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Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby guppies143 » Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:36 am

Before answering those question, I want to thank Indinera Falls for putting out such an awesome game, and give a big thank you to everyone in the Fourm for answering questions and helping out. +::YAY .
Although I liked all the characters, I have to say I liked Chlochette the best. She was such a kind and caring soul, always ready to offer you a cup of tea or encouragement If things were getting tough. And, in the end, turned out to be strongest one that saved the day. :) . As far as the rewards go, I was unable NOT to touch the pinkie(16 :( ) so I do not know what the cool end reward for that would be. However, I like receiving the cool weapons and armor at the end of a long search through a cool dream. Also, I liked the generous HPs received after a tough battle +::grrr .
I played the game in the Ataraxia Mode which was enjoyable yet chalenging. The game's concept and story is very imaginative and creative. The dream within a dream idea was pure genius, and collecting food, weapons, armor, and healing items instead of buying them all is cool, but sometimes awkward if you forget which ones(food, healing,etc.) do what things +:oops: . The gameplay was tough and frustrating at times, but once you figured out the way the game was laid out, i.e. finish a room completely; know that a needed item may be in another dream; etc., it became easier. The storyline was interesting and kept you entertained, and shocked at times, i.e. JACK the RIPPER the first time you run into him +::O_o . I also like the fact the game was not linear and you were able to go back and forth between dreams. The music seemed appropriate for the scenes except for the battle music. I felt like I should be marching in a millitary parade or something like that +::tired . I have no suggestions on what might used instead, but I didn't feel like I was in a battle. As far as the graphics go, they were very originally used and beautifully laid out. The characters were different and the Boss' original, especially the BIG BOSS' which I can't recalled what their names were. Speaking of the humor, very funny. I thought it kept the story light during tough times. With Erin and Peeboo playing the straight guys for Athena, it was well done and funny. Also, the fact that Peeboo could turn an enemy into a carrot, made me laugh out loud. +::biggrin. In short, the character Erin was very determined and forthright in her quest to save Terry and gained my respect; Athena very sarcastic and humorous, but was always there for Erin; Peeboo was very into himself and thought he was invincible, much to his surprise that he wasn't as good as he thought; and Chlochette I have already described. She's such a Nanny. Finally, My favorite dream was London because it had so many things to do, both with New York and the Counts dreams(Edna). Next to Cairo it (London) was the most complex and challenging. My favorite moments were Big Foot and the King, very creative and caught me off guard +::O_o .
In conclusion, to be truthful, I think there should NOT be a sequel to this game. I don't think it could be any more original or better than Dreamscape. In my opinion, Dreamscape will become a classic and a sequel would just distract from that future fact. Anyway, you all are so creative, imaginative, and good that you'll be able to come up with a new idea that might be just as good as Dreamscape +::Thumbup .
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Tomas » Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:28 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Peeboo, the "mighty viking mouse" - he was just so cool and courageous and some of his quotes were awesome. Btw he somehow reminded me Louis from LF.

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):
Cannot really say, I only got Lord Dragon as a reward.

Which Mode did you play in?
Nightmare (without touching the pink crystal 8) ) - and it was definitively the hardest game I have ever played - I really wasn't sure if I will be able to finish it.

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc?
DSC is an interesting shift from MM-like games towards more adventure/riddle solving. A nice change and it's good to see that you really aren't running out of ideas.

As for the game itself, I was nothing less than awesome. It really was what I wanted it to be, a fantastic trip through dreams, with every dream feeling so different and unique.

In terms of map design, I'm pretty sure that DSC is the best of Aldorlea games so far. There were some moments when I really couldn't help to admire how well it was done. Just two examples for all:
- In New York in the Al Capone's building, there were stairs with a scull in the middle, right before you entered the next map. Everytime I returned back, I ran into this skull. When this happened for something like tenth time in a row, I was just thinking "YOU BASTARD, you got me again!!!" (ehm sry Indi...). Awesome.
- I also remember the Teritorium of the gods, the part with Zeus - a single gold coin, I took it, another gold coin appeared, I took it, another coin appeared, ..., I took it, skull appeared, I took it, skull appeared, ...!!! +::O_o

Story is certainly comparable to your other games, but my impression after first playing was that it is simply outshined by the awesome map design. (But that's probably because I played on Nightmare - when the game is so difficult you simply concentrate more on overcoming the challenges than on the story.)

The riddles are very good, i really enjoyed them. One little note - in JAG room 5, the correct tile is a bit darker than the others, easily visible on good monitor, but when playing on notebook for example, it may be problematic.

Collecting all the coins and breads and hams and whatever was pure joy, I loved it. Great idea. (I know, we already collected orbs in MM, but DSC took it to a new level.)

Autosave - really useful. Helped me many times.

Visible encounters was a good decision imo, random fights wouldn't fit here.

What did you think about Erin?
Another strong female character, hope we will see another Random one day, or I might just start to feel a bit inferior as a male... +::biggrin

What did you think about Athena?
She had some pretty good sarcastic comments, in fights she was probably the weakest party member.

What did you think about Peeboo?
My favorite character, see above.

What did you think about Clochette?
I liked how she always offered tea in the most inappropriate moments. Also her stun and healing spells were very useful.

What did you think about the music and graphics?
"Millennium class" - I guess that says enough...

What did you think about the humor?
There were some really nice jokes, my favorite was "He sees me and he is not running?!!!" - Peeboo when King attacks.

Which "dream" was your favorite and why?
London - so dark and creepy, perfect music.. And so many loads because of Jack the Ripper...

Which moment did you like best?
JAG, it was amazing.
Also, finishing the game was an amazing feeling, playing on Nightmare was definitively worth it.

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?
Well, DSC could easily have a sequel, the end directly implies this. But as I have already written above, the game is more about exploring the dreams and solving riddles than about story, thus I would rather see Asguaard 2.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby GrannyC » Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:09 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Peeboo because he turned a lot of bad guys into carrots so Clochette could heal us.

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):
The stone that lets me walk over poison. I liked stomping all over the place, cleaning up a room.

Which Mode did you play in?
Extra easy, easy and normal. I got all the way to the jailhouse in normal and just got plain tired of every fight being hard to keep every one alive and healthy. So I quit.
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc?
It’s OK. It would have been nicer if there was a place to heal up without spoiling the game.

What did you think about Erin?

What did you think about Athena?

What did you think about Peeboo?

What did you think about Clochette?
Very helpful

What did you think about the music and graphics?
I don’t listen to music.
Graphics are fine.

What did you think about the humor?

Which "dream" was your favorite and why?
No opinion.

Which moment did you like best?
When the gorilla jumped us.

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?
Not really. I’m waiting for your real games to continue. Laxius is the greatest games you have ever made. I’m just playing other games while waiting for LF 3. I even replayed all of the Laxius Power games again for about the 9th or 10th time. Don’t get me wrong, I like all of your games and will continue to buy them. I just like your Laxius games more. The stories are much more to my liking.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby hares7293 » Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:37 am

I played the game several times through all difficulty modes. Here is my opinion of the game.

The game develops a really good story with the possibility to explore dreams. There are many locations to discover that are all great due to an excellent background music. The travel in London was my preferred playtime with an alarming atmosphere and a really good work with a balance between light and shadows.

The game through many difficulty modes offer a challenge for both occasional and expert players. The possibility to unlock hidden characters and an hidden world give the game a great replay value with the possibility to use new battle schemes. However it would have been ever better if we could have had the opportunity to explore hidden characters' dreams as for Erin or Athena (a dream of lord Dragon in Myst rock could have been an suggestion)

The game is not a classical rpg but more a survival one where it is sometimes better to build a strategy before to fight. The use of visible monsters was a good choice for this game. The possibility to find temporary boosts stresses the strategy element. However i would have preferred to find both temporary and permanent boosts (such as +1 or +2 permanent attack or defense bonuses)

what i didn't like:

It is sometimes boring to have to change equipment in order to break a rock or to light London (Jack killed me many times because i forgot to place another light in my inventory after using one) ... So it would have been better if equipment such as light or hammer of justice was permanently activated when found and not necessary to be worn in order to work.

There are a lot of keys in the game. At the end the inventory is quite full. It would have been better if a key when no more needed was simply erased from inventory.

The game offers really good places to see such as London or Cairo. I personally think that the last part of the game (the
jail-house) is not at the same graphic level and was pretty boring to play.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby kkhohoho » Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:40 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Not really sure. They all had their good points.

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): I used the crystal too many times. No reward. :(

Which Mode did you play in? Axtraxia. I usually like a challenge, but I had recently had past frustrations with difficulty, so I decided to take it easy for a bit.

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? This game is a mix of an Adventure Game and an RPG. Why is that? Well, the story is very loose, only getting real focus in the beginning and the final dungeon, and even then, it loses favor to the gameplay. This game isn't very story-driven, but it makes up for that with the dreams. Your main purpose here is to explore every nook and cranny of these vivid and imaginative dreams, solve the puzzles and reach your goal, Terry. I wouldn't want every RPG too be like this, as I ultimately prefer a more story-driven approach in my RPG's, but it was a refreshing change. :) Still the plot could have been fleshed out a bit more, and I'll get to that later in the post.

What did you think about Erin? She was alright. She didn't have much personality, but she served her purpose as the strong willed & determined heroine.

What did you think about Athena? She was a good source of comic relief.

What did you think about Peeboo? He served his role as the loyal ally.

What did you think about Clochette? She wasn't very interesting, and was weak in combat.

What did you think about the music and graphics? They were all right.

What did you think about the humor? It was good.

Which "dream" was your favorite and why? 'End of the World'. As soon as you get in there, you notice a red sky, and an alarm going off, and then the meteors start coming down. Very surprising.

Which moment did you like best? Not really sure.

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? I would've thought you had planned to do one already. You see, there were many plot elements that were unresolved and that could have been fleshed out more. What exactly are the dreamlords, what are they really like, what are the Renegade's purpose, who sent Terry the email, why was Peeboo there when Erin woke up, and just what is the nature of the Dreamscape? You left a lot of things unresolved, so you should make Dreamscape 2, (though no more after that please,) keeping the exploratory nature of the game while having it be a bit more story-driven. How about a few real cutsenes besides the beginning and end? (And what I mean are scenes that aren't just talking; scenes where things actually happen, like...even Millennium or Asguaard.) Like I said though, you should be able to resolve everything with one game, and there should only be one sequel to Dreamscape, as other, more story-driven affairs are more worthy of a sequel. (Hint-Hint: In case you haven't noticed, everyone - me included - is hoping for a sequel to Asguaard. I would also like a Dreamscape sequel, but still, what does that tell you? ;) )
Last edited by kkhohoho on Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:54 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby marphilhearts » Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:00 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Clochette because she was this little grandmotherly person with a ton of power.
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): I love the jumping shoes... they are my favorite in MM also
Which Mode did you play in? Artaxia (sp?)
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? This was one of the most awesome, confusing, different rpg's ever. Upon finishing this game, it gave me such a high because even on the easiest level, this was a hard game. The story was extremely unique. This was a great work of creativity. Only one suggestion... I would have liked to have a way to keep track of where I should go and why. There was so much going on that I would have liked to have an in game journal.
What did you think about Erin? She was a great character. She was very devoted to her boyfriend.
What did you think about Athena? She had the typical cat personality which is that she thought she was better than everyone and everything. I loved the powers that she was given.
What did you think about Peeboo? I liked Peeboo in that he was so loyal to Erin. He liked adventure, but was always concerned about Erin. He needed a little more power.
What did you think about Clochette? She was the best. She was cute and funny.
What did you think about the music and graphics? I always play with the sound turned off, so I can't comment on that. The graphics were spectacular. I loved that the graphics were so different from the normal rpg. Wonderful creativity!
What did you think about the humor? The humor was kind of odd, but I always enjoy a little break from the quest.
Which "dream" was your favorite and why? the Old Terry in London
Which moment did you like best? When Clochette opened the gate
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? By the way it ended, it should definitely have a sequel!
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby woolf223 » Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:47 am

hi there
finished dsc at the moment and over all great game to me.
fav. char. ?
i think it´s athena,for the discuss between her and makes a little relax due the game,for sometimes you can get a little crazy,by walking around,and second peebo for the karrottransform,great spell but i think wont work on evry enemy.
don´t know.started for the moment no new game,but i will startover one more time.
which mode.?
what´ya think about game and story?
a new sort of rpg,world full of dreams and music(great). story: think it could be evryones story,in case of searching for a beloved person,who´s getting lost. gameplay - very innovative
´bout erin?
lovely girl searching for his sweetheart,whichone is lost,at evry cost.
´bout athena?
mean, not an average cat,but if cats can talk,i think thats the way they would, !if they could!.
´bout peebo?
a (viking) mice,supposed to be a strong viking,that she´s not,what you can see at the last gate,that can be opened by her,but at least,a character you can´t imagine to play dsc without.
´bout clochette?
i think,evryone is reminded on his or hers own grandmother,for she´s a lady drinking tea evrytime,(btw. prefer coffee,but that´s not the question), if it´s possible,and makes concerns about the other characters,like her own grandchilds.
´bout musik and graph?
musik and graphs great,special london and way up to jag.
´bout humor?
if athena and peebo not there,a little "dry",but ok.
which dream fav.?
for my sense: old mans and dog ones ,graphs,as well as el cairo,oriental feeling and music.
which moment?
as i saw the credits,so i knew i finished it,´cause sometimes i was near to go nuts or jump up the ceiling,special at jag´s.but ok, thats crime.
in cas of sequel?
yes! for sure,because at the end you see peebo and the question is--i´m dreaming along or what??
+::YAY +::YAY +::YAY +::Thumbup +::Thumbup +::biggrin +::Dance +::Dance +::clap +::clap
your life you should guard,´cause sometimes it´s getting hard.

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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Saehral » Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:08 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): I liked Athena; she had the most personality - cats have such attitude!
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): HMMM the secret character, perhaps?! :D
Which Mode did you play in? Utopia
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? I got totally hooked on it! I liked how it was different from most RPGs. It kind of had an oldschool Zelda feel to it for me, because if you couldn't go somewhere yet it was usually because you didn't have the right equipment, and involved a lot of backtracking and revisiting and trying different solutions. Quite a change from, say, Final Fantasy XIII: Nothing But Hallways. +::biggrin
What did you think about Erin? I thought she turned out pretty well in the end, with Excalibur and all.
What did you think about Athena? +::Thumbup
What did you think about Peeboo? I liked his belief in himself, and the idea of a mouse as tank! Plus that carrot spell saved me quite a few times.
What did you think about Clochette? I liked her, too - especially with her bomb at the end!
What did you think about the music and graphics? Nice, nice
What did you think about the humor? Yay humor!
Which "dream" was your favorite and why? I thought the creator's dream was a really nice touch :D But as far as levels...I guess London was the most challenging.
Which moment did you like best? King Kong! O_O It was cool to have something so random pop out. That's more like my own dreams XD
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? It did kind of suggest one at the end!Was Erin in a dream of a dream? Or is dream stuff coming to life??? The world wants to know!
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:39 pm

*bumping in case (fairly) new Dreamscape players want to leave their feedback ^^*
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby chrome » Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:09 am

Favorite Hero: Athena because she's funny and her spell was really useful.
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game : Immunity stone.
Which Mode did you play in? Ataraxia.
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? I enjoyed the game. The story was interesting and the gameplay is fun.
What did you think about Erin? At first I thought she was weak, but she became stronger later in the game.
What did you think about Athena? Her spells helps a lot in fighting dreamlords. Love her funny comments.
What did you think about Peeboo? A good fighter and and his conversation with Athena is funny.
What did you think about Clochette? Caring and kind. Her healing spells was useful and i am surprised at the end. She managed to open the gate.
What did you think about the music and graphics? Good
What did you think about the humor? Love it especially athena's.
Which "dream" was your favorite and why? All the dreams are good but don't have any favourite.
Which moment did you like best? When bigfoot appears and when clochette opens the gate.
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?
Yes since Peeboo appears again in front of erin in the end of the game. I want to know why terry lied to erin and peeboo too.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Rabbit » Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:30 am

Better late than never... :)

Spoiler: show
Favorite Hero (explain why):
I really liked how all the main characters worked together as a team. I have a hard time thinking about replacing any one of them. But if I must pick just one as a favorite, I'll admit that I'm partial to Peeboo the Viking Mouse. He just sounds so cute, bravely wielding those axes that must be many times bigger and heavier than he is. And Peeboo's Carrot Transformation skill is awesome! The scene where he learns how to turn his enemies into ridiculous carrots is so funny. At first, it seems like a joke. But then those ridiculous carrots turn out to be essential to two key strategies in the game.

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):
By far, my favorite reward is the new world to explore. Seeing new things and solving new puzzles is much more fun than repeating my solutions to puzzles I've seen before. I have yet to figure out how to reach those 9 red onions.

I did play through the game several times to see what all the other rewards were. But just seeing them was enough for me. I didn't really want to use them. For variety, on my sixth time through the game, I did try using Lord Dragon. I actually regretted it. Playing with Dragon reduced the game to a chore like mowing the lawn; start on the left side of the dungeon and kill everything until I reach the right side of the dungeon. I didn't have to worry about taking damage, conserving resources, or experience. Just as in every other game, using cheats makes gameplay rather boring.

Which Mode did you play in?
All of them: Ataraxia, Utopia, Dream, Nightmare, and Pure Nightmare.

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc?
Dreamscape has dreams within dreams and puzzles layered on puzzles. This game is puzzle heaven! I enjoyed working back and forth between the different dreams, looking for items that would allow me to progress to the next area. Using the headphones to travel between dreams is a really convenient way to travel. I also enjoyed the resource management challenge - doing it all without touching Pinkie. This aspect is very similar to the old Tower of the Sorceror resource management RPG hybrid game, except not nearly so difficult. In addition to all that, I also liked figuring out the riddles on the parchment and scroll and in the gameshow (the first time through the gameshow).

The main storyline is minimalistic and open to different interpretations. I found clues that could support various points of view scattered throughout the game. More about my interpretation of the story is in my comments about the main characters below.

What did you think about Erin?
She's a strong, determined, and vivacious girl who dreams about adventure. I don't believe her when she describes herself to Peeboo as the "scared girl." With the Butterfly Ribbon and some good armor, she makes a great battle tank.

I also think Erin is on the wrong path. Let's see... When Erin is with Terry, she dreams of being queen but isn't sure if her "husband" is Terry. When Terry is with Erin, he dreams of being locked up in a jail cell with no key, and he asks her to leave. Yet Erin is determined to reach him. I don't think they really belong together. I vaguely remember the pain of being 21, and how I could get so focused on following a path that I couldn't see any of the neon signs warning me that it was the wrong path. Poor Erin. It won't be easy when she finally figures this out.

What did you think about Athena?
What a lazy cat! She dreams about an entire park full of mice, but can't catch a single one. The part where she gets the enchanter's hat is funny. And her teasing remarks make the other characters even more likeable, especially Peeboo.

Athena gets the most eclectic selection of weapons of all the characters, and I find she is the most challenging character to manage in battles. Of the defensive weapons, I never really use the ocarina, but love to use the drum and the atchoom leaves, especially in the harder difficulty modes. The Box of Fate, with its little random boosts, is an awesome offensive weapon for the middle of the game. While it's nice that Athena's spells damage the entire enemy party at once, they're too expensive to use all the time. And towards the end of Nightmare mode, I have difficulty making her both fast enough and intelligent enough to be effective as a spellcaster.

What did you think about Peeboo?
Peeboo is my favorite. See above.

What did you think about Clochette?
She's a lovely grandmother. She's seen enough of the world that nothing seems to surprise or upset her. The Constant Comments about tea get a little silly after a while, but in the end, she's there for Erin when she's needed most. Clochette is a great friend and ally.

In battle, I tend to use Clochette's stun and boosting spells more than her healing spell. Then, when healing is needed, I go turn some hapless butterfly into a carrot and defend while Clochette uses her cheap healing spell. Towards the end of the game, this method of healing gets tedious, as 60 HP is only a small fraction of each character's total. I wish this spell were upgraded as Clochette gains levels. Clochette becomes a great offensive battler at the end with her bomb and nature's blessing.

What did you think about the music and graphics?
The music works well to set the mood for each location - no complaints. It's not something I would listen to outside of a game, though, as none of the pieces seem to go anywhere on its own.

The maps look really nice. My favorite places are London, the Snowy Scape and El Cairo. The lighting effects in London are a great idea. It's neat to walk through the dark streets with the lights turning on as I approach them. And "dark London" looks so different from "bright London" as seen with the lantern equipped. Lighting the broken lamps with the Bright Candles does not display properly on my computer. When I light the first lamp, there is a wide dark stripe through the middle of its glow. When I light some of the other lamps, they turn the surrounding area darker and purple instead of light. But if I walk off the screen and return, they all look just like normal lights.

What did you think about the humor?
It is a nice mixture of lighthearted teasing and dark humor. There is just enough teasing to be funny, but not tiresome. The dark surprises, like the sudden murder by Jack the Ripper or obliteration of the party by meteors, remind me a little of Edward Gorey.

Which "dream" was your favorite and why?
The old man's dream. London is beautiful, and contains a wide variety of characters with dreams of their own. The challenge of exploring London had me stumped for a while, and it was very satisfying to finally kill Jack the Ripper. Opening up areas within the old man's dream with unusual objects (chinese gong, mirror, instructions on magic scroll) also add to the area's interest.

Erin's dream takes a close second place. She talks as if she's scared and all she wants is to find Terry. But Erin's dream reveals her to be an adventurer, a queen, a ninja, and a knight!

On the other hand, Clochette's dream is a good place to gain experience early in the game, but I'm not sure what other purpose it serves.

Which moment did you like best?
It was great to see Clochette finally have her heroic moment at the end of the game, but...

Meeting the ultimate challenge by killing every last dreamlord in pure nightmare mode was my moment. Killing the last one really gave me a "There! I finally did it!" feeling.

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?
I'd certainly love to play a game with some similar elements. And I would like to know what Peeboo was up to...

But a sequel? Hmmm... See, one boring Friday evening, I was surfing around and looked at the little video for Dreamscape. I got the impression from "oooh that beautiful butterfly is dangerous" and "what's the doggie doing here" that this game was specifically aimed at very young or beginning RPG players. I am neither of those, so I simply hoped that Dreamscape would keep me occupied, but not particularly engaged, until I fell asleep. I had no further expectations. But then, when I actually started playing, there were interesting challenges at every turn! What a great surprise! I fell in love with the game.

If there were a sequel to Dreamscape, I would come in with expectations. Very high expectations. Playing with expectations is a totally different experience.

(Spoiler tags are just to save space.)
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:16 am

Thanks for the feedback, very appreciated. :)
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby aneres » Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:14 pm

I played it in Dream mode only. So please forgive me to just give a general remark.

Frankly, I am still a little out of track even after the game ended. Healing is one thorn in my back. I am too familiar with traditional RPGs and like to have something at hand when needed. So it is really like "far from home" when I have nothing edible to carry with me.

I enjoy the game, definitely. +::Dance The music is fantastic. +::clap Very novel creation. I do like the London part. +::heart +::wizard Beatiful impressive graphic. +::Thumbup Like granny's dream most. ;) Demanding my old memory to work hard. The heroine is a round character and strong. My rat is not very strong because I did not use a lot boosts on him. +::Zzzz I used carrot spell a lot before I found that I lose XP for changing high rank enemy to carrot. +::grrr Granny is too strong to believe at the end of the game, deals over 3000 damage per hit! +::fear It is not hard to BEAT the game but tiring when walking around to return to where you exit a dream. +::surrender

I would say it a good game for its creativity.I am a story holic, if the game did not tell a good story or the plot is simple, well, I doubt I will addict to it or play it several times, because once the puzzles are solved, nothing exciting left except to have a better score.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Orchid Queen » Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:11 am

Here's my view of the game, which I completed in March. I haven't played it a second time yet.
Favorite Hero (explain why):
I liked them all equally. They were all well developed with great personalities. I didn’t like the stupid idiot Terry from the off. What a ‘joke’ to play.
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):What was the reward for finishing Ataraxia with 12 touches of Pinkie? Nothing.
Which Mode did you play in? Ataraxia.
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc?
Except for Erin searching for an idiot boyfriend I thought the story was good, even though that was the purpose of it.
The gameplay is exceptional.
Things I like:
Using the same form for visible enemies whose true form is not revealed until the fighting commences.
Choosing whether to fight or not.
This game had the right amount of fighting for me.
Glitches not reappearing.
Being free to explore the dungeons with the glitches out of the way.
Mixed feelings about the restorative items. I liked receiving restorative items and not having to worry about finding a shop to buy them and making sure there were enough in the inventory. Although this had its negative side because it is beyond me to remember where and what I saved for desperate times, so I used them as I came to them. Hence my use of Pinkie so often. Leaving a dream to return to Pinkie was a pain and it was then I wanted to be able to shop for items in the location. As I say, mixed feelings on this one.
I love being able to zap about without the tedious traipsing from one dungeon to another. Except for having to leave one to return to Pinkie.
All the characters, their dialogue and the humour.
Not having numerous side quests.
I have played Asguaard – no quests; Millennium 1 and 2 all of which I liked. I hated 3 stars and still trying to finish it. With the exception of Asguaard, which I played in easy mode, there was too much fighting for my liking and some of the dungeons were too complex for me.
With Dreamscape, I like everything. I like being able to zap about; I enjoy being able to choose to fight or not and I really like the glitches not reappearing so that I am free to wander through the dungeon.
What did you think about Erin?
She’s okay. Full of determination and curiousity. She should dump Terry, though. Questionable judgement.
What did you think about Athena?
Loved her. I used her magic skills a lot.
What did you think about Peeboo?
Loved him. This Viking mouse turned some major enemies into carrots. Great fun.
What did you think about Clochette?
Great humour. Tea and biscuits, anyone?
What did you think about the music and graphics?
Graphics were superb. Music was okay but I'm not into music and no judge.
What did you think about the humor?
Which "dream" was your favorite and why?
It was London. Withut a doubt. I really loved the graphics and the ambience. I felt I was taken back in time. It was brilliant. Most of all I felt great killing the b… Ripper. Long overdue death in my opinion.
Which moment did you like best?
Killing the Ripper.
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?
The format should be reused but I’m not sure I want to play with Erin again. Isn’t her story finished? A different heroine and the other characters would be great.

Maybe I'll go and try it again.
Thanks. +::lol
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby littlebro » Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:25 am

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Peeboo - funny and the carrot spell was a brilliant idea. I also found his Confuse ability helpful.
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):
Apple boost - I wouldn't have got through Utopia without touching Pinkie if I hadn't picked this one
Which Mode did you play in?
Ataraxia and Utopia
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc?
Excellent. The story supported the game play rather than being an add-on and (given the initial premise) stayed within its own logic. Really grateful that the glitches did not re-spawn so that I could explore the areas carefully, and was able to go back and pick up carefully preserved healing items later on. Random encounters would not have worked in this story.
What did you think about Erin?
Good characterisation and great fighter. Questionable judgement about her boyfriend who frankly I disliked immensely after the final conversation in the jail and the living room.
What did you think about Athena?
So funny - just what a self-regarding cat would be like if they could talk.
What did you think about Peeboo?
One of the best characters Indy has produced. The sheer joy of a mouse which considers itself to be a Viking! I know other people have compared him to Louis, but I think they are very different (even leaving aside what we learn in LF3)
What did you think about Clochette?
Everyone's favourite grandmother figure. You think she's not necessarily in the real world (if you see what I mean) when she offers to make tea when Erin is on the spikes but then comes through as the only one tough enough to bend the bars at the end. Surprises us, like a lot of older people she has more to offer than you might initially think. Also her Protect spell was my saviour in the boss fights.
What did you think about the music and graphics?
Excellent graphics, but I always play without the music, not because I don't like it (I think a lot of Aldorlea's music is really good) but because I can't stand the endless cheeps, churps, bleeps etc. whenever you use the arrow key/space bar etc. Any way of having one without the other?
What did you think about the humor?
Really good. Not overdone, and each character had their own brand of humor so it was varied.
Which "dream" was your favorite and why?
London. The graphics were particularly good, the gameplay here was excellent, required thinking about and with surprises - the first time Jack the Ripper appeared I literally jumped with surprise.
Which moment did you like best?
When I finally worked out how to get into the concealed part of Al Capone building. I'd wandered around for ages. Very satisfying.
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?
Not a direct one. Would Erin fall for the same stunt twice? Not very likely. Also we already know what her dream is. But on the other hand, if it started with Terry agreeing with Erin to take the headphones to the police station and someone there used them? Though how you would logically bring Peeboo back might be a bit tricky, and I would like him to reappear if there is another one - that would also tie in with his brief appearance right at the end.
Edit: Just had a thought about how to get Peeboo back in - something about how traces of previous users remain in the earphones. If you wanted to reference previous characters without them being active in the game, they could appear as transparent 'ghosts' who could either flit around, or perhaps only speak. But I would like Peeboo solid and useable.
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