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Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

Postby Indinera » Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:24 pm

Hi all, if you've got 5 mins to spare, feel free to fill this little something so to let us know what you thought of 3 Stars and so that Aldorlea Games can create even better games in the future. :)

In order to do so, please copy/paste the block of text below and fill it with your own answers. +::music

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Least Favorite Hero (explain why):
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Your perfect party (of 4):
What did you think about the story?
What did you think about the secrets?
What did you think about the monsters?
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship:
Overall Comment about the game:
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game?
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make?
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby neenerneener » Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:29 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): i like baretta. i don't really know why. i just like her:)
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): luciana, because if someone hits her she'll hit back and it will go back and forth until she dies.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): i like when random told sarah he loves her. AWEEEE
Your perfect party (of 4): random, baretta, sarah, luciana
What did you think about the story? i love it and i cant wait to see what happens later on in the game
What did you think about the secrets? love them. dont't know when they will show up so it's a real SURPRISE when you do find them.
What did you think about the monsters? very nicely done and they don't all look the same like some games have it.
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship? i liked it in the beginning and still like it after he told her he loves her. it's cute
Overall Comment about the game: LOVE IT!!!
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? definitely yes
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? same kind like this :) i love these kind of games, always have and always will.
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby skybald » Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:34 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Coryool, I like his devil may care - attitude
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): none, though I care less for little-used characters like Lisa
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): when Ramdom confesses his love
Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luciana, Coryool
What did you think about the story? nice prequel
What did you think about the secrets? nice goodies for explorers; only thing is that some cannot be seen at all, and I am not motivated enough to test every spot in the hole game
What did you think about the monsters? well balanced, interesting variety
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship? i liked it
Overall Comment about the game: once again, well done!! (not sure about RMXP, I liked the retro touch of RM2k)
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? oh yes! I hope LF will be continued soon.
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? exactly this kind of games
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby kanifer » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:56 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Random, of course. I love swordsmen.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Hmm, this time I liked them all. I like how Lisa played a more important role or at least spoke more than in LP3, though she is a tiny bit weak still, but I guess she should be, being a normal guard and all.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Has to be in the Hall of Madness where Random declares his love to Sarah.

Your perfect party (of 4): The original 4 of course, Random, Sarah, Luciana, Coryool.

What did you think about the story? It was great, I liked the touch at the end with the loss of memory, that made me want to go back and play LP1 again. Hope LF2 is out soon.

What did you think about the secrets? Very nice, was really a surprise most of the time.

What did you think about the monsters? Monsters were very cool, this was the major problem of LP1. I liked the artwork, though I think a few more different types would have been even better. Was the artwork original?

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: Was very interesting to see it like this, they always loved each other ever since LP1, so I wasn't used to this, but it made things interesting how Random didn't want to confess that he liked Sarah. Plus it was nice to see how they met, since they already knew each other in LP1.

Overall Comment about the game: Very nice, new spin on an old "classic". (LP1)

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Most definitely.

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? These old style RPGs are my favorites. The story is always great, which is the most important part of the RPG to me. If the story is good, I'll play the game no matter how crappy graphics etc are. Hopefully the story will have something to do with Random, Sarah, Luci and Coryool!
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby Zelestar » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:29 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Luciana! I love spellcasters and she has quite a personality + a cat :)
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Caryool... drunkard, who's punches can't hurt no one....
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): When Random explains his love to Sarah, and at the end of the game when the sign expect the next part soon apears +::music (or something like that)
Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luciana, Herasia
What did you think about the story? Awesome 1000001 out of 10!!!
What did you think about the secrets? I really like it when there's something hidden and you have to find it ;)
What did you think about the monsters? Little too easy when Random lvls up a bit, but or too easy, nor too hard +::biggrin
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: Yup i waited the whole game for the love explanation +::heart
Overall Comment about the game: You did a really great job!!! I hope you continue that way, if not better +:oops:
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Well DAA..... I'm like visiting the site whenever i can :razz:
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? Well i kinda felt bad about moving to the VX maker, because i really liked the old one, but to think of it it really turned out well 8)
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby zeeeee » Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:44 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): That would be Sarah
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Random. Too stuck up for my taste LOL
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): I'm a sucker for love stories so that would be when Random professed his love for Sarah
Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luciana, Coryool
What did you think about the story? I loved it but I think there could have been more. It was just too short for me.
What did you think about the secrets? Oh! I was surprised! I absolutely loved it when I found one!
What did you think about the monsters? Some where okay and others where challenging! Nice!
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: I think their relationship should be developed more. When Random professed his love, I was like whaaattt??
Overall Comment about the game: LOVED it!
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Definitely!
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? another game like this with more thrill, a little bit longer perhaps!
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby marcusellos » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:00 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Sparks, I though he had the most original skills and some entertaining dialogue.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why):Baretta, she doesn't seem to learn any spells ever.. and perception hasn't done much for me so far.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Exploring the Hall of Madness, it was such a great area.

Your perfect party (of 4): Random (Bloodthirsty Assassin), Sarah, Coryool, Luci

What did you think about the story? It was paced nicely and the side quests were integrated smoothly for the most part.

What did you think about the secrets?
I found them enjoyable for the first part of the game but some of them were too illogical/unfair to find. I found 37 total. Also I don't think perception helped find them so...? maybe a little more balancing could be done here.
The relationships (bonuses) you develop with different characters, which I guess you could call a secret, I thought were great.

What did you think about the monsters? The difficultly was well balanced throughout the game. The monsters and bosses had a wide variety of attacks (especially status attacks) that kept me adjusting my strategy and equipment throughout the game.

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: I felt like it could have shown a little more depth (seeing as they eventually fall in love) but the dialogue was entertaining for the most part.

Overall Comment about the game: This was, by far, one of the best RPGs I have played in a while. There were more than enough unique gameplay elements, secrets, relationship bonuses, the wonder eye to keep the genre from feeling stale and a very deep inventory, a variety of captivating side quests and excellent dungeon design to showcase what made RPGS so popular to begin with. The game is not easy (even on normal difficult) but that makes the achievements feel more rewarding. I am hoping the post-ending game will be just as fun as the rest has.

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? I'm not sure. I didn't enjoy Laxius Force very much, or even play through the ending. I felt that it was cluttered with too much to do and too many things that were missable. This game had a very refreshing balance and a manageable amount of characters. If your next game improves on this game I will want to play it, but if it is more like Laxius Force I will not.

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? Whatever you're doing now it's working so keep it up
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby moxy0 » Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:22 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Sarah and Sparks I loved the exercisom spell and Sparks sunmmon cancel evil sun
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Lisa, as she does not have alot of good spells even when leveled up.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): The ending when Random confessed his love for Sarah!
Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, luci, and Sparks
What did you think about the story? Great story line and nice charactor interaction and funny comments
What did you think about the secrets? I loved them I found 36 of them without any hints or help! It was always a surprise when I found them!
What did you think about the monsters? Very good graphics and not to hard or too easy, I played on Normal.
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: It was nice to see how they started off as in all the other games they were already together.
Overall Comment about the game: Very good game I finished in 44 hours and it was very addicting! I liked it better than Laxius Force as you could complete all the quests and go back to other area's if you missed something!
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Yes I have purchased and played most of the games and really like the old school format better than the newer RPG games, probabably because I grew up in the 80's!
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? The same as kind of RPG type games and maybe a sequel to this one!
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby Mystrys » Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:49 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Sarah. She's an all round character, can hit very high with her bows, excellent healing and revival spells, also can obtain some impressive offensive spells too. Also after nearly 2500 fights, she was the only party member not to be deafeated once!

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Initially, I'd have to say Random, as his attitude was very annoying. At the end I didn't really have a Hero I disliked.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Random declaring his true feelings for Sarah. +::heart

Your perfect party (of 4):Random (with Assasin pre-fight strike), Sarah, Luciana and Batabog (wearing full Nirum)

What did you think about the story? Excellent, I enjoyed the main plot and the side plots too.

What did you think about the secrets? Some were really tricky to find, like having to approach from a certain direction (naughty :razz: ) but overall I enjoyed trying to find them.

What did you think about the monsters? A good mix with some challenging ones thrown in ( I so hate that Cemetry Spell).

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: Typical teenagers, hiding there true feelings behind hurtful remarks. +::biggrin

Overall Comment about the game: Really enjoyed playing and intend to play again on different difficulty levels.

Are you looking forward to Aldorlea's next game? Indeed I will be, as this is only the 1st I've played I'll also be looking at previous releases too. :)

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make?
Keep making RPG's please, I love them. +::YAY
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby soham051994 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:01 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): random as he can withstand and give heavy damages
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): batabog since he is weak to thunder, fire and in magic and is very bad in physical damage and physical defence even if he is an assasin and a zombie
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): every moment of hall of madness, so funny and excellent
Your perfect party (of 4): random, sarah, luciana, lisa
What did you think about the story? short, buut good
What did you think about the secrets? good but not powerful items inside
What did you think about the monsters? liked everywhere except in utlai desert where they come very often
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: i feel suprised that these two were like these before their romance as seen in the lps and lf
Overall Comment about the game: good graphics, but constant fighting bored me a bit from witch woods to the hall of madness as they all come after each other without no return to rillia. but some attack planning of the monsters were good
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? obviously, i love all from aveyond to 3 stars of destiny
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? game like this but having more towns and not having constant dungeon like places one after another without going to town in the mid

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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby DXLelouch » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:13 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):Random,cause hes a badass lolz
Least Favorite Hero (explain why):Guanida,cause he complains too much
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):Hall of Madness,cause it had lots and lots of relics and artifacts
Your perfect party (of 4):a classic party-Random,Coryall,Sarah,and Luciana
What did you think about the story?it was awsome
What did you think about the secrets?well hid(found all those rooms though)
What did you think about the monsters?they were varied
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship:it was developed very well
Overall Comment about the game:i liked it
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game?yes
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make?the rest of the games based on the books so itll follow this story^^
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby Sly Boots » Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:23 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Guanidia. That wisecracking, cowardly chameleon was like a combination of Shaggy, Scooby Doo, and C3PO. That sounds like a recipe for disaster, but it worked. In half the stuff the heroes faced, I'd be scared witless too if I was there.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Probably Lisa because she didn't seem to have any sort of identity or personality of her own. I didn't use her much in battles either. Maybe a Lisa-specific sidequest to flesh her out would have been good, kinda like how Baretta's quest gave insight into her life and her world. Unless I missed any Lisa development.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Guanidia becoming a Lamia god. It was kinda like C3PO becoming an Ewok god.

Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luci, Coryool.

What did you think about the story? Just a nice simple story that was easy to follow. I'm not a fan of obtuse storylines. The story complemented the gameplay very well (a game like this is more driven by gameplay) and I don't think I'd have liked it as much if it was a complicated Xenosaga type thing. Nutshell- I liked it.

What did you think about the secrets? Stumbling upon a secret room was like finding the toy inside a cereal box.

What did you think about the monsters? The monsters were drawn well. I really liked the butterflies.

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: I liked the tension between them. It made the relationship more dynamic than a straight lovey-honey-kiss-kiss thing.

Overall Comment about the game: My initial thought upon finishing the game was that it was really fun to play. Some RPGs have intricate stories and high production values, but aren't fun. This game was fun.

Oh yeah, and I quite liked the music. I'm surprised no one else has commented on the music yet.

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Yes.

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? Keep rocking those classic style RPGs. I'm looking forward to Laxius Force 2 because the lead character will be Luci rather than Random. Though I like Random, I'm looking forward to a different hero's point of view.
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby linc » Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:24 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Coryool. Because he's very strong, immune to almost every spell. He's the most reliable chara for a Boss Fight.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Lisa. She has no good fighting skills as Jezzie and her spells suck.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): RAndom's love declaration to sarah....that's hard for a

Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luci and Coryool.

What did you think about the story? it's very nice, no disappointment to LP fans. Lots of secrets, treasures, it's the most balanced game of the series.

What did you think about the secrets? I love them!

What did you think about the monsters? Scary. I missed a good massive killing weapon. Sometimes in normal mode they respawn too much, it is quite annoying.

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: After seeing them so in love in other games it was funny to see them arguing. Random is less bossy, I liked that.

Overall Comment about the game: I thought it would be easier. No silly quests, although the charas are younger. I think there were few towns and few wide spaces to visit. I always like the maps to islands though. The graphics are ok, so is the music.

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Sure, can't wait for LF 2, 3.....

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? RPGs of course.
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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby dgford » Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:03 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Sarah - best all around for dealing physical damage, healing, offensive spells

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Lisa - altho by the end she packs a punch, she's too slow and doesn't have any really useful spells

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): When Random finally admits why he's been such a jerk

Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luci, and Corooyl/or Batabog full Nirum

What did you think about the story? Explained the beginning of their relationships well, flowed well, interesting, and entertaining

What did you think about the secrets? AWESOME! So much fun to find stuff - little perks throughout

What did you think about the monsters? Good mix of easy, challenging, and plain annoying

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: Very teens in love. I liked watching how it developed.

Overall Comment about the game: Probably my favorite out of the entire LP/LF series. Just challenging enough without being frustrating. The 1st one I didn't have to have a walkthrough for.

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Can't wait!

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? Another one like this. Great story, lots of fun, surprises if you explored well, good graphics and music.....all around winner. +::clap +::clap +::clap

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Re: Done with the game? Please fill the 3S Memories

Postby pitir » Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:42 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Coryool as he becomes such a powerful killer with 3 hits!
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Liked them all, Spark was a bit hard to manage
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): killing Ozur finally!
Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Caryool, Lucianna
What did you think about the story? Loved it!
What did you think about the secrets? Brilliant idea!
What did you think about the monsters? I hated them all but loved killing them:)
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship:cute
Overall Comment about the game: This is my second best after Aveyond. I'm very impressed with the graphics, very beautiful. I was only stuck once, and completed the game without too much help, of course missing a lot of secrets and missions. That makes me play it again. In LF I was stuck too much, and a bit frustrated cause not all missions were meant to be achieved, and I learnt that after spending a lot of time. I played it in normal mode, and it was nice that I found it normal, meaning challenging enough for me. Overall I enjoyed it a lot, thank you for this great game.
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Definitely YES!
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? I like adventures and RPG's. I've played LF and 3S so far and liked them both. I recommend to work on what you enjoy most, I'm sure that will be appreciated most.
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