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Yggdrasil Gates

Re: Yellow buttons aqua temple

Postby Lady JJ » Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:54 pm

jincyk wrote:an anybody give me a giant hint for solving the first puzzle, with the 4 yellow buttons and the spikes and the blue button? I've tried everything except what works. In what order do I do them? Is timing involved?

Timing is not involved.
The plaque reads: "Make it rain."
You need to go upstairs, fight 3 enemies in the room to the right to make a boulder appear in the gold square you passed in the pathway to that room. Push that boulder off so it falls below. Come back downstairs. Now the trick is to activate the yellow buttons to make a raft appear so you can push the boulder down and onto the blue button.

If you are still stuck, here is a detailed solution.

Spoiler: show
Yellow Button Puzzle
Object: Push boulder onto blue button
Read plaque: Make it rain
Go through door that opened with boulder / blue button puzzle, climb ladder, enter large room to right, defeat 3 enemies, boulder appears on gold plate in hallway, push boulder forward, climb back down ladder and return to 3 yellow button, 1 blue button room. Boulder is now available to be pushed onto blue button.

Move boulder L9 onto top yellow button, cross bridge to left yellow button and move boulder U1, spikes are now down. You need to get the 3 buttons around the spikes in the down position as well as the button in front of the boulder in the down position. The trick is to step on the upper of the trio of yellow buttons to depress and then immediately backing away and crossing the upper bridge, get behind the boulder and move the boulder across the bridge.
The boulder is above the yellow button and you are on the bridge. Cross the bridge, move right and head to the trio of buttons. The upper and lower buttons should be depressed and the left button raised. Cross that left button and now all the buttons are depressed with spikes down. Cross upper bridge and then head to left bridge and cross that one, coming back to middle again. At this point, both bridges are down, and those buttons are depressed, left trio button is depressed, upper and lower trio buttons are raised, spikes are depressed. Step onto spike area and move up, depressing upper and lower buttons. The boulder can now be pushed across the bridge. Push it left and down. You must now push it left to the landing so you can move around it to begin pushing right. Push the boulder to the single water square, then D1, go around the water square and then R1, U1, L13, D2 onto blue button, door opens. Enter doorway, fight guardian to obtain jumping boots. Jumping boots are accessed the same as the map. Use A-D keys to scroll from map to boots, press enter (or space) to use. Jumps are not possible for more than 2 spaces. Use the boots to reach the treasure chest and collect its treasure.
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates

Postby jincyk » Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:28 pm

Thanks, but how do I go upstairs? I'm at level 50, but all I can do (unless I'm really blind, which is possible) is monkey with the yellow buttons. I'm blocked everywhere. Do I need an ability, like jumping?
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates

Postby Lady JJ » Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:17 pm

jincyk wrote:Thanks, but how do I go upstairs? I'm at level 50, but all I can do (unless I'm really blind, which is possible) is monkey with the yellow buttons. I'm blocked everywhere. Do I need an ability, like jumping?

Hopefully we're in the same area. When you enter the temple, there's a pathway that leads to a square with 2 boulders running clockwise around that square. Go north, then right. Just as you see the first yellow button, you should be in front of a door that leads to a ladder (which is visible in the room beyond). If this door isn't open, you may need to solve the boulder / blue button puzzle which allows you to step on the red button.
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates/Pyras temple

Postby Angel53 » Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:13 am

I, as many others, am having much trouble in Pyras Temple trying to light the 4 torches. Due to a stroke, I am unable to move the fingers of my left hand quickly enough to light all four torches, in any order. Can you help? +::sos Please remember when developing a game that some of your players may not be nimble of fingers. By the way, I am really enjoying the game and am looking forward to your next launch. +::heart
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates/Pyras temple

Postby Lady JJ » Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:17 pm

Angel53 wrote:I, as many others, am having much trouble in Pyras Temple trying to light the 4 torches. Due to a stroke, I am unable to move the fingers of my left hand quickly enough to light all four torches, in any order. Can you help? +::sos Please remember when developing a game that some of your players may not be nimble of fingers. By the way, I am really enjoying the game and am looking forward to your next launch. +::heart

It would seem that the developers' preferred audience is a much younger, more nimble-fingered crowd. They did lengthen some (but not all) of the timed puzzles and I do appreciate that. Are you using that latest version (V1.1.0) rather than an earlier version (V1.0.1). Light each torch one at a time and count the number of flickers before it dies out. That will give you the order (from most number of flickers to least number of flickers). This is how I solved it

Pyras Temple Timed Sequence Torch Puzzle

Spoiler: show
Timed torch puzzle
4 torches must be lit in the correct sequence.
Torch #1 middle left (25 flickers)
Torch #2 upper left (16 flickers)
Torch #3 upper right (21 flickers)
Torch #4 lower right (12 flickers)

The sequence is middle left, upper right, upper left, lower right

Starting at middle left

The developers are working on a sequel. I'm hoping they'll take into account all the frustration voiced by many of the players. Although, we might be the vocal minority and the silent majority may truly love these arcade type mini-games.
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates

Postby Angel53 » Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:28 am

Thanks, Lady JJ, for your commiseration and suggestion. I just cannot move my left hand fingers quickly enough to light all the torches. I don't mind a side quest being difficult, as I can skip it, but because this is a main quest, I'll be unable to complete the main story. Still hopping the developers will take pity and get rid of the timed puzzles. :) Happy gaming.
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates - Elfden tree

Postby anoldguy » Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:42 pm

Lady JJ wrote:
Marux wrote:Hi,
It's literally days I'm trying to find the entrance to the Elfden Tree.
I've searched all over the forest and I cant find it, some help please? +::surrender

Nevermind- solved

I see your 'solved' addendum, but I thought I'd post the directions anyway. It's a difficult find.

Directions to Elfden Tree
Leave Norcoast Village via south road
Follow south road south, then west, then south again to next screen. Continue west to next screen, then south. When road turns east, stop. There is an unlit torch and a couple of purple flowers on the screen. If you look at your map, you are just slightly to the right of the top of the tree. Now you need to meander counterclockwise through the forest to the tree.....ok i found the. how do i get in?

Take the path to the right of the clump of trees below you and head south. Now you need to hug the treeline with your right shoulders. Curve west (continuing past treasure chest to north), north a couple of trees, east a few trees, north (to a set of 3 trees) and then northerly until you reach a palm tree. Head west onto next screen. You should be on a beach.

Follow the shoreline west then south. When the shoreline turns west, go east instead into the edge of the forest. Continue easterly past two sets of a trio of trees to the treeline that forms the eastern edge. Head south onto next screen. You should find yourself in an area with no treasure chests, and paths that lead north, south, east and west.

If you look at your map, the arena is directly south and the tree is directly east. You are smack in the middle of the forest to the west of the tree. Work your way south, west, then south again until you reach the southern exit to the next screen. (You should see a tree stump next to a trio of trees. There is a path east leading to a blind end with a treasure chest.) Continue south onto next screen.

Take the left pathway south, then follow a treeline (top) east. (If you've gone too far south, you'll see the back wall of the arena. Head back up just a bit and then east at the treeline tops.) Follow the treeline top curving north, east, south, west and south again, until you see the back right corner of the arena. Turn east at the path even with the treasure chest. Curve north and east onto next screen. Map will show you south of tree.

Continue heading east to a corner, then south, east a couple of trees, and north (you'll pass a tree stump to your right) to a corner. Head east and then take the north path between a tree stump and a red treasure chest. Work your way west all the way to the treeline along the western edge of the screen, then head north. Take that northern pathway to the next screen which is the treehouse clearing.
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates

Postby anoldguy » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:36 pm

OK, I found the elfden tree, now how do i get in?
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Dragon Bones Hideout

Postby jincyk » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:42 pm

I can't find it anywhere. Hints? (I really appreciate the support we're getting here, because this is one long, challenging game.)
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates

Postby Lady JJ » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:56 pm

anoldguy wrote:OK, I found the elfden tree, now how do i get in?

Knock on the door? Go to the door and press the enter key.
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Re: Dragon Bones Hideout

Postby Lady JJ » Mon Jun 12, 2017 8:05 pm

jincyk wrote:I can't find it anywhere. Hints? (I really appreciate the support we're getting here, because this is one long, challenging game.)

Teleport to the Woodmage Forest crystal. Come down to the entry stairs to the mine. Travel west 2 screens. (You'll pass a shrine along the way). You'll come to a structure with a visible ladder and cave entrance. That's the Dragon Bones Hideout. If you look at your map, you'll be at the top edge of the desert just under a single green tree.
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Changing classes

Postby jincyk » Mon Jun 12, 2017 8:08 pm

Is there a chart available that will tell us what skills are lost when you change classes? For example, I'd like to change Synestra from Thief to Rogue, and I'd like to change another character so he can do Volley II, but before I go through all the tramping around I'll need to do to make these changes, I want to make sure they're worth making.
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates

Postby laurie » Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:19 pm

Hello, in the redsands pyramid room, the first one, there are 3 doors that you can go in and out and but don't get anywhere! I'm sure there is way to do this, I just don't know what it is! Help would be appreciated! Thank you!
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates

Postby Lady JJ » Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:53 pm

laurie wrote:Hello, in the redsands pyramid room, the first one, there are 3 doors that you can go in and out and but don't get anywhere! I'm sure there is way to do this, I just don't know what it is! Help would be appreciated! Thank you!

The Pyras Temple is hidden within the Redsands Pyramid. Once you have unearthed the ancient stone, which is a main stroyline quest, and brought it to Faymage Tower to have it translated, then select menu>item>key items>ancient stone and the path will be shown.
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Re: New RPG: Yggdrasil Gates

Postby laurie » Tue Jun 13, 2017 2:03 am

Thank you so much! I should have thought of that!!
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