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Re: Players Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:16 pm
by FamousAdventurer77
Favorite Hero (explain why): Hard to decide! Probably Luciana...because she reminds me of myself in some ways. I'm also a quiet nerdy redhead who usually has to be the calm and rational one in crises while everyone else is all hotheaded (heh ironic considering her element is Fire.) People also often tell me I radiate some kind of power (which I'm hoping isn't radiation!) I also love kitties! Though I doubt Bobo can do math like Herasia.

Being partial to reptiles and his snarkiness, I adore Guanidia.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): I don't really have a hero I didn't like in this game...though I agree with another poster about the lesser-used heros like Lisa, Batabog, and the like.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): I really liked touching the Final Eye and traveling to the "between world". Heh you could click on a little girl and she meows like a cat, but then there's a whole village of talking cats. Things got really creative here. There were lots of little secrets and sidequests to uncover.

Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luciana, and Coryool. Just like the early LP games! But I also liked having the pets in the party along with Baretta.

What did you think about the story?: I liked the story but I think I was expecting a tad much for a prequel!

What did you think about the secrets?: Always tons of secrets in an Aldorlea RPG! Love them, keep 'em coming!

What did you think about the monsters?: They were definite par for LP RPGs- some of the monsters were very challenging, others got repetitive to fight over and over again. Then the Ozur battle took forever!

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: I think I'm not with the majority at the point where Random declares his love for Sarah. I guess I expected it to have a little to it, such as if you played Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis and the scene with Indy and Sophia suddenly falling for each other when he breaks her out of jail. I mean, in both games you knew that they'd fall for each other (Indy always fell for tantrum-y women, and you'd know that Random and Sarah are a couple in the other games) but I guess I expected their relationship to have more development-- and the love declaration/first kiss scene to have more kick to it.

Overall Comment about the game: I mentioned it in the glitch thread, that while I love this game and all your other games, there's just a couple things here and there that need some tweaking. (But the Nevenmore staircase thing's a bug-- one wouldn't think to keep the arrow key up while they're still talking.) But I did think it was rather short! I know that Laxius Force was insanely long and while I wasn't expecting a game as huge (figuring that's what LF2 will be) I did expect it to be a little longer.

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game?: Indefinitely!

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make?: More awesome RPG epics!!!! Especially in this design vein-- everything from finding secret rooms, to little treasures hidden in walls, to minor sidequests...always so much to explore and interact with. It truly is so rare I can find games like this these days! That just makes me happy and gives me some hope that the game industry hasn't completely gone under.

Re: Players Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:14 pm
by Maccess
Favorite Hero (explain why): Herasia - mind reading, super intelligent cat who actually knows what happened. Did I mention he is a cat as well :)
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Lisa - too little dialogs and spells
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Guanidia becoming god
Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Luciana, Herasia, Spark
What did you think about the story? Nice...was very entertaining
What did you think about the secrets? Some didnt really feel like they could actually fit there when it comes to real world space...but then...real world :)
What did you think about the monsters? more diversity would be better, not same images recoloured
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: funny
Overall Comment about the game: Very Good
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Yes
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? Laxius force, or similar, but where you can actually pick all 4 of your characters, and not be stuck either with random or Louis. And when characters are in party, even if not selected all options should be visible not only if the character is in fighting party.

Re: Players Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:59 pm
by dee0227
Favorite Hero (explain why): I don't know that I really have a favorite. They are all good for different reasons. Random because he's just a damage tank, Sarah for her spells and ditsy attitude, Luciana for her spells and common sense, Coryool because he just wants to have fun and fighting is his second favorite thing after beer, Herasia because she knows all and she's not telling, Guandia because he likes my favorite thing, taking naps and always tries to be the voice of reason, Spark because he is just cool, Baretta because if you level her up enough she turns out to be a pretty good fighter on top of finding cool stuff and Lisa and Batabog because both are really unappreciated. They are both good fighters with the right weapons.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): I don't have one. They all have their good and bad points.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Finding Spark. At that point in the game, you need all the help you can get.

Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Spark, Coryool, Lisa for just walking around and finding stuff.
Random, Sarah, Luciana, and Batabog for major battles.

What did you think about the story? It was pretty good. It had a good flow to it except for a few places. Like when they go into Sankt Leon and Random says they don't have time to shop but then they have time to complete 5 or 6 quests.

What did you think about the secrets? I like the secrets. It give you something to search for while you are walking around aimlessly trying to level up.

What did you think about the monsters? Pretty good. One or two places, I felt like the monsters were too easy for where they were located. I don't remember what it was called but the Green Monster on the Peak of Heroes seemed a little easy for that location. And there were a couple of others.

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: It was ok. But I've been playing Laxius since the first so it wasn't unexpected. It gives Random a excuse for acting like he does in the story though so it was needed on the whole.

Overall Comment about the game: Great overall. The only part I didn't care for was not being able to get all of the quests done before doing the main quest and finishing the game. It's sort of a relief when you kill the final monster and are done. And then you have to go back into fighter mode to finish some of the other quests like the Dragon quest. I also would like to have been able to get 100% of the Relics and Artifacts and you can't do that when two of them are rewards for the same thing, the Peak of Heroes. Especially when the No Status Change reward is also from the Peak of Heroes. I would also like to change party leaders. Random is always in the party. I think it would be good to let someone else take over especially after Random gets to Level 99 and everyone else is lagging behind.

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Always. You always know that the games will be good and that you will get many hours of enjoyment from them.

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? Laxius Force 2. Looking forward to finding out what's going on with those guys and if we ever get to see Sandy, Marion and Louis again.


Re: Players Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:31 pm
by oldshorty
Really a remarkable game
Makes me what to play LP again
Indy I love the Indy jones +::YAY
You are the best
BTW happy easter +::Dance

Edit by Indy:
Hi Sheila, and thanks for this warmful comment, but this thread needs to be done answering the following questions:

Favorite Hero (explain why):Random I like heroes with blond hair
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Sparks cute but doesnt seem to do too much
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): When Random said he loved Sarah
Your perfect party (of 4): Random ,Sarah, Luci, Guanidia btw his slurps where funny
What did you think about the story? Wonderful story I plan On play LP 1,2,3 again
What did you think about the secrets? Secrets I love the seret rooms
What did you think about the monsters? Some of the looked silly but loved them
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: entertaining and seems as though what some people go through
Overall Comment about the game:Fantastic
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? more games with more locations
Sheila +::biggrin

Please edit your post with your opinions on them! :)

Re: Players Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:11 pm
by reifist
Favorite Hero (explain why):
Luciana -because she possessed stronger powers over the others. She also has a very nice character, well mannered unlike Random who is os rude.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why):
Baretta - she is so weak in fights

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
when Random told sarah that he loved her at the hall of madness +::heart

Your perfect party (of 4):
Random, Sarah, Luciana and Sparks

What did you think about the story?
I like the plot so much especially the love story between Random and Sarah. its not frustrating compared to le love story in Aveyond (Rhen's quest). It would be nice if Lars is the one who wass her love :razz:

What did you think about the secrets?
It's good. It added more thrills to the game

What did you think about the monsters?
They are okay, although some of the appearances are not well defined. they look vague. Just like the monsters in the hall of madness. Take for example: the "eye of the outer world" looks more of a sunflower than an eye...(my apology to the artist...but this is just my opinion).

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship:
It's good that something like this was included in the game unlike other RPG games that i played. This is one way of hooking the players to finish the game due to curiosity of knowing what will happen to the main character's love story :)

Overall Comment about the game:
+::Thumbup Two thumbs up. More games like this. +::Thumbup

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game?
Yes of course, i really like the story plot of most of your games that i already played (aveyond 1 and 2). So i would love to play more games from you. In fact, i want to try Laxius force.

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make?
Games similar to this as long as there is love story in it... +::biggrin

Re: Players Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:30 pm
by Framboesa
Favorite Hero (explain why): Guanidia, because of his sense of humor +::lol And his slaps where quite useful
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): In fights, Baretta definitely. But Random can be quite annoying with his arrogance +::Annoyed
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): When we are inside the whale. It was very fascinating for me and the graphics were great. I found some little details very interesting, like that yellow substance and the whale's heart.
Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luciana and Spark
What did you think about the story? It was quite good! And delightfully surprising for me, because I played LP and I've never thought that things started like this +::biggrin
What did you think about the secrets? One of the best things in the game +::Thumbup In this point 3stars is way better than Aveyond, which makes this one too easy. (I'm making this comparison because I found some things similar between Aveyond and 3stars)
What did you think about the monsters? I didn't like that much.. Some monsters are really challenging and/or original. But sometimes it seems that they are all the same.
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: Really really unexpected +::biggrin I liked specially because it showed a different side of Sarah that I never thought it would exist +::biggrin
Overall Comment about the game: Really great!! Challenging in a non-frustrating way and with amazing and colorful graphics :)
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? If it will be similar to this one, yes!
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? Rpg's like 3stars or Aveyond.

Oh I forgot to talk about the music! 20 stars out of 10! Magical, amazing, perfect! Congratulations!

Re: Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:30 pm
by ShadowBlade
Favorite Hero (explain why): Hmm, I'd have to go with Guanidia. I've always liked his sarcastic comments, but I thought he was especially funny in this game. I'm especially fond of the part where he tries to convince Herasia and Spark to sneak away during the themed tournament.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): I like 'em all. :)

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): When Guanidia manages to convince the Lamias that he is a god. Hilarious. (If your definition of "Moment" can extend well beyond a few seconds, I'd have to pick the entire Hall of Madness. It's just amazingly well-designed.)

Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luciana, and Lisa with the Nirum set.

What did you think about the story? While 3 Stars is much less story-driven than LF, I thought the story was good. It was great fun to see how Random, Sarah, Baretta, Lisa, Luciana, and Coryool first met. I really liked the ending, too. I hope Random's party will eventually get their memories back... After all, they'll have to fully unlock their latent laxius power later on, so it might be possible for them to remember everything.
(And now you have to go back and make Guanidia a chameleon in LP1 and LP2. Not to mention that you have to edit Lisa's lines in the Balthus cave so that she acknowledges the fact that she has already met Random... Okay, I'm just kidding.)

What did you think about the secrets? I think they had the right balance. Not nightmarishly hard to find for the most part, and not too easy either. In terms of usefulness, they seemed useful without being overly imbalancing.

What did you think about the monsters? I think that there were plenty of fun fights (and I may not have found everything yet). It's nice to see that despite the fact that 3 Stars was made for a larger, more casual audience, there are still plenty of fights (both random encounters and bosses) that really make you think. On hard mode, anyway. Right now, I can only think of two bosses I'd make harder : the vampire boss at the end of the Witch Woods (who's just a punching bag with many hitpoints), and the Perfect Enemy (while it does hit very hard, it can be killed surprisingly quickly, especially if you use Hero's Dance; so maybe it could use a few more hitpoints).

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: I think that you like messing with our minds. Even at the very end, we don't really learn why they love each other. Then again, that's probably the point of their story : two people who are drawn to each other despite the fact that they have very different personalities.
FamousAdventurer77 - Heh, nice to see another Fate of Atlantis player on these boards (and your board name makes me think that you're a Quest for Glory fan, too). Anyway, Indy and Sophia didn't "suddenly fall for each other". If you pay close attention to what is said at the beginning of the game, you'll see that they were clearly already fond of each other during the Jastro expedition. It's just that they parted ways shortly after because they disagreed about... well, pretty much everything. If I remember correctly, later Indy games make it even clearer that their relationship was always hectic, going back and forth between romance and endless arguing.
I don't think Random and Sarah's love declaration scene can really be compared to the jail scene in FoA - in one case, Indy and Sophia kiss because even if they always quarrel, they're very relieved to see each other again. In the other case, Random declares his love out of frustration in the middle of a very desperate situation, so he's understandably less subtle and funny about it.

Overall Comment about the game: Outstanding work as usual. One tiny suggestion - I think it would have been a nice idea to include a levelling area near SankT with harder monsters and more XP. As it is, fighting the Mud and Frost dragons is too easy if you do it after the main quest, and seems to require too much levelling if you want to do it when you first reach SankT (I spent a lot of time trying to level up so I could get the dragon quest, but I eventually gave up and did it after killing Ozur).

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Well, duh. Of course.

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? Well... Right now I really look forward to playing LF2.

Re: Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:58 pm
by 2n3z
Favorite Hero (explain why): Sarah because she is a nice character even whene Random say bad things about her she followed her heart and stay with him until he confess to her -too bad that they forget about it in the end i am still wondering about going to happen-

Least Favorite Hero (explain why):Random,Sarah,Lucina,Bataborg because it look so perfect Random and Bataborg the muscles ,,,, Lucina and Sarah the mind and every one complete the other

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): when Random confess to Sarah and that was after defeating Uzar heh +::Thumbup +::Thumbup

Your perfect party (of 4):Random,Sarah,Lucina,Bataborg

What did you think about the story? there is no words that discrabe it

What did you think about the secrets? Nice touch

What did you think about the monsters? not bad

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: REAL LOVE

Overall Comment about the game: WOW

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? hell yah

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? like this one

Re: Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:01 am
by Skittyblue
Favorite Hero (explain why): Sarah - I tend to like the charters that can fight & do magic
Least Favorite Hero (explain why): - Batabog - seemed like he was just along for the ride
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): When Random told sarah how he felt - for most of the game he's a bit of a was nice to see him say something positive
Your perfect party (of 4):it's a tie....Random, Sarah, Luci, Spark or Random, Sarah, Guanidia, Hersia
What did you think about the story? Interesting w/o inferring with game play
What did you think about the secrets? FUN
What did you think about the monsters? Nice vatiety
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: Frustrating!!
Overall Comment about the game: LOVE IT!!!!
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? You bet your sweet bippy!!! (But I had to do a restore on computer and am replaying LF so I can be ready for LF2 when it comes out!)
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? PLEASE keep making these wonderful RPG games, The Old fashion counsel RPG games seem to be an ignored market and I am always thrilled when I find a well made one!

Re: Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:54 pm
by Cyborg
Favorite Hero (explain why): Random, He's the leader and its due to him that everyone else ventures into those dangerous tasks! Agreed can be a bit cocky at times but he really cares for his party too. I love his comments and the way he tries to dominate everyone else. He's got a great sense of Humor too!

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Lisa, very dull character. Never liked her!

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Hard to choose but if I have to then it surely is going to be the encounter with the final eye till we reach the door for the outer world. Really amazing! Loved it to bits!

Your perfect party (of 4): The 3 Stars plus Coryool = Perfect Party. My fav for sure!

What did you think about the story?
- The story is very good. I really liked it. The only complains I can think of will be the way the whole Random-Sarah lovestory was portrayed. I expected it to be a bit more emotional and passionate. Not that I don't enjoy teenage crappy obvious love stories BUT having seen them together from LF1, I really expected more. Perhaps a bit more dramatic and over the top than it was portrayed
here. +::Dunno

What did you think about the secrets? - Simply AWESOME. This is one of the most enjoyable and exciting gameplay elements in 3 Stars. I actually got kicks by discovering many of em. Love em. Hope to see them in LF 2 too. +::Thumbup

What did you think about the monsters? - Awesome Sprites , great looking BGS backed by cool sounding names make the monsters of this game really engaging to fight with and I loved the way they are portrayed. Fav would be Ozur! Awesome Sprite and loved his presence. Good job once again.

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: This was the only major sore point for me in the game. I expected much more. I think Random's was far too hypocritical and cocky with Sarah while she too was too much subdued. It must have been more developed. While some rude comments are cool in order to hide one's true feelings. I think Random stretched it too far. I also felt that they both should have had more emotional and passionate dialogues and moments where it showed that they both cared for each other. Like the instance Sarah broke her leg.Instead of being rude, Random must have gone mad and told her he would go and fetch something to cure her at once.
Anyways, just my opinion. It could have worked for others. +::Zzzz

Overall Comment about the game: Exceptional game. Really well-paced and visually a treat, offering a immense amount of mojo and a really well-balanced gameplay experience. Undoubtedly one of the BEST RPGs I have ever played. Fun, exciting, enjoyable and memorable will be best used for describing this game. +::clap

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? I am looking forward to LF 2 more than ever before! Me waits....DEVELOP fast...PEEKABOO....Me LOVEZ ALDORLEA GAMEZ....PRODUCZ FAST NEXT GAMEZ! +::wizard

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? A game similar to this one but with a more developed story and more refined gameplay and more variety in terms of quests, characters, secrets,etc. In short, stick with this format and try and improve upon it!

Re: Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 8:01 pm
by SurferGranny
Hooray, finally can answer!!

Favorite Hero : I really liked Sparky! He's just tooooo cute! +::biggrin

Least Favorite Hero : Least favorite??? Well, they all have their good points and their other points. Even Baretta got pretty good!

Favorite In-Game Moment : Being a female, I have to say the one little love scene! Shame they had to forget it! +::heart

Your perfect party : Random, Sarah, Luci, Sparky... although most anyone with 'our heros'!

What did you think about the story? It was really neat to find out how it all began! +::biggrin

What did you think about the secrets? Loved them! What a way to build up your characters! Did it the first time without the walkthrough and only missed a couple, so my guys were pretty well built up!

What did you think about the monsters? Some were really easy and some were downright difficult! All were neat to look at! +::lol

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: Typical teenagers, even heros don't know beans about how to deal with girls! :razz:

Overall Comment about the game: Lots and lots of fun! Looking forward to doing it for the third time just to play! +::YAY

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Aveyond 3 & LF 2.... Yep, sure am!

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? More like this series and the Aveyond series. Being a little old lady.... well, one out of three ain't bad... my reflexes don't work for the ones you have to rush through! +:oops:

Re: Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:35 pm
by Huskyy
Favorite Hero (explain why):I can't really choose a favorite,because I liked most of the characters.Maybe Luciana,because she is so clever and has strong magic powers but still she's honest and shy.
Least Favorite Hero (explain why):Random.He is so arrogant,a typical teenage boy.I liked him much less than in LP series and LF.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):When Guanidia becomes a god in the lamia tribe!Someone else said too that it was like Star Wars. +::biggrin
Your perfect party (of 4):Random(you cannot put him out of the party...),Sarah,Luci and Batabog.Together they owned everyone! +::biggrin
What did you think about the story?
I really liked this prequel,it had a good storyline.
What did you think about the secrets?
I loved them!It's soooo good finding something hidden! +::biggrin
What did you think about the monsters?
The random encounter monsters got a little bit annoying over time,but the boss monsters were really great and it required tactic and thinking to defeat them.
What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship:
They were meant to be together! +::biggrin
Overall Comment about the game:VERY good,great,fantastic,excellent,etc.! +::biggrin
Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game?
Of course! +::biggrin
Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make?
Like this! +::biggrin

Re: Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:49 pm
by WubbyDub
Favorite Hero (explain why): Random, although he is pretty arrogant most of the time, I still liked him as a hero.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Colyroo, he didn't seem to be well liked by his companions either :) I just didn't find him that useful except for brute strength.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Fulfilling any of the quests, and upset that I can't figure how to do all of them.

Your perfect party (of 4): I liked Random, Sarah, Spark and the chameleon

What did you think about the story? Very good story although, I hate that I can't get back to all the places to finish the quests. I finished the game and didn't get to do half the quests that I have on my list.

What did you think about the secrets? I like the idea of the secret rooms but they are too hard to find. I am never going to check every nook and cranny for anything so that left me rather frustrated that I had to use a walkthrough to know they existed and how to find them. The sparkly things on all of them would have worked for me.

What did you think about the monsters? Great monsters very nicely designed but the spirit one looked a little "unfinished" (Like a .gif that doesn't have the edges.), but I was still ok with that.

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: I think he was too hard on her. In real life, I can't see a woman taking up with a guy that constantly abuses her. Some of the teasing was cute but some was not.

Overall Comment about the game: I liked the style of the game. It's my favourite kind. I got hooked on this type with the old King's Quest series and then with Aveyond. Some things I didn't like: I found there were too many different objects to work with (the cures, etc.). Most of all I am very frustrated that you have to finish the main quest before you can get access to previous locations to finish off the various quests (unless I have done it wrong). I also got very frustrated when I would want to shut down and was not able to save without going back to the start of the maze that I was in. It was very difficult to find your way around as the mazes were so twisted. I did like the "Egress" feature for that purpose but it still meant that I would have to start that maze over if I wanted to shut down. I guess I just like more flexibility in a game. I like the type of game that If you can't go back to a section then you should not be able to leave until all quests are completed.
I also don't like that the forums do not seem to get the questions answered all the time. I searched for a few particular topics that were actually posted but there was no reply. An official walkthrough might help.

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Yes, I still like that style of game and will likely play this one at least one more time to see if there is another way around completing the quests.

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? As many of this style as you can make but more flexibility. :)

Re: Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:57 pm
by Tomas
Favorite Hero (explain why): Lucinana, I like her since LP1, because she's so wise and strong in magic. (My other favourite character is Wendala, but she's not playable in 3SoD)

Least Favorite Hero (explain why): Lisa, she isn't very strong and I simply don't know her that much from LP as the others.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): The final fight with Ozur, when I played for the first time, I chose the hard mode and of course I missed many secrets, so my party wasn't very strog and the fight was very hard. It took about an hour and felt very epic.

Your perfect party (of 4): Random, Sarah, Luciana and Batabog (zombified and with Nirum set) for exp. farming or Coryool for hard fights.

What did you think about the story? I liked it.

What did you think about the secrets? Secrets rooms are great idea.

What did you think about the monsters? Good artworks, the bosses' fights were challenging and interesting.

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship: After playing LP and LF, it was really interesting to see how it all began.

Overall Comment about the game: Good story, many secrets, lots of quests and many dialogues and comments, giving you the feeling that you know all the characters really well, very good music.
I also like the fact, that the game is very polished and professionaly made, no bugs etc.
I like RPG, I like turn-based battle system and I like quests and discovering secrets. 3SoD has all of it, and I'm happy that games like this still exist.

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game? Well, I'm looking forward for next Indy's games.

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make? Certainly similar to 3SoD and LF, I would also like to see world map again (like in LP1 and LP3).

Re: Players Comprehensive Feedback on 3 Stars!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:13 pm
by RPGeez
Favorite Hero (explain why): I would say my favorite at this point is Random because of his awesome sword skills and determination.

Least Favorite Hero (explain why):
I would say Lisa because I never got any strong personality from her and to be honest I never really used after a while.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
I would say when the party reached the Lamia tribe and they put Sarah in the pot and were going to cook her. I felt bad and at the same time was laughing seeing her head sticking out of the pot
I thought maybe Random would leave her in the pot.

Your perfect party (of 4):
Random, Sarah,Wendala and and I am leaning towards maybe Marine.

What did you think about the story?
It was a great. The story was not too complicated or confusing and sparked my interest and kept me wanting more.

What did you think about the secrets?
Some of the secrets were hard to find especially in the marsh. You never really had a hint as to where they could be.

What did you think about the monsters?
It was a good balance with some tough bosses and monsters were well placed depending on the environment.

What did you think of Random and Sarah's relationship:
It reminds me somewhat of the Bonnie and Clyde relationship

Overall Comment about the game:
I really enjoyed this game because some of my favorite characters are present and it kept in pace with the Laxius games which will be my long time favorites

Are you looking forward Aldorlea's next game?
Of course. I like the engine used to make the games because they look really well polished and the games are well beta tested before releases which have plagued some other developers.
I do not like having to download patches for games that should have been tested thoroughly.

Which kind of game would you like Aldorlea to make?
I am always looking for the next 2D style RPG because this is my favorite genre to play
(I still play other genres and I am playing Wolfenstein 2009 on the side)