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Celia's Quest

Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby Celia » Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:54 pm

I'm not sure how much the folder matters. You could always try moving the game folder somewhere else and see if it fixes the problem. Or try running it not fullscreen to avoid the entire computer freezing.

As for restarting, of course you could always do that if you want to try another build and see if it's stronger, but I honestly think you're better off just finding some meat somewhere and trying the fight again.
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby Bluerose » Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:02 pm

I will try what you said about he window mode and finding meat. Thanks for the help.
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby Bluerose » Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:22 pm

The Sand Mine, is there any way to get to where the shovel is lying on the floor? Thanks
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby watts712 » Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:32 am

I have completed everything up to the firecaller and I have been trying for 2 hours and can't do it any more I just can't....I like a challenge but this is way more then that....I have 4 healing potions, using 1 meat before the fight ,wearing pretty sword, flame shield, ruby necklace, strength is 4, dex is 2, int is 2, fame is 3, moves is 2, and friendship is is icky bomb, trip wire bomb , and party bomb....I do have 1 skill and have been going back and forth using it on different skill and each time I die and NOTHING I do kills him...I just don't know what to do, I play these games because they are fun not to pull my dang hair out..
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby Celia » Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:51 am

Hello Bluerose! You don't need to reach the shovel in the Sand Mine, it's just decoration.

Hello watts712!

Spoiler: show
Consider grabbing either Stabby Stab or Wrong-End Stab, or upgrading Punch to Uppercut. Since you're primarily Strength, Brawl skills will help you the most. There are two ways to handle the Flamecaller. One is to burst down his summoned Worst Candles as they appear, and the other is to simply ignore them. With your current setup I'd place Trip Wire Bombs on the Worst Candles, keep the Flamecaller himself Icky Bombed and then focus on him with Brawl skills. If you do get Wrong-End Stab or Uppercut you should be able to stun him enough that his damage becomes fairly easy to ignroe, and then it's just a matter of using potions to heal whenever the Worst Candles hurt you too much.
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby blitzen » Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:37 pm

I'm in the Fire Temple and getting extremely frustrated because no matter what I do there is just not enough time to get to the chests and back to a "safe" spot before the time runs out. Is there some kind of "sprint" key I don't know about? I'm playing in Normal mode, and I don't have a fire shield because I didn't realize it was going to be an obligatory item (I have a burning sword instead). I've been trying for hours, and if I can't finish the temple I can't go any further in the game, right? I really don't want to have wasted my money or restart the whole thing in Easy mode.

Also, when I click on the link for the Manual. I get a 404 not found error.

Can anyone help?

EDITED to add:

Never mind, I found the sprint key. Seriously, this shouldn't be something you need to figure out on your own.
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby Celia » Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:50 pm

Hello blitzen!

No, the Fire Shield is not obligatory in any way. You simply haven't figured out the puzzle itself.

Spoiler: show
There are three versions of the same puzzle in that dungeon. The first area is simply an introduction to the mechanics. Hit levers to prolong the timer to get through. The two others are 1: Hit all levers while opening/closing gates to gain access to a couple of chests and 2: Run through a long corridor to get to a chest, hitting levers along the way. I'm assuming you're having problems with the last one. The trick is to only hit every other lever, not all of them, so you have some levers to hit on your way back.

You won't have to restart the game. I'd tell you to consult the manual, but since it doesn't work... I'm not the one in charge of hosting it, but I've uploaded it to an alternate host. It might take some time to load, but at least you'll be about to access it! Oh, and as you'll see in the manual, you sprint using the SHIFT key. It's a toggle option.


I hope that answers your questions.

EDIT: The sprint key is the default key as in most games, and is clearly mapped in the manual. If you feel like that isn't clear enough, then I'm sorry to hear that.
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby watts712 » Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:29 pm

I finally finished the firecaller :):):).... I a now exploring across the river and not sure what to do next, there is so many different places to go.. Does it matter what I do next?? do I need to do in any order??
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby watts712 » Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:31 pm

I can't open the manual either..
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby blitzen » Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:08 pm

No, I figured out the puzzles just fine. The problem was that without turning on the sprint function there was literally not enough time to complete them. I just happened to luck into finding the key that toggled sprint. I'm through the puzzles now.

I am trying to persist with this game, partly because I've already spent money on it, but also because I like the concept and some aspects of the gameplay, such as the skill trees. But the game seriously suffers from a lack of healing options. I have three potion vials but no more potion tokens, so if I want them refilled, which at this point I need every fight or two, I have to go all the way back to the Temple in town. I have a few of the other type of potions left but can't use them to heal during battles so they have limited use, and if I want more I can't buy them, I have to gamble for them using tears which I don't have enough of. And if I make the mistake of clearing out a dungeon area so the monsters don't respawn, where the heck do I get more tears from? (And I also think if you kill 3 monsters in a fight you should get 3 tears, not one. That would at least help a bit.)

This game has a lot of potential, and I have been enjoying playing it, but I've kind of run up against a wall. It's too difficult to get Celia to a level where she doesn't need to use potions in every fight. I have to save every few few minutes because I die way too often. And if this is what Normal mode is like, what is the hard mode like?
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby Celia » Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:24 pm

Hello watts712!

Spoiler: show
You can go anywhere, though some areas are harder than others! As a general rule of thumb, assume that the further you get from one of the river paths, the tougher the area will be. And remember, Temples are the hardest parts of the game, so you probably don't want to try the next Temple until you find some more treasure and power ups!

As for the manual, please use the link in my post above yours until the other one's fixed.

Hello again blitzen!

Spoiler: show
I'm glad to hear you figured them out, I simply misunderstood your problem then. I do think having Sprint on SHIFT is the standard for pretty much every RPG Maker game out there, coupled with most other games with a sprint function, though, and it is clearly listed in the manual. Unfortunately the link did go down, but at least now you can use my link to make sure you've got the basics down!

While you might argue the game suffers from a lack of healing potions, I've had other players complain about them sitting on 100+ excess Tears after the Fire Temple, feeling like they have so many healing items they simply start every fight fully healed. Balancing is difficult, as someone will always think the game is too easy or difficult. I can assura you however that the game has been balanced around player feedback to the extent that I know for a fact no area is (even close to) impossible.

Clearing out an area gives you rewards in itself, as I'm sure you've noticed by now. Yes, you do end up not being able to "grind" Tears, but the game economy was never balanced around grinding, and you can make it through the game while only fighting each fight once, clearing areas as you encounter them.

If you feel like Celia could use more healing, maybe you should invest in a self healing move? You can always look through the manual to plan your skill and stat builds.

Normal mode in Celia's Quest is balanced around being tough, but not impossible to beat, with every build that isn't actively trying to be weak. Hardcore mode is balanced around requiring the player to build incredibly potent skill and stat setups, while Casual mode is much more lenient with player builds in general. Neither of the modes are easy, which is why there's no mode called "Easy".

I understand the game might feel a bit too challenging if you're going into it expecting a usual JRPG-inspired story focused grind-styled RPG, which tends to be the norm as far as I can tell. But that wasn't what I aimed for with Celia's Quest, I wanted something truly challenging without relying on simply cheating the player, but rather forcing the player to really think about what to do next and how to do it, and judging by the responses I'm getting in this forum thread, I feel like I've succeeded in doing just that.
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby Bluerose » Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:56 am

I can't believe it, I finally beat Hard Rock, with only 4 HP left! +::Dance
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby flaxin1 » Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:48 pm

Hello! I'm having a problem with the Fire Temple. I beat the boss and opened the storage room. But there was an area that I was at earlier that you had to hit every other switch to be able to get back through. Now I can't find the area. I do find one area up and to the left of where the stairs are but the switches aren't working at all anymore. Any idea what happened??? Thanks
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby Ricbyrne » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:00 pm

I could use a hint on what to do at Sandy Place. I've repaired the columns in the sandy dungeons that I have fallen into and able to get into 4 areas. I am able to get the top of just one of the columns in Sandy Place to glow, but can't find anything else to do. I have walked everywhere and not able to find any quicksand that will drop me into a new area. There is an area topside that has a chest and switch, but they are behind a gate. I'm sure there is lots to do before I can gain access to this area.

I am enjoying this game. I was a tad frustrated when I first started, but I found that if you don't try and do too much and watch your health, you will make headway. I like being able to plan my next move 8)
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Re: New RPG: Celia's Quest

Postby Celia » Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:43 pm

Hello Bluerose! Glad to hear you finally beat him! I think Hard Rock is probably my favourite boss fight in the game, simply because of the challenge he puts up. Most other bosses can be beaten fairly easily if you know how to counter them, but Hard Rock won't ever go down without a fight!

Hello flaxin!

Spoiler: show
I'm guessing you're talking about the long "corridor" like area with switches where you have to hit every other switch to make it through, get the chest, and get back out? These levers "jam" as you use them, making them impossible to use more than once. Maybe that's why they're not working for you now? Either way the chest is not needed to progress the game, so don't worry too much about not grabbing it if you managed to miss it.

Hello Ricbyrne!

I'm glad you're enjoying the game. After all, that's what games are made for, right? Enjoyment. It's great that you managed to push past that initial frustration and figure out how to keep Celia alive and well through exploring the Valley!

Spoiler: show
The Sandy Place puzzle has two parts. They can be done in either order, but you can't finish the area without doing them both. The first part requires you to repair columns just as you've done. The second part requires you to light all the pillars on the surface level in the right order. If you play with sounds you'll hear a clear right/wrong sound play as you try to light them. I'd suggest you try to map them out on a piece of paper to help remember the correct order. Oh, and clearing the area of enemies before you start trying to figure it out.
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