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I saw a frame inside the house in bracoforte

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:46 am
by clear
I've been wondering who else knows about Baphomet because there's one in the house of Bracoforte in a frame and for those people who don't know it, It is somewhat a head of a goat with human body and raising his ugly hand with a punk sign.People worship him especially the Illuminati, i am not a member but i think Indy is one, out of all things to be framed out why the God of Illuminati? +::fear

Re: I saw a frame inside the house in bracoforte

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:03 am
by D-Squall
LOL I don't think Indy is a member of illuminati. This kind of stuff is common everywhere doesn't mean that everyone who has them or use them are a member of this cult, it's just a common RPGXP resource that Indy probably used at someone's house who is evil.

Re: I saw a frame inside the house in bracoforte

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:45 am
by clear
Oh well, I think everyone knows what Illuminati is, but using it in this game is somewhat strange stating the fact that its the first time I've seen this stuff in all of his games which I've played.To my perspective it is uncommon to used this stuff in RPGXP game.It is true to used that stuff at someone's house who is evil but why with that stuff. +::wizard +::wizard +::wizard

Re: I saw a frame inside the house in bracoforte

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:45 am
by Kes
True. Just because something is used doesn't mean that the developer has any special affinity with it. We use resources which we think fit the context that we are mapping, and if something like that seems appropriate it will be used.

Re: I saw a frame inside the house in bracoforte

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:27 am
by Indinera
D-Squall wrote:LOL I don't think Indy is a member of illuminati. This kind of stuff is common everywhere doesn't mean that everyone who has them or use them are a member of this cult, it's just a common RPGXP resource that Indy probably used at someone's house who is evil.

Yeah lol besides in general I don't share the values of the characters in my works. You'd all be in trouble if I wanted to be the next Grand Commendanter. +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin