then i changed strategy and levelled a bit and finally did it!!! though i am not the fighter type of player, i appreciate the mastery put in the whole lot of battles and the countless combinations of lines between the participants!!this is a heroic task! thank you for this!

Your opinion about the game's true ending?

i was desperately expecting this ending from the first episode!! i cried, as i usually do in your games' endings!!
but..i would like to know what happened to the gang ,Klaryssa and her Husband etc..maybe you could show 5 secs of each and everyone's life after the showdown, like a bonus content!! :razz:

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

best sides:graphics-story
weak sides: music-lack of spectacular jumbs!!

What was your biggest surprise in this game?

the flirting atmosphere after the first part of the game!! everyone was flirting with everyone!!bad thing we don't know which flirts were succesful! :razz:
and of course, Jeannie's ultimate sacrifice! (sniff..)

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?

it sure is the epic finalle!but the other episodes have more secrets and exploring elements..

Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?

Mai-Nate (grrrrr....i hate him)

Who is the funniest character and why?

hmm..James-Jack duet, Borgon and Jezabel! funniest line: James:what's my name in Malaw? Jezabel: Moron Makala !!+::biggrin

THANK YOU! +::heart

ps: now to the release of the bonus content.. +::biggrin :)
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby Madmar » Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:57 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
There are so many great moments, I can't really pick one. Dragon carrying Marine from the arena, Bear shedding a tear, Benoit freezing are just a few. They were just unexpected and dramatic..

What did you think about the story?
It was a fitting ending to the saga. Truly epic in scope but true to MM, it was heart warming and funny. I didn't want it to end.

What did you think about the graphics?

What did you think about Marine?
Marine really matured throughout the story and proved to be a fine leader. She showed courage, determination and motivation.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
I always saw Dragon as fair and not some evil guy and indeed he is not evil or mean.. It did my heart good to see the "real" ending. I was rooting for Marine and Dragon from the start. Lady Mai must have been a little disappointed though.

What did you think about the music?
I enjoyed it because it fit the action but it is more background for me.

What did you think about the artworks?
Again, beautiful.

What did you think about the showdown?
I loved the dialog between the combatants. Some of it was lol funny. Gave me insight to the characters I wasn't expecting. The fights were not so bad once I got the hang of the skills I had dreaded it but it was really pretty easy

Your opinion about the game's true ending?
I loved it and hated it. The loss of Jeanne was just stunning and I hated that but Marine and Dragon. WOW!

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
As always the story is what keeps me coming back. Loved the characters, too, the characters make the story, after all. And it was all packaged beautifully.

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
Many surprises. Bear has a daughter and a heart (a tear?)! Dragon and Marine 4ever! The sacrafice of Jeanne. I could go on.

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?
MM 1-2-3 were great, 4 was good and this was epic. You really need to play the whole series to get the satisfaction of the ending.

Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?
Mai was the nicest, like Dragon for her this was a duty, not a personal vendetta. Merryl was a buffoon with a nasty streak and Nate was crazy mean. Borgon was snarky as usual.

Who is the funniest character and why?
There were a lot of funny moments and almost everybody had something to say that made me laugh but Suzuki and his sound effects made me laugh every time. HIIIIIYA!!!

Thanks for another great gaming experience, Indy! Looking forward to the next one.
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby youtien » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:57 pm

I'm a player from Taiwan, I've played your game since Laxius Power 1, when I was a freshman in college, now I am 30. I played computer games since I was 3, and my major is history and literature, so there are very few games that can move me in recent years, and Indy's are some of them. Have been a lurker here for long too, now I feel like to share my feelings and salute to you.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

When they finally gather to march toward Mystrock, till the opening of the showdown. Although it's just one surreal month for them, it's 5 years for we players. I feel very relieved yet full for all of us, inside and outside of the game.

What did you think about the story?

In detail, there are still plenty to develop, mainly the relationship among our characters, and the world, the society. I also feel unfinished with the finale, it really could have more epilogue, I don't want to leave this game world so quickly, and I believe we all want to stay a little longer. How pity. I am looking forward for fan-novel(not just art, I want stories) to come.

By the way, I can read Indy's hobby with Japanese culture, but when it comes to Japanese names, I can sense bug. For example, 'Old Suzuki', Suzuki is a common Japanese surname, but almost nobody take it as first name. So it would let me assume that Marine's last name should be also Suzuki. Of course, we shouldn't be so serious, but it always itches with folks who know Japanese a bit.

What did you think about the graphics?

Very good in concept of RPGMaker and old-school RPG.

What did you think about Marine?

Pure and moving, remind us of classic novels, and passions we might never had in our young ages.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?

Decent and self-disciplined character, maybe too decent, so he couldn't stand out and prevent chaos in case of Mystland team won. He is not for extraordinary circumstances, and the story didn't prepare more extraordinary circumstances for him, that's a pity.

What did you think about the music?

The march to Mystrock is good, others are average. I've played some RPGMaker games with wonderful BGMs, but you can't compare with the collection of the best.

What did you think about the artworks?

Japanese comic style, if you compare with works in east Asia (from Japan to Taiwan, HK, China and Korea), there are many more refined works, but I like non-ordinary flavor, and one in MM serves well. Another but, I expect more artworks with dollars I paid for this game. Time to hire some more artists Indy! Provide some work to help the world economy would you?

What did you think about the showdown?

Brilliant final fights -- normal RPG has 1-5 or 6 final boss fights, players still unsatisfied, and you give us 169! And unlike normal final fights, our bosses have no near-infinity HP, but just like our characters, each fight end in 1-3 rounds, and thrilling. The skill and trick system is simple, but thrilling.

Your opinion about the game's true ending?

The speech is good, but the happily-ever-after end is too ordinary. Yeah, I expected some other views and narrator, like lord Borgon, what will he say if he changed his point of view, and what if not?

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

The emotion and passion, and pressure of time. But ridiculously, we players all know that we have infinite time to farm around before every deadline, i.e. another 10 runs of pit of infinity, one hour before heading back to Mystrock?

What was your biggest surprise in this game?

Collapse of the bear, of course, but that's not too big surprise either, for we are so used to see surprise.

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?

I bought them all. this is a grand finale, but I always expected more... like Laxius Power 3, more to come after the ending. It's big pity that LF3 and MM5 both seemed too rush in ending.

Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?

Nicest: the wise sage. He could tell us more wisdom and story in Mystrock history and politics, but this character is underdeveloped like all other guys.

Most horrible: Borgon / Nate, but they are also stereotype bad guys (politician and maniac). Meryell and Kushinov? Just like most comic & movies: you create a guy who deserve 1000 punch in his face, then you let our hero punch him 10000 times. It's simple pleasure, I still enjoy that, but we deserve deeper victory: victory of humanity. Japanese authors are commonly aware of that, they usually design elaborate closure for those ruined personality, but sometimes too predictable and boring. I would expect other ways in you European author, pity that we see no other than '......' from Borgon and his fellows.

Who is the funniest character and why?[/quote]

James, the most annoying guy in all Indinera games, he makes every ear bleed and was so slow in fight. I've met plenty of flirting character in countless novel, comics and games, this James is the most shameless one, and there is no 'one of'. One reason I like Indy than Japanese is that your character can always be far more hilarious and shameless when it comes to trash talk. But I was surprised that he is actually better than Wolfgang in the showdown, so more pleasure no matter he win or lose.

In contract, Wolfgang is dull.
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby Tomas » Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:25 am

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Not exactly favorite, more like the strongest moment was Jeanne's sacrifice - for me, Jeanne is the main heroine of MM. She didn't even hesitate to do so. Very shocking and sad. And very strong.
Marine's speeches prior to the Pit of Infinity and The Showdown were incredible, too.

What did you think about the story?
Thrilling and intense. And there is one main message conveyed - Never Give Up!
There are just so many moments where Marine can't go any further (or so one would think) and yet she does. That's what makes the story so strong and beautiful for me.

What did you think about the graphics?
Best so far.

What did you think about Marine?
She's both strong and fragile, and her anxiety prior to The Showdown make her character so much real. She has really changed a lot since MM1.

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
He is as I thought - young and a bit naive, but actually with great sense for justice and passionate. Actually, he shares quite a few things in common with Marine - so I expected them to get married eventually.

What did you think about the music?
On pair with the previous MMs.

What did you think about the artworks?
Better than ever.

What did you think about the showdown?
Very intense. But there were also funny moments, especially with Jack and James involved.
I loved how The Bear decimated one opponent after another, he was just terrific. And Old Suzuki beating all of the Mystrock "Mighty Lords" (except from Dragon, obviously) was absolutely priceless.
Btw, Lord Borgon's sarcastic remarks about Mystrock fighters' performance were pretty funny, too.

Your opinion about the game's true ending?
Of all the characters, the little Jeanne had to die, without Marine even knowing what happened. It touched me deeply, I didn't expect this. Nothing ever comes without a price, I guess. Overall, the ending felt more emotive and "realistic". No "mighty heroes slaying the nasty demons" cliché, it was really more about Marine's journey than about Mystrock people being the "bad guys" in the end. At least that's what I felt.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Incredibly well done mapping and cleverly placed secret rooms, the strong feeling of exploration and adventure. Especially thanks to the "Merline and her party" mission it sometimes felt really "fresh", more like a first game in a series instead of a final one.
And the overall feeling of urgency and "We can do against the odds" mood that goes through the whole game. And than there's the length - MM5 is really huge. It even took me more time to finish than all the previous four MMs combined...

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
The mighty Bear owned by a mosquito. +::O_o Who could have guessed prior to the release that the mysterious cure will be for The Bear.

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?
No comparison. I won't say that it's better than LF3, because it will always have special place in my heart, but it definitively is the finest game you have ever made. Period.

Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?
Lady Mai wins easily. So nice and so cute. And pretty hard challenge to the males in Marine's party...
Surprisingly, Merryll isn't the worst for me. Somehow, I just couldn't stand Gabriel and his smug face. +::grrr

Who is the funniest character and why?
No one can beat Jack and James (don't make me to choose just one from these two). Although, Old Suzuki had hilarious moments, too.
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Re: Millennium 5 - Player's Memories

Postby docjg » Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:04 pm

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
What did you think about the story?
What did you think about the graphics?
They were very beautiful, no doubt

What did you think about Marine?
Too much chit chat, but that is my issue throughout this episode

What did you think about Lord Dragon?
Good character

What did you think about the music?
n/a (mute)

What did you think about the artworks?
again, very beautiful

What did you think about the showdown?
I suppose it was good; suspenseful, but so repetitive and took FOREVER
Your opinion about the game's true ending? (
Spoiler: hide
marine vs dragon finale
) That I like

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The finale of a series

What was your biggest surprise in this game?
That I simply didn't enjoy it, honestly

Have you played Millennium 1-2-3-4 and if so, how does this one compare?
This was the only tedious, repetitive, overall unexciting chapter

Who were the nicest and most horrible guys/girls from Mystrock?

Who is the funniest character and why?
Bear, his apathy, strength, arrogance
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