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Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:23 am

added a question on popular demand:

What did you think of the last scene and fight?

People who already shared their memories may want to edit it and include the new question. +::Thumbup +::clap
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:23 am

bclouds wrote:I had problems at first with script hanging on windows 7. For those that don't know, just run compatability mode for xp.
On desktop, right click on Asguaard icon and select properties and then compatability. Tick xp box.

You may want to redownload the game, too. :)
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby teddy » Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:43 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Rayanne - she seemed to be real, scared at first and wanting to go home, but as time wore on she fell in love with Asguaard and wanted to stay.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):getting the balloon to fly around in. It really helped going back to everywhere to level up and get more skills
Which Mode did you play in? Easy, getting ready to start normal
What did you think about the story? a good simple story line to follow.
What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? He was too smart mouthed in my opinion
What did you think about Rayanne? Love her, she's my favorite of course.
What did you think about Grom? I liked that he loved his country so much he was willing to go to any lengths for it.
What did you think about Luby? Cute as a button, and a great spell caster
What did you think about the music? Had it on pretty low most of the time, but love the music in the graveyards (same as Millennium in the swamp
What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? Didn't see them much but they kept kicking my butt until I leveled up more
What did you think of the last scene and fight? Sad +::cry , sorry Glen lost his love just when he realized he had love to give
Overall Comment about the game: I loved it as much as your other games, maybe more. I really like long games and at 90 plus hours it took me, this lasted a long time.
Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? O course I'm waiting for your next game. I would like to be able to save in the caves and such after a big fight. Makes it frustrating when you get beat and have to back track forever to an earlier save.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby bodeia » Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:04 pm

Favourite Hero (explain why):
Rayanne of course, it's amazing how a frightened young girl turns into this amazingly strong woman who want to save the world of Asguaard hence saving everyone in it with the ultimate sacrifice, and what she has to do to attain that isn't too much for her.

Favourite In-Game Moment (explain why): When Rayanne saves Glen and he realises how important friends are and suddenly he appears to grow and mature.

Which Mode did you play in? Normal

What did you think about the story? Well thought out and very well written, it developed each character and you felt part of their story.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? At first he's the typical 15 year old brash "I know everything" but he develops and matures, and at the end really surprises you with the depths of his feelings.

What did you think about Rayanne? see above - she's absolutely brilliant

What did you think about Grom? The tough exterior of this little guy not accepting that gnomes have souls, he didn't seem to realise how big a soul he had, his strength and wisdom helped Rayanne and Glen develop into the mature characters they became. His guidance was their blessing.
What did you think about Luby? Luby was amazingly strong but as a character I didn’t feel I got to know her very well

What did you think about the music? Sorry I don't tend to listen to the music, my laptop is in the main family room.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? I thought they were funny, not sure if they were meant to be but they brought comic relief at times, the minions fighting for position with Thanatos. As for Thanatos I guess it might have been nice to know why he did it, what caused him to try and destroy Asguaard.

What did you think of the last scene and fight? Powerful and emotional, sorry you did make me +::cry

Overall Comment about the game: Fantastic as usual but there has to be a sequel pretty please......this is for you +::kiss for creating such great games

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? Oh well the looking forward is a given, can't wait, as for what I'd like to see well I'll leave that up to your creative brain... +::lol
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby RPGeez » Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:58 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): At first I liked Grom but as the game progressed I gravitated to Rayanne because she was the first human in Asguaard and she was the "one" so to speak(do you remember The Matrix).She was the key to saving Asguaard from the plagues that threatened the world. She really did come into her own in this story. Will we be seeing more of her in the future some time? +::Dunno

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): The execution of Glen was the best in game moment. I thought that Glen would be eliminated. The quest to save Glen from possible death really brought the game characters together as a team and it added an interesting twist and suspense to the story. I could see that Rayanne really cared to what happened to Glen and at that moment I thought there might have been some love between Rayanne and Glen growing.

which Mode did you play in? normal

What did you think about the story? The story was very good and I wanted to understand and know about how to save Asguaard. I was always looking to Glen for the answer but the answer was with Rayanne. Rayanne was the most important part of the story. The story slowly evolved and became more interesting and the suspense built to the final conclusion.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? I thought that Glen was the man or young man to save Asguaard from the plagues however he did not have what Rayanne had. He was not the chosen one to save Asguaard. He reminds me of Random with his well placed and clever remarks which I enjoyed a lot. I like seeing a well placed remarks and Glen was good at that.

What did you think about Rayanne? At first I wondered about finding a second human in a cave. She was the first to arrive in Asguaard. I thought at first she would be a support to Glen in saving Asguaard however that started to change and I started to believe she was the "one" who would ultimately save Asguaard. She turned out to be the
Spoiler: show
Stone of Soul
. I was not expecting that and it was a nice and welcome surprise. Glen was not the one even though I wanted him to be.

What did you think about Grom? He was the mediator in a way to everyone and I thought did have a soul. I did not want him to end up the way he did in the end. He was the glue that held the party together and gave a great direction and stability to the game characters. Who says dwarves do not have souls. Grom had a soul and a big one to boot.

What did you think about Luby? At first I was unsure about Luby but as the story unfolded Luby started to grow and become a force to be reckoned with. I liked how Rayanne was a mother and comfort to Luby and Luby would protect Rayanne from danger. This was a nice addition and it added some personality and compassion to the story.

What did you think about the music? The music was great. My favorite was the "Apostles of Origin" I liked the tempo change. Having music in a game always adds emotion. When I am in a new cave or area and hear the music it creates an anticipation on what to expect in that area. The music sets the stage of what type and strength of monsters I will soon face and battle. The game without music just does not have the same level of excitement and anticipation.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? Thanatos did not have his plan polished so had to fail. I thought Rayanne would convince Thanatos to turn from evil ways however Thanatos was just to caught up in power and had to fail miserably and be eliminated +::cry +::lol
Bone Breaker had too much might and not enough brains. Sorry Indinera might just does not cut it in Asguaard. Dodo the brains of the plan I thought at least had the chance to succeed however his evilness was too much too handle so had to be eliminated. +::YAY

What did you think of the last scene and fight? Leading up to the fight scene with the revelation of Rayanne was a surpr sing twist and I thought Rayanne would turn Thanatos. Thanatos was too caught up in evil and power. The battle was tough especially without Rayanne. I did not want to see Grom end up the way he did and it was a sad and exciting part of the game and story at the same time.

Which skill you like the most? I liked Grom's enemy knowledge. Rune finder, botanist, all Glen's summoning skills and of course pathfinder. Without pathfinder I would be lost for sure in the numerous caves and areas.

Overall Comment about the game: I enjoyed this game and the story was fun and had many twists and turns which I like because it draws the gamer into the story. I particularly liked the skill system and having to go from expert to guru. I would like to see more of this style in some form in the future. The mapping was well designed and very clever and easy to get lost if you did not have a particular skill. The world map is something I like to see in a game because it gives the gamer the sense on how big the game is and is more realistic. The walking speed was perfect and the creation of the Zeppelin was cool. Every time my party was in the Zeppellin I cranked up the tunes and zipped around to the beat.I like your style with game creation and your games are more modern and to me beat out other RPG's in this genre by a long shot.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? See above. I think it is important to keep up with the more modern approach and cater to as many new gamers to this genre. What separates a winner from a mediocre RPG in my opinion is the imagination of the creator.

I played for 60 hours found 75 hidden rooms 35 magic rooms and 14 relics and 6 runes. I never had any game crashes or script errors as I had the latest version build(1.12 ?) and I played the game with Windows 7 without compatibility mode.I have a 64 bit quad core(4 processors) and 12 gigs of memory and the game ran fine. There were a couple of skills upgrade questions however the game ran fine. I will play again in hard mode with different weapon choices. :)
Last edited by RPGeez on Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby nanchan » Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:39 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Well, I like Rayanne, cause she's just so strong mentally, and she rallies all the rest of the characters, and she's pretty useful in most fights.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): I think I was pretty shocked that the outcome of the Temple of the Savior was what it was. Enough that I thought that there were alternatives if only I knew what I had done wrong.
Which Mode did you play in? Normal. I always worry that I won't have enough levels to defeat monsters if I don't at least play this level, and I might miss out on the "full" story.
What did you think about the story? Well, I think the story was very interesting and had a lot of ups and down, it wasn't all successes, and it had a lot of character development. So I was surprised the way the characters personalities ended up.
What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? Well, keeping in mind that he's just 14? right? At least the guy isn't the most powerful one all the time. And he's not terribly deep, but that's OK, because he's not an adult yet, someday I thought he would have more complexity, but not just yet. So, if he was more straightforward and not too spiritual I wasn't too disappointed. Sometimes his sword was everything in the fight and sometimes it was just not very useful, which is what always seems to happen to magic-users (or maybe I can say female characters here?) All the characters had their strong and weak points.
What did you think about Rayanne? I thought that she was just going to be whiny at first but she developed very strongly and I liked her character.
What did you think about Grom? I think he was a bit weak as a character since I think you were going for the stoic sort but somehow he just came out uninteresting. Because he didn't seem to develop a whole lot during the story, and he seemed like the kind of guy that was just along because of duty.
What did you think about Luby? Well, I thought it was kind of stupid at first, because I wondered what good he/she (still don't know) would be, but then he became an adult. He also became more interesting as time went on. Although I don't think we delved too much into his character.
What did you think about the music? Mostly good, but that music could get annoying in some places, especially the fight music and the balloon music, having to hear it over and over and over again. The music for Savioropolis seemed to be louder than the other location music and I always wanted to turn it down. My favorite music is the swamp-type music and the shrine-type music, I could listen to that music much longer than some of the others. The Roya music seemed underutilized to me.
What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? Typical bad guys.
What did you think of the last scene and fight? Interesting. But having to fight Thanatos after having "that" happen, was a bit, why bother anymore?
Overall Comment about the game: It's interesting how this game is different from the other games I've played in the RPG genre because it placed more focus on finding hidden areas than on a logical development of character development (it seemed somewhat random to me) or on quests. It certainly is a huge game, and I liked it but it sure is exhausting! I don't want something too easy, but this one is just sooooo time-consuming that my real life suffered, not that it's the game's fault! I think somewhere in the game I already had more than enough of most supplies, money, levels, artifacts, and most weapon shops offered nothing I needed or wanted. I did like the searching around for more skills, and the fight system seemed quite complex since you had to take all that skill stuff into account, which was interesting.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? Something with more smaller quests that can be checked off, maybe a little more easy to grasp mentally as far as geography goes. Big games are fun sometimes but I can't do them all the time, so something a bit smaller. I have to say that some of the hidden areas seem like they were there just to be found but not to contribute much to the gameplay. But I like the World Map-centric sort of game as well. I'm also playing 3 Stars and there the problem seems to be more along the lines of "not enough money". But getting too rich is bad too. I'd also like it if I could decide right away whether what is happening is supposed to happen or is a glitch, not not being able to reach things (permanently) or finding chests that are already open. I do like some variation of the skill system here, but I'd like to understand just what improvements are being made when I upgrade my skill. Another good thing would be something that tallies the number and which hidden location, etc., I've found, and if you do use the skill system again, how about a one screen list of the skills and who has them? I also like having to use all my characters and not have to keep changing which characters are in the party. (It makes it easier to see what weapons you need to buy as well.) A way to label saves (because I always forget just what I'm saving). I wouldn't mind more save slots, and an autosave. And a way to play more games than one at a time without having to lose save slots. I guess I'm being a little vague here, but one thing I always like is a happy ending, that's the most important thing to me.
Last edited by nanchan on Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby D-Squall » Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:09 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):
RAYANNE, Because about what she did to stop the plagues was amazing, I was never expecting that from her.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Before the last battle, when THANATOS unleash two plagues on the party, and RAYANNE stop them, awesome. The speech she does, and everthing else.

Which Mode did you play in?:
Normal. Im not a guy who play in easy mode.

What did you think about the story?
It was good, everyone know about the Pandora Box, but everyone dind't imagine that she would unleash plagues.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?
I think he don't acted like a hero, but he was a great Swordsman +::biggrin

What did you think about Rayanne?
My Favorite, RAYANNE, I like it more, her performance to stop the plagues and her story was really amazing.

What did you think about Grom?
Grom, the wise of the party, I think he is powerfull and wise +::lol and I like the way he's trying to understand what is to have a Soul.

What did you think about Luby? Luby, the cute unicorm, She was helpfull in battles, with her magic and speed. I think she could done more heroic roles in this game.

What did you think about the music?
The music was astonishing. Im never get tired to hear Roya world map theme, and the boss theme, the two ones, if anyone haven't noticed, one was from Millennium +::biggrin

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?
Well, they're were bad guys, But I don't hate them like the Grand Commendenter. +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin

What did you think of the last scene and fight?
My favorite part of the game, It was really cool, awesome, good, amazing and everthing else, The way RAYANNE tell a little about her (If I tell what, would be spoiling) and the way GLEN
go to save her. It was really cool.

Overall Comment about the game:
I think that it was a really awesome game, with skills to learn,Well made maps, but anyway I prefer Laxius Force.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?
Yes, Im looking Foward to the next game, and I wanted to see in the next games, amazing scenes like the ones that have in Asguaard. +::wizard
Last edited by D-Squall on Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby bobbydaz » Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:38 am

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Rayanne, her strength of character, inner and outer beauty, compassion and understanding of life, fierce when needed and gentle and loving also.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

The climax was compelling, unexpected and the story wonderfully done.

Which Mode did you play in?:
Story Mode, loved this and hope to see it again.

Which Mode did you play in?:
Superb, a huge improvement here and I was impressed with the narrative flow.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?
Glen (I loved the ability to personalise, a really neat feature) was awesome. He matured logically with his experiences and culminated wonderfully in the last scene. He also became a great fighter. He had some hilarious lines.

What did you think about Grom?
Grom was the anchor binding the protagonists together. His spells were very effective and also an excellent fighter. It was a shame that he did not feel that he had a soul because his actions demonstrated the contrary.

What did you think about Luby?
Luby was very cute and a good balance to the other characters. It was nice to see the progression and also a lot of fun playing with a mythical creature.

What did you think about the music?
Awesome, enhanced the atmosphere beautifully and quickened the pace where appropriate.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?
Not as menacing as the evil dudes from Laxius Force but what they proposed was.

Overall Comment about the game:
Brilliant, this just edges out Laxius Force 1 @ 2 in my opinion. The humour, strong narrative, excellent visuals and animations, intuitive mouse control, and awesome skill system which I would like to see utilised again. I found Asguaard very addictive and compelling to play. I have gotten into a nice rhythm with finding secret/magical rooms (I found 120/150) and dont find it a chore anymore. I loved the botanical skill and the accompanying sounds when you found something, there were so many things to discover and lots of surprises (loved all the relics also, found 13). Also with Story mode by levelling up (made it to Level 70) battles were a breeze and this took out a lot of the frustration for me.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?
That goes without saying. Please keep doing what you are doing, thinking outside the square and taking creative risks. I love how this game felt different to Millenium and Laxius Force and hope to see differences with future games (although there are Aldorlea Trademarks). The addition of Story mode was excellent and I hope to see this again. It is rare that a game can hold my attention for 3 weeks but Asguaard did. I couldn't have been more happier with this gaming experience and look forward to more treats from Aldorlea.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:53 pm

(sent by email by Aggeliki)

1. My fav character is Rayanne!! I loved her magic and her character( kind-decisive-caring)
2. The baloon!!!!!!!! i prefer huge explorable worlds in rpgs and the best means of exploring is a dragon-airship-balloon!! Also: the conversation between the party and the fugitive dwarf about justice and judging!!! A bit of philosophy is always wellcomed!!!
3. I always play in easy mode if it doesnt affect the rest of the game ( dont like stressing myself into battles unless its necessary)
4. The story was deep enough and indulging. Rayanne's fate added a lot of emotion in the end and left me with the hope of seeing her again, maybe in a future game, as a godess who lives among humans...
5. Glen is a boy at the beginning, nearly a man in the end..He meets true love, pain and hope in his adventure.He's not a really good fighter but this is not annoying imo
6. Rayanne is a bit like Luciana: true-kind-just ( and a powerfull mage of course!!)i like this kind of heroine!!!!!
7. Grom is a good fighter, a good teacher to Glen, a dedicated man..i really like the way he looks and his skills
8. Luby was kind of a surprise to me!!!! she is so cute as a baby and so elegant and wise as an adult!!! she is the last unicorn!! i hope she finds a magical way of living for ever!!!
9. usually play without music if the music is too stressing..the games' music was very suitable for the places you chosed, but it was a bit stressing and dark for me in some places (sorry..)I prefer more fairy- tale like music..
10. he is a very-very tough opponent!! i am glad i had levelled up a lot before facing him!! the minions were awsome!! the artwork was very..suitable for them.
i loved the fact that Thanatos (thanks for the Greek term) was almost convinced by Rayanne to change sides
11. like i said, very emotional, i was really moved by the dramatic events during the last scene!! (it's something that i find in all your novels btw and a reason to play your games)
Glen and Rayanne found true love just before their eternal (?) separation..Thanatos discovered a bit of his humanity but the darkness finally overwelmed him..Grom died fighting for his cause..Glen and Luby remained behind to built a future in Asguaard..I LOVED THE LAST SCENE!!
the artwork in the cutscene was really nice!!
12. Of course i do!!!
I would like hm..huge world, explorable by some kind of transport means/ lots of different races in towns and villages, with quests for me in their minds (and definitely a questbook)/ a man as the main hero/ many party members/ a love story with a happy end involving two of the party members/ Rayanne as a guest/elven kingdom/some skills for every day life: fishing-cooking-manufacturing etc/option of story mode/something to do with all the money you pile up in the end of the buying a mansion and decorating it, donate for the poor,build a magic academy.
These are just enough!! the rest i am sure your vivid imagination and true skills will take care of!!!


( please excuse my mother language is Greek)

impatiently wating for Millenium 2!!!
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby lppedersen » Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:43 pm

Lets start with overall comments of the game: I finisht the game over a Week ago and i just love RPG games, but this is defently the game that rob my time. I work 12 hours a day and now i have nearly end my free week and the game tooks it all. And thats for playing it again, for to take screenshot, and end the game without help from a walkthrough. No game have done that to me before. Maybe craisy, but this game rocks 8) +::surrender +::Thumbup +::music .
Which mode did you play in: Normal + total attack.
What did you think of the story: Normaly i hate too long sessions of talking but this time i couldnt stop watching it all.
What did you think about Glen: In other games like Aveyond, Millennium, the hero are not the strongest, but in this game he beats them all exsplosively.
What did you think about Rayanne: She is not strong and her spells are not so strong to compare with the strenghs of Glen. But you still loves her.
What did you think about Grom: He is moderate in all, but you need him. Normally he can beat most of them. In the start and also sometimes later the freeze spell are perfekt.
What did you think about Luby: For the story i would say he is good, but there is a total differens betveen Glen and Luby When in fight.
What did you think about the music: Its good to RPG games, but i think i have heard it before ;)
What did you think about the last scene and fight: i think it was very different other games i have played, because here you didnt know if there schould be a fight or Thonatos would be convinced. I think that was cool. 8)
Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game:I deffently look forward to Asguaard 2. I dont know what i like to see. I like surprises +::YAY
Favorit Hero: I simply dont know.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby J_Yum1978 » Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:45 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Rayanne because she sacrificed herself for her loved ones.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Rayanne turning into stone because it showed what a pure soul she has.
Which Mode did you play in? Story...will try other modes.
What did you think about the story? Lovely....
What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? Cute...
What did you think about Rayanne? Beautiful inside and out.
What did you think about Grom? Strong
What did you think about Luby? Very, very cute and so powerful strength.
What did you think about the music? Lovely
What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? I found annoying, especially the the flying thingie.
What did you think of the last scene and fight? Wonderful...but I wished Rayanne lived and got married to Glen to live happily every after.
Overall Comment about the game: Excellent, Indy never disappoints me.
Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? Yes, I look forward to humans and fairires.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby SurferGranny » Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:42 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): It was a toss-up between Grom and Luby. Loved the way they both developed during the game. Luby growing up and Grom getting more loveable.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):When the Stone of Origin became alive. Neat twist, and good set up for the ending!

Which Mode did you play in? Easy for first time so I could map.

What did you think about the story? Enjoyed it very much.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? Typical young man… needed to get his head on straight with what was important. (tee hee)

What did you think about Rayanne? Good heroine. Compassionate and kind

What did you think about Grom? Strong!! Seemed to be about the only dwarf who didn’t give up on life.

What did you think about Luby? Baby animals are always fun! Watching them grow and develop is neat.

What did you think about the music? Don’t have the music on a lot as Granny C and I are in the same room playing and the two musics would clash! What I heard was really pretty and suited the area it was in.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? One dumb, one smart minion and a bad guy who wants to take over the world…. Pictures were great of them. Really expected the minions to show up more often to try to stop the hero’s party.

What did you think of the last scene and fight? It was super! Loved that Rayanne tried to get Thanatos to change and that he seemed to think about it. The fight wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, probably because I was at such high levels. Really wanted Rayanne to live somehow, though. And Grom also.

Overall Comment about the game: Fantastic! It’s one that I’ll play again…. If I ever get the time! J I really liked the partnerships that you could form with each other and help each other out. The pathfinder skill was wonderful! As was the teleport skill to get goodies!

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? Always look forward to your next game!! Love how each series is different. Keep them coming. +::clap +::kiss
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby dgford » Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:58 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):I liked Grom. He was stoic, but softened up towards the end.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):When they were battling Thanatos, and what happened to Rayanne, and why. That was a great twist. Also, Glen being on trial was a great story line.
Which Mode did you play in?normal
What did you think about the story?Great story. That's what makes a game, if I find it interesting enough to care about the characters and their goals. I definately did here.
What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?a little immature, but heck, he's only 15
What did you think about Rayanne?she grew a lot over her journey, starting as a whiny teen, to becoming a warrior princess on a mission
What did you think about Grom?I liked him. Kinda gruff, very stoic, but he got in touch with his feelings by the end
What did you think about Luby?adorable as a baby, and a force to be reckoned with as an adult
What did you think about the music?Great! Not the usual canned stuff. I really liked inside Asguaard castle - foreboding, but very Nine Inch Nails. Very different then your run of the mill RPG music.
What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?You know, I always wonder why such intelligent bad guys always have such stupid side kicks, lol. I really liked the side kicks - one all brawn, the other the brain, both equally idiotic in their own ways. Thanatos seemed bad ass cool.
What did you think of the last scene and fight?BEST part of the game. A surprise twist, a good fight, great ending..
Overall Comment about the game:I really enjoyed it. Very different from the LF/LP series, and very different from the Millenium series. LP/LF is more hard core, more grinding. Millenium is fun, but I'm still a bit iffy about the story/characters. But Asguaard was right in the middle - not too hard core, but just enough, very fun, great story. The only thing I missed in this game were the sidequests. I like doing those.
Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?Are you kidding me? Of course! I've played all your games, and have enjoyed them all. I can't wait to see what comes out next. A game with a great story, some good challenges, fun hidden rooms and good sidequests...maybe a little tragedy thrown in (ok, Sandy getting killed was too much for me, but Rayanne's (sort of) self sacrifice for a greater purpose was coolAldorlea Games Store
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Richie » Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:47 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Rayanne as had more to do and say

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Hard fights with bosses and finding hidden rooms

Which Mode did you play in?
Normal Monster encounters slow (which I think may need rebalancing as less money exp at lower levels slowed progress ?)
What did you think about the story?
More side quests and maybe talk screen could have been smaller

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?
Good char progression and humour

What did you think about Rayanne?
enjoyable to play

What did you think about Grom?
needed more char development but fun and gnome like
What did you think about Luby?
manga style cuteness
What did you think about the music?
What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?
needed more exposition and more times they appear in early stages
What did you think of the last scene and fight?
Overall Comment about the game:
maybe too much time spent levelling and skills need more linear progression still was not guru in many at end of game more side quests and an auto town save would have saved me a few hours after forgetting to save at some points.

Enjoyable and fun Thanks

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?

More side quests maybe crafting armour and more linear skill progression

Thanks Again for a good game

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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Cassiopeia » Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:58 pm

Hi everybody!
This is my first post on this forum. After finishing the LP series I now jumped over here by playing Asguaard. So here are my answers:

Favorite Hero (explain why): I think Luby. She's cute and she is a great fighter and spellcaster.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): What happened before fighting Thantos. It was so unexpected but yet felt so right!

Which Mode did you play in? normal

What did you think about the story? Great and creative story.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? Hm, don't know. He impressed me least of the four. He was a good fighter but didn't have to say much useful. Anyway, in the end I really liked him when he revenged Rayanne so determined.

What did you think about Rayanne? I liked her. I sensed from the beginning that there's more behind her than we know and hoped to find out. Also she was the one who made the biggest change. First she was just a not very self-confident girl but then she became the real leader of the quest (at least to me).

What did you think about Grom? Great fighter with some useful spells. And funny because when he walked he looked so ridiculous! +::biggrin

What did you think about Luby? An absolutely cute member as a baby and a faithful and strong companion later.

What did you think about the music? I wished I could have turned it off! Not because it was bad but actually I'm not a real big fan of background music. While exploring a real big area it can become quite annoying to always hear the same music.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? The minions - typical stupid baddies. Felt good to punch them in their noses. Thanatos - well, without those truly spoilt guys there would not be a final boss fight! So how could Rayanne ever think she could convince him? ;)

What did you think of the last scene and fight? Well, like I already said, the last scene was my favorite in-game moment. And the fight was a worthy boss fight. I lost once because Thantos paralyzed all my party members, but with the right equipment it was a long, yet not impossible fight.

Overall Comment about the game: It was a huge game with great maps, a good story and nice characters. But still I have to say I was a bit disappointed by the game. In the beginning I missed the side quests but I forgot about them later because there was still enough to do. But for me it was far too much walking around. Get skills, get back to get more skills, check every place over and over again to find what you couldn't without the required skills, get back once more to find runes and find out which shrines they open. +::fear And then SO MANY hidden locations. Checking every single step became VERY annoying after some time.
What I DID like was to have only four characters. After playing LP3 with 20 characters or so it was really relaxing I did not have to level so many guys up and change equipment all the time.
It was also quite nice that due to the straight storyline I couldn't do much wrong (except of missing hidden locations). I'm always annoyed when I miss side quests just because I didn't do them in the correct order.
So in summary: I found it's a quite good game, but there are other ones I enjoyed much more.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? Of course I am!!!!!!!!! I haven't played Dreamscape and Ella's Hope - these will be the next, I think. And I can't wait until LF3 is finally out! I'm also curious how Marine's adventure will go on. What I'd like to see? Don't know. I just hope for another game which is not a random encounter one since I prefer seeing the monsters instead of stumbling over them all the time.
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