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Dodging skill

Dodging skill

Postby txmimi » Wed Jul 19, 2023 7:47 pm

I"m still struggling to increase the speed/dodging speeds of Sarah, Wendala, and Cindy. I can't tell from their statuses how much they have so I can know how much they need. I also don't see dodging abilities referenced in gears.

I'd like for Sarah and Wendala to learn that Vapor Wars spell from the square tower and for Cindy to open the chest in the fighter's guild.

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Re: Dodging skill

Postby Kale » Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:19 pm

As far as I know, Evasion is entirely based on equipment, and Vapor Wars only requirement to learn is 50+ Evasion. So your Speed stat has no bearing on it at all. As far as Sarah/Wendala, you read the descriptions of each piece of gear and look for where it says "Evade +xx":

Wendala is pretty easy; the Monk Braces shield option is +40 evasion right away. (You get two of them for signing up Random/Kratin/Askhbar to the capability(?) based training at the Fighters Guild) There are numerous hats that give her +4Ev, and a number of accessories that add +10Ev or more to wrap her up easily enough.

Sarah requires more finesse to hit 50:

If you got the Sharp Spike (shield) drop from the Pachimi Hornet Queen, that’s +15Ev, or take a Crystal Madu for +11Ev.

The Dream Diadema (hat) is +10Ev if you found it in LF2, the Elven Crown from LF1 is +5Ev, or other hats are +4Ev.

Elven Armor from chapter 3 gives her +4Ev, although Produn may still sell it when the Tower of Weapons eventually opens back up?

The Dancer’s Pinnacle/Vapor Ring accessories both give +30Ev, and one of them is required for her to ever hope to hit 50 evasion. (The Petro Ring Shop sells Vapor Rings if you completed that quest in LF2)


Sarah can theoretically have 59Ev, but only if you found and horded everything from LF1 and LF2. It’s possible that Sarah gets other Evasion gear as LF3 progresses, but that’s it for now.
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Re: Dodging skill

Postby txmimi » Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:43 pm

This information is super helpful! Thanks! How much evasion does Cindy need to get the duke's monocle? I'm happy to know what to look for now!
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Re: Dodging skill

Postby txmimi » Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:08 pm

Well, I tricked out Sarah so she learned the spell, but even with 79 evasion, the character said Wendala needed to improve her dodging skills a lot. Any idea what's going on there?
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Re: Dodging skill

Postby txmimi » Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:19 pm

I answered my own question! Wendala was wearing gears that gave effects that were slowing down her evasion. Once I figured out which ones, then she learned the spell. Thanks!
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Re: Dodging skill

Postby Kale » Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:04 pm

Congrats on getting Vapor Wars.

Regarding Cindy and the Duke's Monocle, stealing is a completely different formula based largely on the character's speed stat, and has nothing to do with evasion. Of note, LF3 offers two boons that make it easier than ever to boost your Stealing. Fierce's Berserker Bite adds another 35%SP. You can also get another 12 Stealing from opening the chest at the Thief Guild. (Maybe more if you go further?) The walkthrough is hesitant to go there till much later in the game, as you can miss out on a relatively good speed boost for some/all of your party members pretty easily.

Here is how Stealing worked in LF2 and I assume it is unchanged in LF3, other than Berserker Bite and more Steal being available at the Thief Guild:


The exact formula to calculate your Stealing seems to be: (Credit to Seraphus)

+18Pts: Stealing Points: A reward from the Thieves' Guild in Chapter 3 of LF1.
+8 to +12Pts: Primo Hat: Equip on Cindy. Import exclusive. (Bonus is random each try)
+1 to +3Pts: Luck Ring: 'Other' equipment for Random. (Bonus is random each try)
+1Pt: Per 10 level ups on Cindy (So +5Pts at Lv. 50 for example)
+1Pt: Per 100 speed on Cindy (So +10Pt at 1000SP, or +15Pts at 1500SP for example)

(The Primo Hat and Luck Ring offer a random bonus each time. The two together will give you +9 to +15 Stealing on any given attempt, so multiple attempts will be needed to get +15.)

Status Effects that boost your SP stat:

Easy Mode: +30% SP (Select Easy Mode at the start of the game)
Lust Power: +10%SP (Give 5000 gold to Magdalena. Access with high GWP at Harpy Guild)
Werewolf: +56%SP (De-equip Brussian’s weapon, so Cindy survives Werewolf Bite [Lv. 56])
Energy Burn: +100% SP (Tarabulla’s Energy Burn; inflict Werewolf first as this halves Max HP)

(To get rid of Werewolf after, de-equip Cindy’s weapon and stall out a fight by using the Defend command for several rounds in a row)

To reach 65 Stealing you have to boost Cindy’s SP stat considerably. Equip the best SP+ items you do own on Cindy, and stack every Aura listed above that you can access. Assuming Cindy is Lv. 50, and you have +18 Stealing Points from LF1, and get the full +15 Stealing bonus from the Primo Hat and Luck Ring; Cindy will need 2700SP to succeed. If you don’t have the Primo Hat, but do have everything else, Cindy will need 3900SP to succeed.

Cindy doesn’t actually need to be level 50 to achieve this anymore, since I found out about the Lust Power aura, but it does give you some extra wiggle room to work with. You can also use some of your permanent +SP items on Cindy to reach the next 100SP barrier, if you’re right on the cusp of success.
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