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Echoes of Aetheria

Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:17 pm

Indi, what is happening? I am not the only person with an expired link, and although this is not one of your games, it is offered and was bought from your site. Therefore, shouldn't you make sure that a new link is provided to us?
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Indinera » Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:24 pm

Vald wrote:Indi, what is happening? I am not the only person with an expired link, and although this is not one of your games, it is offered and was bought from your site. Therefore, shouldn't you make sure that a new link is provided to us?

I've no control on affiliated products so no, it's the dev who has to take care of it.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:50 am

And since the dev hardly ever appears here, can't you contact him and let him know that we need a new link?

I didn't realise that, unless I buy games only made by you, I don't get any help from you, the admin, when I buy a game on this site that is from another developer.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Indinera » Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:41 am

Vald wrote:And since the dev hardly ever appears here, can't you contact him and let him know that we need a new link?

I didn't realise that, unless I buy games only made by you, I don't get any help from you, the admin, when I buy a game on this site that is from another developer.

You can get help if the dev lets me add the game to my account (example: Midnight's Blessing).
If the game is still on their account and they only let me affiliate it, then you can't get help, cuz I have no control on it.
I don't even know who purchases it, I only get a notification "someone" has purchased it.

I'm surprised, though, that Echoes doesn't come with any kind of info on how to contact the devs? Usually devs never forget to include that everywhere. +::O_o
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:28 am

Ah, now I see how it works, Indi. That's terrible, actually, and it makes me realise that I may be better off not purchasing any games from this site that are not your own, or at least not to ever buy another game from Dancing Dragon Games, especially since the dev has shown so little interest in coming here to help. I will most likely never replay this game, but because I bought it I would have preferred to have the most recent updated version of the game.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Indinera » Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:53 am

You can send him a PM though. I think a notification is sent by email when a PM is sent.
Also generally, as I said, it doesn't matter where you purchase from. In the game package should be the dev's email, somewhere. Most devs do that.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:15 pm

Indinera wrote:You can send him a PM though.

You are kidding. Not after the way he talked to me here.
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Re: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby liza » Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:26 pm

Just wanted to say finished game and thanks I enjoyed it very much.
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Re: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby northal » Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:15 am


Does anyone know how to retrieve the master key in the Whamalash Jungle? Also, there are areas Ive been unable to get to and I have tried everywhere multiple times. +::cry
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Ominous Skull location?

Postby kimo » Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:51 pm

I have sent the dev a PM, but I am also making this public in case anyone else cannot find the Ominous Skull. I just bought the strategy guide, but no luck with help on the skull's location. I am currently on the Angra Mainyu's main bridge late in the game, so have I missed the skull? +::Dunno If so, where?


Location is in the spoiler.
Spoiler: show
Okay, the confusing part is the continuous mention in forums of equipping the skull to beat the arena trials and an obscure reference to the Ace of Diamonds being nearby (not true if you already have found all the diamonds). The skull is in one of the 2 large chests located in the Arc Donarium Outer Outer Core. I guess there is a future chance to revisit the arena after the Angra Mainyu home base. I was able to finish all the "Super-Secret" contests without the skull.
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Re: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby RRocket » Thu Jul 06, 2017 1:02 am

First, I want to say that I am enjoying Echoes of Aetheria immensely! The guide? Not so much. When I got to Whamalash Jungle, I went all OVER the whole thing but couldn't figure out how to get to several of the areas I saw as I moved around. Finally, I went to the guide and checked the map and walkthrough. The text in the guide says, "The provided map does a pretty good job showing, visually, how to navigate. There are some tricky parts, like the warps." which I have to disagree with. Even though I could see the places I needed to go (like the big key at 35) I still couldn't get to them. Also, what are the stars on the maps? I wasn't able to find any kind of legend explaining any of the symbols.
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Re: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby darkange » Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:52 pm

How do you defeat Kormag at the end of the game when he has 6 crystals in HARD Mode ? I have the ultimate weapons on all my characters and he barely gets touched by them no matter what skill I have... If I try to destroy the crystals instead he gets more powerful and very fast that eventually he gets to act 5 times before my characters and he kills them all very fast(when he has 2 crystals left) ... so no matter if you atack him or the crystals it's the same thing . I can't defeat him.
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Re: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby hcopter51 » Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:35 pm

Can anyone tell me how to use the skills during battle? Thanks +::sos
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Re: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby hcopter51 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 10:03 pm

Are there areas in Wamalash jungle you cannot get to? I found some and was wondering if I am wasting time or not....Thanks +::sos
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Re: Echoes of Aetheria SUMMARY

Postby flavie » Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:43 pm

Hi he're's my summary of the game I've written at that time in French so I've translated it except for the last part . In spoilers are the revelations of the past time to explain things and the very last part of the game.

Sarek Tor gives food to Sayunaa in exchange of safety. Veridia has seized Beladorne. Sandrakar made a pact of non aggression with Aldor (Lucian Iblis’adoptive father). He provides military protection for technology. Prince Albrecht ascends on the throne of Sayunaa with Azra the governess. King Dragan of Sayunaa prefers Soha the bastard, Zara her children. Giovanni stops Kesh (there has been Kedah exile because Kesh angered Genbu who devastated Kedah).

In the past: in fact Kesh was a
Spoiler: show
turtle attracted by a glass shard, to swallow it gave him a thirst for destruction. He got caught by the humans Kesh and Galzus. Kesh read the legend, drank Genbu’s blood turned into an almost humanoid turtle. Galzus stole the shard. False accusation: Galzus charged Genbu with destroying Kedah. Veridia has been providing technology to exploit the shard. Kesh agrees to do artificial wars which causes a regional war.

Present time Kesh reasoning: We strive against time compulsively We seek sexe.. glory which is fleeting. Our evolution is erratic What matters is beauty, justice and the truth. We are overwhelmed by greed and hatred. Giovanni destroys Novas Kedah. Kromag disturbs his control of the shard. Sayunaa’s army sent on the lands of Beladorne. Soha got the birth ritual bathed the shard with blood. The cumulative energy of the shards saves Soha’s life. It’s a trick of Kromag to steal the Shard. Soha allies with Aldor, ship Angra Manyu. Subject 0 is back, he’ll take back the last artifact. Kromag says to Albrecht : he worries more about Lucian./ When I’ll be an emperor I’ll give you access to the Arc Donarium. Etherium is pure energy turned into metal. Soha : my addiction to energy ; telepathy makes my other instincts weak, I’ve followed Kromag. As he stole the Blood Shard, I need huge quantity of vital essence. To take off Gerrard’shard, fragment of ether from an aura reflected it into a vessel. Free Sayunaa from Dorian. He gets the Blood Shard. Azra tells Soha she got the favors of her dad. Soha “my people sufferwith you / I’ve given away this country and the contents of Royal Treasury to Veridia”. Azra dies. Albrecht takes over the throne of Randolph. The Queen Soha makes a military alliance with Beladorne and Gondwanna. Veridia declares war.
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Demons, automatons pushed humans back into a last stand against annihilation. They were blessed with a divine intervention and were seen as avatars.
Soha’s magic, Kesh’s curse and Lightfury. this energy is like the fabric of creation. The Shard power behaves like a template of sorts. A larger system gives way to hierarchy of the status quo. Breach. Kesh provided reinforcements by an exit gate secretly. General Trahan fought as a lieutenant at Stormrook. Ezrum destroyed. Albrecht is responsible for the death of Aldor.The fortress can destroy the world. Gerrard evacuated the Coalition. Angra Maniyu and the Arc are from the same alloy so it can’t harm the Arc. Philo :your desire of revenge can only strengthen your determination. At first you search for mere answers until the point where your questions seem to have no meaning. What’s really important for you Lucian? > bring justice to you and to my father as it’s self-love and loving my dear ones. Prince Albrecht abdicated. We were going to increase the dark shard. He merges with it, more grip on reality//crystals are conscious. Kromag kills Sigmund. There seem to be a machination so we shan’t wait the last stage of sentience. All powerful being survives to the cataclysm and he hibernates. We benefit from the energy source. Kormag and Soha are receptacles. The Preservatives worked on destroying the people of Prometheus cos they saw the ascent as an outrage to the sacred. At the end Prometheus was vanquished. Adorimetra earned the knowledge of the Ascent thanks to Kromag. Soha absorbs Adorimetra and petrifies us.

Spoiler: show
Defeat Kromag. He gives his life to Soha « rebuild world from the ashes. People found solace in faith and legends. But I’m real, loved and feared.
If we join her: Lucian: “I can’t raise my blade against her.” Soha “cos u destroyed my right hand, Lucian as a replacement. Which cannot be redeemed will be cleansed. Lucian “claim retribution for those who suffered.”
If we fight and defeat her, she’s everywhere and nowhere.Prometheus: u dliberated my consciousness fom that prison destroying Adorimetra “I know deeper implications of your accusations.” Refund debt Ezrum Novas Kedah. Lucian will dismantle Dorian assets, is in charge of Veridia military, oversee process of succession, no need to grouse. Kesh “what Soha did was worthy, have no regret. Kira back alive. Lucian & Ingrid fly together and rest at a clocktower.
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
Read "The sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind in your language or English. Read the prequel after "the Confessor" to not be spoiled.
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