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Let's talk about gold!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:21 pm
by Ladybug
I've been reading some complains regarding lack of gold in this game so... how much are you guys selling in order to stay afloat? Playing which mode?

I think I might have been extremely lucky since I was able to play it from beginning to end on normal mode without selling a single thing... I'm finding that harder to do playing hard mode.

Re: Let's talk about gold!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:28 pm
by dee0227
I sold Dragonfly WIngs and Raw Honey to the shop in the town that Marine is from (can you tell that I have a problem remembering the names of things). He gives you more for things than any of the other stores you find. Except for the things I bought at the forge, the only money I spent was on MP items. After you get a couple of quests under your belt and start getting Muskrat Meat and Bear Meat you are pretty much ok with the money you find. Don't try to sell stuff at the forge. He doesn't give you anything for it.

If you are a high enough level, I think Marine was 12-13 and Benoit 10 -11, you can get through Scarlet River with the equipment you have and you don't even have to use Jeanne except for large battles like the Octopus. By this time you are on the Rocky Path and start getting Scarlet Feathers and Precious Nuggets. If you have to, you can go back out and sell those for MP items.

Once you get past there and get into the town where Karine is from, you start getting Croc Meat for Mp and Raflesia Hearts for venom. By that time, money should not be a problem. You should get by on the Croc meat and other stuff until you start killing the thieves and looking for the map.


Re: Let's talk about gold!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:36 pm
by Indinera
what an expert adventurer +::O_o +::Thumbup

Re: Let's talk about gold!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:33 am
by Saphira
Playing without gold was a bit of a challenge at first but I got used to it. Made it more interesting in my (humble) opinion. I've played easy and normal modes so far. Trying to get the courage now to tackle hard mode.

Lets face it an adventurer would have to survive on what could be found in the surroundings and from whatever animal was killed. Keep it realistic, you're on a winner with this one +::YAY

Re: Let's talk about gold!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:36 am
by Indinera

I also felt it was refreshing and way more interesting, without being impossible.
From the very start you get wings and honey, after all....

Re: Let's talk about gold!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:26 am
by bodeia
Once I got used to the idea that gold was in short supply it made me think more strategically on how to move forward in the early stages. Remembering where you can rest for free helps.... and selling raw honey and dragon wings in greengrass if needed, as said by Saphira you get more gold for it there.

I found the only item I possibly needed to purchase was alchemy balm in the early stages.

Re: Let's talk about gold!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:17 am
by HisChild
I'm fairly new to playing these kinds of RPG games. I'm getting bored with HOG and MP3. I've played Aveyond and started this without realizing that though the game format might look the same, the developer(s) had a lot of room to change things up. I wish I had started out this game by spending a few hours reading all the Forum stuff, not just a post here and there. I think that would have helped me from being so frustrated and upset. I doubt it would it have shut up from asking a zillion questions though +::lol That's kind of what I'm doing now BEFORE I go after the LS and the Rogue AGAIN!
