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Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:11 am
by Indinera
Sooo who are your favorite characters so far? It can be in personality, looks or battle skills +::YAY

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:31 am
by feyone2
I'm a redhead by design so I just adore Barbara and Alex!

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:42 am
by Cassiopeia
First off I find it cool to get all these animals. So far I have the rooster, the bear, the wolf, the cow, the horse, the hawk, the fox and the tiger.
My favorite of these is definitely the horse! I love his spell and he's a great fighter too with his ability to numb the monsters.
As for the humans ... I have Jordan (of course), Jasmine, Clea, Alex, Barbara, Zetta, Teksab and Yu.
I like Jasmine, she's just cute. But Barbara is awesome too. She's a great fighter with her Captain's Sword in addition with the Slaughterer Gauntlet to hit twice she's been invincible so far! She's even faster than these cats at the Majestic Hotel and keeps wiping out two (of the little ones) before they can do damage.

Spoiler: show
Oh, and I'd like to say something about the characters in general.
Before the game was out there was this discussion about choices and whether there are "right" and "wrong" choices.
Now I see how much choices really affect the game, especially the choice between Jasmine and Melusine because it obviously makes a huge difference in which characters you get along with them. (For instance I chose Jasmine and got Zetta, a friend of mine didn't and also doesn't have Zetta. So unless she just missed her that's a result of the choice. But iirc Zetta came along with Clea automatically for me.)
Anyway, this is something I find really cool. There are different ways to play the game and even though the main plot remains the same, next time around it will still be completely different. Different people, different dialogues, different fighting strategies.
This is great work and I can't wait to try with Melusine next time! Congrats for this Indy and Enso!!!

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:06 am
by feyone2
Unfortunately I don't have enough gold to get Captain's Sword maybe I'm in for a long hard ride. I have lots of animals but not the Fox, I missed him.

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:12 am
by Cassiopeia
Where are you? Did you find Barbara?

I killed thieves over and over again before moving on to Zander to be able to buy that sword.

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:33 am
by feyone2
Yes I've got Barbara & Pacha and Alex. I'm back in Izuka.

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:12 am
by Cassiopeia
Well, if you have Barbara you also have a Captain's Sword now!

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:23 pm
by feyone2
Thanks for that info Cassiopeia! I hadn't checked her equipment.

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:24 pm
by Cassiopeia

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:27 am
by Alikamou's hard to stick to just one, but so far...Jordan, Jasmine (of course), 'Baskethead' Teksab and Barbara my Amazon +::biggrin They're leading the pack at this time. But...the rest...Zetta, Alex, Yu, Princess Lo and even Nagam are sneaking up into that category with their loyalty and skills +::biggrin Now the rest of the pack? Rooster, Cow, Fox, Hawk, Wolf, 2-Bears, 2-Tigers, Horse and Raccoon are all definitely favorites +::biggrin So in other words...THE PACK I have now and hopefully soon to expand ARE ALL FAVORITES :razz: Besides...Jasmine and Alex along with Pasha & Zahia and Tsen & Jonas are on the Colliseum Champion list +::YAY +::biggrin

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:32 am
by Indinera
Like ALL the characters!!

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:37 am
by Alikamou
Yup +::biggrin That's why I didn't pick Melusine :razz: She kicked me out of the castle before I could search it +::grrr aaaand...the clincher was she wanted Jasmine OUT of the group! +::grrr Those were fighting words after I took the time to get to know her and level her up +::biggrin

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:29 pm
by bigtime
I dont think i found jonas or the horse. I have picked melusine and the great shiro school. Is it possible for me to recruit them? 8)

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:54 pm
by Indinera
bigtime wrote:I dont think i found jonas or the horse. I have picked melusine and the great shiro school. Is it possible for me to recruit them? 8)

It's called Gao School. All the animals are available for all the schools

Re: Favorite characters?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:27 pm
by D-Squall
Jordan - When we need him the most, he let us down. Sometimes his spells would be very useful during the demon battles but he can't use, no good.
Jasmine - Fast, strong attacks but low HP and low defense.
Melusine - Nice spells, a decent HP and attack power. Like her. ^^
Yu - Nice spells, like him too.
Clea - terrible defense, HP and attack but her spells and her leadership in the game made me choose her as the favourite character. lol
Lorette - Like her too, she's just like Clea with more ofensive spells. Like her too
Randolf - I didn't liked his powers, in-game he almost didn't say a word. So I didn't liked him
Zetta - Her blade dance skill was very useful, so she's another one that is goingto my ''like'' list
Alex - Charm spell was a lifesaver against those guardians and butchers, so it's another one I like
Teksab - Dunno, but just the decision to keep a basket in his head makes me like him. Maybe because it's funny XD
Barbara - She comes with a tiger, how I can hate her? lol But she had weak spells, at least she has good attack power and comes with a high level.
Nagam - Of course I like him, funny and devastating. XD
Lo - I just like her face XD
Luis - Just wish tha the had stronger spells, but his attacks and HP were good enough. lol

The ones I like are my favourites XD