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The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:45 pm
by bodeia
A game a found that some might like.

Game by Bastain
History of the Project:
Spoiler: show
The Lore of Lorewyn is based on a novel-length book my best friend and I wrote back when we were kids (middle school). I'm not going to name-drop, but one of my good friends is a famous fantasy novelist and really liked the story. Unfortunately, I was not a good enough writer back then to realize the full potential, and the one major publisher we submitted it to rejected it. But I knew what was wrong with it right from the day I sent it: it came off as a novelisation of a videogame rather than a novel.

So . . . I decided to make it into one.

At first I started developing it in ZeldaClassic (a program which allows you to design Zelda 1 style games) but found it far too limiting.

That friend I'd written the book with told me about RPG Maker, but it sounded lame, so I never bothered. But I decided to give it a shot.

So here I am.

I'm not sure how much to give away. There are two major plot twists that would ruin the story for anyone who would eventually want to play it. Would you want to watch Sixth Sense for the first time if you had read about that plot twist ahead of time? So I won't tell you the plot twists, but just the superficial front of the story.

The main character is an ordinary guy from our world, but one morning he awakens in a tower in a magical pre-Renaissance island kingdom. He discovers he is part of a prophecy and is to help the recently returned prince conquer the source of evil that has overrun the land.

But all is not as it seems. On their journey they discover bit by bit that the quest they are on is more complicated and more full of intrigue than they could have imagined. Are they who the people tell them they are? Are they even where they seem to be? The ending will be a shock and a surprise.

Want an inkling of the plot twists? Want to ruin the story for yourself? Be warned. Don't click below.

Tyrin: from our world. Tyrin is not his real name, but that's what people call him here. He had little experience in swordplay in our world, but on waking in Lorewyn is exceedingly skilled. Mia says that this is because Swordplay is his Ability. He's contemporary and sarcastic and is pretty sure this is all just a dream. As he levels up, he learns "skills" related to Swordplay.

Mia: an Elemantal Mage who was assigned to Tyrin's Tower. She's bubbly and nice and fresh from training, so is eager to prove herself and her magic.

Baeon: the prince of Lorewyn. There are several strange facts about him. Firstly, no one knew Lorewyn had a prince. But the king reveals that Baeon's mother had concealed her pregnancy and ran away to birth him in secrecy. Unfortunately, Baeon was found unconscious today, remembering nothing of his past. His Ability is vast Strength. But this is useless to him as he is completely unskilled in weaponry. He's much more interested in spell casting, but lacks proficiency in anything but basic curative magic.

Syler: a young man from a noble family. His sister Sylea is thought to have been abducted by Radasol. He was too lazy and disintersted in training in weaponry or magic, so his quest in finding and freeing his sister is proving difficult.

Yasian: an old forgetful mage who might turn out to be none of those things.

Sylea: a very skilled archer from a noble family with super eyesight as her Ability. She and her brother have more in common than either knew and will enjoy.

Spoiler: show


I'll try and keep this link updated as and when he makes any changes.

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:50 pm
by D-Squall
Thank you Bodeia, the game looks good. Now I got something to try until other games comes out. +::clap

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:52 pm
by jyarceus1993
Hooray!yet another game which is gonna keep me busy XD.....AND ITS TOTALLY FREEEEEE!! +::YAY +::YAY

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:07 pm
by loof123
I didn't like this one. Mapping isn't good. Visuals hook you to game and story keeps you in it... I wasn't hooked to the game...

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:10 pm
by D-Squall
By the screens, the maps are pretty good. ;)
It's hard to find a good mapper in RPGVX, like the one harmonic of Deadly Sin and Jaybot of Arvale.
But this one looks good. ;)

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:12 pm
by bodeia
Yep I was pretty impressed and I'm currently only a fraction into the game expect game time is 25-30 hours +::biggrin and I'm only on 4:30 and it's just getting interesting

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:13 pm
by D-Squall
+::YAY Yesss, big game. I love it. +::Dance +::Dance

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:15 pm
by AuntIggy
tried downloading and this is what I got:

Invalid or Deleted File
The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire.
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Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:15 pm
by loof123
Try again Iggy. It works for me.

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:16 pm
by D-Squall
For me aswell.

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:22 pm
by jyarceus1993
I'll download tomorrow +::O_o It'll take eons for me to download that and its past midnight so... +::biggrin

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:24 pm
by bodeia
AuntIggy wrote:tried downloading and this is what I got:

Invalid or Deleted File
The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire.
Click here to view our help resources

Hhmm I double checked and it's working for me so not sure what's happened there AuntIggy sorry

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:30 pm
by susie
Bastian has revamped his game.

What's new? Quite a lot.
-custom sprites/faces for the seven main characters (some are just recolorings, some are more dramatic changes)
-mapping has been redone in several areas
-Animated battlebacks
-Animated battlers
-multiple fogs
-new battle menu
-new general menu
-new cutscenes and additional dialogue
-a brand new dungeon-puzzle thing
-encounter rates are more reasonable
-enemies (including bosses) are more balanced
-twice as many enemy types and twice as many troups in a given area
-two songs have been updated slightly
-four new superbosses hidden in the secret dungeons (the four towers) which can be accessed later in the game.

The new, revamped version of the game (with many, many changes) can be found here:

Re: The Lore of Lorewyn - Free game

PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:32 pm
by susie
Did not want to start a new thread but am not sure if this is the right place to post new version of game.