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listen up "common people"

listen up "common people"

Postby darkange » Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:08 am

Listen up "common people" who play this common game :P .... play this kind of games at Legendary from the start.... it's way easier than you think or that people make you believe. Yes it is called Legendary mode but if you pay atention to what are you doing it's just so easy . Compared to games that are made by Indy only .... this game is made in colaboration with others and it's easier because you can see monsters HP and their STATS .... you can see their agility / atack/ defense etc from the start. I played this game at this mode for the first time with no guide and no monster strategy at all and it was perfect. I only used the location of secret rooms because I hate clicking on every wall everytime on everyscreen of a game....but I know some people like it.

Also if a monsters always atacks first before you ... don't listen to others and raise your Defense to resist ... screw that Raise your AGILITY until you have more than the monster and then you atack first and kick his ass. If a monster has 98 agility and you raise it with spend points on a character to 100 .... you will always atack before him. Make that with all 5 characters and you will be the boss.

If you want an even easier strategy to own this game even at Legendary mode .... wait until you get the knight in your party : Garwin .... level him up to level 37(it may take a while I know) until he gets an INSTANT skill. Now this skill don't act like in other games. You select it ... then it atacks all monsters instantly without wasting a round or a turn and then you get to atack with Garwin again. You select the skill all over again and it atacks all monsters again. You can do this until the monsters die without them atacking once or until you run out of mana. He doesn't need to have speed or atacking. Just mana and a lot of Atack stat to do even more dmg with it.

You need to equip him with a mana reduction item because it costs a lot .... get 99 mana potion and until you reach the final area of the game where the monsters counter atack back from spells .... it's easy life.
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