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Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:26 pm
by Indinera
So it's been 4 years since I started... I wanted to ask you guys what was your top 5, and also what kind of game you would like me to make in priority: stand-alone, episodic, long, short, focusing on gameplay, story?

For your top 5 you can pick in this list:
3 Stars of Destiny
Laxius Force
Laxius Force II
Laxius Force III
Millennium 2
Millennium 3
Millennium 4
The Book of Legends


Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:36 pm
by littlebro
Very hard to pick my top 5, but here they are - in no particular order, because trying to grade them 1-5 would be a nightmare.

3 Stars of Destiny
Laxius Force II
Laxius Force III
The Book of Legends.

Indinera wrote:and also what kind of game you would like me to make in priority: stand-alone, episodic, long, short, focusing on gameplay, story?

This is just as difficult. I see that I've chosen 3 stand-alone out of the 5, all of which are long, (which I take to be over 20 hours, but confirmation of what you mean by long would be helpful) all of which have good gameplay and story. I think you if want a really good game, it can't be a choice of either gameplay or story. That is especially true if it's a long game which needs both to sustain it. I have played games which seemed to consist mostly in clicking through dialogue and watching cut scenes. That isn't what I want - if I wanted a graphic novel, I'd get one - but at the same time I equally dislike those games where it's just a modernized dungeon crawler.

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:58 pm
by Alikamou
Just to let you know...ALL of your games have a great Story!!!!! That's the reason for coming back for moooorrrre! +::clap
Now on a serious note? My top 5: 3Stars, MM4 (yeah Bokden!), Asguaard, Sylia and TBOL. 3S is what started it all leading into the LF series. MM is NOT DONE YET! :razz: Asguaard for it's story twists & turns and sheer huuuugeness (finding secret rooms/magic rooms...and let's not forget "BIG FOOT") +::biggrin Sylia for the *Charas* +::heart and the solving of quests +::biggrin TBOL for the choices we have to make +:::|

As for priority...the decision rests with your imaginary juices...mind you, not the liquid one :razz: Even if you mention *stand-alone*, each and everyone leaves us with a thought...*will there be a continuation?* There is always something to leave a door open for a sequel +::biggrin You have a great *recipe* in your games with a GREAT STORY and a wide range of emotions attached to each character, challenging quests and searches to appease any HO fan, combat strategies to figure out +::grrr , wonderful graphics & music +::music , and *huge surprises* that make us jump +::O_o or laugh +::lol So just waiting for MM5, LH and the all new LS +::biggrin If you plan on sneaking in anything else...we're looking forward to it +::biggrin

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:11 pm
by Indinera
Hope many people share their top 5, so far we have:

02 - 3 Stars of Destiny
02 - The Book of Legends
02 - Asguaard
01 - Laxius Force II
01 - Laxius Force III
01 - Millennium 4

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:39 pm
by Cassiopeia
It's a bit hard for me because the LF games are my #1 but if I rank them seperately it leaves me only two more spots. So I'll just cheat a little bit.
4. Sylia
5. MM4

I don't care if a game is stand-alone or part of a series. Both has its own attraction.
But I prefer long games. And both story and gameplay are important for me.
I'm not so keen of searching for secret rooms all the time, though I guess I'm quite alone with this opinion.
Oh, and ... (not sure if I ever mentioned it, lol), I prefer visible monsters!

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:52 pm
by Indinera
I need to leave out MM4, only 5 can score a point lol

03 - The Book of Legends
02 - 3 Stars of Destiny
02 - Asguaard
02 - Laxius Force II
02 - Laxius Force III
02 - Sylia
01 - Laxius Force
01 - Millennium 4

Thanks for adding your top5, Cassie!

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:40 am
by EmeraldEyez
01 - Laxius Force -- My favorite RPG of all time +::YAY
02 - Laxius Force 2
03 - 3 Stars of Destiny
04 - Asguaard
05 - Millenium

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:43 am
by EmeraldEyez
Indinera wrote:also what kind of game you would like me to make in priority: stand-alone, episodic, long, short, focusing on gameplay, story? Thanks!

I would prefer in finishing the Laxius series....please and thank you +::Thumbup :razz:
I am a sucker for a good story :)

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:52 am
by Aggeliki
well here they are:

1.LF I
5.MM I

and to answer your question about the kind of the next game: i would like to play an episodic, story driven, long game and yes i love the secrets and exploration and the different be fair though, if we are talking about MM and LH, i'd like to play LH first and then the episode of MM..but whatever is your final schedule i trust your expertise on game making and i know it gonna be high quality once again!

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:41 am
by clear
1)3 Stars Of Destiny
3)Laxius Force II
4)Laxius Force
5)Millennium IIII

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:48 am
by feyone2
My favourites are:

I prefer long or episodic games with a good story line & humorous dialogue, but that's something you already do.
It's great having tricky encounters and quests too. I like things being hard but no so hard that it takes you an age to achieve the desired out come. Interchangeable outcomes/choices etc are exciting and worth pursuing in the future, I'm sure.
Like Aggeliki, I trust your expertise and creative abilities so I'm definitely looking forward to your future efforts, particularly MM5. +::clap +::clap +::clap +::clap

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:56 am
by Tomas
My top 5:

1. LF3 - huge, absolutely epic and stunning, no competition here.
2. TBOL - best dialogues and battles.
3. Dreamscape - very challenging and unique.
4. Asguaard - touching story and best exploration.
5. LF2 - thrilling. I couldn't quite decide between LF2 and MM4, but LF2 is darker and more tragic and although it's sad sometimes, I prefer it.

As for my preferences, I enjoy huge games with epic story, lots of quests and elaborated battle system (such as LF), I also believe that game serie is more rewarding in the end - there's more time to look forward do it (ie. facing GC at the end of one big LF game would still not be the same feeling as doing the same at the end of LF3) and there's also another reason for replaying the games (perfect saves).
But on the other hand stand-alone games can have a lot to offer, too - after all DSC and the others were brilliant games. So imo the best way how to do this is to have at least one serie running and do a stand-alone game there and there, more focused on a gameplay or some crazy ideas. This also gives your games bigger variability.

P.s. And I still want Legend badly. +::clap

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:07 am
by Indinera
... here are the current standings:

07 - Laxius Force II
06 - The Book of Legends
05 - Asguaard
04 - 3 Stars of Destiny
04 - Laxius Force III
04 - Laxius Force
02 - Sylia
02 - Millennium 4
02 - Millennium 3
02 - Millennium
01 - Dreamscape
01 - Millennium 2

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:10 am
by Indinera
P.s. And I still want Legend badly.

Me too!

Thanks for all the valuable inputs everyone (and of course the top5's) +::Thumbup +::clap

Re: Your top 5 Aldorlea games?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:48 am
by Neli
3)3 Stars of Destiny
4)Millennium 4