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Twilight of the Gods

Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby Woofgang » Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:33 am

totally stuck, I have no idea what I am missing to go on with the game:
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I am trying to activate the computers on the third floor of the castle. I have only one password, but I don't have the password for the BUF computer. I have done everything, I think, that I can do and I can't move on. I can't get the blimp yet, and the guy won';t move to use the transporter. So I am back to the computer room. I even spent hours on the map(?) game and beat that, but I didn't get anything. What am I missing? A hint is all I need, thanks! One more thing, I played the game in the new nightclub, but did not beat it, so I hope I don;t have to. Loved dancing!
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby sven » Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:06 pm

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You mean the Desert Commando II console in the disco? That's just there for fun, you don't have to beat it.

You get the BUF password from one of the guys on Sophia's party. Getting the party to start is a rather long series of sidequests, how far along are you? Here's an overview of things you need to do:
*Talk to Sophia near the power station and agree to help her
*Help her clean up around the house (bottles and plates)
*Talk to Ben about the music for the party
*Get up on the town wall on the right and talk to Natasha near the castle
*Talk to William Bockbeer (the poet living next to the comics shop) and agree to help him find his hedgehog
*In Sbrodj, talk to the cook in the palace
*Go out to the battle area on foot and enter the small cave you can't enter while in the tank
*Have the tinker fix the cook's kettle (a cn of tar can be found in the cave with the mutant slime monsters)
*Find the hedgehog in one of the ruins in the Black Forest (you'll need the gloves the cook gave you to pick it up)
*Bring the hedgehog to Bockbeer, then bring the poem to Natasha
*Talk to the candle makers (the guys wearing black suits and hats) in the restaurant and deliver their candles to the castle kitchen, they'll give you a slab of wax
*Meet Natasha and her friend in the castle's grand hall
*Go downstairs and have a look at Ulf and his instrument
*Go up to the computer room and read the entry on the thorbaldophone in the library computer
*Use the wax on the thorbaldophone
*Tell Natasha and her friend about your success
*Bring the CD to Ben
*The party starts after you've slept one time, the easiest way is to go upstairs and sleep for free
*Talk to all the guests on the party, you'll get the password and a couple bonus items

Let me know if you need more specific help with any of the tasks - I had forgotten how long and complicated that series of quests was :)

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1. You can't take along both Martine and Dave, you'll have to decide whom you like better. Dave has much stronger attack skills (his late game skills are the strongest in the game, if you use the correct guitar), Martine is a healer. If you want to get the most out of the gaem, save the game before deciding and play through Europe twice, once with Dave and once with Martine - the story and some of the sidequests will be completely different depending on whom you pick up.

2. Yes, unfortunately you'll have to beat the car chase game to advance - and unfortunately there is no easy trick for beating it. Just keep shooting at anything that moves. If you find it completely frustrating and don't want to keep trying, send me a savegame from near the Jeep, and I'll play through the minigame for you.

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The renegades are up in the mountains near the coast - there's a path leading up the mountains right next to the "Darnis - right / Azrak - left" sign. - home of Twilight of the Gods / Götterdämmerung RPG - video walkthroughs and trailers
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby Woofgang » Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:23 pm

I did everything but sleep!!! Never thought of that! LOL! Thanks!!!!!
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby susie » Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:03 pm

sven wrote:Important update - what to do when the game hangs or crashes on any of the underwater maps:

On slower computers, the game may hang with a "Script hanging " error or even crash when trying to access any of the underwater maps.

I have released a patch that disables some of the underwater animations - this should make the diving sequences playable for everyone. Download it from here:

You only need to use this patch if you have the hang/crash issue on the underwater maps.

Thanks for the patch. For those of you that do download the patch, my AV program (Avast) thought it might be a virus, but was able to override it and it did not contain any kind of virus.

The patch worked thanks, back to the game now, am really enjoying it.
Last edited by susie on Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby bgamer » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:51 pm


Thanks for the reply. I am not really good with these types of games and I appreciate your help. I just sent you the save file. :)
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby Woofgang » Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:55 pm

Sven, I am getting towards the end of this fabulous game and I am stuck in Cheba
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I cannot find a third person to sell beer! I have been through Cheba and talked to everyone I could find. I have the shopkeeper next to the weapon guy. I have the man in the working, poor part of town. That is it. I must be missing something, but I cannot find the last person. I even went to the airport and tried there, but the quest log says the person is in Cheba. I found all the gems, found the picture of the robot, this quest is my last. Thanks!

Never mind! I decided to go on with the game, needed more money for supplies and went somewhere and I found him!!
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What is the plush toy for? I never found a use for it.
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby sven » Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:55 am

It's really great to hear you enjoy the game! The plush toy is just cuddly, and...

Spoiler: show can be equipped as an armor item. It makes you immune against Shock, Poison, Sleep and Confused. Might be useful for some of the boss battles :) - home of Twilight of the Gods / Götterdämmerung RPG - video walkthroughs and trailers
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby susie » Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:56 pm

Stuck at the Caliph quest

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I can not figure out how to get the cabbage for the tapirs. Been to the cabbage patch but no luck
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby sven » Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:59 pm

You'll have to backtrack a bit if you didn't get it back in the beginning -
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The farmer in Nibiru offers you a cabbage as a reward after you saved his harvest. - home of Twilight of the Gods / Götterdämmerung RPG - video walkthroughs and trailers
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby guppies143 » Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:13 am

I'm stuck....
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I spent a lot of time finding Ghehenna, and when I finally did, +::YAY. NOW, I need the Biometric Card(s) to access a couple areas. Where do I find them? Help me, please.
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby sven » Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:32 am

Have you been to...
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...China yet? If not, you won't need the keycards yet - you can't enter the palace yet, you'll have to pick someone up to help you with that. The keycards can all be found in the palace.

For the moment, go back to the entrance cave and use that little tower thingy in the middle to go as far up as possible - there is someone there who needs your help, and that's what you need to do in Chiba at the moment :)

If you've been to China already, just explore the palace and talk to everyone - the person you are looking for is wearing a red dress. - home of Twilight of the Gods / Götterdämmerung RPG - video walkthroughs and trailers
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby guppies143 » Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:37 am

Thank you Sven!
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I guess I'm on my way to China...Always wanted to go there +::biggrin
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby pafpearl » Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:11 am

I don't have any particular questions at the moment (I actually have lots but I am not yet giving up on finding the answers myself!) But I just want to say what a great game this is! The story line is different, I love the dialog, the quests are interesting and the mini games are a lot of fun and most of them are actually integrated into the story line instead of just thrown in gratuitously. And I love the guitar as a weapon!

I have a request and a (little) complaint though. First-to sven, please keep checking this forum because I know I will get stuck at some point and need your help! I am specifcally thinking of the race I saw mentioned some posts back-I have a feeling I am going to be asking you to let me send my save file and ask for help completing that one as my reflexes are not very good. And a walkthru would be a big help!

The complaint is that I must admit that it does get tedious with soooo much back tracking. I wish that more quests didn't involve quite so much back and forth because your maps are looong! The long maps are both a plus (there is so much to see and find!) and a minus to me (for the aforementioned reason). The teleports are helpful but so far I have only found 3 and they are not expecially accessible.

But bravo for a wonderful game that is well worth the price! +::clap
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby Treya » Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:53 am

I've downloaded the demo 3 times and have been refused permission to install on each occasion. Microsoft says I don't have the required permissions to install the demo. +::cry I've never had a problem downloading your demos before so would appreciate any advice available
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Re: New RPG: Twilight of the Gods

Postby sven » Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:51 am

You will need administrator's rights to install the demo (and the full version) as it needs to install a couple of fonts into your Windows directory. Once it's installed, you can play without admin rights. You'll have to ask someone with the necessary rights to install the game for you if you don't have admin rights yourself. - home of Twilight of the Gods / Götterdämmerung RPG - video walkthroughs and trailers
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