Laxius Soul Vortex Maiden Maiden Odessa When the Light Dies



Postby Indinera » Mon Apr 17, 2023 6:26 am

It has came to my attention that some people were able to finish the game. So here goes!

NB: this contains a lot of spoilers, so it's advised not to read before you've completed the game, or read only if you don't mind spoilers.

Done with the game? If you've got 10 mins, please fill this funny questionary about Laxius Soul, the latest release of the outstanding Laxius Saga!
Just copy the questions and answer below them! :)
There are a lot of them, but it's only the by-product of a much longer and bigger game than usual! +::music


Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending.


* What was your ending score?
* Your opinion about Random?
* Your opinion about Sarah?
* Your opinion about Luciana?
* Your opinion about Wendala?
* Your opinion about Sandy?
* Your opinion about Coryool?
* Your opinion about Baretta?
* Your opinion about Nash?
* Your opinion about Yveen?
* Your opinion about Zelina?
* Your opinion about Louthros?
* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?
* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?
* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?
* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?
* Your opinion about the characters' artworks?
* Your opinion about the story?
* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?
* Your opinion about the gameplay?
* Your opinion about the "horror" elements?
* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why?
* What was your favorite chapter, and why?
* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
* Favorite and hardest dungeons?
* Favorite and hardest sidequests?
* Favorite and hardest bosses?
* Favorite Guild?
* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?
* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?
* Any character(s) that you missed a lot?
* Did you like Mimics?
* Did you like the Piso King?
* Did you like the Dreams (if any)?
* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?
* What did you think of the ending?
* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?
* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?
• Play my latest games! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Postby Malrist » Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:55 am

* Your opinion about Random? Has not changed too much singled minded in terms of only really caring about Sarah/Luci. Didnt really have an epic moment like in past.

* Your opinion about Sarah? Was pretty much crazy the whole game. Before going crazy she only bickered with Wendie. Hard to judge her based off this.

* Your opinion about Luciana? I like Luci in this game as usual the one with the brains thinking ahead. Wasn't too much like in LF series.

* Your opinion about Wendala? Wendie relapses into being too much of a slave - breaking free like in the past. Wish we would move past that. Would almost like if Random was more interested in her. I guess I don't enjoy Sarah too much though

* Your opinion about Sandy? She was well done. Had character growth across the story. Probably the best written character and development overall.

* Your opinion about Coryool? Doesnt say much. I've been meh with him for a long time. Enjoyed him only in LP1 & LP3. I don't feel her adds much not even humour wise anymore.

* Your opinion about Baretta? Not much to say about her don't like using her too much but has a nice play in the story as the tech person

* Your opinion about Nash? Always loved nash. I think the eating jokes where a bit over the top (occurences) but still funny

* Your opinion about Yveen? Uff. Ending was brutal but i liked the twist it provided.

* Your opinion about Zelina? Not sure feel like she half loves / hat
es random but i felt wasn't really a necessary character. Replaced Luci being too much of a know it all in LF3
* Your opinion about Louthros? Stole Wendie for Random (I know those two probably won't get together but hey we can dream). Basically more evil version of Random's character. I'm glad with the ending on his character but he was ok for the game.

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing? Since game launched with Random for me he will always be the soul of the series.

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest? Wendie in general is the strongest - reduces counters - aoe heal/revive. Basically by far the best kit even when others get laxius skills

* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)? Doesn't matter to me but obviously Random

* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina? Wendie/Baretta/Yveen. But Wendie is my second favourite character

* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal? Yveen getting her dominion spell

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks? Much better loved them

* Your opinion about the story? Good overall. I like its not a super happy series and its difficult to predict what will happen. I got the dark version of the story im hoping for a more lighter ending

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere? Really good sometimes the screens are quite misty and hard to see. When trying to find everything this can be a problem

* Your opinion about the gameplay? Good still too easy even on hardest difficulty. I was killing legendary bosses in 2-3 rounds when you are super strong. Only hard fights were - death mimic (early on) & the 2 big bosses order/yveen shrine

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements? Had a nice play. Ok with this being a small segment of the game. Glad when it ended also

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why? The only real twists where Wendie / Coyrool taking out Luxthrous & the ending. The rest were not real twists in my opinion. Both these were good

* What was your favorite chapter, and why? Last one as least predictable

* What's the game's best/strongest sides? Exploration again you find alot by searching alot. There didnt seem to be many areas where you go through a section of the screen to find a chest in this game (only one instance i believe and in a secret room) More of this would be interesting

* Favorite and hardest dungeons? Hard to tell i think i just overlevelled in most areas. Probably hardest one is when you initally get luxthrous as the skills are quite poor at first.

* Favorite and hardest sidequests? Hardest was the wild cats I actually had to rng luck this one to not get stunned locked to death. Don't currently have a favorite but i havent done them all

* Favorite and hardest bosses? As about the 2 ending bosses. I enjoy a challenge these are the only two that required me use of items

* Favorite Guild? None all ok

* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)? Order/Luxthrous/Yveen i think you mean?

* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback? Cant think of anything currently

* Any character(s) that you missed a lot? Guandia for sure

* Did you like Mimics? Yes added challege

* Did you like the Piso King? Yes added challege was nice to beat it early although it was very rng based

* Did you like the Dreams (if any)? Missed this oops

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works? Its alot of walking around to get around this area. Since you need to check this alot its easy to miss something here

* What did you think of the ending? Ufff just ufff.

* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)? I think the ending is better then LF even with the dark ending.

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy? Yes really hope to see a conclusion to this story.

I may update more in future but thought i would leave something for now.
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Postby Seraphus » Wed Apr 26, 2023 10:01 pm

* What was your ending score?

I have no clue. The game didn't tell me :x

* Your opinion about Random?
Random acts a bit dumb this time around. His laser focus business was a bit eh, but towards the end he went back to being the Random I love. Luciana was the MC anyways.

* Your opinion about Sarah?
Design 200/200.

* Your opinion about Luciana?
She's adapted nicely to being a queen.

* Your opinion about Wendala?
You know what my opinion on Wendala is.

* Your opinion about Sandy?
I always did wonder just how badly dying affects you. There we have it.

* Your opinion about Coryool?

* Your opinion about Baretta?

* Your opinion about Nash?

* Your opinion about Yveen?
With the ending I got? Well...

* Your opinion about Zelina?
She was kind of useless.

* Your opinion about Louthros?
I really, really hate him.

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?
Probably Sandy.

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Random. Because Eye of the Beast + Apocalypsia + Mimic crown + Zen utopist is utterly insane.

* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?
Louthros. Regrettably.

* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?
Sarah. Sarah. Sarah.

* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks?
I love them.

* Your opinion about the story?
I am confused.

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?
Amazing. I loved it.

* Your opinion about the gameplay?
Amazing, I loved this too.

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements?
Had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why?
Sarah in the outpost. Because... I mean... come on.

* What was your favorite chapter, and why?
Not sure.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I really despise Louthros. I really really despise him
I loved everything else.

* Favorite and hardest dungeons?
Hardest? As if a single dungeon was hard.

* Favorite and hardest sidequests?
Eh........ Figuring out the ghost's name, maybe?
As for favorite... hm... The iron manor.

* Favorite and hardest bosses?
The only hard one on in the game was the armor immune to anything but Laxius, so, that one. Piso king was ok.

* Favorite Guild?
God Slayers.

* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?
I'd assume Louthros', The Order, and Coryool.

* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?
Nash, as a whole.

* Any character(s) that you missed a lot?
Cindy, Brussian.

* Did you like Mimics?
Yes. Torture is my thing.

* Did you like the Piso King?
Yes. Though I never killed him fully?

* Did you like the Dreams (if any)?

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?
Baretta is a cutie, she did great.

* What did you think of the ending?
Either mine was bugged or I fucked up a lot of things. idfk.

* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?
I don't like comparing games.

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?
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Postby Gaor » Fri May 05, 2023 7:32 pm

* What was your ending score?
I dont'know. I didn't see any silver wolf, golden cockatrice or the like, like in LP1, but I guess my 1st playthrough would be low (I've already started a second one, with minimaxing in mind, and the difference is huge (lava wall before having Zelinda in the party)).

* Your opinion about Random?
Kind of mixed on him, but not in the bad way. In LP, he was brash, courageous and both silly and funny at the same time. During LF, he was still courageous, silly and funnny, but less brash to me, showing maturity. Now, he is more calculated. I don't know if it will show a more adult side, but I will wait before judging him. So far, it seems like a correct and plausible character evolution.

* Your opinion about Sarah?
Still the same silly, a bit pesky, and also adorable character as ever. One thing I didn't like about her was how she treated Wendala. Don't get me wrong : I understand why she does it. I just don't like it, and thus I like Sarah less.

* Your opinion about Luciana?
The best. That's all. Sure, she seemed more mature and adult by the end of LF3, but all things considered (like her age), she is a very mature character, mostly trying to cut shot to silly objections. I still prefered her more in LF 2 and 3 (she seemed more wise albeist capable of showing sheer power), but for the start of the trilogy, it is great, and I cannot properly convey how happy I was to start it all by controlling her.

* Your opinion about Wendala?
Still submissive ? Well, kinf of. She started as usual (likeable, but not too much, sexy clever sunning, but also cruel (sometimes needlessly)). But then, she got her laxius powers, started getting angry at her master and...... the end..... So, mixed for this opus of the trilogy, but with good hopes for the next part.

* Your opinion about Sandy?
I was never too much of a fan of Sandy. She is likeable, but I would have prefered Marion or Leona to be back. I understand why she is back and not the other though. Stille, I enjoyed her presence and how the trauma she went through was shifted, as well as how she interacted with Wendala.

* Your opinion about Coryool?
About all the characters, Coryool was one of my least favorites, and if what he said about the order is real..... I doubt I would like him much further on. Not that I dislike beers though, and I did re-use his explosive beers in some of my toptable RPG sessions.

* Your opinion about Baretta?
Always nice, always helpful, and still a fun oddity. I like she has more presence, but I never bonded enough to explore deeply all that she can bring.

* Your opinion about Nash?
Nash is Nash. Does it sums it all ? Yes. If you ask questions, are you edible ? Do your questions resist you being edible ? This sis Nash.

* Your opinion about Yveen?
Cutter than ever, more lost than ever and ..... wait what was this ending ? Did she always had laxius power ? Is that a true demon in hidding ? But she is cute..... So cute... So lovely ... Why do she keeps Wendy prisonner in a bikini by the way ? I'm asking for... scientific purposes.

* Your opinion about Zelina?
She is a nice addition. I didn't learn much about her on my first playthrough, and I hope she will be back in the next game.

* Your opinion about Louthros?
A full blown idiot, doubled by an arrogance twice the size of Coryool's life points and Luci's magic power. I do not like him much.

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?
It was Guanidia. But after him is Luciana, and Luciana is here, at the very start.

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
The strongest, in my case, was Luciana. After "a bit" of grinding, she was overlevelled, best equiped, and some bosses were laxius spells fodded. The weakest to me was Coryool, since he does not have that much presence in the game and was often in areas where ennemis were a bit strong, so I avoided levelling.

* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?
On a purely carnal aspect, Louthros. On a global aspect, Random.

* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?
Pretty, I would say Sarah or Yveen. Gorgeous ? I admit my heart swings from Zelina to Luciana?

* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?
Random, exploding in wrath, no doubt.

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks?
A bit of a change, but still nice to see. I prefer the artwork of LF, but do like LS art.

* Your opinion about the story?
Interesting. I'm wondering how many of the conflicting paths and opinions would be solved through words rather than [what happens at the ending].

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?
Music is great, although the battle music in Yveen's palace was a bit offsetting. The graphics a good, despite the fact that my laptop has "troubles" running some parts of the game. Atmosphere is great !

* Your opinion about the gameplay?
The battle system is a bit less clear, but I haven't explored it too much, so I'm not sure if I find it better, worse or similar?

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements?
Keep doing it !

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why?
I saw the Sarah's family quite in advance, so I would say Coryool's opinion on his work with the order. Not because I liked hearing it, but because it was unforeseen to me.

* What was your favorite chapter, and why?
I cannot distinguish between favorite chapters.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Characters, character development, red herrings, artwork,opportunities for the rest of the trilogy.

* Favorite and hardest dungeons?
I haven't done a lot of anex quests, so I think I'm missing a few dungeons, but I did enjoy defeating the order, and the ancient thron fortress was a ... thorn ... to pass through.

* Favorite and hardest sidequests?
I have barely done any at all (on my first playthrough ; second one is ongoing, but not done still).

* Favorite and hardest bosses?
Favorite : The order's boss (forgot his name). Hardest : Indinera Tyrant (I was severely underlevelled).

* Favorite Guild?
I barely indulged in side quests.

* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?

* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?
Random's golden armor, no contest.

* Any character(s) that you missed a lot?
Herasia (cat's cuteness), Guanidia (humourous without being a comic relief), Brussian (serious, cursed and against the order), Xander (serious, determinded and against the order).

* Did you like Mimics?
Yes. I hated the at the same time, but I liked them nevertheless.

* Did you like the Piso King?
What happens with the piso king stays with the piso king (like my gold !).

* Did you like the Dreams (if any)?
I loved the horror elements in each of them.

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?
Baretta is a good character not only because of her battle prowesses, but also because she shapes the world around her.

* What did you think of the ending?
Totally unexpected and intriguing.

* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?
It is hard to compare a single game to a trilogy. If you go by this standard, the LF trilogy and the LP trilogy (mostly carried by LP3) are above, but the potential is here for LS.

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?
Yes, big time.
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Postby Aggeliki » Sun May 07, 2023 9:12 am

* What was your ending score? 258 total score in story mode, sr 170/201, sidequests 46/65

* Your opinion about Random? i would like him to mature more in the next episode and be more kind, not so abusive and adolescent..i loved echo-sword and laxious blade

* Your opinion about Sarah? she needs to stop being so submissive and childish, after all how can she be the supreme elf of the sun with such a character need to show her body , but her mindpower

* Your opinion about Luciana? i would love to see her with Zanbard in the next episode! she is fair and wise but hasnt shown it here , cause of the games' focus on Sarah..i can imagine her taking on legal action against slavery in the whole Deport, in order to permanently banish it from her world!!

* Your opinion about Wendala? Wendala should at last break her self free! in the next episode she and Sandy can join The Sisterhood, a women guild in Xen, and through several personal and collective missions she can find her true self and her real mission in this wolrld! i am sure there is a way for her to break the old pact with the demons that keeps her enslaved..i like her very much, she is my favourite female fighter!

* Your opinion about Sandy? She needs further character development and a purpose in life..

* Your opinion about Coryool? too many questions about him..he is employed by Baretta, he says he worked for the order, he is in and out from Louthros is a bit confusing as far as his motivation is concerned.. is he a double spy? or a rogue? or even an amoralist? let's see in the next part of the trilogy..

* Your opinion about Baretta? Baretta is my favourite character and by far the most interesting one..her dreams are literally a whole different game!..i like the fact that she is not objectifing herself like Sarah, Wendala and Sandy..she is a free person, her own will and goals, clever true and logical..the Bokden affair is very funny!

* Your opinion about Nash? i can't relate with him

* Your opinion about Yveen? in the end i was shocked!! several unanswered questions for the next part..i got the dark ending twice..i like her spells a lot, but she is presented like a hero not like a godess..

* Your opinion about Zelina? i like Zelina for the same reasons with Baretta, though she is more strict like all army officers..she was wright about Louthros, he should be punished for his deeds

* Your opinion about Louthros? very strong character and my favourite skill , the grabber! but morally i cannot sympathise with him..too sexistic, arrogant and abusive

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing? Marion,Baretta and Leandra

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest? strongest Luciana (variety of spells) and weakest Sandy (weak spells)

* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)? None of them, sorry

* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina? they are all pretty, but Baretta is my fav
* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal? Random when he burst out!

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks? the artistic part is very pretty, but i don't agree with the aesthetic (you know my opinion) of anime style naked bodies

* Your opinion about the story? there are many unanswered issues left there for the next could end after the 7th temple and the Yveen chapter could run in parallel with the main story..the main issue is that of Yveen's enslavement and its consequenses and Sarah's story is the second

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere? 10/10 all of them

* Your opinion about the gameplay? 8/10 just because of the lagging in some areas

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements? not very fond of them , but served the story well

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why? the dark end (negativelly favourite) and Baretta's comeback

* What was your favorite chapter, and why? the last much content!

* What's the game's best/strongest sides? battle system, music, sidequests, secrets, exploration, mapping, interaction

* Favorite and hardest dungeons? celestial palace favorite, hardest the thorn fortress

* Favorite and hardest sidequests? the hardest is Indinera guild 3 and my fav was the leaf bird!

* Favorite and hardest bosses? Ivanovski the hardest and the cloud bosses (!) my fav

* Favorite Guild? Archery

* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)? the order, the rogue angels in celestial palace and i would say Yveen, if Yveen is not who we think she is eventually..otherwise, Louthros as a minor threat

* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback? in the temple i kept thinging of Sariis and Magdalena..the dreams, like i LF, the missions with the girls rescuing like in LF, Baretta's MSI

* Any character(s) that you missed a lot? Marion and Brussian

* Did you like Mimics? not so much

* Did you like the Piso King? Yes

* Did you like the Dreams (if any)? i loved the dreams!

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works? i would have to replay just to focus os the MSI expansion!

* What did you think of the ending? it was a shock! need to find the lighter ending!

* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)? tecnically the game is more elaborated but it can only be compared to LP and LF, not the others..still LF1 is much more complicated than LS1

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy? of course i do!
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Postby MerryX » Mon May 08, 2023 3:15 am

Global Laxius Stats –
    Bosses 75/92 (incl. Legendary Bosses 3/6, plus Mimics 15/30)
    Relics Found 19/35
    Secret Rooms discovered 124/201
    Side Quests completed 32/65 (incl. Guild Quests 19/40)
    Items found 726
    Difficulty Mode (Normal) 0 out of 2
    Overall Score: 430
    Time: 116 hours
    Final Team: Random (85+), Yveen (84+), Luciana (82+), Louthros (81+), Coryool (96+)
Your opinion about the characters?
Overall, an interesting and fairly diverse group mostly in two teams –
    Random, Luciana, Sarah, Zelina
    Louthros, Sandy, Wendala, Coryool
with offshoots/sidekicks (Baretta, Nash, Yveen).
Did not particularly warm to Zelina. Mixing them around gave me the opportunity to try different techniques and strategies. While I’m not a huge fan of Coryool, I equipped him with the Monkey Ring and he became an invaluable strong team member.
Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?
Probably who I consider the main four – Random, Sarah, Luciana and Wendala
Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Strongest – Luciana both in personal characteristics and early on I equipped her with the Vantage Shield (R) and her skills developed amazingly!!!!
Weakest – Baretta – mostly my fault I suspect as just never able to really get my head around her skills and how to use them best. It seemed on the one hand you gained a bonus, and at the same time had to do a trade-off.
Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?
Don’t care – eye of the beholder stuff. I would probably say Louthros was the most intriguing in a “bad boy/abusive pig/possible soft spots” way.
Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?
Don’t care – eye of the beholder stuff. Again, most intriguing/interesting would be Wendala and Baretta with a sense of something more to them, even though I missed Baretta’s dreams.
Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?
I think Random but this part didn’t necessarily stand out for me.
Your opinion about the characters' artworks?
Beautiful colours and designs. I was not so fussed on the large semi-exposed breasts and nipples on some of the female characters. Not very practical or necessarily attractive (to me), and just asking for lots of “wardrobe malfunctions” in the heat of battle or being slapped in the face with the “girls” when you run around.
Your opinion about the story?
Wow!! Complex, mysterious, induced severe paranoia and suspicion of EVERYONE – and the dark ending only added to that!! What’s going to happen next…
Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?
Spectacular – with squelchy noises and blood-stained footsteps, to rustling noises and creepy laughter. I did have to tone it down as my computer could not manage the full package but absolute dynamite. Such a lot of hard work right there.
Your opinion about the gameplay?
Without the guide I would have been more lost although it was mostly linear except for the optional dungeons. At times I noticed the fact I couldn’t direct the game (free explore) as much as I would have liked – once you left certain areas there was just no going back!
Also, I may have missed it – probably did – but there was only one place I found to craft which meant I continued to gather precious ores without any way to use them. I found this puzzling.
Your opinion about the "horror" elements?
Yup, super scary and my sound went right down during these times. The standout for me was Killer Pit (Chapter 2) – so much blood and gore to the point I was starting to wonder if I’d ever get out!
What was your favourite twist/moment, and why?
Dark ending – shit, I wasn’t expecting that and can’t wait (but will have to) to find out what happens in the next LS instalment.
What was your favourite chapter, and why?
Chapter 3 – For Luci’s Heart. I think it had a bit of everything and starting to draw people together. First introduction to MSI, some cool dungeons – Ancient Conondrium, Thorn Fortress, Indi’ner’ah-Llegwanyl with first (and only) chance I found to craft, another crack at the Azan Guild Quests, Gardens of Constanctza (sooo pink), etc.
What’s the game’s best/strongest sides?
Story and game play
Favourite and hardest dungeons?
Favourite – Killer Pit (atmospheric to say the least) or MSI (constantly changing)
Least favourite – The Swamp (Wispy Moors) – missed a lot of stuff because unclear where path/s went, and Baretta first introduced and so slow to develop and skills confusing to me.
Hardest – Hall of Madness with Yveen, Baretta and Coryool. Managed to get to the end of it but got kicked out a few times and very hard to find a way to battle some seriously strong enemies with under-levelled team.
Favourite and hardest side quests?
Favourite – Ghost Town Vuurn – count the Villagers 18/17 – awesome reward – His Majesty’s Slayer
Hardest – any I didn’t either get or complete (e.g., Leaf bird, frogs in sewers). And would not have managed the Hotel ghost at all without the Forum – didn’t have a clue!
Favourite and hardest bosses?
Any Mimic (bastards)
Favourite Guild?
Possibly the God Slayers and the High Elves as able to complete all/most quests. Bombed out with the others, and didn’t even find some (e.g., Inexistence)
Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?
Not sure what you mean with this question?
Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?
Sorry – unable to say as I have not played LP/LF recently.
Any character(s) that you missed a lot?
Guardia or another animal character like Brussian.
Did you like Mimics?
Hell, no!!! You have succeeded in making me wary of treasure chests - one of my favourite things!!
Did you like the Piso King?
No – feel a bit ripped off as I thought I’d got him in the Thorn Fortress with Random’s Psycho but the dialogue said it escaped.
Did you like the Dreams (if any)?
Huh? Missed a lot of them unless they were in the main story line – especially Baretta’s.
What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?
Yup, that’s going to be the gift that keeps giving I suspect in future episodes.
What did you think of the ending?
Seriously disturbing…I got the dark one, so I’d love to know what the “lighter” ending got you!!
How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?
Honestly, I can’t really say as they are all amazing in their own way. I think probably this LS story is far more complex and layered, and also darker and edgier.
Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?
Absolutely – I hope the next LS episode is not too far away?

Indi - thank you so much for all your hard work - and also to all the team behind this game. I appreciate your care and attention to detail, the master story telling, and wonderful game play, graphics, sound and music, etc. I also am grateful you were around and available to answer questions (or not) and fix any issues in a remarkably trouble-free game.
Until next time...
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Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:16 pm
Location: Australia


Postby krysh_cz » Mon May 08, 2023 1:23 pm

* What was your ending score?
* Your opinion about Random?
He’s annoying, entitled and rude! Was he always like this? I always remembered him as the hero but it’s been ages since old Laxius games and I definitely perceive the characters differently now. He did get better towards the end though.
* Your opinion about Sarah?
Sweet stubborn Sarah. May she one day be finally able to bathe in public. Bikini forever
* Your opinion about Luciana?
She was always my favourite, nothing changed there. Voice of reason, they would all be doomed without her.
* Your opinion about Wendala?
Wendie is great, always had the best comebacks at Sarah’s insults. She really shined this time around.
* Your opinion about Sandy?
Probably weakest opinion about her from the whole group. Never really cared much for her even though she’s sweet.
* Your opinion about Coryool?
* Your opinion about Baretta?
Baretta is a sweetheart, really enjoyed her in LS even when she wasn’t particularly strong in combat. And she has some messed up dreams which I loved.
* Your opinion about Nash?
Good old Nash, not caring for anything except having some Elves for dinner.
* Your opinion about Yveen?
Her boobs are bigger than my head.
* Your opinion about Zelina?
My beloved beautiful Zelina. She could be arrogant at times, but who wouldn’t, having to deal with Random all the time! He should shut up a bit.
* Your opinion about Louthros?
Really interesting character and a great addition. Wasn’t sure whether to love him or hate him. Mostly the latter for how he treated poor Wendie but had some nice redeeming qualities like caring for others while pretending he doesn’t care.
* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?
Probably Luci.
* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Strongest character my dear Zelina because I made her into a killing machine, doing 8 attacks in a row (4-8k dmg per hit) with 2-4 extra turns. Well maybe not strongest because of OP Random but definitely most fun. Weakest character my killing machine Zelina when all her attacks are countered. Other weakest Baretta/Sandy
* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?
* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?
Zelina of course. Then Wendie > Luci > Sarah > Baretta > Yveen (they are too big) > Sandy
* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?
Wendie, finally had enough of all the crap.
* Your opinion about the characters' artworks?
I really love them, my compliments to the artist! Best artworks so far
* Your opinion about the story?
Liked it a lot, some nice and interesting twists, the separate groups (random and louthros) were great to keep things fresh. Order didn’t feel as sinister this time around. Well, the locations like shrine of zanthra did but some of the characters didn’t feel evil enough.
* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?
I really liked it all. graphics were great, especially when I started playing on my new PC. The music was really good. And the atmosphere was everything I was hoping for after all those years.
* Your opinion about the gameplay?
I really enjoyed the system of mastering and unlocking new technics, it definitely made the battles much more fun.
Finding the secret rooms was fun and the locations and dungeons were very fun to explore.
Earlier chapters were fine difficulty-wise but later on, especially after getting 5th member, the game was very easy. It felt like the enemies didn’t scale too much in the later stages of the game and almost everything was dying in one hit or before getting a turn. Most of bosses weren’t very challenging either. I played on hard difficulty (should have played Insane). But I still enjoyed it very much. Can’t wait for NG+ with harder difficulty for another playthrough.
* Your opinion about the "horror" elements?
Loved them, the quality Indy creepy craftsmanship. Chapter 1 had some of the best moments.
* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why?
First minutes when Yveen's got her brains sucked, hands down. Other than that Sarah killing Wendie at the Outpost and Luci being poisoned.
* What was your favorite chapter, and why?
Chapter 1 because of that uneasy creepy feels, Chapter 4 after the fake credits, felt like the game fully unveiled then.
* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
For me definitely the attention to detail. Like when you pick up a simple item and it’s being referred to later on. Also all the secret rooms and side quests completing.
* Favorite and hardest dungeons?
Most favourite and probably hardest Shrine of Zanthra, well crafted dungeon and challenging thanks to a new party (go Team Darkness!)
* Favorite and hardest sidequests?
Most favourite probably SQ 12 – saving the daughter. Showed Louthros’ good side. Hardest must be the leaf bird.
* Favorite and hardest bosses?
Both favourite and hardest were the 2 final bosses (Yveen’s palace and later Yveen’s mind). It was a good challenge and cool fights.
* Favorite Guild?
Maybe Archery? I don’t have a real preference. Would probably be Godslayers if I didn’t miss them!
* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?
I don’t understand the question.
* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?
All of them. For me probably all the skill/magic names and weapons. It was great and nostalgic seeing Sarah’s spells like Noxodox, Oni, Emerald Laser etc. pop up, or Random’s weapons like Metallist and Te-Andal
* Any character(s) that you missed a lot?
Guanidia and Herasia. Also places, would be great if we could revisit old places like Rillia or SankT Leona in the sequels.
* Did you like Mimics?
Yes, nice challenge. Except the first coffin mimic, that was too much haha
* Did you like the Piso King?
I love all cats so yes. Couldn’t finish his quest though.
* Did you like the Dreams (if any)?
I loved them! Had a fun, weird dreamy feel to them.
* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?
Honestly I didn’t like MSI layout much, too big and spread out with kinda bland décor. I guess I’m not a big fan of futuristic/sci-fi stuff in these games in general. Her works were great though
* What did you think of the ending?
I loved it. The whole part with saving Yveen’s palace and then her mind.
* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?
I can’t say, only other games I played were the Laxius games and to be honest I don’t remember them much, it’s been too long. I do however plan to replay them and next to try is Forever Heroes.
* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?
Yes please!

What a ride it was. Thank you for a really fun and great game Indy! I'm sure it wasn't easy putting it all together and you've done a great job. It had everything I could ask for from a good old Laxius game. Can't wait for the next one.
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:02 am


Postby blitzen13 » Mon May 08, 2023 11:53 pm

* What was your ending score? Never bothered to check.

* Your opinion about Random? He's brave and loyal, but also arrogant and I don't like the dom/sub stuff.

* Your opinion about Sarah? She's supposed to be the Elf of the Sun but she acts like a spoiled brat, and as I already mentioned elsewhere her nastiness to Wendala was way OTT. And why does she have to ask Random whether she can have a bath or not?

* Your opinion about Luciana? The voice of reason, as always. And an absolute powerhouse once you get her leveled up.

* Your opinion about Wendala? I always liked Wendala, but I wish we could move past the whole slave thing. She's smart, funny, and deserves to live her own life. Give her a real love interest in the next game.

* Your opinion about Sandy? I don't remember her too well from the previous games. She is sweet, and I liked her interactions with Wendie, but at one point she calls Louthros a "good man" and I don't see how she could actually believe that.

* Your opinion about Coryool? Still trying to fugure out whose side he is actually on. His own, I guess.

* Your opinion about Baretta? I like her a lot. I see many people saying she is weak, but if you equip her properly she has great skills.

* Your opinion about Nash? Too much focus on eating Sarah, but I did enjoy his outrage at being constantly mistaken for a dragon.

* Your opinion about Yveen? I won't say anything about the ending, but she was kind of a bitch before that, wasn't she? Unnecessarily nasty to Wendala and kind of full of herself IMO. And those horrifically huge breasts were really off-putting.

* Your opinion about Zelina? Love her. She was the only one who dared put Random in his place, and she was an excellent fighter. She also showed character development--at first she was kind of a snob and dismissed Random's party, but she came around by the end.

* Your opinion about Louthros? I feel like he needed more of a backstory. Where did he come from, why was his worldview so warped? I did NOT like his constant misogyny and berating Wendie and Sandy. He was interesting, anyway.

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing? Wendie, I guess.

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest? Strongest: Luciana probably. She has tons of useful skills. Then Zelina. Weakest: Sandy. Her skills just weren't very good, or maybe I wasn't using them properly. She seemed to get killed a lot.

* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)? Nash. +::biggrin

* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina? Wendala, although Zelina is probably more my type. And Baretta is adorable.

* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal? I don't know.

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks? Well, you already know my objections here. Overall I think the art is very good, though. I especially liked Nash/Neon, Luciana, Wendala, and Coryool. And Louthros, but I wish he was in 3-quarter face like the others. Oh, and a special shout-out to whoever created the sprites, I thought they were all terrific, especially Sandy, Louthros, and Coryool.

* Your opinion about the story? I found it a bit confusing, which is actually sort of a good thing. On the surface it's simple--kidnap Sarah and turn her into a powerful demon--but then Louthros gets involved and his motivations are his own, and what side is Coryool even on, and things get more complicated. Keeps you guessing.

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere? Overall very well done! The horror stuff isn't my personal favourite, but your team sure did put a ton of work into creating a truly creepy atmosphere in many areas. Excellent graphics, everything very detailed. If I have one slight quibble, there was too much "shaking camera" effect in some areas. I have depth perception issues and it kind of messed with me.

* Your opinion about the gameplay? I have a few niggles based on my own personal preference, but in terms of the actual game mechanics I think everything worked fine, and Indy has been on top of fixing any bugs, so that's all good. Mainly I prefer games that are not quite so linear, so that you can go back and revisit previous areas to clean up old quests, find secret areas you might have missed, ect. I hate suddenly realizing that I have gone too far and missed out on a whole guild or whatever. But that's me. And as I mentioned elsewhere, I don't like having to go through the whole rigmarole of seeing the character art and their catchphrases every time I find a secret room. That's 200 times! It's fine when they level up or kill a boss, those are actual achievements.

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements? I think I answered this above. I liked all the detail that was put into it, like graffiti on the walls and bloody footprints.

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why? My favourite moment was the moonlight conversation between Sandy and Wendala. That was really well written, and both characters showed development. It was good to see someone being nice to Wendala for a change as well.

* What was your favorite chapter, and why? Sorry, I didn't really keep track of the chapters.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides? Well, it's huge, so you definitely get your money's worth. Each area was very different and well thought-out. Lots of sidequests and secret things to find.

* Favorite and hardest dungeons? Hmm. Didn't really have a favourite. Hardest probably the Shrine of Zanthra, I know I missed some things there. Least favourite probably wandering around the swamp in the dark.

* Favorite and hardest sidequests? I missed quite a few, so I don't have a favourite yet. Hardest so far was the ghost's name. I cheated on that one.

* Favorite and hardest bosses? Which was the one immune to everything but Laxius skills? That one.

* Favorite Guild? I missed a couple of the Guilds too, so +::Dunno
* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)? I don't really get this.

* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback? Bokden, I guess.

* Any character(s) that you missed a lot? Herasia and Brussian!

* Did you like Mimics? At the beginning of the game I was severely underleveled (because i didn't find the Escape Danger button for ages due to not realizing you could scroll down the menu), so the Mimics slaughtered me every time and I didn't get any nice rewards. I just avoided them.

* Did you like the Piso King? He hammered me too, the first time around. Glad I got another crack at him!

* Did you like the Dreams (if any)? They were confusing, but added to the overall atmosphere.

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works? I thought the MSI was a bit too big and empty. I would have liked more interaction with the people there (a quest or two?).

* What did you think of the ending? I don't honestly know if I got the good or the bad ending. I really really didn't like what happened to Wendala, and I thought that final graphic was completely unnecessary. I can go on a porn site if I want to see that.

* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)? Technically, it's a masterpiece, top of the genre. You have obviously put your heart and soul into this game, and that comes through. Well done for that. But I miss the joyfulness of the earlier games, especially the Millennium series. Overall I found this game quite dark.

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy? Honestly? I don't know. I have been around a long time and bought almost every game Indinera has put on this site. But there is a streak of misogyny in this game that I found unpleasant (and I'm not talking about the art here), and I'm just not sure right now if I want to spend my money supporting that. I guess I will wait and decide when the next one comes out.
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2023 2:22 am


Postby D-Squall » Tue May 09, 2023 11:49 pm

Phew, what a ride. This is my BIG entry in the memory thread of Laxius Soul.
This is my reasonable and honest opinion about the game and its many features.

* What was your ending score?

Bosses ~ 61 Relics ~11 Secret Rooms ~ 138
Sidequests 6 ~ Items ~ 613 Difficulty ~ 0
Overall Score ~ 327

* Your opinion about Random?

Random was like... I don't know. I was shocked to see how much of an ass he was on the beginning of the game. I felt like it wasn't him, I mean, where was all the character development during the Laxius Force trilogy, especially after the events in Laxius Force 3, but all that was thrown away for unknown reasons. He was being very annoying to Wendala and to Luci after Sarah got kidnapped, while Luci was trying to calm him down he was picking on her as if it was her fault that Sarah vanished. But thank God that changed a bit later, after Sarah came back he began to start like the cocky leader he always had been, he's still not in his prime form as he was during Laxius Force 3, but it was good to see that at least he god back to being likable. And his devastating spells was there as always, the Gates of Thunder, Metallist Curse, Echo Sword and Laxius Blade were the best. I wish that in the next game of the series he would be more mature, I mean... the man is in his 20s now, I hope he begins treating Sarah and Wendala better.

* Your opinion about Sarah?

She was an airhead as always, but her constant talk about baths bothered me. I know that Sarah was never one of the brighest characters of the Laxius universe, but in this game it seems that she became even more stupid and I don't understand why. I felt like she was more mature during Laxius Force when she adviced Random to go back to civilization than she is now, and she is older. Unfortunately she was absent for most of the game, due to the focus of everyone being after her and that she is being kidnapped by like 1/4 of the game so I didn't had the chance to evolve her very much. I missed her Sun Boomer Attack, I didn't get the chance to make her learn that legendary spell that I love, let alone make her use the In Go Fileha, but her spells were very powerful, Sarah as always is a master in magic and attacks and I like that in her. Like Random, I hope she goes through more character development and start acting more serious towards her goals, to be a respectable Elf of the Sun and not be such an airhead.

* Your opinion about Luciana?

One of my favorites since Laxius Power, even though her role here were much smaller than any role she had so far on the Laxius series. The Half-Goddess and Queen of Adretana always had major role in the series, but not here and I'm not sad about it. I totally understand that this game's focus was on Sarah. But I can't lie, I miss that fierce attitude she had as a leader during Laxius Force 2 and 3. During battle she was a powerhouse, all her icocnic spells were there: Lava Wall, Magma Wall and Lord of the Dance. Not to mention all her Laxius spells, the Half-Goddess title isn't just a title when talking about Luciana. I missed her as a queen in Adretana, I hope to see that again in the future games.

* Your opinion about Wendala?

She was my favorite, always loved that she talked back to Sarah each time she made some kind of comment. I'm against women rivalry, but Sarah was treating her nastier than usual so every insult she made for Sarah was deserved. I just missed a sassy face for her portrait like in Laxius Force, which would add more to her dialogues. Who would have thought that she would have sex with Coryool, that was a surprise. A pity that she had no Laxius spells this time, and I didn't like that she was treated like shit by almost everyone. I hope to see a development where she breaks free from her slave thing. I mean, who would want to be a slave in the first place? Besides, she has pretty much free will and her personality just doesn't fit for her being bossed all the time anymore. That moment when she finally decides to betray Louthros was one of the best, I thought that maybe she would finally stop being a slave. It was joyful.

* Your opinion about Sandy?

Poor Sandy, while she was not a slave, her being submissive to Louthros bothered me a lot. She is very sweet but very weak.

* Your opinion about Coryool?

Too much Gwahahahaha and too little explanation of what's his deal. He worked for the order, then he worked for Baretta and it seemed that he was purposely let be controlled by Louthros. Not to mention he come and goes everytime, it's a mysterious man with little explanation. Character wise I didn't enjoyed very much, I think that the Gwahaha and Beer jokes weren't funny and very over the top all the time, even when they were trying to explain something serious or address a serious matter. He kept his secrets so he added very little to the story.

* Your opinion about Baretta?

Maybe the most surprising comeback. It has been years since she was playable, she was always seen as the artfact creator but now she runs a whole Modern Sciences Institute in the middle of the Inidnera Woods. Her dreams were mysterious, she always considered herself weak but plot wise, she was very important to decide the next steps of the party. But she was pretty much useless in battle.

* Your opinion about Nash?

Nash is the same drukk as always. Didn't changed one bit, always the same arrogant Drukk who think he's better than everything and everyone and has a beef with Sarah, always trying to eat her but always stopped by some events or by others.

* Your opinion about Yveen?

The Goddess of Life was so defenseless for most of the game. She was stuck in the Hall of Madness and she seemed so weak to fall for such a trick. I'm not saying tha Louthros is weak, but c'mon she's a Goddess. But still, in the end, she proved to be evil (at least in the ending that I got) and Wendala was right all along to hate her.

* Your opinion about Zelina?

So annoying. Such a strong part of her community and so close minded in accepting Radnom's request in helping on the raid of Shrine of Zanthra. She started as a reasonable person but then, meh, all she did was complain in every decision that Random and Luciana would take. At least she was a decent spellcaster, not as strong as Sarah, but still very useful.

* Your opinion about Louthros?

Maybe one of the most despicable characters that I've seen on an Aldorlea Game. Dind't liked him from the start, the way he treated women really bothered me to the point that I wish that his scenarios would end quickly so that I could quickly change to the other party. And as Sandy was the one he picked as his wife in my playthrough, his nasty behavior towards Wendala only got worse. Glad that he died, even though Yveen was very evil in doing so.

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?

Of course I was excited for the return of Broff, and damn I really wanted for Oglong to return. Don't forget the iconic Petula. lol Just kidding.

The main four of course(Random, Sarah, Luciana and Wendala), especially Wendala. But I confess that I was sad to know that Brussian wouldn't return in his elven form. When I saw Louthros, at first glance I thought that was him, but it wasn't oh well. Fingers crossed Brussian will be back in his Elven form someday.

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?

I'll say based on what I managed to evolve them.
Strongest: Random, his Laxius Blade and Echo Sword with the Apocalypsa equiped was deadly. And with the right boosts he could become even more stronger.

Weakest: Baretta, her spell just didn't do any good damages on enemies, poor woman. As herself said, she's not a warrior or a fighter.

* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?

* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?

* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?

Yveen for sure. Mostly because she didn't showed any Laxius Power before in any of the games of the series.

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks?

Okay, so here we go. I'm on the team that don't like overly sexualized women on artworks. I thought it was needles to make Sarah showing her nipples or Sandy being literally in panties during the whole game. That is my opinion on that matter even though a lot of people here might disagree with me. The art itself is gorgeous, the style is beautiful and this was indeed the best artist for any Laxius character so far. I can only imagine how expensive it must have been to hire this artist.

PS: Next time, don't forget Yveen's wings. lol

* Your opinion about the story?

The story was very mysterious, it bothered me for a while because for the fist 1/4 part of the game I felt like I didn't know what was going on. The order wanted Sarah for what? It was explained much later that they planned to turn her into a demon and same for Louthros' goal, only towards the end that he was trying to find a way to make Indinera great again so no nation could surpass Indinera. Finding out what was going on through progression was great, but I feel like it took too long for the story to develop. The story was good and appealing, the first chapter for example was a great way to start the game.

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?

Oh that was beautiful. The tilesets used in Azan and the Celestial Palace were pretty and the mapping was gorgeous. All the effects to enhance the game's atmospheres were a pleasure to the eye. The Dark Shrine of Zanthra was beautifully designed, it reminded me so much of the Giat Fortress in Laxius Power 3 and the attention to the details really show commitment during the craft of this game. The musics were also great, one of the best IMO. Many places with good musics that fits exactly the place you're exploring, but one thing I would like to point as a stand out was the battle theme.
The battle theme in Laxius Soul is my favorite of all Aldorlea Games, the theme didn't got old and it was exciting, nice choice in music Indinera and it's nice to see that it didn't changed like most of the latest games so far. Well, it changed during the raid on the Celestial Palace, but the new theme was also high quality music.

* Your opinion about the gameplay?

There are pros and cons.

-Side view battle was done beautifully
-The evolution of Spells and Skills were very pleasurable. Learning new skills through the combination of two always brought a smile to my face
-Learning levendary spells like Echo Sword and Lord of the Dance from combining spells was a pleasant surprise, I was in a part of the game where I thought those spells woulnd't be present. Glad it was.
-Choosing battle speed will always be a good thing for me
-Secret Rooms: It was a nice feeling whenever I hear the jingle when I find one
-Relics, Books and Spirits: Some had crazy effects that I wouldn't thought if I was making a game myself lol I loved items that boosted Tech usage.

-I missed brief respites that past games of the saga always had. In this game, as the story required urgency all the time, there were hardly any brief respites where you stop and think: now it's time to try and complete some quests. The urgency of the plot just made me feel afraid in progressing with the story thinking: when I'll be back here? Will I be able to complete this quest now or later? Where should I look for such item if the game just keeps me pushing foward? For example, Adretana had many regions around it where you could freely explore while here the game forces you to keep going almost all the time. I didn't had that freedom feeling I had in Power and Force, and since it's a Laxius game, I was expecting some of that here.
-Too many secret rooms means that a lot of them won't have valuable treasures. While some secret rooms contained very valuable relics and accessories, some other contained few valuable items as permanent boosts. One might think: oh, but permanent boost items are very valuable. I disagree, sometimes a item that increases 1 ATK makes little to none difference to the character, unforunately RPG Maker has this flaw that boosts makes little difference unless a lot is used on the smae character. But I always loved the MHP and MMP permanent.
-Due to the game's plot, not being able to change party members wasn't something I enjoyed. I feel like changing party members whenever I wanted was one of the most iconic features from the Laxius games. Unforunately it wasn't present in this game.

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements?

Oh it was good, the first chapter reminded me so much of Laxius Power 3. I guess these horror elements is what differ the Laxius games from other Aldorlea Games. The horror feeling gave a mysterious vibe to the first part of the games and always a feeling that something tragic might happen.

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why?

Wendala and Coryool having sex. I wasn't expecting that AT ALL, even though the reason was because she wanted to help Louthros in his plans, but those two going all the way would never be one of my guesses, EVER. haha

Other moment was when Wendala was tired of Louthros and decided to betray him with the help of Coryoo. I just felt like the game could have showed how she did it, it would be so satisfying to see how that despicable being got tricked by the one that he mistreated since the beginning.

* What was your favorite chapter, and why?

The first chapter. I guess I liked the way the game started, very frenetic and very mysterious, even though at that point of the game I didn't know what was going on. Besides, seeing the legendary heroes from the past back in my screen again was awesome.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?

The dialogue and characters interactions. Even though I didn't liked how some characters treated each other, I gotta admit that a lot of work went into each one of those conversations.
Also I would like to point the graphics and music, both high quality.

* Favorite and hardest dungeons?

Favorite: Celestial Palace. Because that place was damn beautiful
Hardest: That hotel with Random and Luciana at the beginning. I felt like some enemies were too hard or maybe was I who was still trying to get a hang of the game.

* Favorite and hardest sidequests?

Unforunately I won't be able to answer this question properly since it was my first playthrough and I wasn't trying to complete any side quest.

* Favorite and hardest bosses?

Favorite: I don't know, I guess I put the favorite and hardest in one
Hardest: Ivanov final form. I had a strong team but even so he was tough, it was a fun battle and I felt accomplished after killing him.

* Favorite Guild?

Well, since I didn't bothered in completing much side-quests the first time, I'm not sure how to answer this. But I'll say the Guild of Indinera, because of its structure. lol

* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?

*Ivanov (The Order)
*Yveen (Yveen is the 0.5 because maybe she's not a fully villain, just doing bad things thinking that it's for the best)

Of course, that's just a guess.

* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?

The new Path of Blood during Yveen's final momentsI in the Hall. That was such a throwback to Laxius Power 3 for me, good times.

* Any character(s) that you missed a lot?

Of course, many characters were missed and I so wished they were in this game. I miss Vanina, I miss Daryl and even Joshua... kidding.

I missed the pets (Guanidia and Herasia) and I missed Brussian too, as I said before, I thought he was gonna appear in his elven form.

* Did you like Mimics?

Hmm can't say that I have. I mean, it's a good feature but the early mimics were so strong that most of them could only be beaten by luck and not by tactics. And the fact that you couldn't come back later in a better shape to face them was not a good thing. But I like the idea of them.

* Did you like the Piso King?

I liked it more when I finally managed to kill him. What a pesky and annoying creature.

* Did you like the Dreams (if any)?

It was a huge throwback to Alexandra's dreams in Laxius Force. I like it, it made me realize how some of Baretta's spell were useful when she was forced to face some enemies alone. And just like Alexandra's dreams, most of Baretta's dream didn't make any sense at all. lol

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?

The MSI was also one of the surprise, I wasn't expecting such a building in the middle of the Indinera woods. I also liked her wikipedia device lol I mean, the device where she could search for names and find information about it.

* What did you think of the ending?

It was shocking, at leat the ending that I got. Yveen killing Louthros and puttin Wendie in a cage. What the hell was she thinking and how could Wendie be the some kind of harbringer of darkness? Mystery that may be answered on the other ending or maybe in the next chapter.

* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?

I'll compare to the Laxius Force trilogy since they belong to the same universe and lore. It was good start for the series, the game is big and I like big games but I still think that Laxius Force is superior. The lack of freedom in this game is what made me think like that, Laxius Force was more free in my opinion, but I'm not saying that Laxius Soul is a inferior game or a bad game, it's a great game and I totally understand the effort into it. IMO Laxius Soul is superior to all ohter Aldorlea Games so far.

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?

Of course, I'll follow this series until the end now.

Just one last thing I wanted to say. I've been noticing some harsh behavior from some people towards those who says about something they didn't enjoyed in the game or a feature that they just dislike. Playing the game was a fun time and I was very happy to play it because just like a lot of other members and fans, I've been waiting for a very long time. But the forum atmosphere was just heavy, that didn't made my playing experience 100% pleasurable because I felt crushed by the pressure that I had to like every inch of the game or I would be treated as an outcast here for not enjoying everything. I would like to say that it is okay for people to also post things they did't like and don't feel like shit for having its opinion invalidated. Of course, you can disagree with the bad opinion but one mustn't act so superior in telling why this person is wrong. Also, we're posting politely and not in a trollish way. Some people, old members, were mistreated in this process and I hope this never happens again and even I was shocked about some things were handled during this time. Even though Laxius Soul had a few things that I didn't enjoyed, it's far from being a bad game, in fact, it's a great game. That is why I posted my honest and reasonable opinion about it in this topic.

Looking forward to Laxius Soul 2. And please, put a subtitle in this entry, every Laxius entry has one so far. lol
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Postby Drake707 » Fri May 12, 2023 1:18 pm

* What was your ending score?

Idk about 600 or something, I tried to go for a 100% run, but I missed a boss immediately in the Woods XD so I just gave up and told myself next playthrough.

* Your opinion about Random?

I love Random and his absolutely legendary temper (I adore the scene with the golden armor)

* Your opinion about Sarah?

Kinda dumb and submissive ngl +::Dance but I love her bickering with Wendala

* Your opinion about Luciana?

I kneel before the Queen of Adretana

* Your opinion about Wendala?

Kinda too submissive, wish she could escape the slave mentality (idk if that's what happened with the scene when she betrayed Louthros)

* Your opinion about Sandy?

Kinda neutral, didn't get to see much of her like in LF

* Your opinion about Coryool?

The gwahahas and beer always get me laughing

* Your opinion about Baretta?

The Sandy of LF lmao

* Your opinion about Nash?

We fight for the Druk.

* Your opinion about Yveen?

+:oops: +:oops:

* Your opinion about Zelina?

Annoying, but I kinda liked her for the formality

* Your opinion about Louthros?

Okay, so here I'm having mixed thoughts. I kinda hate him for doing all that he did and his goals, but I absolutely love his design, and idk I think Louthros is actually deeply a good guy, he just doesn't want to show that because he considers it a weakness or sth idk, he's a bit arrogant but is ready to help, and personally this is the character that has left the biggest impact on me

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?

The 3 Stars ofc, but I reeeeeally wanted to see Brussian as well. One character I wish to see in the upcoming games as well is the Kommender.

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?

Lore-wise, I think it would be either Yveen or Luci, but game-wise it would definitely be Luci with her versatile and devastating single and multi attack spells. The weakest would be either Baretta or Sandy, in both senses, because both of them never started off as fighters, more like support units.

* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?


* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?

For me it would be either Luci or Zelina.

* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?

Definitely Random (as I said, I adore the golden armor scene)

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks?


* Your opinion about the story?

I really loved the story, but I'm gonna give it a 9/10. I'm giving it this because I thought there could have been some segments of the story that could have been gone into more detailed, like the Louthros trapping part, or why Coryool even bothered to go to Louthros (did he want to spy on him, was he really an Order spy, was it all just a ruse to bring Wendala back and catch Louthros, it would definitely show a bit of Coryool's character, maybe he's not that much of a drunkard and has some cunning sides of him as well).

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?

I loved everything, especially the soundtrack in the Celestial Palace. You provided us with certified bangers there, Indy (if you could tell me the name of the battle music there, I'd appreciate it +::biggrin )

* Your opinion about the gameplay?

Okay. I remember playing Final Fantasy 2 and it had similar mechanics (you have to use the skill in order to level it up) and I just remember how annoying that was for me. That's not the case here. I enjoyed every bit of the gameplay, from the battle (I love it how you can even switch the battle modes), the navigation around the maps and the grind. Idk I think it was like 6 hours that I was grinding to defeat the Death Mimic lmao, at times I was annoyed, but I enjoyed the grind nonetheless.

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements?

I actually got jumpscared a few times, like the Death Mimic in Zanthra, or a chest in the 7th Shrine (I think)

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why?

Sarah's secret gift, we finally learned what it is. And Wendala deciding to betray Louthros.

* What was your favorite chapter, and why?

For Yveen's soul, I just loved the dungeons and storyline.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?

I would say the battle mechanics and the soundtracks.

* Favorite and hardest dungeons?

Favorite - Ruins of Lyakine and Celestial Palace; hardest - Zanthra shrine, solely because of the Death Mimic xD

* Favorite and hardest sidequests?

Favorite - Nash sidequests; hardest - Piso King, and those I failed to solve xD

* Favorite and hardest bosses?

Favorite - Ante-Demonus, it was fun pounding him into oblivion with maxed out characters and no chance of him doing any harm xD; hardest - Piso King and Death Mimic in Zanthra

* Favorite Guild?

May be a hot take, but Inexistence lmao

* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?

Order, Nazvaguram and Ante-Demonus?

* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?

Random getting his swords hehe

* Any character(s) that you missed a lot?

*checks LF3 real quick* Brussian, Kratin, Djarma, Cocka, Rosa, Xander, Guanidia

* Did you like Mimics?

Yes, especially the Mimic Gauntlet challenge, but I had beef with a certain b*stard (first he jumpscares me, then he obliterates my team)

* Did you like the Piso King?

It was fun, but he really is an elusive little prick lmao (I hated it when he escaped every time below 50% hp or sth like that)

* Did you like the Dreams (if any)?

I visited only 4 dreams, so I can't really tell lmao, but I liked the Gongo fights.

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?

I love how it evolves.

* What did you think of the ending?

I'm noticing a pattern here (LF1 someone attacking Yveen, LS1 someone attacking Yveen)

* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?

In my opinion, this is the best Laxius saga game. In terms of story it surpasses LF and in terms of gameplay it is somewhere along the line of Millennium (I enjoyed the gameplay in both games)

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?

Do you even have to ask lmao.
Posts: 72
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Postby jincyk » Mon May 22, 2023 4:09 pm

Just finished in hard mode (I won't do that again), getting characters up to 68-70, and with true ending.

This is a terrific game. Some thoughts:

1. I wish we had more leeway about what worlds we can visit and when.

2. I was never able to craft anything because by the time I had a lot of great materials, crafting was no longer possible. I think this should be fixed.

3. The same for funding the MSI. In the end I had spectacular amounts of $$ and nothing to spend it on.

4. I hope someone does a full guide. This would be so helpful, particularly if we knew the point at which certain quests/finds would be impossible.

Anyway, thanks so much for this game. I look forward to more.
Posts: 328
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:42 pm


Postby jincyk » Mon May 22, 2023 4:44 pm

* What was your ending score?
No idea. I don't think I got one. (I played Hard mode and got the true ending) My characters were levels 68-70. I didn't come close to getting all the hidden rooms.

* Your opinion about Random?

* Your opinion about Sarah?
wish I could have played more with this charaacter

* Your opinion about Luciana?

* Your opinion about Wendala?
Great character

* Your opinion about Sandy?

* Your opinion about Coryool?

* Your opinion about Baretta?
too many dreams

* Your opinion about Nash?

* Your opinion about Yveen?

* Your opinion about Zelina?

* Your opinion about Louthros?

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?
Wendala, probably

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Random, because the most powerful; Baretta, because the least

* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?
Sorry, I really don't care. I'm old.

* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?
Again, no opinion. Except, honestly, I wish every single woman didn't have enormous breasts. There are other standards of beauty.

* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?
Yveen, right at the end

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks?

* Your opinion about the story?
Confusing but held interest

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?
Very strong

* Your opinion about the gameplay?

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements?
Didn't notice

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why?
I didn't have one

* What was your favorite chapter, and why?
No favorite

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?

* Favorite and hardest dungeons?
There were so many...

* Favorite and hardest sidequests?
Wasn't able to complete all sidequests.

* Favorite and hardest bosses?

* Favorite Guild?
Couldn't complete all guild quests

* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?
no clue

* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?

* Any character(s) that you missed a lot?

* Did you like Mimics?

* Did you like the Piso King?
Wish I could have take him on

* Did you like the Dreams (if any)?
Not particularly, because I was pretty clueless about them. Here as elsewhere a full guide would have been appreciated.

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?
They're probably great, but by the time I could fund the MSI a second time, I wasn't able to. Again, the guide should have been more helpful here.

* What did you think of the ending?
The true ending...assuming there's a follow-up game, it's fine.

* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?
Not enough freedom to return to various worlds/places.

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?
Posts: 328
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:42 pm


Postby jincyk » Wed Jul 05, 2023 7:19 pm

I just finished the second play-through, this time normal mode. Just about everybody was mastered up on everything; I got tons of relics and missed, I think, only about 10 hidden rooms. Disappointed that I was unable to complete all the Guild requests because some had apparently timed out. I will play the game again after there's a complete guide (which I'd gladly pay for) that clarifies when stuff times out and makes better sense out of the MSI situation.

* What was your ending score?
No clue, because I wasn’t given one. I got a “true” ending, but extremely dark—just a Baretta dream, followed by 2 scenes with Yveen, and that was it.

* Your opinion about Random?
Good character

* Your opinion about Sarah?
I tire of her criticism of Wendie. She doesn’t grow emotionally, and she could. It’s kind of one-note.

* Your opinion about Luciana?
Terrific character.

* Your opinion about Wendala?
I like that she grows in this game.

* Your opinion about Sandy?

* Your opinion about Coryool?
One-note with the beer, but good supporting fighter.

* Your opinion about Baretta?
She’s the one character that I didn’t get to master everything.

* Your opinion about Nash?

* Your opinion about Yveen?
Fine, except for that dark ending, which made no sense to me

* Your opinion about Zelina?
I like that she’s obnoxious but also a good supporting fighter.

* Your opinion about Louthros?
Interesting guy.

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?
Probably Wendie

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Strongest is tie between Random and Luciana. Weakest is Baretta.

* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?
No clue

* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?
Doesn’t matter

* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks?
Gorgeous. I do wish the women didn’t all have the same physique.

* Your opinion about the story?
Interesting. Until there’s a complete guide available, though, I can’t really comment on the story, because it is so confusing toward the end.

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?

* Your opinion about the gameplay?
Good. I do wish that, given how much trudging around you have to do, there were an “always dash” option.

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements?’

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why?
Well, the dark ending was certainly a twist. Not my favorite though

* What was your favorite chapter, and why?
No favorite chapter

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?

* Favorite and hardest dungeons?
No opinion

* Favorite and hardest sidequests?
There were so many.

* Favorite and hardest bosses?
Hardest was that 4-part Mimic battle (which I won)

* Favorite Guild?
No opinion

* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?
* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?
* Any character(s) that you missed a lot?
* Did you like Mimics?
Actually yes

* Did you like the Piso King?
Never got to fight him for some reason

* Did you like the Dreams (if any)?
I’d have liked them more with maps

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?
It remains unsatisfying. This time I gave $100 K and went through the whole place countless times and still was unable to do a bunch of things, and I have no idea why. For example, there never was a windmill room. I saw little evidence of the money being used for anything.

* What did you think of the ending?
Not happy.
* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?
It compares well.

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?
Posts: 328
Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:42 pm


Postby Sekai » Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:48 am

Indinera wrote:It has came to my attention that some people were able to finish the game. So here goes!

Sorry if this comes too late, I started the game last year, lost my save when my hard drive died, and just started / finished it again recently.

* What was your ending score?
731 I think. I used the guide in the forums or it would have been lower

* Your opinion about Random?
Seems more arrogant and obnoxious than in LF1-3, as if he, Sarah, Coryool and a couple others had all their negative traits amplified or personalities simplified. Maybe I'm missing context since I didn't play Laxius Power or Fortress Hell, but I don't remember him actively forcing Wendala to do things she didn't want to do or him or Sarah rubbing the "slave" thing in her face nearly as much.

* Your opinion about Sarah?
Same writing quality issue as Random compared to LF1-3

* Your opinion about Luciana?
Good as the only sane one, a bit Mary Sue-ish though

* Your opinion about Wendala?
Good as she's actually complex, funny, takes the slave thing a bit too far at least until she gets hit with the squid, then it makes sense

* Your opinion about Sandy?
Decent in that she retains her personality from LF1-3

* Your opinion about Coryool?
Good for gags but also seems muted compared to LF1-3, complex enough to repeatedly be a double agent and keep you guessing at whether the grabber worked but all he says outside that one scene is gwahaha beer and sex

* Your opinion about Baretta?
Decent, similar to Luciana but slightly quirkier

* Your opinion about Nash?
Nash/Leon are probably my favorite character(s), arrogant but it works since it usually leads to comic relief since no one takes them seriously

* Your opinion about Yveen?
Never liked her much, she's a "god" but fairly useless throughout the entire series except for making portals, barely smarter than Sarah, gripes about Wendala being undead and not allowed in her palace but if I recall correctly in LF1 she's the one who raised Wendala and Sandy as undead in the first place

* Your opinion about Zelina?
Smart but annoying

* Your opinion about Louthros?
I liked him for being a complex character until the end where his reasoning for attacking Yveen is given, his whole motivation just doesn't make much sense. He could have used a back story to justify some of it. Him being arrogant and confrontational doesn't really match his long-term goal either.

* Who was your most anticipated character return prior to playing?
Wendala since I didn't know who else would be in it other than Random/Sarah/Luciana

* Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Varies depending on point in the game, Random for damage prior to laxius skills (and post if he doesn't get countered using psycho sword), Luciana for damage post laxius skills, Louthros for being able to 1shot most earlier encounters with Lycosine + spider spirit, Wendala/Sarah for all around skill variety and good damage pre-laxius skills
* Who's more handsome, Random, Coryool or Louthros (or Neon)?

* Who's the prettiest, Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Sandy, Baretta, Yveen or Zelina?
Wendie or Zelina

* Who's had the best Laxius Power reveal?
Luciana, or Yveen because she can't do much prior and Dominion is strong

* Your opinion about the characters' artworks?

* Your opinion about the story?
The mystery aspect was good, better than the previous games I would say. I was kept guessing who was going to do what or what their intention was for a good part of the game. The dialogue and interaction unfortunately was not. The Grand Commendanter had a long, dramatic cutscene and so did his lieutenants and a good number of the other villains along the way in LF1-3. Nothing like that happens here, when you reach each boss, Random or Louthros exchange swears with them and that's it. Character interactions/development beyond the usual bickering were few and far between. More serious scenes like Sandy/Wendala at the campfire just prior to Louthros going to get the Heart of Indinera would have been nice (and that only appeared optionally if you went to the town first, came back, and slept at the campfire, in that order, before failing to get the heart) outside of horror or Random/Louthros getting pissed off at people.

* Your opinion about the graphics, sounds and atmosphere?
Good enough. RPGMaker graphics can only take you so far. Music was pretty good, though I tended to turn it off in some places since it loops fairly fast. Did like the tracks for Psychodrium and most of the boss music, though.
Ambiance/atmosphere of the different areas and guilds was nice.

* Your opinion about the gameplay?
7/10, I like the unlocking of new skills/bonuses at 60/70/100/250 throughout the game, but considering how much grinding it takes, it would have been nice to be able to see the bonuses and new skill possibilities beforehand. Laxius skills felt random and a bit unbalanced. Most things in the palace or psychodrium took little damage from anything else except Baretta's special. Would have much preferred to be able to swap extra characters in and out like in LF1-3 rather than forced to leave them behind, and have some ingame forewarning about when control of one party/character is about to be switched so you aren't locked out of having important gear stuck on a character you won't be able to access for a long time.

I also thought the amount of things that must be done at a certain time was too high, and didn't like the general closed world feeling. LF1 had some of that with time-limited guild quests but was largely open world, and you could miss a few quests and still max out every guild by LF3. LF2 and LF3 were less open in terms of where you could go and when, and Soul went much further in that direction. Yveen gives you some portals at the end, it would have been nice to be able to actually access the overworld map with all the places on it and go to any previously visited location at several points in the game.

* Your opinion about the "horror" elements?
I don't mind them but they were overdone, sorry to make the comparison so often but LF1-3 did them better, they were there and set the atmosphere well but not thrown in your face every 5 seconds.

* What was your favorite twist/moment, and why?
Wendala/Coryool double crossing Louthros was satisfying, although it would have been nice if he put up more of a fight instead of getting ganked offscreen

* What was your favorite chapter, and why?
1-2, was more challenging in the beginning

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Amount of content and things gotten from exploration

* Favorite and hardest dungeons?
Zanthra (favorite because of the size and background, hardest because of the coffin mimic)

* Favorite and hardest sidequests?
Piso King because he was killable but extremely difficult in his first 3 fights, although I couldn't complete it due to a missed Bosch sighting which was lame

* Favorite and hardest bosses?
Piso King

* Favorite Guild?
Shadow Guild due to the background/ambience

* Who were the 2.5 enemy sides as announced by Indinera (me)?
No idea

* Which moment was the best LP/F throwback?
Can't remember

* Any character(s) that you missed a lot?
Not really

* Did you like Mimics?

* Did you like the Piso King?
* Did you like the Dreams (if any)?
Yes, they were challenging

* What did you think of the MSI and any other of Baretta's works?
Liked the concept but the layout made it very annoying to get around, especially when you're expected to do an "MSI loop" half a dozen times

* What did you think of the ending?
Didn't really care for the sudden switch from dealing with the Order to random invaders in Yveen's palace, the order were complete pushovers and the dialogue / fights with them were too easy and anticlimactic compared to the things they've done and the difficulty of the Commendanter's lieutenants in LF3. The Psychodrium was neat though, and somewhat more challenging (probably would have been a lot more challenging, but I had the inexistence final reward and lv99 on most of my characters by then.)

* How does this game compare to past Aldorlea epics (Laxius Force, Millennium, The Book of Legends, Witch Hunt, Forever Heroes etc)?
TL;DR compared to LF1-3, better mystery/overall plot lead-up in the first half but anticlimactic in the second. Dialogue had better gags but more simplified/angry? character dialogue in general. Liked the overall amount of content, almost too much for one game, but preferred the more open world approach of LF1. Haven't played most of the others (first installment of Millennium I think I did, IIRC it was nice, less dark than LF, easier, similar stuff to find in exploration, but too short.)

* Are you looking forward to the remaining 2 games of the "Soul" trilogy?
Overall yes. Hoping they resemble LF1 more so than LS1 as far as gameplay/dialogue.
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Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:09 am

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