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Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby Cassiopeia » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:10 am

Awesome!!!!! Great you didn't give up!!!!! +::clap +::Thumbup
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby lilac » Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:36 pm

Please help with Pride and Luxury!Pride kicks my a.. every time.I tried some of the tips above but no luck.I'm getting a bit frustrated.Can you tell me the minimum levels (i finished replaying the LF series last week and my fingers still hurt from all the leveling up),teams,equipment and spells that i need?Full spoilers please!
Casual mode.The characters are:
Jordan L43
Barbara L48
Clea L31
Melusine L37
Alex L40
Randolf L31
Lorette L29
Hans L29
Yu L34
Teksab L39 ( +::biggrin )
Jonas L33
Eve L28
Rosario L26
Boom L28
Melvut L27
Tsen L29
Pacha L43
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby kronos44 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:58 pm

i dont think there is trouble with your levels... can you answer three questions?

what are your current line ups for the fights

whats your exact problem (do you get stuck on pride or luxury? is it their strength or a certain skill?)

do you have a lot of items? (healing items are almost a must)

as a rough guide... (i forget who cannot fight) split jordan and barbara up, so you get one of them in either party, put alex on pride (if you use her) with melusine... and put clea pacha and maybe lorrete on luxury.
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby D-Squall » Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:34 pm

For me, Pride's party was: Jordan, Clea, Teksab, Yu I think... I don't remember.

Jordan: Surging Aura
Clea: Nufily when needed, to ''un-boost'' him
Teksab - His Rope could paralyze some of the enemies in the battles before and of course, attack Pride.
Yu - Ribbons of Purity

Luxury's party: Melusine, Alex, Barbara, Ana

Melusine: Aura and attack spells when needed
Alex: I think that Chlroblast works well.
Barbara: Boost her and physical attack.
Ana: Boos her with Barbara and physical attack.
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby lilac » Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:41 pm

As i said i used the previous tips:
For Pride: Jordan, Clea (for her nullify spell), Zetta, Boom
For Luxury:Barbara, Pacha, Alex (for Sing Along lv2), Yu (Globe of Faith spell).
I don't have Zetta.I used Jordan and Clea in combination with Lorette,Melusine,Boom,Teskab and Jonas.

I haven't fought Luxury yet.Pride beats me every time.I end up with only Jordan alive and the mushrooms that revive with 1 HP don't help at all.I barely revive someone and they are dead again.
Did i mention how much i hate the stupid cats?Jordan's spell that hits 4 times is no help because the damage he does is lame.I have him equipped with zennian rod.Maybe i missed a good weapon for him?Also i have Alex equipped with the knife that poisons and does quite decent damage and Melusine with Captain sword (Barbara has her own).Should i give the Captain sword to Alex?I can't go back to Zander and buy another one.

I have plenty of the regular healing items.
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby D-Squall » Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:48 pm

I think you are alright, you just have to come up with a tatic to defeat him. You can go back to Zenna, but the Captain Sword can be bought in Izuka no?
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby lilac » Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:59 pm

Yes,the sword can be bought in Izuka.I forgot +:oops: .
Ooookay...I'll try again then and report back.
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby kronos44 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:28 pm

d-squall, i thought you couldnt use alex on luxury? (she gets that status effect that prevents her from moving)

or was that pride?
i definetely couldnt use alex for one of these fights.
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby lilac » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:53 pm

+::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance
Dance.Cocka .Dance!!!(ooops.Wrong game!)

I finally did it using D-Squalls team line up except for Ana which i don't have and replaced with Pacha,although he was useless against Luxury because he got charmed and couldn't move.
Pride:I had to revive 3 or 4 times,but once he was alone,it took a little while but it was easy.
Luxury:Barbara+Captain sword+boosted up+hitx2=piece of cake!!!! +::YAY

Thank you so very much for all the help!
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby D-Squall » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:47 am

kronos44 wrote:d-squall, i thought you couldnt use alex on luxury? (she gets that status effect that prevents her from moving)

or was that pride?
i definetely couldnt use alex for one of these fights.

In Luxury you can't use men (with the expection of Yu), all girls won't be affected.

lilac wrote:+::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance
Dance.Cocka .Dance!!!(ooops.Wrong game!)

I finally did it using D-Squalls team line up except for Ana which i don't have and replaced with Pacha,although he was useless against Luxury because he got charmed and couldn't move.
Pride:I had to revive 3 or 4 times,but once he was alone,it took a little while but it was easy.
Luxury:Barbara+Captain sword+boosted up+hitx2=piece of cake!!!! +::YAY

Thank you so very much for all the help!

Good job. +::Thumbup
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby johnboy412000 » Wed May 09, 2012 11:53 am

Most of my characters are level 38 and these were hard battles but i persevered and took the buggers down +::YAY

As for the Jas man i gave up on him after a few failed attempts.Hmmmm maybe ill come back for him later.Dont like leaving bad bosses up too long +::biggrin
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby anu rulz » Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:27 am

i just reached the castle with my party, all humans at 42-43, got lucky with "the jaz-man" coz he got paralyed and poisoned straight away and basically killed himself (i LOVE the fishing rod) but decided to take a detour by attacking hideo before going to the demons..and nothing fricking works on this guy..he dsnt get diseased/lost/numb..gets poisoned for max of a single round and physical attacks barely dent him..oh and he wont get charmed or paralysed did u guys kill him?? +::surrender
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby littlebro » Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:51 pm

My characters were a bit higher than yours. Here is my strategy, though you may not have Alex's singalong lv2 yet; I can't remember what level she was when she got it:

I had Barbara (Slaughterer Gauntlet for double hit), Pacha (roar & then 3-strike), Jordan (‘Holes of filth’ spell) Alex ‘sing-along lv2’, then ‘Chloroblast’ spell;

With that line up and strategy, it only took a few rounds.
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Re: Level for fighting Pride and Luxury

Postby anu rulz » Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:35 pm

I dnt have pacha's roar or jordans holes of filth but will try with the line up anyways..I almost got him with only jordan alive continually healing himself and getting in few hits on and off..will try again..or else back to majestic to level up..
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