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Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:28 pm
by Indinera
This is the place to post your feedback about Moonchild. You can download the game here:

Done with the game? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionary!

Just copy/paste the questions and answer below them! :)
Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending - just a recommendation. +::music

Your opinion about Calypso?
Your opinion about Susanna?
Your opinion about Kenneth?
Your opinion about Stardust?
Your opinion about Jardel?
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:49 am
by Alikamou
Memories huh? With my *Senior Moments* and all... +::biggrin
Your opinion about Calypso? As a mom myself, I can relate to the drive she showed to get to her baby..yup yup. She also has an independent streak in her nature that makes for a great queen +::whistle Impressive
Your opinion about Susanna? +::lol Now she's a chara I'd have a blast with +::lol Subtly sarcastic or just plain spoken at times, she was endearing to my weird sense of humor while I was under the guise of being loopy and cross-eyed :razz:
Your opinion about Kenneth? Ah...he was such a cutie! +::heart I can pick-em I can, I can. I sensed he was a good guy from the start, especially while he was *Lost* and could still fight valiantly :razz:
Your opinion about Stardust? Ooooo...don't want to give away too much, but have to say...IT WAS TOUGH FINDING HER IN THE FIRST PLACE! +::biggrin She had some great skills, too.
Your opinion about Jardel? Ah...Mr. Mis-Understood +::surrender From how the story unfolded from the beginning to actually meeting up with him...*sigh*...oh my +::lol Indy, I was beginning to twist and turn rocking out with him in the party +::Dance +::biggrin
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)? Ah...still can't remember the 9th party member (and haven't gotten him/her/it yet this second time through) but the rest? Gabriel is such a *stick-in-the mud* just like Rupert :razz: But, they both had some wicked moves +::Thumbup Now Dabbabbu...hehehe...he seemed to blend right into whichever party I put him into. Soooo adaptable and a truly affable character.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs? I LOVED IT! I really couldn't stop playing it for very long cause the story was too intriguing. The dialog kept me in stitches +::lol I had to make sure the door was closed so I wouldn't wake anyone up +::shhhh
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? The artwork was beautiful (as they usually are from your games) +::Thumbup The music was soothing for me throughout the whole game play!
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)? It was a very emotional ending for me. From feeling desperate, to utterly furious and ultimately triumphant +::clap I feel like there should be a sequel to this :razz:
What was your favorite moment and why? Beating *you know who*!!!!!!!!! That was the toughest battle!!!!! I honestly didn't feel I was gonna make it until it happened +::YAY
What's the game's best/strongest sides? The smoothness, how it moves you through the different towns or kingdoms without so much fuss. And the DRAGON RIDES!!!!! +::Dance +::clap +::biggrin
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare? Played them all except for LP3 (still can't get it to work on my pc +::cry ) Comparison...this game has been the smoooooothest one yet. The detail to the story, music, artwork, battle system and character roles and dialog are still uber superb! +::kiss You've delivered the best in all your games imho. The only difference is how smoothly the program runs and the clarity of the graphics. AWESOME GAME AGAIN INDY! CONGRATS! +::kiss +::clap

@kylie - WOOHOOOO! +::clap +::clap +::clap +::kiss

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:32 am
by woodlandpearl
Your opinion about Calypso? I really liked Calypso - she has a very strong spirit and very courageous. She had to find her daughter and it did not matter if that meant that she had go to distant places to meet up with companions or to enter the enemy's lair. It must have been an extremely difficult decision - considering her husband had been killed by him.
Your opinion about Susanna? I thought she was funny - she had a quirky sense of humor. I felt she rolled with the punches and I thought her elementals that she gained were awesome! She was weak in a sense with her health, but she made up with it with her spells.
Your opinion about Kenneth? I honestly wasn't sure about him at first. I thought it was interesting that he was in the "lost" state for quite some time, but then I probably would be too if Gabriel hit me over the head. :) I wasn't sure what happened to him at the end of the game...did he stay with Moon?
Your opinion about Stardust? - She seemed uninterested in what was going on and very aloof. She had some great spells but things didn't seem right with her especially with her being found in the shrine. Didn't really catch on until a bit later in the game that she in fact was the person who masterminded everything.
Your opinion about Jardel? - I honestly hated him a first because he murdered Calypso's husband. They both hated each other and thankfully decided to work as a team to find their children. I was really impressed at the end when Susanna gets his pendant and she asks him that she though he hated Calypso. Don't remember his exact response, but I think being in her team and seeing how driven she was to find her daughter changed his outlook on her. I feel he didn't view her as an enemy any longer.
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
The rest of the cast was good mix. Don't remember some of the names off hand but the ghost and titan were an awesome asset. I had to play the game again because I forgot the ghost the first time around. Gabriel was ok - not too much to his personality but I could tell he was extremely loyal to his queen and would give up his life for her.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs? I really enjoyed the story and dialog. The banter back and forth with Jardel and Calypso was pretty entertaining as well as Susanna's occasional remarks. I thought the ending was good, but I would have wanted a little more fleshing out of the story - what happened to Susanna? or the ghost, the titan? There was one comment that Jardel made to Susanna that did get me thinking - she looked at him a certain way and he was very impressed with that. Hmm... I believe that Jardel and Calypso will iron everything out - and that possibly they may have a future... +::heart
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? - The title screen was awesome. The music was great up until the forbiden area. Some of the music during the battle somehow grated on my nerves so I turned the music off when I was in the forbidden area.
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)? I mentioned this earlier...but I that the battles were great. Took me about six times to finally beat the last battle. What would have been great would be the ability to save once in between 2 or 3 of the battles. I enjoyed the ending, but would have like to have a bit more info on what happened to each character. Also, it would have been cool to "wrap" up the beginning - having Moonchild give her mother the gift.
What was your favorite moment and why? When Jardel decides to take his life by handing over the pendant to Susanna. I was blown away....because during the whole story he was portrayed as a monster - and rightfully so.
What's the game's best/strongest sides? The graphics, the music (except in the forbidden area), and definitely the storyline.
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare? Yes - almost all of them except the last two Laxius series. I thought the game was pretty good - I enjoyed playing a lead female character - I lot of RPG's have the usual male lead character so it was a refreshing change. I definitely will play this game again.

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:21 pm
by littlebro
Your opinion about Calypso?
A strong, stubborn, driven woman, utterly focussed on her objective. Obviously has all the qualities that can inspire loyalty, independent, good spells and fighting ability. Great that this game continues the practice of having very varied main characters.
Your opinion about Susanna?
Funny, straightforward, rotten health, but excellent spells and abilities. The sort of person you’d want on any team, because she gets on with it without being a prima donna.
Your opinion about Kenneth?
Endearing is the only word really. Great fighter, sweet on Susanna, surprisingly calm about what Gabriel did to him. Lived up to his class of Protector.
Your opinion about Stardust?
Great actress, able to conceal what she was really thinking. Excellent spells. Shame really.
Your opinion about Jardel?
One of the best all-round portrayals I’ve come across in a game. Quite a complex character, who defies easy categorisation.
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Om, as a distinct character, wasn’t really there – which, when you think about it, is probably just right for a ghost, but I would have liked a bit more backstory. Why is she (he?) a ghost, and stuck in the tower? Dabbabbu was a great asset and could work in combination with just about any team you put together. If I had to work with Gabriel for any length of time, I’d probably end up strangling him; he’s like an over-protective Labrador. Poor Rupert; what more can one say?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I thought that the story was excellent and that the dialogues carried that story well. The emotions and undercurrents were much more complex and ‘real’ that you usually get in a game, and considering the short time frame, there was significant character development, so that you could see people plausibly changing their opinions and attitudes.
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Liked the title screen a lot, and the music which I thought matched the different locations well. I had to turn the music off after a while in the Forbidden Room though, as it was quite anxiety provoking. The only thing I wasn’t so keen on was the battle theme, perhaps because I heard it so often. I prefer the way it was done in TBOL. This reminds me, because I don’t like all the cheeps and chirps from the cursor, selecting items etc., I always turn the sound effects off. (I know it's a shame that I miss the other sound effects as well, but I can't have one without the other.) Usually once is enough, but I had to do it every time I opened the game as it kept going back to the default.
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?
Excellent. Full range of emotions and a pig of a final fight sequence; just what you want to finish with. There was one thing, though. When there is a solid block of dialogue, as there is here, there ought to be a save point after it and before getting into the battle, because otherwise if you go down, you have to click your way through that dialogue again, and possibly again, and again. I was lucky and got through on the first attempt, but next time, who knows…?
What was your favorite moment and why?
Obviously beating the final battle was brilliant, but actually there were lots of little moments throughout the game with the dialogue where you wish there was a rewind button so that you could read it again. Oh, and running into the Mistress of Hell was a panic moment, as I wasn’t expecting anything there, and she was tough, so coming through that unscathed was very satisfying.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Definitely the story itself, and the way the characters are portrayed and behave. Also, the way you are moved through the story so smoothly, so that you never feel lost about what to do next, but neither is it excessive hand-holding. It has to be one of the neatest for getting you to the different locations before the dragon arrives. As always, I love the side quests.
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
I’ve played them all and this compares well with any of them. As usual, I have to say that because they are all so different, it’s not possible to compare them in any simple way. However, I think this one is different in a significant way – the characters were grown-up adults, having to deal with a lot of historical and personal baggage and I think that worked well. I suppose the real test is, do I want to play it again, to which the answer is: Of course.

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:21 am
by Aggeliki
Your opinion about Calypso?

In Calypso I found my favourite Aldorlian heroine!!!!(so far) I love everything on her and I really fell connected to her because I am,too, a mother.

Your opinion about Susanna?

She made me laugh all the time with her comments! I think she is the most interesting spellcaster in game(the whole truffle thing was brilliant!!)and I really liked her showing some affection for Jardel in the end.

Your opinion about Kenneth?

Kenneth is one chara I didn’t use in party so I haven’t much to tell

Your opinion about Stardust?

I loved her all the way till the very end and then….what a twist!! She turned out to be a vengefull egomaniac!!(with a painfull past that brought her at this point)

Your opinion about Jardel?

Like Lord Dragon: a bold and mighty warrior king, seems cruel and cold, but deep inside kind and fair. Actually I was hoping that he and Suzanna could be together haha!!

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?

Everyone unique in their own way.Fav party:Calypso-Suzanna-Gabriel-Jardel

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

I loved the story for not being the usual “save the world from a mighty demon” mission and for being more personal and emotional. The dialogs were very well written with both emotional and funny moments.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

Music 10/10!! I can say that I found the whole game’s music totally suitable to my preferances! The title screen was amazing, the whole artistic work was lovely! 10/10!!

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?

I went from shock to agony and finally relief and gratitude!!! That’s beautiful! The ending screens with Calypso emerging from the coffin and then the parents’-children reunion was so touching , it made me cried a bit..

What was your favorite moment and why?
My fav moment was the little cutscene with Calypso on boat under the moonlight..soooo beautiful!!!!

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Story-art-music all 10/10!! And game mechanics 10/10 as well!! The gameplay was just flowing !!
The only flaw imo is that the game is a bit short, I would expect some more quests and secrets, because being able to solve everything from the first playthrough shrinkens replayability a lot.

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?

I am a big Aldorlea fun, in fact I ve been following Indinera since before Aldorlea! I have played all the games multiple times!
This one’s style is similar to TBOL and not MMs or LFs imho.. Actually TBOL and Moonchild are classic old school rpgs with an extremely smooth gameplay which I love!
I am eagerly waiting for MM5 now..Thank you Indinera and team for this fantastic adventure!

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:28 pm
by Cassiopeia
I have to say, I don’t completely share the general excitement here. Moonchild is a nice game, but in my personal ranking of Aldorlea’s favorites it won’t make it to a top position.

Your opinion about the cast?
I’ll sum this up in one question because I don’t have a whole lot to say about the single characters. For me they never became as “real” as Aldorlea’s characters usually do. Calypso is fighting for her child. Of course, that’s what you expect from a mother and heroine of the game. But somehow I didn’t feel it.
And I don’t think I can really define the personalities of the other characters. For me they don’t have as much depth as many other Aldorlean characters.
Best of them I liked Jardel. To me he was the most genuine one.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
For me the story is nothing particularly special. The abduction of a child and the search for it. The solution though, the reason for the abduction and the scheme behind it, was more interesting. But since the story itself didn’t really get me hooked I didn’t pay too much attention on the dialogs.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The title screen is very beautiful and the music is well chosen. Soft and calm for the most part of the game, which is what I prefer. Only at Inog … it was a bit too present for me, especially because this was such a huge dungeon that cost me quite some nerves and the music just made me even more nervous.

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?
It was somewhat clear that one of my charas was the traitor (I was guessing on either that or Moonchild’s father still being alive), but since none of them was really important to me I didn’t care much about who it eventually was.
The final battles were cool though. The second fight with Stardust gave me an adrenaline rush, it was tough but doable, just the way I like it.
And I very much liked the picture of the reunited families in the end.

What was your favorite moment and why?

Every quest I was able to solve on my own because for me these are the most satisfying parts of a game.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Visible monsters. Being able to save whenever and wherever I want. And being able to go back and finish quests before the final battle.
I would have loved to add the idea with the items to use for solving quests here. That’s a great idea and something new in Aldorlea’s games. Unfortunately it was also a constant source of disappointment. It takes quite long until you get to use an item and most of the time you’re just dragging them along. I would have loved to use them more often, in more situations, more frequently. And a third of the items were of no use at all (at least none that has been discovered yet). That made it a very annoying thing to try out the items in situations where you’re unsure about what to use.

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
For me Moonchild is by far not as strong as other Aldorlea games.
Some people here are praising the graphics, but imo that’s one of the flaws of the game. Sure, there are some really nice maps, like Callypso’s and Jardel’s towns. But there are also some that are weird. Elvenia for instance. Why are all the corners missing?
Or the worldmaps. They look nice, but the passability is really strange. Sometimes you can’t get close to things like mountains, then again you can walk over them.
Anyway, all of this is a matter of taste. I’m waiting for MM5 now and hope it will be more of my liking again.

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:19 pm
by Woofgang
Your opinion about Calypso?
Great character, caring, strong, and would do anything to save her child. Loved her!

Your opinion about Susanna?
I liked her, but she wasn’t one of my favorites. She redeemed herself to me at the end.

Your opinion about Kenneth?
I loved how he was introduced to us! I did not like using him though. He was protective of Calypso, but I liked using other characters. Hurt me at the end as I only had him at level 40, but I won just before I ran out of restorative items!

Your opinion about Stardust?
Oh, my favorite, until the end! She was my strongest! Figures!!! I was not expecting that from her! (I thought it would be Jardel!) Well, that is why I love your games! LOL! The last fight was tough for me, as all four were my weakest characters!

Your opinion about Jardel?
Didn’t trust him, didn’t like him, and at the end, I actually teared up! I had to laugh at myself and say, “It’s not real! It’s a game!”

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Loved Om and Dabbaddu, love slicing through the enemies! They were my strongest, which did not help me at the end! Grrrrr! (I breezed through all the fights until the last one!)

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Loved the story, different and compelling! The dialog always makes me laugh and I always think about quests and tricks with character comments! The story was great! Loved the ending!

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Great title screen, as for the music, I usually play with the sound off, sorry

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?
I did not want the story to end! I loved the ending! Jardel, Susanna, and Calypso, great ending!
The pictures were what got to me! Jardel with his kids! Sniff, I needed a tissue! Moonchild with Calpso, Sniff! It’s a game, it is not real, still teared up! LOL!

What was your favorite moment and why?
Need I say? The ending!!!!!!!!! I was not expecting Stardust to be the bad character, so that took me by surprise. I did not expect to like Jardel, another surprise.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
As with all your games, I love the story, the side quests, the secrets, and I love finding items when I play, there were tons of items to find! I am so tired of games that just have fighting and going from one place to another and just fight. When I fight one of the characters in your games I have to think about the skill to use, the equipment to use, and so on. I am never bored playing your games. I love the different characters that you either like, love, hate, etc. They come to life! I like having different characters to use! I loved the forbidden room with the enemies that would (I am assuming, I could be wrong) come out of the statues or mirrors(?) after you thought you killed them and they would come back.

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
I have played them all! Moonchild’s story is different, in that it is about a mother and child, I really liked that story line. I do like to go back to places in the game before I play the final battle and I did give up doing that in Moonchild only because the places I wanted to go to were buried in large maps, like Titan Cave. I did go back to get another beheader when I had more money, and I am glad I did because of the present in the chest (almost didn’t check it again!), but it took forever to get through the maps cause I got lost. But, other than that, and the fact that the game is over for me, I loved it!

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:35 am
by briony
Loved the game Indy!!+:: +::YAY +::YAY
Calypso - a true mother I can relate to- would do anything for her child putting aside all ill feelings and fear to save Moonchild
Susanna - loved this character- determined to fulfill her dreams- nice touch at the end with Jardel - any hope of a romance there?
Kenneth - somewhat dim witted at the beginning but redeemed himself with fights
Stardust - complex and unusual person - seemed completely disinterested in others - seemed to get pleasure out of baiting Rupert - the ending explains her attitudes
Jardel - a born leader - loved by his countrymen - determined to succeed and overcome distrust for the sake of children - would made the greatest sacrifice to save children - loved the twist at the end with Susanna
Rest of cast - Rupert - great with spells- Kenneth, Gabriel, Dabbabbu all great fighters esp with good weapons equipped
Story-dialogs- the story was different than other games rather emotional but overall very enjoyable- being all adults with the usual adult hang-ups etc. love the dialogue with Jardel/Susanna
Music- most enjoyable went with the overall theme
Ending - not what I expected- great fight and the realisation that Stardust was the culprit- her built-up hatred leading to this outcome though in some sense she was correct in saying that through the ages gifted ones have been punished by those fearful of their abilities but that still does not make what she did right
Favourite moment- Jardel deciding to use the pendant without really knowing the outcome and telling Susanna that if the worse happens to let his children know what he did for them and also his touching comments to Susanna about her sincere look- he sounded rather reflective and sad
Best/strongest sides- i used Calypso, Jardel, Susanna and Rupert for spells, and Dabbabbu, Kenneth and Gabriel for weapons when needed- my characters were all above 45 and and I played in casual mode
Yes I have now played all the other games and this would have to be in the top, different to other games - more emotional but would like a sequel though to tie up loose ends

Many thanks Indy

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:26 pm
by D-Squall
I hate to spoil the pleasure of those who loved the game, but I don't think this game was very good.

Your opinion about Calypso?

Calypso was a nice character, I think she did what ever mother would do in her place, put her life before her daughter's. I'm sure that is what my mom would do for me, still she didn't surprised me... which is strange, because every main character Indy ever created (especially leading women) surprised me in every way, compared to Marine, Luciana and Rayanne, but Calypso was just likable.

Your opinion about Susanna?

Fun and a bit naive sometimes, she was cool... I played most of the game with her, her elemental summonings were very useful, and non-elemental too like The Reaper.

Your opinion about Kenneth?

I don't know, he was just good.

Your opinion about Stardust?

Couldn't imagine she was the villain, she was always hype, excited and glowing. Glad I didn't used her very much, didn't liked her villain side... it was like she was pretending to be a villain, didn't like her.

Your opinion about Jardel?

The only character that in my opinion that has a solid personality, he was evil and such, his ancestors taught him to be that way and such but he changed when it came to his daughters. It was a good character.

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?

Rupert and Dabbabbu. Those two were so much left aside that it's impossible to like them.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

Compared to the dialogs of The Book of Legends, Millennium and other of your preview games, IMO Moonchild had the weakest dialogs of any other Aldorlea Game... by reading the dialogs of games like Millennium, Laxius Force and The Book of Legends... I used to get excited, laughing sometimes, surprised and emotional but I didn't feel that in Moonchild.

The story was good, it is really something different that you did before, the story was very exciting in the beginning but it started to lose its power after I left Claw Island, I didn't see much fun. Maybe it's just me, don't know.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

Beautiful title screen, didn't liked the music but it fits.

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?

Was expecting more, I mean... it was a very fast ending. But I liked the artworks of Jardel and her daugthers and Calypso with Moonchild. I was surprised to see that Stardust was the villain, I started doubting her since the death of the Oracle. But she has run very low on that part. Betraying everyone even Rupert who kind of loved her. It was excting when Calypso left the coffin all bloody, wasn't expecting that.

What was your favorite moment and why?

The final scenes, when Stardust lock Calypso in the coffin but then she appears later all bloody and still wants to fight. That artwork, that moment and those music blended all together were fantastic.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?


Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?

Yes, and this is surprising to me because I tend to love all Aldorlea Games with heart, but this one I just liked. Moonchild for me isn't the best Aldorlea Game, it is a good game, but I feel like it didn't have that feeling of playing an Aldorlea Game while playing this one.

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:27 am
by feyone2
I enjoyed the game especially as I could easily go back over areas that I'd missed a quest or item. So in a sense I didn't play it straight through as I had originally intended.
Your opinion about Calypso?
I liked her but not as much as Marine, Jasmin or Clea in TBOL who are much better & more defined.
Your opinion about Susanna?
Cute & a bit naive.
Your opinion about Kenneth?
Honest & a great fighter
Your opinion about Stardust?
Very "I am" (me, me, me). Didn't like her much at all, thought she was very rude & the reasons became obvious at the end. I wasn't expecting her to be the betrayer, I thought that might have been Gabriel as he was so swarmy. I didn't like him either.
Your opinion about Jardel?
Good strong character, knows his role & his strength & not afraid to do what has to be done. Excellent hero material I think.
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Weakest one was Gabriel, Liked Rupert & felt he was sorely miss treated because of his love for Stardust, while Dabbadu & Om were very useful fighters.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Interesting story line with appropriate dialogs. Less complex & witty than TBOL though.
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Very appropriate to the story.
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?
Exciting & hard. I had to have 3 goes to beat Stardust as Kenneth & Gabriel weren't at a high enough level the 1st time.
What was your favorite moment and why?
The ending as it offered hope for the future.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Story line & ease of getting items to maintain health of characters. I like to keep going & not have to continually restart because your characters are all dead.
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
I've played all Aldorlea games & love them all in the main, MC is much shorter I think than any of the others.
I'm now waiting with baited breath for MM5! Keep them coming Indi!!!!!!!

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:42 pm
by docjg
Your opinion about Calypso?
Nice female lead, great spells

Your opinion about Susanna?
LOVE summoning, would have been of great help during very last battle

Your opinion about Kenneth?
simple, strong

Your opinion about Stardust?
I hadn't used her all that much during normal play, bit surprised she was the "bad guy"

Your opinion about Jardel?
Like the hard-!@# attitude, loyalism

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Liked the strength of Dab

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
One of my favs, no excessive dialogue; great main quest

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
I never play the music (muted) but title screen was a beauty

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?
Excellent surprise, tough fights in RPG mode

What was your favorite moment and why?
Finding the magic mirror tissue and the ensuing quests solved

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Visible monsters, summoning, solvable quests

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
Every single one. This, along with the Laxius series (all the way back to when Indy was indie +::biggrin ) have been my favorites. No one else has the head-scratching puzzles, beautiful graphics, characters, and engrossing story. I don't care for the Millenium series (it seems I'm a little unique in that regard) and did not like Sylia found them just boring IMO. Thanks for another great RPG

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:28 pm
by Madmar
A case of like not love.

Your opinion about Calypso?
She was a strong lead character with a mission, for sure, but I thought at times she came across as hysterical rather than driven. She was a great fighter and had some good spells
Your opinion about Susanna?
Loved Susanna, used her a lot especially when she started to gain the elementals. Missed the wind elemental though, not sure what I did wrong. She became a loyal and integral part of the group for me.
Your opinion about Kenneth?
Liked Kenneth from the start, never thought he was the enemy even from the start. Good fighting skills and some decent spells.
Your opinion about Stardust?
Used her quite a bit when I first got her, she had some fine spells and appeared to be a good friend to Calypso, but she fell to the wayside as I gathered other characters.
Your opinion about Jardel?
His character was honorable and a fine fighter. I liked him and used him quite a bit. His obvious love for his children matched Calypso's
Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Liked the titan (can't remember his name) and OM. Used both of them. Gabriel, not so much. A little one note. He sort of got on my nerves after a while.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Dialogs were OK, there was some humerous parts, but it just didn't seem to catch my interest like some of your other games. The story idea was a good one, something different
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Title screen was pretty and I loved the music.
Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?
Ok, so the ending was a twist, like TBOL, and the battles were difficult but not overly so.
What was your favorite moment and why?
The ressurection of Calypso, and her drive to continue the fight despite her injuries. What a gal!
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Good story, good music.
Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
I have played every other game other than the LP series (hard time finding them) I liked this game but I didn't love it. It just didn't draw me in like the other games. The characters didn't seem fleshed out to me and I never got as emotionally involved as I have in other games. I will replay it down the road in RPG mode but I will wait a while.

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:45 am
by Tomas
Your opinion about Calypso?
Strong and courageous. Yet I felt that she was a bit "lost", trying to save Moonchild wasn't exactly a situation she would feel confortable in.
And with mana replenishing equippment she was very strong in battles.

Your opinion about Susanna?
Very nice and sometimes a bit naive. Her comments were often funny.
Plus, she is probably the most useful character in battle. The summon spells (especially Call Fairy) are incredibly useful.

Your opinion about Kenneth?
Strong warrior. Maybe a bit scared about being the last surviving Guardian...

Your opinion about Stardust?
I can't say that I would grow too fond of her, but I certainly didn't expect her to be so heartless in the end.

Your opinion about Jardel?
He certainly wasn't the "evil king", as Calypso wanted to see him. Actually, he showed to be a true hero.

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Dabbabbu - very powerful and good comments sometimes. I used him in my party all the time.
Gabriel - very loyal to Calypso, I suspect that he might secretly love her.
Rupert - poor Rupert, he certainly hadn't expect what Stardust did. Also, he is probably the weakest character when it comes to battles.
Om - Demon in my party. Cool.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Dialogues are well written and sometimes funny. The story feels quite dark and not so "heroic" as LF or MM - I mean, LF might bit dark and "bloody", but there still the feel that our heroses will be victorious in the end. But Moonchild felt a bit more sad and depressive to me.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The artwork is very beautiful and the music a bit melancholic - it reflects the actuall game well.

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?
The plot twist reminded me TBOL.
And some of my characters weren't leveled enough for the challenge, so it was very hard - I almost run out of all healing items...
Also, Calypso and Jardel hugging their daughters, that was very touching.
Overall, it was a great finale.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Probably entering Reven Niega. This place is magnificient!

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Dungeons and battles.

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
I would say that Moonchild is the "dungeon crawler" among Aldorlea games. It has probably the best dungeons I've ever seen in any game. In a way it reminded me of Dreamscape - one part of the gameplay feels dominant to the others, which makes story less important.
And just as TBOL, Moonchild is another "back to the roots" game, this time probably closer to BoH than LP1. I believe that these two games could become the "fresh blood" in Aldorlea offering and attract new players who are afraid of starting by MM4 or LF3...
As for the comparison, if I should choose between Moonchild and TBOL, I would say TBOL. (TBOL is hard to beat, you know...)

And one quick note:
- I liked that characters can comment on something even when not in active party, this way it wasn't necessary to spend time on trying some scenes with different characters... (Not sure if it was used in the previous games, certainly not in LF.)

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:44 pm
by eve
Your opinion about Calypso?
Well Calypso is the perfect example of what a mother is capable of to rescue her beloved child :) Devoted and loyal to her friends,strong and courageous,she stopped at nothing to rescue Moonchild.Apparently the kind of mother Stardust wished she would have :razz:

Your opinion about Susanna?
Susanna was quite neutral as a character through the entire game,cracked some nice jokes but nothing more.I was very very pleased to see the big moment of Sussana in the end of the game.From neautral she became caring and nice in her own way oh and hey who would have thought! With King Jardel huh!? +::O_o Wink wink +::biggrin

Your opinion about Kenneth?
Ah,poor Kenneth in the whole game,only Calypso trusted him! +::lol Although Kenneth was one of the characters that you could suspect,he was nothing but kind and nice and a real protector :razz: Although he was nice,not SUPER nice like Stardust,where there were times you wondered what the heck is she on? Sugar pills? +:::|

Your opinion about Stardust?
Ah,Stardust,the perfect villain.I have to say it came to my surprise that Stardust was behind all of it,I could really NOT guess what was going to happen!Anyway Stardust had the perfect attitude towards the whole game which yes,you could wonder hey,what's going on with her,but then you could easily say that maybe gifted were all ''light headed'' in the first place +::biggrin

Your opinion about Jardel?
A strict and a ''cruel'' King that in the end risked his own life for the sake of his daughter's AND Calypso's life :) I was really looking forward to Jardel's big moment,cuz Jardel and Calypso may had many differences both as rulers and personalities,but they had one strong common spot; their love for their children. :)

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)?
Oh,I LOVED LOVED LOVED Dabbabbu!!! He didnt talk much into the entire game but whenever he talked,he was nice AND smart! He sooo reminded me of my dear Askhbar! +::heart Didnt pay much attention to Rubert to be honest,all I know was that modesty was NOT his middle name +::biggrin and that the poor guy was apperantly in love with Stardust :( As for Gabriel he was a very loyal knight to Queen Calypso and wouldnt think twice risking his life to rescue her and her daughter :)

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Again,the story was AMAZING and the dialogues well placed with enough details to analyze the characters,BUT not too many to reveal anything :razz: I liked talking to everyone I met cuz Sussana's jokes were amazing +::lol It was simply AWESOME +::Dance

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Ok the game's title screen is VERY impressive,when I saw it for the first time I was like OMG WH....WHAT!??!! +::O_o Really nice work there Indy,and what can I say about the music....Music in your games are ONE OF THE things I love the most,not much more to say about music I could analyze it for HOURS but I will just say it was in every single moment, PERFECT. :)

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)?

I loved it! I mean,who wouldnt!???!?!?! +::O_o From the moment I entered the volcano to the moment I reached the book (woah Indy that was....quite the journey +::O_o ) I couldnt wait to see what is going to happen!And when I finally reached to that moment,I was...speechless +::biggrin One major event after another!? +::O_o It's like in the end of any of Indy's games you will stay there and wonder ''Wh.....What? +::O_o '' The ending was more that satisfying,ah,got the happy ending I was hoping for (yes,yes I know am still hurt by Asguaard's ending,but that was still awesome too +::shhhh )

What was your favorite moment and why?
I never have ONE favorite moment in Indy's games,I always have like 8299183 favorite moments but I am really trying to say 2-3 tops :razz: Anyway
1) Calypso's biggest moment ofc,when she burst out of the little red coffin full of blood and with that look on her face that even if she is half dead,she wont give up on her child and will fight for her no matter what +::heart
2)Jardel's biggest moment when he is ready to sacrifice himself in order to save the children and Calypso
3)Then end,where is shown both Calypso and Jardel huging their children and there,their biggest common spot is shining.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Moonchild has a lot of strong sides in general,like the graphics,the story,the music and the little icons for the items (omg I loved those,I always do +::heart ), the quests were BRILLIANT and the character's very very intresting.If I had to choose between on of them though,I would choose the story only because the story is my big weakness in a RPG game.The strongest side,the moment that Stardust turn to be the friend who betrayed them and in the end,the peace between the two Kigdoms :) (brought by who!? Susanna!!! +::O_o +::YAY )

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare?
Yes ofc I have played all of the Aldorlea games and ofc I cannot compare them :) Each one of them are truly unique for their one purposes,but one thing is for sure.You will absolutely fall in love with ALL of them +::heart I cannot compare cuz I hate comparing in general but for me,all of the new games,just goes str8 to my favorite list which I called Aldorlea +::biggrin Great job once again Indy,I simply cannot wait to play more and MORE game of yours! +::clap (and if I remember correctly I read that the upcoming is Millennium 5!??!?!?! +::O_o Oh,it will be EPIC +::Dance )

Re: Moonchild Memories

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:39 pm
by MiladyDW777
Your opinion about Calypso? - LOVED her. As a parent, I completely related to her desperate need to rescue her daughter. Unfortunately, her character judgment skills apparently needed some work... ;)

Your opinion about Susanna? - Thank GOODNESS for Susanna and her madd calling skillz. I loved the way she was able to bring everyone together there at the end.

Your opinion about Kenneth? - And thank GOODNESS for Kenneth. He saved the day more than once, no question. I was hoping for more for him and Susanna after the "she's cute" comments, but I'm sure they hooked up as soon as they got back to town. +::biggrin

Your opinion about Stardust? - That was... unexpected. +::O_o +::O_o +::O_o

Your opinion about Jardel? - I REALLY liked him. He turned into a far more complex character than I thought he'd be, and that last graphic of him with his daughters was just lovely.

Your opinion about the rest of the cast (any favorites)? - Dabbabbu. Because it's just fun to say. +::biggrin

Your opinion about the story and dialogs? - Thumbs up, especially Stardust's final speech. In order for that to have worked, we needed to really understand why she'd go to such lengths, and you succeeded.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? - Both were just beautiful. This is easily the lovliest game you've created so far.

Your opinion about the game's ending (ie from the moment you read the book in the Forbidden room onwards)? - Caught me COMPLETELY off guard. I went from "did she really just PUSH her into the coffin?" to "OH, CRAP, BITCH IS CRAZY!!!" in seconds, and it was entirely believable.

What was your favorite moment and why? - Calypso coming out of the coffin. You just knew at that moment that Stardust was going down. With pain. +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance

What's the game's best/strongest sides? - The plot was incredibly strong. You really can't go wrong with a mother's search for her child, and it carried everything else very very well. The larger graphics were gorgeous, especially that opening page. The detail, like the blonde eyelashes, was amazing.

Have you played other Aldorlea games and if so, how does this one compare? - Hmm... I think I've played one or two others... +::biggrin It compares very favorably. My only complaint was it seemed occasionally like some of the maps were large for the sake of being large, and there wasn't any kind of reward for exploring them. Since this IS an Indy game, I wore out my index finger clicking on everything, and when I'd get to the end of a long hall, one I had to fight to enter, and there was nothing there, it was a little disappointing. But overall, it really was a terrific, compelling game. Great job!!!
+::Thumbup +::Thumbup +::Thumbup