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Little Hearts Memories

Little Hearts Memories

Postby Indinera » Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:57 am

This is the place to post your feedback about Little Hearts.

You can download the game here:

If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionary!

Just copy/paste the questions and answer below them! :)
Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending - just a recommendation. +::music

Your opinion about Leo?
Your opinion about Tisinge?
Your opinion about Becca?
Your opinion about Piloo?
Your opinion about Ralf?
Your opinion about Queen Windygor?
(if you found them) Your opinion about the fairies?
Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
Your opinion about the game's title screen?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
How did you like the ending?
How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
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Re: Little Hearts Memories

Postby darkange » Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:06 pm

[b]Your opinion about Leo?[/b]
Not confident enough in himself and too pesimistic or afraid but considering he is only 16 years old .... there is a long way to develop his personality ... when I was 16 years old I was even worse. At the same time he made a big decision to spare the monkey in the begginig but I think he did it out of foolishness because he says later on that he didn't realize the implications it might have.
Ironicaly ... when it cames to fighting skills and battles he was 10 times better than Ralph .... in a 1v1 fight he would take down Ralph so hard with the right equipment .

Your opinion about Tisinge?
A special monkey because it has a human face .... monkeys are supposed to have monkey faces with hair on it :razz:

Your opinion about Becca?
Typical strong powerful female character in terms of personality ... not so great skills in fighting except the support ones ... the one that inflict Giant into characters even before fighting was the best. Half the game I didn't even used her into the party. I apreciate that she always supported Leo and she gave good advice to him in terms of how he should act in general with girls. Girls rarely give good advice when it comes to getting them wet or how you should succed in life when it comes to girls as a man.

Your opinion about Piloo?
I really liked that scene with Piloo and the truth about Becca... I didn't used it too much in fights but I was suprised to find out in the end the bird is quite powerful for the final fights.

[b]Your opinion about Ralf?[/b]
I always like a strong male character but I changed my opinion about him was I found out he was a thief and a killer. I only like strong men who do whatever the fuck they want without carring about what others might think about them ... but at the same time while abbiding the law .... if you go completely ilegal that's just wrong to me.
In terms of fighting he had no skills and he was not hitting hard at alll... not even with a unique hammer for him which ironically gave him 23 MP .... that he doesn't even need.

Your opinion about Queen Windygor?
As I stated before The most evil character I have seen in any of your games in how she acts and her desires .... Grand commandanter was nothing compared to her :razz: . I am wondering why was she so tall compared to other characters ? Is like she was a freakin' giant.

(if you found them) Your opinion about the fairies?
Love their interaction and the ideea of them putting them togheter in the party .... when it comes to fighting the sylph was very powerful in the beggining but then it got weaker in the end and the nymph was not that good ... in the end I was relying more on other characters.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
My opinion will reflect the mode i played :challenging and the characters I chose to level up more instead of others. By far in my opinion the strongest character remains Ally. When she gets that special skill fire skil ... it remains very powerful the entire game until the end. Right very close to her is Leo as a powerful fighter and the monkey after Leo. The weakest is probably the nymph .... her skills are really not that great and I very rarely used her. I don't know if she gets more powerful skills when she levels up a lot tough ... I didn't got to that part.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Great story and dialogs as usual .... nobody is better on Aldorlea in telling an emotional story. Indinera is the king of RPG maker games.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
I have to start with the soundtracks because it's way better then Witch Hunt .... I got what I wanted when I said in my review on last game .... I wanted a great soundtrack for the next game ... in my opinion music makes everything better .... any game no matter how shitty it is ... if you add a great music ... it changes a lot. And as a guy who go to street dancing classes 5 times a week ... music is even more important for me. I dance a lot .. I learn choreographies and I love so many kinds of music. The atmosphere and visuals are great too ... at first when people complained about sun rays and moon rays I was thinking they can damage you when you touch them or something like that ... lol .
When I started playing I realized it's only about the visual effects... it didn't bother me at all ... i guess I just don't care too much about that.

[b]Your opinion about the game's title screen?[/b]
I like it ... it shows some of the characters you get so you know in advance how they look.

What was your favorite moment and why?
the emotional story ones : the moment when Becca finds out the truth from Ralph... and when the 2 fairies meet and interact. I can't give details because it enter into spoilers and people will read my review and see +::biggrin

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The soundtrack ... the story overall and the final battles. I have to admit here since i don't see a question about it ... regarding difficulty of the game: the hardest difficulty was pretty easy for me ... I don't know how people even play other difficulties cause to me the challenging mode looked like a easy - normal mode.

How did you like the ending?
I like what Ralph did and what happened but I was expecting a little bit more. I tought the game will continue after the fights ... that now Becca will go after the queen. I want a continuation of the game... I want to see more.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
It was a cool game but It was too short compared to Asguaard or The book of legends or other stand alone games ... not to mention series. The final battles were way easier compared to other games . For example when enemies were hitting Leo they were barely scrathing him with their atacks(maybe 5% HP down with one atack?) ... with the right unique items and icons he was very strong and they couldn't touch him. I didn't even had to use a revive potion ... only healing. Leo was the tankest character and Ally was hitting the hardest with her special spell.
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Re: Little Hearts Memories

Postby feyone2 » Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:35 am

My feelings about Little Hearts

Your opinion about Leo?
Very pleasant young man but rather foolhardy, then there wouldn't be a story if he wasn't.

Your opinion about Tisinge?
Very cute and cheeky like normal monkey behaviour.

Your opinion about Becca?
Cute, alternative type strong willed girl with lots grit.

Your opinion about Piloo?
Beautiful bird with a nature to match.

Your opinion about Ralf?
Hardcase with a soft heart for gentle and fluffy creatures.

Your opinion about Queen Windygor?
Gross tyrant in every way!

(if you found them) Your opinion about the fairies?
Very witty and I'm sure there would be fireworks and one upmanship galore between such beings.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Piloo was the strongest for me and Ralf was the weakest battlewise.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Enjoyed the dialogs, they were very appropriate to the story. The story itself is very sweet really.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
I've always enjoyed the visuals and atmosphere of your games but I must confess that I seldom play with the sound on - this includes games from other sources such as Steam too. I don't like to interfere with other people by playing the soundtrack.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?
It's good.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Finding Piloo. I enjoyed the exploration of the ruins in order to find her.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I thought it flowed very well and had an excellent even pace.

How did you like the ending?
It was more or less what I expected but maybe it could have been a bit more formal with the crowning of the new Queen!

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
I didn't enjoy it as much as Witch Hunt as it seems to have less hidden things and quests. Also it didn't take me too long to finish - less than 14 hours but then I like easy mode 1st up so I can enjoy the story. I probably wouldn't play it again as I have with Millennium,Asguaard and Legends.
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Re: Little Hearts Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:36 pm

Your opinion about Leo?
A kind-hearted boy who puts his own life and safety at stake for a little animal.
A good fighter too!

Your opinion about Tisinge?
I love him to pieces! He's just sooooo cute! And a great asset in fights too!

Your opinion about Becca?
Kind-hearted too and ready to help right away, but also strong-willed. But she has leading qualities, too. Hopefully I'll get the chance to help her become queen in a sequel!!!

Your opinion about Piloo?
Beautiful bird and of great use in fights. A wise animal with a pure soul. Becca will have a life-time companion in her.

Your opinion about Ralf?
Rude and jingoistic. The type of man I despise. But he does have a sense for what's the right thing to do. Doesn't really make him more likable though.

Your opinion about Queen Windygor?
What went wrong in that woman's childhood???? She's a psychopath!

(if you found them) Your opinion about the fairies?
Hilarious! Their arguments were quite entertaining, and putting them together in a fight, next to each other, cracked me up!
They both had good spells too, but rather costly ones. I always had one equipped with the Witch icon to half the MP cost, otherwise their MP would have been used up way too fast.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Tisinge! His spell that made him hit up to 5 times was awesome. I always had the Ghost icon on him, so he could use that spell all the time for free.
The weakest ... probably Isolde. I didn't use her spells all that much because (as mentioned above) they were rather costly. She's the one characters I made the least use of.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story was cute and touching, but also thrilling in the end. The twist in that shack, where Becca's real identity was revealed, brought me to tears.
The dialogs were good, I didn't skip any, which I sometimes do, when there's too much to read.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
I was very glad to see a game with the nice kind of sprites, not those square ones that I don't like.
All in all I liked the visuals very much. Awesome character artworks, and I loved the pictures in cut scenes, especially the one where Tisinge sleeps cuddled up to Leo (and drooling, lol).
The atmosphere fit the story very well. The only disturbing thing were the light beams. It was better after the update, but for me it could have been even less.
The music was nice, save some exceptions (like the last town). The sounds were suitable, only that growoling when monsters died was a bit weird. And one noise drove me bonkers: T's screeching when using his multiple attack skills. I used that so much, and eventually I had to turn the sounds off because I couldn't bear it anymore, especially since the screeching became more and more hysterical, the more often he learned to hit.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?

What was your favorite moment and why?
In the shack, when I learned about Becca's identity. It was unexpected. I was always focused on Tisinge. From the start I wondered if there's something special about him and what that could be. And if he HAD stolen those jewels. But then Becca turned out to be the special one! (Of course Tisinge is special anyway, just for being so sweet!)

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
A real cute and touching story.
Very likable characters (but one) with elaborate personalities.
Very good setup for fights. I don't like it when normal fights are too time consuming, when every fight takes several rounds to get through. Here it was just right for my taste. Also, leveling made a difference, and new weapons made a remarkable change.

How did you like the ending?
The good one ... came a bit unexpected. I thought there was a little more to come. I thought I'd confront the queen.
The bad one ... +::O_o +::O_o +::O_o +::fear +::sos +::cry +::cry +::cry

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
Don't know, they are all so different.
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Re: Little Hearts Memories

Postby kimo » Tue Aug 08, 2017 6:36 pm

Your opinion about Leo?
Basic back story was consistent in character’s actions. He was just a kid who was forced to live on the streets for no fault of his own, which is all too common in today’s world. He lacked compassion and character development toward that end.

Your opinion about Tisinge?
The monkey was consistently my hardest hitter with the “tossing” path choice. His reaction to what was going on was humorous. It’s a shame he didn’t know sign language. Taking away my best fighter towards the end of the game made final battles much harder.

Your opinion about Becca?
Leo’s potential romantic interest if he ever decides he likes girls after he finds out they don’t have cooties. She brought out some of his back story in a thoughtful and caring manner. Her early “Rebellious Soul” spell was great, but her magic skills were never really established as hinted at in the story line.

Your opinion about Piloo?
Reminded me a bit of “Cocka-Cocka”. Piloo’s secret was very interesting and kept me in suspense about what would be discovered later. Good fighter with some high-priced skills, but the silent talking to Becca did an excellent job in advancing the back-story for her.

Your opinion about Ralf?
Crude, rude, and socially unacceptable. He was a male chauvinist pig with a soft side that appeared late. There needs to be a Little Hearts 2 to find out more about why he became what he is and in what failed mission he was involved. And to whom would he be directing his crude comments if Ally was not in the group?

Your opinion about Queen Windygor?
The wicked witch of the west and Cruella Deville rolled into one very nasty and unlikable person. In fact, I get the feeling no one in the world likes her. She is definitely a dick-tator in the worst way.

(if you found them) Your opinion about the fairies?
Never found the one near the witch and I couldn’t interact with the one at the bridge in the thieves’ area. After collecting all that fairy equipment, I got frustrated when I couldn’t get that fairy to even talk to me about joining if even to place an impossible condition on joining.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
The monkey was the best fighter because of the multiple hit skill when using toss path. Give him an item that regenerates the 2MP per round and he virtually breaks even on the 5 hit skill that increases strength. I’m not so sure about the weakest, but I used Piloo least (until the end) and sidelined Becca when leveling up Ally.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story was good and very enjoyable to discover new things about characters (everyone should have a good secret). It seemed incomplete at the end. I assume you don’t go to Harburg if you decide to stay at the Oasis.

Leo’s constant driving goal of trying to get rid of the monkey may have driven the plot line a bit, but showed a real lack of understanding the plight of those who are less fortunate or equally unfortunate. Trying to dump the monkey was a contrast to saving the monkey in the beginning. It would be like dumping a dolphin raised in a tank back into the ocean and expecting the mammal to have the skills to survive.

Ralf’s dialog was often unnecessary, but when it was guised as double entendres it was very humorous. His gruffness seemed to be a bit overboard, but it did make his character almost unbearable which I assume was the intent. Again, to whom would Ralf be talking if Ally wasn’t in the party?

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
I agree with other comments that the sunbeams/moonbeams were too much and very distracting. The fog was also somewhat unnecessary. How about clouds drifting overhead and casting shadows on the ground if you need to have movement? I don’t play games with the sound on.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?
Basic advanced screen. Nice artwork, but nothing I haven’t seen before in an Aldorlea game.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Ralf’s show of softness when explaining why he turned them in and then deciding to rescue them from prison. And how do you "palm" a monkey. Excellent magician him.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Enjoyability. It was downright fun to play especially without needing the guide to find my way through the different areas/dungeons and complete the final battles. Hard, but possible if you save often. The invisible encounters (which I do not prefer) were well spaced so it allowed for lots of exploration which meant I usually had enough money.

How did you like the ending?
It implied there would be a sequel. Well ………? How long will a sequel take to make?

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
First, the guide was seriously lacking because it failed to list quests I surely missed during the first play through. Also, inflicted states were missing. Seriously, what is Flabby? Very disappointed in what the guide was lacking.

But, the game was fun. Lots of “hidden” treasures, but I didn’t have to find secret rooms which I kind of liked.
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Re: Little Hearts Memories

Postby Lookz » Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:44 pm

Been finished twice with explorer and thrower path from Tisinge. Here's what I'll say about this game:

Your opinion about Leo?
Cute, kinda shy and kinda low self esteem teen boy with little confidence and kinda like to belittle himself. The Journey didn't really make him more confidence though. However, he is really nice and had the highest value for other's life out of all character in the game.

Your opinion about Tisinge?
A monkey with great and versatile skills, though I don't really like monkey.

Your opinion about Becca?
A confidence and brave teen girl, the only one able to make Leo put more value in himself. A definite queen material.

Your opinion about Piloo?
Beautiful, elegant and powerful blue battle bird.

Your opinion about Ralf?
Brash and arrogant ex bandit, but honest and never had fear of talking about his opinion on almost all things.

Your opinion about Queen Windygor?
A very interesting villain. A true psychopath which believe she's doing thing that will pleasure their God (not really psycho if indeed Halo is God of Cruelty lol ._.v ). She's also seemingly gigantic in size, considering her overworld sprite. She also seemingly had great fighting skills, able to stab/slash (?) her warrior underling in the knee so she can had him bathed by acid. REALLY like to battle her myself. By far the cruelest main villains from your games that I've played.

(if you found them) Your opinion about the fairies?
Magical and Area of Effect battler. Their argument is very funny. Tiny but really powerful.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Becky the Fairy, especially in early levels, she could cast 1 skills to obliterate all enemies on screen. Weakest may be Ally due to (in my opinion) her almost useless spells.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Story -> very interesting, and kinda teach you about value of life (even for animals).
Dialogs -> very funny, but i prefer less swear words ._.v

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
Amazing and better than most of other Aldorlea games, but the music repeating too many Undefeated BGM for me.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?

What was your favorite moment and why?
Passing the mountains and thief's land. Must done 2nd time to really get all items and treasures. Somehow the paths confused me, but then again that's the feeling of real adventure. You won't know all the paths available on 1st run.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I think best sides of the games is the unexpected plot (Cabin Revealation), as well as able to put 4 non human characters (1/2 of available characters, most percentage of non human in Aldorlea games I've played). It's also nice to have picking a path since I thinks it's like job promotion in Millenium which I miss it badly.

How did you like the ending?
Really like the ending which had possibility of the game getting a sequel.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
Pretty nice but I personally like several other better (Undef, Time Intervention, Witch Hunt).
The Story is nice but I like it more from other games.
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Re: Little Hearts Memories

Postby flavie » Sat Dec 22, 2018 8:24 pm

Your opinion about Leo?
He’s caring for the monkey more than himself to be able to leave the carrier. He stands up for himself despite the hard life he has, he’s more on survival. His nature is too kind, pacifist. On the other hand he’s smart to avoid being nasty when he understands why someone is ill-mannered. Once in jail he’s pessimist and loses confidence.
Your opinion about Tisinge?
He’s adorable when he screeches and vulnerable as he fears to be left alone. He’s appealing as he gibbers.
Your opinion about Becca?
Her screenshot makes her a careless character but she’ll be aggressive to Leo being “wanted”. Then she sees he’s a boy of valor and gets to like Tisinge. She’s aware of the nastiness and is down-to-earth contrary to Leo. She felt so weak learning who she is. She provokes Ralph even after she learned what he did for her. She’s clear-sighted sometimes. Once in jail she becomes optimistic.
Your opinion about Piloo?
Very pretty blue swan with wise words. I found him absent but he helped us escape. I was surprised at the beak punch!
Your opinion about Ralf?
The bad boy with little talent for seduction, interested in natural or manly woman. He’s self-assured and patronizing. He warned the kids but didn’t prevent them to risk their lives. He makes adult puns. He’s gross but shows he has feelings telling what he knows and fearing Becca’s way of seeing him. Getting morale from a thief to make him aware no one is free is smart. He stopped making trouble so he improves but keeps the bad boy tongue. I didn’t thought kids would be killed if he didn’t surrender them. He’s a good person.
Your opinion about Queen Windygor?
She has a sense of justice as she says it’s the monkey the culprit and none of the people as Sir Krueger straight shouted. Then we see her very pretty face: amber eyes, nice inner stare and dark-brown glistening hair as her pure white dress. She looks kind. She’s so tall! We discover her real cruel self with the delight to hurt thinking she’s right. Was she beaten as a child? She pays attention to her fame, she has a superiority complex and is unable to think that the people can have their own viewpoint, speak better. I wasn’t surprised to learn what she did to be Queen. The cherry on the cake, the pretense of the holy quest, she, being immoral!
Your opinion about the fairies?
Warning of their war, they seem to be short-tempered. They bicker a lot. Becky is ratty and pesky. She’s capricious, is blind to her drawbacks and though has clear judgment. I agree make-up makes up for ugliness. She doesn’t know that patience is rewarded. She’s jealous of Ally’s big jugs. She likes honesty like me.
Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
The more resistant Ralf, Tisinge the more agile. The weakest is Becca but she’s a good healer. In magic and for applying good status Becky is indispensable and the strongest fairy.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story looks to have no goal apart from escaping but the revelation gives a twist in Ally and Becca’s motive. I feared to let the monkey to the clown. The dialogs were slack in the forest but more lively with Ralf. In the dialogs we see the characters temperaments: Leo is against conflict, Becca can’t bear Ralph, Ally looks naïve but will see Ralph’s true nature.
Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?
I loved the carrier with the sprites. They seemed at ease despite the stop in front of the castle. To come back and find the monkey on the ground was so cute.
Graphics: the borders on Vanaeran forest are cool exploring it. The light reflects the escape like dark Thalys as it’s dangerous to stay in a city, the bright ruins to feel more at ease when there’s nobody. I liked exploring the Ancient Ruins except for the underground, quite creepy. Good job on this huge area with all the bulwark! Ally posture is cool but contradictory to show her bra being a tomboy.
I loved the drama music at the accusation and the one at the woods. The monkey sounds are good (excited, afraid, angry). The music behind the Queen’s scene is charming then sounds like danger coming. The one as we reach the ramparts is exciting. Millenium track at Ralph and Ally made me nostalgic. At church bosses I loved metal, above all the track at Dred fight.

I played in hard mode. I lost few health, I fell short in MP late in the ancient ruins having bought a few only. I didn’t know which way the gravestone opened but I rotated a stone bust.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?
Leo seems determined serious while Tisinge uses Leo as a tree laughing. It’s optimistic compared to the monkey’s fear to be left alone. The title expresses the simple mindset of both and they like each other. Ally on the background on her own leaving shows she would leave them at the end of the quest?
What was your favorite moment and why?
When Becca learns she’s part of the birds family. When we see Ralph is not a traitor but a savior!
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
There’s quite to explore! There are some hidden corridors, a stash of money up a set of stairs in the ancient ruins.
How did you like the ending?
The oasis one looks better and on the cool side. Tisinge has many bananas to eat! The confrontation with the usurper was a piece of cake?? A shame we don’t have a go at the fairies.
How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?
A very good one from a simple story we discover sides of this world: thieves, fairies, a cruel Queen.
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
Read "The sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind in your language or English. Read the prequel after "the Confessor" to not be spoiled.
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Re: Little Hearts Memories

Postby D-Squall » Mon May 03, 2021 9:16 pm

4 years later and here I am, playing this game for the first time, so here goes my sincere and reasonable point of view about this game.

Your opinion about Leo?

Nice and caring guy with a big heart. Playing this after playing Forever Heroes was a big upgrade in personalities of the character. Leo was a innocent boy who just got caught in something bigger than he ever imagined. He did everything he could to help Tisinge and just by that, he deserves all my praise and support. He wasn't the most confident person of the world, but as he's just 16 (as the game itself indicates) he has a lot to mature and develop.

Your opinion about Tisinge?

Cute little monkey, didn't deserve the fate he had (I guess I unlocked the bad ending). The bond he had with Leo was something pleasant to see, because it seems his former owner didn't cared much for him and Leo has been alone almost his whole life. They complete each other.

Your opinion about Becca?

Becca was very useful in battle, not only she was a great healer but her damaging spells was really helpful during the whole game, especially the one that damaged all enemies. As for her personality, I like that she was brave to stand up for herself and Leo when Ralf was treating them like trash. After my disastrous experience with Forever Heroes by seeing Genevieve get fat shamed all the time and the other party members was just there watching and listening doing nothing, it was nice to see a character that don't accept being treated like sh*t.

Your opinion about Piloo?

I don't have anything to say about Piloo's personality since she comes toward the middle of the game and barely had any interactions during some of the big dungeons since Becca was the only one that could understand her. But man, she was useful in battle. Not only she had reviving, damaging and healing spells, but she also had healing and damaging spells on the party (allies-enemies)

Your opinion about Ralf?

Ralf wasn't useful in battles, I thought that if he was a mercenary that his artowrk he has big muscles, he's probably strong... Meh, even with the strongest hammer I had, Leo and Becca could do more damage than him in almost all enemies. Personality-wise, he's okay, he had a past as a bandit and murderer, decided to change his ways and such but then... he suddenly turned in Becca, Leo and Tisinge to the guards in Eastmark. I was like, wtf? And later he is shown drinking and showing some kind of regret, yet did nothing to help the kids get out of prison. At least Becca was around to stand up for Leo and herself when he was being mean to them.

Your opinion about Queen Windygor?

One word about her: psycopath
Really, I searched some sympthons of psychopathy and she has them all, I'll list some of them here:
socially irresponsible behavior.
disregarding or violating the rights of others.
inability to distinguish between right and wrong.
difficulty with showing remorse or empathy.
tendency to lie often.
manipulating and hurting others.

Now, she was a scary villain. She was tall and believed that all she did was for greater good. But it's hard to care much for her since it barely shown much of her on the game.

(if you found them) Your opinion about the fairies?

I found two of them. I don't know if there's more. I found the sylph and the nymph. They had useful spells and despite their weak defense and attack power, their spells made up for it. And... their artworks are incredibly well done and detailed, very beautiful.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?

Strongest: Tisinge, with the right weapon equiped and with his High Five skill, he was deadly. Dealt a lot of damage to the enemies and some of them were K.O. very quickly (I had a weapon with instant kill)

Weakest: Ralf, a guy with such big muscles in his artwork bring so weak made no sense to me. Lol

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

The story was simple yet pleasant, I was expecting more but it was good. The dialogues were pleasant until some point.
I like the conversations in this game but what bothered me the most was the excessive conversation almost each time you find an item or open an chest. I know that was made to make it feel more real and I also agree it does, but after a while it became irritating, I was already lready expecting a needless conversation each time I see the new item message and most of these conversations added nothing to the story or lore, which means it was very unecessary. But I liked the plot twist involing Becca's past.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?

For me the strongest feature of the game: the graphics.
For me, graphic-wise, everything was beautiful in this game, I could notice that the production values in this department was very well thought and was used high quality features.
The sprite of every character looks exactly what they are on their artworks. Becca's feather skirt, Leo's brown trench coat, Peeboo with his human face wearing dungarees lol and Piloo's beautiful blue feathers. Not to mention the fairies, they weren't those common fairy sprites from Asguaard that we're used to see in almost every rpg maker xp game, they seem totally custom made to fit their artworks or maybe vice versa, I don't know. lol

The artworks in this game, for me, it's among the best of all Aldorlea Games. They're highly professional, well done, the colors are beautiful and it's a pleasure to the eye. I also thought it was a great idea to show some of the scenes of the game by showing artworks of what's going on, it shows that the developer really cared for making us feel of what was going on and I applaud that, since I imagine that hiring an artist as good as that (I guess it's Arseniquez) wasn't cheap.

I don't know if it was Arseniquez who did the artwork for the monsters, but those were the most beautifully designed monsters of any Aldorlea Game so far. From the simpler to the most dangerous enemy, every monster had great aesthetics and added to contribute with the battles being more exciting.

Since we're talking about monsters, let's go to the battle animations, I loved them. And the way they were played were very clever, like when an chimera used a breath attack, the breath came from its mouth or the reaper enemy used an skill and the animation came from its scythe, that was something new and clever. And let's not forget that almost all of the battle animations were totally new and not the defaults that came with the RPG Maker XP. As someone who has worked with RPG Maker in the past, I know that creating battle animations isn't easy so I applause Indy for making most of them original.

Now the mapping, the inquistor tilesets were always poorly used in the majority of the games they were used and that I have played, but this is an exception. The mapping in this game is among the best ever. Not only among Aldorlea Games, oh no, I'm talking about every game I played in RPG Maker. The towns, the mountain, those ruins (my personal favorite)... my God, they were beautiful. And also, I would like to post the image below... one of my favorites, it shows the artist did the houses just like the tilesets, that's commitment
Spoiler: show

Just one complain, the music. Most of the music were forgetable, with low volume and I felt like it didn't fit with most of hte places. THe battle music got old quick since the battle rate is hight in this game.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?

Beautiful screen with good music. THe artowrk is fantastic, it shows that characters doesn't need to have big boobs or too much skin exposure to shine in the artwork.

What was your favorite moment and why?

Becca discovering about her past and that she could be the new queen. It was amazing, I wasn't expecting anything of that magnitude on that part of the game already, It was a surprise.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Its beautiful aesthetics.

How did you like the ending?

I think I got the bad ending, because I tried to read some of the other memories post and it seems there is a good and real ending. But those who got the good ending felt the same as me, that this game felt incomplete.
The game is too small, I finished within 10 hours (played only for 2 days) and that's that. And by what other players had said above, it could use a sequel... but as I've never seen Indy mentioned about thinking of making a sequel, I won't insist on that matter.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?

Little Hearts is a good game but it's way too short. It doesn't have enough time for characters to develop, let alone the villains. The party didn't even had a chance to face the queen and that was the most disapointing part for me, because she was evil and I wanted her to learn a lesson. It seems the development just stopped at that part of the game where the ending was and it just... ended. It felt incomplete and I was shocked, because it's just when I thought the game was gonna begin for real... that was dispoiting.

But it was a good game, I like the graphics, the art, the characters. It would've been one of the bests if it were bigger.
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Re: Little Hearts Memories

Postby RPGenius » Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:42 pm

Your opinion about Leo?

He's a decent enough individual, but not much about him really stands out. A little more exploration into and/or narrative use of his past, particularly in showing us why he values himself so little and how he can be such a nice guy in spite of his life's circumstances, would have been good. Still, he's fine enough as a character, as long as one doesn't mistake him as the protagonist of the story.

Your opinion about Tisinge?

Tisinge doesn't seem like a character so much as a plot device. He serves well enough in this role, though. I will say, however, that his character art is a major stumbling block: he has a human face. Like, he looks way more like Wolfgang from Millennium than he does an actual monkey. It's awkward and weird, enough to be distracting.

Your opinion about Becca?

I was genuinely surprised and pleased with Becca. She has a level of personality that makes her stand out, and she's got an interesting backstory that's written and revealed well, as well as decent character development. I think it's safe to call her the main character of Little Hearts, and as such, of the Aldorlea games I've played (the Laxius Force trilogy, the Millennium quintology, and Witch Hunt), Becca is easily the best protagonist to date.

Your opinion about Piloo?

A decent character, although not too much stands out about her - she unfortunately seems more designed as a foil to Becca's character than as a character of her own. Still, I like her well enough, and there's a certain virtue to the unconditional love she has for Becca that's appealing.

On a gameplay note, it's too bad that there aren't really any opportunities to boost stats beyond HP and MP. Given the nature of Piloo's beak, it would have been fun to cram +MN items on her and make her a physical powerhouse in addition to the healing bit.

Your opinion about Ralf?

A well-written character, only surpassed by Becca. I was surprised by how much more there was to him than the initial lecherous jerk he appeared to be. The nonstop sexual harassment of Ally is a trait that gets real old, real fast, but the actual character history and his arc of redemption is unexpected and solid. He and Becca are the cast highlights.

Your opinion about Queen Windygor?

She serves her purpose as the story's foundational antagonist. Aside from that, there's not much to say; she's got some narcissistic cult thing going on, but not much is done with it; just another Evil For The Sake Of Being Evil bad guy. I guess she's better than the Grand Commandanter, but that's a pretty low bar.

(if you found them) Your opinion about the fairies?

I want to like Becky as the spunky firecracker fairy, but honestly, there's just nothing to her - she's a shallow, 1-dimensional character defined only by being a rude, abrasive jerk at all times. You can have impolite and even obnoxious party members who still have some character depth and personal story arcs, but being a jerk is the ONLY thing about Becky, so she's a bad character. And the fact that the largest facet of her being a jerk is that she is, basically, a racist, does not make things better.

As for Isolde, she's basically a non-character. The only character trait of any notice about her at all is the fact that she and Becky hate each other. Piloo is also a character mostly defined by her connection to another cast member, but at least for her the connection is to a positive part of the cast (Becca), and that connection further defines and characterizes Becca. Isolde, on the other hand, is only defined as a person in dialogue in relation to Becky, and all that does is to reinforce a single trait of Becky's that was already established completely (her hatred of other fairy species).

I will say, however, that the mechanic of putting them together in a party is a clever bit of bringing gameplay and story together (which RPGs don't do enough), and their arguments in this situation are honestly very amusing. Kudos on that; Becky equating fairy dust to makeup and criticizing Isolde for how much she has on was really funny.

Your opinion about Ally?

The fact that you seem to have forgotten about Ally altogether in these questions (as I've added this one myself) is pretty much a good summation of her. She seems like she has potential early on, and is likable enough, but once Ralf enters the picture, Ally becomes almost as much a non-entity as Isolde, as a character who is, once again, defined largely by how she affects the character development of someone else. And also like Isolde, that relation is a negative - as stated earlier, Ralf's constant sexual harassment, and Ally's passive ignorance and/or acceptance of it, lower the game's enjoyment. She doesn't really go anywhere as a character, and ultimately becomes very forgettable. Becca's own growing irritation with Ally is basically spot-on as an assessment.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?

Situational. For most of the game, the strongest will be Becky, then later a Thrower Tisinge, and in the last moments, a jewel-empowered Ralf. The weakest seems to be Isolde, although unfortunately Piloo's low Agility (which is strange, given that her entire recruitment quest was based on her being too fast and evasive to be caught over and over again) holds her back a lot of the time.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

Pretty decent. The story is fairly interesting, there are compelling stakes, the character journeys for Becca and Ralf are solid and well-incorporated into the story, and the dialogue is alright, at times even good. There's a certain noble and inspirational quality to a story of caring enough about another life to risk one's own to save it from injustice, even when that life is that of an animal, and Little Hearts is an adequate example of this.

Your opinion about the atmosphere, sounds and visuals of the game?

Fine, I guess. These aren't things I care about in an RPG. I guess I could say that the religious background music towards the end of the game seems to be laying it on a bit thick.

Your opinion about the game's title screen?

I originally thought it was odd to have Becca more prominently displayed than Leo, but it makes sense after playing, as it becomes evident that Becca is the true protagonist of the story. Aside from that, it's adequate.

What was your favorite moment and why?

Learning the truth of Becca's life and past, along with her decision to give Ralf the gem. I think it's safe to say that it's the strongest moment of the story as a whole, and is a highlight for both of their characters' stories.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Becca's character, Ralf's character, and the interpersonal dialogue overall (characters frequently chat with each other in response to their surroundings and findings - this is always a good idea for cementing personalities and interpersonal dynamics).

How did you like the ending?

Depends on whether a sequel is intended. If there are plans for Little Hearts 2, which presumably follows Becca attempting to free the nation from Windygor, then this ending is adequate, although far too rushed and impersonal. If this is just the outright end of the Little Hearts story, though, this ending is subpar - rushed and impersonal, and it ignores the potential to expand upon and complete Becca's story in relation to the fate of the nation. Ending Little Hearts in this way, if there is no sequel, feels like we finished the narrative's appetizer, but were never served the main course.

How does this game compare to Aldorlea's best games?

I don't know which are Aldorlea's "best" games. I can only compare Little Hearts to what I've played previously, that being the Laxius Force trilogy, the Millennium quintology, and Witch Hunt. Compared to them, Little Hearts is the best title by a fairly wide margin.
- The dialogue is generally more natural and well-written than Millennium and Laxius Force, and the characters of Becca and Ralf are far better than any of the other games.
- The story as a whole isn't quite as grand as Millennium, but it's also more personally engaging, and it has interesting twists that none of the others possessed.
- The party's interpersonal dynamics are not quite as good as Witch Hunt's, but they're better than Millennium and Laxius Force's - even Becky isn't nearly so needlessly, tiresomely bitchy as Jezebel and especially Wendala.
- Villain-wise, I guess Millennium's Lord Dragon's posse are slightly better, in that their reason for being evil (suppressing the masses) is believable and realistic, but Little Hearts's Queen Windygor Evil For The Hell Of It schtick is no worse than the Grand Commandanter, and the evil witch of Witch Hunt doesn't have the time and narrative effort to develop to her proper potential, so Windygor's about equal to her, as well.
- As a protagonist, Becca is the best I've seen so far - she's got at least as much personality as Cybel, a little more than Marine, and way, way more than Random. She also has more character depth and development than all 3 of them put together. Solidly good work with Becca.
- Finally, while the ending of Little Hearts is flawed, it's no worse than that for Millennium or Laxius Force, and it's immeasurably better than Witch Hunt's.
- Gameplay doesn't matter to me, so it doesn't factor into my consideration, but I suppose it's worth mentioning that I felt the general battle dynamics, exploration elements, and stat/equipment management of Little Hearts did not seem as good as the other Aldorlea games I've played. It honestly doesn't make any difference to me, though; I play RPGs for the storytelling elements.

Ultimately, I like Millennium and Little Hearts best of the Aldorlea catalogue thus far, but between the 2 of them, Little Hearts has more noticeable narrative virtues, and the least pronounced flaws of the Aldorlea games I've played to date.
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