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Final Battle

Re: New RPG: Final Battle Punchball

Postby eedebeep » Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:59 pm

The punchball game is tedious and not at all fun. All the limitations make it a long drawn out process dependent on random luck. Am I missing something ? Because as it stands, no prize is worth the tedium.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle Punchball

Postby kimo » Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:55 am

eedebeep wrote:The punchball game is tedious and not at all fun. All the limitations make it a long drawn out process dependent on random luck. Am I missing something ? Because as it stands, no prize is worth the tedium.

I would agree, too much luck involved. I honestly don't remember getting anything other than the typical stats boosts after finishing the quest. And some of the triggers for quest completion are not easy to figure out, too.

I am sort of a completionist, so I powered through this quest that is only stumbled upon unless you have the guide. The completionist part of me wanted to get the character promotion for Crystal, but now I am not sure the promotion was worth the quest completion because of the outcome.

I am now waiting to hear about whether becoming an Angel was a good idea before I continue playing.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby kimo » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:17 am

The Punchball and Tatum quests are difficult to figure out ... even with the guide. You need to complete the Tatum quest to be able to finish the underwater fire quest. Tatum is very time limited, but I guess if you can find the new oasis that appears south of the frozen forest after someone comments about fireworks, then you can always play punchball.

Ash diamonds can be used by a crafter in the volcano to make you a shield. But you'll have to find his glasses first.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby gaby5516 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:30 pm

Finished the game, and have to say, that I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Would buy games from this developer any time.
Great job on the game.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Valdy » Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:48 pm

kimo wrote:Ash diamonds can be used by a crafter in the volcano to make you a shield. But you'll have to find his glasses first.

Thanks for that info, kimo. I had sold my ash diamonds, because I was in desperate need of money, but was asked by that man in the volcano to find his glasses. I never found them, though. He said that a dragon had his glasses, but after killing all the dragons I never found the glasses. Does anyone know where they are?
And I wonder what the prize would have been, had I found the glasses, because I no longer had ash diamonds to make a shield with. On the other hand, perhaps I didn't find the glasses, because I no longer had ash diamonds? But then why was I asked to find his glasses. LOL
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby kimo » Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:20 pm

Vald wrote:
kimo wrote:Ash diamonds can be used by a crafter in the volcano to make you a shield. But you'll have to find his glasses first.

Thanks for that info, kimo. I had sold my ash diamonds, because I was in desperate need of money, but was asked by that man in the volcano to find his glasses. I never found them, though. He said that a dragon had his glasses, but after killing all the dragons I never found the glasses. Does anyone know where they are?
And I wonder what the prize would have been, had I found the glasses, because I no longer had ash diamonds to make a shield with. On the other hand, perhaps I didn't find the glasses, because I no longer had ash diamonds? But then why was I asked to find his glasses. LOL

The glasses are not found with any dragons. They are on a rock just north of the crafter (same screen as I remember). You will have to fight the rock to get them, so Blade's "Iron Muscles" is a good idea. After you give him his glasses, he will craft stuff for free if you have those things you (and I) sold. It was during my second play through that I found this out. He will also drop the price on his weapons. Warning, you have to bring up the item purchase screen and then close it without buying before he "remembers" offering lower prices.

I had real problems with money the first time, but on my second play through relied on Crystal for healing and just bought MP potions for her. That way I wasn't buying healing potions and you do find a few of them scattered around. I also kept my characters "under armored" with lower defense to save money and equipped new characters with hand-me-downs. I had 7500 gold just before my final return to the volcano. There is a lot of gold scattered in the most unlikely of places so I just searched every corner and piece of furniture I could.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Valdy » Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:17 am

Thanks very much for all that info, Kimo. Because the guy in the volcano said that a dragon took his glasses or has his glasses, I thought that I would get them when I kill it. Now I know better.

The second time round I am playing the game now, I went many times into the first forest to level up a lot and to get enough gold to buy lots of potions and the weapons/armour I could get in Blaze's town. Then I did the same with the second area, going back in again and again until my second character was able to get outfitted better and to level her up, as well as getting more gold. Now I am much better off to continue the perilous road to oblivion. :)
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby kimo » Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:31 pm

Vald wrote:Thanks very much for all that info, Kimo. Because the guy in the volcano said that a dragon took his glasses or has his glasses, I thought that I would get them when I kill it. Now I know better.

The second time round I am playing the game now, I went many times into the first forest to level up a lot and to get enough gold to buy lots of potions and the weapons/armour I could get in Blaze's town. Then I did the same with the second area, going back in again and again until my second character was able to get outfitted better and to level her up, as well as getting more gold. Now I am much better off to continue the perilous road to oblivion. :)

You're welcome. Were you able to complete Crystal's quest for promotion after defeating the "Evil House"? I'm looking for input from someone who promoted her to an Angel and can tell me whether it was worth the loss of other stats. I bought her an excellent axe that she cannot use after her promotion and am really bummed out about that.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby Valdy » Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:55 am

kimo wrote:You're welcome. Were you able to complete Crystal's quest for promotion after defeating the "Evil House"? I'm looking for input from someone who promoted her to an Angel and can tell me whether it was worth the loss of other stats. I bought her an excellent axe that she cannot use after her promotion and am really bummed out about that.

Yes, I did. But despite the fact that she had been promoted to Angel, my group still lost. I was not able to defeat the dark prince, no matter how many times I tried. That's why, this time round, I am levelling my group up as much as I can by repeating each area several times, which will also allow me to collect enough gold to buy those very expensive weapons in the last shop before the end, which I wasn't able to do the first time round. I will also not allow Crystal to get promoted this time round, and instead buy her a better weapon and armour.

I think the reason I lost is because I sold all those potions that give Blade more TP. (At the time I didn't know what the did). Without his TP he isn't able to use the spells in every round against the dark prince. And although Crystal was able to heal him, it was not enough to keep them from getting killed.

--- --- ---

I also just wanted to add that, for me personally, there was far too much dialogue. Half would have been enough. I prefer dialogues to be short and to the point. ;)
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby MMM » Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:46 pm

kimo wrote:@MMM
The Punchball and Tatum quests are difficult to figure out ... even with the guide. You need to complete the Tatum quest to be able to finish the underwater fire quest. Tatum is very time limited, but I guess if you can find the new oasis that appears south of the frozen forest after someone comments about fireworks, then you can always play punchball.

Ash diamonds can be used by a crafter in the volcano to make you a shield. But you'll have to find his glasses first.

Thanks I did the tatum quest, I just didn't realize that was it but I did that one. I figured out the sh diamonds when I had gone to the volcano. So thanks anyway,

Only thing I didn't find was the punchball quest but based on some people's thoughts, sounds like I didn't miss much.

Dark Prince wasn't that hard to beat just tedious at times but I finished him off ok enough.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle Punchball

Postby littlebro » Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:02 pm

kimo wrote:
eedebeep wrote:I am sort of a completionist, so I powered through this quest that is only stumbled upon unless you have the guide. The completionist part of me wanted to get the character promotion for Crystal, but now I am not sure the promotion was worth the quest completion because of the outcome.

I am now waiting to hear about whether becoming an Angel was a good idea before I continue playing.

I don't know if you're still waiting, but I did the promotion and thought it was worth it.
You also get some useful stuff, plus exp, doing the Evil House.
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Re: New RPG: Final Battle

Postby panna » Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:28 pm

MMM wrote:
littlebro wrote:Here is the precise order for getting the Evil House quest.
Spoiler: show
Tina joins and you get the airship.
Enter the volcano and from the save crystal go down.
Next map has an upside T path. Go down and then go right.
On the next map you will get a chest. In that chest is a scroll which reveals the whereabouts of a Shrine.
Leave the volcano and go to the shrine.
Collect the Evil House quest.
Use the airship to land on a little island bottom left corner of the world map. You have to press enter to get in.
Do the Evil House
Return to the Shrine.
Crystal gets promoted.
Return to the Volcano much stronger.

Thank You!

I am stuck on two counts. 1) Evil House - when the zeppelin lands on the little island, I press enter, but it just flies up again. (I have been to the shrine after getting the scroll from the volcano). 2) Vulcan (in the volcano), I cannot find the yellow rock above his house? By the way, the guide book is not very helpful and there is no way of knowing very easily whether one has picked up the quests. Help would be appreciated +::sos
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Re: Final Battle

Postby panna » Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:05 pm

Well, I have managed to finish the game. Divine Judgment did the trick. Wish now that the game was a bit longer.
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Re: Final Battle Prince of Darkness!!!

Postby Marco » Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:58 pm

+::sos Hep! Hep!! I fought the prince of darkness in the volcano, died of course, THEN did the Evil House / Promotion!! Now, when I go back thru the Volcano (found the glasses AND killed all the monsters), the prince won't do anything.... Just stands there. HOW DO I TRIGGER THE "FINAL BATTLE" in Final Battle??!? +::surrender
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Re: Final Battle

Postby MerryX » Thu Jan 11, 2024 4:26 am

Hi Cherry Bloom,

I have just discovered your game - only 6 years after you released it here - and enjoyed it immensely. It took me around 15 hours - I dawdled around a bit gathering resources and gold which was a good idea as gear was expensive.

The characters and story was excellent and really pulled me in. I was able to level the team up to Blade (31) - a rather immature young man who started to develop along the way; Crystal (28) - focussed on mission but could be a bitch; Raven (28) - a bit of a softie but powerhouse especially once promoted; Vulcana (27) - a bit older than the others, a bit of a nerd, and my favourite; and Tina (27) - late arrival to the team but a strong warrior with some nifty skills. All the girls except Vulcana seemed fixated on Blade who while he looked good and had special skills to save the world wasn't my idea necessarily of "a prize". With the ending...
Spoiler: show
I tried to pick none of them because I really didn't think Blade was "ready" but unfortunately that wasn't an option so I went with Raven

I appreciated the warning about strong language etc but found I really didn't notice as it was all in keeping with what was going on. And I usually get tired of the big busted female characters but found myself accepting that it was all part of this particular game and story - at times very tongue in cheek +::biggrin

The battles overall were good without being super difficult. And I actually enjoyed the background music which was different. The game played very smoothly and I managed to do all the side quests except #8 Vulcana's Quests. I did buy the guide and it was a help as there were a few tricky sneaky elements I would definitely have missed without it. I had to read it carefully a few times as parts of it were not quite clear on the sequence.

I liked the dungeon scores - nice sense of achievement as you rolled along. I particularly liked the underwater dungeon ;)
Total Score: 715 (Normal)

I hope you have gone on to develop more games as if this one was your first one, I thought it was terrific +::clap +::kiss

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