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Re: Hamilton party over - new record

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:45 am
by Indinera
This is an area of discussion that's why some "politeness" is required.

As for the topic, some like, some don't. Personally I'm part of the former group. +::biggrin
Now let's leave it at that and focus on the game and, in the present thread, Hamilton's party.

Re: Hamilton party over - new record

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:05 am
by Tomas
darkange wrote:That's how I talk in real life too ...I will never censor myself because somebody else don't like that... That will mean I will be phony and fake and not the real me... it's funny how people find certains words to be offensive but demons and horror elements in games are just "normal things" nothing to be offensive for ... plus if you played all Indy games you know very well even some of his characters talk like that sometimes. How come you don't get offended by those too ?
These kind of things baffles me.

Being phony and fake is one way how to view this. But you could also consider this as a matter of compromise.
Other people can understand some "more direct" ways of communication differently than you do. This is why a bit of politeness never hurts.

And what do you know - maybe I would get offended should Wendala talk to me like that.
And maybe I would like to punish her for that... ;)
Spoiler: show
(Or maybe not.)

Re: Hamilton party over - new record

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:49 am
by darkange
I never compromise ... compromising makes me weak and unhappy .... unless you are a guy who is the president of a country or in a very high function and responsible for so many people... compromising should never exist in normal interactions between people or just relantionshiops ... compromising always leads to unhappiness in day to day interactions. At least for me.

Also ... I follow a simple principle : I want others to treat me how I treat them so if I hate politeness .. I don't need others to be polite with me. In fact I even encourage people not to be polite when they speak with me ... I even hate the word : " polite" ... we as human beings have animal instincts ... even geniuses have weird excentric behaviours that had nothing to do with politeness : look at Albert Einstein or Tesla/Edison or famous characters like Sherlock Holmes .

But Indy is right ... back to the topic at hand : when you reach the final boss with Hamilton tell me if you find it easier than the holy book or not ;)

Re: Hamilton party over - new record

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:02 am
by Indinera
back to the topic

Yes please, thanks.

Re: Hamilton party over - new record

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:14 pm
by Cassiopeia
Oh my, where's this world heading ........... +::Dunno

Tomas - firstly: thanks.
Secondly - I had the same problem too at first (at normal mode though). The book would heal up way more than I could ever harm it.
But this finally was the solution for me (and then it went quite smoothly):
Evil Scimitar on Hamilton plus the Cyber Glove to give him a second action.
Ordeal Sword and Assault Gauntlet on Priscilla (because the latter adds Evil to the attack). That way she does deal nice damage.
First round: Hamilton does Power Strike twice to boost his attack.
Then Hamilton and Priscilla attack, attack, attack (when you're lucky it's gonna be critical several times).
With the others I healed up or tried some spells, but Hamilton's and Priscilla's attack was what finally killed that book.