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Re: New RPG: Champions of Thora

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:21 am
by blumyst
yes 4 times in different areas. It usually happened when starting to fight

Re: New RPG: Champions of Thora

PostPosted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 9:20 pm
by blumyst
ok, done with the game. I liked it and it was fun but there were to many mazes in it for me.
I was lucky if I remembered how to get out of them.I did get some error messages but that
was just me and it might not happen to anyone else. You did have the merchants to buy things
from. More weapon upgrades wouldve been good. Tried it in the harder mode didnt like it that
way. There needs to be the auto when fighting as well as the others. Also you did have the bars to
show the life of the player but not the enemie. That wouldve been helpful.

Re: Champions of Thora

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:18 pm
by kimo
My input (all 2 cents worth) in no particular order. The game was mostly enjoyable to play, so please consider that in spite of my critical comments.

End of the game gives closure which some designers forget about. Showing rather than telling was a good choice. I ended the game with characters at level 24 at about 14 hours of play (others could do it in much less time). Game balance was good in early character levels and made me very frugal in spending. But, too much gold/potions were found at later levels when less was needed.

Way too many mazes and also unrealistically long hallways in the prison. The mazes start to look like recycled mazes from previous screens (auto generator used?) with character direction/orientation changed to just seem different. There needs to be an “Egress” spell available (hunter character?) for getting out of the mazes when done with them so the party doesn’t have to retrace steps which became very irritating. Basically, I felt the whole game was just about mazes and therefore lacked variety for me. But the amount and quality of goodies found in the Sacred Mazes made them almost a requirement.

Enemy troop variations also lacked depth and therefore battle strategy was not a major factor in encounters. The same basic groups/combinations were encountered in each dungeon even though each dungeon was somewhat different. ATK, ATK, ATK, and a mass group spell/skill became my commonplace strategy. Although in the final castle it was Group Spell, Group Arrows, ATK, ATK until the final boss battle.

This is a very linear game that doesn’t allow for random exploration except for the sacred dungeons which are just mazes with lots and lots of goodies. Of course, that approach minimizes errors in programming conflicts.

The “Guard” function in battle does not restore HP or MP, so I guess it adds to DEF and/or MDEF. As a result, I only used “guard” a couple of times.

I never used any urns, which were found everywhere.

Placement of goodies specifically useful in a given area was a good choice (i.e. anti-poison, anti-paralysis potions and certain amulets). Some effects seemed to wear off too soon during a battle which made it unnecessary to waste a turn curing a character rather than attacking.

The wandering merchant was a nice touch and I looked forward to him in early parts of the game for MP po, and having good weapons available if player didn’t explore the Sacred Mazes which were optional.

Misc. note:
Condemned Amulet (MDEF +5) does not change any stats on the status screen.