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Opaline Feedback

Opaline Feedback

Postby Indinera » Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:31 pm

Played the game for a long time? Got a hang of its story, gameplay and characters?
Feel free to post your feedback in this thread. :)
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Re: Opaline Feedback

Postby littlebro » Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:37 pm

After a bit of a slow start, I ended up enjoying the game a lot. I played in 'normal' mode and found that I had a good level of challenge - a few times (because I was a bit under-levelled in some places) it was a bit tougher than I had expected. During the first 15 minutes or so I thought the battles were a bit slow and slightly repetitive, but after that they became much more varied. It wasn't long before I had to start thinking about strategy and discovering what the enemies' weaknesses were. As characters learned new skills I was able to vary my strategies a lot and found it really interesting.

Indy's input showed in several ways, the most obvious being that I got through the whole game without a single bug. Everything ran smoothly, and with the much more varied gameplay, decent length, rewards for exploration, choice of difficulty level and quality artwork that he put in I think the game is good value for money. Finding all the secret rooms without looking at the Guide was a challenge, but a fair one. I nearly missed a few of the side quests (hint, talk to people twice) and working out how a couple of them could be completed took some exploring, but they were fun to do and added variety.

The most obvious feature is the use of 2 separate parties. I enjoyed that; it helped keep it fresh and meant that you play with a greater variety of skills and abilities. The way the switch from one party to another was handled was well done. For the final section they come back together and you can choose who to play. I'm not a huge fan of only being able to change parties at a fixed location, rather than anywhere, but the reason given for that was sensible and fitted the story well. It also meant that I had to think carefully about who I picked.

To be honest I don't think the characters are as interesting as Indy's; there needed to be more interaction between them to get know them as individuals. When there was some it made a difference. For those who remember, when Tauros is asked about his background there's a lovely remark from him which instantly shed a lot of light on his personality. There needed to be more like that. Having said that, the story itself is fine and unfolds at a reasonable pace (after a bit of a heavy dose of dialogue at the beginning) and holds the action together well.

You get a ranking at the end. I was told I was a "hefty farmer". I think that's probably not a compliment and means that I'm a bit of a plodder, with lots of saves. Never mind. On my next playthrough it’s going to be “hero of the world” or whatever. No way am I going to stay as a hefty farmer. My ego couldn’t stand it.
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Re: Opaline Feedback

Postby flavie » Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:39 pm

I liked the few reasoning: Drake comparing the Sisters of Sraphim and the Crusaders, Bel'adoptive mom of Bel's personality. +::heart

I loved the funny moment when Monique came to free us, Mother Alicia very bad at supervillain. +::biggrin
Desireign long to explore. Some fighting sounds: piercing heaven, shadow blade, tempest edge, Nuke-Lear. +::Thumbup

I didn't like to not be able to move from the main path until we get the ship. Thinking... could I go back easily on foot :razz:

It seems each time I got to play the other party I'd to get used again to their skills.
I did it in 18h, nice to get some sidequests 11/16 and secret rooms 9/28 :( . I got humble squire.
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
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Re: Opaline Feedback

Postby Indinera » Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:10 am

Thanks for your feedback. :)
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Re: Opaline Feedback

Postby flavie » Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:48 pm

You're welcome.

Your additions made the price worthy. :)
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
Read "The sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind in your language or English. Read the prequel after "the Confessor" to not be spoiled.
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Re: Opaline Feedback

Postby Indinera » Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:45 pm

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