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The Tale of a Common Man Memories

The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby Indinera » Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:10 pm

This is the place to post your feedback about The Tale of a Common Man. You can download the game here:

If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionary!

Just copy/paste the questions and answer below them! :)
Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending - just a recommendation. +::music

Your opinion about Jerrat?
Your opinion about Aaydan?
Your opinion about Eloabeth?
Your opinion about Rowath?
Your opinion about Grawin?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the monsters?
Your opinion about the battles?
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare?
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby kalbun » Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:50 pm

I just started the game so I can't (still) answer to the questions.
But I can tell you that the introduction was a true shock! +::O_o ....I felt the strong need to kiss my wife and hug my child (I am not a farmer, but love my family! +::heart )
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby Indinera » Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:02 pm

kalbun wrote:I just started the game so I can't (still) answer to the questions.
But I can tell you that the introduction was a true shock! +::O_o ....I felt the strong need to kiss my wife and hug my child (I am not a farmer, but love my family! +::heart )

I can relate. I totally felt the same way about it. +::O_o
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby johnboy412000 » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:00 pm

Your opinion about Jerrat? Great character with some awesome skills.His Magic spells were quite good and so were the Duel attack and Plough skills.

Your opinion about Aaydan? His skills were at times useful especially the Whirlwind blow which knocked many enemies off balance.

Your opinion about Eloabeth? Her spells were powerful especially the Barbeque and Roast.Expose,Blight and Sleep often caused the enemy problems.

Your opinion about Rowath? Great character with some nice spells partically the Broad brush spell.
Your opinion about Grawin? He came in handy in the last battles.His Silver sword massacred all but Asomond.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs? Great story and easy to follow and for once the dialogue wasn’t going on and on like it does in some games.

Your opinion about the monsters? I played the easy mode and found most of the monsters a breeze to wipe out with normal hits.

Your opinion about the battles? Battles were good but the last one was over a little quicker than I expected.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? Turned music off.

What was your favorite moment and why? Seeing the credits roll at the end

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare? Compares nicely to such as Undefeated.
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby littlebro » Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:24 pm

Your opinion about Jerrat?
I really felt for him. That opening cut scene was very powerful. I liked his skills. I’ve not seen that way of sharing HP from the enemies with all the party before. It’s usually just the character who casts it who gets the benefit. I wished he’d been a bit faster, but that’s my only criticism of him – but then, he’s a farmer, so he can’t be expected to be quick on his feet.

Your opinion about Aaydan?
I thought his character was totally believable, and also the way that he developed over the game felt real, not forced. His skills were awesome, and so was his speed. I used the fact that he was faster than anyone else a lot! I thought the plot point with Branel was very believable, his initial hesitation, then going for it, and loved the way his relationship with Eloabeth developed over the game.

Your opinion about Eloabeth?
I liked her personality and her skills. I’ve never been keen on the weak female healer mage figure, so I’m glad that both she and Asterie were strong characters in their own right. Great skills, and once I’d got the Threnald Ring, there was no stopping her!

Your opinion about Rowath?
An artistic dwarf? Who’d have thought it?! Again great skills, a solid ‘backbone’ member of the party. His ‘Concussion’ skill was excellent against things like the ghosts in Phlorral, or the wraiths in Nalissa Shrine.

Your opinion about Grawin?
Great character. His inner thoughts about Boulder were hilarious. Again someone whose character developed well over time, so that you could see him change, in a logical and believable way. His skills were just what was needed in so many battles, especially Silver and Golden Sword. I think they are quite unusual skills, too.

Your opinion about the game’s title screen and music?
I really liked the idea of the updated title screen, and was one of the things that helped make the game feel ‘fresh’. I thought the music throughout was superb, each track had obviously been chosen carefully. I could be wrong, but I thought that the battle themes in some places, like Nalissa Shrine and Undershrine, sounded as if they had been specifically based on the general theme for that place. Certainly they helped to make it seem coherent. The music helped convey the emotion in the cut scenes without going over the top.

What was your favourite moment and why?
Very difficult to choose just one moment. The opening and closing cut scenes conveyed so much, the moment when I first saw the moving sails on the windmill, the moment when Aaydan finds the courage to confront Branel, and lots more.

What’s the game’s best/strongest sides?
Definitely the story and dialogues. So much that is memorable, and funny or touching, and the way that the characters develop. I thought the graphics were very good, and I’ve already said about the music. I liked the fresh feel given by the use of Spend Points which meant that I could customise my characters to fit my style of play. Other aspects, like battles, secret rooms etc., were easily up to the usual Aldorlea standards. I’d like the turn the question on its head and ask if there were any weak sides, to which the answer would be No.

Have you played other Aldorlea “collaboration” games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
I’ve played them all, including one you didn’t mention, Undefeated. I thought Undefeated was the best when it came out, but this one is much better even than Undefeated. So, of all the collaboration games, this one is by far the best.
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby sunfluer » Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:38 am

Your opinion about Jerrat?
-He was a man that had it all and then had it take from him. He may have only been a farmer, but he was a hardworking and honorable man that cared about others and invested in them. I really liked the way he responded to his painful loss in the end and chose not to let it ruin his life, but used it for good. I also liked the way he loved his wife and never thought too much of himself even though he was quite a man in the true description of the word.
Your opinion about Aaydan?
-He was interesting and I liked how he grew as the game progressed. I think my favorite thing about him was he was able to overcome his view of himself and rise to the occasion as he was needed even when he believed the worst of himself. I liked how he was loyal, caring, and honorable. I also liked how his love for Eloabeth and her love for him changed him all the more for the better.
Your opinion about Eloabeth?
-I found I really liked her. She seemed like a really grounded character with a little bit of spirit thrown in. I like that she was working hard to correct her mistake with losing her scroll book. Also, I really like her distillation skills! They were very handy!
Your opinion about Rowath?
-I thought he was a funny character that knew who he was and what he was passionate about. I liked that he did his own thing even though he was shunned by others in his town for being so different and that he was willing to go to great lengths to be with his love.
Your opinion about Grawin?
-Boy was he arrogant! I liked seeing how his character grew more humble and eventually recognized what true honor is. I also liked his battle skills.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
-I enjoyed the story over all. The beginning was tough, but it was the catalyst to the whole journey. I really liked the way that thoughts of the characters were portrayed throughout the game. It gave a new depth to the characters that is sometimes missing in RPG games, especially I like to play the game for the story and not the battling for the most part. I also really liked the ending of the game. It was very satisfying overall.
Your opinion about the monsters?
-I found them to be interesting. There was a couple that was creepy, but not too many.
Your opinion about the battles?
-I played in normal mode and I found the battles to be a little easier than I thought they would be, so I may be ready to play hard mode next time. I liked the battle setup and found the different skills and abilities provided a lot of strategies that could be used.
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
-I found the title screen interesting the way it changed as you added characters to your party. I really enjoyed the music and didn’t find it annoying and repetitive like it can be in some RPG games.
What was your favorite moment and why?
-I think I have two. My first one was when Aaydan was sharing his story and Eloabeth overheard. I liked it that she respected him by not throwing things in his face about his past and that this is when she saw more inside who he really is.
My second favorite is when Jerrat gets the idea of taking the boy from the sewers home with him to give him a new life. I liked that he chose to use his pain to help others instead of becoming bitter and selfish.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
-I love the colors in the game and how bright and beautiful almost all of the places are. The story of this game is also a well thought out story that is heartfelt and moving. I also like the development of the characters as the game progresses.
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
-Yes, I have played all the others and I think this is probably my favorite of all the collaboration games.
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby Indinera » Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:48 am

Posted by Katie:

Your opinion about Jerrat?

Jerrat was a wonderful man, husband, father and true leader. He had a heart of gold and was a true friend. His fighting skills were good, although the one I used mostly was Scythe.

Your opinion about Aaydan?

One of my fave characters. He was downright funny, and I could see him almost blushing every time he tried to talk to Eloabeth. He had a true heart of gold and was a pretty decent fighter.

Your opinion about Eloabeth?

My other favorite character. I loved that little Missy. Nothing phased her, and was always willing to go along with the group on everything. (Except don't call her Beth) :) She had wonderful magic skills, and I know she and Aaydan will be happy. :)

Your opinion about Rowath?

I liked him very much, wonderful sense of humor, but went on about his future wife a little bit too much in my taste lol. His fighting skills were second best compared to Grawin. But all in all he was a lovable Dwarf :)

Your opinion about Grawin?

At first I couldn't stand him. He was a pompous arrogant jerk as if his noble butt didn't stink. But then as time went on, the group (especially Aaydan) made him see that's no way to be. I like him as time went on. His fighting skills were off the chain. His Gold Sword skill rocked!

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

The story was extremely well written. A few tear jerker parts thrown in. I truly applaud what Jerrat set out to do to avenge his family. And to show he was a better man than Asomond would ever be. Very satisfied ending. It just couldn't of been written any better.

Your opinion about the monsters?

Totally different. When I first saw those rats it was truly a rofl moment. Rats with an attitude. All the enemies were unique in their own way.

Your opinion about the battles?

Not bad at all. Plan your strategy and you will be all right. After getting Grawin, darn near a cake walk lol.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

I thought the title screen was beautiful and the music awesome. That was one of the best musics in a game I loved for a while. But in other games too. In Indy games too it always had the rock beat. I love it.

What was your favorite moment and why?

That's hard to say cause I had a few. But the two most favorite was Aaydan and Eloabeth in the sewers, and Meerla at the end.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

The story, the game play, and the characters. Awesome party of people.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare?

I loved all of them, but this one by far is my favorite out of all them. This game to me was just awesome.
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby passerine » Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:20 pm

indy wrote
Could you please sign the Memories?
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8861 :)

Since you asked so nicely can't refuse. :)

Your opinion about Jerrat?
Your opinion about Aaydan?
Your opinion about Eloabeth?
Your opinion about Rowath?
Your opinion about Grawin?

To narrow it down I liked them in order with first Aaydan tie between Rowarth & Gravin & tie between Eloabeth & Jerrat.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I liked the story it wasn't too mushy. I think it's was neat having their thoughts on situations.

Your opinion about the monsters? Your opinion about the battles?
I played in normal & think I could have played in hard as far as monsters. That said I don't want to spend all my time on monster fighting so it worked good with a few tougher ones thrown in. Good variety of monsters with a variety of skills.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The artwork was great, I don't do the music.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Pretty much liked it all. Wouldn't know where to begin on best & strongest parts. It started best, continued best & ended best. +::whistle

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare?
Yes, not comparable; all good games; all different; but I really liked "Common Man"
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby Nyx » Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:35 pm

Order of Preference:
Asterie over Eloabeth as she was my primary healer

Your opinion about the story and dialogs? Excellent
Your opinion about the monsters? The variety made it interesting. The addition of the occasional toughie was enjoyed
Your opinion about the battles? I played Normal and found it interesting. Had to level up a bit in spots in order to beat them but I did not get bored
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? Do not have sound on. Art work was nice
What was your favorite moment and why? The ending. It was befitting the story
What's the game's best/strongest sides? The biggest and best part for me was the story and the way it played out. Also the quests did not go on forever.
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare? Yes - This is one of the best
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby david42 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:17 pm

Finshed! +::Dance
Monsters: Invisible
Difficulty: Legendary

I only found 29 secret rooms, I think I missed #3 +:oops: and #19.
I don't think I ever used the potion making aspect.

Your opinion about Jerrat?
I thought he was a good character and leader, but I wasn't that impressed by his battle skills.

Your opinion about Aaydan?
I mainly used his Windblown skills Dazzle skills in battle

Your opinion about Eloabeth?
A good magic user, but it would have been nice if she'd learnt at least one healing spell

Your opinion about Rowath?
I liked the character and found he had some good battle moves for most of the game, although I didn't find him useful in the final battle

Your opinion about Grawin?
Not particularly impressive in battle. I didn't trust him, so didn't play him much, just in case he turned on me later!

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I enjoyed the story and thought the dialogue was good, humourous in places and not too long.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Very varied skills and good visuals.

Your opinion about the battles?
Very hard! +::surrender

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Titles were good, I tended to play it with other things going on in the background, so had music off.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Finding Boulder made me laugh

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Not sure. I played the final battle with Jerrat, Aaydan, Eloabeth, Finiel and Asterie. So, I guess that might be the strongest, but sometimes Rowath was better than Finiel against some enemies.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare?
All of those, I think. I could see the similarities with Undefeated. I enjoyed that game, so that’s a good thing. My memory is that Undefeated was a bit longer, but I may be mis-remembering.
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby dgford » Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:46 pm

Your opinion about Jerrat?
I liked Jerrat a lot. He's very noble, responsible, caring, always doing the right thing, and thinking of how things will affect everyone. I liked his "gardening" skills a lot, but unfortunately they weren't effective for the ninjas.

Your opinion about Aaydan?
One of my favorite characters. Very fast, very strong, and able to damage all enemies fairly significantly at one time. I also liked his insecure nature, which thankfully got better over time.

Your opinion about Eloabeth?
Best sorceress, of course. I liked using her for elemental damage. Nightmare is awesome, but unfort. it takes a lot to get her TP up that high. Don't like her name, however. I can't even think of how to pronounce it! I didn't use her scrolls early on, but towards the end, I used quite a bit of them, esp the ones that debuff the enemies, or return you back to good stats/health.

Your opinion about Rowath?
I loved his character. He was a heavy hitter, did a lot of damage, and best of all, had a good sense of humor and lots of insight.

Your opinion about Grawin?
At first, I didn't like him much b/c he was so overbearing and arrogant. But as things went on, he became more humble, and then began dealing some serious damage. By the end, I really liked him a lot.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
That is where this game really shines. I can't tell you how many times I've played games that even if the battles were interesting, if the story isn't, I couldn't care less about continuing. This game held my interest, and the characters' interactions were great. It was easy to get a good feeling and understanding about each individual character. The story made sense, was well thought out, and adding the twist/traitor is always an interesting turn.

Your opinion about the monsters?
I played on normal mode, so they seemed pretty easy to me. It wasn't until later in the game (and I mean at the very, very end), where I actually had team members getting exhausted. But I did like how the different areas had different elemental elements in the monsters. I always had to strategically battle, which is what I like to do.

Your opinion about the battles?
The battle system is great. I like the turn based battle. I like when I have to think about my strategy, and have time to implement it. I didn't get any "just hack and slash", which is good, b/c it's no fun if the battles are so easy that you can just chop your way through. I definitely had to use everyone's skills.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The music went very well with the themes. Nothing obnoxious, just fitting. The title screen is fine - I'm not sure if you think there's a way to make it "better", but it gives you and idea of some of the playable characters, and also the vast landscape that you're going to go through. Like you're about to go on a huge journey.

What was your favorite moment and why?
That had to be when Jerrat decided NOT to kill Asomond. That just showed his true character, and what a good man he is. And what a great leader he is. The beginning cut scene was pretty intense, too.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Definitely the story and the characters. For me, even if the game play is great, if you can't hold my interest with the story, then I'm probably not playing it.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare?
I have, just about all of them. This was my favorite, by far. This had a better story than the others (as far as keeping my interest to continue playing). Also, it took me longer to play it (which is always a plus for me. I hate feeling like "What?! It's over already?!". I didn't get that with this game. It is a nice length.) And what I mean by holding my interest is this: there are games I play for fun, but I can put them down for several days and not think about them. That's just fun. But when a game really shines is when I feel like, "Omg, I have GOT to get my boys to bed so that I can get back to this game again!" This one was more like that for me. Overall, a wonderful game!
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:09 pm

Your opinion about Jerrat?
Jerrat is great. He's so determined to avenge his family and I don't even want to try to imagine what he must feel. But he's also a good person, and from the start I knew that he would find a way to punish the villain other than killing him. He's not a coldblooded murderer.

Your opinion about Aaydan?
I loved the way that Aayden started to feel responsible for Jerrat and always tried to get him out of the swamp that his thoughts were. At the end I think this aspect went a little short. I was hoping that they would eventually reveal their mutual sympathy to each other and develop a deep friendship.
I also liked the way Aayden tried to grab Eloabeth's attention, always doubtful about himself and thinking she could never be interested in someone like him. See how wrong he was! Women do like the shy kind of guys! ;)

Your opinion about Eloabeth?
She was my power house in this game. Her Sleep spell was the most valuable feature of all! And when Sleep didn't work, Forked Lightning was THE thing. It shocked quite reliably AND did great damage.
What I hardly ever made use of were the spells that needed combination (like something that will only have an effect when the character is wet), simply because I couldn't memorize all that stuff, lol.
Also, later in the game at higher levels she (as well as the other charas) hardly got new spells anymore, which I found a pity. At the beginning they all gained so many, sometimes even two new skills at a new level, and then ... nothing anymore.

Your opinion about Rowath?
He was useful because he hit twice. He also had some pretty good skills. Other than that he wasn't too important for me. He wasn't someone I cared for too much.

Your opinion about Grawin?
Grawin was the typical nasty guy who changed his opinion a lot over the game. I can't say much about his fighting abilities as I didn't use him all that much. When I had all the characters (at least I THINK I got them all, lol), I found others much more useful. Jerrat had to stay in the party because of his healing spells, Eloabeth for her precious spells, Feniel with his stunning weapon, and for the remaining two spots I preferred to switch between Aayden (I never had to care about his health, plus he's so fast), Boulder (thanks to his skills that could paralyze, cripple or cause bleeding) and Rowath. Asterie and Grawin were the ones I used least. (Asterie had that Dream Whip, but paralyzing didn't even work a single time for me, and the the other properties of that weapon also hardly ever had an effect, so she wasn't very useful.)

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The game started out by almost making me cry and I was hooked.
The dialogs were fluent (imo opinion, as much as I can judge as a non native speaker) and not too long. I liked the cut scenes between single members of the party (like when Aayden told his story on the ship).

Your opinion about the monsters?
They were very diverse (as usual) and I liked the artworks.

Your opinion about the battles?
Battles were quite long, each one took several rounds to take all the enemies down. But all in all they were very well balanced. I hate having to go and rest after just a handful of fights or having to spend a fortune on restoratives. In fact, I didn't have to use any for the most part of the game.
Restoring some HP when guarding is a great feature and helped a lot and Eloabeth's skill to restore her own MP was awesome.
Also, I liked watching the battles. They were fast, with well chosen animations; there was always a lot going on.
It was great to see the enemies' health bars too.
However, in the last quarter of the game battles became much, much harder all of a sudden. I spent a lot of time at Nalisa Shrine, hunting ghosts down to level up, and I increased all characters' levels by 4 or 5. Then I went on, thinking that I was well prepared, yet at the Dennick Woods fighting became really frustrating and as of this point it stayed like that, which curbed my excitement quite a lot.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
It's cool that all the characters that you find appear on the title screen by and by.
As for the music - can't tell, I had it turned off all the time so I could hear other music while playing.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Jerrat coming home, finding his family dead. It was such a tragic moment that very much appealed to me.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I definitely liked that all the areas were rather small. No huge dungeons where you easily get lost. Rather small towns that don't take too long to explore. That was very nice for a change. You could proceed to new places faster, of which there were plenty, so the game has a nice length too.
I loved reading the characters' thoughts. It was a gread addition and one gets to know the personalities of the charas better that way, including the way they feel.
I liked the diagonal walking. However, I greatly disliked a side effect that it brought: Usually when changing direction you just have to hit the next arrow key whithout having to let go of the other one first. Here obviously this is what makes them walk diagonally though. Now, when trying to walk against every spot of a wall in order to find secret rooms or other hidden stuff, no diagonal step is possible, thus nothing happens when you just hit another arrow key unless you let go of the previous one first. This made exploring very annoying for me.
Another thing that I liked a lot was that there were several places where invisible monsters (which is what I played with) were exchanged for visible ones. That was a nice change here and there.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare?
I think it only makes sense to compare with Undefeated, and this one is definitely better, mostly because it's much better balanced. Also, I liked the characters much more.

There's a few things I'd like to add.
  1. During the first 3/4 of the game I just loved and thoroughly enjoyed it, every single bit. I found it the best game I've played since TBOL. I didn't play all games that came out since, but none of those I did hooked me as much as this one. So first and foremost: congratulations on this great piece of work!!!
    Yet, as mentioned before, during the last part my excitement was toned down quite a bit because the difficulty level changed so abruptly. What made it even more annoying was that at the end the really difficult (visible) monsters respawned for the most part.
  2. It's cool on the one hand that the power of the spells is related to the characters' stats. But just reading the calculation actually doesn't point out very well how good a spell really is. I don't know by heart all the stats of my charas, so it's just guesswork for the most part and a matter of trial and error. Or maybe it's easier when you have a Master degree in math. +::lol
  3. It's a bit the same with status explanations. It would have been great if they were available at the menu all the time. I read that tutorial both times it showed up, but didn't memorize everything. Unless one takes notes (which I was just too lazy to do) it's a bit difficult to remember everything.
  4. I totally missed that "Wow" effect that you sometimes get when finding a special piece of equipment, when you try it out or read its properties, and it's really a great improvement. Every new weapon I got naturally was a little better than the one before, but simply just that, a little better. Other than Feniel's weapon that could stun there was nothing really special. Not even in secret rooms I found something outstanding. There were mostly just items that I never really needed anyway.
    However, something that I liked a lot in this game (for a change, compared to others) was that every character had their own weaopon that only they could bear.

Despite the points of criticism I listed (and I'm generally quite a critical person, so ...) this is a great game and VERY recommendable! I hope to see more collabs from you two! +::clap
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby Tomas » Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:00 pm

Your opinion about Jerrat?
He's pretty tough and determined. An excellent leader, too, because he cares for the others. They way he "goes for the impossible" reminded me Marine from MM saga a bit.
As a fighter, he's very useful with his health draining abilities.

Your opinion about Aaydan?
He's broken and desperate at the beginning, but thanks to Eloabeth and Jerrat, he becomes much more adult towards the end.
In battles, he's deadly - very fast and deals tons of damage.

Your opinion about Eloabeth?
I liked her, but for me she was one of the less interesting characters.
Very powerful, though - the battles would have been much more difficult without her spells.

Your opinion about Rowath?
A powerful warrior. And I liked his thoughtful comments and his determination to prove he's "worthy".

Your opinion about Grawin?
I disliked him first, but he changed a lot. I liked how he started to realize he might have been wrong about the others. In the end, he became one of my favorite characters.
Very strong and fast, with useful spells. Since he receives more points for important attributes when spending points, he quickly grows more powerful when he levels.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Brilliant, just brilliant. Dialogues are TToCM strongest side, thanks to them the characters feel very lifelike. There are also tons of funny comments.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Great artworks and variety. Could be very dangerous if given the chance.

Your opinion about the battles?
On Legendary they vere challenging and required frequent using of abilities. Thanks to the "dual" resource system I didn't particularly need to care about replenishing - which made the battles more fun. The music was great, too. I definitively enjoyed them.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

What was your favorite moment and why?
Probably most of the moments with BOulder and other party members' reactions to his comments. I haven't had so much fun in a long time.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Brilliant dialogues and insight to characters' thinking and development, careful tuning and polishing, fast-paced and tactical battles. And Boulder - his comments were absolutely hilarious. I just loved him.
Visual and music were also top quality.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare?
The same quality level as Undefeated, i.e. the best of the collaborations.

And a few final notes:
- The game wasn't particularly long. I'd love to see a more epic collaboration one day.
- I understand that all the unaccessible building on world map were supposed to make the world feel more real. But not being able to visit at least some of them felt weird. The same goes for the second floors of most of the houses...
- I missed more specials weapons. There were very few moments when I felt like finding a really special weapon or armor.
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby D-Squall » Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:52 am

Your opinion about Jerrat?

A great and kind leader, very patient and focused in what he had to do. As a battler he was very reliable with his Glean and Harvest spell.

Your opinion about Aaydan?

I liked him a lot, his background story and his evolution as a person from a coward to a courageous and reliable member of the party, besides he had great moments in the game with dialogues like he couldn't get a drink in every pub he went and also his fear comments towards Eloabeth which would cause her to answer back with rudeness. lol

Your opinion about Eloabeth?

She was a nice character, her focus on finding scrolls and such was very cool, I don't know why. As a battler she was great, her powerful spells that could hit all enemies were a life saver lots of times and always helped to decrease the enemies HP before hiting them with something else to finish tha battle. lol

Your opinion about Rowath?

Another one which I liked it, his passion for art and his love for his future wife led some great conversations about him and his background, it was nice to see a different dwarf for a change. As a battler his claw ability were great towards the end of the battle and didn't costed all TP like it did in Undefeated. xD

Your opinion about Grawin?

Powerful and fast, his instant attack skill was very useful in the last battle and during Asomond manor to help finish the enemy quickly, and I as I know that I was going towards the end of the game I used that a lot without the fear of spending items that Heals MP.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

As english is not my first language I kind of got lost after some part of the game, like the random conversations of the evil side that popped sometimes during the journey, too many names and too many talk about war that got me bored and I didn't wanted to understand sometimes. But the party journey was fun and interesting, and some times to rest to get to know the characters were also cool.

Your opinion about the monsters?

I thought that Undefeated monsters were better but it had some nice enemies in this one too, like those guards before entering the sewers. Well done.

Your opinion about the battles?

I enjoyed battles much more in this game than Undefeated (I'm using Undefeated to compare because Kes was the lead developer for both of these games) it was easier, it was fun and the characters had so many unique abilities that was fun to explore them sometimes. But I have complaints, using the same abilites as Undefeated in another game, even the names were the same, was kind of a letdown because ToaCM is a new game and I was expecting new stuff and new abilities, I mean... Eloabeth elemental spells were understandable but I think that the names could be changed. Also the lack of healing spells, using items, which were very expensive, all the time to heal was annoying because towards the end of the game enemies started to deal lot of damage and I required great quantities of healing items to heal the party. Although Asterie's Heal spell were useful, it took her Hp and I think that other character could also have healing spells besides her and Jerrat's Glean and Harvest spells.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

Didn't liked the title screen music, but I thought that the title screen was very original and beautiful. Changing all the time that a character joins was very cool and it ended up being very beautiful after all characters joined.

What was your favorite moment and why?

The part where I had to go to the Pirate's hideout and kill them.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

For me it's the dungeons, they had a decent size and were beutifully mapped this time.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare?

I think this one is very good, actually the second best after Sylia IMO.
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Re: The Tale of a Common Man Memories

Postby Noah217 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:51 am

Your opinion about Jerrat?
A true, honest and caring man, i cannot believe what happened to his wife and his child it must have felt terrible for him to lose them. He made a really excellent leader and led the best team to the greatest victory, even though he lost his family and didn't know how to fight, he still overcame the hardest of barriers to get his revenge and avenge his wife and son. He is great at encouraging people and awesome at making choices.

Your opinion about Aaydan?
Always wanting beer... glad he didn't get any though. He always cared for Eloabeth +::biggrin even though he felt like he was a coward. Was a great fighter and liked working alongside jerrat. The one thing i liked about him was he stood up to save feniel from his attacker, his skills were truly amazing and like his 'double revenge' skill a lot. Awesome characcter.

Your opinion about Eloabeth?
She is and will become a successful sorceress. Her spells and her potions were extremely great and useful... there should be a character like that in the next new games. She did talk quite a lot but was really good with her words and loved her personality.

Your opinion about Rowath?
All i can say is... he was a really weird dwarf due to his obsession of painting since in all the other games that i have played, i have never seen a dwarf that loves to paint. Loving to paint or doing something you really like doesn't change anything in you, you're still you. Rowath was one of my favorite characters and i like his special skills, they were really useful.

Your opinion about Grawin?
i had a great suspicion on him from the very beginning since he was with one of the soldiers. it was weird when feniel and grawin knew each other which made me even more suspicious of both of them. Grawin is a great lord and has very good fighting techniques... didn't think he liked asterie just for her weapon knowledge +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story at first was really sad and full of tragedy, a man who likes his life loses his wife and child, then ventures out to find the one who killed his family to make them suffer, during his adventures he learns quite a lot and teaches other people a lot of things. The dialogues were really great and had true emotion in them. LOVED the story though.

Your opinion about the monsters?
The monsters had awesome artwork when they appeared full screen and were a real challenge for me. They had great powers and the best were the ones that wiped the whole party with one blow.

Your opinion about the battles?
The battles were kind of good, didn't know that you could have five characters in a fight when in other rpg's the maximum capacity is four. The battles were awesome and had a lot of detail and the artwork was awesome, wish the characters could have full bodies (like in millennium and laxius force) instead of just heads.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The game's title screen was really neat because it was updated with the new character that joins your party so you could see their full bodies. The music was also good can't say excellent because it wasn't being used at the right time, every time but it was worth listening to.

What was your favorite moment and why?
My favorite moments were when jerrat lied down on the graves of his wife and son and truly missed them. Also when jerrat found Aayden on the grass just there, unconcious. I also liked the parts where aayden was being insulted by eloabeth, for once when he kept his mouth shut, things were going his way, my most favorite part was when aayden had but couldn't get the opportunities of getting one single drop of beer, he doesn't deserve it for being a coward +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin .

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The best side were stumbling upon asterie and not getting her into our group, was really anxious to see her weapon and her skills and when she did join, her moves turned out to be kind of useless but fighting with her and leveling her up really made her a lot more useful. The strongest side was when asomond was planning on attacking jerrat's farm and steal his crops and loot and attacking his wife and son, i was deep down inside "oh no, how is jerrat going to feel when he sees his family on the floor... dead" because he did say he loves his family and his life...... poor jerrat +::cry .

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated) and if so, how does this one compare?
I haven't played those games since my parents won't let me buy them (the real game i want to finish is elendia ceus... i have tried and tried and tried to get them to buy me that game but my request is always answered the same... denied) i don't know the correct answer to this question but what i can say about the tale of a common man is that it had a really good and emotional story, really excellent plot.
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