Laxius Soul Vortex Maiden Maiden Odessa When the Light Dies

Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby Lady JJ » Tue May 23, 2023 12:17 am

This walkthrough is intended to be used along with the official guide. It will (hopefully) give
- the location of all secret rooms
- the steps to finding the other 4 guilds as well as how to receive and complete the quests of those guilds (the guide already tells how to receive and complete the quests of the 4 guilds accessed by Farfan in Azan)
- the steps to finding and completing all 22 side quests
- the sequence, time constraints and locations of the seven dreams
- the path to the 'lighter' ending

**Note: This is a WIP. It is being compiled from forum notes (thank you to all who have contributed) and my own first two playthroughs. Please let me know if there are mistakes and/or omissions or if your results weren't the same.

The game starts with Luciana in her palace receiving a letter inviting her to Indinera. After a lengthy cutscene, Luciana finds herself alone in the Mt. Zulle Hills searching for Random and Sarah.

Mt. Zulle Hills
The Layout-Mt. Zulle Hills consists of four connected maps. For simplicity, they will be referred to as the map 1 (start), map 2, map 3 (where Sarah is found) and map 4 (with 2 bosses). On the first three maps, try to avoid coming into contact with the white flowery bushes as they will drain HP if touched. Unlike traditional treasure chests, the game uses ?? to indicate items can be found. While Luciana is alone, it's best to cast Paralysis against Kokoi and Ark Flare against Raflesia.

Map 1-Start at the bottom right and work your way to the upper left. Take some time to explore the path to the right of the split, though, as it does lead to some items. Cross the bridge and continue left and up. Items to find include a Cocka Egg at the ?? location and 3 wooden boxes.

Map 2-Items are an Azura Pearl at the ?? location and 2 wooden boxes. Be sure to read the inscription on the rock. If you return there with Sarah, there will be further dialogue up the right path. At the rock, continue going right and up to Map 3, find the wooden box with an Oak Shield, and return to the rock in Map 2. This time go left and up to Map 3.

Map 3-You'll find Sarah by the pond. Interact with her and she'll join your party. Her elven bow is hidden in the bushes on the right side of the pool about midway up. Be sure to have Sarah equip the bow. Other items that can be found on this screen are a ?? with an Azura Pearl and 2 wooden boxes. It might be best to do some exploring to see what fighting strategies suit your style.

Map 4- There are 2 boss battles here. One is in a pool in the upper left. The other is in a cul-de-sac in the upper right. If you use your menu options to <Exit Danger> (scroll down to see it, it's directly under <Formation>), you'll get some dialogue with Sarah telling you about this Mantis monster which triggers Side Quest 01. While you can still confront the Mantis monster without triggering the Side Quest, it will not count as a Side Quest unless you've done so. Selecting <Exit Danger> from the menu, after Sarah joins you, is the only way of getting and completing Side Quest 01. If you confront the Mantis without being given the quest, the quest is then lost to you, though you still get credit for a Boss battle. The only other noteworthy item on this screen is a Dawndust at the ??. Make your way midcenter north to Random and Sarah's home.

Random and Sarah's Home
The layout - There are 4 maps: Outside, First Floor, Second Floor and Basement.

Outside- Speak to Wendala who is tending the garden. You'll also get some dialogue as Sarah shows you around the property. Look for 2 ??'s to find a Golden Egg and an Indinera Mushroom.

First Floor- Explore the basement and upstairs before speaking to Random.

Basement- Find ??'s for Life Potion and Bread.

Upstairs- Find a Detox Herb at a ??. You can also speak with Sandy. Now return to the first floor and speak to Random. You will eventually make your way to The Big Mushroom which acts as a teleporter to Azan. You'll find the first secret room, Secret Room 1, under the small tree to the left and behind the mushroom. Be sure to find it before entering the mushroom and leaving for Azan.

Chapter 1-For Sarah's Eyes

Luciana, Random and Sarah arrive in Azan. Luciana says they should meet with Zelina. Azan is a place you will return to several times throughout the game.

The layout- Azan is one map. There is one north-south path and two east-west paths, dividing the town into lower left and right, middle left and right, and upper left and right sections. You enter in the lower section.

Lower Azan (from left to right)
Azan Tradition apartments (3 two story apartments), Farfan's travel service (to and from the four traditional guilds), Azan Amazing Artifacts (sells potions and herbs), Jeddah (guard at lower exit), Elven Inn (two floors and a courtyard), Gotvald's residence

Mid Azan (from left to right)
Elven Weaponry (sells weapons and armor), Llewyn's home, Anya and Enya (outside produce vendors), Samael's home (and his 3 daughters, 2 floors), Royal Thermals, Markell (sitting on a park bench)

Upper Azan (from left to right)
Anastacya's home (fairy), Celidyrion's home (botanist), Main Warehouse, Secondary Warehouse, Gert (guard at upper exit), Duran's home. Zelina is also found in this upper section, but do explore the town before speaking to her.

Explore the town looking for hidden items at the ?? locations and the second secret room, Secret Room 2, at the edge of the screen to the left of Anastacya's home. There are also two Side Quests you can pick up, but not complete, from the residents of Azan before speaking to Zelina.

Available Side Quests (before speaking to Zelina)
Side Quest 02- Given by Michelis) Find a golden cockatrix for his army. Triggered by speaking to Michelis in the Elven Weaponry. Solved much later in game.
Side Quest 03- (Given by Celidyrion) Find a very rare plant (Cat. 4). Triggered by speaking to Celidyrion in his home. Wendala must be present and she must speak to Celidyrion at least twice. Solved much later in the game.

Zelina is walking around the north exit. After speaking with Zelina, you are transported to the High Council of Azan. Luci is tasked to attack and destroy the Shrine of Zanthra with her holy magic (to combat the dark magic), girls have been reported missing, all points sacrifices for the purpose of reviving a demon, Luciana agrees to help. Back with Zelina who tells Luci to enter the deeper woods down Wyrm Trail to the outpost where she'll find Zirka, the outpost chief. Before doing that, speak to Farfan to be taken to each of the four guilds, where you can pick up a few Guild Quests. First, return to the High Council of Azan. It's only the outside you can visit, they won't let you in, but you can find Secret Room 3 there (wall to the right of the main door), and Side Quest 04- (Given by Ithyrom) Solve - without fire - the wasp nest issue. Triggered by climbing the vine of the hut outside the High Council of Azan and inspecting the wasp's nest. Solved much later in the game.

Explore the first few maps of the Indinera Forest to earn gold. You'll need it to better equip your players and also to travel to the Guilds.

Indinera Woods (Wyrm Trail south of the Outpost)
The layout- There are four maps to the south of the Elven Outpost, the first map (leading back to Azan) has 3 branches. The upper left leads to the second map. The upper middle branch is a dead end. The upper right branch leads to the fifth map (bridge to waterfall). The second map has 3 blind branches and exits to the upper left to the third map One blind branch leads to a boss fight. The third map also has 3 blind branches and exits to the upper left to the fourth map. The fourth map again has 3 blind branches, 2 to the left and 1 to the right, and exits to the upper left to the Elven Outpost. Explore these five maps to level up and gain gold and restorative items. You'll also find Secret Room 4 here (fifth map at the waterfall) and Secret Room 5 (third map at the big mushroom). It's important everyone use both their spells and skills. All technics must be used 60 times in order to master. Also, be aware of the Pisos. These cats belong to a thieving gang and will steal your gold. Paralyze or kill them quickly before they use their Goldmugging skill. When you feel you've leveled enough and have enough gold, return to Azan, maybe buy some better armor, and visit the guilds.

Available Guild Quests (refer to the Official Guide for more details)
Higher Guild of Elves #1- Find a way to renovate the Azan Tradition group of buildings, triggered by first visiting the Azan Tradition buildings in the lower left section of Azan, then by having Wendala cast her Labour skill in battle.
Guild of Hunters #1- Find and kill a rogue Indinera Owl
Guild of Archery #1- Just a dumb accuracy test, but requires Sarah to have used her Sniper skill at least 15 times
Guild of Archery #2- Collect 11 (not 10) Kiwi Feathers
Guild of Indinera #1- Get three "pearls" from the carnivorous plants by the bridge
Guild of Indinera #2- Locate the brand new odd flower

Leave Azan by the upper exit and begin to explore the Indinera Woods in earnest. This will help to level up your characters and also build your inventory of restorative items. Do not reach the Outpost map as this will prevent you from completing some quests. The rogue Indinera Owl can be found in the lower right section of the third map. Trigger the fight by exploring the yellow canopy structure you see there. If you have the Guild of Archery Quest #2, inspect that yellow canopy structure a few times before leaving. It will save you some grinding (credit to Seraphus). The pearls are also found on this third map by exploring the bridge in the middle. The Kiwi feathers are battle drops from the Kiwi birds. There are also 4 boss fights in these woods - two sloths in the third map, a hydra in the second map, and an orc in the third map on the path to the Elven Outpost that you can't avoid.. Other notable items to find are a Power Ring in a wooden box in the lower right area second map, a Cocka Egg and an Elven Rapier in the third map. Look for other ??'s as well.

A note about the sloths. The sloth area is just above the yellow canopy structure with the rogue owls. The first sloth, a brown sloth, is visible. Remember that an NPC in the Guild of Archery told you a sloth will never initiate a battle, so interact with the sloth to start this battle. Word apparently gets around (but it takes some time) and, eventually a larger white sloth will show in that same area.

When you get tired of leveling, return to the Azan Tradition buildings and Random will have something to say. Go back to the woods. Once Wendala has cast the Labour skill, Random will get the idea to have her clean and restore the building. The next time you return to town, Wendala will automatically be removed from the party and put to work in the apartments. With your party of 3, make your way to the Elven Outpost. Once you reach the door, Random will decide he wants Wendala back. Go back to town to retrieve her. You can now visit the guilds to report your successes. The new odd flower the Guild of Indinera wants can be found outside the Guild of Hunters. Talk to the NPC outside by the door and he'll tell you where to look.

Now that you have a few quests completed, visit Samael's home and speak to his daughter Melusine. She will sell you the map to the Guild of Benevolence. Use the map outside to travel there.

Available Guild Quests
Guild of Benevolence #1- Make a generous donation, give a stat-altering item (e.g. Golden Pearl) to Amber. Lesser value items won't fulfill the quest. This is a one-time opportunity. The quest is not announced, save for Mattheus suggesting you give a valuable donation to Amber, but doesn't reveal this is a quest. If you don't donate this time in your first visit to the shrine, you forfeit this first quest.

These are all the quests that can be collected and/or completed for now. Rest at the Inn and head back to the Elven Outpost.

bobfarq wrote:There are 4 boss fights in Indinera Woods before the outpost. The three mentioned in the guide and a fourth when returning with Wendala after completing the house repair quest. If you go up the same path as the second boss on map 3 (above where you fought the owls) before you get to the top you will meet a giant sloth.

Don't forget to dispatch of that white sloth BEFORE you enter the Elven Outpost. That sloth has quite a bit to say, and he does so One... Word... At... A... Time... throughout the battle. If you have the patience and the resources to listen to the entire sentence (which is just typical bravado) the battle reward is much greater than if you just kill him quickly. He'll lash out with ice spells that cause bleeding. Have Sarah and Random heal HP while Wendala uses her Labor Day spell to stop the bleeding. Luciana can cast her Magicka Spell to minimize the ice spell damage and hand out MP replenishing potions/herbs as needed. When he finishes his sentence and begins to attack without uttering a word beforehand, you'll know it's safe to go in for the kill.

Check Wendala's and Sarah's equipment before entering the outpost. Keep them well equipped, but remove anything that might be more valuable for Random and/or Luciana. Once you enter the outpost, you won't be able to return to Azan for quite some time.


Cutscene-the massacre

Luciana and Random are the lone survivors. Sarah is missing and so is the little boy. Head north to find the boy. He says he can lead you through the forest. Enter the northern Indinera Woods.

The Layout- There are just two maps of the Indinera Woods north of the outpost, Map 1 and Map 2. There is nothing of interest in Map 1. Map 2 has a few Indinera mushrooms scattered about, a Lion Claw and a wooden box with a Raflesia Coat. Secret Room 6 is in the upper right cul-de-sac. Be sure to read the sign and make a note of the name, else you won't be able to complete Side Quest 22. Map 2 exits to the Graveyards.

About halfway through Map 1, Luciana becomes concerned and demands they return to the outpost. Once there, the boy runs away and Zelina joins the party. Return to Map 1 and then Map 2 to reach the Graveyard.

The Graveyard
The Layout- There are five maps. Map 1 and Map 2 are the exterior. Map 2 (Crypt), Map 3 (Crypt) and Map 4 (Nave) are the interior. Random continues to hear Sarah calling him.

Map 1- The gate is locked. Find the switch to open in the upper left section. There are two Secret Rooms (Secret Room 7 and Secret Room 8 ), both directly in line with the entrance to this map and the gate opening.

Map 2- Has a large tree in the center. This is where you will find Coryool. Secret Room 9 is in the middle south wall of the lower left room. Secret Room 10 is in a grove of 3 dead trees in the room directly above. It takes a bit of meandering to get there. Enter the grove from above. There is a vendor walking around in the room above and to the left of the large live tree. In that vendor's room, upper right corner, is Secret Room 11.

Map 3- Is the first of two Crypt maps. There is a large room in the center that has a statue. Random says it's a face 'only a mother could love.' Beyond that is a Secret Room 12, but you'll need a code to access it. The code can be found by standing to the left of the statue and inspecting the right ear. Inspecting the statue from the front, the right, or behind won't give you what you need. Be prepared for a Boss battle after entering the code. Secret Room 12 leads to Secret Room 13 where you can find another Boss battle. There are exits to the upper left and the upper right of the map. Both lead to Map 4.

Map 4- Is the second of the two Crypt maps. Following the left upper path of Map 3 will lead to another cutscene with Sarah. Entering from the right upper path of Map 4 will lead to Sikuna and the Dark Shadow, another Boss battle. Enter the lighted window in the lower left area to enter the fifth map, Graveyard (Nave)

Map5- There are two restorative fountains here, each being a one use only. Continue to the left and up where you'll find Sarah (or is it?), treasure chest and Secret Room 14. Crash through the stained glass window and enter the Catacombs.

The Catacombs
The Layout- There are 3 Catacomb maps, each one leading to the next, finally reaching the Royal Crypt, the fourth map.

Map 1- You start on a stairway in the lower area, midcenter. The area is fairly straightforward with lots of empty spaces to visit. The exit to Map 2 is at the upper right. There are several areas where the walls are adorned with skulls. One such wall, a 3x3 area in the upper right area (to the left of the pathway to the exit), has a scaleable path up the center leading to Secret Room 15. Continuing up and left of that secret room is another skulled wall, this time 2x5, where you'll find Secret Room 16.

Map 2- There are some dark weapons to be found. A ladder in the upper right leads down to Map 3.

Map 3- Follow this map counterclockwise until you reach the gate to the Royal Crypt. Along the lower edge, where the floor changes from gray skulls to brown stone, check the north wall for Secret Room 17. There is a similar structure in the lower right corner of your pathway that leads to Secret Room 18. If you check the recessed area midway along the upper pathway, you'll encounter a Boss battle. Enter the Royal Crypt.

Map 4- And you are trapped! Sarah wasn't real and it was all a setup. Inspect everything in the room until Luciana comes up with an escape plan.

Naragula River
You find yourself underwater in the Naragula River. There are side quests, secret rooms and treasures to be had here, but they must be done in a certain order.

The Layout- There are four maps, each one leading to/from the next. The first map leads back to the Rest Sparkle which can be accessed at any time by either walking back or using the Menu option <Exit Danger>. The main path leads down then left to the second map, with 2 blind branches to the left and 1 blind branch under the path to the lower exit. The second map is more horizontal. There are 4 branches leading up. It's the third branch from the right that leads to the third map. The third map is more vertical. There are 3 blind branches to the left and 3 blind branches to the right. The Mermaid Kingdom is found on the first lower branch to the right. The fourth map leads to the exit. It is more horizontal. There is one blind branch to the right and up as soon as you enter the map. This is where you'll find the queen's servant. There are two blind paths at the end of the horizontal path, one going down and one going up, with the main path continuing clockwise and then up. Look for ??'s scattered throughout for assorted pearls and Indinera Algae.

Map 1- There are several Indinera Algae at the ??'s as well as a few assorted pearls. At the lower blind path, below the exit to the left, is a chest with a Nagulea and Secret Room 19 just to the left of that chest. This is a good place to level and increase technics to mastery as the Rest Sparkle is so accessible. Note that you can also turn down the visual effects (Swaying Off) at this Rest Sparkle if it bothers your eyes and/or your computer. This doesn't affect the game outcome at all.

Map 2- Secret Room 20 in a little offshoot to the left just before reaching the upper exit to the third map. This room contains both an Oyster Pearl and a Starspike. Though there are several Oyster Pearls in this region, this is the only Starspike in the game. Hold onto it, as well as at least one Oyster Pearl.

Map 3- This is another vertical map with several blind offshoots. The first lower offshoot to the right leads to the Naragula Trench which leads to the Mermaid Palace. The last offshoot to the left, near the upper exit, leads to Myrthra who will give you Side Quest 06, but only after you've completed Side Quest 05. Secret Room 22 is at right of the junction that leads to Myrthra's offshoot, but it can only be accessed after Side Quest 05 has been completed.

Map 5- Naragula Trench
After exploring the rest of Map 3, head back to the last right branch before the exit and into the Naragula Trench where you'll find a sunken ship, an underwater shrine and the Mermaid Palace. To get to the shrine and the palace, you'll need to walk inside the 'hole' in the ship. Before coming out the other side, poke your head left and find Secret Room 21 and your first MIMIC.

Map 6- Mermaid Palace
The Layout- The inside of the palace has stairs but they're decorative only as they are blocked and unusable. To cross over to the other side, simply walk down the middle. You can also go left and right midway across to reach those areas. There's nothing on the left. The right has an Aqua Seal. Talk to Queen Icneba and she will give you Side Quest 05. Gora is a vendor to the left of Queen Icneba selling restorative items and a couple of Oyster Pearls.

Side Quest 05, Side Quest 06, and Secret Room 22
If you buy one or both Oyster Pearls, Gora tells you they are very good, strong against disease, which gives you a hint as to the item to give Amulea when you find him. Curing Amulea requires 25 Indinera Algae and 1 Oyster Pearl. After a boss fight, you are immediately brought back to the Mermaid Palace and given a full heal by the queen. There is no other reward for the quest. Amulea is now to the right of Queen Icneba. Speak to him 3 or 4 times until he tells you about the blue lobster that lies near the entrance with no eyes. Head back out near the upper exit to Map 4. Look for a blue lobster to your right and the entrance to Secret Room 22. Head over to the left branch to revisit Myrthra. She gives you Side Quest 06. Return her to the Mermaid Palace. Before entering the palace, stop at the underwater shrine in front of it to get an MDF boost. Myrthra leaves the party as soon as you enter the palace. Myrthra is now in front of the large chasm to the right. Talk to her there and she'll give Random a 20% chance of paralysis with normal attack. Proceed to Queen Icneba and get another full restore. Leave the Mermaid Palace and go up to Map 4

Map 4- It's time to exit but not before a cutscene with Sarah and 3 boss fights. Make your way left and up. Keep picking up pearls and Indinera Algae at those ??'s.

Wendala wakes up in the Hall of Madness. Inspect everything. Keep kicking the gate. Eventually 'someone' shows up to set her free, well, not exactly 'free,' just not locked in a cell. Wendala is told she is to go to Moordilith.

Random's party makes it back to Azan. Zelina says the elves no longer have confidence in Luciana, that she's not invited to the next scheduled War Schedule. In the meantime, Random, Luciana and Coryool will be sent to the resort manor of Aglae-Torre, Reverie Island. Reverie Island is the sole island of Dilith'Moore, also known as Moordilith. Zelina says they have the entire manor at their disposal, but she would appreciate it if they kept to the main and second floors. She doesn't want them in the basement.

Manor of Aglae-Torre
The Layout- There are 3 floors: the first map is the main floor (Manor of Aglae-Torre), the second map is the basement (Manor of Aglae-Torre Lv-1), the third map is the second floor (Manor of Aglae-Torre Lv1). There are two small accessory areas such as a connecting corridor and a balconey that won't be numbered. The fourth map is the Manor of Aglae-Torre Chapel.

There is only one way to get to the second (sleeping) floor of the manor and that's in the entry/foyer room. Coryool is going to leave your party as soon as you go upstairs, but you'll instead gain Wendala. Your choice as to whether you explor the man floor and basement with Coryool or Wendala.

Map 1- The main stairs to the upper floor, Aglae-Torre (Lv1) are in the entry foyer. These stairs lead to the front sleeping quarters. There are 5 other stairways on the main level, 3 leading down to Aglae-Torre (Lv-1), 1 leading down to the Chapel and 1 leading up to the rear area of Aglae-Torre (Lv1). The front and rear portions of Aglae-Torre (Lv1) are separate from each other. The 3 down stairways to Aglae-Torre (Lv-1) are (1) in a small room to the left of the main foyer, (2) in the right upper room and (3) in the last room you reach in the left upper area. Like Aglae-Torre (Lv1), these sections of Aglae-Torre (Lv-1) are again separate from each other. There is also a down stairway to the Chapel in a room on the right edge of the map about midway up,

Map 2- This is the basement. It has 3 separate areas, each accessed by one of the down stairways on the main level. There is a lower area (accessed by the main floor stairway to the left of the foyer), a right area (accessed by the main floor stairway in an upper right room) and the upper area (accessed by the main floor stairway in an upper left room). Secret Room 25 is in the lower area. Secret Room 26 is in the upper area.

Map 3- The Chapel is accessed by the down stairs on the right edge of Map 1, about midway up. Secret Room 23 and Secret Room 24 are both in this Chapel, both at the upper edges of the map.

Once you head upstairs by the main foyer stairway, Coryool leaves the party. You will find Wendala who then joins your party. You can explore the lower level first with Coryool, but if you explore it first with Wendala, she does gain a few uses of her spells at certain locations. Since Wendala is seriously underleveled, I chose to let Coryool leave early and explore with Wendala instead.

In the main foyer. Brocel-Handers and Razan are there to serve you. Upstairs is the maid Mirabela. There's nothing of any interest to the left. As you enter the right area there is a cutscene with Sarah and Zeryon. Helix arrives to inform Zeryon that Random and Luciana somehow managed to escape their doom and are on the lake of Moordilith. Zeryon plans to send Bongo to the manor. Back to Random and Luciana who discover Wendala in the second bedroom. Wendala is obsessed with finding Coryool and gives vague answers to Random's questions. Wendala joins the party.

Exploration of the main level goes in a counterclockwise route from the main foyer to the left upper section. Use the down stairway to the left of the foyer to reach the lower section of Lv-1. Here you'll find the artist Ulvorth. He doesn't appear to have much value in the game. Check the larger crack in the floor to find Secret Room 26. This secret room is no longer available once you retire for the night.

Return to the main floor and, traveling counterclockwise, reach the stairway down to the Chapel. Find Secret Room 23 and Secret Room 24. Secret Room 24 has the second MIMIC in the game.

Return to the main floor and take the down stairway in the upper right to the right section of Lv-1. There is not much of value down here, so return to the main floor and work your way counterclockwise to the down stairway in the upper left area. Find Secret Room 25 behind the empty frame on the wall behind the garden section in this section. This room becomes another secret room after you retire so you must access it first. Return to the main floor and lastly, make your way to the upper left area where the stairway up is. At the end of the corridor in the next room is a path up that leads to the balconey. There really isn't anything in either the balconey or this right section of Lv1, so make your way back downstairs, then retrace your path clockwise to the main foyer and, finally, to the bedroom to rest.

Random is on guard duty, or is he sleeping? Wendala is sleeping. Coryool is there but he won't join Random. Inspect Sarah's picture, then Sarah. Now it's Luciana's turn. Explore everything in the room, then wake up to another massacre.

The physical layout of the manor remains the same, but the rooms are definitely different. Lots of blood and, unlike the previous day, plenty of ??'s. Search the 2 bedrooms, the bed is still available for resting, and then the main room. You'll find a corpse at the top of the stairs. Inspect him as his body becomes important for a later quest. Head down to the main level.

Brocel-Handers and Razan are both gone. Wendala is still obsessed with finding Coryool. Circle through the manor in the same way you did previously, starting with the stairs that lead down to the lower area of Lv-1. Downstairs, search the room to the left of those stairs for Secret Room 27 where Wendala gets a nice MAT boost. Back to the main floor, then down to the Chapel which has been destroyed. There is a treasure chest here now and a few nice items at the ??'s.

A note about this treasure chest thanks to Drake707. The treasure chest contains a Magick Staff. Leave the chapel and return to the main floor. Take the stairs down to the lower level, then return to the chest. It will be closed again. Opening it this second time initiates a MIMIC battle. He pretty much counters all magic. You might want to wait until you have a party of 4 again (Random, Luciana, Wendy and Coryool).

Return to the main floor and explore the right section of Lv-1 by taking the next stairway. Return to the main floor and continue to the upper left section and take that stairway down to the garden area. Secret Room 28 is where Secret Room 25 was, behind the empty frame. Coryool is in the garden. Enter the hole in the garden to arrive to a new, unexplored area.

Map 4- Manor of Aglae-Torre (Lv-2) is a much larger map and you arrive in the center of it. First swing down, right and up to the room with Secret Room 29 in the left wall midway up. Returning to the stairs, make your way left, down and right to explore that area. Memfis will give you Side Quest 07. Return to the corpse on Lv1 to get what he needs, then bring it to Memfis. With that gruesome quest out of the way, continue exploring Lv-2. Head back towards the stairs. Take a left at the large mouth on the wall, then right along the north wall to the pipe in the right corner. This is Secret Room 30. There are 3 rooms on the left to explore, then make your way down to another section.

At the end of the down corridor, turn left. At the end of that corridor turn up at the eyes to find Secret Room 31. Continue down and explore all the bottom rooms for some nice items. Return to the area of the down corridor. Continuing right past this point will lead you to a Boss fight and eventually the point of no return, so proceed only when you're ready.

First there are 2 back-to-back Boss battles with Bongo. Make sure Wendala is well healed and equipped with decent equipment as she is going to disappear during the battle around the next corner. You might want to give her the Vantage Shield and the Mist Ring to help her party in the next chapter. Secret Room 32 is at the pipe where Bongo was standing. Entering the last room leads to a cutscene, the party eventually falls asleep and are found in the morning by Zelina. She's not happy. And Coryool is gone again. Zelina says they are preparing an attack against the Shrine of Zanthra. Sarah still hasn't been found. Zelina returns Random and Luciana to Azan.

Luciana wants to do Guild 'stuff' to make peace again with the elven community but Random adamantly refuses. Take some time to check out Azan and its people. Damathos in the main warehouse gives you Side Quest 09, which you cannot complete until much later in the game. The fairy Anastacya gives you Side Quest 10. This is another side quest that won't be resolved for quite some time. Yet another not soon to be solved side quest is Side Quest 08 given by Zajira. Valeroth, in the Elven Inn, wants to sell you a farm. Hold off until you're able to obtain a half price voucher in the Guild of Hunters. To make the story progress, try leaving by the southern exit.

Cutscene with Sarah who's being prepared for the special ritual, then to Wendala who wants to know why Louthros whisked her away from the manor. Sandy is there as well. Louthros says he is a Drow of the Crypt, the highest rank of Dark Elves. He also reveals he has the power to enter and exit the Hall of Madness at will. Louthros wants to gain control first of Indinera and then of the entire Deport.

And thus ends Chapter 1.
Side Quests 01-10 (01, 05, 06, 07 completed and 02, 03, 04, 08, 09 and 10 pending)
Secret Rooms 1-32
Guild of the Hunters (Quests 1 and 2 completed)
Higher Guild of Elves (Quest 1 completed but credit not yet given)
Guild of Archery (Quests 1 and 2 completed)
Guild of Indinira (Quests 1 and 2 completed)
Guild of Benevolence (Quest 1 completed)

Last edited by Lady JJ on Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:52 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapter 2

Postby Lady JJ » Sun May 28, 2023 2:48 pm

Chapter 2-For Wendala's Smile

The Layout- Telvani is a small village. It's just one map with 3 interiors. There is a home where you can buy herbs, a home where you can buy weapons and armor and an inn. Make sure you buy the Casino book in the inn from the innkeeper's wife. There is a guard at the northern exit, Frasier, who will give you Side Quest 11. Leave by that northern exit to Kenezzeer Hole. You can return for shopping if needed. Louthros is searching for the Book of Sacrifices.

Kenezzeer Hole
The Layout- This is one of the larger dungeons in the game. There are a total of 7 maps with 8 secret rooms. Jump up at the waterfall to enter it.

Map 1- A straightforward vertical map. At the end the right down staircase leads to Map 2 and the left down staircase leads to Map 5.

Map 2- Fairly straightforward again. There are 2 down staircases both leading to Map 3.

Map 3- Has a lighter colored area (left side) which leads down stairs to Map 4. It is accessed by the left down stairway in Map 2. The right down stairway in Map 2 leads to the darker colored area (right side) which also leads to another area further right, Map 7.

Map 4- Is the route to the Iron Manor (Map 6) and a stairway leading to, finally, the Book of Sacrifices.

Map 5- Is accessed by the left down stairway of Map 1. It doesn't lead to any other places.

Map 6- The Iron Manor is a special challenge for Wendala. It is optional but does contain the crown needed to complete Side Quest 11.

Map 7- Is the extension to the right of Map 3. There is a boss by the pool.

After jumping into the waterfall, travel up the length of Map 1. There is nothing to find up that vertical pathway. Take the left down stairway and explore Map 5 first to get it out of the way. There are no ??'s in Map 5, but there are several treasure chests. Secret Room 33 is at the left end of the upper hallway and it leads to Secret Room 34. You can walk across the water to reach the land you see.

Back to Map 1 and the right staircase that leads down to Map 2. Secret Room is under one of the floor tiles in the left uppermost room. Walk on all the tiles until you find it. Take the right staircase down to the right, darker Map 3. There are several ??'s here. Continuing down and then right to a pool leads to a Boss battle Map 7. There's a giant pearl on the right edge of the pool that is only available after the Grichka has been defeated.

Back to Map 2, this time taking the left stairway down to Map 3. This is the left, lighter area and also the path to the Book of Sacrifices. Once you have the book, start walking back to the exit.

This is your only opportunity to enter the Iron Manor (Map 6). Equip Wendy with the Casino Book (she'll need the luck boost) and be sure she's mastered Labour Day, Kiss 'n' Boost and Kneeling down. Work your way around clockwise, healing yourself with Tsunami when needed, until you get to the end where you'll walk into Secret Room 40. Keep on clicking until you've gathered all the gold and Frasier's Crown, if you have that side quest. Back track to return to the beginning and exit the Iron Manor. Don't use the <Exit Danger> menu option as you can now find the Eyeseeker along the north wall of Map 4 just before the stairs going up. When you exit you are automatically transported back to town. Don't forget to give Frasier's Crown to the guard to complete Side Quest 11. Also, talk to the weaponsmith's wife for a new weapon for Wendala and an ATK boost for her as well. Speak to the NPC behind the weapon store as well for a new sword. Rest at the inn and it's time to leave Telvani.

Cutscene- A bewildered Sarah who's visited by a very large Coryool.
Cutscene- Louthros, Sandy and Wendala arrive at the Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra.
Cutscene- Gharam reports to Ivanov that Random and Luciana are still very much alive. Vartex laments that Sarah couldn't be persuaded to kill Random and Luciana at the outpost, things would be so much easier if she hadn't resisted. Ivanov says Sarah must be punished, that the more she suffers, the better a demon she will be. But.... they still need the Book of the Sacrifices to complete the ritual.
Cutscene- Back in Azan, Zelina is preparing her troops for the assault on the Temple of Zanthra. Zelian assures her troops that Random and Luciana are not the enemy, the enemy is the Order, and that Random's and Luciana's only fault is that they fail to understand the elven culture. The army has two days to prepare.

Random and Luciana are still stuck in Azan with no way to venture outside of the town due to not being able to see in the magical elven woods. This time Random reluctantly agrees to do guild and side quests. Side quests 02, 03, 04, 08, 09 and 10 have been initiated. None of them can be completed yet. Visit the guilds. Remember, you still need to buy that farm, so go to the Guild of the Hunters first. Get the Guild of the Hunters second quest, return to town, convince Lord Makaza'ik to stay, then back to the Hunter's Guild to collect the reward. You also pick up the Guild of the Hunters third quest, which you won't be able to complete just yet. Now that you're a level 2 member, go to the left of the guild and around to the back where Crespine will give you a 50% discount voucher for the farm. Now you can buy it for only 10000. Head back to the inn and buy the farm. Don't visit the farm until you have about 1500 g. Next guild is the Higher Guild of Elves where they acknowledge the completion of their first quest and then give you the second quest. Defeat the frogs in the Royal Thermes and then return to the Higher Guild of Elves for your reward, which includes a map to the Guild of Absinthe. Don't use it yet. The third quest for this guild is simple enough, find a veteran guard. That would be Duran in the right upper section of Azan. Speak to him and he agrees to come out of his home to guard the town. Back to the guild to report your success.
Sekai wrote:Thanks for the guide, has been very helpful so far to find a lot of secret rooms and avoid missing side quests. I did also find a third quest from the Archery guild (which would make what you have listed as #3 much later on, as #4, I think) doable at the above point. They will ask you to go and clear out a nest of millipuves right outside. You can see the in the lower right area of the yard. On insane difficulty, this is a very difficult fight with just Random and Luci, as it comes in 4 waves back to back and they hit hard, but if you completed all the available guild of benevolence quests up to this point, you can use naturalist form for poison/contaminated immunity, kill all but the weakest one before each next wave, and then heal up before finishing it off. Random should be able to 1 shot them with silver sword. Maybe 2 shot for millionpuves. Whether you "shake" or "stand near" the hive makes a difference of the number of weak adds in the first wave but nothing else as far as I know.


Guild of Benevolence- Collect Guild of Benevolence Quest 02 (Find out what happened to their guard), an NPC in the front right room gives the party an MAT boost. Talk to the sleeping man in the main warehouse, then return to the Guild of Benevolence to complete this quest. Before leaving, talk to the NPC outside by the flowers on the right.

Farm- Go to your newly acquired farm. Look around. Be sure to hire the gardener, Agenor.

When you're ready to progress the story, open the 'One Day Pass.' You will arrive in the Guild of Absinthe, but only for a few minutes. Gameplay then turns to Yveen in the Hall of Madness.

Explore this left side of the map from top to bottom, finding at least a weapon and a shield. As soon as you are transported to the upper midsection of the map, go straight up to find Secret Room 41. Secret Room 42 is at the end of the short vertical corridor at the bottom. The right side of the map, the lighter side is the path to end Yveen's nightmare. Enter the small box in the large box at the bottom and spin around.

Louthros and Team Darkness have succeeded in finding Sarah in the sewers of the Temple of Zanthra. Sarah has some equipment, but you might want to give her some of your better equipment, especially the Eyeseeker. There is a rest sparkle in the lit room.

The Sewers
The Layout- Just 2 maps, the first being a very small map and the second being a very large map.

Map 1- Side by side cells. The exit is in the upper right corner. There is a Resting Sparkle in the lit cell.

Map 2- You arrive in the lower left section. There are single rooms, most of them have cots. In the second row of cots is a blind corridor leading up to Secret Room 43. Secret Rooms 44, 45 and 46 are in the upper area of the map. There are larger rooms in the right lower section, the left upper section and the right upper section. The exit is in the left upper section. Look for ??'s and chests as usual. There is a Wyrm Egg in a wooden chest in the uppermost leftmost corner. Secret Room 45 is at the end of the up corridor to the immediate right of that corner room. Continuing along the top right to left, about midway across the narrow corridor widens and it is in the left corner of this room where you will Secret Room 44. There are 2 pools below the exit to the shrine. A ladder leading down in the right pool takes you to Secret Room 46. There is a Boss battle in one of the 2 pools in the lowermost rightmost section of this map. Search for other restorative items and boosts throughout the map. A Resting Sparkle becomes available once you've exited this map should you need it while you're in the Shrine of Zanthra.

Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra
The Layout- Since you've entered by the sewers, you start out not on the main floor, but in the basement (Map 1). The main floor is one level above (Map 2) leading to the second floor (Map 3) and the third floor (Map 4). The third floor is your destination. The main floor (Map 2) also has an exit to a left wing (Map 5), two exits to the right wing (Map 6) and also an exit to the front foyer (Map 7) and the outside courtyard (Map 8 ). There's a lot to explore.

Map 1 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra Lv-1)- You arrive in the dark midupper left area. Work your way up and around to the lighter area where the walls resemble a piano keyboard (at least to me). The stairway to the main level is at the southern end of the large hallway. Before going there, explore the upper section of this central hall to where Secret Room 47 is at the topmost wall behind a statue. There are 2 horizontal corridors, the upper the first you encountered, and the lower which is down the central hallway a bit. Take the right upper hallway to search 1 darker room above and 2 lighter rooms below. Secret Room 48 is in that darker room above. Returning to that central vertical hallway, come down to the lower horizontal hallway. Go left to find 4 rooms, 2 up and 2 down. In one you'll find an NPC who tells you it's important to drink the blood, likely a reference to the order, but doesn't seem to have anything else of importance. Louthros doesn't even kill him, which was surprising. There are 2 rooms off the right of this lower hallway, 1 lighter up and 1 darker below with items to collect. Return to the central vertical hallway and make your way to the stairs leading to the main level (Map 2).

Map 2 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra)- The main content of this floor lies behind you, but, for now, continue south to the foyer (Map 7).

Map 7 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra)- It's a small area, bounded on both sides by dashes. On the left edge there is a missing dash. Enter there for Secret Room 49. In the right upper corner of the foyer is the entrance to Secret Room 50. Exit the foyer to the south to the outside courtyard (Map 8 ).

Map 8 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra)- To the right is a Dark Elf Tamara. She is desperately searching for her daughter Ellis who has been abducted by the order. She implores you to help save Ellis and gives you Side Quest 12. Head back inside through the foyer and back into the main floor of the shrine (Map 2).

Map 2 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra)- There's a lot to explore on this main level. First, at your first opportunity, take the lower horizontal corridor to the left to explore the left wing (Map 5).

Map 5 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra (Left Wing))- The route of this map is a continuous counterclockwise path with only one short blind offshoot in the upper section. Explore your way to the left upper corner room. The red curtain here leads to Secret Room 52. As you work your way down, you'll come to 3 hallways all leading to the same large room forming the lower left section of this map. Walk down the middle hallway to find Secret Room 51. The left wing ends in a darker room with a few items. When you're done exploring, retrace your steps clockwise back to the left lower horizontal hallway of Map 2.

Map 2 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra)- Continue right past the central area. One room up with an item, back to the hallway. Look for the 3-paned window a few steps away that leads to Secret Room 54. Returning, follow the next hallway up (the last hallway is a dead end but there's nothing there) to a room. There are 2 exits to the right, one in this room and one in the next, both leading to the right wing (Map 6). The right wing has an upper darker section and a lower lighter section. Neither section can be accessed directly from the other, hence the need for 2 exits in Map 2. Continue across the horizontal hallway to the right wing (Map 6).

Map 6 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra (Right Wing))- There are 3 large rooms, each divided into smaller cubicles, and 2 smaller rooms at the lower edge. The entrance to Secret Room 57 is through an arched window directly above a coffin in the left upper room. There is another coffin in one of the cubicles in the left lower room with a MIMIC. There's a girl in one of the cubicles in the right larger room, but she's not Ellis and she doesn't seem to have any importance. In the right lowermost room is an NPC who enjoys blood. Louthros quickly dispatches him. Secret Room 55 is in the statue next to that NPC. Secret Room 56 is in the wall window directly behind the left wing of that dragon statue. There isn't anything in Secret Room 56 except a coffin that does nothing. If you feel adventurous, you can roam around in there until you trigger a high level fight. No Boss fight, nothing mandatory, but good for EXP points maybe? When done exploring, return to Map 2.

Map 2 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra)- Continue up to the second room the hallway opens up to and then right to the upper, darker section of the right wing (Map 6).

Map 6 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra (Right Wing))- It's just a simple pathway through several rooms. The only important room is the last room with a coffin, a bathtub and an NPC. Interact with the NPC and Louthros kills her. Get the Deluxe Slave Key behind where she was standing. Inspect the coffin. You may need to do this a couple of times. Louthros wonders if they're lucky enough to find Ellis, and, yes, he was right. Head back to the main area (Map 2), south out through the foyer (Map 7) and then the courtyard (Map 8 ). Tamara apologizes that she has nothing of value to reward you. (Apparently later she does because I believe the successful completion of this quest is the key to getting the Map of the Shadow Guild.) Now it's time to proceed to rescuing Sarah. Head back into the main area (Map 2).

Map 2 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra)- Head north to the first circular room you come to. Go left into a smaller oval room, then north to a more square room then right to a long narrow room with a Save Book. There are a couple of items to be found along the route but nothing more. Return to the center large circular room and this time go up to a square room and the stairs leading up to the next level. In this square room are a couple of items and a short blind hallway leading right where you'll find Secret Room 53. Once you've fully explored this main level, left and right wings, foyer and courtyard, head up the stairs to the next level (Map 3).

Map 3 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra (Lv1))- You arrive at the top center of the map. There is an upper left section, an upper right section, a room with a statue due south of the stairs, a lower left section and a lower right section. The lower right section leads you to Sarah but you have to explore the other areas for a key first. Go into the lone room just below and to the left of the stairs for a pair of Elven Gloves, back to the red carpeted hallway, down to the next corridor, left to a long room for another NPC encounter and a Golden Pearl. Back to the main vertical carpeted hallway, continue right, wrap around counterclockwise to a Save Book and Secret Room 59 behind that Save Book, continue left and back to the carpeted hallway closer to the stairs. All the way down that hallway to a dragon statue where you'll find an XFlail +1, which may be helpful if you plan to return to that MIMIC downstairs, up to the horizontal hall and left to explore the left lower portion of the map. You can explore the lower right area first, but you need a key on this left side before you can progress in the story. There are several items, including a few ores, to be found on this left side, as well as Secret Room 58 which is found in a crack in the wall between the 2 upper rooms you get to along this route. In the room after the short vertical hallway direction beneath those cracks in the wall is a Boss fight where you'll get the key (Zanthra Pass) you need for the right side. Explore the room below, return to the main red carpeted area and continue right to explore that side of the map. There are only 2 rooms to explore, with nothing to find, and then a large oval room with a vertical red carpet. Climb the stairs at the top to another NPC which Louthros quickly dispatches and the locked gate that opens with the Zanthra Pass allowing you to progress to the third floor (Map 4).

Map 4 (Sacrificial Shrine of Zanthra (Lv2))- In the entry room, left upper corner, is Secret Room 60. The corridor is another linear pathway with 3 rooms to explore before the final battle. Follow the corridor right and up where there is a battle with members of the order. I don't think this counts as a Boss battle. The first room is just after you take the corner to the left. There is a Save Book, a couple of items, and a mirror leading to Secret Room 61. The upper left of Secret Room 61 leads to Secret Room 62. Return to the hallway, continue left, down and left again where there are 2 rooms above you. In the first room is a Boss battle with Gruelpak. The second room has a dark pit in the center with stairs leading down to Secret Room 63. Check the left side of the red couch for a Slave Key first. It unlocks the gate in Secret Room 63 allowing you to find 3 slave girls. The third cell is locked with Darlene inside. Darlene is the key to Random's quest, but Louthros doesn't know that. If you have the Deluxe Slave Key from killing the NPC with Ellis, then you can free Darlene. You don't get the credit for it, but Random isn't above taking the credit for it later, so it will become a 'Quest Complete' later in the game. Between these 2 rooms, you'll be ambushed by Ruusavari and Helix, another Boss battle. At the end of the corridor is Sarah. Search the room before this final fight. Secret Room 64 is in the rear. Circle around either left or right to get to it. Defeat Zeryon, twice, and, after a short cutscene, gameplay resumes with Random in Luciana in the Guild of Absinthe. Luciana is looking for an artifact that will allow them to see clearly in Indinera and be able to travel without the accompaniment of elves.

Guild of Absinthe
The Layout- There are 5 maps in this museum. There is a main floor (Map 1), an upstairs (Map 2), and a third floor (Map 3) that has the artifact you need.. There is also an area to the left of the main floor (Map 4) which is essential in completing the third quest of the Guild of the Hunters and an area to the right of the main floor (Map 5).

Map 1- Main floor, entrance
There is a convenient Resting Sparkle, a large stairway to the second floor. Secret Room 65 is in the right section of this front area and Secret Room 66 is in the left section of this front area. There is a separate area in the rear that can only be accessed by Map ?. Further back to the left is the path leading to Map 4. Head to Map 4 to get that quest out of the way.

Map 4- Mostly books and classrooms. Interact with the cat in the first room down. The cat scampers it away. Work your way up and to the left to pester the cat again. Cat runs away. Return midway and to the left and find the cat in the classroom. Pester it again. Return to the room where you first saw the cat and pester it one final time. Now the cat is mad, really mad. After this Boss battle, search the south wall where the cat disappeared for Secret Room 68. Note that this secret room was not available to you before defeating the cat. You can see there's another room to the left. Back to the map and enter the that room to find Secret Room 69. Inspect the statue to the upper left. This is the Angelicon for Guild of the Hunters third quest. After doing the usual search of the map for treasure chests and ??'s, Map 4 is complete. Return to Map 1 and now to the right to explore Map 5.

Map 5- A large library. In the upper right corner, check the spot with a mismatched books tile to find Secret Room 67 and another MIMIC. When you've finished exploring the 3 main floor maps, go up the middle stairs to Map 2.

Map 2- The area to the left and above these stairs are inaccessible from this area. A room to the right of the base of those stairs has a treasure chest. From those entry stairs, travel due south right into Secret Room 70. To the right go past the first corridor up and continue to the corner, then up where there are 2 rooms each containing a treasure chest. In the wall of the hallway between these 2 rooms is Secret Room 71. Back to that first corridor up you just past and go up where there is a short cutscene with Ivanov berating Zeryon for allowing Sarah to escape. When finished, continue up and climb the stairs to the next level (Map 3).

Map 3- There is a Save Book at the top of the stairs. There are 2 rooms to the left of this save book, but they don't contain any goodies. Follow the route to the upper right in a clockwise fashion. At the intersection, continue straight to a bookcase that will increase uses of spells for one, back to the intersection, go left and down continuing clockwise. Go all the way to the left then up for a book that will increase the uses of spells for one, backtrack and go up into a large circular room with a platform area. This is your final destination, but don't go to that platform yet as there is still more to explore. In the upper left table of this round room is a flask that will increase uses of spells and restore full MP for one. Exit that round room to the north. There are 2 down stairways there, one on the left and one on the right. Both will take you to the same back and left area of Map 2. Head down one of those stairs.

Map 2- Inspect the gold ball on the left for an increase in spells. Inspect the compass for an increase in all technics. Inspect the bookcase on the right for Secret Room 72. The rooms to the left and down don't contain anything of value. Take the stairs in the middle of the bookcases down to the rea of the main level (Map 1). The treasure chest in front of you contains Metallist.

Map 1-This is that small area that is separate from the rest of Map 1. The left corridor leads to a room that has the entrance to Secret Room 73 in its lower right corner facing right. There doesn't seem to be anything special here, but if you check the bookcase between the right table with the old notes and the empty cage, you'll find the entrance to Secret Room 74. Back in the main area, the room to the right has a boost for one player. Take the stairs back up to the second level (Map 2) and then one of the stairways to the third level (Map 3).

Map 3- It's time to grab the artifact. There is a scroll just below the artifact that will increase technics for all. In front of the bookcase there are 3 objects on the table. Interact with the left and the right before interacting with the middle. Grab the candle, defeat the boss, and gameplay transfers to Louthros' party.

Cutscene with Team Darkness making camp. Louthros wants to study the Book of Sacrifices. Sarah wants to go back to Azan to be with Random. Louthros tells her that's not going to happen and Sarah bolts and falls into a giant spider community, the Ruines of Lyakine.

Ruins of Lyakine.
The Layout- A fairly linear set of 6 maps with each one leading to the next.

Map 1- Make your way from the upper left to the exit at the bottom center. In that square room directly to the right of the entry room, is a jut-out at the lower left corner. It leads to Secret Room 75. Continue to the right in a clockwise fashion past the Save Book and down, looking for ??'s and chests.

Map 2- Starting from the entry at the upper right, work your way down, across the webbed bridge to the left, then up to the upper left corner to the ladder going down. Near the end of that lower horizontal webbed bridge is a short projection leading down. Follow it to find Secret Room 76.

Map 3- Make your way first from the lower right where you enter to the upper left, then back about half way to a chasm that needs to be jumped over, and then the exit is in the right about midway up. There are 2 vertical paths to rooms to be explored between the chasm and the exit to the right. In the first room is a steel crossbow and the exit (but not the entrance just yet) of Secret Room 79. Avoid the blue spider as it causes HP damage, inspect the chasm to the right, then go all the way down and to the right again to realize there's no exit there. The big spider doesn't seem to do anything. Look for a small green path to cross the chasm in the left lower portion of that room to find Secret Room 80. Acterion Fungulus gives you Side Quest 13 (Find the Old Chapel's Old Book). Return to the chasm near the blue spider. Secret Room 77 is in a large crack in the wall under a spider web about halfway between the blue spider and the chasm. Head through the south wall at the floor crack in that room to find Secret Room 78.

Secret Room 78- This is a tough room filled with damaging spiders you have to avoid, or it's Game Over. There is only one treasure in this room and it's at the end of the path without spiders. It's worth having. Quickest and safest way is to just dive in and make no stops. Down and 1 step to the left to the path, down and left to the path right 2 steps to the path, down to a wall, right to a wall, then up and you're free of the spiders. Get the Lycosine. Fortunately you don't have to backtrack through all those spiders again. Exit the room due north from the chest to Secret Room 79 which leads back to the starting point of this level. You can now access Secret Room 79 directly from that starting room, but why?

Back to the chasm remembering to avoid the blue spider, jump over it and head to the exit up and to the right to Map 4. Before making it to the right side, explore the 2 rooms to the north. Bokden is in one of them.

Map 4- The path to the exit is from the lower left where you enter to the upper right where you exit. There are places to explore in the upper left and lower right quadrants. At the chasm in the lower right corner is Secret Room 81. There's a magical boost there as well as the book to complete Side Quest 13. Back to the monk in Secret Room 80 to return the book. The reward is the map to the Guild of Inexistence. At the end of the left webbed bridge is a hole in the ground. Inspect it to find Secret Room 82. Just before the exit of this map is a hole in the ground leading to Secret Room 83.

Map 5- Continue this vertical path of south to north until you reach the final map. Hiding in the right clump of trees is a Golden Cocka. Spare him to be able to complete Side Quest 02 later. In the red chest is a MIMIC. Secret Room 84 is in a vertical crack in the wall above and to the right of the save book. And in that small room below the entrance to Secret Room 84 is Bokden again. The Piso King is there. I'm not sure he can be defeated, but it might be important to try if you want to complete that quest later. I'm just not sure. Equip Louthros with the Casino Book before continuing to Map 6 if he doesn't already have it.

Map 6- And now you've finally made it out and can head back to camp. But not before a cutscene with Ivanov who has found the whereabouts of Sarah again. Ivanov sends Vartex to recapture Sarah. Then a cutscene with Baretta admonishing Coryool for letting Sarah be abducted in the Temple of Zanthra. It seems Baretta had sent Coryool to keep an eye on Sarah and keep her safe.

Cutscene back at camp with Louthros tying up Sarah so she doesn't attempt to escape again. Wendala is sent to gather firewood when she get abducted. Somebody wants to know who the dark elf is and why he's so interested in the Book of Sacrifices. This same somebody threatens to kill Wendala if she doesn't reveal what she knows, but Wendala, being an undead, just laughs and tells him to bring it on.

Louthros, Sandy and Sarah are now in the Killer pit where they're focused on rescuing Wendala. Before venturing into the Killer Pit, leave to the south and restock in the Forlani Outpost.

Forlani Outpost
Terence fishing at the stream
Alannah and her boyfriend are camping out
Marky has a weapons and armor store
Alvin the inkeeper sells items as well. Be sure to buy the 'Ticket to Hell' your first visit. Sleep in the inn as well.

Reenter the Killer Pit and jump down. (You can use the menu option <Exit Danger> if you want to return to Forlani.)

Killer Pit
The Layout- The entry map (Map 1), a map with 3 pits along the top (Map 2), the map with the landings of those 3 pits (Map 3), the Metal Maze (Map 4), the Gourmet Restaurant (Map 5).

Map 1- The entry map. There's nothing to do here but jump down into the pit, landing in Map 2.

Map 2- Ignore the 3 pits at the top for now. Explore the lower areas of this map. There are a couple of chests in the lower left room. In a large lower room with demon statues there is a red arrow on the floor. Follow that arrow to the lowest central and right part of the map. There are a couple of treasure chests here. The middle corridor leads to Secret Room 85 with 2 MIMIC fights. Returning back to the northern areas of this map, there are 3 pits along the top. They all lead to one specific area of Map 3. The left pit leads to the path to Wendala (Map 3-Left). The center pit leads to the NPC Crawford who has the map of the Guild of GodSlayers (Map 3-Center). The right pit leads to a pair of MIMICs (Map 3-Right).

Map 3-Center- Crawford will give you the Map to the Guild of Godslayers only if he deems you worthy. If he finds you too arrogant (which I interpret as being here without having enough experience and boss battles under your belt), check Louthros' base LUK. Save your game first, then strip Louthros of all weapons/equipment. If his base LUK is less than 300, you need to build that up by levelling or by permanent stat boosts. Temporary won't help. Reload your game, leave this area and come back later when you've gained a few levels. There is also a Secret Room which will give Louthros +12 LUK, so that could be helpful. Leave this area using the menu option <Escape Danger>.

Map 3-Right- Leads to a pair of MIMICs in the lower barrels. It's a tough battle. You can come back later, but you cannot return once you've saved Wendala.

Forlani Outpost- Use the menu <Exit Danger> option again and return to Forlani Outpost. Look for an NPC is the upper right section of the town. She has her back to you. She'll exchange that 'Ticket to Hell' you bought from the innkeeper for a 'Mysterious Letter.' You have one opportunity to say 'Yes' else she simply vanishes. Well, she disappears anyway even if you do say 'Yes' but at least you now have a 'Mysterious Letter.' Use the 'Mysterious Letter' in your menu and discover it's a Map to the Shadow Guild. Return to the Killer Pit and jump down the left pit to Map 3-Left.

Map 3-Left- This left section is the path to saving Wendala. Work your way from top to bottom.

There is a short cutscene of Random and Luciana returning from the Guild of Absinthe when you turn down the narrow corridor. Now that they can see through the elven forest mist, Luciana wants to get as far away as possible from Azan. Cut to Ivanov and Slayer just to remind us Vartex is still chasing after Sarah and then back to Louthros' team in the Killer pit.

Continue down and then along the bottom from right to left, searching the offshoot rooms as you come to them. There is an NPC who sells flails about midway across. In the room directly below that NPC is a Save Book and the pit to jump down to Map 4. Before you do that, explore the next room down on the right. At the blind hallways of that room you'll find Secret Room 86 and Secret Room 87. Jump down

... while jumping there's a cutscene with Wendala being tortured and poisoned. Does she have a breaking point? ... now you've landed in

Map 4- The Metal Maze
You start middle lower portion of the map. Follow the blood path down to Secret Room 88. Your destination is to the top of the map. The room has 3 exits, left, up and right. The left path leads to Wendala. Take the right exit first for exploration. As you turn up, there's a short hall to the right leading to Secret Room 89 and a Boss battle with a Tyrannosaurus. If you have trouble with this fight, wait until you've saved Wendala and then return. The up path from the entry room leads you to Loxmar the Madman. The game doesn't allow you to fight him until you return with Wendala. There are 3 up corridors. The first leads to a MIMIC battle with 3 mimics, best to return with Wendala. There's nothing in the middle corridor. The right corridor has a Diamond Shard. Back to the entry room and exit left to the path to Wendala. As you go across the map from right to left, the 3 windows each have monkey fights. Make sure to inspect the window after each fight to find Meats. In between the first and second window is Secret Room 90. Round the right corner up and you now play as Wendala. The torture and poison is having an effect upon her.

Wendala's Ordeal- There's just one map here, but there are 4 secret rooms. From the upper right room with a grate in the upper right corner and a blood heart on the floor, head down, then right just to look around, back to the path, down some stairs to a Save Book, right to the 3 blood hearts, down and right. Click on the Wendala in the bedroom. Now left and click on the Wendala in the bathtub for exp and a boost. Back to the kitchen and click on Wendala again for more exp and another boost. Back to the 3 blood hearts, continue right and up all the way to another Wendala. Follow the bloody footprints to Secret Room 91. Obey the commands on the wall left to right for a Magicka Heart. Exit and follow the green sign in the upper right corner to Secret Room 92. At the point where Wendala says she's cold, turn down and walk into Secret Room 93. Walk into the blackness through the upper right corner. Walk over all the left side of the blackness until you find yourself in Secret Room 94. Click the wall to leave and get a final exp boost. You exit are back in the starting room. Circle all the way around to the shower room with the secret rooms and exit the dream by walking into the north wall at the EXIT sign and you're back in the Killer Pit. This is your last chance to kill those 2 barrel MIMICS in the right side of Map 3-Right and/or receive the Map to the Guild of the GodSlayers in Map3-Left if you haven't already done so. Once you have rescued Wendala your only options are to finish whatever is undone on Map 4 (The Metal Maze) and/or leave the pit. Once you leave, you won't be able to return.

Map 5- It's a 3 time Boss fight in this map. Fortunately Wendala has rejoined the party.

When Tarkhan and his shamans are defeated, gameplay goes to Yveen who is still stuck in the Hall of Madness. Work your way from the upper left to the upper right to Dr. Malik. Along the way find a gun, some gloves and 3 Magicka Hearts. Interacting with Dr. Malik will eventually stop Yveen's nightmare and revert back to Louthros' Team Darkness. There's now a convenient Resting Sparkle at your feet so use it. Inspect the cage to the left for an X-Flail-X (R).

There is still Loxmar the Madman on Map 4 as well as the 3 barrel MIMICs. Walk back to Map 4. There is a new Sparkle there that will return you to Forlani, but don't take it yet. Dispatch Loxmar (that new flail will help) and those 3 barrel MIMICs. Then use the sparkle to exit the Killer Pit where Vartex is waiting for you. Kill him.

2 sidequests are now available in Forani. Talk to the fisherman for Side Quest 15 which is immediately completed following successful completion of a Boss battle. Sleep at the inn to get Side Quest 14. Keep sleeping until you get it. You might already have this side quest if you've slept enough times at the inn, but you can only solve it with Wendala in the party. Go downstairs and talk to the innkeeper's wife. She will take you to the basement with the rats. It's a time wasting quest. You can't do anything, but stay there just walking around for about 3 or 4 minutes. Wendala will finally get bored and volunteer to get rid of the rats herself, tells you to go upstairs and wait, and does just that. Quest complete.

At this point you could leave Forlani by the north exit and end Chapter 2, but you have those 3 Guild maps, so use them first. In order of appearance....

Guild of Inexistence- Inside the guild are 5 monks. They only respond if you speak to them from the front, not the sides, not the back. Speak to Melchior the front center monk, for the first quest. This should be an instant success, but, if not, try increasing your magical stats (ATK and DEF) and maybe LUK. Once completed, Melchior has nothing further to say. Move to Agadus, the monk to the left of Melchior. This can also be accomplished immediately. It is yet another time wasting quest. The game must not be interacted with for a full 10 minutes. Next is Clarion on the right who gives the third quest. This is another instant and is dependent upon the number of saves you've made. Not sure what the max is, but my 2000+ saves didn't satisfy the requirements. There does seem to be an option for a second chance, though. As is so often the case with Indy's games, LUK plays a major role. Save your game. Use a Fortune Boost on Louthros and interact with Clarion again. He calculates the number of your Kills, Bosses and Quests. My 7 quests didn't satisfy the empathy requirement. Reload your game as Fortune Boosts are really hard to come by and you don't want to waste even one and exit the guild.
Additional info from Lizwiz
Lizwiz wrote:Re the Guild of Inexistence - like you, my 7 quests weren't enough to satisfy the monk. So I went and did the Guild of Shadows quests. Then I had 10 quests. Went back from Forlani to the Guild of Inexistence, gave Louthros a Fortune Boost as per your suggestion, and YES, it worked! He said "Helped the community". Got lots of perks and rewards. +::YAY


Guild of Shadows- There is a double door here. Unlike most double doors that take you to the same place, this double door takes you to the left or right side of the interior depending upon which you opened. Start with the right as Babel on the left only talks to members.

Speak to the 2 redheads on the right. It's Tamara and her daughter Ellis from the Shrine of Zanthra, Side Quest . It was Tamara who made the arrangements for you to receive the map to this guild. She rewards you for saving Ellis with a Legendary Companion. Speak to the guildmaster Erania who grants you membership and gives you your first quest. Leave and enter the left door. Babel will speak to you now. She gives you your second quest. These two quests are related. Return to Erania and ask to be taken to Lady Sybil's residence. Talk to the baby, touch the baby, shake the baby. Nothing seems to work. Go back to the left side of the guild and ask Babel to take you to the chest. Hit the chest a few times and return to the baby. Seems toying with the baby's possessed-by-demon is angry. Boss fight. Speak to Erania who gives you the third quest. Back to Babel and the cursed chest. Hit it again. Another MIMIC fight. Back at the guild, go into the darkness up and to the right of Babel. Find the Master. The correct response is KNEEL. Babel is sleeping and Erania doesn't seem to have another quest so it's time to leave this guild. Before you leave, Tamara and Ellis have some interesting comments.

Guild of the GodSlayers- You can't explore any of this guild until you first speak to Cyrus Maximus. You must have a minimum, calculated by the average of the 4 party members, of 3 stats.
EXP-the average of the 4 party members
ATK-the average of the 4 party members
Mastery- Sarah number of uses of HyperSlash, Wendala number of uses of XXX-Blade, Sandy number of uses of Dark Blast, Louthros number of uses of Ax-Death, the average of these 4
ATK can be raised with equipment changes. EXP and Number of Uses just require more gameplay, so leave and come back later

In the left room, Dayna warns you of the purple-haired kid, Argayran gives you the first quest, and Batista takes you there. Collect the 2 Water Orbs to the left and right and then approach the water between the two mushroom clumps. When the first battle is finished, step forward and enter the Cult of the Sea. There is an Ice Orb at the left lower edge.

Ant Kingdom- Go up to the square room above the circular area you landed in. Take the right route to find an Old Fossil. Back to the square room and take the up route and explore the branches for pearls and jellies. The up route in this room leads to the Queen Ant, so explore the down and left routes first. Secret Room S-001 is at the end of the left route. Return to that second room and take the up route. Head all the way to the top, there's nothing to find along the way, and enter the Throne Room. Up the stairs to the right is a hole in the floor with Secret Room S-002 that has Ant Perfect Jelly. After you defeat the Queen Ant, check her throne for a Fireorb Staff.

Return to the Guild. Talk to Ceylan. There are no more available quests so go back to Forlani. Now that you've accomplished a few more quests, go back to the Guild of Inexistence to see if you've done enough. Don't forget to save before using the Fortune Boost so it's not wasted if you still don't meet the criteria. Looks like the monks are done talking to you, so back to Forlani.

You need to make a decision now. Will you equip Sarah with a sword now so she can keep the Vantage Shield equipped and bring it back to Random, or will you equip Sarah with the Eyeseeker and leave the Vantage Shield with Louthros' party? It depends upon who needs to level their skills up the most and could use the Fury Points more. I chose to leave the shield with Louthros.

Leave Forlani by the north exit, there's a cutscene of Sarah bolting once again and thus ends Chapter 2.
Last edited by Lady JJ on Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Lady JJ
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapter 3

Postby Lady JJ » Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:46 pm

Chapter 3- For Luciana's Heart

Ghost Village of Vuurn
The Layout- There are 6 distinct maps, the entry screen in the woods to the east of Vuurn (Map 1), the Village of Vuurn goes from north to south with 4 map sections (Map 2, Map 3, Map 4, Map 5), and the swamp to the north of Vuurn (Map 6) which leads to the MSI. There are 9 secret rooms and 2 side quests to be found.

Map 1 (0 Inhabitants)- Random and Luciana are lost in the woods of Indinera, searching for any signs of civilization. They find themselves in this swamp. Work your way from the upper right of the map to the lower left. The map is shaped like an X with knobs at each of the 4 ends. Secret Room 95 is in the lower right knob of this map. It's not easy to find. You have to work your way as far right as possible and wiggle around in the blackness until you reach it. Finding the opening to the blackness is harder than wiggling around to the room. The best way to find it is to stand to the right of the barrel, move as far right as you can, then up 2 and right into the blackness. Then just keep wiggling to the right until you get to that secret room. In the left lower knob is a tree and a barrel. The barrel has a MIMIC. Best to leave this MIMIC be until you have more party members. Exit to the lower left to the southernmost part of the village (Map 2).

Map 2 (1 Inhabitant)- The first house has an encounter with the Piso King if you check the bucket in the upper left corner. As with Louthros' team, I'm not sure whether you have to survive until he escapes or if you can just lose, but I do believe it's important to at least try. The second house is locked. You come upon Baretta and Coryool who join your party. (For some reason, if you delay entering that first house with the Piso King until you have Baretta and Coryool, the Piso King doesn't appear.) Baretta wants to guide you to the MSI. Go up and around to the back of those 2 houses. Trying to enter the locked one from the back brings you to Secret Room 96. To the right is another house. There are 2 wharfs before you get to that house. The first has 2 barrels containing twin MIMICs. Best to avoid that battle until Baretta has had a chance to level up a bit. The third house has an NPC selling some restorative items. There are 2 northern exits to Map 3. For now, head to the upper right exit.

Map 3 Right (3 Inhabitants)- Has a left side and a right side, one can't be directly reached from the other. The right side is reached from the upper right exit of Map 2. The building in the first branch to the left can't be entered but there is an item behind it. The main path then leads to a fork. The left fork contains a couple of empty boxes. The right branch leads to a couple of houses. Inside the house with a lit window are 3 children seemingly abandoned by their father. Mascarpone asks you to find this missing father, Side Quest 16. The adjoining house has a pair of Swamp Shoes but no NPC's. The chest has a Mithril Spear. Return to Map 2.

Map 2- Head toward the left upper exit. Before reaching the exit, there is a white finger-like projection to the left. Follow it to the end and into Secret Room 97. A jelly roll route leads to a chest with a MIMIC. Be sure to click the chest after the battle for a Druduluhl. Now leave and exit to Map 3.

Map 3 Left (6 Inhabitants)- This left side has 3 homes to enter. The first is on the left side. There are 2 NPC's downstairs and 1 NPC upstairs. Return to the main path, cross the bridge to the right to the second home with a Save Book on the porch. There is 1 NPC in this house. Back to the main path and up to the third house. There are 2 NPC's, both kids playing pirates. Exit to the north to Map 4.

Map 4 (5 Inhabitants)- Has a left side and a right side. Explore the right side first. You actually have to go left a bit, up to the trees, then right. A blue haired NPC tells you some ghosts become trees. She calls Coryool the 'Dark Man.' Behind her is a white finger-like projection leading to Secret Room 98 which has a Kadaver Shield and another MIMIC. Cross the bridge to the left of this NPC to a house. Entering it from the right side leads to Secret Room 99. The front door is locked. Return to the beginning of this map and this time go up the left side. The lone house near the top of the map has 1 inhabitant. There is a cluster of 4 buildings reached by a bridge to the right. The larger building has 2 NPC's, Dove and grumpy Arnie. Check the window for Secret Room 100. There's a bed in there. Dove sells restorative items. Go down the bridge to an NPC selling weapons. On the upper dock is Jahydel who will transport you by boat to Map 5. It's the only way to get to Map 5. Once on the other side Jahydel will give you Side Quest 17 if you choose 'Do a little service for me.' You'll need to revisit the previous maps to start counting all the inhabitants. Jayhydel counts as the first.

Side Quest 17- Jahydel is 1 inhabitant. Map 1 has 0 inhabitants (it's just a swamp), Map 2 has 1 inhabitant, Map 3 has 9 inhabitants, Map 4 has 5 inhabitants. You have to backtrack and interact with each one in order for them to be counted. Jahydel counts as 1 also, so when you get back to Jahydel on the Map 4 dock, your census count should be 16. You're not finished yet as you haven't counted the ones on Map 5. Ask Jahydel to take you to the other side (Map 5) again.

Map 5 (1 Inhabitant)- Walk down the wharf you just landed on to find Secret Room 101. Explore the building on the wharf with Jahydel. You'll see a note saying 'Zola was here' and an old picture of a lady and a broken necklace. Zola is the name of the father you're supposed to find for Side Quest 16. Cross the bridge to the left to a building with a Save Book, cross the next bridge and down a plank to find Secret Room 103. Next straight up into house with 1 NPC. This is the last inhabitant.

Side Quest 17- You should now have 17 inhabitants. Go back to Jahydel and collect your reward. Ask to be transported to the other side (Map 4) again and visit Dove. Do all your shopping with Dove now. Go back to Secret Room 100, solve the mystery and complete Side Quest 16. Be sure to talk to Dove again before leaving. She has a gift for you. Make your way back from the right side of Map 3 to Map 2 to the left side of Map 3 and then up to Map 4 again to Jahydel. You still haven't found Secret Room 102.

Finding Secret Room 102- Takes a little bit of luck, so get that lucky by giving Random a Fortune Boost. Ask Jahydel to take you to the other side and you land in Secret Room 102 instead. Note this only works when Jahydel is on the lower wharf (Map 4), it won't work if she's on the upper wharf (Map 5). Your final tally should be 105 Secret Rooms found, 103 regular and 2 that were found in the GodSlayer's Ant quest.

Map 5- Almost done with Vuurn. There are 2 upper exits to Map 6, the final map. The left leads to a smaller projection of land with a few barrels (each with a MIMIC) and boxes to check, the right leads to the MSI. If you left any MIMICs alone because Baretta wasn't leveled enough, now is the time to finish them off. To recap, the MIMICs are Map 1 (2 barrels under a clump of trees close to the southern exit), Map 2 (2 barrels on a wharf), Map 2 (Secret Room 97 small white projection near upper left exit), Map 4 (Secret Room 98 right side on a small white finger-like projection behind the blue-haired NPC) and Map 6 (small island with 3 barrels reached by a bridge). When ready, just follow the map north and you'll arrive at the Indinera Branch of the Modern Sciences Institute (MSI).

Reyes is the NPC at the door. Up to the right is the Main Controlling Room with Prune. This is where the main computer and the database is. Llawinas is at the wide stairway going up to MSI Lv1. Before going up, finish exploring this main level.

The Layout- There are 5 levels, the main level MSI (Map 1), an upper floor level MSI Lv1 (Map 2), the uppermost level MSI Lv2 (Map 3), and the basement level MSI Lv-1 (Map 4) and the sleeping quarters MSI Deluxe Rooms (Map 5).

Map 1 (MSI)- The main level. There is a left lower front area with 3 rooms, the leftmost leading to Secret Room 104. Secret Room 104 should be revisited every time Baretta rejoins the party. There is a right lower front area with 3 rooms, 2 of which will have vendors later in the game. To the right of the corridor leading to the wide stairway is the main control room with the computers and database. A silver door to the left of that same corridor leads to the sleeping quarters, MSI Deluxe Rooms. Don't go there yet. The upper left area of the main floor can only be accessed by going up to Lv1 and then down a stairway to the left. The upper right area can only be accessed by going up to Lv1 and then down a stairway to the right. This area has lighter tiles than the rest of the main floor area. For now, take the path of the wide stairs up to MSI Lv1 (Map 2).

Map 2 (MSI Lv1)- Is reached by the wide stairs directly north of the main MSI entrance. Behind this stairway is a gunstore, but you have to make a donation of at least 5000 g for it to be revealed. (Other areas will be revealed with larger donations.) The left upper section has a play area and also the stairs that lead down to the upper left area of the main area (Map 1). Climb down those stairs.

Map 1 (MSI)- There really isn't anything in this left area, at least not yet, so retrace your steps up the stairs back to MSI Lv1 (Map 2).

Map 2 (MSI Lv1)- The left lower section has a gym, an empty (for now) room, and a tool room. The upper right area has a small library, the stairs leading down to the upper right area of the main level (Map 1), another play area, a conference room with Baretta's benefactor Akherburg and his son Gringram, the stairs leading up to MSI Lv2 (Map 3) and the main power room. All the way to the back, in front of a bookcase, is a set of stairs leading down to the right upper area of the main floor (Map 1).

Map 1 (MSI)- There's not much in this upper right area, either, but there are stairs leading down to the basement, Map 4 (MSI Lv-1). Go down.

Map 4 (MSI Lv-1)- The blue path leads left to an orange room with excavating machinery. The green path itself is one continuous path going from green to brown to red. Continuing to follow the green path down rather than turning left onto the brown path leads you to Secret Room 105. In the upper left corner of the first room up once the path turns from green to brown leads to Secret Room 106. That's all there is for now. Later this lower green path will be blocked off.

Return upstairs to the main level then up to Lv1 to the wide stairway in front of the 3 lower rooms and the generator room. Climb that stairway to Map 3 (MSI Lv2).

Map 3 (MSI Lv2)- This is mostly empty. The large room in the back is a music room. The 3 rooms in the front are empty (for now).

Return to the main level then enter the silver door halfway between the main stairway and the front entrance to Map 5 (MSI Deluxe Rooms).

Map 5 (MSI Deluxe Rooms)- From there a cutscene takes over. (Note: If you have a more current version of the game, this cutscene doesn't happen until/unless you sleep at the resting spot in the room with beds above you. Whatever version you have, you'll need to view this cutscene to progress this story.)


Yveen is still lost in the Hall of Madness. Use the left or right fountain to give her a full restore. The left wooden box has Engineer's Boots, the right has Dark Gloves. Exit south to the next room. Try to reenter this first room and you've found Secret Room 107. Return to the second room. The flower vase is another full recovery spot. The center room has a pink north wall. The 2 rooms below to the left and right have some nice items. There are a couple of items in the rooms above to the left and right. Exit this room by inspecting the guitar several times.

Now you're in a bright, white area. You can't enter first left and right rooms you see. There's not much in the next left and right rooms you see. You can see Baretta in the top room. Before speaking to her, inspect the leftmost music stand for a Mist Pearl. Interacting with Baretta ends this cutscene but not before winning one last battle.

Gameplay now transfers to Sarah who wakes up in the nest of her old friends Nash and Neon.

Dragon's Lair
The Layout- This first map (Map 1) is small and has nothing more than a convenient Resting Sparkle. Map 1 connects to Map 2 (Grey Cave 1) which then connects to Map 3 (Grey Cave 2). 2 southern exits of Map 2 lead to the outside (Map 4). A third exit doesn't actually lead outside but to a Boss battle. Map 2 also leads to 2 Danger Caves (Map 5 and Map 6) and to the Frog Underground (Map 7). The upper left lighted exit of Map 3 (Grave Cave 2) is the final destination.

Map 1- After a short cutscene, it's time to explore the caves by moving left.

Map 2 (Grey Cave)- Follow the path to the widened area and then leave by the southern lighted opening to Map 4. You can see a treasure chest here but you can't get to it from here. There's nothing else here, so go back inside, hugging the south wall until you come to another, wider lighted opening to Map 4 again.

Map 4- Grab the Ice Orb near the end of the cliff. About midway right side, where it juts out, is a path behind the waterfall. About halfway through, head up to Secret Room 108. Return and finish the path to the right, reaching that treasure chest you saw from above. The cliff doesn't end. Keep walking south right into Secret Room 109 where there is some decent equipment for Sarah. Return to Map 2 (Grey Cave 1).

Map 2 (Grey Cave)- I wouldn't recommend going west any further at this time. Head straight up past the Save Book and continue clockwise past a waterfall and into a cave (Map 5). Nash warns you it's dangerous in the cave. Entering the cave gives you Sidequest #N2.

Map 5 (Danger Cave)- It's a wide open map with the entrance at the lower right corner and the exit to the next cave Map 6 at the upper left corner. There is a stream that seemingly separates the map. A small tributary to the left has a few pebbles allowing you to cross the water to find a chest with a Life Potion and a ?? with 3 Wyrm Tears. About midcenter of the map are more pebbles allowing you to cross the larger middle stream. There are 2 round rock formations near the upper right. The right one leads to Secret Room 110 which has a Sword in a Stone but Nash has no interest in it. Walk up and behind the cravice to the rear of these 2 rock formations to find Secret Room 111. This room has many treasure chests and ??'s, so explore the open areas and side walls carefully. When ready, head to the exit at the upper left end into Map 6.

Map 6 (Danger Cave)- Another large open area, fairly vertical with 2 outpouches to the left and 1 outpouch to the right. In the large middle lower outpouch is a treasure chest with Branice's Diamond (R). If Sarah equips it, she can convince Nash to pull the sword out of the stone if he's strong enough. At the top of the map is the shrine that Nash seeks. Explore this map fully as it contains lots of treasure chests and ??'s. There are 2 treasure chests to the left and right of the stairs leading to the shrine. The right is a MIMIC. Just above the shrine itself is a wide crevice in the cave wall leading to Secret Room 112. When finished, backtrack through Map 5.

Map 5 (Danger Cave)- Equip Sarah with Branic's Diamond and Nash will pull the sword out of the stone in Secret Room 110.

Map 2 (Grey Cave)- Continue left to a lighted area along the lower edge and a narrow bridge above that. Fight the frogs at the lighted area. Click again when finished for more treasure's and another side quest for Nash, Sidequest #N1. Travel up the narrow bridge and behind the waterfall to reach the second part of Grey Cave, Map 3. No secret rooms behind this waterfall.

Map 3 (Grey Cave)- The upper route is the path to the Hunter's hideout and the completion of Nash's Sidequest N1. The lower route leads to a path going up the middle leading to a treasure chest. Behind that treasure chest is Secret Room 113. One of these 5 treasure chests is a MIMIC. Continue left to find a dark pit. Climb down the pit to initiate Neon's sidequest, Sidequest #N3.

Map 7 (Frog Underground)- There are 5 treasure chests here. 3 have Neon's gems followed by a BOSS battle, 1 has a weapon, and the last has a MIMIC. It's a wide open area. There aren't any secret rooms here. When done, climb back up to Map 3.

Map 3 (Grey Cave)- Traveling too far above that dark pit leads to a cutscene and you won't be able to return, so be sure you've gotten everything before heading to the upper lighted exit.

Cutscene- Sarah bolts once more. Neon realizes she is possessed and tries to knock some sense into her. They take her to Azan.

Cutscene- Zelena is having a war council meeting when she hears a commotion outside. The townspeople are trying to murder the newly arrived dragon. Zelena orders them to stop, briefs Sarah on the situation and Zelena, Sarah and Nash set out on foot in search of Random and Luciana, ending up in the fields midst a bug swarm.

Bug Swarm Fields
The Layout- There are only 4 maps to this area. The cutscene places you at the southern edge of Map 1. You cannot return to Azan. Exit to the upper left left to Map 2. Map 2 has a river ending in a lake with an upper right exit to the main path Map 3 and a lower right exit to an optional area Map 4. There are no secret paths through the trees but do explore the edges of the fields thoroughly. There are no secret rooms in these maps.

Map 1- Go to your immediate right to find a wooden box with Long Boots. Go back and as you start up, Zelena says the swarm of insects has started earlier than usual this year and they must find shelter quickly. Return to the right near the wooden box and hide in the trees at the sparkle. This becomes a Resting Sparkle where you can return to anytime by using the menu option <Exit Danger>. Move left, up and right to a pond. On the far side of the pond is a Save Book and a Bodken sighting. Get there by going under the pond. Back to the main path. Up and a little to the left is a bridge. Cross to the left side. Exit to the upper left to Map 2.

Map 2- Travel up and around to the right to the bridge where Baretta joins your party. She'll lead you to the MSI. The path to the MSI is in the upper right, but first, explore the lower right for a few goodies and the path to an optional area, Map 4.

Map 4- Lots of pearls and other goodies in the bushes. It's not easy to navigate around. There is another Bodken sighting to the right. To get to him, cross the bridge and look to the water to the right. The darker edge can actually be walked on, so get to the shore edge of that darker blue, walk across and down to Bodken. At the upper end of that darker area is a Giant Pearl, so grab that before returning. Otherwise, search the upper and lower bushes for what you can find and then return to the Map 2.

Map 2- Exit to the upper right to Map 3 after a BOSS battle.

Map 3- This is the exit map. There is a lower section, a bridge over a stream and an upper section. Search throughout. It looks like the exit at the upper edge, but it's actually at some boarded over boulders just before you get to the edge. Click and you arrive again at the MSI

Cutscene at the MSI- Random is ecstatic to see Sarah, but she doesn't show the same joy. Random realizes something is wrong, Sarah has changed. The group, including Coryool and Wendala, enjoy a dinner together. Baretta explains her role and Coryool's as well in this. Most of them don't know who took Sarah away from the order, Sarah doesn't remember, and Wendala isn't saying. Coryool does reveal that the order was going to evolve Sara into an Indinera demon and that they were searching for a relic.

Cutscene at the 7th Temple- Slayer is gloating over Vartex' demise. Then there is a short scene, which looks to be out of sequence, of Sarah's mother being brought to life as a zombie.

Back at the MSI, you now take control of the game as Luciana. Have Luciana make the MSI Loop, stopping to speak to every NPC she comes across. When she's finished, return to Baretta on the main floor in the control room.

The MSI Loop
Main Floor- Beginning in the Deluxe Bedrooms or at the front entrance where Reyes stands, left to the 3 rooms and Secret Room 104, back to the front entrance then right to those rooms. Head up the corridor to the control room to the right and then up the wide stairway to Lv1.

Lv1- Down the blue carpeted area, left and up, left again, down to the left play area, down the stairs to the left upper section of the Main Floor. Return up those same stairs, Retrace to the top left corner, then across right, down to the horizontal corridor, then down to the gym, the B 'n B room and the tool room. Up to the wide stairway to Lv 2 to the music room and the 3 rooms below the music room. Return to the stairs and back down to Lv1, down to the corner main generator room, up to the right play area, further up to the bookcase and then down the stairs to the upper right main floor area.

Main Floor- Down the stairs to the bottom right to Lv-1.

Return to either the front entrance or the Deluxe Bedrooms.

Interacting with the database transfers game control to Random. Speak to Coryool, Wendala and Zelina in the Deluxe Bedrooms. Zelina realizes the special artifact the order is seeking is the Heart of Indinera. Zelina reports her findings to Luciana. Zelina says to find the Heart of Indinera, they must first solve the Riddle of the Conondrium. Only elves and royalty (and dragons, too) are allowed in.

Your party is ready to leave the MSI. Don't do that yet. You are at the entrance. There is a Bokden-like NPC in one of the lower rooms to the left. It's Den Bosch who says he's here incognito, supporting Baretta. Are Bokden and Den Bosch the same? And do Den Bosch sightings count as Bokden sightings? He doesn't disappear as you'd expect Bokden to do. Ah well, that's a mystery only Indy can solve, but it wouldn't hurt to always interact with Den Bosch, as well as every NPC, when you see one. Do another MSI Loop.

There are now vendors in the rooms to the right of the entrance. Random is in the room with the weapons and armor vendors. The vendor in the next room sells restorative items. Akherburg is still at the bookcase and he is now accepting donations. (He won't accept any donations if Baretta is in the party.) Donate at least 5000 g. To get a 'good' ending, you must donate at least 50000 g, so if you can do that now, do so. Wendala and Coryool are up in the Deluxe Bedrooms. Leave the MSI.

Ancient Conondrium
The Layout- This is an inside location so the navigation is much easier than it was in in the Bug Swarm fields. There are 5 maps. Map 1 is the entry map. Each of the middle rooms has an up staircase. The top staircase leads to your final destination. Map 2 is the next level up. It has a distinct upper and lower section, neither directly accessible from the other. The lower Map 1 staircase leads to the lower section of Map 2. The middle Map 1 staircase leads to the upper section of Map 2. The upper area of Map 2 has 2 flights of stairs. The upper staircase leads to Map 3. The up staircase directly across from the down staircase you arrived by leads to Map 4. There are plenty of Magick Potions and Magick Phials as battle drops, so use your spells liberally.

Map 1- There is a large tree at the entrance. This is how and where you solve the riddle. In the left lower room is the Pillar of Fire. Inspect it. Go up to the top room at the base of the stairs, turn left and continue left straight into Secret Room 114. Come back to the base of the stairs and head south to the black wall behind the middle staircase and into Secret Room 115. Exit and in this same room, below and to the right of the up staircase, Secret Room 116 is in the lower right corner facing either down or right. Climb these stairs.

Map 2- There is an NPC directly below you. It's a BOSS fight. She's only there while the Fire Power still runs in your veins, so finish her off now. (If she's not there, go back to Map 1, click on the Pillar of Fire and return here.) The flames around this crystal give a visual as to which elemental power you're carrying, if any. Don't finish exploring this level yet, though. Instead take the stairs straight up to Map 4.

Map 4- The Elemental Pot is in the lower central area. Head straight there while the Fire Power still runs in your veins to collect the Fire Orb (Left, down the narrow corridor, down to the next room, right to a large middle room, and down to the Elemental Pot). In that middle room are a few goodies, but, more importantly a fairy, Nancy. Nancy will trade with you for a fairy spell. The rarer the item you give, the better the spell you'll get. The rarest choices are a Starspike (from the Naragula River, Secret Room 20) and Shaapashaa Nips (from the Guild of Absinthe, Secret Room 68). Giving either will get you a scroll with the fairy spell Puffpuff Magaboom, which will please the fairy Anastacya (Side Quest 10) back in Azan. It's better to hold onto the Shaapashaa Nips. You can experiment and get all the fairy spells. Anastacya will reward you for some of them, but it's only Quest Complete with the Puffpuff Magaboom. Inspect the Pillar of Air in the room to the right, bring the Air Power to the Elemental Pot and get the Air Orb. Finish exploring all the rooms in this area. Before returning downstairs, enter the black and crystal decorative circle in front of the stairs for Secret Room 120.

Map 2- There aren't any pillars here, but it's still worth exploring the room to the left and all the way down. The path is circular from these stairs to the stairs up north and back to these stairs again. Grab what you can and then go up those rear stairs to Map 3.

Map 3- This is a large map. There are 2 pillars here. Secret Room 118 is in the small waterfall directly behind the first NPC you encounter in this large circular room. Explore the 4 rooms surrounding this area, then get the power from the Pillar of Water. Return to the Elemental Pot to get the Water Orb and return to this map. From that center room, go up and behind the Pillar of Water to reach the Pillar of Earth. Check out the room to the left, then work counterclockwise around this section. Datovino in one of the rooms to the right sells books. When he first makes the offer, answer 'No, thanks.' Talk to him again. He'll then offer another book, 'Xen Book of Records.' Buy this book for Zajira (Side Quest 08). There's a mirror in the upper right corner of this map. Walk through it to find Secret Room 119. Sample the water in the pools along the way. There are 2 NPCs in the room to the right of the middle down corridor, but they don't have much to offer. In the last room, the light room with the blue couch, is Balbazuul who sells staffs. When you're finished exploring this upper area, return to the Pillar of Earth and get its power. Bring the power to the Elemental Pot to get the Earth Orb. Those Butcherers don't seem to happy about that. It's another BOSS fight. Now you have the 4 orbs needed for the Tree at the entrance. Return to the entrance area.

Map 1- Before placing the orbs on the tree, take the stairs up to the lower portion of Map 2 which hasn't been explored yet. This opens up to a large room with rooms to the left and rooms to the right. Secret Room 117 is found by traveling south in this large room. Anyplace on the southernmost wall will do. In the room to the left, Thyssen will sell you a gorgeous red chest. Sarah wants it. Buy it if you can afford. If you can't, it's just decorative so you haven't missed anything of value. Go all the way to the top of Map 1 and climb those stairs to Map 5.

Map 5- Talk to the 2 NPC's to learn that the energy of the Tree of Life must be restored. Return to the Tree of Life at the entrance of Map 1.

Map 1- Restoring energy to the Tree of Life. You must place the orbs in the same positions they were found in the Conondrium. The official guide will give you the exact placements. There is only one orb per row. The earth was found in the middle directly above water. So place those 2. The fire was found to the left on the lowest level. The air was found on the right on a higher level. Prepare for a BOSS battle when the orbs are placed correctly. Speak to the NPCs flanking the Tree of Life and they'll congratulate you and tell you Her Ladyship will now speak to you. Make your way to the top of Map 1 and again climb those stairs to Map 5.

Map 5- Her Ladyship is awake, but protected by flames. Speak to the NPC to the left behind her for your next move. Luciana asks where is the Heart of Indinera and she answers in the Ancient Thorn Fortress. Note that an hourglass is timing this conversation. When the sand runs out, so does Luciana's audience with Her Ladyship.

Return to the MSI. Luciana tells everyone that the Heart of Indinera is in Thorn Fortress.
Cutscene- Wendala is back with Louthros who wants to know why Coryool didn't follow her. Back at MSI, the party is Random, Luciana, Zelena, Baretta and Coryool.

Go up to the Deluxe Bedrooms. Nash tells you he can't watch over Sarah if Sarah isn't there. Where is she? Secret Room 121 has now appeared at the top of the room behind a white curtain. Do another Loop of the MSI. Akherburg is now in the control room on the main floor. He's not soliciting donations. The children have moved over to the left play area. There's still nothing in the left upper area of the main floor. In the diamond ring room, Baretta wonders why he's writing such a thing, that he's going to 'blow our cover!' Sarah is upstairs on Lv2 in the rightmost of the 3 lower rooms where a small pool has appeared. Baretta has the 'Am I Dreaming?' spell. Use it to get the first dream, the candy theme dream. Note, you can also get the dream by resting in the Deluxe Bedrooms. Either option will get you the dream and Baretta loses the spell once the dream is complete. This has to be done BEFORE leaving the MSI the first time for Thorn Fortress. This dream has Secret Room D-001 (More about the dreams at

Before you get to the Thorn Fortress, you'll stop at the village of Indi' Ner' Ah-Llegwanyl.

Indi' Ner' Ah-Llegwanyl
Outside NPC's
Leandros (dialogue only)
Raelis (dialogue only)
Sherabel (Vendor specializing in Boots)
Estevez (dialogue only)
Kalysto (Crafter)

Oldh Store- Rusko sells restorative items
Tales, Legends and Weapons- Sebastopol sells weapons and equipment
City Hall and Warehouse- A sighting of Bokden when you first arrive
Residence Gohrmung
Inn'dy- Margrileta is the innkeeper, Rhedon feels free, Alvarez is having a coffee break, someone else is trying to sleep. On the 4th sleep, Baretta has her second dream, the Pirate's Treasure Theme dream. (More about the dreams at

Kalysto will craft special armor given the right ores. Start with Slainth, Slainth, Dawndust, Duskdew to get an Ultramagnus Ring. Next try a combination ending with a Morogorth. You'll get nothing and even lose your ores and 250 g, but this will initiate Side Quest 18 (Find the ultimate Morogorth recipe). Stock up and head north to the Thorn Fortress.

The Thorn Fortress
The Layout- There are only 3 maps here, and the first is just the entrance, Map 1. Map 2 is the main level (Thorn Fortress), Map 3 is the next level (Thorn Fortress Lv2). The deep green grass does floor damage.

Map 1 (Thorn Fortress (Entrance))- Speak to Thurngard, as he becomes important later in a couple of ways. Then enter the fortress.

Map 2 (Thorn Fortress)- There is a left section of many square rooms connected by corridors, it's fairly linear. There is a middle section of one large oval room with 2 rectangular rooms above that and 1 rectangular room to the upper left. The third section is to the right, it forms a square lap with a few square rooms. These 3 sections can all be accessed on this floor. You enter in the middle facing the large oval room. Go straight up to a small box under a large dragon head. Luciana suspects this is where the Heart of Indinera is to be found, but, the box is locked. The search is on to find the key. Explore the 2 square rooms above and find the Steel Key. It doesn't fit the box though. Behind this area, facing south, is the entrance to Secret Room 122. The room to the upper left leads to a stairway. Ignore it just now. Explore the left side. Again not much. But there is a treasure chest at the end with a Thorn Sword. Return to the circular room in the middle and take the left stairs up to Map 3.

Map 3- Has 2 distinct sections. This upper left section is accessed by this stairway to the left of the oval room in the center of Map 2. The other 3 quadrants are accessed by the stairs in the right section of Map 2. This section isn't critical to the story, but there are a few things to be found. First explore the horizontal hallway ahead of you. Return to the green area where the chest is and make a circular, clockwise loop. Xortfulch is a sylvan who is in need of a heart. A Mithril will do just fine. Once his heart is restored, he sells a few restorative items and a limited amount of ores. Secret Room 123 is behind Xortfulch. There is also a Piso King encounter here, which may or may not be essential in completing Side Quest 09, so best make the encounter. I was able to defeat him (defeat the Piso just means you survived long enough for him to escape, you don't really defeat him) by stocking everyone up with Power Herbs (thanks to Xortfulch) and casting Hero on Random just prior to the encounter. Random got a lucky Psycho Sword in before the Piso King's second move, bringing him down. Of course, he just escaped, but still.... Onward with the exploring, continue this circular route back to the stairs and you're done. Return to the first level, Map 2.

Map 2- Head to the right side and take those stairs up to the remaining sections of Map 3.

Map 3- These 3 quadrants are accessed by the stairs in the right section of Map 2. You are now at the top of the stairs in the right upper section. Due north of those stairs is Secret Room 124. Go right and down to a chest with a Thorn Bow. Back up, across to the left and down and follow this main path all the way to the end, detouring just once for a down corridor leading to a single chest with a Thorn Rapier. Before turning up into that large circular room, continue the path all the way to the right, up and then right again into Secret Room 125.

This would be a good time to return to the village and sleep in the inn if you haven't already had the second dream. This has to be done BEFORE Luciana opens the box.

Reenter the fortress making your way up to the circular room on the upper level (Map 3). Search around for a treasure chest and ?? before approaching and defeating the black widow spidow. Come back to entrance of the fortress (Map 1). Speak to Thurngard again. Now go to the locked box, stand in front of it and USE the Eliandre's Tusk you just won as a battle reward. Cutscene follows.

MSI- You can't do a full loop, but you can go to Secret Room 104 and get a new weapon for Baretta. Also note that Baretta's 'Am I Dreaming?' spell is active so use it to get the third dream with the Pills Theme. This dream has Secret Room D-002. (More about the dreams at Once that's done, it's time to leave the MSI and spend some time in Azan.

Make the rounds at Azan. Some dialogues have changed. Side Quest 08 can be completed by giving Zijira the Xen Book of Records. You get Samael Book IV in return. Zijira's sister Inga is upstairs about to have a bath with her boyfriend. Give the Puffpuff Magaboom scroll to Anastacya to complete Side Quest 10 and receive an Exploration Ring. Finally, sleep at the inn to the get the fourth dream with the Zombie Theme. You may have to sleep several times in succession. This dream has 2 secret rooms, Secret Room D-003 and Secret Room D-004. (More about the dreams at In the inn room to the right with the spoons is a skull ghost who gives you Side Quest 19. Name him after the manor (just the first of the full hyphenated name, all capital letters) to complete the quest.

The Guilds
Higher Guild of Elves- Lynnlenn gives you Quest #4, More Frogs in the Thermes, return to the Royal Thermes in Azan and defeat those frogs again, return to the guild for your reward, there is no fifth quest available yet
Guild of Hunters- Collect reward for Quest #3, get Quest #4, Kill the gang of dangerous wild cats, find Secret Room S-003 in this map before starting battle with cats
Guild of Archery- Get Quest #3, To catch a bird
Guild of Indinera- Apparently Random isn't above taking credit for someone else's work. Collect the reward for Quest #3, buy Shrine for 30000 g, get Quest #4, find source of frogs
High Council of Azan- Return to Secret Room 3 and get a Vantage Ring
Guild of Benevolence- Speak to Berenice in charge of the orphaned children to receive a Missionary's Cup, Mattheus gives you Quest #3, Find the Legend of Wisdom

The Gardens of Constanctza
The Layout- There are 5 maps. The first 3 have greyish floors and walls with some foliage, the last 2 are lush green. Map 1 is the main level, Map 2 is the lower level, Map 3 is the inner sanctum, Map 4 is the nave and Map 5 is the optional upper level. The final destination is Map 4, the nave.

Map 1 (Gardens of Constanctza)- Erwanell in the entry room tells you the Elder is in a deep state of depression. This entry room has exits leading to the left, up and right. Check out the single right room first then explore the area above. The room directly above this entry room has stairs leading up to Lv1 (Optional Map 5). Don't take them yet. In the upper right room is a chasm with a rock island. Approach it from behind and walk down into Secret Room 126. Secret Room 127 is at the end of the left alleyway in the room with the Save Book. Now take those steps up to Map 5.

Map 5 (Gardens of Constanctza (Lv1))- Cornelia is selling a few Constanctza weapons. Don't buy them yet as you may find them on your own. The map itself has a left section, a right section and a room above. All areas are accessible from here, so search in whatever order you'd like. In the uppper room are 3 treasure chests. One contains Sarah's In Go Fileha (R), though you'll have to survive a BOSS battle to keep it. In the middle of the 2 pink trees behind those treasure chests is Secret Room 129. The flowered chair in the room with a Save Book to the left of Cornelia has Secret Room 130 where you'll find the Golden Cocka for Side Quest 02. In the right area, Zaerhya and Clemence are selling more Constanctza weapons and again I suggest you wait to see what you can find first. When done, take the stairs back down to the main floor (Map 1).

Map 1 (Gardens of Constanctza)- Return to the entry room and start exploring to the left. Go all the way left past the pool of water that tastes like mud, then up into a room, through the outline of a door to Secret Room 128. Then down, across and up into the next room. Return to the mud pool and start exploring the area above. The raised area has the stairs leading down to Map 2.

Map 2 (Gardens of Constanctza (Lv-1))- There is a large circular room below with an NPC that tells you the flowers are resistant to fire, nothing of any great importance in that room. Return to the stairs and start exploring the right area, working your way down. The horizontal corridor across the bottom has a line of pink diamonds on the walls, and one black on the far right. The black diamond leads you to Secret Room 131. As you round the lower left corner of the map, the main route goes up, with an offshoot down and another offshoot to the left. At the end of the left offshoot is a chasm leading to Secret Room 132. Secret Room 133 is in the upper left raised square of the 3 in the room, enter it through in the top left corner of that square. Enter it from the left side. Secret Room 134 is in right upper alcove of the room in the top left corner. Exit the room right, follow the path in the lower right to the northern exit to Map 3 (Inner).

Map 3 (Gardens of Constanctza (Inner))- At the entrance is a square pool with a narrow bridge. Midway of that bridge you can walk on the water to reach the pink chair and Secret Room 135. Continuing across the bridge, you come to a flame that blocks further passage up. Make sure you click/press enter on that flame, then take the right path to a circular room with a pool of water. Clothilde is there but she doesn't seem to do much. Continue up to a BOSS fight. (If the fight doesn't present itself, you probably didn't click that blocking flame earlier.) Defeat the Goro and click/press enter on that flame. Come back to the main vertical path, go up. There is a large round room with a Save Book and a pool. Another flame blocks further progress up. Make sure you click/press enter on that flame, then go back down and take the path left. Along that left path to the second Goro, the second rectangular room has a lower left corridor that leads to Secret Room 136. Back to that rectangular room, take the upper left corridor and at the end of the path will be another Goro and another flame. Defeat that Goro and click/press enter on that flame. The center path should now be clear. Go all the way up, a third Goro BOSS battle, and then you enter Map 4, the nave.

Map 4 (Gardens of Constanctza (Nave))- There are 3 paths here, the left, the center and the right. The left path leads directly to Secret Room 137. Explore both left and right, then take the middle path to the Elder. Another BOSS battle, and the Elder tasks you with finding 4 plants that he will then use to make the antidote to cure Luciana. Unfortunately, only 3 of the plants can be found: one on the right path of this map, where you can also find a rare plant for Celidyrion, Side Quest 03. The other 2 can be found on the preceding Map 3 (Inner). One is in the larger room to the left with the 2 left paths. The other can be found in that last room on the right behind where you fought the first Goro. Bring all 3 plants back to the Elder. He can't help without the fourth. In despair, you leave the Gardens and head back to Azan.

You've got the plant, so you could take it to Celidyrion to complete Side Quest 03, or you could wait. Up to you. Visit the Guild of Benevolence to let them know where the Legend of Wisdom is, complete that side quest and receive the Guild of Benevolence Side Quest 04, Rescue girl from evil drows.

And thus ends Chapter 3
Last edited by Lady JJ on Mon Sep 16, 2024 12:44 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby bobfarq » Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:04 pm

There are 4 boss fights in Indinera Woods before the outpost. The three mentioned in the guide and a fourth when returning with Wendala after completing the house repair quest. If you go up the same path as the second boss on map 3 (above where you fought the owls) before you get to the top you will meet a giant sloth.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby Lady JJ » Sat Jun 03, 2023 11:34 pm

bobfarq wrote:There are 4 boss fights in Indinera Woods before the outpost. The three mentioned in the guide and a fourth when returning with Wendala after completing the house repair quest. If you go up the same path as the second boss on map 3 (above where you fought the owls) before you get to the top you will meet a giant sloth.

Thanks. I'll amend that.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby Sekai » Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:46 pm

Random and Luciana are still stuck in Azan with no way to venture outside of the town due to not being able to see in the magical elven woods. This time Random reluctantly agrees to do guild and side quests. Side quests 02, 03, 04, 08, 09 and 10 have been initiated. None of them can be completed yet. Visit the guilds. Remember, you still need to buy that farm, so go to the Guild of the Hunters first. Get the Guild of the Hunters second quest, return to town, convince Lord Makaza'ik to stay, then back to the Hunter's Guild to collect the reward. You also pick up the Guild of the Hunters third quest, which you won't be able to complete just yet. Now that you're a level 2 member, go to the left of the guild and around to the back where Crespine will give you a 50% discount voucher for the farm. Now you can buy it for only 10000. Head back to the inn and buy the farm. Don't visit the farm until you have about 1500 g. Next guild is the Higher Guild of Elves where they acknowledge the completion of their first quest and then give you the second quest. Defeat the frogs in the Royal Thermes and then return to the Higher Guild of Elves for your reward, which includes a map to the Guild of Absinthe. Don't use it yet. The third quest for this guild is simple enough, find a veteran guard. That would be Duran in the right upper section of Azan. Speak to him and he agrees to come out of his home to guard the town. Back to the guild to report your success.

Guild of Benevolence- Collect Guild of Benevolence Quest 02 (Find out what happened to their guard), an NPC in the front right room gives the party an MAT boost. Talk to the sleeping man in the main warehouse, then return to the Guild of Benevolence to complete this quest. Before leaving, talk to the NPC outside by the flowers on the right.

Farm- Go to your newly acquired farm. Look around. Be sure to hire the gardener, Agenor.

When you're ready to progress the story, open the 'One Day Pass.' You will arrive in the Guild of Absinthe, but only for a few minutes. Gameplay then turns to Yveen in the Hall of Madness.

Thanks for the guide, has been very helpful so far to find a lot of secret rooms and avoid missing side quests. I did also find a third quest from the Archery guild (which would make what you have listed as #3 much later on, as #4, I think) doable at the above point. They will ask you to go and clear out a nest of millipuves right outside. You can see the in the lower right area of the yard. On insane difficulty, this is a very difficult fight with just Random and Luci, as it comes in 4 waves back to back and they hit hard, but if you completed all the available guild of benevolence quests up to this point, you can use naturalist form for poison/contaminated immunity, kill all but the weakest one before each next wave, and then heal up before finishing it off. Random should be able to 1 shot them with silver sword. Maybe 2 shot for millionpuves. Whether you "shake" or "stand near" the hive makes a difference of the number of weak adds in the first wave but nothing else as far as I know.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby Lady JJ » Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:08 am

Sekai wrote:Thanks for the guide, has been very helpful so far to find a lot of secret rooms and avoid missing side quests. I did also find a third quest from the Archery guild (which would make what you have listed as #3 much later on, as #4, I think) doable at the above point. They will ask you to go and clear out a nest of millipuves right outside. You can see the in the lower right area of the yard. On insane difficulty, this is a very difficult fight with just Random and Luci, as it comes in 4 waves back to back and they hit hard, but if you completed all the available guild of benevolence quests up to this point, you can use naturalist form for poison/contaminated immunity, kill all but the weakest one before each next wave, and then heal up before finishing it off. Random should be able to 1 shot them with silver sword. Maybe 2 shot for millionpuves. Whether you "shake" or "stand near" the hive makes a difference of the number of weak adds in the first wave but nothing else as far as I know.

I've added your information to that piece of the guide. Good strategy about those millipuves. It is possible to find quests later and that's perhaps what I did. Archery Quest 4 is the Leaf Bird quest which is obtained later and completed even later still. I am hoping someone will do a dedicated Guild Quests post that will tell exactly when where and how each quest can be gotten and completed.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby academus2 » Tue Jun 06, 2023 1:51 am

Thank you for your great work!

After the 7th Temple and Ivanov, do you get a chance to pass through Azan again with Random? I followed your advice and did not deliver the plant before returning from the gardens to the MSI, so that I can get a reward later!
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby Lady JJ » Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:29 am

academus2 wrote:Thank you for your great work!

After the 7th Temple and Ivanov, do you get a chance to pass through Azan again with Random? I followed your advice and did not deliver the plant before returning from the gardens to the MSI, so that I can get a reward later!

Yep. When the final team is formed, you can return to Azan at will via a portal Yveen creates at the MSI. The plant guy will happily accept your rare plant and give you a reward.

Glad you like the walkthrough. Please do speak up if you find anything confusing or just not quite right.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby academus2 » Tue Jun 06, 2023 8:50 am

Thank you again!

Yes, your work is comprehensive! I have gor another question for a future playthrough! If I leave the Indinera Guild Darlene quest unreported with Random, can I report it later in that phase, and then get and solve all the subsequent Indinera Guild and Benevolence Guild Quests?

And are there any bonus thresholds for Laxious Techniques?
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby Lady JJ » Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:01 am

academus2 wrote:Thank you again!

Yes, your work is comprehensive! I have gor another question for a future playthrough! If I leave the Indinera Guild Darlene quest unreported with Random, can I report it later in that phase, and then get and solve all the subsequent Indinera Guild and Benevolence Guild Quests?

And are there any bonus thresholds for Laxious Techniques?

Many of the quests have time constraints. I would report as soon as possible to be certain I'm not skipping a quest. Later on in the game Louthros does visit the Guilds of Indinera with Random and he doesn't appear to recognize or even take notice of Darlene, so I don't think there's any advantage at all in not letting Random take the credit and getting the next quest quickly.

You get the Laxius Techniques rather late in the game. I'm having a difficult time getting them to 70 uses to see if there are combos, let alone 100 uses to see if there are bonuses, but I'll keep an eye open.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby academus2 » Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:35 am

Thank you again!

There ARE combos, especially for Luciana! But, for 199 uses at least, it doesn't appear to give any bonuses!

Do we know if the Piso King quest can be completed and recognised by the the warehouse warden? And does anything happen if you support Azan's shopkeeper with bulk purchases after she has been hit by the Piso King?
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby Lady JJ » Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:23 pm

academus2 wrote:Thank you again!

There ARE combos, especially for Luciana! But, for 199 uses at least, it doesn't appear to give any bonuses!

Do we know if the Piso King quest can be completed and recognised by the the warehouse warden? And does anything happen if you support Azan's shopkeeper with bulk purchases after she has been hit by the Piso King?

I think right now only Indy knows whether that quest can be completed or not. As far as the AAA vendor, I think it's always good to support local vendors. So, yes, give her the full 10000 if you can.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby Lady JJ » Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:24 pm

NOTE- This walkthrough ends after reclaiming Yveen's throne. I think it would make more sense to have a separate dedicated thread to discussing the possible endings and how to get them.

As soon as you return to the MSI, before going upstairs to check on Luciana, look at Baretta's spells. If she has the spell 'Am I Dreaming?' use it. This is the fifth dream with an MSI and Gold Theme. (Note- You must talk to Bokden in this dream in order to complete Side Quest 18) (More about the dreams at Check on Luciana. When Random is alone, do another MSI Loop. Bodken is in the upper left area on the main level. Gromberg asks for another donation. I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I gave another 50000. Upstairs, on Lv2 in the right side of the corridor leading to the music room, there's a new door but Random doesn't seem interested in opening it. In the middle of those 3 lower rooms are 2 windmills. Go back downstairs to Lv1 then downstairs again to the main level. In the upper right area of the main level, there are now 2 boxes on the table. They both say 'For Baretta Only.' The basement is still mostly blocked off. Sarah is to the left. After a snippy conversation, while standing to the right of Sarah (in front of and/or behind won't work) and facing her, use the menu option <Item> and select Sarah's Secret Gift.

Cutscene as Luciana is healed and plans to return to the Fortress again to get the Heart. Do another MSI Loop before leaving. The Barett'Art room is open. Bokden was in the Diamond Ring room, but he didn't dash off as he usually does. Maybe he was supposed to be Den Bosch there? Sleep again for the sixth dream, the Rocketship dream. Secret Rooms D-005 and D-006 are in this dream. (More about the dreams at

Village of Indi' Ner' Ah-Llegwanyl- Thurngard is in the inn. Baretta confronts him about the morogorth recipe and he trades it for 1 each of the standard ores. Kalysto allows Random to keep the recipe but says he should feel free to return the recipe to Kalysto once his quest is over. Crafting can now be done via the menu. Return to the fort, defeat Slayer, open the box, return to the inn. When the cutscene is over, go into the City Hall and Warehouse for the second sighting there of Bokden. Return to the inn. Talk to Thurngard again and hire him as a guard at the farm. Ask to sleep, but the innkeeper is ill and gives you Side Quest 20. Solve it by talking to the NPC who sells boots. Sleep in the inn to receive the seventh and final 3 Doors Theme Dream which has Secret Room D-007. (More about the dreams at There is also another Bokden sighting here in the warehouse again.

Note about this return to the Village of Indi' Ner' Ah-Llegwanyl: It is really important that things are done in the correct order. Baretta will only confront Thurngard about the morogorth recipe BEFORE the party enters the Thorn Fortress to open the box again. If you wait until you return from the fortress having already dispatched Slayer and opened the box, you'll have lost that opportunity. Thurngard will only talk about a job on your farm at that time. Sleeping in the Indy'Inn for the seventh dream will only occur after you return from the fortress having already dispatched Slayer and opened the box and, then, not until she's been cured.

At some point, depending upon the order you did things, Chapter 3 ends and Chapter 4 begins.

Chapter 4- For Yveen's Soul

Back at the MSI, Luciana says they can locate the 7th Shrine by letting Sarah follow the voices and then follow her. Sarah leaves. Before following her, do another MSI Loop. There's now a swimming pool behind the left play area on Lv1. Leave the MSI and follow Sarah to the 7th Temple. Inside Sarah gets whisked away.

The 7th Temple
The Layout- The Temple has an exterior (Map 1) leading to the front main level (Map 2) which then leads to the back main level (Map 3). The back main level leads further back to a laboratory area (Map 4). The front main level (Map 2) also has a stairway leading up to Lv2 (Map 4) which then has a stairway leading up to Lv3 (Map 5). The Throne Room (Map 6) is also accessed from the main front level (Map 2).

Map 1- There's nothing here and since you're already inside, you might as well start with Map 2.

Map 2- Random is enraged. Watch the cutscene, then continue straight ahead, detouring around the
black pit and head straight to the Throne Room (Map 6). Of course the gate is locked. Return to Map 2. Check out the 2 rooms left and right just above the entry. There's a Save Book, nothing else. Explore this front area fully before heading to the rear map. Don't climb the stairs yet. Head to Map 3.

Map 3- Grab what's in the 2 treasure chests in the room to the left, then go into the room ahead of you. Entering that black square pit from behind leads to Secret Room 138. There is one MIMIC in a treasure chest at the end of a blind alley in the right lower quardrant of this map, and a second MIMIC in an upper central room on this map.

Map 4- Go straight up ignoring the right corridor for now. There are 4 rooms at the top. In the 4th room is a pile of skulls on one side of a 2x2 block and on the other side of that block is a skeleton. Walk on top of that skeleton and turn left to enter Secret Room 139. The lower right path leads to 3 vertical rooms. There is another pile of skulls in the topmost room leading to Secret Room 140. In the upper right route, there is a row of 4 horizontal rooms along the top. The second room has a statue in it upper right corner that leads to Secret Room 141. Return to the bottom left corner to Map 3.

Map 3- From the entrance, go all the way right then work your way down to the lower left area to return to Map 2.

Map 2- Move right into the next room, then up the Map 4 (Lv2).

Map 4- This room has 2 exits, left and right. There is always a stairway up to Map 5 (Lv3). Head right to explore the lower section first. Random calls it the 'Museum of Horrors.' In the first room you enter, there are 3 skulls. Enter them from the right to find Secret Room 142. The path ends at 2 rooms containing Save Books, the left with 3 Save Books, the right with 2 Save Books. Walk up and behind the 3 Save Books, continuing left, right into Secret Room 144. Return to the central room with the up and down stairways and the blue flame and take the left exit this time. Follow the path to the treasure chest in the upper room and find Random's Ulm-Warrior (R).

Map 5- Ivanov realizes Random's party has followed Sarah. He dispatches his minions to go and stop them. This top level has 3 areas: left, top and right. Search the left area first. Secret Room 146 is between the 2 wall decorations in the leftmost room. In one of the rooms to the right is a blue ghost who disappears when you touch him. In the bottom right corner, on a pedestal is Doom'Darr. After this BOSS Battle, move up and turn the switch on. Directly below that battle is Secret Room 147. Enter the last room on the path. Secret Room 145 is in the wall between the two wall decorations.

It's now time to save Sarah. Return to the main floor by the entrance and go to the Throne Room (Map 6).

Map 6- Before approaching Sarah, look for a dragon head on the left wall. It's the entrance to Secret Room 150. On the right side of the room, at a decorative item behind the 3 tables, is Secret Room 148. The upper right corner of this secret room leads to Secret Room 149. Just before you're ready to approach Sarah, go into the dark decoration in the right front where everyone gets 55 FR. Approach Sarah. Approach Ivanov. 3-part BOSS fight.

After cutscenes, credits and more cutscenes, the party is now Team Darkness (Louthros, Wendala, Sandy and Coryool). If Sandy already has Vision and Laser Burst, sleep at the campfire to get a cutscene. Otherwise, get her Repression and Trauma both up to at least 70 to get Vision and Laser Burst, then sleep at the campfire. This must be done before the Ancient Thorn Fortress has been completed. The cutscene is a bittersweet moment between Sandy and Wendala. Sandy loses her Depression, Repression and Trauma technics. Now it's time to enter the Ancient Thorn Fortress because that's where Her Ladyship said the Heart of Indinera was. Random's party went to the more modern Thorn Fortress earlier. This is a different dungeon. Before going, stop up at the Goat and Lion.

Goat and Lion
The Layout- This is a small hamlet. There is just the one exterior map, no interior maps.

Brantes sells restorative items plus several eggs.
Tirbeth sells weapons and the vendor next to him sells armor.
Meterith tells you there are items to be found if you look hard enough.
An NPC on the lower rooftop (climb the vine to get there) is grateful the men are looking out for her.
Maxim, the kid on the upper rooftop, is surprised you spotted him up there.

The Shadow Guild- If you missed the NPC in Forlani Village, there's another chance with an NPC on the Goat and Lion rooftop. This one isn't time sensitive.

In the bottom right corner tree by Meterith is the entrance to Secret Room 151. Gallant will offer you a MIMIC challenge. The fourth battle is tough, especially against the Death MIMIC. You can always come back after you've leveled up a bit in the fortress.

Before going to the fortress, revisit the guilds to seek new quests.

Guild of the GodSlayers- Ceylan gives you Quest 04, Visit the hot source of Jadaya and kill Mikkelsen. You can do this immediately.

The Ancient Fortress
The Layout- There is an exterior map (Map 1), the main level map (Map 2), a left wing on the main level (Map 3), a right wing on the main level (Map 4), a rear wing on the main level reached by the left and right wings (Map 5), a second level (Map 6), a third level (Map 7), a double room with a throne (Map 8 ) and large tree with the Heart (Map 9).

Map 1 (Exterior)- Navigate to both the left and right front walls to collect goodies, then enter the fortress.

Map 2 (Main Level)- The main vertical corridor has a couple of blind offshoots but there's nothing in them. Reaching the top, the path has a Save Book and continues left and/or right. Take the left first exploring the two vertical paths down across the way. Enter the left wing (Map 3).

Map 3 (Left Wing)- You arrive at the lower end of this wing. The path is fairly straightforward with a few rooms to explore along the way. There are a few treasure chests, pearls and crystals. The path leads to the left side of the rear wing (Map 5).

Map 5 (Rear left)- From this left entrance, you can only reach a corridor across the top with several rooms above, and an area below which makes a loop. When you first enter, continue straight, no turns, and through the silver decorations, move down to Secret Room 153. The rest of the loop contains nothing. Explore the upper rooms which contain a few chests. Return to Map 3 (the left wing).

Map 3 (Left Wing)- Retrace your steps down to reach the entrance to the main floor (Map 2).

Map 2 (Main Level)- Continue right past the Save Book and into the right wing (Map 4).

Map 4 (Right Wing)- You enter at the lower end of the map. Move into the large room. At the south wall between a pair of decorative vines is Secret Room 152. Move up to the next smaller room, explore to the left of that room, Return to the smaller room, move up then right and down. Back to the path, then a round room with nothing, then up. To the right are 2 small rooms. The upper has a door leading to a BOSS fight. After, return to the path, follow it left to enter the rear of the main level (Map 3).

Map 3 (Rear right)- From this entrance you can reach the stairs leading to Lv2. Note that it's not a simple path as shown in the official guide. You can explore that first room, but it doesn't extend south. Instead, take one of the 2 paths closer to the entrnace and then work in a clockwise fashion to the stairs. Explore the left corridor before taking the stairs. The north wall all the way at the end leads to Secret Room 154. The right path leads to a room with a couple of treasure chests. Climb the stairs to Lv2 (Map 6).

Map 6 (Lv2)- Your destination is through the Dragon's Head in the upper left, which you can get to directly, but first explore the right side. Travel up, across and down to several rooms with a few items. Return to the stairs and take the right path to explore 2 vertical corridors below. Climb up the upper left corner of the upper vertical corridor to reach Secret Room 155. Make a loop of this upper and the lower vertical corridors to collect pearls. Return to the room with the stairs and go left, down, then left again to explore the left side. Explore the lower round room, then continue up past the spikes to reach the room with the Dragon Head. Collect the crystal and emerald in this room and then enter the Dragon's Head to reach Lv3 (Map 7).

Map 7 (Lv3)- This is a more modern area, the walls aren't overgrown with ivy. Explore the rooms above, then begin your way down. You'll pass a patch of ivy walls between 2 silver decorations along the way. Enter that patch for Secret Room 157. You reach a wide, oval room. The entrance to this room is flanked by 2 treasure chests, each with a MIMIC fight. There are white monkeys in this long lower room. They don't seem to do much except to scamper away if you touch them. The entrance to Secret Room 158 is at the far right end of this room. There's a green door, but it won't open, just shakes the screen. There's a brown door that does the same. Ignore the center path for now and explore the 2 right paths up to single rooms. Return to the long lower room and take the center path up. BOSS fight with a spider, then press the golden button. Return to the brown door which is now open and enter it to reach a double room with another throne.

Before you do that, exit the fortress either by walking or by using the menu option <Exit Danger> and look for a brown monkey outside the fortress to the right. Interact with that monkey and it will disappear. Go down to camp and then down again to the Goat and Lion and look for the brown monkey on the rooftop. You'll receive a Monkey Ring, which is a fun, but probably impractical, ring. If you haven't completed the MIMIC challenge in Secret Room 151, this may be your last opportunity to do so. When ready, return to the fortress and make your way back up to that now open brown door into the double room with a throne.

Map 8 (Double room with throne)- Speak to the NPC. One of the Dragon Heads above the throne has ivy hanging from both sides of its head. Press the green button and face a BOSS battle. The green door is now open. Return to Map 7 and then go through the doorway.

Map 9 (The Tree)- Once you talk to the NPC there, you're at the point of no-return, so be sure you've finished everything in the fortress, the campfire and at the Goat and Lion. Speak to the NPC.

Finally, the heart. But Wendala can't cut through the ivy vines. The NPC at the base of the tree says the sharpest dagger is in Abbaoth Monastery, then he dies. Wendala tries again, fails and becomes poisoned. A few cutscenes later, gameplay is with Yveen in the Hall of Madness.

This is just one vertical map. You need to survive a few fights to make it from the bottom of the map to the top. Baretta, Coryool, Random and Sarah will join you. Just when Yveen thinks she's free, Louthros stops her from leaving. Cutscene back to Team Darkness in Rivervale.

The Layout- It's only one map with 2 buildings. The right building is an Inn. The left building is where Wendala is recuperating. Talk to the NPC's outside. Visit the inn. Visit Wendala. Before leaving, visit the inn again and buy a hammock. Talk to the fisherman NPC outside and he gives you a letter which is SideQuest 21. Leave by the right to go to the Abbaoth Monastery.

Abbaoth Monastery
The Abbaoth Monastery has 5 maps. The main level (Map 1), the upstairs Lv1 (Map 5), Lv-1 (Map 2), Lv-2 (Map 3), and the lowest and destination level (Map 4).

Map 1 Makhalesh greets you. Louthros says they are seeking the weaponsmiths, the Children of Ashrahi. After a cantankerous discord, the party is transported to the inn section of this level. The weaponsmiths who can make the sacred dagger are two levels below you. You can return to this section at any time to rest and restock healing items if needed. There is also a Save Book here.

The main floor of the monastery has 3 sections: the left, the center and the right. The center section is just a wide vertical hallway easily recognizable by its arches. The inn section is in the lower right. The stairs to the first level below is in the upper left. Explore the right section, the center section, and then the left section.

The monk in the room above doesn't have much to say, neither does the monk in the room to the right and below. Continue working your way up to a short horizontal corridor leading to two upper rooms. The room on the right has a Holy Cross and a Mithril. The left has a monk who follows the path of Inexistence, but has nothing to offer. There are more rooms above here, but they're not accessible from this level. Return to the inn area and move left to the central area with the arches.

Moving up under the arches you'll come to a wall with a bright light. Go around it and keep going up to the room with the pentagram on the floor. There are two sets of stairs here, one on the left and one on the right. They both lead to the same place on Map 5 Lv1. Climb the stairs.

Map 5 Lv1 has a light section (center where you are and to the left) and a darker section. You can only access the lighter section right now. Go all the way down to an oval room with a pool. Open the chest to find an Illusionist Staff. If you drink from the pool, you'll find the water doesn't take very good. There are some niches containing candles in the walls of this room. On the upper left walk through the wider niche without candles to find Secret Room 160. Inside you'll find an Ivory Star and an Yveen's Rainwash. Drinking from the water in this room gives everyone +3 MAT and full MP recovery. The corresponding niche on the right side of this side does have candles and a Holy Orb. The exit to the left of this oval room leads to a pool that gives +3 MAT and full MP recovery. Return to the room with the stairs. You cannot access the left upper portion of this lighter section from here, so return downstairs to the main level.

Map 1 Go down until you reach the corridor leading left, then take that corridor to a room and up to a misogynist monk, left to a room and down to a room with barrels. You'll find some healing items here and a mithril. Move up and up again and follow the path to a set of stairs leading down. Climb down reach the first lower level Map 2 Lv-1..

Map 2 Down and left from these stairs is a Save Book. Continue down to a chest with a Magicka Boost. Circle back and go right at the Save Book. This is quite a long path that leads to the right side of this level. There's nothing along the way, so just keep going until you reach the lower right corner. Following the far right path up leads to nothing, so follow the inner right path up. At the top, take the first path down to a room with 2 treasure chests (one has an Ancient Hammer, the other a Meditation's Companion. The stairs lead to the second lower level. Don't take them yet. Return to the upper horizontal hallway and continue left to a stairway leading up to Map 1 main level. Take those stairs.

Map 1 You are now in the upper right section of the main level, the area above the inn that you couldn't reach before. There are 2 rooms leading up from this short corridor. The right leads to a room with another monk who doesn't offer much. The left leads to the stairs up to the darker right section of upstairs, Map 5 Lv1.

Map 5 You are in the top section of Lv1. Work your way up to the topmost corridor to find another monk of the Inexistence Guild. Backtrack back and move down to the next room. Talk to Torthfell who says Abbaoth needs another god and introduces you to the god of torture. Move to the room to the left where there's a slainth, then left again and down. Note that dark damaging patches on the floor that deplete your HP little by little. Keep track of your health. MP replenishing items are hard to come by so don't waste MP with healing spells. Instead, use the battle drop meats. They are plentiful and you can't carry more than 30 so you might as well use them. Explore the rooms as you work your way down. It's an easy maze. There's a Soul Revitalizer on the canister structure in a small room. Below and to the left of that room is a large patch of damaging floor tiles. Search the south walls of that patch for a Dark Diamond Flail. Return to the safe floor areas and keep searching down. In the bucket on the right side of the vertical hallway is a slainth. In the barrels below that is a ResistanceBoost and to the left of those barrels are more barrels with a Magic Boost. Continue to the right and up all the way to the end to a niche with Blackhole Scythe. That's it for this area. Backtrack all the way down, left, up and left to the stairs. Take the stairs back down to the right upper main level Map 1.

Map 1 Then down to the stairs that will lead to that small room on Map 2 Lv-1 where you started this detour. (Note that you still have the left upper area of the main level of the monastery and the left upper area of the upstairs Lv1 of the monastery to explore.)

Map 2 Go left to continue exploring Lv-1. When you reach the benches, you have a choice whether to go left and up or up and right. Go left and up. The left room above has a treasure chest with a Holy Cross, the right room above has nothing. Return to the main path and go up and right. Work your way counterclockwise past some rooms with more inconsequential monks and continue to the up stairway that takes you to the main level Map 1.

Map 1 Take the stairway up to the as yet unexplored upper left area of the main floor of the monastery. Look down. There is a semi-pentagram floor decoration here. Walk into the wall at the center of that pentagram to find Secret Room 159. There's a chest with another Ancient Hammer and a chest with a Sacred Staff. Return to the main room. Continue the path to the upstairs, Map 5 Lv1.

Map 5 There's nothing to find along the way. Work down and around to two treasure chests, one with a Life Splash and the other with a Holy Cross. Continue left and up to where you see a large circular decoration on the wall. Enter it to find Secret Room 161 with 4 treasure chests, each containing a Life Splash. Exit and continue to the room to the right where a monk tells you holy water is powerful but must not be abused. Drinking the water will increase everyone's MDF +4 and replenish MP. Return to the circular wall decoration, this time go up to a room. A monk there will exchange +1 MMP for each Holy Cross you bring him. There's a chest in this room with a Valhahaa Shield. This upper floor and the main floor of the monastery have now been fully explored. It's time to return to the lower levels.

(For quick reference, you are on Map 5 Lv1, go left, right and up to stairs where you'll land on Map 1 the main level. From there, follow the pathway to the stairs leading down to Map 3 Lv-2. That pathway is: keep following the path to the benches, then right to the stairs (but don't take them) in that small room. Continue past those stairs and go down the first pathway you reach. You've already opened the two chests. You've reached the stairs. Continue down these stairs to the lowest level, Lv-2.

Map 3 Lv-2 The style here is very different. You have arrived in a large circular room. Walking into the pool at the lower edge leads to Secret Room #162 with 3 slainths and an NPC who didn't follow the Naja god. Back to the main circular room and exit to the left, follow the path all the down, past the hallway leading right, to an end room. Nothing you can do with that gate yet, so go back a bit and take the path to the right. In this short hallway, in the middle darker panel, is the entrance to Secret Room #163 with an Incarnat Pearl, a Dragon ripper and the Holy Book of Abbaoth Slath. Exit and follow path right then up to the end where there's a set of stairs up to the remaining unexplored sections of Map 2 Lv-1. Take those stairs.

Map 2 Lv-1 Follow the path to the arch leading up. To the left of that arch is a chest with a Life Jar. Farther to the right, in a niche with a candle, is a Holy Orb. Backtrack a few steps and follow the arched pathway up. This leads to a very large room with exits at the lower left and lower right. First go to the very top of that room to a chest with an Yveen's Rainwash. Then exit the room to the lower left. There's another NPC here with more inconsequential dialogue. Return to the large room and exit to the lower right. There are 4 stacked vertical rooms here. The lowest has nothing to find. The second has bread in the pail. There's an arrow pointing left, touching that left wall says 'other side.' Go to the right corner and click the right wall to get a Fortune Crystal. Go back to the left wall and it says 'bravo.' Right wall gives another Fortune Crystal. Left wall says 'bravissimo.' Right wall gives yet another Fortune Crystal. Left wall says 'Bravissimo! Grande e forte!!' and that is apparently the end of the stash. Move up to the next room with a Magicka Potion and a Magma Pearl. Finally, the top room with another Holy Cross and another Yveen's Rainwash. This completes exploration of Lv-1 so return down and left to the large room, then down the arched pathwya and right to the stairs back to Map 3 Lv-2. Take them.

Map 3 Lv-2, go down and right to a room with another waterfall room. Inspecting the water here leads to a trio of fights. Make sure you're healed and prepared. The NPC by the stairs won't grant you access to the Lords below. Walk up the steps and into the back wall to find Secret Room #164. In the water is a Nagobascus. There are also 2 oyster and 2 azura pearls to be found.

Still on Map 3 Lv-2 Where to now? Exit this large room to the upper right and follow the path up under the arches to a corner. Open the door for a Boss battle. Continue left. The treasure chest contains a Psydrialid. Beyond that is an elevated stage with several NPC's and farther right a Save Book. In the left corner above the Save Book is the entrance to Secret Room #165 where you'll find gold, a duskdew and Bokden. Exit and speak to the two NPC's, who don't have anything important to say. Then climb the stairs to the stage. Tulsabeth tells you to touch the monument and become one of us. Do so. This unlocks the previously locked gate when you first entered. Backtrack to there. (Quick reference: back to the large room, exit to the left, then up, left, down to the gated room)

Still on Map 3 Lv-2 On the table is the Grand Book of the Monks. Speak to the NPC. He doesn't have much to say. Take the stairs down to Map 4 Lv-3.

Map 4 Lv-3 There's not a large area down here, but be mindful of the dark damaging tiles. You'll need to fight your way through the guards. At the horizontal corridor, turn left into a room. Speak to another NPC, but, again, he doesn't have anything to offer. Leave and continue right to another room. At the bloodstains to the left of the wider niche with candles on the back wall, enter Secret Room #167. After a lengthy, and gruesome, cutscene, Louthros storms into the room and puts and end to their plans. (Note: This only occurs if you have Guild of Benevolence Quest #4) After dispatching the guard outside, return to the room for a Demon Ripper. Check on the girl in the next cell. Louthros tells her she's free now but she's too scared and tired to leave on her own. Louthros promises to return for her before he leaves the monastery. (This seems to be an automatic outside-of-game event because apparently Louthros does return to rescue her but you'll never actually see it happen.) In the room below the girl is The Little Book of Death. Exit the secret room and head down. There's another set of guards. this time a Boss fight, to defeat. Continue all the way to the right where there's another bloody arrow on the way. Walk straight into Secret Room #168. There's a band of adventurers here (apparently named after some of Indinera's favorite players). They speak of a statue, so continue left and up to the statue. I think Sandy is the best to touch the statue, but it's entirely your choice. Exit out to the main path, go right a few steps and then up into a room.

Still on Map 4 Lv-3 This is the Torture Room, the last room of this dungeon so be prepared. You won't return to the monastery so make sure you've completed it before speaking to Jericho. Jericho asks for a sacrifice. Louthros negotiates the deal in his own way. The party is transported to the legendary weaponsmiths and Louthros asks for a Sacred Dagger. Ansolom tells Louthros he must pay for the dagger first in blood and then in soul. Louthros agrees. Wendala gets a pound of flesh cut from her. Wendala loses 50% of her MHP. Ouch! The payment in soul can only come from Louthros. The weaponsmiths suspect Louthros' dark secret, they say they will only create the Sacred Dagger if Louthros reveals his secrets and lets 'her' go. Louthros tries to protest that he doesn't have any secret, but seems the weaponsmith know he has a prisoner and they demand he set her free. Cutscene to Yveen being freed from the Hall of Madness.

Louthros' party is now back at camp, but they have the Sacred Dagger. Time to return to the Ancient Thorn Fortress. Exit to the north to reach the Ancient Thorn Fortress again.

Quick reference to return to the Heart (Exit the camp to the Ancient Thorn Forest and enter. In this main entrance (Map 2) go all the way up then right to next screen (Right Wing- Map), continue right then up through three round rooms to a corner, turn left, go to next screen (Map 3- Rear right). Down the first path (if you have the guide, remember that the path is wrong) to end, left across to end, up, then right and up to stairs. Take the stairs up to Map 6- Lv2). Take the first exit left, down, left to a round room, up, right, and straight up to the dragon head. Enter the dragon head to Map 7- Lv3. Right to a room, down, follow path to the monkey room, enter the left center door.

Cutscene with Wendala and Coryool doublecrossing Louthros
Long cutscene with Louthros imprisoned by Zelena, Random finally succeeding in summoning Yveen, Luciana convincing Yveen to give Louthros a second chance.

At the MSI, the 4 final party members are Yveen, Random, Luciana, Louthros and your choice of Zelena / Nash / Coryool. I chose Zelena if only for her Symphony of War spell. Random instructs you to unequip anything of value from the others. Be sure to keep them adequately equipped, though, especially Baretta and Sarah. Sarah should be equipped with a decent bow. The Thorn Bow will work. So will a Mithril Bow if you have one. (Note: Equipping Sarah with either the Thorn Bow or the Mithril Bow is mandatory for later completing the Leaf Bird quest.)

Save your game at the first opportunity in case you need to backtrack and change equipment. Yveen then opens a portal to her Celestial Palace. Enter the portal, but immediately return. Random will ask Yveen to open a portal to Azan as well and she complies. Before entering any portal, do an MSI loop. The dialogues change. The door to the swimming pool won't open and the door to the Barett'Art room won't open. Maybe you need Baretta in the party for those doors to open. Downstairs in the basement, the barricades have been removed and now you can fully explore that basement again. In one of the rooms is the NPC with another MIMIC challenge. These battles are much harder than earlier. Further on is the Mecha room with the Mecha Tree. Interact with the Mecha Tree and Random accidentally turns something on. Ooops. He doesn't tell Baretta about it, though. Sarah is in the room upstairs on Lv2 by the small swimming pool. Be sure to interact with her as that will allow her to follow you to Azan. She's a non-player, though, so she doesn't fight and she doesn't show up in the menu. In the Item Vendor room by the front entrance is Den Bosch, or is it Bodken, who really knows? If you have Side Quest 09 Kill the Piso King, he'll take you there. If he doesn't offer to take you there, maybe there are other requirements you missed? It's a one time only deal, so make sure you actually kill the pesky bandit this time.

Go to the portal to Azan to tie up some loose ends.
Guild of Indinera Quest 04- Go to the Thermal Baths. The girls there will tell you of a rusted iron grid. Search the right side of the pond until Random finds the grid. Enter the room and go all the way to the end. You see no frogs. Move one more step forward. Louthros then tells Random his Team Darkness already took care of Mikkelsen. Go to the Guild of Indinera to report the news and collect the last quest from that guild, fix the sunflower crops. You can get a boost of Air spells from Rohanan on the left. Go to the High Council of Azan. Now that Louthros and his inventory has been added to the party, you're able to complete Ithyrom's side quest 04. Go to the Higher Guild of Elves and get that 5th and final quest. You can travel to the Pit of Lava right away to complete the quest. Make sure you move up to the throne after the final battle.

The following must be done in this order. The steps don't have to be done one right after the other, but they do need to follow this sequence.
Don't go to the Shadow Guild yet. Go to your farm instead. Thurngard wants a raise. Refuse him twice and he'll tell you the next time he sees a bandit on your property, he won't stop him. Do NOT interact with Sarah at the front bathtub just yet. )If you do, she'll storm off and she needs to stay out front for successful completion of both the next Shadow Guild quest and the Leaf Bird quest.) Return to Azan and next go to the Shadow Guild. Walk through the darkness to Cryptopher in the back to get the 5th and final quest, kill the assassin at your farm. Return to Azan and go back to your farm. Sarah has saved the day. (If you had interacted with her earlier, she would have stormed off and not been there when the assassin arrived.)

There's still a pending quest from the Guild of Benevolence. Go there to discover Louthros has already completed that quest. Get that guild's 5th and final quest, eliminate the raflesia invasion. This is again a quest that can be completed right away. Return to Azan and then back to your farm. Sarah should now be in the back yard once again trying to bathe. Once again Random forbids it and this time Sarah becomes furious. A leaf bird is the unlucky victim of Sarah's rage. Still, even if Sarah did manage to complete that elusive quest, it's not enough to change Random's mind. Go back to the Archery Guild with dead bird in hand and get your reward and that guild's 5th and final quest. This is not a quest that can be completed immediately.

Go to the God Slayer's Guild and get your 5th and final quest there. Your own shrine has been claimed by an evil god. You can complete this quest immediately. Report and return to Azan. Go to the Hunter's Guild for its 5th and final quest, another immediate quest. This is based entirely upon your stats, so if you fail, just keep checking back.

At this point you should have completed Guild of Hunters 5/5 quests, Higher Guild of Elves 5/5 quests, Guild of Indinera 4/5 quests (with 1 pending), Guild of Archery 4/5 quests (with 1 pending), Guild of Benevolence 5/5 quests, Guild of God Slayers 5/5 quests, Guild of Inexistence 4/5 quests, Guild of Shadows 5/5 quests. The 5th quest of the Guild of Inexistence is a risk you'll need to decide whether to take or not.

Make the rounds of Azan.
You may have heard of the Ultimate Secret Room in Azan. Refrain from going there yet. Wait until your players have received all their spells, then go.

Azan Traditions- Fylinna has a gift for you. Eroll is still waiting for Wendala to return.
AAA Item Shop- Zaleria's business has been ruined by the Piso King. More happens if you've completed Side Quest 09.
Azan Inn- Zuzanbar, upstairs, is a necromancer who will exchange the body parts you got as battle loot for ores.
Main Warehouse- Report the Piso King's death to Damathos.
Home of the Bookman with 3 daughters- Speak to her older daughter upstairs to receive Side Quest 22. You can solve this one immediately if you remember what the name of the bath was in Secret Room 6. You had to click on the sign to read it. (Thanks to Bobfarq for correcting this location, also D-Squall gives the answer at viewtopic.php?f=227&t=10520 if you've forgotten the name.)

Return to the MSI and Random asks if Yveen would create a portal to the sunflower crops. Yveen reluctantly agrees. (Note: Yveen only agrees if Random's luck is high enough. It was successful for me at 600, but not at 350. Huge shoutout to D-Squall for painstakingly going through this to discover that Luck was a factor here.) Report to the Indinera Guild, get your Catisfaction, and return to the MSI.

It's now time to save Goddess Yveen's Celestial Palace.

Celestial Palace
The Layout- The entry room opens up to 5 fingerlike projections, all leading to different maps. From left to right, they lead to Left Tower, Left Wing, Middle Tower, Right Wing, Right Tower. Start at the left.

Left Tower- There is just one round room. Open the 3 treasure chests. Interact with the 3 unicorns to make the Kyrylko appear, BOSS Legendary fight.

Left Wing- A few treasure chests, an NPC vendor with some restorative items, a pool.

Middle Path- NPC announces Alcazarus is back. Yveen learns Laxius Aura. There are 2 exits. One is just up the steps behind that NPC, the other is farther back, up the steps to a treasure chest, then out the north wall. Take the farther exit to the outside.

Outside Sky- There is a left path, a middle path and a right path. The solid white clouds form bridges. Alcarezus in up the left path. Continuing up that left path to one space before the end of the cloud, move up into Secret Room 171. Enter the church at the top.

Church- The pink circles on the wall to the right just as you enter lead to Secret Room 172. At the far back left center all is the entrance to Secret Room 173. Don't be in a hurry to leave because the right clouds lead to Secret Room 174. And then the first offshoot left of Secret Room 174 leads to Secret Room 175. And then the right side of a horned shaped cloud leads back to Secret Room 174 to a chest that is otherwise inaccessible. Alcerazus is waiting at the throne. Defeat him for good this time.

Returning to the Middle Path, go up the near stairs to the Middle Tower. A force field blocks your way. Explore the Right Tower and Right Wing.

Right Tower- It's just one round room, much like the Left Tower. The steps to the raised pedestal to the left of the arrival portal lead to Secret Room 169 and Yveen's Spear. The stairs in the back lead to a treasure chest with Random's Apocalypsia. There is also a flame here with Nix, BOSS Legendary fight (credit to Rabbit for identifying battle as legendary)

Right Wing- There are 3 rooms. You arrive in the middle room. Go down to the lower room and step on the yellow button. This disables the force field in the Middle Tower. In that same room, in the north wall between the 2 pairs of statues, is Secret Room 170. There are 2 treasure chests in the upper room. Return to the Middle Tower.

Middle Tower- Climb to the top. About 2/3 to 3/4 of the way up to the left is Secret Room 176. Look for the pair of pillars on either side that don't match. Back to the tower, continue up and enter the Suites at the top.

Suites- This map is more complex than the others have been. Directly below the entrance stairs is a short vertical hallway leading to a balcony.

Balcony- A terrified pegasus is here. Interacting with it triggers a BOSS battle with clouds. The battle drop is a Sky Tear, which is what completes the Archery Guild quest 5. Note: the battle drop only happens if the battle lasts long enough for the fair weather (white) stratus cloud turns to a storm (dark) cloud. If you kill it before it transforms to the dark cloud you won't get the sky tear. Go back inside. The exit is on the right side, so explore the left side next.

Suites- A corridor leading to the far left has a treasure chest with Cosmic Armor at the end. There are 2 medium sized rooms, one above the other, and then a larger room with a waterfall above those 2. The medium sized room with pink beds has a red box with a small MIMIC. The room next to it has a Drone Axe with a BOSS battle. In the top room, at the left orb at the lower end of the pool, is the third Legendary BOSS battle, Faraday. The right side also has 3 vertically stacked rooms. The gold floral design on the north wall of the upper room leads to Secret Room 177. The next map is the Thermals and then the Throne Room. This might be a good time to return to Azan and turn in any completed but unrewarded quests like the Sky Tear the Archery Guild wants. Also, Don't forget that Ultimate Secret Room in Azan.

Thermals- The main path leads from the entrance stairs at the upper middle, left to a round room, down to an oval room, then right to a intersection. Two rooms lie to the right of this intersection. The main path goes up, right, up, right, down to a triangular shaped room, then up to the stairs leading to the throne room. In the round room with a pool, go up the walkway and straight into the shell opening for Secret Room 178. Walk up the left edge of the pool, then across in front of the waterfall, and turn up for Secret Room 179. In a blind corridor heading left in that room is another sighting of Bokden. Moving over to the right is another round room with a pool and a large shell that resembles a whale with its mouth open. From the right side of the pool, walk into the water and then into the shell opening to find Secret Room 181. Still inside this Secret Room 181, move to the right of the objects and then up the middle of the waterfall to find Secret Room 182. Back out onto the main map. Straight down with the chair facing you, walk into Secret Room 180.

Secret Rooms- That makes 182 regular Secret Rooms, plus the 7 that were found in Baretta's dreams, 2 that were found in God Slayer's Guild, and 1 found in the Hunter's Guild Cat quest, for a total of 192. The other 9 I would expect to be found in the Psychodrium.

Thermals- Continue the path to the Throne Room. You must finish everything up before facing the final battle. Grab what you can in the room and make a hasty retreat (menu option <Exit Danger>) to the MSI. Visit the Ultimate (not-so) Secret Room in Azan. Go to the Archery Guild and collect your reward for completing the 5th quest. Decide how important is getting that 5th quest from the Guild of Existence.

Make your way back to the Throne Room (fighting Nix again at the flame at the start of the Throne Room for the fourth BOSS Legendary fight), reclaim Yveen's throne, and see the credits and maybe more.... maybe not...

If you have the 'good' ending, you'll continue on with Baretta divulging information about Yveen's mental health to Luciana.
Last edited by Lady JJ on Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:03 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Laxius Soul Walkthrough Chapters 0, 1, 2 and 3

Postby Indinera » Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:00 am

I want to say, stunning work - impressed. It sure helps to keep notes with a game so big +::Thumbup
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