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"A Timely Intervention" Memories

"A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Indinera » Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:50 pm

This is the place to post your feedback about A Timely Intervention. You can download the game here:

If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionary!

Just copy/paste the questions and answer below them! :)
Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending - just a recommendation. +::music

Your opinion about Alissia?
Your opinion about Pradeus?
Your opinion about Jallund?
Your opinion about Osric?
Your opinion about Galenda?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the monsters?
Your opinion about the battles?
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby sunfluer » Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:30 am

Your opinion about Alissia?
She is an adventurous and curious woman that isn't afraid to take a risk and speak her mind. She is a great healer by the end of the game.

Your opinion about Pradeus?
He is a wimp at first, but it is hilarious. He is smart and not a fighter, but he toughens up and becomes a good fighter.

Your opinion about Jallund?
He was a real piece of work in the beginning. I thought his character development near the end was really good.

Your opinion about Osric?
He was a strong character all around. He saw things in black and white and is honorable, but he has an open mind too.

Your opinion about Galenda?
I like her character. She is a tough woman who has been made tough by trying to survive, but thrives when removed from her normal environment. She is an excellent fighter to have on your team.

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
I found the story to be really interesting. It had a lot of meaningful interaction, character growth, and humor.

Your opinion about the monsters?
I thought they were fine. It was different seeing them move, but it made the battling experience different.

Your opinion about the battles?
I was playing on Normal mode and there was challenge to the battles. It was nice to have some challenge, but not too much.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
I really like the blue in the title screen and the music is nice. I think it is really engaging and makes you want to play the game. +::Dance +::music

What was your favorite moment and why?
Spoiler: show
I think it was when Osric was going to kill Pradeus and Alissa because he thought they were demons, even thought he didn't want to. It shows him to be a man of honor and willing to do what is right, even when he doesn't want to. It is also at this point in the game that this team starts working together completely and understanding develops between them.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I think coming at the story with two different parties and then also having the "current time" story with the general progress as it did really worked for this game. It kept the story engaging, and that is what a game should be. I really liked the music throughout the game. I also like that you can save anywhere.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?
I have played them all and while the other one's were good, I think this one is the best.
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Katie » Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:34 pm

Not quite done with the game :) Still have a few more secret rooms to find and whatnot. When I am done I will love to give feedback on this wonderful game, thanks!
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Indinera » Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:44 pm

Katie wrote:Not quite done with the game :) Still have a few more secret rooms to find and whatnot. When I am done I will love to give feedback on this wonderful game, thanks!

+::Thumbup ;)
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Katie » Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:46 pm

Do I maybe see a sequel coming or am I wrong? :)

Your opinion about Alissia?

When I first started playing, and Pradeus made that mistake, she wouldn't let up on him. Constantly knocking him. I thought dang is she a witch (with a 'B'). But then when she stopped and changed attitudes, I really really liked her. She turned out to have a big heart after all. Willing to do things for anyone.

Your opinion about Pradeus?

I liked him from the beginning. He was funny, had a kind heart, and even though he pretended to be simple because of the circumstances, he was actually an intelligent man.

Your opinion about Jallund?

When you first got introduced to Jallund, all I could think of was Squall from Final Fantasy 8. His looks even reminded me of him. Nasty attitude through and through. Poor Kayte couldn't even say or do nothing. Belittling Kayte. I felt sorry for her. But then he came around and truly saw what friendship was about.

Your opinion about Osric?

That guy had a pure heart through and through and was willing to help anyone. Except the confrontation. Oh boy, I didn't know what to think on that one.

Your opinion about Galenda?

I really really liked Galenda as well. That junk she had to put up with in the bar she worked at. I would have done the same as her if I was in that situation. But it did make her a strong woman. She fought for what was right, and spoke her mind.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

The story was awesome and really interesting. Alissia, Jallund, Kayte, and Pradeus wanting to make it home, but excepting the fact that maybe one day it might not happen. The dialogs: Some mean (Jallund & Kayte, Alissia & Pradeus), some really funny, and some sad. Story and dialogs well rounded through and through.

Your opinion about the monsters?

Pradeus's beasts lol. ("I will never look at a bug in my apartment the same way again") The monsters were fine was you got the rhythm and the battle techniques on how to fight them. In the Underworld they were on the different side since they were weak to different things. But fine.

Your opinion about the battles?

I do a lot of grinding so the upcoming battles are on the easy side. I also see what the enemies weaknesses are and go with the mages.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

I loved the title screen and thought it went with the title and the theme of the game. The music was awesome all the way through. Especially the battle music for the Underworld monsters and the one on the fishing quest. I would prolong the fights just to hear the music lol.

What was your favorite moment and why?

My favorite moment was after the final boss. The ending of the story was so heartwarming. Another was how those guys fought for peace. They just wanted happy lives.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

I loved how you did like Indy does and give us 4 modes of game play. Also how you had the enemies just right so you could level your characters for the next stronger enemies and not have to worry about a game over screen. I won't play RPG's that are like that. Those kind aren't fun, they're frustrating. Also the two different party teams. Very interesting and fun.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?

I have all of Indy's and yours. To me, this one was the best. :)
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby david42 » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:29 am

Your opinion about Alissia and Pradeus?
I liked both of these characters, neither was too much of a know-it-all.

Your opinion about Jallund?
Rather humourless, but that completely suits his character.

Your opinion about Osric?
A nice guy, with the odd psychopathic tendancy.

Your opinion about Galenda?
Fiesty and perhaps not entirely suited to her chosen occupation.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
A really good story and quite different, which was a nice change. There were no very long cut-scenes, which I’m not a big fan of. Good dialogue, I especially liked some of the earlier text, describing Havoc's thoughts about what these daft humans got excited over.

Your opinion about the monsters and battles?
Well balanced, with varied skills. I liked the change in posture as their HP got low. In most cases there weren't ridiculous number of enemies, so that was good. The only time I remember being a bit swamped by them were with those nasty spiders! +::surrender
Slightly off-topic, but I really liked the skills being upgradable depending on use. I don't recall having had this much before and added another layer to fighting strategy.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The screens were good, I don’t play with music.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I’m not sure. I think both of the 5 teams were reasonably balanced and no character particularly stood out to me as being the best. I see Kes disagrees, so maybe I wasn't using them to the best of their abilities.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?
I think I've played all of them, although I’m not sure if they all got finished. This is probably the best so far. I definitely liked that for most of the game there were only 5 characters per party, so I didn’t have to keep swapping them in and out. I think this is only the second game I have played with diagonal walking, it makes such a difference!
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:00 pm

Your opinion about the characters?
I'll put this in one answer as I don't have much to say about any of the characters. I found they didn't have as much depth and personality as characters in other games. It might be due to the constant change of parties though. Every time I got used to a party it switched and I started mixing up who is who.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The basic story about time travels is cool. It's a fascinating topic that I really like.
In the course of the game the story didn't develop very much though. It was pretty clear what was going to happen and they just got closer and closer to that point. So other than determining the main objective, the story wasn't that important for me while playing.
The dialogs are pretty good, as far as I can tell.
What I always like is when NPCs I talk to don't always say the same. These will say different things when talking with them several times. Although I don't always read all the dialogs thoroughly, I do enjoy this because it makes exploring towns much more interesting.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Optically, juding from the screen shots, I thought they wouldn't go with the style of the game at all. For some part I still think that, but while playing it wasn't disturbing at all.
Like in all Aldorlea/Gemelle games it took quite long to kill them though, which is getting rather tedious with time.

Your opinion about the battles?
My feelings aobut the battles are quite ambivalent.
On the one hand they are interesting and diversified. As usual, so many skills, some of which really cool. Favorite skill of all: Siphon. What a GREAT spell!
What I'm not so happy with is the length of the battles. They are quite long. But I knew that before getting the game. It was the same with the previous two games. Obviously it's Gemelle's style. Yet I have to say, the way Indy creates his enemies makes battles more enjoyable for my taste.
What I decided to like eventually is the skills that level up. At first it kinda put me in a stress. I felt a bit forced to use skills so they get levelled, while I would rather have developed favorite tactics and stick to them as I usually do.
But the longer I played, the more I got used to it and liked it.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The title screen is so cool! I loved it from the first moment!
The music is never really important for me, so I don't pay much attention. It must be okay though because no tune ever started getting on my nerves, which in most games happens here and there.
What did get on my nerves though were some of the sounds. Like the one when changing a screen.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Getting XP from using a rocking horse! +::lol It made me laugh!
Also stepping into the haunted house. I didn't expect the house to change so much and I found it creepy. I like creepy!

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The party switches. Although it always took a while to get adjusted again, remembering theirs spells and stuff, it was great getting to play with so many characters. Usually in big groups you tend to choose your favorites as active fighters. Here you really get to use them all as much as possible.
The other things is the beautiful village and town maps. They've been made with so much love and effort. So many details inside houses, but also outside. Beautiful!

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?
I didn't play Onyx and Opaline, so can't compare with those.
Sylia is a totally different game. Especially battle-wise it's more a typical Aldorlea game. ATI, Undefeated and The Tale of a Common Man undoubtedly bear the same hallmarks. Among those three I liked Common Man most though.
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Aggeliki » Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:39 pm

Your opinion about Alissia?
Your opinion about Pradeus?
Your opinion about Jallund?
Your opinion about Osric?
Your opinion about Galenda?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the monsters?
Your opinion about the battles?
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?

Well, i finished the game in 14 hours, playing, as always, in easy mode. I left only a couple of things for my 2nd attempt. How could i add another 15 hours i wonder (only in Legendary mode i guess).
I really enjoyed most aspects of the game, especially the battles with the numerous spells i could pick from and, of course, the passive skills of some characters!
I had to abandon my old tactic of hacking away in auto mode, because the enemies here were tougher and the parties had to level up and upgrade their moves and i did focus on certain spells on every chara and built strategies. I just loved Wulfric's requisition and SNARL!!!!! I used a lot of conceal -hidden bonus compination with him too! Alissia with her strategy skill reminded me of Marine from the MM saga, so -did the same as with Marine- i made her counterattack every hit! I admit though, that i used her as a healer mostly during battles.
My favourite figher was Galenda, i have an obssession with double daggers it seems..i used every attack bonus on her and equiped her with Argman's amulet and she was hitting 4 times in a row!!!!
I also liked the way Osric and Havoc were interacting in battle and Osric used his master voice!
Elfreda with her siphon spell was a super mage! This spell was my favourite , besides snarl! My favourite non-battle skills were egress ( +::biggrin ) requisition and Havoc's perception(that made me think of Sylia everytime).
My final party was Alissia-Galenda-Elfreda-Wulfric-Leofric!

I liked the story, it was a pleasant change from the usual rpg themes.I would love to see more dialog in which the charas would reveal more bits of their personality and maybe a personal quest connected with the protagonists..i picked Alissia from before the game was released, just because she emitted determination and loyalty.Her romance with Osric was a big surprise, it came up only towards the final stage and this is a little flaw in the story..they could approach themselves earlier ( i think the same goes to the rest of the couples).Praedus was relactunt, indecisive, the opposite from Alissia! He got better after a while though..Galenda lacked a back story in my opinion..Osric was the lonely veteran, with stable principles, a man you can rely on..Jallund was a soldier on a mission, harsh,cynical and selfish until before the end..The moments that Jallund was at the bring of death and his inner change after his healing was one of my favourite moments in the game, in addition to the final collapse of the timelines and the fate of the minister and the general..

I loved the music i must say, i had it on all the time! the battle music was suitable and the rest never distracted me, on the contrary, it added to the general feeling of the game! the title screen was very beautiful with the 2 party leaders! all the interiors and town-dungeon mapping was so very detailed and pretty! i would prefer a different approach on the world map though..the art style in the menus and panels and the ending presentation was really fantastic!
But... i didn't like the enemy sprites and the battle backgrounds ..i still believe that the styles clash with each fact i believe that the enemy party should be designed just as the hero party, same sprites, same way of movement etc..the battle backgrounds hmm..i would rather see a ,say,more standard style than the realistic approach of this game..but this is only my opinion of course!

An other aspect that satisfied me was gameplay: the menus, the diagonal movement, the exploration! the secret rooms, the quests, the way the parties took turns in the story progress!the 5 member parties for sure, the "new" intication under the items!

Overall, i enjoyed the game and comparing to the other colab games that i have played this is the best!( i havent played 4 of them and comparison is still unreliable)

Thank you Indy and Kes!!! +::heart
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Valdy » Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:04 am

I am not good at this type of "review", am more at home giving reviews for HOGs, but will see how I get along.

Your opinion about Alissia? - Nothing special.
Your opinion about Pradeus? - OK
Your opinion about Jallund? - Liked him.
Your opinion about Osric? - A bore.
Your opinion about Galenda? - OK

Your opinion about the story and dialogs? - I liked both.

Your opinion about the monsters? - I liked their unique way of how they moved when they get defeated.

Your opinion about the battles? - Some tough, some not so tough. I was surprised I managed the final battle without having to repeat it. "EASY" mode was much more evident in this game.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? - I didn't care much for the music - turned it down. Title screen was OK, I suppose. Don't pay much attention to it, and forget about it just as quickly.

What was your favorite moment and why? - I don't remember a favourite moment. They were all very much alike. LOL

What's the game's best/strongest sides? - I don't know about strong, but the best part was that I played 2 different teams.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare? - All but Onyx. "Tale of a Common Man" is still my favourite game (LOVE the music - both the cover music and the main music), with "Undefeated" in second place. I would put ATI in third place.

Sorry, that's the best I could do. On the downside, as I mentioned before, it would have been great if I could have seen both the amount of HP/MP they have left and the amount they should have, but only saw the amount they have left. So I had to get into each character's status to check the numbers for the full amount of HP and MP. Other than that, no complaints. Also, I didn't encounter any glitches, except for that one right there in the second scene, when I wanted to get back to the first room. :)
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Madmar » Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:38 pm

Your opinion about Alissia
Your opinion about Pradeus?
Your opinion about Jallund?
Your opinion about Osric?
Your opinion about Galenda?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the monsters?
Your opinion about the battles?
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?

Alissa was OK, a little feisty, worked well off Osric, who was one of my favorites. he had good skills and good heart. Galenda was cool, I liked her. Strong fighter, decent spells. I also liked Leofric, very strong fighter and spells, his Cry to Heaven was a life saver many times. Offered some comic relief. Jallund became very tiresome after a while, reminded me of Grawin in common man with his superior attitude even the redemption in the end to become a better man. Pradeus was not a favorite, sort of boring.

Dialogs were good, story captured and kept my interest. Fights were reasonable, liked the enemies showing they were wounded by collapsing. Played in normal and the team was never totally defeated and I beat the final battle in one try.

My favorite moment was the general and minister dissolving as the time line went bonkers.

As always the story is the heart of Aldorlea games and collaborations. I think Common Man was by far the strongest of these and my favorite. I also truly enjoyed Undefeated and Onyx. I would say ATI would come in second due to the original concepts it presented. Overall good game, I enjoyed it and will certainly play again.
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Tomas » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:04 pm

Your opinion about Alissia?
She's very enthusiastic, and a bit naive. And a born explorer. I loved her character.
I also liked her artwork best.

Your opinion about Pradeus?
Maybe a bit too cautious. And sometimes quite weak in combat.
But I still liked him.

Your opinion about Jallund?
Cold and ruthless. For him, people are just "things to be used". I was not convinced he could have change like that in the Bylun Tower.

Your opinion about Osric?
A strong warrior. And very brave and determined.

Your opinion about Galenda?
Hot tempered. Very fast and useful in fights. But she wasn't my favourite.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The dialogues are excellent. All these comments and characters thoughts, helping the player understand the heroes. Easily the strongest side of ATI.
I also loved the story, but I felt it was a bit of a wasted opportunity. It could have been more developed - maybe more of these time lines or something like that. At the beginning, I actually expected a bit they went to the future instead of the past. That would be more tricky...
Or maybe at least a bit more insight into this time-travelling project.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Very diverse, great artworks, spells and animations.

Your opinion about the battles?
Great. Igni Caves were my favourites. The battle music was just so cool there.
On the other hand, on Legendary just all the battles were hard. Imo mixing difficult battles with easier ones is better.
But this might not actually be a problem of the battles tuning, but more of the lack of any truly special equipment.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Title great, music awesome.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Those "general - minister" cut-scenes.
And Durwyn coming the Peace Conference:
Guard: No one infomed me...
Durwyn: Now you are informed

That was a scene I remembered, because it really showed the great writing.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Great dialogues and well written characters, awesome music.
And the time-altering idea. I loved it.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?
The best of these games. And I enjoyed it.
But still, for me it was a missed opportunity. I could have been so much more epic. Different time lines, plot twist at the Bylun Tower... Just so many possibilities.
And I would also like to see some more heroic weapons next time. Not mostly "bought in shop" stuff...

One more thing I would like to mention: It seems ATI is stretching RPG Maker to its limits. It's already running slow on my laptop. Also, some of the scripts probably interfere and as a results, there are some minor glitches that are probably extremely difficult to fix. (Multi-attacks on already dead foes, Silence not always working and so on...)
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby blitzen » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:10 pm

Your opinion about Alissia?
Loved her! Strong, intelligent, competent in a fight. Enjoyed seeing a POC as the main character without her being made to seem "exotic" in any way. Well done.

Your opinion about Pradeus?
TBH he annoyed me a bit at first because he was kind of wimpy, but he grew on me. And his comments about the monsters were hilarious!

Your opinion about Jallund?
He was just unpleasant all around, but I liked his character development at the end.

Your opinion about Osric?
Liked him very much. Loyal to a fault, and the scene where he wrestles with killing the "demons" is great.

Your opinion about Galenda?
My favourite character! Loved her personality (I've tended bar, I know exactly how she feels!), and she turned out to be the best fighter of the bunch.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story was really unique, and a very nice change from the usual "Demon God tries to take over the world" trope. I thought it could have been fleshed out more and made into a longer game with unexpected twists from unauthorized time tampering. You should really think about developing this idea further.
The dialogues were good, and for the first time ever I can say I truly enjoyed the cut scenes! The scenes with the minister and the general were the perfect length and showed the complexity of changing the past.

Your opinion about the monsters?
The monsters were OK, nothing too special. I liked that you could see if they were getting weaker.

Your opinion about the battles?
I played in Normal mode like I always do, and I have to say I found the battles a bit too easy. I don't think I was ever defeated once. I didn't do any special grinding to level up my characters, either. I like a little more challenge in the battles. I did like the feature where skills get upgraded through use, and I loved how Wulfric could learn enemies' skills.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
No particular opinion. The music was nice, not annoying, I didn't have to mute it. I liked that the female characters were drawn more realistically, not overly sexualized.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Probably when Alissia finally realizes that she is never going to be able to get back "home" and that even if she did it wouldn't be the same home she left. Again, I think this idea could have been expanded on. Not a criticism, just wishing for a longer game, really. :)

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The idea behind the game itself. Also switching between the two parties, although sometimes I got confused as to which party was which! Characters that mostly had their own agendas, not just following along because they had nothing better to do.

You didn't ask, but I would say the weakest part of the game is the length. I didn't get anywhere near 30 hours of play on Normal mode. Less than 15. I feel like you missed an opportunity to create a really epic game, especially after the two parties unite. The end-game came too soon afterwards to really explore the dynamics between different characters and the true ramifications of tampering with the past (maybe an alternate "future" timeline with its own set of problems?).

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?
I think I have played all of these. I would put this one right up there with Common Man as a favourite. It was well done and I will probably play through again on a harder mode. I still have a few secret rooms to find anyway.

Overall I liked the game very much. Great concept, well developed interesting characters, decent writing. Well done!
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby Lookz » Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:19 pm

Your opinion about Alissia?
A scientific girl but not so scientific skills (most of them are physical) but okay as a healer. She is very kindhearted and intelligence.

Your opinion about Pradeus?
A good man and good fighter though unable to equip good armor. He reminds me of myself as I am a bit busybody hahahha :D

Your opinion about Jallund?
Arrogant soldier, but finally able to redeem himself. It is surprising that he became the leader of Riema while the last time he was shown that he was in healing process and didn't join any army (?)

Your opinion about Osric?
I thought he was an old man because of his white hair. Very useful physical skills, and a fast learner. A tracker with very high hearing sense.

Your opinion about Galenda?
Temperament barmaid which skills remind me of Aaydan from Common Man game.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Very good. I like time travel motives game. (Something like Diner Dash Flo Through Time and PVZ 2).
Dialogues are nice, and so very Aldorlea game ;D

Your opinion about the monsters?
Good in design, but needs many strategy to be taken down by my team :,D

Your opinion about the battles?
5 team battle but needs many strategy. I only tried normal twice so I don't know how hard it is in harder modes.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Very good. I like the symbol in the title screen. May I know what the meaning of the symbol?

What was your favorite moment and why?
Finally accepting that 4 of the characters won't go back their present time. I think that's very touchy. And well I guess that 4 of them find their soulmates in the past hehehe +::heart

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The time travel motives I never found in the games I previously bought from this site.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?
It is really collaboration of them and I like it so much :D
The 2 party change of Opaline
The 5 members party of Undefeated
The skills resemble Common Man
Battle resemble Onyx
I don't know what resembles Sylia since I haven't played it yet.

Oooh and the background heavily resemble that of MM :D
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby flavie » Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:54 pm

Your opinion about Alissia?
She felt hard-going, authoritative and mistrusting Pradus but she became aware of his talent of a journalist. She’s altruistic and sure of herself, maybe too much when she’s changing history cos she won’t see the outcome.

Your opinion about Pradeus?
He was awkward, he’s a loving man and wants to teach people. I like it.Too bad he can’t tell the big scoop of the past changed!

Your opinion about Jallund?
He’s arrogant, dangerous, ambitious, a good fighter, he dreams to be a great leader .At the brink of death he has doubts and becomes modest. It’s good that Kayte is collected to cool him down. He’s improved in behaviour.

Your opinion about Osric?
He’s caring, protective and o good hearing. He might decide too fast but hopefully he listens to before killing.I liked his simplistic way of seducing Alissia.

Your opinion about Galenda?
She has the same kind of life than Asterie, she’s unlucky, is a fighter, has fiery temper. She’s good with Wulfric who knows wild life. She’s bored of being in the low social scale but learned to cope with it. I like her smile.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
At the start I thought the goal would be to try to go back to the future only. Riylan looked to be mean to keep history as it is but no. They were lucky to stop the threat on the environment chasing Jallund.
Did the ancients made a mistake focusing (underworld?) energy for the stones of memories?
Jallund’s initiative is disturbing I would’ve prefer the focus to stay on Qinna, why did he go? Who’s the guy cornered by Galenda and Wulfric?
In the first history Qinna put off stones of memories, destroyed the Ancient Artifact which will destroy the environment. I wonder if it’s really a good idea that those from the “future” bring evolution in the past.
Dialogues reflect characters’ mood and thoughts like Galenda’s assurance, Wulfric’s having doubts on Alissia and Pradus, Osric’s doubts and daring intention, his guessing on Durwyn.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Artwork with moves of jaws, we can see the health state from the position. The yellow black ninja turtles hit hard, the demon is huge!

Your opinion about the battles?
Useful enemy data, I wasn’t sure Wulfric got an ability when I used Requisition skill, there should be a signal during the battle. Smooth attacks. Killed member position is funny. The level up of some skills is good, it made me focus on it instead of always using several target skills.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
What’s the meaning of each magical circles. There’s no real sign of time travel, well if we see the night sky full of stars as one with the light of stars, the spiral. The music reflects the questioning, enquiring and finding the object of the quest.

What was your favorite moment and why?
When we learn the Marrlon Project will still be to learn of Jallund’s. When the Ancient Artifact was well taken care by us instead of Qinna.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The time travel to change the future. The true intent of Gen Riylan. The initiative of the main characters. To wonder what troopers observe, that one and a software encoder will dare to change the past. Havoc’s feeling on Osric’s opinion of persons he talks to is unique like his perception skill to find stuff. To play two parties that meet is exhilarating.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?
Yes I’ve played them all. I’m keen on Gemelle Games for the stories, for the flow of running, battle moves. This game is my best as it’s sci-fi.
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
Read "The sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind in your language or English. Read the prequel after "the Confessor" to not be spoiled.
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Re: "A Timely Intervention" Memories

Postby darkange » Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:06 pm

Warning : Spoilers ahead :
Also got a question myself in the review if somebody knows the answer to it I would love to know.
1.)Your opinion about Alissia?
I am going to measure every character on 2 levels like I always do : personality and battle
Her personality was sometimes ok with me ... sometimes not ... if I was Preadus I wouldn't let that bitch call me simple ... fuck that ... I would just tell the truth ... the situation escaled so much until Osric came to a crazy conclusion because of those accumulated lies ... if Praedus was honest from the beggining things would have changed so much but probably the story didn't exist ... Apart from her curiosity for exploring I didn't like much about her.
In battle she was mostly a healer and protector of allies with some spells ...

2.)Your opinion about Pradeus?
A pesimistic pussy ... yeah I know everybody kept stating he is inteligent and he is but inteligence doesn't help you much if you have other negative qualities like the ones I stated ...
In the battle on the other hand he was a killer ... if you develop him long enough until you get the "desperate skil " or solar plexus punch ... you can own the enemies ... I sometimes left him with 10 % HP on purpose just to use the desperate skill on enemies ... so much dmg. - and that's on legendary difficulty.

3.)Your opinion about Jallund?
Characters like him where he completely changes in the end by a drastic experience is what makes a story great ... almost shed a tear for him at the end ... This guy was completely opposite of Pradeus : probably a bit too much on the "pretencious bastard side" but still better to be like him than like Pradeus.
In battle he was really good ... similar to Pradeus style.

4.)Your opinion about Osric?
Cool guy .. took him a while to figure some things out but I liked him overall. I like that he had principles ... and a man with firm principles is always welcome.
In the battle he was one of the weakest because he was too slow and his spells wasn't that good ... even with agility items on him .. he was still slow and the last one to act.

5.)Your opinion about Galenda?
A complete bitch ... don't know what Wulfric saw in her ...You don't slap people around just because they get you mad from talking only ... if a man can get you mad just by talking to you ... then that means he is very intelligence and you are not ... obviously she wasn't very inteligent so yeah that makes sense. I really like when the monk put her in place by saying : " You had boyfriend ? Did they live to tell the tale ? " - I laughed so hard at that .... it was amazing.
At least she was very fast in battle and until the final battles she did pretty decent dmg overall ...

6.)I don't see a question about the rest of the characters so i will just complete a little bit about it :
Elfreda = great personality ... great spells ... Siphon is the best even on legendary mode ... got to agree with that.
That spell was so OP ... I pumped Elfreda with agility items to get the chance to siphon the enemies first ... battles were way easier like that.
From all the girls I probably would have picked Elfreda too ... at least I agree with Pradeus choice on this one .

7.)Wulfric = great personality ... great spells if you steal from enemies ... he is my favourite character. He was the best in battle too .... I had him first character in formation after the parties rejoined ... enemies had a hard time hitting him ... so much evasion once you put the shield and conceal on.
He was one of the guys that you can tell he was speaking from experience and I really loved his line of thinking when interacting with Jallund ...

8.)Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
One of the best stories in the game ... way better than a tale of a common man and others ... I don't know why a lot of people think 'the tale of a common man " was better ... it wasn't . ATI is waaaaay better in every possible way.
Dialogues great ... the intrigue is great ... also at the end I have a question and I am wondering if anybody can answer it : basically when the 2 people stare at Jallund statue - one of them says his project is called Marrlon project - that's the same name as the project that works with time travel from the beggining when Pradeus got there ... so how is that possible ?

Your opinion about the monsters?
On legendary mode I always like the monsters ... battles have a decent difficulty and you get to use a lot of strategy to make it work.

Your opinion about the battles?
Similar to what I just said on the monstes questions.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Some of the soundtracks are really good .... for me music is very important in games ... when the game is already great
and it has a great music too ... that's just a big bonus for me ...

What was your favorite moment and why?
The redemption of Jallund at the end and how people helped him regardless - almost made me cry and I hadn't cry in years ... don't know why but I love those moments when you realize something and change after a crazy event or experience.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Story/dialogue/characters/multiple modes to chose from/secret rooms/atmosphere/music - almost everything.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx, Undefeated, The Tale of a Common Man) and if so, how does this one compare?
yeah ... Onyx is probably a little bit better ... and Opaline is really powerful too ... the Tale of a common man is kind of " meh " to me .. too much political things for me to care
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