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Echoes of Aetheria

Re: Enkidu Hill

Postby briony » Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:42 pm

jincyk wrote:The first time I tried this, I went far right right away, in order to secure the King of Diamonds, but of course eventually got the bad news about Kirei being caught. So I went back and fought straight down until I got to Alexei. At that point, I just shut down the game, because I was confused about procedure.

So my question: If you clear out the path to Alexei, should you then go back and to the right to get the King of D and then
come back to Alexei? Also, what does Soha have to do while all this is going on?

I do like the game, but the Strategy Guide occasionally confuses me. Any advice appreciated...

yes before you fight with Alexei go and get the two items on either side, (1 is the King card the other is a big chest) , heal at the red pots, save then fight him- I found that much easier than trying to fight my way to the items- good luck
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Battle of Enkidu Hill

Postby jincyk » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:50 pm

Thanks, Briony.

I still can't prevail. If I fight straight down and switch to Soha just before I get to the boss, and Soha fights right and gets the key, Kesh is captured before I can get her all the way to the chest on the left. What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Battle of Enkidu Hill

Postby blitzen » Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:08 pm

jincyk wrote:Thanks, Briony.

I still can't prevail. If I fight straight down and switch to Soha just before I get to the boss, and Soha fights right and gets the key, Kesh is captured before I can get her all the way to the chest on the left. What am I doing wrong?

It took me a couple of tries to get it right as well. Remember that you can switch between teams as many times as you need to. Don't worry about getting the key or the card right away, just protect Kirei. What you want to do is move both teams down a bit to a point where a natural bottleneck occurs so the troops can't get past them without fighting. I sent Lucian left and a bit further down, and Soha stayed near the top. Fight once or twice per team and run to a healing urn, then switch to the other team and do the same. With luck you will eventually pick off all the mobile troops. Then the two teams merge and you can move around freely to get the key and card before heading down to fight Alexei.

I see what some of the posters mean about the military aspects of the game. I don't mind that too much because I enjoy the gameplay and the character development. But I agree that there are too many cut scenes with way too much talking to get through. It's great that the developer has fleshed out the back story so much, it is obviously a labour of love, but they should remember that the players aren't necessarily interested in getting that much detail. :)

I really enjoy the skill system. Yes, it does take some time to figure it out, and that is not going to be to everyone's taste, but personally I love being able to pick and choose which skills to use, and being able to swap them out if something doesn't work like I thought it would. My one criticism there is that I think the characters learn the new skills too fast. Most of my characters have already topped out even though I'm only about 7 hours in. I think the learning curve should be longer, but maybe there is some new aspect to this coming that I haven't gotten to yet.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby harmonic » Sat Jan 30, 2016 11:59 pm

I don't have an issue with people not liking the game. This is my 4th and I'm used to it.

But I do not like the spreading of misinformation. I will correct these things so that other people are not mislead. If you are going to criticize the game, please do not misrepresent it.

There is a skip button for every single cutscene if you don't like talking and reading. Also, the home base conversations are optional. Optional. Also, every RPG has talking and reading. Skyborn had the same amount in cutscenes if not more. It just didn't have the optional (YES OPTIONAL) home base conversations.

You can skip fights and play on easy if you don't like fighting.

If you don't like either talking/reading or fighting, I have to ask, why even play RPGs, then?

And to claim that Deadly Sin games were better than Echoes of Aetheria? That's... utterly insane. I made those games so I can safely say they are absolutely worse than Echoes of Aetheria. Not even close.

And to claim I only made this for boys? Insulting. I did not make this for only boys. That's completely insane!
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Re: Battle of Enkidu Hill

Postby briony » Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:04 am

jincyk wrote:Thanks, Briony.

I still can't prevail. If I fight straight down and switch to Soha just before I get to the boss, and Soha fights right and gets the key, Kesh is captured before I can get her all the way to the chest on the left. What am I doing wrong?

I do apologize to you - I had assumed that you had previously killed off all of the soldiers before reaching Alexei but just do as Blitzen says and you will be fine
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:44 am

About the dev's last comment:

What is insulting is the way the dev talks to us, and reacts to our posts if they are not to his liking.

I also find it insulting that the dev is more interested in spreading the news at Steam when new versions have come out, but ignores this place and doesn't bother to give us this info. There is, by now, another version out from the last one he finally told us about here, but only after I have mentioned it.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby blitzen » Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:23 am

harmonic wrote:But I do not like the spreading of misinformation. I will correct these things so that other people are not mislead. If you are going to criticize the game, please do not misrepresent it.

There is a skip button for every single cutscene if you don't like talking and reading. Also, the home base conversations are optional. Optional. Also, every RPG has talking and reading. Skyborn had the same amount in cutscenes if not more. It just didn't have the optional (YES OPTIONAL) home base conversations.

This is a forum where people who have PAID to play your game are encouraged to post their opinions, so I have to say I find your comments kind of hostile. No one here has said they dislike character interactions or cutscenes. I am well aware that there is a skip button and that some conversations are OPTIONAL YES OPTIONAL. But that would mean I wouldn't get any storyline or character development at all. All I meant is that your dialogue could do with a good editing job.

You can skip fights and play on easy if you don't like fighting.

Again, you are misunderstanding what people have said. Fighting is obviously a big part of RPG games, but it is generally not the main focus. The first part of this game is all about military strategy, invasion, and alliances. This game has a lot of politics, and many people aren't into that.

If you don't like either talking/reading or fighting, I have to ask, why even play RPGs, then?

Well, this just seems rude. I like character-driven RPGs that have just the right amount of dialogue and fighting, plus exploration and opportunities for skill advancement. Good examples include the Aveyond series plus this site's Laxius Force and Millennium games. I took a chance and bought your game even though the Demo didn't work for me, and I have been having a lot of fun with it. But now I feel like you don't actually care about my experience of your game or how you might make improvements in the future.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby harmonic » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:12 am

Blitzen, I am almost entirely focused on Vald's comments. Nothing you've said has rubbed me the wrong way. Vald's comments would have people believe that I purposely designed this game for boys, which is factually false. Vald, I did NOT design this game only for boys. I would appreciate if that accusation could be put rest.

It's not "hostility" coming from me - I am seeing gross misrepresentation on this extremely hard-earned project. It's defensive at worst, and I prefer to call it clarification.

See, I know people don't like politics and military and stuff. I know that. I don't like it either. I think the perception by a few here is that this game is meant to be all about that stuff.

This is not the case! Skyborn live and died based on its light-hearted narrative. And while this one does get heavier, it is not the main focus of the game at large. Yes, it is the main focus when Lucian decides to form a rebellion. Then it becomes more about that than the character development. But quantitatively speaking, when people say there's less character development in this game than my past games, that is downright factually false false false!

The "politics" is meant to be a backdrop. Not the main focus. It just moves the story along. It's like Game of Thrones - it's a backdrop, but what people really care about is the character drama. Those "politics" you're perceiving are actually just a filled out, well-developed world. Yes there's titles of nobility, yes there's brief talks of "military stuff", but... what exactly do you want? Would you rather have an extremely 2-dimensional simplistic game world? Good kingdom versus Evil Empire, the good kingdom is lead by a virtuous king, the evil empire is lead by a big mean bad guy, and your journey is to kill him to save the world? Then you'd accuse me of being generic!

So, I decided to flesh it out. Make it believable, almost. In medieval history, there were loads of royal marriages designed for political benefit. That's what happens here. Does the game obsess about that? No - it's briefly mentioned but it's an important backdrop item. It is what drives characters and entities to do what they do. That's important in any story - why people do things, why the plot exists.

The narrative won't change. The only thing that we would improved, and have improved, are balance changes and aesthetic changes. I'm not going to go back and completely disassemble a huge game like this in order to simplify it. I appreciate honest and accurate feedback and I've received an immense amount of it. Which is why we've been turning around builds extremely quickly to suit customer feedback.

And yes, I have to wonder - if you don't like fleshed out worlds, if you don't like watching cutscenes, reading dialogue, if you don't like engaging in RPG Battles - what is it about RPGs you like, then? I've given you the option to skip everything, or do everything. Seems to me the experience is in the player's hands!

There's so much more to this game than politics and fighting. So much more. It's heartbreaking to hear someone poop all over my baby like that. Why did we even bother loading it up with tons of deeply-thought-out features? Why did we pour so much money and time into it if a few people focus like a laser beam on one thing they really don't like and then assign that dislike to the rest of the game? I have people saying it looks amateurish because of tilesets. Only tilesets. Let's just ignore that pretty much everything else is expensive and robust - literally everything else. But just because ONE thing isn't... that means the entire game is amateurish.

Again this isn't hostility. Please don't perceive it that way. It's passion.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:51 am

harmonic wrote:Blitzen, I am almost entirely focused on Vald's comments. Nothing you've said has rubbed me the wrong way. Vald's comments would have people believe that I purposely designed this game for boys, which is factually false. Vald, I did NOT design this game only for boys. I would appreciate if that accusation could be put rest.

Yes, I can see you are focused on me, and never let go. Firstly, you had a go at me because I mentioned the word "military" - and I still stand by what I've said - but you didn't have a go at others who also mentioned "military".
Secondly, I never said you "purposely" designed this game for boys. What I said was "it just looks like a game made for big boys who like to play soldier". There is a difference. I didn't accuse you of making a game for boys but it felt to me like a game for BIG boys.
Thirdly, the only thing I got "WRONG" and which you don't seem to get over, is that I assumed I had to fight 100 enemies before I get to the end. And, btw, I am not the only person who assumed that that was the case. Or are you still insisting that I also got the "military" part wrong? Then other gamers must have it wrong too, but I don't see you having a go at them.
You started to have a go at me just because I mentioned "military", and from then on, everything else I said was a red flag to you. Really sad.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Nyx » Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:10 pm

Vlad - I believe Harmonic has focused on you do to your negative comments. My question to you is - If you disliked this game so much why are you following the comments ???

+:::| +::Dunno
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:20 pm

You are right, Nyx. I should not have bothered to continue coming to this particular thread, and will stop doing it from now on. The only reason I did come back here was to see if I was the only person who felt the way I feel about the game, because the dev has made me feel that way. Now I know I am not the only person, I will not come back here again.

Have a great Sunday.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby MMM » Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:16 am

If I've already purchased the game, how do I download this new patch?
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby harmonic » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:24 pm

Well it is certainly not my intention to have these kinds of back-and-forths. I apologize to everyone including Vald for participating in getting in the mud.

You can download the new patch by simply re-downloading the game from the same purchase link as your original link. Thank you for playing!
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby MMM » Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:42 pm

And I won't lose my save game when I redownload right?
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby dgford » Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:38 pm

Well, I'm a woman, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't find it too political, too military. Yes, that's the backdrop of the story, to explain the conflict. To me, the story is more about the characters - who they are, how they got framed, how they are going to not only clear their names, but stop the destruction of their respective cultures, and learn to work together. And even when you think that's what's going on, there's really an underlying plot! I found that very clever indeed.

I personally enjoyed the challenge of seeing what kind of equipment I could make, and if the armor that I forged would be effective. I loved playing around with the characters' skill sets, to figure out which set of skills worked best for the team as a whole. There's a little bit of a learning curve initially, especially in the formation of the team, but I caught on quickly.

What I really liked is how "deep" this game is - the story, the characters, how involved you get in developing them - it's much more custom than most games. So if you're looking for the kind of game that's "a girl wakes up, her mom sends her on an errand..." kind of thing, this isn't it. If you're looking for an RPG with meat on its bones, but with an emphasis on exploration (since you recover fully after battles, and enemies don't respawn), this is truly a work of art!
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