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Witch Hunt Memories

Witch Hunt Memories

Postby Indinera » Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:36 am

This is the place to post your feedback about Witch Hunt.

You can download the game here:

If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionary!

Just copy/paste the questions and answer below them! :)
Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending - just a recommendation. +::music

Your opinion about Cybel?
Your opinion about Xena?
Your opinion about Xendra?
Your opinion about Diddy?
Your opinion about Marvel?
Your opinion about Viktor?
Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
Your opinion about the monsters?
Your opinion about the gameplay?
Your opinion about the game's title screen?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
How did you like the ending?
What end rating did you get?
How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby Jirafa » Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:02 pm

33 hours of gameplay, Maniac mode, 86/100 points,
(weapon relics found-5, armor relics found-4, side quests-4/10).
My active party-Cybel,Xena,Xendra and Diddy.

Your opinion about Cybel?
My Cybel-54lvl
Sincere,spontaneous and friendly and determinate at the same time. Loved her spells Ghost Shape and Warrior`s Acolyte the most,was very useful Circle of Witches, was promising and intriguing Autumn Charm but she almost always missed the aim.

Your opinion about Xena?
My Xena-56lvl
Equiped with Devil`s Saw and Lobster Arm -strong and very reliable character, I liked her passive skill Come at Me Bro

Your opinion about Xendra?
My Xendra-54lvl
My strongest character and the most resistant. Sometimes she was only alive member from my party and she saved the situation many-many times!

Your opinion about Marvel?
My Marvel-27 lvl
Almost didn`t play with her this time,(will try in one of the next replays).

Your opinion about Viktor?
My Victor-31lvl.
Used him only in 2 party fights,though he has very-very superhelpful Words of Ancients.But I didn`t like him and his appearance with that big cross was somewhat irritating and uncomfortable. I felt that he was just out of place in my quest.I would more preferred someone with horns, fur, claws or fangs.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
The strongest-Xendra, the weakest-Double Zero(my rooster-20lvl)
I`ve never found Sandy(?), I`ve read about her on the forum but I don`t know who is she.I had only 8 characters and of course I had to play with the rooster in fights for 2 parties. But he was useful too because when he was dead, Lone Hemsworth had one more hit(his passive skill Price of Blood)
Lone Hemsworth-35lvl-used him in split fights only and I missed his personal quest(it`s all for next playrounds).

One more character-Diddy.-53lvl.
She was a permanent member of my active party and I loved her skills the most! I think they are very interesting and ingenious! And she is fairly strong.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I like the story, it has necessary impulse to begin our adventure, it`s simple, without intence depth but nice and lighthearted.
About dialogs-I think it`s a weak part of the game. They are trivial, big part of dialogs-just comments about our findings,it` boring. And final dialog of Sybel with her mother is vulgar. I think it`s just spoils the game,really. I don`t remember such words or phrases in my favorite 3 stars,Millennium,Book of Legends or Asguaard. They sound like a falsh notes.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
I like it very-very much. Very colorful and intriguing,you want keep playing more and more.But a bit more music would be wonderful! Music always adds the atmosphere.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Very Interesting,bright, hard and wicked. It was a challenge for me!

Your opinion about the gameplay?

Your opinion about the game's title screen?
Beautiful! You immediately feel interest and desire to play.

What was your favorite moment and why?
I`m not sure,I liked the most exploring Stormhahrt Palace,was intriguing to find the Devil Witch and find out who is she(and check my guesses).

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
that it`s Aldorlea game!

How did you like the ending?
Final battles with 2 groups was unexpected and very difficult for me because I played with 4 active members only and other characters had low level.The last fight was strangely easy. About Devil Witch -it turned out my guesses were right.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
I`ve read some players compare this game with Laxius Force, but personally Witch Hunt reminds me of Dreamscape-fresh and not-trivial!
Thank you for one more beautiful and interesting game!
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby briony » Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:30 am

Your opinion about Cybel?- has attitude of a typical teenager - always right and knows best - never listens to parents- is a strong and determined character - love her skills esp. Ghost - has a kind and generous heart and is loyal to her friends

Your opinion about Xena?-a good skill used - always backed Cybel up

Your opinion about Xendra? an overall strong person - great in physical fights - self opinionated but a lovable character. Along with Lone - these 2 characters were very strong in most physical battles

Your opinion about Diddy a shy and modest person - very little self- confidence but did have good skills- needed to be more self-reliant but typical of a maid - "top be seen and not heard"

Your opinion about Marvel? a strong witch with great skills to match - I tended to use her and Cybel most of the game- very opinionated and self reliant [ at first I suspected her to be the Devil Witch- a twist like in Moonchild] - a great leaded and teacher for the younger witch- tended to have little time for Viktor.

Your opinion about Viktor? a shy and reluctant priest- had great skills in battles esp. Blessing - tried to be brave but failed/ Always looking for the evil and a reason not to continue but ultimately went along with the rest of the party.

Who is the strongest character, and why? Marvel and Cybel because of their skills and the ability to heal
And the weakest? strongest - would have to be the chicken - did not use him much at all

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?great story and extremely funny dialogue- love all the quips and undertones in the dialogue

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?Not much to dislike about the overall game - music and sound effects were appropriate for this game and the visuals were outstanding - love the idea of trains and circus scenery- also those hidden bounties to be found were another great touch

Your opinion about the monsters? a good variety and in tune with the game - some were quite difficult to master.Looking for those extra bosses gave an extra feel to the game

Your opinion about the gameplay? I played in maniac mode but the other modes do give the player other options to get the feel of the game and the extra game at the end gives it a bonus

Your opinion about the game's title screen?Spooky with a feel of Halloween to it - Cybel looks very cheeky

What was your favorite moment and why?the ending when
Spoiler: show
Cybel finds out the chicken is not her boyfriend
- just hilarious -[but does pave the way for a sequel]

What's the game's best/strongest sides?my main side were Cybel, Marvel Lone and Viktor- though I sometimes swapped Viktor with Xendra when it was necessary.

How did you like the ending? Unexpected did not see that coming

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?Now that is a difficult question as I have loved most of all the Aldorlea games and really do not have a favourite so this would have to be in my top 10
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:45 pm

Your opinion about Cybel?
A perfect teenage rebel .....
She's very determined though.
She has some good and useful spells. Above all Ghost Shape. A cheap spell that saved my party from taking a LOT of damage!

Your opinion about Xena?
A good friend that sticks with Cybel, no matter what.
At first she was very valuable for me as a fighter. Later on in the game, once I had more characters, I didn't have her in the party at all anymore until the finale. I wanted to take her out until the characters that came later were the same level as her, but with that ability to gain XP simply from collecting items she always stayed at a higher level than the others, even though she was inactive. So she never really got the chance to get back into the party, lol.

Your opinion about Xendra?
Very self-confident and convinced of her own abilites, yet honest and reliable. Very good as a fighter. When I had her in the party I mostly used her phyiscal attack and she was strong and resistant.

Your opinion about Diddy?
So shy! When I first got her I thought she'd be totally useless, but what a mistake! She was one of the bestest fighters I had! With the right weaopon she was awesome! Her strength combined with her self-healing skill made her almost invincible!

Your opinion about Marvel?
Considers herself a great witch, but well .......
She's really slow, and although she does have some nice spells, there are certainly better magic characters than her!

Your opinion about Viktor?
H-h-he is somewhat c-c-cute. He doesn't believe in himself nor in a good outcome of their adventure, yet he stays with the party and does his best in fights. And he's not even bad. His spell that revives characters each round is great for the finale!

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Strongest: for me it's Diddy. As I said, with the right weapon (and she can wield the most powerful ones) she's a great fighter, plus she totally heals up every turn. Then she has a great spell to protect the party, and her counter attacks make her wipe out the enemy side quickly.
Weakest: Mega-Zero .... obviously, lol.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story is not the most elaborate one ever, but I think this game doesn't really need a whole lot of storyline.
Since the game is quite straight forward, the dialogs are not really important, just the normal talking between the characters. I know, a lot of work and effort is being put into dialogs, but unless a conversation is important for knowing what's to do next, I never pay too much attention. Sorry, lol.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
The sounds are quite creepy for the most part, at least whenever I had them turned on. There was one sound (when Xendra was shooting a bow) that drove me nuts. Don't know why, but it's a sound that I just can't stand. So then I would always disable sounds. But when I had them on they would match the visuals perfectly.
The atmosphere suits the world that this game takes place in. It's spooky and dark, a real witch world. Very cool!

Your opinion about the monsters?
The first two dungeons were horrible for me, especially the lava cave. I didn't know yet how much items I'd find, and the fact that monsters don't drop money made me very stingy with all I found. People told me I'd really find enough stuff, but I guess I just didn't really trust them, lol.
But after I got past that, as soon as I had that item that restores some health each turn, I was much more confident. Also, from the third dungeon on the monsters were much more designed in a way that allowed me to play the way I'm comfortable with: mostly physical attacks with a little support from a spell caster. I never really want to rely on spells too much. I do like using them, but I prefer weapon power for the most part.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
As I said, the first two dungeons were were tough for me and I was annoyed more than anything else. But after that I really really started enjoying the game, more than any game in quite a while.
There's one or two things that can be missed easily, like the monster that's attacking at the boat area, but for the most part things can be solved and found out, and I always strive for finding out as much as possible myself.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?
The way Cybel keeps jumping on to the next dungeon is just cute! Nice idea.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Entering the 3rd dungeon and finding out that it was actually quite okay to get through.
Also, every time I found something tricky on my own.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
No secret rooms! LOL
It's more "vintage Aldorlea" than some of the previous games.
All the great equipment that can be found. I love finding a weapon, equipping it and seeing the big difference it makes compared to the previously equipped weapon. It's like .... WOW! YEAH!

How did you like the ending?
I started suspecting that mum is the Devil Witch somewhere in the middle of the game, when Cybel talked about what great a witch her mother is. I just didn't really think I was right about that, lol.
What I didn't like was the part with the false rooster. Unless it's a good reason for a sequel I think it was a quite unnecessary twist.
What I totally disliked was the dialog at the end of the game. The way Cybel talked with her mother (even a mad teenager shouldn't talk about killing her mother and yell at her with such lack of respect), and the real bad cussing of that fake rooster guy - that was disgusting. Also I think the way that guy behaved and talked didn't go together with his picture at all. It shows an old wise man, not someone that would talk like that.

What end rating did you get?
I missed one relic armor.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
I think it's among the best Aldorlea games. After getting past my first problems I thoroughly enjoyed it. It doesn't provide such a huge amount of spells as some other games, but that's absolutely not necessary because when there's too many spells you never use half of them anyway. The ones that are there are good and useful for the most part, and every character has different ones, which I prefer over several characters getting the same spells.
What's similar to the best games is the weapons and equipment. They are all different, many with real good features. I love that!

So overall: a real good game and I'm really glad I kept on playing after struggling at first! +::clap +::Thumbup
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby darkange » Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:35 am

Your opinion about Cybel?
Your opinion about Xena?
Your opinion about Xendra?
Annoying little bitch with her mega confidence ... girls who act tought as alpha female annoy me very much ... I like a submissive woman thank you.

Your opinion about Diddy?
She was so funny sometimes .... I laughed so hard when she told Xendra : Thank you (for teaching her the counter hits) ... I can teach you how to clean off the dust or something like that - that was so good :D

Your opinion about Marvel?
Cool witch ... I only midly suspected her as the devil witch but I tried to level her not so much just in case she was the devil witch in the end. I know Indy is famous for his unexpected plot twists like in Moonchild or TBOL ... so I had to be ready for anything lol.

Your opinion about Viktor?
In terms of personality I didn't like him so much but he made some good points now or then. In terms of spells ... OMG they were so good... first time i see in a game a spell that resurects the dead every turn automatically - that was a genius ideea . One guy said here that he didn't used Viktor at all and left him with low lvl - BIG MISTAKE.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Hard to say ... I reallly don't know who could be the strongest character. At some times there was Cybel then Xendra then Lone then another one etc ... almost all of them are good. The weakest one is by far .... the chickeeeeen. I keep wondering if maybe Double zero has a mega spell when he is very high lvl ... I saw that happen in some of your games. If somebody ever level Double zero so much that he got another spell besides his 2 only spells then pls tell me .

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Story was great and the dialogs made me laugh a lot. I love at the end when Cybel was talking hardcore at her mom - Ima going to kill you mom :)) . The thing is : if somebody kills innocent people and has evil shady interest behind it doesn't matter anymore that it's your father or mother or any other familly - IT"S PURE EVIL - you have to understand that and think rationally . Her mother was the supreme evil so yeah I would have want to kill her too at that point. She slaughtered entire villages and left people cursed with undead inside like that dwarf - I mean how evil and crazy can you be to act like that ? There is no justified right REASON for this - I am sure of it.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
Visuals and atmosphere is fine but I hated the sounds so much - I don't like anything about the sounds and the music in this game - even the final battle soundtrack sucks big time ... shit happens. I know it's hard to create new music all the time - so I partially understand this. I was happy when I saw one or two soundtracks from Elendia Ceus in some battles. I loved those ones - but that's about it. Music makes a lot of people remember a game and make them play it again and again.
Let me tell you a story : when I was 15 years old I played an RPG that remained my favourite until this day - 11 years later. It's called Gothic 2 from the gothic series. The music was so great in this game that even today after 11 years if I hear one of my favourite songs from Gothic 2 brings back so many good memories and make me feel so good... even when I am depressed. So my conclusion is that music matters so much in a game - more than people want to admit.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Cool creative monsters - learned some things about witchery lol.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
Classic gameplay - I owned everything at maniac mode and I didn't even grind for levels - I am used to Indy's style by now and I know I can own any monster he puts in a game :P

Your opinion about the game's title screen?
Cybel has a very hot outfit - good for masturbation to anime if you are in the mood.

What was your favorite moment and why?
When the girls met Lone and they kept calling him LOVE .... I was laughing so hard at this - nevertheless I like men who act like that - that's a true alpha guy.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
creative monsters and dungeons ... and funny moments in the dialogs.

How did you like the ending?
I wasn't particularly impressed by it ... I like that random dude who wanted to kill the devil witch at the end .

What end rating did you get?
I don't remember ... I don't care about getting perfect score for ego boosting ... I only care about being perfectionist in a game where I get some particular usefull prize : like a new weapon/armor or a new character or some new area unlocked - something like that.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
Well it was obviously a lot shorter then Aldorlea best games .. I honestly expected the game to be bigger. I like the fact that you don't have many characters but I want a much bigger open world.
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby hotter@104 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:02 pm

Your opinion about Cybel?
Liked her, had good magic that I used alot.
Your opinion about Xena?
No opinion
Your opinion about Xendra?
No opinion
Your opinion about Diddy?
An idiot
Your opinion about Marvel?
good fighter
Your opinion about Viktor?
good to have in your party
Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
I used Cybel all the time. Weakest is course Double Zero
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Good story but could have done without the cursing.
Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
Loved the changes, Nice to not always have the same music especially when in battle.
Your opinion about the monsters?
I didn't feel like there was anything special about the monsters.
Your opinion about the gameplay?
Game play was different, if not careful when trying to level up could actually ran out of gold buying equipment or products since there was not much or none at all won by the monsters.
Your opinion about the game's title screen?
don't remember what that looked like
What was your favorite moment and why?
Surprise ending and because it was a surprise.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Not sure
How did you like the ending?
Liked it, liked the fact that I can replay the game and have it different with using all of the players.
What end rating did you get?
9/10 because of the cursing.
How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
Gosh, I don't know. I have most of your games and find them all fun to play many times over. Having the scoring system and none or very little won by monsters was different. Trying to get a high score by finding everything and not resting in a inn over and over again to keep the HP/MP high makes playing the game different from others that I have played.

I did enjoy the game and will play it over and over with different choices from the questions at the start of the game, just to see how the answers would effect the game.
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby darkange » Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:57 pm

@hotter I have a very curious question for you ... send me a private message.. .aparently it doesn't work if I try to send and start a conversation first.
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby littlebro » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:31 pm

Your opinion about Cybel?
Typical determined, slightly self-obsessed, teenager, loyal and resourceful. Great spells. Warrior’s Acolyte and Ghost Shape featured a lot in my battles.

Your opinion about Xena?
The way her friendship with Cybel was shown was, imo, well done and true to life. Loved that I didn’t need to keep her in the party to keep her at a decent level because of her ability to get exp from items and chest. Her spell Dat dum Face was literally a life saver.

Your opinion about Xendra?
Good strong character whose dialogue fitted her back story well. I left her with the Lobster Arm because with that she could take down a lot of enemies in one turn. Her spells were very useful, but you have to know who’s weak to them.

Your opinion about Diddy?
At first I thought she was a bit useless, but she became a real power house. When I wasn’t using Sandy I usually gave her the Bestial Claw. Otherwise that stayed with Sandy. As you don’t have a slot for her, I’ll mention her here. She naturally has 2 hits so doesn’t need the Lobster Claw. With her pre-emptive strikes (going up to 3x with levels) plus her double hit, she can decimate any troop. The Bestial Claw was the most effective on that. If found that if I used Warrior’s Acolyte so that she got an extra hit with that, she could often finish off an entire troop on her turn, leaving the others to bask in idleness.

Your opinion about Marvel?
As a character, great. Personality well developed etc. Very useful spells, but with her rotten Resistance I could almost guarantee that she would be the first down. Seemed to have no immunities either.

Your opinion about Viktor?
Again a distinct personality, with his own views etc. He’s another one that I started off thinking was a bit of a wimp, but again with the right gear a great addition.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Based on what I’ve said above, Sandy is probably the strongest fighter, Marvel the most developed character. Weakest fighter – other than Double Zero I didn’t think any of them were weak, though you had to experiment with gear to optimize them.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Story and dialogs very good and feeds into/supports the gameplay well. I’ve read other peoples’ comments about the language at the end. I think I worked out last night a major reason why people reacted the way they did (not saying this is the only reason, but it does contribute). I have no difficulty in believing that a teenager will go overboard in that sort of situation, and language like that could flow. However, the question is: Would this character do it? Up until then we’ve had no indication that she has a raging temper, or that she uses salty language. She’s gone through loads of very trying situations without losing it. Therefore when it happens here, it might strike people more forcefully because we are unprepared for it. It seems out of character for the person we have got to know so far. Therefore it jars more than if a different type of character had done it.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
Truly excellent. Brilliant mapping and lighting. Sounds so effective that in the Graveyard I had to take my earplugs out, it was stressing me.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Again top flight. Varied, challenging. I enjoyed hunting up all the optional bosses.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
Thoroughly enjoyable. Perhaps a little over-reliant on the use of status effects, especially those that I had no direct cure for e.g. Barbed Wire, as there were so few Bubbling Waters that I couldn’t use them for that. Given the HP damage that it inflicted and the difficulty of getting healing items (I thought you took the low selling price thing a bit too far) I think a few more Bubbling Waters are needed.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?
I loved the way Cybel progressed at the beginning of each chapter. I know this isn’t strictly the title screen, but I thought it was a great way to use it.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Beating some of those optional bosses was exceptionally satisfying. I don’t think I have a single stand-out moment, the overall game was so good.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Secrets and bosses.

How did you like the ending?
See what I wrote above about the dialogue. I didn’t expect the second twist. I remain ambivalent about it.

What end rating did you get?
101/100. I lost a point for using a free heal, but I got 2 bonus points for the bonus characters.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
Very well indeed. I would have to replay it a couple of times to judge it properly against the others. Although it has something of an LF feel, the main difference is that LF has a lot of swings in mood, with great events and terrible disasters as you go along. Witch Hunt doesn’t have those until the very end.

Overall an extremely enjoyable game, with good replay value (that's even without NewGame+). So well done.
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby Tomas » Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:53 pm

Your opinion about Cybel?
In battles she was fast, dangerous, and could take quite a lot of beating. Also, her ability to use MP-regenerating equipment, combined with multiple attacks, is extremely useful for party healing and inflicting statuses on enemies "for free".
She also seems to be quite reckless and confident in her own skills. It's hard not to like her. :)

Your opinion about Xena?
A great warrior. Usually quite calm and basically the "counter-weight" to Cybel's carelessness.

Your opinion about Xendra?
Strong warrior, grear boosting skillss. Later in I preffered her in "zombie-mode", she hit insanely strong.
Sometimes quite arrogant, though. Yet her banters with Xena are priceless.

Your opinion about Diddy?
Fairly strongs, great boosting spell, and regenerates very fast.
She was quite funny. Especially her occassional comments about cleaning and history of serving under Marvel.

Your opinion about Marvel?
Resistant and great spells - very useful for boss battless. Compared with Cybel she lacks regular attacks damage, but has very good AOE damage.

Your opinion about Viktor?
I didn't like his character and attitude. He was just too "wimpy".
On the other hand, his skill, especially Words of Ancient, made him extremely useful in boss battles.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
This time, all the characters power were balanced very nicely. I don't think there was a "champion" amongst them. With one exception - unless I missed something, Double Zero's name was indeed a good description of his powers.
Anyway, if I should pick, Cybel with Sigourney (the relic-class pistol) was very powerful and resistant on top of that. Viktor was almost a must thanks to his spells and Sandy with the Dewil Saw weapon was absolutely awesome against Titanias.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story is very adventurous, I would almost say crazy. And together with the dialogues it definitively fits well to a game universe, where witches and curses are normal. I loved it.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
Very dark, but somehow, together with the sounds and visuals, it created a very rich and vibrant picture of a fantasy world.
I enjoyed this part of the gaming experience a lot. There were also moments when the game reminded me Bioshock - especially Stormhahrt Palace.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Wide variety, awesome artworks.
Many of them were quite scary and dangerous.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
The gameplay feels very "rich" - lot of exploring, artifacts and bosses. Battles were very enjoyable, too. It never gets boring to see all the artifacts and spells in action. :)
The variety of elements and status ailments was also something the almost rivalled LF. Plus, improving the spells with levels was a great addition to the gamplay, too.
Mixed with great dialogues, story and maps, it was a well balanced and highly enjoyable mix.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?
I loved the title screen. It was a great combination of "dark" and "playful". I also loved the "between-chapters" animations using this title screen.

What was your favorite moment and why?
The Crypt with Death Elemental (I have not played that creepy dungeon for a long time) and entering the final fight with Devil Witch. Teleporting through the piano felt very surreal and reminded me the Outer World in 3SoD.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Story and overall atmosphere. The game is very good in making the "witchy" world believable.
It feels very different from other fantasy world. And it definitively has a Halloween atmosphere.

How did you like the ending?
Great battles and conclusion.
And lifting the curse from the chicken. Ahaha. Who would expect that. +::biggrin

What end rating did you get?
101 (Played in Maniac, 30 hours played). I only used rest and Eggress a first few areas. Then it was relatively easy.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
Among the best. Battles felt almost as complex as in LF. Good balance of story and exploring. And the exploration felt very rewarding with all the bosses and artifacts.
The world and setting make it pretty unique in your portfolio.
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby feyone2 » Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:22 am

Firstly I'd like to say how much I enjoyed the game. It was great fun to play.

Your opinion about Cybel?
I really liked her, her skills and spells. She had a great can do attitude and did things with great gusto.

Your opinion about Xena?
True friend but not always the strongest. I didn't use her all the time but she did have some very useful skills.

Your opinion about Xendra?
Reminded me of a personal trainer, always knows best - she had some very useful skills and was essential early but I favoured other characters more.

Your opinion about Diddy?
Liked the way she regenerated during battles, was very strong given the right weapons. I'm sorry I didn't level her up a bit more as she lacked a bit in the final battles.

Your opinion about Marvel?
Liked her spells but not her low resistance to various attacks. Self confident.

Your opinion about Viktor?
Wimpy but exceedingly useful. Wonderful restorative spells and not a bad fighter when needed.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Cybel as she's not going to give up no matter what happens. Marvel as she was the first one incapacitated in most battles.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I liked the story and the dialog was witty and appropriate.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
The atmosphere was great although a little hard to see sometimes and I must confess I don't always play with sound because I don't want to annoy anyone else at home.

Your opinion about the monsters?

Your opinion about the gameplay?
Good, straight forward.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?

What was your favorite moment and why?
The chicken curse moment - unexpected.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Story & graphics plus the great hidden characters like Lone and Sandy both of whom I used when necessary.

How did you like the ending?

What end rating did you get?

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
I think it compares very favourably - of the stand alone games it's excellent, my other favourite is TBOL. One can't compare it to the series games as they are much longer and more involved. Good one! +::YAY +::Dance +::YAY +::Dance
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby dad33 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:09 pm

Witch Hunt is ,for me, the most enjoyable and playable game that Aldorlea has put out.

I must state that I am a person of advance age and that I do have the guide.

I found the game to be well balance between foe and friend. Limited options in the use of spells, less memory(mine) needed to chose the right combat style; and no long and tedious fights.

The chapters format, though used by Andi in past games, seemed to flow better and was more involving.

The characters were designed by the creator(Andi) to have certain skills and weaknesses. I try to play them as the creator intended. This is one of the uses of the guide . Cybel is strong; Marvel is so-so and Sandy, barely mentioned in the guide and ignored in the rating, is formidable with her double hit and other talents.

I played the game in normal mode and had a 101 score. This is because I followed the guide . I read the guide, then consult it when I have a problem. You need the guide to know to whom to speak or how many people have to be in your party to get a quest etc.. P.S. also use the sites forums!
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby blitzen » Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:44 pm

Your opinion about Cybel?
Played through three times: Once in normal mode, once in maniac mode, and a new game+ in maniac mode. Ended the last playthrough with an A-/B+.

Your opinion about Cybel?
Liked her. Feisty, funny, sometimes overconfident. Definitely a girl of action. Kept her in the party pretty much all the time.

Your opinion about Xena?
A good friend. Liked her interactions with Xendra. Very physically strong, but wish she had some better skills. (Although the extra money sure came in handy!)

Your opinion about Xendra?
Just my type. Strong, independent, built like a tank. +::biggrin I had a hard time leaving her out of the party because she was just so darn good.

Your opinion about Diddy?
Not really comfortable with her being Marvel's slave, tbh. But surprisingly strong and resilient. I used her a lot.

Your opinion about Marvel?
Seemed like the elder voice of reason, many times. Not the strongest when she starts out, but once powered up she has some extremely useful spells. Appreciated that she could equip different things than Cybel.

Your opinion about Viktor?
Well I guess we were supposed to dislike him, and I did. I hated when I had to put him in the party, but I had to keep him leveled up, and his spell for resurrecting people during battle came in very handy. I was expecting his personality to soften as the game went on, but he didn't really change at all. Interesting choice on your part.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Physically strongest and strongest personality, Xendra. She just stood out to me as someone who lives her life the way she wants to.
Weakest personality, Viktor, for reasons already mentioned.
Weakest physically, Sandy. I was really excited to get her, and then very disappointed. She's useless in a physical fight and has no good skills except giving more strength to another warrior. I kept waiting for her to develop at least one really good skill, but she never did.
Oh, and the rooster, also useless. I wish there had been some bird-specific items you could find and equip, like metal claws or a plume of power.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
A simple, linear story, but this was never meant to be a very complex game. I thought it was well executed and interesting enough to play through more than once. The dialogs were OK mostly. I liked the funny quips and some of Diddy's more unexpected contributions. Hated everything Viktor said.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
Excellent! I loved the music, and how it changed to match the setting, and sometimes the monsters. The whole game had a great spooky atmosphere, especially the graveyard and the ramparts of the castle. And the visuals were both creepy and attractive. And sometimes funny, like the SPLOTCH of blood when you ran into a zombie!

Your opinion about the monsters?
Nothing too spectacular, but some were very difficult. I liked how you had to think about what monsters were weak to what things.My favourites were probably the witch's toys.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
I honestly didn't find that much difference between the regular and maniac modes, but maybe that was I because already knew where the bosses were and what equipment worked best the second time through. Also it's a bit too difficult to get enough gold at the beginning of the game to properly equip everybody in newgame+ mode. Otherwise, very enjoyable. Lots of little quests and special features to keep you interested while plowing through the dungeons.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?
Really beautiful! Loved the little animations of Cybel progressing up the hill. Cybel herself is gorgeous (and appropriately dressed!). Well done.

What was your favorite moment and why?
When I found the secret passages with all the gold in the castle so I could properly equip everyone! :razz: Also when we found out that they had the wrong rooster! That was hilarious, and I didn't expect it.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Firstly, the visuals and the atmosphere, it's a very attractive game to play. And it's just fun. A fairly simple storyline without endless cutscenes to fill in backstory. Some developers fall so in love with the worlds they make that they lose the rhythm of actually playing the game.

How did you like the ending?
I wasn't completely surprised that Cybel's mom turned out to be the witch, but the reveal was pretty good. I loved the twist with the rooster. Others have mentioned the overuse of obscenities, and I have to agree. I wasn't offended, but it was jarring and seemed out of place with the light-hearted nature of the rest of the game. Tone it down a bit.

What end rating did you get?
I can't remember the points, but it was A-/B+ the last runthrough. I missed a couple of things.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
I found this a very enjoyable game that rewards replay. It obviously cannot be compared to epic series like Laxius Force or Millennium, but it's good solid fun and definitely worth the money. One of the best of your recent offerings. (For comparison, my favourites are Dreamscape, Asguaard, and A Timely Intervention).
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby flavie » Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:28 pm

38h30 of gameplay
Your opinion about Cybel?
She’s got guts to go on her way for the sake of her boyfriend who doesn’t seem to be able to face a danger. She says what she thinks to her mom to a high degree. Autumn charm vs breeze element, scissors vs birds and unusual enemies.
Your opinion about Xena?
She overestimates her fighting skill, I found it’s from the Dwarven village she’s a good fighter. She’s impulsive, retorts to anybody. She’s better at saving coins and sleeping spell. She’s not good at getting play-on-words. She finds Xendra is shameless.
Your opinion about Xendra?
She somewhat imposes her services, self-assured. She doesn’t bother with feelings as she says “get another BF”. I”m glad she changed her mind on witches telling Lone Cybel is trustful. She is too manly for men to approach her like Marvel who says they can’t take a mark of affection properly. Paralyse, badass move. Efficient bows and Heraklion.
Your opinion about Diddy?
It’s suspicious a weak maid glimpsed the Devil Witch without being caught. Apart from the innkeeper she’s the only one around. I think she leads us to a trap. To my mind, she brings us at the devil witch’s true house so once with Marvel I’m surprised we don’t fight her. I used Titan axe to petrify, magic Scissors in ice cave and the graveyard.
Your opinion about Marvel?
I felt sympathy as she feels rejected. I’m glad to take her in to prove we’ll defeat the Devil Witch and repair her reputation. She was desperate but then found potential in our team as she found Cybel extremely skilled. She puts the guilt on Diddy for being on quest to conceal her interest of being with the team. She knows too well the monsters. What’s the logic of having torture devices at home while blaming witches’ fame goes down? I used “Warriors” Snoozing.
Your opinion about Viktor?
So shy with women, passive and lack of trust I wonder what he would’ve been if not a monk. He still was able to tell us the way out. He’s an efficient healer. He was told his non violence is fleeing and his monastery would become an unholy burial. He‘s angry as girls never listen but him always complaining is girly (predjudice).
Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
The strongest is Xendra for a good punch and resistant. The weakest fighter is Xena.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Cybel’s parents not taking her seriously was like they see her as a teenager making a fuss. So I was surprised they tried to stop us twice. I believe Xendra is right to tell her adventure experience and speaks efficiently to Xena. At the monastery I’ve seen the dev mocks blind faith as a monk says spirits keep out the Devil Witch. Does he ignore evil killed many of their protectors? Stormhart Palace on the outside scares off intruders and is a cover for what’s inside: funfair stuff!
Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
The title appearing startled me. The throne room screen looks like a cartoon to ridicule the royal couple. The dark and frightening atmosphere suits well the mood of the witch. I wondered if I would get hit by lightning at the start and at Stormharht Palace.
I liked battle musics, above all the bosses, epic. The footsteps and “below” tracks gave me chills. At the mansion I imagined saying “close that door!” Defeating a boss sound is funny. At Nightmist there are many sounds: thunderstorm, rain, crows, owls, zombie voices; the top is the glow fade crypt making your blood run cold with tortured people.
Your opinion about the monsters?
The trappers are snappy if u don’t kill them first. Rat boss! Banshees are picky if not killed straight. Ringu was a piece of cake. The WC one was a pain and the kobs picky. I wanted to blow on snowflakes. Why are there so many arch-lords watchers? It's innovative to have weapons and toys to fight at the end.
Your opinion about the gameplay?
The questions to choose a +stat /gear to a character is a good idea. From my answers, I got "circle of witches" and the other more useful "collar of the traveler": 200%SP+25EVA.
As I'd gone from the left I didn't see the pumpkin shop I still achieved the game but replayed so as to get "Sigourney" super gun to get a point to reach the minimum for the NG+. Normal mode is a bit annoying but then it’s smooth except for some tedious monsters. The challenge of not using rest and egress was doable. I browsed the mansion with Marvel ;). About the whip to catch deers I learnt it from the forum. For the ice caves I found straight the exit, did the area then I lost my way to find the exit again. I’ve found Nightmist to be a sprawling graveyard but changed my mind at the towers. I ‘d wasted some cold tear cos at the bunch of Flash Burn I found to use on characters, they stayed burn as I started the cemetery. I’ve learnt to not waste peculiar curing items.
Your opinion about the game's title screen?
It’s a good idea to represent the places we’ll go. Cybel is charming and sexy, looks cheeky she stands like a model. The ghost and zombie are funny.
What was your favorite moment and why?
When Xena at night tells her suspicion about Marvel I was excited she thought of the matter with a different opinion than mine.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The accent is put on the horrible atmosphere: the voices of the empty hotel, the nerve-racking graveyard. To play to be eager to know who’s the devil witch rather than defeat her. To lead us on suspecting someone who’s not her. I’ve found hidden pathways that lead to some rooms with no apparent accesses ;)
How did you like the ending?
I loved finding out being right, I felt it when she expressed her bad opinion on Cybel’s boyfriend. The explanation on the tool of the devil witch is like a vicious circle: to terrorize to be at peace with a powerful wrongdoer worsens the reputation of witches. She asserts it with calmness it’s admirable, it’s worthy of a queen. The blacksmith cussing was very funny like he was able to give a good spank to Xhrista. Cybel is impudent she goes far of intending to kill her mother. On the other hand that one cursed so many people.
What end rating did you get? 89/100 (90 if I thought of getting the behind glass rweapon relic)
How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
Some similarities with “the Book of Legends ”that’s to say the plot with sth unclear with the big surprise of the big boss ‘identity. I’m relieved to find back an entertaining game that’s not only an arcade of dungeons with just fighting. To put scores on each dungeon points the necessity of exploring and make use of your loot.
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
Read "The sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind in your language or English. Read the prequel after "the Confessor" to not be spoiled.
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby Gorilla4 » Sat Aug 28, 2021 7:52 pm

+::heart I am currently replaying this game for the 1000th time. It is so good! Zombie land, etc. Never get bored! +::heart
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Re: Witch Hunt Memories

Postby antillon » Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:32 am

Your opinion about Cybel? Pleasant, pretty and charming.
Your opinion about Xena? Amiable and reliable. The skill to increase the RES and the dumberer are very useful. She mix a good level of Strength and HP. The perfect good friend. With the lobster and a good weapon she was very effective in combat.
Your opinion about Xendra? A mid term warrior. The counterattack have a boomerang effect in many combats but her level of HP and strength permits her to bring a good support in combat. Her skill veteran is a good complement of the skill Ghost of Cybel and the first skill, attack of gravity is good. She incarnates well the spirit and attitude of mercenaries.
Your opinion about Diddy? A simple and robust woman, a good alternative to use the lobster because of her strength, that converts her in the strongest warrior in the middle game. Her skill of shield was really useful. A nice and naïve person.
Your opinion about Marvel? Not very useful by strength or skills in contrast with Sandy with her double attack, her skills and her ability to use the special relics and weapons.
Your opinion about Viktor? Funny. His skills were really useful. You miss the opportunity to make some funny dialogs with the girls annoying him with temptations or making him fall in love with someone.
Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Cybel. Her skills are very useful and strong and finally she get a good artillery weapon. The weakest the chicken and Lone.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs? The story: simple. The dialogs are well.
Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game? Good level.
Your opinion about the monsters? Not so difficult that you lost the pleasure of gaming.
Your opinion about the gameplay? During the game the controls were erratic in some occasions and that was annoying (example, you open the item list and the selection marker it is not the first but any other; or you click escape and the selection it is not in items but on quit). Other thing that I dislike is that when you confront the same enemy, the necessary damage to kill it vary (example, the spiders at the castle, sometimes 500 sometimes more of 2000) or the status of your enemy is paralyzed, but he attacks you. The extreme difficulty to get gold is annoying. Some descriptions of items or weapons are insufficient or confusing. It is disconcerting when over level 36 you level up and level up and do not get new skills (my Cybel was at level 62 and the others at 56 or above).
Your opinion about the game's title screen? Nice.
What was your favorite moment and why? When they met Victor. The confusion of the shy monk was very funny.
What's the game's best/strongest sides? The difficult of the enemies are fair. The humour.
How did you like the ending? Funny
What end rating did you get? 80, but I do not care the score, but only complete the adventure. I kill all the bosses, except two of the marshlands. I complete the ten quests. I get all the relics. I get all the coins, including the hided in the stairs.
How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games? Do not know because I owned very few.
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