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Re: Vani's Creativity

Postby RPGeez » Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:26 am


A lot of creativity you have Vani.

some nice things to read and look at.

Thank You +::Thumbup +::YAY
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Re: Vani's Creativity

Postby vanijane » Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:34 am

Thanks! +::biggrin

I might try cross stitching next and I might post pictures of whatever Frankenstein monster I create. +::biggrin
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Ravenheart Academy - Prologue

Postby vanijane » Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:27 pm

NOTE: The setting of this scene is somewhere in the really, really old ages. Er, even I'm not sure. ;D But it's supposed to be like... old. Not being very specific here but I imagine in the times of those medieval ages.


"Are you sure, Annie?" A sweet little voice asked in uncertainty, then shadowed footsteps followed.

"Oh, quit being a worrywart, Annabel." Another voice replied, this one had more bite and laughter in it. "Aren't you at least having any fun?"

"No!" The squeaky voice replied loudly causing the birds to fly away from their branches in fright, "Oh, dear!"

Annie laughed heartily at her quivering friend, "You're always terrified, Annabel. Get some backbone in you, it will do you good."

Annabel stared at her best friend with a blank expression, "Annie, we're not even supposed to be here. Madame Giselle told us that we aren't to wander around after curfew! It's dangerous here in the forest!"

"Pish-posh, Anna." Annie laughed, waving her hand around, "Do you actually think that they are telling the truth? They are just trying to scare us from having fun. Now, come on--there's nothing to worry about!"

Annie grabbed Annabel's hand and pulled the girl deeper into the woods. It had seemed like they were miles and miles away from Ravenheart and that they had ran for hours, but that wasn't really it.

The pair of girls in their night gowns didn't stray too far into the woods but...

"Aaaahhhh!" Annabel shrieked the moment the red light surrounded both friends, "What's-What's going on?! Annie!"

Annie stood frozen as the light slowly turned to a ball, glowing at them. She stared at the ball, amazed and captured by the spell.

"Annie!" Annabel called and held on Annie's arm when Annie had took a step closer to the ball of light. "We have to get back! This place... A-Annie?"

Annabel stared at her friend; Annie's eyes were glowing with the same shade as the blood-red shade of the light. Annabel began to tremble as Annie slowly turned to look at her, "Let me go, Annabel."

Annabel shook her head stubbornly as she held onto Annie tightly, "No!"

"Let go, Annabel." Annie raised her voice as the ball of light brightened.

The light rays hitting both girls but had a different effect on each of them. Annabel had let go of Annie with a yell of pain as she fell to her knees, smoke coming from her skin while Annie was unaffected.

Annie ignored her friend completely entranced by the light, she stepped closer to the ball, extending her arm and finally--she held it. The light had burst from the ball; engulfing Annie in bright blood-red light while all Annabel could do was shield her eyes from the brightness.

When the brightness lowered down, Annabel opened her eyes and saw Annie but her friend wasn't the same Annie as she was a minute ago.

Annie's skin had gotten paler and seemed like it shone in the moonlight. Her hair was a few inches longer, black as pitch and it, too, shone. She looked ever so beautiful. It had seemed that the light had enhanced Annie's physical attributes.

Annabel sucked in her breath when Annie opened her eyes and stared at the frightened girl--her eyes were a shiny blood-red.

Annie opened her pink lips, "Annabel..."

Even her voice was enhanced. Annabel couldn't quite differentiate if Annie was whispering or hissing at her, but it had frightened her. Annabel tried to crawl back away from Annie but the light spun around her like ropes and held her up before Annie. "A-Annie!" Annabel choked as the light silkily wrapped around her neck to bind, "Sn-Snap out of it! Annie! Annie!!!"

A hiss came from Annie's perfect lips as the light glowed brighter on Annabel's skin. Annabel began yelling in pain as she tried to struggle free but the light held her in place.

Annabel threw her head back when it felt as if her spine was being broken into two, one last loud shriek and she died, her eyes wide and empty, staring at the bright moon. Smoke came from her mouth and to Annie's.

The light vanished from Annabel's corpse. The corpse fell on the ground beneath like a broken rag doll.

The light entered Annie and when Annie blinked her eyes, it had turned back to a more pretty brown. She looked at Annabel's rapidly decaying body. In seconds, it was noting but ash and dirt. The wind blew the ash away and Annie slowly walked back to the dormitories alone and changed.
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Ravenheart Academy - Chapter One

Postby vanijane » Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:38 pm

NOTE: Don't confuse yourself. All will make sense in the later chapters. +::biggrin


“As I said, Jeanne, it would be nice if you and your classmates would be able to present a number with us during the before school opening.” Amanda Iceheat, the senior president, smiled as she told the young upcoming freshman.

“Oh, but… we’re only very few.” Jeanne said modestly, yet it was true. Jeanne had always looked up to the Amanda Iceheat, she was something Jeanne had wanted to become when she grew up.

Jeanne Blackdusk was fifteen and was the class valedictorian as well as the class president, even if she wasn’t yet voted officially for her first term in high school. She was the daughter of the famous clothes designer, Tessa Blackdusk who had ruled Jeanne and her sister with an iron fist making Jeanne more than happy to finally live at Corvus Hall.

“That’s all right.” Amanda assured her, “A few is more than enough. Besides, it’s a good way to show to the new freshmen who you guys are.”

Jeanne considered it and thought that it was indeed a good idea and Amanda suggested it, so it had to be a good idea. Without another thought, Jeanne grinned and nodded, “All right, we’re going to do it!”

“Super.” Amanda mirrored the younger girl’s grin and shook hands with her.

– Ÿ – Ÿ –

“That was a wonderful number by the fourth grade ballet dancers!” The emcee, a senior student, commented. “That number by the way, was called The Raven. A ballet rendition of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven, wonderfully wonderful! Now, for the main event—a joint number by the senior and freshman class, everybody, let’s give them a round of applause!”

On their cue, the audience clapped as the stars of the performance stepped onto the large stage. There seven freshman students present on stage and there were about a dozen or so senior students. The gym’s lighting turned off and colourful lights were focused on the stage, zipping there and here as if it were a disco performance.

“Cue music!” One of the seniors said, part of the act.

As soon as the music played, the lights began to flash on and off quickly. Then in seconds it was turned off, black surrounded the gym and an echo of gasps erupted from the audience then followed by grunts, shrieks and shouts of pain and hurt.

The lights came back on, full blast and eyes were glued on the stage. The freshmen were down, lying on the stage floor looking anything but fine and well while the seniors stood with triumphant smiles on their faces.

“Learn where you stand, freshmen.” Jeanne heard one of the seniors snicker before falling into the inevitable blackness.
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Re: Vani's Creativity

Postby grisel1 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:30 pm

wow vanijane!! very grat artwork!! :)
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Re: Vani's Creativity

Postby vanijane » Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:00 am

Thanks, Grisel! +:oops:
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Ravenheart Academy - Chapter Two

Postby vanijane » Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:39 pm


“Jeanne?” Fedora frowned as she tried to wake her friend up. She had been part of the ‘senior ambush act’ and was lying unconscious by the time Jeanne had closed her eyes—it was the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to her, to Jeanne—to them. “Jeanne, please wake up.”

Fedora Bloodrinker was thirteen and the youngest in class. She was the granddaughter of Nicholas and Constance Bloodrinker, two blue-blood society figures who operated the Bloodrinker Electrical Industries. Now in high school, she was given the permission to live within the school grounds much to her pleasure.

Fedora had regained consciousness almost an hour earlier and had found herself in the health centre, when she had stood up, she saw Jeanne on the bed beside her, unconscious.

She had worried that may be Jeanne was more badly injured than they were and if she might be in a coma or something.

Fedora looked up to Jeanne because she was responsible and the oldest in class, also with everybody looking up to Jeanne, she followed the trend. Jeanne was a close friend and she wouldn’t forgive anyone who would hurt her friends.

“Jeanne!” Fedora groaned, throwing her arms up in the air in exasperation.

“Five more minutes, Mom…” She heard Jeanne murmur and grinned wildly, Jeanne was okay!

With a grin, Fedora rocked Jeanne over to wake her up. Within seconds, Jeanne woke up with a frown aimed at Fedora.

“I was still sleeping.” Jeanne groaned and buried her herself under the thin blanket only to pull herself out in shock, “This isn’t my room and certainly not my bed nor my blanket!”

“Duh, we’re in the health centre!” Fedora told her, swing an arm around to emphasize. Then she frowned, “Don’t you remember anything that happened yesterday? Oh, my gosh, you’re not suffering amnesia or something, are you? Wait, I’m going to call Nurse Jenny!”

“Wait!” Jeanne exclaimed as she reached for Fedora’s arm before the younger girl could escape. “No, it’s all coming back to me now.”

“Oh, good!” Fedora sighed in relief, “Tremendously good! I wouldn’t know what to do if you’re, you know, forgetting parts of your memory like our friendship or—le gasp, you’re feelings for Aaron! Those are things you can’t just dictate to come back, no uh-uh.”

“Shut up!” Jeanne scolded with a blush while Fedora grinned at her. “I don’t have feelings for Aaron, gosh. Keep your voice down!”

“Sorry!” But it didn’t sound sincere and the wide grin on her face didn’t help convince Jeanne.

“How long have we been here?” Jeanne asked.

“Oh, I woke up about an hour ago.” Fedora grinned as she answered, “The others are gone or may be at the other room, I don’t know. But I did talk with Nurse Jenny when I woke up, she told me to stay here in case you woke up. Oh, and we’ve been here for about a day. We spent the night here in the centre. Can you believe that?”

Jeanne groaned and slapped a hand to her forehead, “This is my entire fault… If only I didn’t jump like an eager beaver… I should’ve thought it trough before agreeing.”

“It’s not your fault, Jeanne.” Fedora said with a frown, “Amanda tricked us, not just you. Remember you told us about it and we were equally ecstatic! We were also just about as nervous as you were! It’s was a trap, Jeanne!”

“But we wouldn’t have been trapped if I didn’t jump!” Jeanne frowned.

“She made it sound good enough for you to jump in.” Fedora rolled her eyes, “Listen, Jeanne, Amanda and the seniors had set us up. It wasn’t your fault but if you insist, fine—it’s your fault. But it’s not completely your fault!”

“Sure, you say that but what about the others?” Jeanne shook her head, “I bet they’re super angry at me. They must hate me now and I won’t be the class president anymore… I won’t even get votes for the student body election—no!”

“Shut up! Shut up!” Fedora wailed her arms around her sides, “I’m the one who over reacts, not you!”

Fedora suddenly grabbed Jeanne by the wrist and pulled, “Oh, come on! We’re going to the hall—and don’t complain! This is for your own good!”

“My own good?” Jeanne repeated as Fedora yanked her off the bed, “I’m injured—I should be in bed!”

“You should’ve been awake an hour ago, you sloth!” Fedora said, pulling Jeanne out of the medical centre and marching to their dormitory.

– Ÿ – Ÿ –

Fedora pulled Jeanne in the dormitory which was called the Corvus Hall, determined to show Jeanne that she was over reacting.

“See?” Jeanne frowned at Fedora, “No one’s here! They’re probably trying to avoid me.”

“Pish-posh.” Fedora shook her head at her friend then stomped her foot hard on the carpeted floor, making a low muffled sound. Then she sucked in her breath and let out a loud shriek, “Lobby meeting! Now!”

Jeanne winced and felt herself go deaf, Fedora was shrieking too loudly but it did work. Her shrieking had brought everyone from the upper floors and other rooms down to the lobby.

“Shut up!” Gideon exclaimed as he came out of one of the first floor rooms. “Fedora, it’s not even past lunch and you’re squealing like a pig.”

In response to his rude comment, Fedora stuck her tongue out at her older classmate whom she knew since grade school.

Gideon Wildbeast at fifteen was the person everyone sought for advice and help; he was a counsellor to his fellow classmates in matters of the heart and their love lives. His mother and father had left him in Ravenheart with his younger sister since he was in grade school because they worked over seas, not that he ever complained about it in fact, he liked the whole arrangement.

“Where are the others?” Fedora demanded as she took a good look over the small crowd that gathered.

“They’re not here yet, duh.” Gideon rolled his eyes while the others shot her glares.

Fedora stuck her tongue at them, “This is an important meeting, okay? I didn’t call you guys out to help me find some sort of candy or anything… like last time. It’s about Jeanne and the witch Amanda Heatice.”

“It was Iceheat, Fedora.” Garrin corrected the younger girl gently with a grin but had the other boys snickering.

Garrin Duskshadow was fifteen and was all the girl’s big brother figure and all the dude’s brother, he looked out for the girls and was mostly pushed around by the boys but he didn’t mind… at times. His parents moved overseas due his father’s work and since had insisted on finishing his schooling in Ravenheart, he was living in the Corvus Hall with his buddies.

“I-I knew that!” Fedora flushed in embarrassment but no one believed her and they were already laughing at her.

“Shut up!” Fedora shrieked, making everyone cover their ears to block her high-pitched voice.

“Shut up!” They all chorused, surprising Fedora that she jumped a step back.

Fedora frowned then placed her hands on her waist, “Anyway! This isn’t really about Iceheat or Heatice, who cares what the witch’s name is! It’s about Jeanne!”

Their classmates and the new freshmen who had joined in looked over to the long-haired red-head standing beside Fedora.

“What happened?” Aaron spoke up first; his eyes darting to Fedora then back at Jeanne worriedly making Jeanne avert her gaze to something else to avoid his.

Fedora saw Jeanne’s reaction and quietly snickered beside her friend only to get jabbed on the stomach by Jeanne’s elbow—and what a strong elbow it was.

“Shut up!” Jeanne hissed quietly at her but it had thick enough venom that got Fedora shutting up.

Aaron Ravensoul was the principal’s youngest son at fifteen and he was just about as athletic as the other boys his age but even being the principal’s son, he didn’t have much care for his grades to be perfect A’s, that was something his brother had seen to. Being the principal’s son had him living in Ravenheart for most of the time for the whole year, it kind of sucked since his mother was always there but he survived.

“Hey, what happened?” Aaron demanded with a frown.

“Oh, oh, sorry, I was thinking of something.” Fedora grinned at Aaron then cleared her throat, “Back to topic! Everyone who was in the performance during the before school ceremony remembers that Jeanne told us that Amanda told her that it would be cool of us, the freshmen, to perform with them, the seniors, right? Right?”

“Yes,” Aaron said with exasperation, “Everyone remembers, just get on with it!”

“Weeell…” Fedora continued slowly, half-ignoring Aaron. “Jeanne thinks it’s her fault that we got whooped, but I told her it’s not but she’s like, no, it’s my fault but I was like, no, it’s not then she’s like, everyone hates her but I go, no, we’re not but she’s like—”

“Okay, shut up, shut up, we get it!” Garrin said raising his palms on the air to silence the young girl. “Jeanne feels bad. We get it.”

“Geez, it’s not your fault!” Regis frowned at Jeanne then chuckled, “That’s stupid thinking.”

Regis Shadowvenom, fourteen and class vice-president. He had been accelerated one year ahead since he pretty much understood everything in the first grade before the teacher even finished explaining everything which wasn’t much of a surprise with his mother, Jeanette Shadowvenom being a teacher in Ravenheart.

“Told you so.” Fedora teased quickly before Jeanne could open her mouth.

Jeanne shot a glare at Fedora then turned to face the others, “Really? ‘Coz if you really look at it, I was the one who said yes and all.”

“Hey, come on, Jeanne.” Garrin said, patting Jeanne on the shoulder, “It’s not your fault. Any one of us would’ve said yes, right, guys?”

There was an echo of grunts and nods coming from their classmates which somewhat eased Jeanne’s conscience. Those might be what her classmates had thought but not their new classmates.

She was about to point it out when Aaron stood up and punched his palm with a wicked grin on his mouth that no doubt indicated he had an idea and it wasn’t entirely good.

“Then let’s get back at ‘em.” Aaron snickered.

“Sign me up!” Fedora shot her hand up with a grin.

“Count me in!” Gideon and Regis grinned as they got up from their seats.

“Yeah, yeah!” Garrin nodded, “We’re all in this together.”

Jeanne winced, “Geez, Garrin, don’t go HSM on us. Please, we’re Ravens.” Then to her friends she sighed, “All right, fine. It’s not really in my nature but I’m agreeing on this. Let’s do this.”

“Hey, we’re freshmen.” Aaron grinned at her, “We’re on for a fresh start.” Then to the new students, he grinned as he said, “So, you guys up for it?”

They seemed shocked that Aaron had asked if they had wanted to join since they were just new and that they basically didn’t know each other that well to actually be part of something so closely knit.

“The more the merrier!” Gideon grinned.

The new freshmen glanced at each other unsurely then nodded.

“Okay…” They echoed modestly but it was drowned by the cheers from the boys.
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Heileen: High Tides - Chapter One: Found

Postby vanijane » Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:36 pm

Disclaimer: I don’t own Heileen or its characters. They are owned by Jack_Norton, Tycoon Games.

Note: Contain’s spoilers for Heileen II: Hands of Fate. This happens after the end of Heileen II, where Heileen stays on the pirate ship.

High Tides
Chapter One: Found

“Heileen?” Ebele excitedly called, opening the door to Heileen’s cabin as she did. “Heileen, wake up!”

“Ebele…?” Heileen groaned, slowly sitting up from her bed as she rubbed her eyes with a finger. “Is there something wrong?”

“We found them!” Ebele cheered happily, grabbing Heileen’s hands and clasping them between her dark hands. “Lora! John! Marie! Everyone! They have been found!”

Heileen’s eyes widened in surprise and tears cascaded down her cheeks. “Oh, oh, I need to—I need to see them! They’re alive! Ebele, they’re alive! Thank God!”

“Yes, isn’t it great, Heileen?” Ebele cried as well, “I will help you dress. We must hurry.”

“Yes, of course!” Heileen nodded, wiping her tears with a smile and jumped off of bed.

Quickly, Heileen dressed with Ebele’s help. The moment they were done—or nearly done since Heileen no longer bothered to tied up her jacket—they ran out the cabin to the deck.

Tears began to fall down Heileen’s cheeks once more as she saw her friends; she couldn’t believe they were alive!

“Marie!” Heileen cried aloud, “Lora! You’re all alive!”

“Heileen!” Marie grinned brightly when she saw her blonde friend, “Heileen, you’re safe!”

Heileen ran into the arms of Marie and Lora, she cried on them. They were safe, Heileen told herself.

“It’s all right, dear.” Lora whispered to her gently, tears streaming softly down her cheeks. “Let it out. Thank God, you’re safe, Heileen!”

“Yes,” Heileen looked up at Lora with tear stained cheeks. “Yes, we’re all safe now! And it’s all thanks to Mar—Morgan!”

“Morgan? Who is this Morgan?” Marie asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“That would be me, ladies.” A deep male voice said followed by loud footsteps from behind Heileen. “Captain Morgan. It’s a relief that we finally found you, my little bird wouldn’t stop worrying until we found you.”

Heileen blushed at what he called her and quickly changed the topic by saying, “He and Juliet have been taking good care of us—Ebele, Robert and I! We’ve been aboard this ship for nearly a month now.”

“Well, Morgan, thank you for taking care of my Heileen.” Lora smiled brightly, seeing the closeness Morgan and Heileen had.

Marie looked at Morgan for a moment then frowned, “How is it that you look familiar? Have you ever been to Liverpool?”

“Uh, no.” Morgan lied, “Of course, not, Miss. I’m simply a pirate.”

Heileen looked at Morgan briefly then turned her head to look past Lora and Marie. The other pirates were heaving Marco up the ship and it didn’t look as if he lost any weight at all.

“Oh, Marco!” Heileen gasped and went over to the large and adorable chef, embracing him the moment his feet landed on the ship’s floor.

“Ah, it’s good to know you’re alive, Heileen!” Marco chuckled, embracing the younger girl. “Marie cried buckets for days, I tell you.”

“Move over, Marco.” A male’s voice came from behind Marco and Heileen felt her cheeks flame up.

Marco quickly moved a few steps away and John came up the ship. Heileen caught her breath; he looked as if he hadn’t changed either. He was still as good-looking as the first time she laid eyes on him at the Liverpool port.

“John…” She whispered his name so low she didn’t even hear herself.

“Mar—Heileen.” John held his breath when he saw her. Her big clear eyes staring wide at him in disbelief and his own amber ones were doing the same at her. “Heileen!”

Without another thought, he embraced her tightly in his arms.

“John!” Heileen gasped, her cheeks going red, feeling John’s wide, strong chest press on hers. “Wha—”

Before she could even finish, John had once again, taken her lips on his.

To be continued…
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Re: Vani's Creativity

Postby rifle100 » Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:03 am

very good work vani i like it so much.i'm waiting for your next part to release :)
Live Life King Size...!!!


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Re: Vani's Creativity

Postby vanijane » Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:38 am

Thanks, Rifle!

But uh, which one are you talking about?
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Re: Vani's Creativity

Postby rifle100 » Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:24 pm

i'm taking about high tides...
Live Life King Size...!!!


Check it out here:
A Sirius Game is now available! It has rpg elements, sidequests, etc where you can sail with your ship across beautiful ocean and battle with pirates. Click here to download.
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Re: Vani's Creativity

Postby vanijane » Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:50 pm

Oh, okay. +::lol
Thanks for reading that, BTW.
If your hoping for updates on the story, just check my site often. 'Coz that's the place where I update first. Or my other account here. I mostly update this place last. +::biggrin
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