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What is the recommended screen definition?

What is the recommended screen definition?

Postby lisarae » Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:51 am

I'm not sure I've got the right name there but what is the recommended rate - When I open the game in full-screen it doesn't fit on the screen, and in miniature that is exactly what I get - too small.
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Re: What is the recommended screen definition?

Postby Tomas » Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:03 pm

Usually this can be fixed either by your monitor settings, or tweaking settings of your graphics card.
The game has relatively low resolution, and the reason you see the miniature is that it is displayed in the so called "1:1" mode. I.e. it's not resized (enlarged) at all.
If you don't know where to find an appropriate setting just let me know what monitor / graphics card you have, and I'll try to help you.
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Re: What is the recommended screen definition?

Postby lisarae » Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:35 am

Resolution - that's the word I couldn't find. Thank you.
I thought if I just manually changed the resolution when playing and changed it back afterwards that should solve the problem, but I can't find anything that tells what the 'optimal' resolution for the game is.
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Re: What is the recommended screen definition?

Postby Tomas » Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:58 pm

If I remember right, the game uses 640x480. Or maybe 800x600, I'm not sure. To be more precise, the size you see when you run the game in the "Window" mode, is the true size.
And the modern LCD monitors usually don't support such a resolution. Actually, LCD monitors don't support any other resolutions than their "natural" one (give by the physical number of pixels, usually 1920x1080). So you need to make them to resize the window to the right size, either using the monitor settings (not all monitors can do this while maintaining the aspect ratio of the game), or force this in the graphics card drives.
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Re: What is the recommended screen definition?

Postby lisarae » Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:59 pm

Windows 10 is a pain in the rear. I don't seem to be able to change the resolution manually. And I'm not technological enough to feel comfortable about playing with the graphics card.

I appreciate the advice, but I'll just put up with tinyville.
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