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Elendia Ceus Memories

Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby Indinera » Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:01 pm

This is the place to post your feedback about Elendia Ceus. You can download the game here:

If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionary!

Just copy/paste the questions and answer below them! :)
Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending - just a recommendation. +::music

Your opinion about Annie?
Your opinion about LaCaster?
Your opinion about Soleil?
Your opinion about Mick?
Your opinion about Firey Jack?
Who is the strongest character, and why?
Who is the most beautiful character, and why?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the Aether gang (Aslaam, Gothendirk etc.)?
Your opinion about the battles?
Did you like the artworks and visuals in the game?
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby Bluerose » Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:32 am

Your opinion about Annie? Puzzled about her. Did she really know about her powers all along?
I Wonder about her.

Your opinion about LaCaster? I felt sorry for him. His love just took him the wrong way.

Your opinion about Soleil? She is cute, wish she had a smile on her face, she looked so sad.

Your opinion about Mick? Teddy Bear at heart.

Your opinion about Firey Jack? Looks a little bit like Johnny Depp....LOL

Who is the strongest character, and why? I think they all had their strengths.

Who is the most beautiful character, and why? Mick, not on the outside, but the inside.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs? Very good, wish their were a little more on the side quest. I love doing them.

Your opinion about the Aether gang (Aslaam, Gothendirk etc.)? One word...FOOLS!

Your opinion about the battles? Not bad.

Did you like the artworks and visuals in the game? Yes great job on the fossils.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? Like

What was your favorite moment and why? Don't really have one.

What's the game's best/strongest sides? Loved the mission log, telling you about the quests who gave it and where they are located. Other games I always forget what town they were in and who gave me the quest.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games? All Aldorleas games are the best!
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby johnboy412000 » Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:50 am

Your opinion about Annie? Awesome character and her Bubble Gum and Tornado spells were deadly.

Your opinion about LaCaster? No who the heck was Lacaster he wasn’t in my party ?

Your opinion about Soleil? Great player but her skills weren’t as effective as Annies or maybe I didn’t assigne her as many skills as Annie.

Your opinion about Mick? Mick was a feisty fighter his Spells were deadly at times.

Your opinion about Firey Jack? Jack well he was a great character and his shooting skills were excellent.The Perfect Bullet in the last fight was a boon.

Who is the strongest character, and why? Annie was the strongest by far.

Who is the most beautiful character, and why? Annie of course she was just lovely to the Male eye lol

Your opinion about the story and dialogs? Dialogs were good.They weren’t as long winded as they usually are in some games.

Your opinion about the Aether gang (Aslaam,
Gothendirk etc.)? Tough battles but with the guide and the right spells they were soon tamed.

Your opinion about the battles? The Battles well overall they were good but I feel there should have been a save option after the fight with Zartapotek.It would have meant having to re fight him if a player had lost in the very last fight.

Did you like the artworks and visuals in the game? Yeah great Artwork all round.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? I never usually listen the music in any game I tend to try and disable it if I can or failing that lower the volume level on my speakers.

What was your favorite moment and why? Seeing the final bosses go down and knowing the battle was finally won.

What's the game's best/strongest sides? I cant tell you the strongest point but I can tell you one weak point and that’s the having to find a Djinn in order to save the game.I much prefer the option to save being there in the menu and thus save before and immediately after a battle etc.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games? Well out of all the Aldorlea games ive played being honest id rate Asguaard at the top for its way pointers and Elendia Ceus I guess somewhere in the middle of the game list.
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby briony » Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:05 am

Your opinion about Annie- a quirky character, carefree and dauntless in the face of adversity

Your opinion about LaCaster?- did not get to see much of him - needed to know more of his background and life story

Your opinion about Soleil?- wishy-washy- needs some backbone - could not get her connection to anyone - thought she may have had the answer to why Annie was chosen for the Aether - had good spells though- needed to smile sometimes

Your opinion about Mick?- a lovable character - all brawn and muscles but a strong character with his heart in the right place - reminded me of Coryool- those fists could pack a punch

Your opinion about Firey Jack?- a true gentleman- rugged good looks - typical pirate - another character that I would like to know more about- could really handle those guns

Who is the strongest character, and why? no one stands out for me as they all have good points and spells

Who is the most beautiful character, and why? beauty is in the eye of the beholder-therefore all the characters are beautiful in the own ways- not just looks but personality - except Soleil- seemed to be lacking in that department

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?- great dialogue - but to me the story seemed as if a chapter had been taken from the middle of a book- no beginning to explain the history of the characters, their world etc and the ending left me in the dark as to what was happening and how it tied in with the rest of the story- maybe a follow up story sometime

Your opinion about the Aether gang (Aslaam, Gothendirk etc.)?unusual characters- would liked to know more about them and their tie- in to this world - what were they originally and where did they come from etc

Your opinion about the battles? battles were great - needed to think and use the right spells for each of them

Did you like the artworks and visuals in the game? these were the highlights of the game - loved the artwork- extraordinary work

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? beautiful suited the game

What was your favorite moment and why? the talk between Annie and Barbarossa out on the walkway- each recognising in each other something they had both lost

What's the game's best/strongest sides? since you only have 4 characters- it has to be them

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?- I would have to put it somewhere in the middle-it is a great game but I would have liked more depth to the storyline like what is found in the LP, LF, 3 Stars, Asguaard and the Milennium games
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby diklazam » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:23 pm

As an old player of quests - i dont realy realated to the carcters... the only thing that interest me is how strong they are on fights and skills. (not inculded 3 parts of luxius Force my favorite of all!!!)
Your opinion about Annie?
Your opinion about LaCaster?
Your opinion about Soleil?
Your opinion about Mick?
Your opinion about Firey Jack?
i liked Annie most - she hase charm spell.....
Who is the strongest character, and why? i think Firely Jack
Who is the most beautiful character, and why? beatiful is in the eye of the one who looks - so no one diserve the title
Your opinion about the story and dialogs? nice
Your opinion about the Aether gang (Aslaam, Gothendirk etc.)? liked them a lot. specfially the one Gothendirk who looked like Pinokio... LOL
Your opinion about the battles? wanderful battles.. need to think whats right for each one. i was missing good divided spells between everebody/ for ex. lots of parlalzed... less confues... most of it i liked when the fight was over and they flew away with red cloud behind them (i have to say - it was a surprise to me..)
Did you like the artworks and visuals in the game? like it very much. ve colourfull.
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? like most of the last games. ok.
What was your favorite moment and why? before the last fight i went back to get the perfect bullets and had to come back all the way AGAIN - the yellow arrow confused me and i found myself going in circles again and again becaue i needd to go in the opposit direction.. it took me some hours... and suddenly pop up USAM again.... very funny.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
the fights, the unic ememies.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games? if LF my favorite is 10 this is 8.

i hope u keep making good games - iney. tx
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby dad33 » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:06 pm

Finished playing elendia in hard mode with magic after having played it in casual mode without magic. windows 8.1. I also do not evaluate characters and their personality, since the game master has this responsibility. We select their exteriors and combat mode and we are off to find our adventure.

I really enjoyed the casual mode, but found the hard mode difficult. It took me a while to adjust to the different skills available in this mode and the very my opinion, weapons attack.

I would recommend this game to everyone. It is easer than asguaard or the book of legends, but harder than the common man, which are still great games.

I will now play the game in casual mode with magic.
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby Tomas » Thu May 07, 2015 11:03 am

Your opinion about Annie?
My favorite. Clever and "pure". Yes, she's still young and quite inexperienced, but she seems to cope with her new abilities well. She also genuinely enjoys the pirate life - true treasure hunter.
In combat, she's deadly. The combination of healing and foes disabling spells makes her extremely powerful. Add the damaging spells, good attack and endurance, and she was easily my strongest character.

Your opinion about LaCaster?
Not very impressive. I would say he was just a puppet, I haven't perceived him as the true "big bad boss" in the game.
In a way, I'm not even sure I should consider him to be evil - he simply believed in his truth.

Your opinion about Soleil?
Not exactly a strong personality. At least for me. I considered Soleil the least interesting character. Her spells were useful, though.

Your opinion about Mick?
The "Coryool" of EC. He can take a beating and was capable of dealing huge damage with the right weapon (BK-125 Artillery). I also liked his character.

Your opinion about Firey Jack?
True pirate. And he has a moving life story.
Great spells, good damage dealer. I like his artwork.

Who is the strongest character, and why?
Annie, see above.

Who is the most beautiful character, and why?
Annie, she just seems so lively on the artworks.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story was well written. I learnt a lot about the world of ELendia and Aether. I also liked the fact there were still many things left to imagination (What exactly happened to the previous aethersouls - how did they turn into creatures like Gothendirk? What is the "underheaven" world like?) - especially the very end scene was inspiring and implied a lot about possible sequel.

Your opinion about the Aether gang (Aslaam, Gothendirk etc.)?
That's what true adversaries should be like. I thoroughly enjoyed battling them, that's for sure. I hope we'll learn more about their origin in a (potential) sequel.

Your opinion about the battles?
Awesome. Great skills and tough monsters. Plus excellent artworks and battle music.
Especially towards the end the battles felt very instense.

Did you like the artworks and visuals in the game?
No, I didn't like them ... I loved them! I dare to say visuals and artworks were the best of all Aldorlea games so far.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Felt very adventurous and "pirate(ish)" (I hope this is the right word).

What was your favorite moment and why?
The final dungeons and fights. I haven't seen anything as intense since Astral-Litz in LF3.
Plus I loved the Colyseum, especially because of the music.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Great story and universe - I love the concept of Aether. Plus, the game felt incredibly intensive, especially the final part.
Exploring the dungeons was very enjoyable, too. They were very skillfully crafted. And flying the ship was great, too.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
EC might not be as long as some other games, but it still felt very epic and satisfying. Overall, it felt quite a bit "laxius-like". Great game. And in some aspects, such as battles and artworks, it's even the best.
I hope it's not for the last time we had a chance to fly the Elendia Ceus...
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby clear » Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:48 am

Your opinion about Annie?
-She's just a child. She did great.Wise Decision to not joined aether puppey's side.
Your opinion about LaCaster?
-Is he a part of the game?I don't know, for something like an antagonist, he's the most lack of screen time/game time, didn't feel his presence.He isn't evil and brainless for only thinking he's lover over elendia.
Your opinion about Soleil?
-Another Child in the party.So many support spells.Overall,she's powerful.
Your opinion about Mick?
-Without him early in the game , i think i'm done for, he came at the right time to help the party in Bracoforte with his powerful light spell, as i am playing in hard mode , 75% gold cost to heal is so much unfair but worth at the end.
Your opinion about Firey Jack?
-This guy, has a great life story. His poison spell is superb especially in my most toughest fight with that serpent, takes time to kill enemy as if wouldn't for his poison spell.
Most possible death in battles ,has low phy. and magic defense.
Who is the strongest character, and why?
-Early to Mid game is Mick, he can tank, throw powerful aoe spells and with his relic weapon.Late in the game is Annie, that ailment spell to enemy helps most of my toughest battle, especially the confusion spell.
Who is the most beautiful character, and why?
-Helena and Hilda, they are my type.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the Aether gang (Aslaam, Gothendirk etc.)?
-I don't even know where they came from, they are just a bunch of animals hybrid with mask to cover their mouth when they speak.I don't even what type of species they are but they are cool for which they can talk. Overall, they are chitstains.I'm so much better than them.
Your opinion about the battles?
-The battles are great, it was tough early in the game, lost all gold just to heal the entire team with a huge deficit 75% gold , did even grind for harpies in order to buy potions and gear early in the game. All my hardwork of grinding pays off at the middle and final battle making it like fighting chickens, easy final battle, though aslaam more like beefy rather than hitting hard at the 4 protagonist. Eziest final battle i've played on your games.
Did you like the artworks and visuals in the game?
-It was awesome!
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
-Music kinda reminds me of sylia and the game's title screen feels adventurous.
What was your favorite moment and why?
-When i finally beat the game.When they talk about their past.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
-Story and Dialogue because they are pirates and it reminds me of one piece.
How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
-Great idea to be the protagonists a pirate in the game, feels adventurous from start to finish, playing the game non stop. BoL alchemy(FMA),EC pirate(OP), looking forward what's next :)
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby flavie » Mon Feb 22, 2016 8:38 pm

Your opinion about Annie?
She looks to just have some adventures but she didn’t expect to fight for a serious cause. She’s too carefree to think of having a boyfriend.
Useful skills are immaculate protection : to revive and heal and charming men. Ice blast vs fire monsters in-between worlds and tornado minion.

Your opinion about LaCaster?

He’s stupid in love to search for his wife who’s left the world of the living. He’s mad to breach the veil.

Your opinion about Soleil?
Quite discreet I’ve no opinion sorry. Useful skills: bubble gum, poison, but paralyse not so much efficient; does blood spill work?

Your opinion about Mick?
A good fighter with useful skills vs animals, cross-hands, nails-and-scratches. He’s not fond of beer contrary to Coryool.

Your opinion about Firey Jack?
He’s good-looking, looks like Sparrow but is not a clown, he’s a gentleman. He’s motivated here from his disappointment of the king. Good skills are mega-whirl, metal gun, tail of revenge might help more in long fights.

Who is the strongest character, and why?
Mick for the great attack I put on him and efficient spells (animal massacre, nails and scratches..).

Who is the most beautiful character, and why?
Annie’s artwork, otherwise I say Matilda as non-playable for her curly hair and expression. She’s a wise queen and deserves her power.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I like the idea of the breach and aether energy as the breach reminds me of “The Sword of Truth” novel series. It’s not reasonable to refuse that your lover is dead at the cost of destroying the world, the Hell?” unknown might be a threat. La Caster says we’ve been puppets, why? Did he want to use Annie as she’s an aethersoul?
Dialogs are just enough to show characters way of being and some relationships.Violet seems detached from the main quest, she looks suspicious to not feel closer to Annie’s fate…
It’s remarkable that the team is able to defeat aether gang! The epilogue is good.
What’s this scene after the credits in a hospital? The newborn Teresa is LaCaster’s wife reincarnated or does it just mean pirate skies come from the surface?

Your opinion about the Aether gang (Aslaam, Gothendirk etc.)?
Only Aslaam reminds of Annie’s rule, the others just get in the way of Annie to bring her but fail.

Your opinion about the battles?
Bracoforte was a hard time, Abismo too so for Abismo I came back to refill. The aether serpent and the 2 enthrylions were really hard until I found 1-2 relics or artifacts. I’d noticed the Arena but didn’t think of pressing enter ON it so it’s only before talking to Queen Helena that I’ve did the leagues in almost a row. It’s quite short in fights, I didn’t get the extra fight.

Did you like the artworks and visuals in the game?
Cities tilesets look so great and real we don’t look to cross lines walking among houses. During cutscenes visuals look small as the text hides it a bit.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

The menu screen artworks show well their personality: Annie determined and malicious, excitment of adventures, Firey Jack stern look but too cool with the gun on his shoulder, Violet is smiling she’s at ease with dangers.
Menu music demonstrates Annie’s curiosity going on adventures. I always like metal during big fights.

What was your favorite moment and why?
When Annie beat LaCaster with her power. The hospital was a surprise. +::O_o

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I love it happens among the clouds, the in-btw worlds, what Aether world looks like?

There are many secret rooms to find and a few mega rooms! It’s important to find some cos one (or more?) has monsters to beat for a sidequest.
The level up of skills is cool. I equipped executioner and reaper amulet to decrease monsters health. Artifacts effects small for all or bigger for one is of great help.
I liked it when I came to the guy of legends quest at Tameira with 6 done, he agreed to give me rewards, it avoids to come back after Zo. :)

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
It’s average, I‘ve found a bit more than half of the secret rooms, there aren’t many sidequests.

My score: 7/7 legends , 2/4 dragons, 7/8 artifacts, 2/5 relic,s 4/6 orbs, 31/54 SR, 3/7 MSR ~18h30
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
Read "The sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind in your language or English. Read the prequel after "the Confessor" to not be spoiled.
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby darkange » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:36 pm

Your opinion about Annie?
IN terms of purely playing with her, she is very powerful if you pump her up with a lot of inteligence. She has a lot of Hp naturally and her stats are balanced. I only needed to pump up her inteligence to be a very good damager dealer. ALso I played her on astrology and later on she gets the reviving all allies and healing spells which are very good. No more money on reviving items.
In terms of her personality I think she is a wierd girl ... I don't like the fact that she doesn't think deeply like Soleil or the fact that she is not outspoken all the time ... she keeps a lot of things for herself.

Your opinion about LaCaster?
I didn't get too much of his personality , but he is not a typical villain because he only wanted to revive his wife at the cost of all other humans. He is not bad per se , he doesn't want chaos and destruction just for the sake of it. That doesn't mean he is a good person also.

Your opinion about Soleil?
I see that a lot of people don't like her in terms of her personality , but I actually liked her style. I like how she thinks and her worries. I don't like her dumb face , but that's another story :))
She is also a good playable character considering her inteligence is also very high and she gets a lot of MP per lvl.

Your opinion about Mick?
In terms of actually playing with Mick ... I couldn't rely on him doing damage most of the time. He has a very high strength gain but I don't see the point other than using physical atacks with him. His spells still use inteligence as far as I can tell and they do little damage because he has low inteligence. I played him with non astro on my first play and the only good spells I found for bosses and critical situations were the nails and scratches, the dragon atack spell and the animal massacre.
About his personality : he is a cool dude overall.

Your opinion about Firey Jack?
My favourite character by far when it comes to his personality. Not only does he resembles Jack sparrow, but he is better with his serious deep thinking. A true leader and an optimistic . There were some moments in the game where he had some perfect lines and he was thinking exactly like I was thinking.
When it comes to purely playing him as a character with his spell, I still place Annie on the first place and then Jack after her. He started with not so good spells but he had some very good end spells . I don't know if he was astro or non astro, I only know I choose the good old gun option at his dialogue.

Who is the strongest character, and why?
I would still go with Annie. I am now on my second playthrough on non astro Annie like in the guide and she has very powerful damaging spells. She is doing most of the damage for me in aoe battles with multiple foes and boss battles. Also when i played her on astro , she has the charm spell which is very good on a lot of bosses so it is still the strongest.

Who is the most beautiful character, and why?
I don't know what you mean by that.... If we are talking about physical attraction only , I would go to Annie of course. She looks hot, I would fuck her. If we are talking about personality , of course i choose Firey Jack anytime of the day.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Very good , I liked it. I would have wanted to see more dialogs about how the character thinks and the interaction between them. Perhaps some sex scenes between Firey Jack and Annie :D

Your opinion about the Aether gang (Aslaam, Gothendirk etc.)?
They seemed like the good guys in the beggining but it turned out they were evil. Good enemies and wierd looking menacing creatures.

Your opinion about the battles?
without the guide is kind of hard to guess everytime about vulnerabilities has every enemy and you have to try a lot of spells. So I would have loved to see at least what type of element the enemy is ... some aditional info. And I hate when in games you keep using a spell and it says "MISS" when he is completely immune to that. It should say : " IMMUNE "

Did you like the artworks and visuals in the game?
Yes , they were perfect.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Very good , loved the music. I still listen to it from time to time.

What was your favorite moment and why?
I don't know if I have a favourite moment , but I think I will pick the final area and battles with aethers... those were intense and fun.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The fact that the I can see what the heroes think from time to time , the map and the overall story.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
Well I haven't played Aldorlea best game , I am new here so I no ideea , I will have to play them when I get time.
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby Gorilla4 » Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:22 pm

First, I want to say that I really like Aldorlea's games and my life wouldn't be the same without them... But I found Elendia Ceus the most frustrating game ever! I tried several time to win this one. And guide or no guide, my venture finish in the ''abismo''. I play easy each time and went in all the secret rooms, learned (I think) all the spells that I could learned. It is not easy to level up because most of the medium opponents vanishes, leaving me only in front of really tough ones! This game is visually near perfection, the music is excellent, the caracters are lovely, the story interesting. But the gameplay is way to difficult. I suggest a ''story mode'' because for me easy in this game sound like terrible. I played with many rpg games and won many battles, except for this one and few others, not many... I am desappointed because I was so excited in the beggining!
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby Indinera » Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:50 am

Gorilla4 wrote:First, I want to say that I really like Aldorlea's games and my life wouldn't be the same without them... But I found Elendia Ceus the most frustrating game ever! I tried several time to win this one. And guide or no guide, my venture finish in the ''abismo''. I play easy each time and went in all the secret rooms, learned (I think) all the spells that I could learned. It is not easy to level up because most of the medium opponents vanishes, leaving me only in front of really tough ones! This game is visually near perfection, the music is excellent, the caracters are lovely, the story interesting. But the gameplay is way to difficult. I suggest a ''story mode'' because for me easy in this game sound like terrible. I played with many rpg games and won many battles, except for this one and few others, not many... I am desappointed because I was so excited in the beggining!

I don't remember EC so well anymore tbh, but was it really all that difficult? As in, MORE than my other games? I tend to see LF in general as pretty difficult... Wondering if you didn't somehow miss "something" in EC.
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Re: Elendia Ceus Memories

Postby Gorilla4 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:28 pm

I thought I missed something too because I found the abismo terrible!!!! In fact, I played a few times with this game. I followed the strategy guide. At one point, I didn't understand how I could miss the poisoning spell; I didn't know where I could learn it. Also, I couldn't win the last battle in the arena so I didn't level up much and won stuffs. Now it was time to enter the cave of the abismo where the creatures where difficult. Had to use a lot of spells to win, too much for my own taste... Never finished LF in fact, but with the guide, it is not that hard... And you can always level up because the opponents keeps reappearing! Not in EC. The one that are evalable are discouraging... Maybe my strategy is not good in this game, but usually I accomodate ... I didn't say my last word: I will try again because it is a beautiful game that I liked untill the abismo.
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