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PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 10:24 am
by academus2
Hello everyone!

I am playing FoH to prepare myself mentally for LS

I just finished with Brutus party. With the help of the official guide and some topics here, I did almost everything. But there are still two problems:

1) I think not all five can reach 60 kills and all the necessary fights. Respawns don't seem to be enough. I barely reached a body count of 60 with each of the four main heroes, but Emily can't even reach 10. Is there some point I miss? Ohh, us perfectionist completionists deserve a bit more love, don't we?

2) I rescued 30 girls, including Sarah, the girl behind the tree, the girl in the fire room and even the girl underwater. There is one damn last girl I just can't find! I think I have inspected every corner, everything! Does anyone have an idea? Can anyone mention some of the most difficult rescues, in case I pick it up?

Best regards to everybody!