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Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Re: Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Postby darkange » Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:47 pm

jincyk wrote:Not done with the game yet, and I will post again when I am. (I'm outside of Saint Town now.)

There is a lot to appreciate about this game--I'm grateful for a very long game, detailed game, and I appreciate the effort that went into it.

But I have never played a game where so many choices were arbitrary and so many quests impossible. Of course it has
replay value, but so does any solid game. The problem is that even on replay (I've restarted 3 times), it's way too easy to miss something important. Sometimes the order in which you must do things or the choices you must make are reasonable (click on stuff, pay attention to what people say, be kind, etc.), but sometimes it's just random. The only way to achieve completeness would be to keep meticulous notes, and for me, the keeping of meticulous notes is not enjoyable. It's work, not play. I hope that at some point a new guide will emerge, one in which the triggering and completion of quests are spelled out (in an appendix, so that the player can choose not to look at these spoilers, or to look only as a last resort).

And again, there's much to like about this game. It's just not as much fun (for me anyway) as it could be. My two cents.

it's close to impossible to finish all 54 sidequest ... get all secret rooms... find all relics and finish everything else perfectly at the same time - there are also some bugs to prevent that too - so you should stop restarting in my opinion cause it won't be possible to do everything on the current state of the game. You will get close to finishing everything - like 95% ... but not 100%
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Re: Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 10, 2020 8:15 pm

so you should stop restarting in my opinion cause it won't be possible to do everything on the current state of the game.

Hmmm maybe it is possible now... I think I've removed all reported glitches, anyway.
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Re: Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Postby ZuluKat » Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:11 pm

Your opinion about Caius?
Stuck on himself yet still having good goals even when he's sidetracked. Loved his skills! Although I was thinking his Scale
skill could've been stronger at level 12 against the Saurus and other reptile family.
Your opinion about Marlyn?
She's a succubus, who trusts a Succubus? But liked her in the end and did help in the beginning even if it was to meet her personal agenda. But you could see she was actually falling for our nimrod hero. Also loved the Devour skill much more than the Kiss of Death.
Your opinion about Busho?
Loved Busho the best his attitude was honest, authentic and more like Random as he was so straight to the point. A little depressing in the end with his demise. Would've rather seen Caius dying...oops, just my honest opinion. I thought Busho's skills could've been more Idk maybe more eastern based than they were? His sword style and attitude were more elegant compared to Caius' "knock em block em robot" attitude.
Your opinion about Genevieve?
Sweet, innocent and brainy. Although super over conscious about herself. But she reminded me of the inside the mirror in LF series where everyone's frailties and insecurities were shown.
Your opinion about Lilith?
I liked the "hero" image she portrayed, stalwart, honest with a little overbearance since she was/is a guardian of the Elven Woods. It fit her well.
Your opinion about Penelope?
Young, wise, yet willing to see change in her heroes which is the makings of a good sage. She obviously likes blondes lol
Any opinion about the 2 optional characters (if you found them)?
Only found Nyx so don't know if that's one of the two, so will have to update later on that.
Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Strongest Caius by far with Megadeath and Gademeon (which kept reminding me of Addams Family for some reason guess it was a sound alike thingy).
Who's more handsome, Caius or Busho?
What defines handsome? Honesty, being real or loyalty...looks don't matter but I will say Busho...I'm not crazy about blondes...just my opinion. lol
Who's the prettiest, Marlyn, Genevieve, Lilith or Penelope?
They each have their own aura of beauty. I'd go with Lilith. Marlyn is too mischieveous, Genevieve too insecure, Penelope too young looking.
Who hits harder, Caius or Random (Laxius Force)?
Caius with his skills hitting at 10,000+ but Random's when he is protecting Sarah are pretty awesome too.
Who is wiser, Penelope or Luciana (Laxius Force)?
Considering they're both still young comparatively I'd have to say Luciana.
What age do you think is Penelope?
Late 20's? But could be older since she most likely is hiding behind a younger version of herself. After all the Sage has been around for a lonnnnng time.
What's the best place to live, Fay (1st village), Deckersville (port town), Canacopra (Island village), Elven Village, Saint Town or Master Z' bunker?
I don't like heat or extreme cold...Fay is a little too confining with everyone knowing everyone lol so I'll go the Elven Village as it has an enchanting atmosphere for the characters and for some reason the millipeuves remind me of 3 Stars of Destiny and LF. Oh, and Master Z's bunker is fine if you're a complete techy type but no trees.
Did you purchase the plant in Hermit Island village and if so, did you like it?
Yes, purchase was well worth it I thought although I would've liked it to produce agility buffs... +::biggrin
Your opinion about the story?
I loved the story. I actually wanted to BIP Caius numerous times for his idiocy. But in the end all the characters that I encountered were memorable, respectable and noteworthy for an Indinera game. I really liked running into the heroes (which I kind of thought was also a promotion for other Indy games created lmao...which for those that haven't yet played all of your games would be overjoyed to play them. Which in itself on this site is almost impossible since we've all played them all +::biggrin )
Your opinion about the graphics and sounds?
Impeccable as always! Graphics of characters and sprites (really liked the development of the enemies and their originality. Mapping was gorgeous also.
Your opinion about the gameplay?
By gameplay if it means the modes of difficulty, I haven't played them all. If we're talking about MV maker it runs slower than other RPG makers at least on my laptop. And I'm not crazy about the slow play until I get a new laptop...
What was your favorite moment and why?
Hmmm...I really liked Busho reprimanding Caius...must be a sadist quality of mine. But actually, loved the Tournament and I find it hard to actually say which I favored more as the game endeared one to like several moments that happened.
Lilith at the end respecting and hmmm...falling for Busho would be at top I think. Oh, and Lilith's comments later on about Busho and Caius.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Well, good over evil always prevails although for once I'd like to see evil do a flip and in the end realize their wrongs to make right as Marlyn did, but with the supreme evil instead. So, Penelope, Busho, Caius, Lilith and Nyx (whom I really loved her character. Our little witch Genivieve was quite good even if a little ditzy, thought she could've been more powerful.
Favorite and hardest dungeons?
Ice area was the hardest at first, then the Busho/Nyx battle. I leveled up skills and went through a lot of tonics to level the skills to almost level 12 on most. The regeneration drove me crazy on that battle. But it was exhilarating to say the least.
Favorite and hardest sidequests?
Since I missed a lot of side quests cannot give a proper answer at this time and will update that in the future after replaying a few more times.
Most dangerous enemy?
Any that regenerate!
Who did you send to the Evil Shrine at the end?
Penelope, Caius and Marlyn.
What did you think of the ending?
I didn't like Busho dying!!! But the ending created openings for more in the "hopeful" series? Ok, you had Wendala come back from the dead...I'd like to see Busho come back...just a thought. Everything seemed up-ended, I didn't get a closure feeling so seeing it like this just leaves a lot of room for thought on continuing the story.
How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt etc)?
Another "hmmm..." LF/Millennium are hard to beat...TBOL another great feat along w/WH the character development is there along with story line "if" FH continues. The hidden rooms, side quests is right up there to keep it in the top. Caius, I think needs more depth to compare to Random. More true hero development, imo. I really loved the Random/Sarah/Wendala side quest. Although Caius comparing himself to Random was funny in a ludicrous way still lol when I think about that. Each of these games are epic including FH and they all have their own special moments. So it is difficult for me to compare because it seems the zone of creation is distinctly different on each game. Whatever epiphanies you had on creating each game are separate and distinct on each game.
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Re: Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Postby ZuluKat » Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:40 pm

On a side note of remembering how Penelope at the end called Rayanne an old friend, remembered that when seeing the Rayanne Penelope has got to be really old. +::biggrin
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Re: Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Postby feyone2 » Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:11 am

Your opinion about Caius?
A rather immature young man given to bragging which he ultimately lives up to.

Your opinion about Marlyn?
Exactly what she is, a suductress who is suduced by her master. Very cute though!

Your opinion about Busho?
A good solid friend who is blunt but caring.

Your opinion about Genevieve?
A bit of a dizzy girl with a poor body imagine but a lovely nature. A bit naive.

Your opinion about Lilith?
A very sexy girl, very strong willed and powerful, who takes no bullshit from anyone

Your opinion about Penelope?
Pretends to be girly, hiding her talents until really needed.

Any opinion about the 2 optional characters (if you found them)?
I liked these two, particularly Nyx the warrior woman. Both had strong hitting shills and spells.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
For me, I'd vote Lilith the strongest and Penelope the weakest.

Who's more handsome, Caius or Busho?
? neither of the guys characters are drawn as keenly as the girls so hard to say. I like blondes as heroes but he's a bit silly and Busho is scowling.

Who's the prettiest, Marlyn, Genevieve, Lilith or Penelope?

Who hits harder, Caius or Random (Laxius Force)?

Who is wiser, Penelope or Luciana (Laxius Force)?
Not sure

What age do you think is Penelope?

105 playing 14.

What's the best place to live, Fay (1st village), Deckersville (port town), Canacopra (Island village), Elven Village, Saint Town or Master Z' bunker?
Elven village

Did you purchase the plant in Hermit Island village and if so, did you like it?
Yes to both questions

Your opinion about the story?
I enjoyed it - particularly the 2nd play through.

Your opinion about the graphics and sounds?
Love most of the graphics - the boys could have been a bit sharper like the girls were. Don't play the sound all the time but what I did play I liked.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
Worked well.

What was your favorite moment and why?
The good ending - that's always the best.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I like the way you play different parties.

Favorite and hardest dungeons?
Ice castle - couldn't get the cold demon there as I didn't have the boosts needed.

Favorite and hardest sidequests?
Lottery ticket

Most dangerous enemy?
3 sisters were a bit of a pain.

Who did you send to the Evil Shrine at the end?
Busho and party.

What did you think of the ending?
Loved it.

How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt etc)?
Every bit as good. I've loved all of the above mentioned games.

Great fun!
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Re: Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Postby D-Squall » Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:39 am

So I finished this game yesterday and I was thinking of what I thought about the game since just like the last couple of games I played, I didn't liked at all. I guess that I should post even if I dind't enjoyed the game as well, I'm sure some people had the same issues as I had since I read comments of a few members who thought exactly the same as I did when playing, so here we go.

Your opinion about Caius?

One of the lamest characters of all Aldorlea Games, his personality was based in being praised by Marlyn and since she left the party, he became even more lame. His comments about being the best in everything is just carbon copy of Random from 3 Stars of Destiny and other characters from past games who had this same personality about being the best and over confident in everything, but when Random was like that, at least it was something new... it was like seeing Random with a different name and appearance, but with the same attitude and with much less charisma.

Your opinion about Marlyn?

Meh, didn't we had a slave in a past Aldorlea Game? She's just a clean version of Wendala with much less attitude. Wendala at least had a great personality appart from being a slave, unlike Marlyn which all she had to offer was being Caius' slave, and her interactions with Caius reminded a lot of Random and Wendala interactions, we've seen that before. I don't know if it was intentional to pay homage to Laxius Force, but it ended up being something that is not new, it may please those who haven't tried the Laxius games before, but not me. Besides, Caius bragging about having a slave is not cool.

Your opinion about Busho?

Maybe the most reasonable member of the cast, but with a weak personality who couldn't even stand up for Caius' lames jokes on him, at least he's likable, unlike most of the cast.

Your opinion about Genevieve?

Genevieve was the most likable of the cast but it enraged me with a passion that I almost quit playing the game several times. Not because of her, oh no, because of the constant jokes and bullying she suffered from party members and even some npcs about her being fat. Now seriously, I wanna know why the heck does everyone think she's fat (even herself) since her artwork clearly shows that she's not. She's not fat and everytime someone makes a statement about her being fat, it pissed me off, it was not funny and it made no sense, besides we're on 2021, making fun of someone's weight it's just not cool anymore. I'm not trying to sound as if I follow some popular trend of political correctness, it's just that every body shaming joke towards Genevieve made no sense since SHE WAS NOT FAT, and even if she was, was it really necessary to be picking on her all the time? I don't think so.

Your opinion about Lilith?

For me she was the worst character of the cast, plain rude for no reason, bad attitude and bullying everyone she met along the way, it made me think that she was just a psycho b*tch who bullied on people for no reason. I would hate to be around someone who I would have to worry about everything and anything I say, I hate to have to worry about walking on thin ice on people like her because she will have an answer on the tip of her tongue ready to put me down or demoralize me. Besides, her calling Genevieve of Geneve really bothered me, it's like she had no respect for Genevieve (which she clearly didn't), because for me forgetting the name of someone you've been close for a while or saying the name wrong even though Caius (I think) corrected once is way out of line and rude.

Your opinion about Penelope?

I would put her in the likable category, but she joins towards the end of the game, didn't had enough time to make an impression on me so I have nothing to say about her. She was just useful in battle.

Any opinion about the 2 optional characters (if you found them)?

I managed to find Nyx, but just as Penelope, she joined towards the end of the game and didn't had any time to make an impression, she's just... there, I guess.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?

Strongest: Caius, his Gandemon spell and his Mace skills were the best, sometimes the only skills that could do damage to some bosses

Weakest: Genevieve, poor girl, without knowing the enemy's elemental weakness she's basically useless. And most of her spells were weak appart of the Aquavirus which deals decent damage but not very strong and her Zombie Zero which was useful against zombies and ohter undeads.

Who's more handsome, Caius or Busho?

Don't know who's the artist, but they seem equal to me. The difference is only the hair color and the head shape.

Who's the prettiest, Marlyn, Genevieve, Lilith or Penelope?


And I guess this is the appropriate part to comment this, it is really necessary that every woman is half naked or have big assets? Are they always gotta be represented like that? Since The King's Heroes, the women artwork in Aldorlea Games were always mindless exposure of boobs and skin. Again, I'm not trying to sound as if I follow some kind of popular trend of political correctness, but the way women are represented as half naked (Marlyn, Lilith) with big assets (Genevieve) or with some kind of exposure (Penlope's boobs popping out of her cleavage) makes me think that it was made to attract male players and weirdos, just like Pristine bikini artwork in Inferno, which it was also unnecessary.

Who hits harder, Caius or Random (Laxius Force)?

Random has always been the strongest hero of all Aldorlea Games, it's hard to exist someone capable of surpassing him. In all the games he was present, he was always the strongest.

Who is wiser, Penelope or Luciana (Laxius Force)?

As Penelope didn't had much time to make an impression, I'll say Luciana. Luci had more than one game to prove she's a genius and nice person, it's unfair to compare her to Penelope. Lol

What age do you think is Penelope?


What's the best place to live, Fay (1st village), Deckersville (port town), Canacopra (Island village), Elven Village, Saint Town or Master Z' bunker?

I would say the Bunker because of the technology, other locations seems to be backwater places. I'm a guy who likes cities, but as all settlements in this game look liked villages, I prefer the bunker.

Did you purchase the plant in Hermit Island village and if so, did you like it?

I did, but as I hardly used Genevieve skill to synthesize, it was just there giving me items. lol

Your opinion about the story?

*sigh* I wish I could say it was good but I've seen this story in past Aldorlea Games, a group of heroes trying to save the world from a demon that is a about to wake up and towards the end there's a party splitting. Nothing new and nothing exciting.

Your opinion about the graphics and sounds?

Graphics: great
Sounds: horrible, the confirmation sounds in this engine is just too irritating and needlessly loud, I know that I can turn down and even turn off in the volume configurations, but it's just irritating. I don't want to have to turn off things in order to enjoy the game, I want to enjoy the full experience.

Your opinion about the gameplay?

The part where I was anxious to comment and yet I don't have good things to say: I didn't enjoyed the mechanics of this game at all. Am I talking about menus and battle systems? No, I'm talking about the rest. First of all, let me talk about what pissed me the most in this game: the quest system. The quests in this game were handled in the most crappy way as possible. Usually when I arrive in new places like towns or villages, I talk to everyone because they may offer some quests and such, but it isn't how things works in this game. Some quests are available after certain events, others are available after talking several times to the same person, others are available after you leave the screen and come back and they are very easy to miss, some are triggered by completing quests that had no link to the previous quest and that sucked hard. At Deckersville for example, there's a quest that can only be triggered after buying the tickets, but if you talk to the guy who offers the quest before buying the tickets, the quest just won't be available. The Tsinge quest for example, if you don't find its secret room on the volcano ruins, you won't be able to trigger his quest later. The missing girl in the woods, if you break the gate to save her you can't complete the cocka quest later and I was like WTF? Why things have to be so EASY TO MISS? I don't like to be forced to play the game again just to try that. I remember Indy saying once he didn't wanted to players to complete everything in the first playthrough, but WHY? What is wrong about trying to accomplish everything in the first playthrough??? It makes no sense, forcing me to play the game again to try new stuff isn't replay value, it's just annoying. Now, back to Tsinge, in order to find secret room 11, you need let him steal from you several times. First of all, why would I let him steal from me since by that point a lot of monkeys tries to do the same and losing money isn't a good thing. And worse, who would've think about let him steal and leaving the whole place just to let him steal for me again and again? In my opinion no one would figure that out without a guide. I know that Indy wants to players to help each other in the forum section, but some things wouldn't be possible if at least one of those who help have a guide.

About the world, why this urge to not let players return to already visited places? What if I didn't completed a quest back then and then I just want to come back there later to try a new solution? Ha, I can't, because when I go to the place I just can't visit again. After reaching Deckersville, you can't return to Fay, after reaching Hermit Island, you can't return do Deckersville sooner, after the volcano explodes the ruins becomes inacessible (I know that in this case the volcano exploded but it seems that the game wants you to force complete all quests available there as soon as you reach and force your brain to find a solution ASAP). Still, what bothered me the most was after getting the Flying Saucer. You get a flying machine and think: wow, I'm gonna visit so many places and then you find out you can't because you have a quest to do, so all the towns, villages, towers, castles, caves you see in the world map are just there to garnish, with the exception of a few locations. The game boasts itself of having 60 hours of gameplay, and yet I finished in 23, when you stop and think about it you spend most of the game in two places: Hermit Island and Elven Forest-Saint Mountain, so the game is not as big as it's promoted. it's just a endless backtrack over the few places you go, and I say that by having completed half of the side quests, found more than half of the secret rooms and managed to find 17 out of 20 heroes.

Battles... my God, what a nightmare. First of all let me say that I really enjoyed the side-view battle system, it was good and a breath of freash air on Aldorlea Games, since most games from the site are used to be front-view. Now to what bothered me in battles, it was difficult. On the beginning, it was alright, I could kill enemies easily and it was pleasant, a bit difficult, but pleasant, but all changed when I met the Ifrits in Karak Volcano. First of all I fought an Ifrit as a boss before entering the volcano, and I already thought he was a bit tough for that part of the game, almost everything I threw at him did little damage and he used a fire spell that damaged the whole party, but I thought it was okay since he was boss batle and is supposed to be hard... but that changed very quickly. Ifrits started to appear as normal encounters on the volcano and he always deals a lot of damage to the party before I even try to do something. First of all the escape chances are RIDICULOUS, sometimes it took me 6 to 7 tries to actually manage to escape a battle, and while trying to escape, the enemy groups on the volcano almsot murder at every battle. If you're gonna make hard and unballanced enemies at that point of the game, at least make a high escape rate. Second, the enemy party ALWAYS starts first than me, with the expection of Busho, which doesn't help much. Busho has the Rain of Hits skill, that striked the enemy party with 4 random strikes, but the problem is, it misses A LOT. The hit chance is 70% if I remember correctly, yet sometimes (and not just a few times, a lot) he misses all the attacks, I was always cursing to myself when that happens. And since he didn't had any other skill or spell that helped killing enemies before they come at me (since at almost all battles the enemies had the upper hand as I mentioned above) nothing stopped them from hitting me with their strongest spells dealing a lot of damage right at the first turn.

What was your favorite moment and why?

Finding new characters were good moments.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Music and graphics

Favorite and hardest dungeons?

Favorite: Ice Shrine
Hardest: Evil Shrine

Favorite and hardest sidequests?


Most dangerous enemy?
That regenerator demon

Who did you send to the Evil Shrine at the end?

Busho's party.

What did you think of the ending?

Nothing special, kind of lame. They just comment what happened and the credit screen appeared. Of course I got one ending, but I don't think the other is very special either.

I got the other ending later and just as I thought, nothing special. One thing I didn't understand, why was Caius so sad about Busho's death? I mean, the game portrays them as best friends but Caius didn't say one good thing about Busho the entire game, he was just mocking and making fun of him all the time, and it had no backstory before the events of the game that make me as a player, believe that Caius actually cares about Busho. Really, Caius said he will miss him, but miss what? To make fun of him and demoralize him all the time in front of everyone?
How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt etc)?
Laxius Force is the best, couldn't enjoy Forever Heroes very much.
Last edited by D-Squall on Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Postby Cassiopeia » Sun Apr 25, 2021 2:07 pm

A few words before I do the questionary.
I guess it’s pretty obvious that my memories are not the happiest ones here. For me there was way too much frustration involved in this game.
I’ve read several times on the board what great experience it was for the first players to help each other out, go through everything together and all that jazz.
I do understand that, I’ve experienced it too with other games. But this is something that can only be shared by those that play the game when it’s brand-new.
What I gather from reading many, many posts is that lots of people had their share of frustration, too. Being frustrated as a community though and share it on the forum might be a way to get over it more easily.
However, when this phase is over, what’s left is a huge load of posts, and searching for answers even contributed to my frustration a lot. There are so many posts with speculations and assumptions, often very misleading and it’s really hard to find the actual answer – if even possible.
It all boils down to the fact that, if you fully want to play the game, you need to buy the guide, which I don’t agree with. A game should be playable without.
And let’s face it – the ones who eventually provide the answers are mostly those that do have the guide, which relativizes “figuring out” things together.
Also, I’m tired of the argument that a game shouldn’t be completely finished on the first playthrough. That’s simply not true. Players have different personalities. Some might be okay focusing on the main quest on the first playthrough as suggested so vehemently, but others (and I’m most definitely not the only one) are completionists and hate leaving things behind.
Btw – people with the guide could actually complete everything right away too (and if not, then the guide isn’t worth its money) …

Now off to the questions:

Your opinion about Caius?
Horrible. When I read the intro dialog, I really considered quitting immediately. All I thought was PLEASE NOT yet another moron with a bloated ego!
Nasty characters have become a regular in Aldorlea games, and it’s really getting on my nerves. Yes, Random was quite narcistic, but I don’t remember anything and everything he said being mean and nasty. He was just a teenager, so you would expect him to be somewhat narcistic. But he did truly change throughout LF – which btw makes his behavior in cameo appearances now very implausible.
For Caius the plot required him to be that way, which became obvious later in the game, so alright. But what about Marlyn and Lilith?

Your opinion about Marlyn?
Also horrible. Towards Caius her submissiveness made me want to throw up, and towards Genevieve she was sooooo nasty without any reason at all.
And what’s this whole slave thing about? Even with Wendala I never found that credible. Marlyn could as well just have said she was gonna be Caius’s servant. But slave? Why would even the most egoistic man want a slave?

Your opinion about Busho?
Not horrible, but also not credible. Caius and Busho were constantly just rude with each other. They didn’t seem to even like each other, so it makes no sense they were friends, let alone Busho deciding to come with Caius. Why would he follow that annoying kid?
In my end, when Busho died, Caius said there would always be a part of him missing. What part? Someone to be rude to?

Your opinion about Genevieve?
Another exaggerated extreme. On the one hand she’s allegedly a renowned witch, on the other hand she doesn’t have the slightest bit of self-esteem. She lets that little pink devil bully her in the worst way without ever saying a word – other than even apologizing for nothing.
And she really got on my nerves with her constant complaints about being cold. Well, get DRESSED!

Your opinion about Lilith?
Horrible! So bossy and again rude and mean for no reason at all! And what I truly hated about her is the way she bullied Genevieve. Firstly, Genevieve is not fat (I’ve seen remarks on this on the forum, and I saw that DS said the same thing in his post below, so I’m not the only one who was upset by this), but even if she was, leave her alone! This is not funny. Nothing to joke with. I see overweight kids at school every day, and I see them suffer although some of them are the sweetest kids you could wish for.
And not even once in the entire game any of the other characters would defend her. Not even Busho, who allegedly has a crush on her.
Also, like DS said, I too got really upset about her saying Genevieve’s name wrong all the time. That’s incredibly disrespectful and humiliating. Just another bully trait.

Your opinion about Penelope?
Okay. She didn’t join the bully gang, so that’s a plus.

Any opinion about the 2 optional characters (if you found them)?
Great additions. Without them doing the shrines would have been really hard.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Strongest: Genevieve for having to endure all this nastiness and bullying and yet sticking with them.
Weakest: Marlyn for not making the right decision and keeping Caius from destroying this orb.

Who's more handsome, Caius or Busho?
I can’t really tell from a drawing. All I can say is I like Caius’s artwork slightly better.

Who's the prettiest, Marlyn, Genevieve, Lilith or Penelope?
None. Their artworks are dominated by boobs, and one looks more stupid than the other. When I got Penelope, I thought it couldn’t get more ridiculous – until I found Nyx. That actually made me laugh out loud. Her picture looks like her boobs aren’t even part of her body, but just two air balloons glued on.
I don’t get it and I don’t get it and I don’t get it. This is getting worse with every game. While there used to be that one half naked boob girl in every game, they now are all that way. WHY??? What kind of men sees women that way?
I’d really like to know how this is working. Does the artist draw pictures according to the sprites and then sells them and customers just have to take what they get, or are the pictures custom made, meaning he gets instructed to draw them that way?

Who hits harder, Caius or Random (Laxius Force)?
Depends on the weapon you put on them.

Who is wiser, Penelope or Luciana (Laxius Force)?
Luci. I didn’t find Penelope to be particularly wise.

What age do you think is Penelope?
300. They were about to celebrate her 30th ----- …. decade, I would say.

What's the best place to live, Fay (1st village), Deckersville (port town), Canacopra (Island village), Elven Village, Saint Town or Master Z's bunker?
Fay – too small, and Caius lives there.
Deckersville – probably lots of drunk sailors.
Canacopra – so much sand, heat and barely any green.
Saint Tower – too … saint. Also, too cold.
Master Z’s bunker – no daylight and fresh air.
So Elven Village it would be.

Did you purchase the plant in Hermit Island village and if so, did you like it?
I did and it produced stuff like a good plant would – and I never used a single item, lol.

Your opinion about the story?
Set up slightly different with the Caius/Marlyn plot, but other than that the same as usual. Kill the demon or the world is doomed.

Your opinion about the graphics and sounds?
Graphics were very nice. I particularly liked the Evil Shrine.
Sounds …. well, the music got turned off quite soon. I tried. I really tried. But hearing the same repetitive music again and again and again makes me crazy.
The other sounds were mostly on when I started playing because I don’t like hearing nothing at all, but that selection jingle was sooooooo annoying, I usually ended up turning the sound completely off at some point.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
• Side quests: I’ve said a lot on the forum already, so I’ll just sum it up.
In my opinion many of the quests weren’t fair at all. A quest that is set up so you miss it unless you’re either very, very lucky or you buy a guide is a bad quest. Being thorough and drawing conclusions that make sense (like trapping a bird that is INSIDE a cage) should make any quest solvable, even if it requires several steps.
Missing a lot also means missing rewards, that would be very helpful, therefore it means a much harder playing experience.
Also, a lot of backtracking and running through big areas again and again was involved (just thinking of those manticores), and that gets very tiring at some point.
• Fights: They were too long from the start. There’s so much to explore, and those endless fights slow things down so much. However, I got used to the way things were – until I came to the volcano. From that point on it became annoying. There were those Ifrits. I fought one as a boss, and then they were regular encounters? It took forever to take them down. Same for the Gazolick at the bunker, and even together with those Evol bats (that were quite hard to deal with on their own). I had no spell or skill that really worked well against them. The beats book said they are weak to Ice. Nice, when I don’t have a single weapon or spell/skill with that attribute.
I played on Normal mode, and when choosing this I don’t expect things to be that hard. Normal mode is no longer what it used to be.
And I couldn’t even get out of the fights because the Escape rate was simply ridiculous. If you put such hard enemies in a place, give me at least a fair chance to escape!
• Battle system: I liked it. I do like the skill/spell thing a lot. At first gaining TP is hard, but later there are the Tonic Herbs that give TP, so that’s good. I also liked being able to see the order of action. Though there’s one thing that I didn’t understand and like. Sometimes the monster’s turn would have been after one or two of my characters, but suddenly it would take action anyway. Why?
Also, sometimes it was my character’s turn, but when I chose a spell (like Caius’s Gadameon), he would not cast it right away, as though he needed time to charge or something. That was annoying because had he cast it immediately, he would have killed the monster, but since he didn’t, the monster could deal more damage until my “hero” was finally ready.
I liked the sideview battles with animated sprites. The monsters were mostly just “pumping”, but the characters taking action is cute. And also the little details, like them changing their weapon depending on what they have equipped.
What I definitely didn’t like was that, especially earlier in the game, most monsters were faster than almost all of my characters. So in every fight I just could watch them take damage at first. Even zombies were faster than me, and that really doesn’t make any sense.
• Menus: As I said on the forum, the endless clicking to get to the menus was tedious, especially for equipping my characters. Often when I got a new piece of equipment, I wouldn’t even know what it was. So I always had to get into every single menu to see if it’s a weapon, an armor, a ring – whatever. And sometimes even more than once, because not every character can equip everything.
The idea of the beast book is really cool. I would look up the monsters to see if they could drop anything, and then I would kill them until I found out what their drops are. I also used to look up their weaknesses. However, the menu screen put annoying limitations on that because you can only see 5 lines. I don’t know how many times I couldn’t see their actual weakness, so it ended up being only partly useful.
• Equipment: I liked that not only the weapon itself could give status ailments, but also some other equipment, so even if there was no weapon for a character that, say, could make the enemy bleed, together with another piece of equipment it was still achievable.
What I found confusing though were the descriptions. I was often not sure if it meant that a piece of equipment would give something or prevent from it.
What annoyed me was the countless pieces that I found that no one could equip. Same in shops. I miss the shops from older games where I have choices to pick from and buy what I think is best for my playstyle.
• Skills/spells: Generally I liked the idea of levelling them up, but I quickly realized that it was impossible to level them all. So many remained unused because I focused on those that worked best on a variety of monsters and tried to level those up.
In the end I wonder though what difference it actually made. Yes, they became “cheaper”, but other than that I could never see much difference in the description. Like the epic Mace of Megadeth. It was always ATK x8 – DEF. Yes, it more than halved its cost, but other than that, did it make a difference?

What was your favorite moment and why?
There were two, though the first one was followed by great disappointment. It was getting the flying saucer. That was a WOOHOOOO feeling – only to find out that I couldn’t visit anything. Also, the world map being a loop is extremely confusing.
The second one was finding out that the monsters on that one little island dropped Twin Rings. I got one for each of my characters that I wanted one for. That sure made a difference!

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Firstly, the game is incredibly full of details. A lot of work went into those screens for sure. Like so many notes on walls to read, the Elven Forest with all the plants to pick with Lilith’s spell and stuff like that.
Then the battle system. As I said before, I really liked it.
The beast book was a great asset with some downsides, as mentioned before.
And I really liked getting enough restoratives. There were drops from beasts and they could also be purchased. Especially the MP and TP ones. MP restoratives tend to be rare in many games, which I hate, because on the one hand you need to use spells to get along, on the other hand you can’t restore MP unless you go rest all the time (if there’s even an opportunity). And being able to refuel TP easily was a tremendous help too.

Favorite and hardest dungeons?
Favorite: Ice Shrine and Evil Shrine. I saw that people said the Evil Shrine was hard, but I have to say, the two shrines were finally the way I wish fights would have been throughout the game. I had the optional characters, which certainly made a huge difference, but with them all being well levelled and having good equipment, those were really enjoyable dungeons for me.
Hardest: Volcano (first time) and bunker where those really hard monsters were.

Favorite and hardest sidequests?
Favorite: Hi-tech glasses. That was creative and new. The only stupid thing about it was the part with the SR in Genevieve’s hut. Like she’d forget how to move her own chair …
Hardest: Hard is the wrong word. Many quests weren’t hard, but unfair, as I stated before. I particularly disliked the ones that required boosts. Basically the idea is good, but the kind of boost needed often doesn’t make sense (like why do you need AGI to explain a joke), and trying things out was boring for me. Plus, never knowing if you needed a special boost later in the game because they are so rare. Another Why?

Most dangerous enemy?
Dangerous, I don’t know. The hardest to kill for me was that bat robot at Master Z’s office.

Who did you send to the Evil Shrine at the end?

What did you think of the ending?
There were so many bosses throughout the game, and some were really tough. Many weren’t susceptible to any status ailments, some hardly took any damage and restored almost as much as I hurt them.
I expected the final battle to be long and hard. Well, turns out that taking that demon down didn’t take much longer than an Ifrit or a Gazolick. It was stunned most of the time, took quite some damage and all it ever summoned was cute little zombies that weren’t dangerous at all.
When the fight came to and end, I thought, now something else will come. Maybe it changes its shape and comes back. Or the sisters appear again. But nothing! I wiped it out just like that!
I don’t know, maybe the reason was that not everyone might have the optional characters or the best equipment from quests and SR’s, and while some other, much harder bosses were optional, this one wasn’t. I don’t know, but for me this battle was too easy (and everyone knows that I’m not a hardcore player who likes to be at the edge of dying all the time).
The final dialogs were nice. Eventually some kindness and compassion, but I’m sure if they had cameo appearances in other games, they’d probably be just as nasty and rude again.

How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt etc)?
I prefer the new battle style, but in the old games I prefer what “Normal mode” was like. That has changed a lot. It’s much harder now. Therefore, the whole playing experience has completely changed.
What I also really miss is weapons from back then. Yes, weapons still improve throughout the game. But I loved getting that special wow-effect weapon that would wipe hard monsters out. Or the really expensive one that I’m willing to go grind for so I can afford it.
What has changed most are the personalities of characters. I’m really, really tired of rudeness and bullying. What about kindness? Why not a hero with a big heart from the start?
Then all this humiliation of women. I can’t remember a single male character in any of the games that I played that would have been depicted in a similar way.
There’s this line at one place. An NPC says, she likes doing what she does best, which happens to be cleaning. And I think Caius says, “She’d make a good wife.” What the ***?
A person like him might make such a remark, but none of the others says anything? Really?
The game announcement warns of “mature dialogues” and “revealing outfits”. I’m sorry, but none if this is mature. Quite the contrary, it more suits a 16-year-old boy’s dreams. Those things are indeed very immature and also very superficial. I wish we were to get more characters with depths and a real personality again.

I didn’t expect this to become THAT long, so if anyone bothered reading to the end, there’s only one more thing left for me to say.
People perceive things differently, and I expect my criticism to be at least acknowledged. Opinions don’t have to be shared; we are all different. But I get the impression (like I did in the past) that everything I say is being blocked off.
You don’t know how many people out there, that never post a word, perceive things similarly as I did and never come back for another game.
Of course it’s nicer to read the praise after putting a lot of work into a project. But getting to see things through different eyes might be beneficial, too.
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Re: Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Postby krysh_cz » Tue May 30, 2023 1:28 pm

Your opinion about Caius?
Very fun "hero in the making", his clueless and naive personality made it that more entertaining

Your opinion about Marlyn?
I knew from the start she seemed too good to be true and Busho was right to be skeptical of her. I have to replay the second ending because I felt a little bad for her being left to rot in a cell because she did seem to have regrets. Fun character overall, mainly her interactions with Caius.

Your opinion about Busho?
The smart and level headed of the group, my favourite.

Your opinion about Genevieve?
A nice character but I wish we saw some character progression and she stood up for herself more.

Your opinion about Lilith?
Very nice design! But horrible arrogant person, her mockery and fatshaming of Genevieve were a bit too much but became better later in the game.

Your opinion about Penelope?
She had a certain nice enigma about her. How old is she?? I wish Caius asked.

Any opinion about the 2 optional characters (if you found them)?
They were both great, I liked Audrey a lot, wish we had more time with both of them.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Tough question, I feel like all characters had some nice strengths but weaknesses too. Felt nicely balanced and everyone brought something different to a table. But if I had to pick, probably Caius with his double hit and mace of megadeth. Weakest would be Marlyn except for her expensive chomp skill.

Who's more handsome, Caius or Busho?

Who's the prettiest, Marlyn, Genevieve, Lilith or Penelope?
Lilith, if we ignore her personality. And Audrey. Marlyn was hot too. Well, all of them were.

Who hits harder, Caius or Random (Laxius Force)?

Who is wiser, Penelope or Luciana (Laxius Force)?
Luciana, smartest girls in all universes

What age do you think is Penelope?
somewhere between 13 and 300. Maybe more.

What's the best place to live, Fay (1st village), Deckersville (port town), Canacopra (Island village), Elven Village, Saint Town or Master Z' bunker?
Probably Fay, starting small towns/villages are the best.

Did you purchase the plant in Hermit Island village and if so, did you like it?
Purchased and liked getting the occasional goodies out of it. Very nice idea.

Your opinion about the story?
It hit the right spot. Not too serious even with the dangerous threat looming over the world with some fun moments. Not an epic like Laxius games but that's not a bad thing at all.

Your opinion about the graphics and sounds?
I liked it all!

Your opinion about the gameplay?
Gameplay was great, kept changing things up (locations, new characters, party split) to not get repetitive, secret rooms were fairly easy to find (which is great, I hate missing things), side quests were all fairly unique and fun, some of them quite hard and missable but felt good when it clicked and realized the solution.

What was your favorite moment and why?
The betrayal and volcano blowing up, things started to get serious. Also meeting Random and the girls and doing a quest with them.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Probably the combination of the above, balance, exploration, diverse characters.

Favorite and hardest dungeons?
Tough to pick, I guess Ice shrine for both favourite and hardest. Encounters weren't over the top but there were some tough fights and it felt rewarding

Favorite and hardest sidequests?
Favourite was probably catching the cocka because it felt good figuring it out. Hardest definitely the lottery ticket, I would never figure it out without the help of others.

Most dangerous enemy?
Forgot the name but the robot in Master Z's place for sure.

Who did you send to the Evil Shrine at the end?
Hardest decision and took a couple of reloads but eventually I went with Busho to Evil Shrine, Caius to Ice Shrine. Felt like the game wanted me to do opposite considering the different weapons I kept finding.

What did you think of the ending?
All things ended well, world was saved, party celebrated. Good times. Except poor Caius missing Marlyn. I will have to replay for the second ending.

How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt etc)?
Laxius on a smaller scale which I loved. Lighthearted and fun with a good story. Overall lots of similarities in the story, characters and the gameplay systems. Very good game overall!
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Re: Forever Heroes ~ Player's Memories ♪♥

Postby Seraphus » Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:50 pm

Your opinion about Caius?

-> A nice spin on Random's whole "I'm a superhero let's gogogo" trope.

Your opinion about Marlyn?

-> not sure tbh. Kinda bland? Maybe? Like, I kind of expected there to be more to her.

Your opinion about Busho?

-> Generic hero sidekick. I liked him though. Except his living place. lol.

Your opinion about Genevieve?

-> Poor Gene always getting bullied :(

Your opinion about Lilith?

-> Favorite design

Your opinion about Penelope?

-> She's ok

Any opinion about the 2 optional characters (if you found them)?

-> Likewise, kinda expected there to be a biiiiit more to them.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?

-> Whoever has gravibomb

Who's more handsome, Caius or Busho?

-> Caius

Who's the prettiest, Marlyn, Genevieve, Lilith or Penelope?

-> Lillith

Who hits harder, Caius or Random (Laxius Force)?

-> Random.

Who is wiser, Penelope or Luciana (Laxius Force)?

-> Luciana, wisdom =/= knowledge.

What age do you think is Penelope?

-> 32

What's the best place to live, Fay (1st village), Deckersville (port town), Canacopra (Island village), Elven Village, Saint Town or Master Z' bunker?

-> Deckersville.

Did you purchase the plant in Hermit Island village and if so, did you like it?

-> It was a nice bonus.

Your opinion about the story?

-> I kinda expected there to be more with regards to the party split, or like, more "after" the ice shrine. But it was a nice enough story.

Your opinion about the graphics and sounds?

-> +1

Your opinion about the gameplay?

-> Battle speed 4 ftw ty

What was your favorite moment and why?

-> Hard to say. Killing the Ice Crystal God without Nyx was neat lol.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

-> Smooth combat.

Favorite and hardest dungeons?

-> Favorite would probably be the first forest. It was nice and simple, but elegant.

Favorite and hardest sidequests?

-> The lottery - once you know.

Most dangerous enemy?

-> Ice Crystal God

Who did you send to the Evil Shrine at the end?

-> Caius and Penelope

What did you think of the ending?

-> Kinda expected there to be more, but it was touching.

How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt etc)?

-> No comment. I don't like comparing. +::heart
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