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I'm stuck at the pigeon... help

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:10 am
by gala1954
I've read the walkthrough and the question in the forum and its answer... I've been on every square around that little island and can see the pigeon, but I don't get Sarah to say anything or to jump over to rescue it, etc. I jumped over the little "crack" with the party, caused Random to face towards the island on every "square" and tried hiting ENTER, hoping that would work. Went up the stairs and tried every square up there, too. What am I doing wrong? I tried all the squares to the right, also, although the help said it is "above" the little platform where the bird is. Am I looking at the wrong place? The bird looks like an injured bird with a blue beak out on a platform island in the ocean near the shore. Help!!! I'll still try playing this, but am about to give up on the bird quest. +::cry

Re: I'm stuck at the pigeon... help

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:22 am
by D-Squall
The place you where you need to look is on the firth of Tyrine, leaving the town through the south. When you keep going on the way you'll notice a injured pidgeon, click all around if you're not certain until Sarah decides to jump there (don't remember if need any condition, like high SPD).

Re: I'm stuck at the pigeon... help

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:57 am
by littlebro
When it says 'above', it means north of the little rock. Think of it as a square, with the cliff path forming the east and north sides, the rock where the pigeon is will be the south and the open sea the west. IIRC it's the screen after the one where you fight Simon and Carl. If Sarah isn't saying anything then check in the Quest book that you've collected the quest properly from the post girl. If you have, then you're possibly on the wrong screen, because I think I remember seeing more than one pigeon.

Re: I'm stuck at the pigeon... help

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:34 am
by gala1954
Well, I feel really dumb now... I thought that maybe I needed to talk to the post girl again for an update on the quest she had given me. When i did, it said "quest" as an option and I expected an update, instead I got the quest "again". I guess I had died somewhere without saving the quest, so had to get it again. It helps to have the quest. I had checked that before and had it, but I guess I hadn't saved for awhile, so had died and lost it. Quest completed... thanks, littlebro! +::YAY

Re: I'm stuck at the pigeon... help

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:59 am
by littlebro
You're welcome. I think losing a quest like that has happened to us all, certainly to me anyway!