Laxius Soul Forever Heroes Maiden Maiden Odessa When the Light Dies

[FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

[FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby DragoonHP » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:56 pm

Hello friends and fellow Laxius Power enthusiasts.


Chapter 1

The End

Word Count: 2,591
Total Word Count: 2,591

Spoiler: show

Random smiled as he looked down on the magnificent scenery of Metrolia. Seeing the city and its people safe and sound, filled his heart with happiness he would never be able to put into words. Even the clear blue sky seemed to agree with his mood.

“Hey Random,” Sarah whispered.

“Hmm?” Random said, turning to smile brightly at Sarah.

“Random,” Sarah said again seemingly oblivious of Random’s reply, “open your eyes Random.”

Random arched a questioning eyebrow at her and before he had the chance to say anything else, the world in front of him shook and smudged in wisps of darkness. He shook his head, trying to get a hang on his fading vision but it didn’t seem to be of any help. A dull ache started to play in the back of his mind, and he felt like he was being choked.

“What’s happening Sarah?” Random asked in a scared whisper as Metrolia once again started to crumble, the magnificent city falling to ruin once again. The joyous sky turned grey as screams of terror and cry for help filled the air.

“Sarah?” Random said turning his head around, worry for her evident in his voice, “SARAH!!!!!!!!!”

Random shouted out, the desperation in his voice clear. He whipped his head around at a sickening pace, and with every passing moment, the feeling of doom weighed down on his mind. His heart, which moments ago was filled with pleasure, was now dripping with terror, terror of such calibre that he hadn’t experienced ever before.

And then with a sickening feeling in his heart, Random realised that Morph Demon was there. The Morph demon looked at him with a vicious expression, his eyes gleaming in delight. He bared his fangs and Random felt as if his blood had frozen stiff in his veins. The almost silent rhythm of the wind made him shiver in terror.

“We meet again Random Pendragon,” the demon said, extending his dripping red hand towards him.

“Stay away,” Random said as he reflexively skidded back, his hands fumbling around his waist trying to get a hold on the Ulm-Warrior’s hilt. But he couldn’t, because it wasn’t there.

Looking in the eye of Morph Demon, Random was extremely thankful to Yveen that Sarah wasn’t here but at the same time, Random felt scared. He didn’t know why, but he was really scared right now, like his soul was bare for anyone to see.

“Now you die.”

Before Random had the chance to completely understand what was happening or to visualise the sudden burst of colours in images, the world in front of him flashed black and the last thing he heard was a scream, a scream so horrific that Random pitied that existence of that person.

* * *


Random screamed out, his back arching as his eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets. His heart was hammering against his ribcage, threatening to break out of it. A thin sheet of sweat was stretched all over his body and breathing seemed to be quite an exhaustive task for him.

As his vision started to focus back, Random noticed that now there wasn’t a grey sky looming over him, but a dark old cracked roof. The air had a stale smell with a hint of the smell of blood. He could hear noises in the background, but all of it sounded incoherent to him, like chirping of insects.

Unable to take more of the situation, Random made a move to stand up, but his body erupted in pain in response. He could feel his body throbbing in unison with the pounding in his head.

“Argh…” Random cried out in pain, the pain too much for him to bear.


He heard a faint voice and gathering his strength, Random flipped around in the direction of the voice and almost wished that he hadn’t because there laid Sarah, her beautiful face dirtied with streaks of red and purple. Her beautiful green hair were a mess and he could see the faint outline of scratches all over her body.

Even though she was in such a horrible state, her blue eyes sparkled with relief when Random whispered,

Words couldn’t express how grateful he was to Yveen to see Sarah, but that feeling of gratefulness remained only for a second because almost instantly it was replaced by the feeling of anger remembering the state Sarah was in.

Summoning all of his remaining strength, Random pulled up his hand and extending it toward Sarah. But it seemed as even fate itself didn’t want that because no matter how far he stretched his hand, she was still out of his reach. But still, a smile came over Sarah bloodied lips as her eyes twinkled with unmistakable happiness.

But Random, on the other hand was feeling frustrated. The dream was still playing in the back of his mind, and it was making him desperate to confirm that it was indeed real Sarah.

“Random,” came a different voice from his side and Random had a feeling that he knew who this voice belonged to but he couldn’t put a finger on who it belong to.

“Hmm…” he hummed trying to shuffle through his memory to put a name on the voice.

“How are you feeling?” the voice continued to say and with every passing second, Random felt more helpless and frustrated.

“Fine,” Random said as he flipped around, gritting his teeth to stop himself from grunting in pain.

“You are finally awake,” came a hoarse voice and Random groaned as he overworked his mind, trying to put a name to the voice.

“Don’t shout Coryool,” Luciana chided and then turned to look at Random, “How are you feeling?”

Random smiled in despair as he looked over his best friend.

“How are you?” Random asked in response as his eyes took in the pitiable state Luciana was in, “You look like you are having a bad day.” He finished with a smile on his face.

“You shouldn’t be the one to say it,” Luciana smiled, “you don’t exactly look like a hero now.”

“It comes with the job,” Random said with a small smile, forgetting about the pain that was assaulting his consciousness for the moment, “I just feel bad that I couldn’t protect you and Sarah.”

“Oh Random,” Sarah cooed, and Random looked at her from the corner of his eyes and smiled.

“You shouldn’t move,” Random said when Sarah tried to get up.

“I am fine,” Sarah said as she finally managed to push herself in a sitting position, “I am nimbler than you.”

Random smiled, and Coryool grunted as he sat up while Sarah helped Luciana and Random in sitting up.

“They are coming,” Luciana said abruptly with a sad smile as she looked towards the way they have gotten inside.

“I never thought that I will die like this,” Coryool sighed, looking almost unconcerned, “I should have drank that beer.”

“How many of them are there?” Random asked with a grim expression on his face, ignoring Coryool’s grumbling.

“Around thousand… in the very least,” Luciana said in a sad, monotonous tone, “And they are all very powerful.”

“No chance for us then?” Random asked as he dipped his head back and heaved a big sigh.

“In our present condition,” Luciana said, “no. I am actually quite surprised that we even managed to stay conscious for the most part.”

“Ah well,” Random sighed again and continued after a bit of tense silence, “I never thought that I will die like this.”

“Yeah,” Coryool seemed to agree with Random’s emotions, “getting killed by someone like Rixian is bad enough, but getting killed by these pathetic demons… even the thought itself makes me wants to barf.”

“Yeah,” Random said as he looked at his armour. Several cracks were littered all over it and half of his armour was dyed red. But it had helped him with the fight with the Morph Demon and for that Random was in gratitude of the ancient Metrolian fighters.


The walls shook and Random reflexively pulled Sarah close to him.

“Well I guess they are almost here,” Luciana said.

A tense heavy silence surrounded them and it left Random feeling like someone was trying to throttle him. His lungs were constricted and the lump in his throat seemed to grow in size. Every inch of his body was burning in pain, and Random felt that death would surely be better than the state he was in. Random closed his eyes, ad tried to concentrate on the small noises that were playing all around him… the rumbling of ancient falls, the hiss of air, the thumping of feet…


The unexpected noise of crying resonated in his ear like the sound of a gong and Random popped open his eyes in alarm. He looked down at Sarah but she wasn’t crying, if anything, she looked a little content.

Random slowly, dreading what he would see, looked at Luciana, and his heart clenched painfully when he saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

He opened his mouth to speak, but words seemed to have betrayed him because only air managed to escape. He tried to gulp down the lump in his throat, but it wouldn’t go away. For the first time since he remembered, tears started to brim at the corner of his eyes on his own helplessness.

Everyone like him seemed to be thunderstruck,and fortunately, Sarah was the first one to snap out of the shock as she started crawling toward Luciana, trying to drag herself towards her best friend.

Without even him knowing, tears started to roll down his cheek, and faint sobs escaped from his constricted throat. But Random didn’t make a move to stop any of it; even if he had tried to, it would have been fruitless.

“What happened Lucy?” said Sarah as she embraced her friend.

“I — I uhh… feel so… so… helpless Sa — Sarah,” Luciana managed to murmur between sobs, “I can — can’t even do tele—port ion magic to get us out of he—re.”

“It’s alright Lucy,” Sarah said, all the while patting her friend hair, “Every one of us did all we could; now all we can do is believe in Yveen.”

“But… but…”

Luciana couldn’t complete because a fresh round of tears overwhelmed her. With the back of his hand, Random furiously wiped away his tears and gripping Ulm-Warrior so tightly that his nails dug in the palm of his skin, jumped to his feet, ignoring the furious cries of his muscles.

Everyone whipped their heads in alarm, wondering what had happened to him.

“Are you fine, Random?” Sarah was the first one to say, worry and concern for him evident in her voice.

“Yes,” was all he said, as his body shook with the excretion of standing.

“We will fight,” Random said after a bit of pause, “we will fight till our death. We just can’t lose hope and let fear rule our mind.”

“But Random…” Luciana said but Random shook his head.

“We are going to die either way Lucy,” Random said firmly, “And like you, I feel helpless too… helpless that I can’t protect you but you know what, I won’t let myself succumb to fear now. If we are going to die here, I will rather die fighting than like a coward. And I know that all of us here share my thinking…”

Before anyone could answer Random’s enthusiastic speech or he could continue, the wall in front of him shook and soon was blasted to form a hole big enough for a large man to pass through.

Without thinking twice, Random dashed toward the wall. Unlike before, Random felt rejuvenated; his senses were clearer than ever and a plan formed in his mind. Adrenaline was pumping through his body and the feeling of power overwhelmed him.

As he neared the wall, he heard Coryool jumping to his feet and following him.

Random smiled in spite of the situation; everything was going as planned and if everything continued to go as planned, Luciana and Sarah would be able to escape.

A lone tear brimmed in the corner of his eyes, but he was too busy to give it any heed.


Random shouted as his sword drew a graceful arc in the Vampire body, splicing his heart in two in the process. A spurt of red blossomed in the air for a moment, and his sword shone proudly in red.

But the sudden moment had its consequences for a splitting pain ran through his shoulder and he was barely able to contain the grunt of pain.


Random smiled when he heard the familiar sound of Coryool hitting his target.

Without giving any heed to the pain, Random continued to splice the demons in front of him, but it didn’t seem to be enough. While Random and Coryool were getting overwhelmed with the number of demons, various cracks continued to appear all around the walls, which made Random more and more nervous.

If this continued, his plan would fail and that thought send shiver down his spine.


He heard Luciana and Sarah shout and before he had the chance to acknowledge them…

“UGH…. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

He shouted as his vision was painted red with a flash of colour. A splitting pain ran through the length of his spine and his grip on Ulm-Warrior loosened.

Cold wind blew all around his face and the feeling of panic overwhelmed him. He looked up and saw that the wall was coming downwards… or was it him who was going upwards. Random didn’t care, rather he couldn’t care; the pain all over his body was the only thing on his mind for the moment.

But soon, he found himself being dragged downwards and…


More pain erupted all over his body and now even breathing was turning out to be a very exhaustive thing to do. He tried to open his eyes, but couldn’t; all he managed to do was to open them a crack and the scene he saw didn’t please him.

He wanted to fight back but all he could do was wither on the ground like a dying fish.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw that Coryool was trying his best to hold the demons, but they seemed to be overwhelming him little by little.

Devoid of any energy, Random closed his eyes, finally admitting defeat. Tears which he had managed to keep at bay till now, started flowing down.


Random groaned as new wave of pain erupted from his stomach. Summoning all his strength and ignoring his body shout of protest, he turned around, ignoring the beating his body was being forced to endure.

He looked at Sarah, who was fighting with all her might and then at Luciana, who was looking at him contently.

Random gulped and something seemed to break inside of him…

“Sorry Lucy… sorry Sarah… I—I am very s—sorry.”

This was all he could say before tears overwhelmed him. He felt himself crying but he couldn’t do anything to stop them. In his mind he knew that he must be looking quite pathetic but now he didn’t care.

Even the beating he was getting from demons didn’t seem to hurt him at all and just looking at his friends, fighting with all their might, filled his heart with pleasure.

His eyelids seemed to turn heavy suddenly and closing them sounded a very promising prospect to him.

Let me know if any of the events or characters seem out of canon to you.


I present an excerpt from my upcoming, presently un-named Laxius Power III FanFiction.
Please enjoy reading it and like always, constructive criticism is welcomed.

Shouldn't read if you have read Chapter -- 1... this was only the starting of Chapter 1...

Spoiler: show
Random smiled as he looked down on the magnificent scenery of Metrolia. Seeing the city and its people safe and sound, filled his heart with happiness he would never be able to put into words. Even the clear blue sky seemed to agree with his mood.

“Hey Random,” Sarah whispered.

“Hmm?” Random said, turning to smile brightly at Sarah.

“Random,” Sarah said again seemingly oblivious to Random’s reply, “open your eyes Random.”

Random arched a questioning eyebrow at her and before he had the chance to say anything else, the world in front of him shook and smudged in wisps of darkness. He shook his head, trying to get a hang on his fading vision, but it didn’t seem to be of any help. A dull ache seemed to play in the back of his mind, and he felt like he was being choked.

“What’s happening Sarah?” Random asked in a scared whisper as Metrolia once again started to crumble, the magnificent city falling to ruin once again. The joyous sky turned grey as scream of terror and cry for help filled the air. The smell of death was in the air and it scared him.

“Sarah?” Random said, turning his head around, worry for her evident in his voice, “SARAH!!!!!!!!!”

Random shouted out, tears brimming at the corner of his eyes. His heart, which moments ago, was filled with pleasure, now dripped with terror, terror of such calibre that he hadn’t experienced ever before.

And then, he was there, the Morph demon, his eyes gleaming in delight. He bared his fangs and Random felt as if his blood had frozen stiff in his veins. The almost silent rhythm of the wind made him shiver in terror.

“We meet again Random Pendragon,” the demon said, extending his dripping red hand towards him.

“Stay away,” Random said as he skidded back, his hands fumbling around his waist trying to get a hold on the Ulm-Warrior’s hilt. But he couldn’t, because it wasn’t there.

He was really thankful that Sarah wasn’t here and at the same time, Random felt scared. He didn’t know why, but he was really scared right now, like his soul was bare for anyone to see.

“Now you die.”

Before Random had the chance to completely understand what was happening or to visualise the burst of colours in images, the world in front of him flashed black and the last thing he heard was a scream, a scream so horrific that Random pitied that person.
Last edited by DragoonHP on Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby Indinera » Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:20 pm

Nice start, well written and interesting.

The almost silent rhythm of the wind made his shiver in terror.

shouldn't it be 'made him'?
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby DragoonHP » Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:23 pm

Thanks for catching the typo Indy...

This typo tells me that I should sleep now...
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby Indinera » Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:27 pm

Typos happen all the time, no worries! :)
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby DragoonHP » Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:32 pm

I will have to change something in the posted excerpt...
There are a few inconsistencies in the writing...

Good Night Indy and thanks for the support...
"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby Indinera » Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:48 pm

You're welcome!
Have a good night's rest!
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby DragoonHP » Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:58 pm


Chapter 1

The End

Word Count: 2,591
Total Word Count: 2,591

Spoiler: show

Random smiled as he looked down on the magnificent scenery of Metrolia. Seeing the city and its people safe and sound, filled his heart with happiness he would never be able to put into words. Even the clear blue sky seemed to agree with his mood.

“Hey Random,” Sarah whispered.

“Hmm?” Random said, turning to smile brightly at Sarah.

“Random,” Sarah said again seemingly oblivious of Random’s reply, “open your eyes Random.”

Random arched a questioning eyebrow at her and before he had the chance to say anything else, the world in front of him shook and smudged in wisps of darkness. He shook his head, trying to get a hang on his fading vision but it didn’t seem to be of any help. A dull ache started to play in the back of his mind, and he felt like he was being choked.

“What’s happening Sarah?” Random asked in a scared whisper as Metrolia once again started to crumble, the magnificent city falling to ruin once again. The joyous sky turned grey as screams of terror and cry for help filled the air.

“Sarah?” Random said turning his head around, worry for her evident in his voice, “SARAH!!!!!!!!!”

Random shouted out, the desperation in his voice clear. He whipped his head around at a sickening pace, and with every passing moment, the feeling of doom weighed down on his mind. His heart, which moments ago was filled with pleasure, was now dripping with terror, terror of such calibre that he hadn’t experienced ever before.

And then with a sickening feeling in his heart, Random realised that Morph Demon was there. The Morph demon looked at him with a vicious expression, his eyes gleaming in delight. He bared his fangs and Random felt as if his blood had frozen stiff in his veins. The almost silent rhythm of the wind made him shiver in terror.

“We meet again Random Pendragon,” the demon said, extending his dripping red hand towards him.

“Stay away,” Random said as he reflexively skidded back, his hands fumbling around his waist trying to get a hold on the Ulm-Warrior’s hilt. But he couldn’t, because it wasn’t there.

Looking in the eye of Morph Demon, Random was extremely thankful to Yveen that Sarah wasn’t here but at the same time, Random felt scared. He didn’t know why, but he was really scared right now, like his soul was bare for anyone to see.

“Now you die.”

Before Random had the chance to completely understand what was happening or to visualise the sudden burst of colours in images, the world in front of him flashed black and the last thing he heard was a scream, a scream so horrific that Random pitied that existence of that person.

* * *


Random screamed out, his back arching as his eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets. His heart was hammering against his ribcage, threatening to break out of it. A thin sheet of sweat was stretched all over his body and breathing seemed to be quite an exhaustive task for him.

As his vision started to focus back, Random noticed that now there wasn’t a grey sky looming over him, but a dark old cracked roof. The air had a stale smell with a hint of the smell of blood. He could hear noises in the background, but all of it sounded incoherent to him, like chirping of insects.

Unable to take more of the situation, Random made a move to stand up, but his body erupted in pain in response. He could feel his body throbbing in unison with the pounding in his head.

“Argh…” Random cried out in pain, the pain too much for him to bear.


He heard a faint voice and gathering his strength, Random flipped around in the direction of the voice and almost wished that he hadn’t because there laid Sarah, her beautiful face dirtied with streaks of red and purple. Her beautiful green hair were a mess and he could see the faint outline of scratches all over her body.

Even though she was in such a horrible state, her blue eyes sparkled with relief when Random whispered,

Words couldn’t express how grateful he was to Yveen to see Sarah, but that feeling of gratefulness remained only for a second because almost instantly it was replaced by the feeling of anger remembering the state Sarah was in.

Summoning all of his remaining strength, Random pulled up his hand and extending it toward Sarah. But it seemed as even fate itself didn’t want that because no matter how far he stretched his hand, she was still out of his reach. But still, a smile came over Sarah bloodied lips as her eyes twinkled with unmistakable happiness.

But Random, on the other hand was feeling frustrated. The dream was still playing in the back of his mind, and it was making him desperate to confirm that it was indeed real Sarah.

“Random,” came a different voice from his side and Random had a feeling that he knew who this voice belonged to but he couldn’t put a finger on who it belong to.

“Hmm…” he hummed trying to shuffle through his memory to put a name on the voice.

“How are you feeling?” the voice continued to say and with every passing second, Random felt more helpless and frustrated.

“Fine,” Random said as he flipped around, gritting his teeth to stop himself from grunting in pain.

“You are finally awake,” came a hoarse voice and Random groaned as he overworked his mind, trying to put a name to the voice.

“Don’t shout Coryool,” Luciana chided and then turned to look at Random, “How are you feeling?”

Random smiled in despair as he looked over his best friend.

“How are you?” Random asked in response as his eyes took in the pitiable state Luciana was in, “You look like you are having a bad day.” He finished with a smile on his face.

“You shouldn’t be the one to say it,” Luciana smiled, “you don’t exactly look like a hero now.”

“It comes with the job,” Random said with a small smile, forgetting about the pain that was assaulting his consciousness for the moment, “I just feel bad that I couldn’t protect you and Sarah.”

“Oh Random,” Sarah cooed, and Random looked at her from the corner of his eyes and smiled.

“You shouldn’t move,” Random said when Sarah tried to get up.

“I am fine,” Sarah said as she finally managed to push herself in a sitting position, “I am nimbler than you.”

Random smiled, and Coryool grunted as he sat up while Sarah helped Luciana and Random in sitting up.

“They are coming,” Luciana said abruptly with a sad smile as she looked towards the way they have gotten inside.

“I never thought that I will die like this,” Coryool sighed, looking almost unconcerned, “I should have drank that beer.”

“How many of them are there?” Random asked with a grim expression on his face, ignoring Coryool’s grumbling.

“Around thousand… in the very least,” Luciana said in a sad, monotonous tone, “And they are all very powerful.”

“No chance for us then?” Random asked as he dipped his head back and heaved a big sigh.

“In our present condition,” Luciana said, “no. I am actually quite surprised that we even managed to stay conscious for the most part.”

“Ah well,” Random sighed again and continued after a bit of tense silence, “I never thought that I will die like this.”

“Yeah,” Coryool seemed to agree with Random’s emotions, “getting killed by someone like Rixian is bad enough, but getting killed by these pathetic demons… even the thought itself makes me wants to barf.”

“Yeah,” Random said as he looked at his armour. Several cracks were littered all over it and half of his armour was dyed red. But it had helped him with the fight with the Morph Demon and for that Random was in gratitude of the ancient Metrolian fighters.


The walls shook and Random reflexively pulled Sarah close to him.

“Well I guess they are almost here,” Luciana said.

A tense heavy silence surrounded them and it left Random feeling like someone was trying to throttle him. His lungs were constricted and the lump in his throat seemed to grow in size. Every inch of his body was burning in pain, and Random felt that death would surely be better than the state he was in. Random closed his eyes, ad tried to concentrate on the small noises that were playing all around him… the rumbling of ancient falls, the hiss of air, the thumping of feet…


The unexpected noise of crying resonated in his ear like the sound of a gong and Random popped open his eyes in alarm. He looked down at Sarah but she wasn’t crying, if anything, she looked a little content.

Random slowly, dreading what he would see, looked at Luciana, and his heart clenched painfully when he saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

He opened his mouth to speak, but words seemed to have betrayed him because only air managed to escape. He tried to gulp down the lump in his throat, but it wouldn’t go away. For the first time since he remembered, tears started to brim at the corner of his eyes on his own helplessness.

Everyone like him seemed to be thunderstruck,and fortunately, Sarah was the first one to snap out of the shock as she started crawling toward Luciana, trying to drag herself towards her best friend.

Without even him knowing, tears started to roll down his cheek, and faint sobs escaped from his constricted throat. But Random didn’t make a move to stop any of it; even if he had tried to, it would have been fruitless.

“What happened Lucy?” said Sarah as she embraced her friend.

“I — I uhh… feel so… so… helpless Sa — Sarah,” Luciana managed to murmur between sobs, “I can — can’t even do tele—port ion magic to get us out of he—re.”

“It’s alright Lucy,” Sarah said, all the while patting her friend hair, “Every one of us did all we could; now all we can do is believe in Yveen.”

“But… but…”

Luciana couldn’t complete because a fresh round of tears overwhelmed her. With the back of his hand, Random furiously wiped away his tears and gripping Ulm-Warrior so tightly that his nails dug in the palm of his skin, jumped to his feet, ignoring the furious cries of his muscles.

Everyone whipped their heads in alarm, wondering what had happened to him.

“Are you fine, Random?” Sarah was the first one to say, worry and concern for him evident in her voice.

“Yes,” was all he said, as his body shook with the excretion of standing.

“We will fight,” Random said after a bit of pause, “we will fight till our death. We just can’t lose hope and let fear rule our mind.”

“But Random…” Luciana said but Random shook his head.

“We are going to die either way Lucy,” Random said firmly, “And like you, I feel helpless too… helpless that I can’t protect you but you know what, I won’t let myself succumb to fear now. If we are going to die here, I will rather die fighting than like a coward. And I know that all of us here share my thinking…”

Before anyone could answer Random’s enthusiastic speech or he could continue, the wall in front of him shook and soon was blasted to form a hole big enough for a large man to pass through.

Without thinking twice, Random dashed toward the wall. Unlike before, Random felt rejuvenated; his senses were clearer than ever and a plan formed in his mind. Adrenaline was pumping through his body and the feeling of power overwhelmed him.

As he neared the wall, he heard Coryool jumping to his feet and following him.

Random smiled in spite of the situation; everything was going as planned and if everything continued to go as planned, Luciana and Sarah would be able to escape.

A lone tear brimmed in the corner of his eyes, but he was too busy to give it any heed.


Random shouted as his sword drew a graceful arc in the Vampire body, splicing his heart in two in the process. A spurt of red blossomed in the air for a moment, and his sword shone proudly in red.

But the sudden moment had its consequences for a splitting pain ran through his shoulder and he was barely able to contain the grunt of pain.


Random smiled when he heard the familiar sound of Coryool hitting his target.

Without giving any heed to the pain, Random continued to splice the demons in front of him, but it didn’t seem to be enough. While Random and Coryool were getting overwhelmed with the number of demons, various cracks continued to appear all around the walls, which made Random more and more nervous.

If this continued, his plan would fail and that thought send shiver down his spine.


He heard Luciana and Sarah shout and before he had the chance to acknowledge them…

“UGH…. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

He shouted as his vision was painted red with a flash of colour. A splitting pain ran through the length of his spine and his grip on Ulm-Warrior loosened.

Cold wind blew all around his face and the feeling of panic overwhelmed him. He looked up and saw that the wall was coming downwards… or was it him who was going upwards. Random didn’t care, rather he couldn’t care; the pain all over his body was the only thing on his mind for the moment.

But soon, he found himself being dragged downwards and…


More pain erupted all over his body and now even breathing was turning out to be a very exhaustive thing to do. He tried to open his eyes, but couldn’t; all he managed to do was to open them a crack and the scene he saw didn’t please him.

He wanted to fight back but all he could do was wither on the ground like a dying fish.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw that Coryool was trying his best to hold the demons, but they seemed to be overwhelming him little by little.

Devoid of any energy, Random closed his eyes, finally admitting defeat. Tears which he had managed to keep at bay till now, started flowing down.


Random groaned as new wave of pain erupted from his stomach. Summoning all his strength and ignoring his body shout of protest, he turned around, ignoring the beating his body was being forced to endure.

He looked at Sarah, who was fighting with all her might and then at Luciana, who was looking at him contently.

Random gulped and something seemed to break inside of him…

“Sorry Lucy… sorry Sarah… I—I am very s—sorry.”

This was all he could say before tears overwhelmed him. He felt himself crying but he couldn’t do anything to stop them. In his mind he knew that he must be looking quite pathetic but now he didn’t care.

Even the beating he was getting from demons didn’t seem to hurt him at all and just looking at his friends, fighting with all their might, filled his heart with pleasure.

His eyelids seemed to turn heavy suddenly and closing them sounded a very promising prospect to him.

Let me know if any of the events or characters seem out of canon to you.
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby Indinera » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:22 pm

Sounds good so far, it's well written and it seems you know plenty of words (more than me lol)
Now I wonder what he will see when he opens his eyes again +::O_o
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby DragoonHP » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:26 pm


And he hadn't exactly closed his eyes right now... he is planning to...

And what await them is... death itself... +::biggrin
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby Indinera » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:52 pm

sounds good, who wouldn't want to have a chat with Yveen? +::biggrin
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby DragoonHP » Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:11 pm

"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby <3Benoit » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:45 am

I like it so far. C:
Sure, playing the games would help (xD), but I have a pretty good idea of who the characters you've mentioned are....... (all excet Coryool...o_O)
Did you notice I changed these words?
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby Indinera » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:24 am



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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby <3Benoit » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:22 pm

He's definitely not a Benoit..... +::O_o
Did you notice I changed these words?
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Re: [FanFiction] Laxius Power 3.5

Postby Indinera » Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:15 am

Huh, he is closer to the Bear xD
except funnier +::biggrin

Play 3S and see ;)
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