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The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby blitzen » Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:42 pm

Me again! I want to add a couple of comments to my post above. I am about 1/3 of the way through replaying the game with the Melusine/Schools option, and it is almost like a completely different game (in a good way)!

Melusine is much more of a "character" than Jasmine was. I don't especially like her, but she is definitely more interesting! +::Thumbup I also really like the school characters (I chose Randolf and Lorette). I wish I had played it this way the first time round, because it is much more enjoyable!

I highly HIGHLY recommend first-time players to choose the Melusine option because I think you will get more out of the game in terms of fun. It is a bit counter-intuitive because you have to "betray" Jasmine to get Melusine and you don't know at that point what the best choice is.

I must say the best feature of this game is its extremely high replayability. There are so many different choices you can make that will give you a different experience. Well done! And sorry if my previous comments came off a bit negative. I am really having a good time with this game. Well worth the money. +::biggrin
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby Tomas » Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:15 pm

Finally finished TBOL, so here's my feedback:

Your opinion about Jordan?
He was kinda an "anti-hero", i.e. "Let's do it if it pays off" guy. I know, it was probably because of Cassandra, but I didn't know this for most of the game, obviously. Still, I liked him, and his banters with Jasmine were just hilarious.
Plus, his good spells, party heal and save-spell :) made him the most important character of my party.

Your opinion about Jasmine?
A little, cute and cheeky thief that happens to be a princess in disguise? Well, as far as I'm concerned it can't get better that this. Jasmine was just bound to be my favorite character of TBOL.
As a warrior, she's not the strongest, but with proper equipp she's still very powerful. And as my favorite character she was in my party all the time anyway.

Your opinion about Melusine?
I can't say because I will never choose her over Jasmine...

Your opinion about Clea?
She's the "good girl" of TBOL. Getting to know that she's actually a princess, too, was unexpected (and tragic), but I didn't use her much in my party (except for the splits) because there were stronger characters.

Your opinion about Alex?
Fairly strong and has some good spells, but I guess that she isn't quite as strong and self-confident as she believes to be...

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Barbara - "The Pirate Queen" (I don't know why, maybe because of the eye-band, for me she's just a pirate) - I liked her. She's a very strong warrior and together with Pacha they are almost unstopabble.
Zetta - haven't used her much, she has too little HP. Although she can do quite some damage.
Princess Lo - nice bonus character, but haven't used her much, neither - there were better warriors.
Teksab - absolutely hillarious, I couldn't help but laugh when he joined.
Nagam - insanely strong, I was glad that I didn't miss him.
Luis - my favorite non-human character (I just like dragons). Also quite powerful.

Your opinion about the demons?
Fighting them was really interesting and challenging. All the party splittings, dialogues and intriguing mechanisms (some party members being absent - that was smart). I enjoyed it.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story was thrilling and surprising (at least for me) and the dialogues were easily the best of all Aldorlea games - there were just so many hilarious moments and good comments...

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you reach the top of the last dungeon onwards)?
Thrilling, surprising and the final fights are the best in the whole game. It was indeed the "big finale".

What was your favorite demon and why?
Dharma - the Demon of Tricks. He was sneaky and the idea of enemies that mustn't be attacked was brilliant.

What was your favorite moment and why?
The ending (the reasons are above) and then it's not exactly a moment, but I loved the part at the beginning when I entered Izuka with Jasmine in party for the first time and reading all these hilarious comments when talking to NPCs.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Dialogues and the battles with demons.

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
The most obvious comparison would imo be with Asguaard. The stories are comparably good, Asguaard has better world map and exploration, TBOL is better when it comes to dialogues and battles. Now when I add the choices which give the game a "flavour" I think that TBOL was a bit better.
In other words, only LF3 (that is unbeatable for me) is better.

Would you date Jordan?
No. But I would date Jasmine instead... +::biggrin

Who would win the Beauty Contest: Jasmine, Melusine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, another?
I suppose Alex (she's famous for her beauty all over Zander, after all), but for me it would be Jasmine.

Now a few other thoughts about TBOL:

- The choices and romances played out well, it really made me think sometimes.

- Autosave once every ten battles and save spell is a good balance between save everywhere/at special locations only. It works really well and it also makes the player to consider all the choices better. The problem is when Jordan is not available for the party and you need to rely on autosave only, because as far as I know there's no way how to know when exactly the game auto-saved (except from checking the save001 manually).

- The "tutorial books" are a good idea, too - this way it's possible to replay them.

- Maybe I just missed something, but there were no good leveling places (except from the tower where Princess Lo is held, but it's not for all the characters), so it's not easy to level enough for Colyseum. Being able to set the encounter rate just like in MM would definitively help.

- The music was pretty good. +::Thumbup

Overall, TBOL really surprised me - I didn't expect that much from it. Aside from LF3 it's my new favorite. +::clap
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby debhi » Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:59 pm

Your opinion about Jordan? He was very self centered ego maniac
Your opinion about Jasmine? A innocent child looking for meaning in life. I had managed to kill her,betray her and keep her. LOL.
Your opinion about Melusine?What do you expect from a queen.
Your opinion about Clea?Very innocent. Trying to make a name for herself aside from her father.
Your opinion about Alex? She may have been a star but she was a great warrior
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Your opinion about the demons? I loved all of them. They gave you a run for your money
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?Excellent job
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you reach the top of the last dungeon onwards)? Had me playing every angle there was. Action packed intriguing…..loving every second
What was your favorite demon and why?Dharma……….king of tricks………..had to stay focused on the enemy to not get killed patience won
What was your favorite moment and why? Beating Cassandra……..she was a huge challenge……but my teams did it.
What's the game's best/strongest sides? Replayability and intrigue and mystery.
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?I have played all of your games. Each one is unique in its own way.
Would you date Jordan? no
Who would win the Beauty Contest: Jasmine, Melusine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, another? Jasmine or Clea innocence.

Now I must thank you for this game. It has so much replay value. At one time I was playing 4 different games of this. I truely loved it. Dharma you did great.............. +::music +::wizard +::clap +::Dance
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby johnboy412000 » Wed May 23, 2012 6:49 pm

Your opinion about Jordan? He has some pretty nifty spells and is great for healing during a battle.
Your opinion about Jasmine? Didnt use her much so cant form much of an opinion

Your opinion about Melusine? She could do with better spells but some of the time she is handy to have in the party.
Your opinion about Clea? Clea wasnt used much in my active party
Your opinion about Alex? She was deadly with her strongest spells
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)? I think my favs are Jordan,Alex,Yu and Nagem
Your opinion about the demons? They were tough to beat especially Cassandra i thought she was never gunna go down lol
Your opinion about the story and dialogs? Some of the dialogues were long winded
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you reach the top of the last dungeon onwards)? Yeah a great ending.
What was your favorite demon and why? No favorite one.
What was your favorite moment and why? seeing Cassandra drop for the last time and knowing id finally beaten the game
What's the game's best/strongest sides? The overall performance of the game was very good and the graphics were great.The plot was nicely put together and very good entertainment value for money all round.
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare? Yeah ive played loads of the Aldorlea games and this one is in the top ten id say.
Would you date Jordan? Get real i dont date blokes lol
Who would win the Beauty Contest: Jasmine, Melusine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, another? Has to be Clea
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby nikka_13 » Wed May 30, 2012 9:10 am

+::heart Your opinion about Jordan?
so humurous and strong.. too bad he's gotten sick.. and not be able to battle in the end.. but i still love him.. :) +::heart
+::heart Your opinion about Jasmine?
uhm.. challenging.. but the ideal girl.. not too forward.. :)
+::heart Your opinion about Melusine?
:( i really don't like her.. she's got a big ego.. but has a big heart too.. i admit that.. it's just that she is so authoritative.. poor Jasmine.. :(
+::heart Your opinion about Clea?
i like her.. if only she can lessen her blabbering.. +::YAY but still i like her face and gentle nature..
+::heart Your opinion about Alex?
hmm.. she's okay.. typical girl.. nothing much uniqueness.. i am finding that in every character..
+::heart Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
i love Barbara.. too bad she and Jordan are not linked together.. hahaha.. +::lol
+::heart Your opinion about the demons?
they are hard.. so hard.. but i like Luxury.. so sexy.. :) 8)
+::heart Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
i love what they say when they have finished quests.. they are changing.. i don't know.. i just noticed.. +::whistle i love the story.. no character is idle.. they have all their chance to battle.. so thrilling.. +::biggrin
+::heart Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you reach the top of the last dungeon onwards)?
ok.. heart-pumping.. that's all.. hahaha.. +::shhhh
+::heart What was your favorite demon and why?
Luxury.. so sexy.. but waek.. hahaha.. :) she can't win against my four girlies.. +::kiss
+::heart What was your favorite moment and why?
i think when Jasmine cried for a moment for Jordan.. when she thought he was dead.. that's so sweet.. :razz:
+::heart What's the game's best/strongest sides?
character differences i guess.. the labyrinth cave.. so dizzy.. :) +:oops: so many secrets..
+::heart Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
this is the first.. and i really enjoyed it.. ever since i am in college, i looked all over for this.. but i couldn't find anything like it.. thankfully it appeared.. :) +::Thumbup
+::heart Would you date Jordan?
oh yes!! can't wait.. hahaha.. +::heart ;)
+::heart Who would win the Beauty Contest: Jasmine, Melusine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, another?
i am voting for......... Barbara!! 2nd, Clea.. hahaha.. third Jasmine,. that's all.. +::clap

thanks so much for reading.. +::Dance
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby briony » Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:40 am

1. Opinion on Jordon--
loved his comments , great character and a hero in disguise

2. Jasmine --
did not play with her - will next time
3. Melusine-
very self important - did not really like her
4. Clea
very young and innocent but great fighter when leveled up and with right equipment
5. Alex
beautiful and full of passion- on top was a great fighter
6. rest of cast
Yu - very dedicated, Barbara - extremely funny and a great fighter, Princess lo - strong with the right weapons
7. Demons
Dharma and Cassandra
8. Story and Dialogue
Loved the repartee between characters and smart comments from Jordan. Story was very enjoyable especially being able to choose members of the parties. Loved the artwork

9 Ending.
Did not see that coming most unexpected very challenging
10. Favourite demon
Dharma- love his sidekicks
11.Favourite moment
choosing the ending and the credits with the artwork
12. Game's best
being able to choose and replay with different characters for different endings, multiple choices through out
13. Other Aldorlea games
Yes most of them would put this one up the top with all LF sagas (inc. 3S), MM sagas and Asguaard
14. Date Jordan
yes but we would argue a lot
15. Beauty contest
Alex of course followed very closely by Barbara and Princess Lo
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby woodlandpearl » Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:35 am

Your opinion about Jordan?
I thought Jordan was an absolute jerk. I have only played with Jordan and Mesuline and I am currently playing with Jordan and Jasmine. I am finding with Jasmine though, Jordan is warming up a we shall see what happens.
Your opinion about Jasmine?
I have only played with Jasmine for a few hours - I think she is a weaker link....but she may be better once she levels up. I believe I have her up to about 30 or so.
Your opinion about Melusine?
I did like Mesuline a lot and enjoyed her bantering with Jordan. I thought she had some awesome skills and the fact that I could recruit an additional two people is great. Even being a princess, she has a good heart especially when she dealt with the changeling, the "rejected" son, and the lost dogs.
Your opinion about Clea?
I thought she was pretty weak. She had a few good spells, but definitely not one to use a weapon.
Your opinion about Alex?
I liked Alex even though she had a very large ego like Jordan. She was very strong using a weapon and her charm spell was awesome with those cats!
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
I like Luis a lot - wish he had a bit more attack power because he is a dragon. I also like the two tigers - they had a lot of attack power too.
Your opinion about the demons?
Each demon had it's own weaknesses. I was pretty surpised when I got an "absent" on one of my characters and realized oops....I need a different strategy! The Trickster was the best...I didn't realize that killing those "bombs" would actually kill my party! Also, toward the end of killing him, I had one character hit him with spells because I accidently hit one of those bombs! +::surrender
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I enjoyed the back and forth with all of the charcters toward Jordan's egotistical attitude. Now that I'm playing with Jasmine in the party, I find the conversation a bit funny between her and Jordan.
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you reach the top of the last dungeon onwards)?
The game's ending was so surprising. I didn't realize that the reason why Jordan was sick was because he was harboring a demon. Now that I know...I realized one of his spells actually uses the demon's face (forgot the spell name)!
What was your favorite demon and why?
The trickster - I really had to pay attention to those "bombs". And the fact that he didn't die the first time was such a surprise!!
What was your favorite moment and why?
I liked the ending - when Jordan gets married to Mesuline and they have a child. Unfortunately, it doesn't last which is I decided to play with Jasmine to see what happens.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The storyline, the music and the replayability.
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
Yes I have played all of them except for Sylvia (sp?), and the last Laxius game (forgot the name). I felt it was just has good as all of them. I definitely felt I got my money's worth. My last game with Jordan and Mesuline lasted over 60 hours and quite a few of those hours were due to leveling up.
Would you date Jordan?
Honestly, no I would not - not the egotistical one in the beginning.
Who would win the Beauty Contest: Jasmine, Melusine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, another?
I think Mesuline would.
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby Nerevar » Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:14 pm

Your opinion about Jordan?
Arrogant and egocentric, but not annoying AT ALL, in fact I found him to be a good refreshment from the usual rpg heroes. I don't usually like martyrs or "mary-sues", I prefer a flawed and real character. And despite all his arrogance, he still cared enough to help other people sometimes.

Your opinion about Jasmine?
I loved her personality at first, but then some of her dialogues made her sound a little dumb (a little like Sarah from LF, no offence) and made me kinda regret set her with Jordan, instead of Clea. But I still loved her reactions to Jordan's moves, even when I made him say "I love you" she was still mad at him xD I think in the end she was just a girl who got hurt a lot of times and created a barrier around her. Besides I loved the fact that she ran away from her father and tried to be independent, and I have a soft spot for cute ninja thieves :>

Your opinion about Melusine?
I stuck with Jasmine, I seriously hated Melusine with all her royal exigences, but I might try her in my second playthrough

Your opinion about Clea?
A little annoying at first, the typical shy and brainy character, but she proved to be stronger than anyone else in there, I mean she had the strenght to travel to the freakin Wittalands right after her father died and found the courage to fight her fears. Great character development, I must say!

Your opinion about Alex?
I didn't get her, I don't know where I failed :( And she seemed so much fun... Bummer

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
I loooved the animals, specially the tigers with their battle dance, really strong and useful.
Barbara was one of my favorites, so strong and independent with her tamed tiger +::Dance Luis brought a lot of Nash nostalgia, the only thing I didn't like about him was his name. Come on, he's a dragon, he deserves an epic name, not the name of my farmer neighbor :( Nagam was too funny on the last dungeon, "I want this, and I want that, put me in the party bla bla" ahah good lord what an ego! He would be able to do proper damage if he didn't miss like 80% of the hits :/
Oh and Yu creeped the hell out of me at first, but when I got used to look at him, I started using him a lot. I just wish we got to know a little more about him, and why he was in that room all by himself.

Your opinion about the demons?
I loved all of them, specially Pride and Luxury with their sexy and flawless artwork 8)
I have to admit I was kinda expecting that the Trick Demon was going to be called Indy/Indinera or something like that, because he's the trickster among all tricksters +::biggrin It would be really funny.
Cassandra brought me lovely memories from the Golden Diva in WarioLand 4 (check out the final fight with her on youtube and you'll see what I mean by "lovely"). Oh childhood scars, how I love you

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I really liked it, it had a good plot, and the dialogs between Jordan and Jasmine were absolutely adorable.

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you reach the top of the last dungeon onwards)?
I really liked it, although I wasn't really surprised by the plot twists. I kind see traitors everywhere so the treasons weren't exactly gasping moments. And when Jordan got sick I instantly thought he had some sort of connection with the demons, either he was one himself, or he was like a son of all the demons, that got weaker and weaker with their disappearances. My only doubt was if he would live or not. I'm glad he did :>

What was your favorite demon and why?
Probably Pride and Luxury because I wasn't expecting to meet them right in Ikura and they weren't hideous like the rest of the demons. I don't like when all the bad guys on stories look ugly because it associates external beauty with internal beauty, it's a little pet peeve of mine.

What was your favorite moment and why?
I think it was the seize of the castle, because that's when Clea really transforms and gains strenght to honor her father's death, and you finally know what went wrong with Azutura and the vapors.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
It took me a while to give this game a chance because it was made with RPG maker VX, and I don't really like it. The oriental theme was the main the reason I tried it in the first place, so to me that's probably its strongest side. But when you play a game it has to be more than just a cute theme to keep you playing it, and what really got me stuck was Jordan and all the secret characters and little details to discover. And the fact that demon dungeons weren't all dark and spooky, but actually quite bright and welcoming was a major plus. Oh and the Colyseum was a really nice touch :>

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
It's hard to compare because there are some games that will always give you nostalgia, even if they aren't better than the others, but I'm sure this is one of the best games so far.

Would you date Jordan?
Why is this question here? What kind of feedback does it provide? +::biggrin Oh well probably not, he would get on my nerves.

Who would win the Beauty Contest: Jasmine, Melusine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, another?
To me the cutest is Jasmine
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby xblaze25 » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:47 am

Your opinion about Jordan?
Spoiler: show
I thought he would be the Hero but he did not even fight against Cassandra. He was weak after getting sick. I did not even use him after getting sick. So it is a 2/5 for him. +::Dunno +::Dunno

Your opinion about Jasmine?
Left her off for Melusine. +::shhhh

Your opinion about Melusine?
Thought she would be just an arrogant princess +::music but no she was among the top fighters in my list. Her immaculate radiation and thunder blast 3 was THE BEST against multiple enemies. +::clap +::clap

Your opinion about Clea?
I did not like her from the first. May be due to her bossy nature against others to save the world from demons hehe. +::grrr +::fear

Your opinion about Alex?
She was my 2nd favourite female character next to Melusine. Gotta love her for her Arabesque Lv 3 spell. VERY USEFUL in Wittaland. +::YAY +::YAY

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
My favourite animal was Hawk +::whistle +::whistle . I used all my Strength and Resistance trinkets on him +::shhhh . His Battle level 4 was THE BEST AGAINST CASSANDRA’s GUARDIANS.His speed and resistance were boosted to about 700 and 350 after using the trinkets and he dealt about 1000-1500 damage to everyone. +::biggrin Also The Horse’s travel spell helped a lot.Aint nobody gonna argue with that!!!! :razz: :razz:
Your opinion about the demons?

The demons are not the STRONGEST compared to Lf but I loved their Natures such as pride etc. I had to choose a specific party member or else my team will be Absent…..if you know what I mean +::surrender +::surrender

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
It’s a typical SAVE THE WORLD STORY but the dialogues are the best…even compared to LF series.Jordan’s sarcastical remarks against people AND items on the ground were remarkable. +::clap +::clap +::Dance +::Dance

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you reach the top of the last dungeon onwards)?
I got my ending with Melusine and breaking up after a week or according to me it was not great...can anyone say is this a good ending or should i get some other ending which is good and better than this??? +::Annoyed +::Annoyed

What was your favorite demon and why?
Dharma was my favourite. I had to THINK VERY VERY HARD to both FIND AND FIGHT him.Just saying that BOOM IMPS are the strongest I think. +::lol

What was your favorite moment and why?
My favourites were many….but That person who created the demons…his story was amazing…( Name the person please…I think it was Ahnanr or sumthng???) +:oops:

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The dialogues are the best in RPG genre itself. Apart from it the demons sprites were good and Jordan’s Final sprite gave a typical Japanese touch. +::wizard +::wizard

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
It’s the best STAND ALONE game I have played. Overall, I would give it the fourth position with 1st LF3 and 2nd LP3 and 3rd MM5 +::heart

Would you date Jordan?
Haha..if he were a girl like Alex +::kiss

Who would win the Beauty Contest: Jasmine, Melusine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, another?
Alex hands down. +::heart +::heart +::heart

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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby jouishy » Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:03 pm

I'm only 10 hours in my playthrough, but I must say that I often laught at some sarcasms of Jordan or other character. It is really distinctive of this game.

Also, the different choices make me looking foward my next games to try something different. It is clever. :)
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby clear » Sat May 30, 2015 10:09 am

Your opinion about Jordan?
-His stupid funny attitude reminds me of Gintoki yeah,he likes to troll people that's why i like him
because i think without it the dialogue would be boring.It also light up the mood of the player +::biggrin
I daresay
Your opinion about Jasmine?
-She's a kid.Even though she said she is 21 her face doesn't sound it though.She has the most common sense heroine.
Cute,Funny. :razz: I daresay.
Your opinion about Melusine?
-A princess but for me she looks like a queen because of her mature face.Never thought she accept jordan's kiss for the
1st time.Can be a warrior for she can equip strong weapons or mage for the spell.2nd strongest charac and fav.
Seductive and beautiful. +::heart 8) I daresay
Your opinion about Clea?
-Even though without her glasses her presence is there if you know what i mean.Genius.Buff lord. +::wizard +::wizard
I daresay
Your opinion about Alex?
-Annoying to jordan but she mostly helps the people in her town to their request. :) I daresay
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
-Without a doubt barbara is the strongest and also my favorite.From her 1st appearance to the last battle, always use this
op character. 8) 8) Need to nerf.Weakest warrior would be benito didnt even use him.I daresay.
Your opinion about the demons?
-Hardest and longest battle was only the phoenix because i didnt know he has a second form.
The rest is ok maybe bcuz im playing casual.Dat olsaint castle is farming experience lord.
Never heard of a demon/s that has a funny attitude bcuz most demons are serious.I daresay.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
-The story and dialogues are fantastic.I like the way the heroes are so obsessed of defeating a demon even though it is
a demon were speaking they still intend to do funny scene and dialogue.I daresay.
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you reach the top of the last dungeon onwards)?
-Dat ossan/old man is shocking never thought there's a person up there and he resembles humoncolus alot.I wonder why is he there if he want to ask for help to kill the 6th demon why not go to town and ask for warriors to kill it.
I daresay
What was your favorite demon and why?
-Phoenix because she is not suited to be called a "demon" and because phoenix is a good mythical creature. +::biggrin I daresay
What was your favorite moment and why?
-All jordan's moment talking to animals because its hilarious +::Dance .The moment in trickster arc making a fool out of them.I daresay
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
-Story,Dialogues,Equipments,Secrets and Characters +::Thumbup .I daresay
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
-I played from laxius power to mm series but this game compares to an Anime called FullMetal Alchemist i realized it once i recruited clea, an alchemist and so on. +::O_o
-Same story to fullmetal that triggers to kill the 7 deadly sins until that day the Humonculus will rule the world
unlike in this game it's where you kill the 6 demons and seal them.. +::clap I daresay
Would you date Jordan?
-Absolutely No. +::stop I daresay
Who would win the Beauty Contest: Jasmine, Melusine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, another?
-Melusine, 2nd Clea. +::heart I daresay
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Re: The Book of Legends: Player's Memories

Postby Schnuff » Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:24 pm

Your opinion about Jordan?
This goes for all the character: there is no real interaction with them. The few times
were you could make a little decision (take a new member or for the ending) are
not far apart and do nothing for a different storyline (a few missing quests with
Melusine...thats it).
Your opinion about Jasmine?
Your opinion about Melusine?
Your opinion about Clea?
Your opinion about Alex?
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Your opinion about the demons?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
straight forward, no story twist, dialogs....the usual.
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you reach the top of the last dungeon onwards)?
Would be nice to get a game+ option. The ending, somewhat disappointing..aka too short.
What was your favorite demon and why?
Trickster, the only one with a little challenge (his self destruction imps).
What was your favorite moment and why?
Found my first secret path.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Its easy, no real its one of those were you must grind and than grind some more, that
means you could watch a movie and let them run in circles till the next fight.
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
Like the others i played.
Would you date Jordan?
I'm male .... so NO!!!
Who would win the Beauty Contest: Jasmine, Melusine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, another?
As you can see only their portraits in the menu and at the time of joining and the end....
i would say.....non of them.

I've played JRPGs since the good old NES.
The most frustrating part of this game was the lack of any help. I mean, there are quests,
NPC's running around, books....why not use them for giving hints about the quests?
Thats also a good way for more interaction with the party members.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:18 am


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