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Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Complete!)

Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Complete!)

Postby ilsepants » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:07 pm

This is my first attempt at a walkthrough so please be kind. :) I used a combination of the official guide, the forum and my own smarts. I played using my own imported save (found here on the forum) and on Normal mode. Please feel free to add suggestions and I will update the walkthrough as needed. Here we go!

Chapter 9: Xander and the Fifth Temple

After the opening scene, you find Xander and Adon in the Marshlands of Xen in search of the fifth temple of the Order. After a short conversation, you will be asked to select your difficulty. As stated above, for the sake of this walkthrough, I chose “Normal.”

First things first. Talk to Amedeo, the man standing outside the cabin, for some information about the possible whereabouts of the temple. He will say it is deeper in the swamp. Talk to him again and he will be helpful and offer you some healing supplies. Be sure you have plenty of Magicka Potions since Xanders spells will get you through this first part.

Start to head west across the bridge and Xander will state that he didn’t particularly trust Amadeo and Adon will ask where Seiman is. We will go round out the 4 members of the party before tackling the rest of the swamp as it is much easier with all of them to handle the monsters.

Continue to walk west and battle the 3 Adrentana Anacondas. Xander’s 1001 Dark Slashes works well on them and just physical attack with Adon. A little further west, the orange plant underneath the red flower on the top left side has a 1x Dahr Herb.

Start to approach the man you see and you will be attacked by a Dragon Razor but he shouldn’t give you too much trouble. I just physical attacked and he died from one hit by Adon. Talk to the man and he will try and talk you out of going further into the swamp. He is a slave of the Order. Adon takes care of him for you. Continue on and battle 3 more Adrentana Anacondas. Same strategy as before.

Keep going west for now. We will come back and explore the rest of the swamp shortly.

Fight the Thunder Demon. Again, Adon takes him out easily so just physically attack with him and Xander’s Ground Implosion can Ground Lock the demon. Go up and get the chest for 1x Healing Potion and kill the Zeon. He can be ice jailed, paralyzed, shrunk, venomed and you can heap many other bad statuses on him with Xander’s spells and Adon’s claws. The often drop Zeon claws which we will use and abuse later on to get gold!

Walk east into a graveyard. The left side of the first upper gravestone has a 1x Ante-Spirit ring. The 4th lower gravestone, on the left side, has a 1x Necrotear. Continue east and you will be confronted with many rounds of skeletons. Xander’s Solstice Light wipes them all out and Adon can take them out physically as well. After the rounds, Xander mentions they are the work of a Necromancer and that the graveyard must have been used for experiments. We must be getting close!

Continue east and ignore the first path going up for now. Kill the Thunder Demon, same as before, and go up the 2nd path.

Try and ignore all the monsters here for now (especially the snakes when you first enter this screen) as they will be much easier in just a few minutes. Walk up and then east. When you see the Zeon walking around go up (ignore the bridge to the east for now) and around to the left. You will see Seiman standing on the bridge. Talk to him and he will tell you that you will need to take the boat with the skeleton further on the path. Also, he tells you he had to steal the goods from the lady down in the swamp. Seiman joins your party. Now let’s go return those goods!

Walk back east and down, again, ignoring the monsters. Follow the path west to get a chest with 1x Food Ration. Funny Seiman found it already but left it for Xander to discover!

Go back east and down to the previous screen. Now take the other path going up.

Walk up and go up the bridge to the right. The 2 plants here will give you 2x Red Pimento. Go back across the bridge and to the left. The bottom middle plant gives you 1x Talys Root. Talk to the lady standing there. It’s Leanda! She certainly made it far since we found her at the end of LFII! They will have a short discussion about Random and Xander will agree to buy her a house in Adrentana if she leaves with them. She agrees and Leanda joins your party. Examine the rocks to the left of her and you will get 600G that Leanda buried there. There is nothing else on this screen so go back down and we can fully explore the swamp.

Go back to the left and you will find the re-spawning Zeon. We will use this shortly to level up and collect Zeon claws for gold. Kill him and take the path going north. Seiman’s Spell Lock spell is good since it wipes out his MP and he can’t cast Inferno which damages all your allies.

On the next screen, kill the Thunder Demon. Continue up and kill the next Thunder Demon and the 2 bats. Xander’s Shock Wave works well on them and can Fatigue the Demon. Open the chest to get 1x XP egg and 1x Tyrano Bracers to equip on Adon and boost his stats a bit. Go back down to the previous screen.

Follow the path back down and to the east. Ignore the bridge going down and take the path instead toward the big tree.

Kill the 4 Adrentana Anacondas. Take the left path and kill 2 more anacondas. Go down and to the left and kill the Rotten Wraith. Physical attacks should be fine. Go down across the 2 bridges and kill the Order Slave. Again, physical attacks should be fine, especially if Leanda shrinks her and Seiman shatters her right away. Open the chest to get 1x Ademia Powder. Go back up to where the big tree is and go across the bridge into another cemetery.

The right side of the middle top gravestone has 1x Necrotear. The 3rd gravestone down furthest to the left on the left side gives you 1x Darkness Ring (Eventually I hope to get maps in here where I can show you exactly what I mean). Further down, there is a group of 2 gravestones. The right side of the left one gives you 1x Darkness Ring and the left side of the right one also gives you 1x Darkness Ring.

A little further down, you will see a dead tree. The gravestone immediately to the left of it, on the left hand side, has 1x Ante-Spirit. The left chest has 1x Life Potion and the lower chest has 1x Talys Root. The gravestone to the right of this has 1x Necrotear. The gravestone further up from that right next to a small spit of land with nothing on it has 1x Darkness Ring on the left. The Titan Zeon wandering around is tough but he can be shattered, shrunk and sometimes venomed.

Go back up to the top of the graveyard and head right. As you approach the gravestone off by itself you will be attacked by a Putrefaction. Seiman’s physical attack takes it out and Xander assumes it was a failure of the order. Inspect the gravestone to get +1000XP to all party members and +10 HP to Xander. Go back and buy more health supplies if you need to and then go use the respawning Zeon to level up as it will make fighting the snakes coming up a bit easier.

Once you’ve leveled up a bit, go back to the start of the screen where you pick up Seiman. The 2 Zaron Hydras are a bit tough and can pack a big punch. First round, Solstice Light with Xander and hope to paralyze them, physical attack with Adon, Defense Up All with Seiman and Armor Breakdown with Leanda. After that, Solstice Light with Xander and have everyone else physical attack and they should go down quickly. The rarely drop Kirin Herb. Continue up. There is another Titan Zeon wandering around here. Take the bridge to the right and up. Use the same tactic as with the Zaron Hydras with the 4 Lava Squids. They are a bit easier than the hydras since they are slower. The left chest contains 1x Royal Meat and the right chest contains 1x Lava Ring.

Go back down and follow the path to the left. There is a chest at the end with 1x Food Ration. Seiman found it earlier but left it for Xander to discover. Isn’t he just soooo funny! Work your way back up to where you found Seiman before. Continue on. Kill the Order Slave (physical attack should be fine at this point) and talk to the skeleton standing by the boat. He will offer to take you to the shrine.

Once you reach the shrine, inspect the first tombstone for another glimpse at Seiman’s humor. Then continue up to the door. You will be attacked by a Half Bred Grakolaak. Defense Up All with Seiman and Armor Breakdown with Leanda. He shouldn’t be too difficult.

Before you enter the shrine, Xander will remind the party about the riddle that must be solved to enter into the top where the traitor bishop is. You must find the Lady in Red as she knows the riddle. Enter the shrine.

Standing in your way is Accagomon. His daughter was kidnapped and taken into the shrine while they were out picking mushrooms. Kind of careless of him! Xander tells him they will find his daughter and shrouds him in invisibility so the monsters in the shrine will leave him alone.

Go up and inspect the big eyeball. It is an Eye of the Order. It’s quite resistant, but just keep physically attacking it and it will go down. It is susceptible to shatter. Now take the left path up, to the left and down. Open the chest for 4x Demon Blaster. Go back up and go up the stairs.

Kill the 3 Adrentana Anacondas with ease. The 2 Cataclysm Apostles shouldn’t give you any trouble either if you leveled up a bit. Just physical attack or use Xander’s most powerful spells.

Take the path to the right and follow the first path down. The 2 Ante-Spirits can be killed with Xander’s and Seiman’s physical attacks. In the room at the end of the hall, the chest contains 1x Magicka Potion. The 3 Adventurer Devourers can be paralyzed, shrunk and shattered. They randomly drop Healing Potion. Go back to the right and up.

Take the next path up and kill the Cataclysm Messenger and Cataclysm Apostle. Inspect the torch to light it and Xander will announce we are making progress. Continue up now that the path has been opened and follow the hallway around to the right. Go down at the end of the hallway and take the left side first. Kill the Order Slave. Enter the room to the left and kill 2 more Order Slaves. Open the chest to get 338G. Exit the room and continue down. Flip the switch. Go back up and follow the hallway to the right.

In the first room on the left, kill the Order Slave and Order Wizard. In the top right corner of the room get 300G. The chest contains Book: The Ugly Cooking. Exit the room and continue down.

Go right first and up to be confronted by a bunch of Missile Bats. Xander’s Shock Wave will knock them all out. Pick up the 400G. Go back down and to the left this time. Talk to the demon and he will tell you he used to be in a carnival. Now all he does is try and get people to play his game. The first try is free and each one after costs 1000 more G. From left to right the flames give you: All Party Members +2HP and Pox condition, Crazy in Love (which if you’re playing with the original version of the game is bugged and the condition is permanent! YEA!), All Party Members +3ST, 3000G, All Party Members: +6000 XP, All Party Members: HP/MP Max, and All Party Members: Pox Condition. If you have the gold, I definitely recommend getting all the positive rewards.

Move on to the left. The first chest contains 1x Healing Herb. Follow the hallway down to get out on the balcony. The little demon to the right is selling Lamps of Xen. Buy some if you’d like. To the left, talk to Veronjc. He will tell you he keeps the key to Ernst’s chamber. Xander offers to spare him in exchange for the key, but alas, Adon must do away with him. You receive Lunar Key. Beyond where Veronjc was standing, you can find 1x Oxuralis, which you need for the mage guild if you imported. Go back inside, work your way back around and back downstairs.

From the entranceway, go right onto the next screen. Kill the 5 Blood Battlers easily and continue to the right. Ignore the paths going down for now. Kill the 2 Order Slaves and keep going to the right. Take the first path down to be ambushed by some more Missile Bats. The chest contains 1x Tij Herb. Keep going down and go down the stairs to the basement. Go to the left first, killing all the enemies you encounter. In the room at the very top left, inspect the torch to get 117G. The cell to the farthest right of this room has an ambush by Zoix Bats (randomly drop Zoix Wings) and a chest with 1x Darkness Ring. The bottom of the left bed has 65G.

The 2 cells in the hallway to the south of this area are locked. Keep going down. The first southern room has more Zoix Bats. The first upper room has Missile Bats. There is nothing in the 2nd room. The 3rd room has an Ante-Spirit. There is nothing in the 4th room. The last room in this hallway has 3 Adventurer Devourers. Go back to the beginning of the basement.

In the first room to the right you will find Firfine an element of pee. Ew. The 2nd room has more Zoix Bats. Take the path down. Go straight down first and follow the path to the right. The chest is trapped but Seiman can disarm it for XP. It contains 1x Revive Potion. Go back and take the path to the left now.

In the room at the end you will see Fiona who is looking for the next sacrifice. Seiman will take care of her. The chest contains 1x Zombie Heart. That’s it for the basement so go back upstairs and back up to the room to the right of where you killed the 2 Order Slaves.

From here, go up until you get to a 4 way intersection with a Blood Battler and an Order Wizard. Take the left path first. Kill the 5 Cracaos. Continue up and to the right. You will be ambushed by more bats. The chest contains 1x Magicka Herb. Go up the stairs.

The chest immediately in front of you contains 1x Zabazo Rod. The chest to the far right contains Book: Spirituism Revisited. Go back downstairs and continue following the hallway to the right. Start to walk down and you will be ambushed by more bats. This room contains a total of 3900G on the ground and 76G in the chest. Keep going down.

You are back at the 4 way intersection. Take the right path this time. The chest in the bottom right room contains 4x Healing Herb. That’s it for exploring for right now so go back to the start of this screen and take the first path down.

Go all the way to the bottom of the screen. The chest to the left contains 1x Healing Herb. Go to the right. At the split, take the bottom path first. Follow it all the way to the right and up a little. At the next split, take the right path. When you get to the end go down first. In this room, the top chest contains 1x Necrotear and the left chest contains 2x Indinera Salt and 1403G. Exit this room and take the path up.

The chest in the alcove to the left contains 1x Seed Pendant. Equip it on either Seiman or Xander (Adon can’t equip it and Leanda won’t need it). Walk all the way up, get ambushed by more bats and go up the stairs.

The Lunar Key will unlock the door. Kill the 2 Order Slaves and follow the hallway to the left. Kill the next round of enemies and inspect the gate of the cell above you. Seiman will note that it must be a powerful monster to require 2 doors. Go in if you’d like and fight the X-Zeon. He’s pretty powerful, but Defense Up All, Armor Breakdown, Adon’s physical attack and Xander’s most powerful spells should take care of him. He can be ground locked and venomed. Once defeated, check the 2nd to left wall panel for 1x Bromium Powder. Exit this room and continue to the left. The chest contains 1x Mind Crystal. The next chest contains 1x Revive Potion.

Keep going until you get to the room with the Lady in Red. The Order Slave in the bottom left corner will keep being revived by the Lady in Red so level up some more if you’d like. The chest in this room contains 1x Necroleach. When you’re ready, talk to the Lady in Red. She says you will never find the bishop while she is alive. Xander will take care of that problem. Quest complete. Kill the Order Slave in the corner for real and then inspect the girl lying on the ground. It is Accagomon’s daughter. Not even Leanda’s spells can revive her.

Go back downstairs and back to the 1st split in the path. Follow the red path on the ground. The chest contains 202G. Keep following the path until you get to a room with a lot of enemy trees walking around. Kill them with ease as they attack one at a time. This is the last time to get anything you may have missed from this area of the shrine. When you’re ready, inspect the crystal. You will be attacked by an Evil Soul. He is very susceptible to Plague. Kill him and you will be transported to the traitor bishop’s secret room.

Walk up into the room. The chest on the right contains 1x Holy Water. Walk up the red carpeted stairs and watch a very short cutscene. Go up and confront Ernst. He will attack you with 2 Order Slaves. Use Xander’s Solstice Light, physical attack with Adon, Defense Up All with Seiman and Armor Breakdown with Leanda. Quest complete.

Watch the next cutscene which will take Xander and party back to Adrentana. Leanda will leave the party and Xander, Seiman and Adon will go into the palace.

That’s it for Chapter 9!
Last edited by ilsepants on Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby loof123 » Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:31 pm

It's really good actually. +::Thumbup
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:53 pm

nice stuff ^^
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby seeliewight » Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:34 am


One very minor nitpick - you mention you found another ring - it would be better if you put it explicitly as found another 1x Darkness Ring or something like that.

Here is some info you may find useful - I took some notes during the first chapter (and didn't for the others, sorry)

A. Items:
1. found lava ring, good for xander, after defeating zaron hydras
2. found many darkness rings, 1 ante-spirit, and some necrotears in
graveyard (click on the tombstones)
3. found tyrano bracers in a chest, good for Adon

B. Zaron hydra strategy:
Took many reloads before I got a good result.
Xander - Solstice Light in every round (hope to get paralysis)
Adon - Attack, use Life potion if anyone died
Seiman - Spell Lock (hope to get Magicka Lock), use Life potion
Leanda - Armor Breakdown (hope to get Defense Down), attack, use life

Once one of the enemies gets Defense Down / Shatter, attack with everyone, esp. Leanda who can inflict shrinkage and hits twice.

Managed to kill them with all party members alive and only 1 life potion

C. Lava Squid strategy:
Xander - Solstice Light in every round
Adon - attack
Seiman - Defense Up all in first round, then attack
Leanda - Armor Breakdown in first / second round, then attack
Killed them in first attempt without losing any party member.

D. Best place to level up: Zeon near graveyard (respawns if you
go up and back from next screen)
Xander - attack
Adon - attack
Seiman - attack
Leanda - Armor Breakdown, then attack
Gives 309 xp and 19 gold, may drop Zeon Claw. Best way to "farm" for gold and XP.
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby EmeraldEyez » Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:50 am

Excellent Job!!! :) +::clap
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby Indinera » Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:09 pm

everybody is uniting forces lol
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby CHR1ST » Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:01 pm

I just need 2 hours in LF... (start from 206:00:00 to 208) to make xander and seiman get LVL 52,adon 50, leanda 51.. (I'm start using ilsepant import file)... i don't care bout the money, coz the main party has over than 10 million gold..
my strategy was..
1. I straight forward to get seiman first...
2. after get seiman, I explore all the area, this u have to do to get leanda join in your party..
3. I passed the green snake..
4. enter the temple...I forward to get the seed pendant, get all the gold and the chest...
5. get the key, oxuralis and some lamp of xen..
6. touch the yellow fire to get 3000 gold, (forgot which fire) it give u 6000 xp, and don't forget, one fire can give u 'crazy in love', the other can give u HP/MP max, and +ST...
7. go to red dress woman, there is one 'slave' that can't be died before killed the red dress woman..I just use rush, with 'crazy in love' bugs, the 'slave' killed in one round..repeat that as long as u like..
for me it's save a lot of time, coz the 'slave' give u 300 XP and 0 gold...
8. after u boring to levelling, kill the red dress woman and forward to the bishop..
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby ilsepants » Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:25 am

Ugh. I finished it. And then my computer froze and I lost all the rest. I will try again tomorrow.
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby Indinera » Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:42 pm

argh, sorry to hear this....
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby loof123 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:38 pm

Yes... But it's four days... Really I'm curious.
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby ilsepants » Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:35 pm

Real life (ie work) has gotten in the way. I have 2 days off this coming week. Hopefully I will have time to finish this then. Sorry for the delay.
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby loof123 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:05 pm

Glad you're okay. But won't you number the paragraphs?
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Not finished)

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:52 pm

ilsepants wrote:Real life (ie work) has gotten in the way. I have 2 days off this coming week. Hopefully I will have time to finish this then. Sorry for the delay.

no worries!
take all the time you need ^^
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Complete!)

Postby ilsepants » Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:29 am

Finished it! :) And I still have tomorrow off as well! +::YAY
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Re: Walkthrough for Chapter 9 (Complete!)

Postby Indinera » Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:46 am

very nice job, and helpful to a lot of people i'm sure
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