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Inferno Memories

Inferno Memories

Postby Indinera » Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:56 am

This is the place to post your feedback about Inferno. You can download the game here:

If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionnaire!


Just copy/paste the questions and answer below them! :)
Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending - just a recommendation. +::music

Your opinion about Pristine?
Your opinion about Josef?
Your opinion about Mathilde?
Your opinion about Switch?
Your opinion about Pixie?
Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
Your opinion about the graphics and overall visuals?
Your opinion about the soundtrack?
Your opinion about the overall atmosphere?
Your opinion about the characters' artworks?
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
What was your favorite moment and why?
How did you like the ending?
Any twist you particularly enjoyed?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
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Re: Inferno Memories

Postby littlebro » Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:52 pm

Your opinion about Pristine?
As a fighter very good. As a character – interesting, Not going to say more than that for story reasons.
Your opinion about Josef?
The sort of person who, if I knew them in RL, would drive me nuts. So you could say that the characterisation is very lifelike. Like all the characters (so I won’t repeat it each time) very believable as a person. Some of his skills I never used, like the one which restores his TP, others were in use constantly. A good solid member of the party.
Your opinion about Mathilde?
Your template has a typo with her name (sorry, can’t switch proof reader mode off) which I have corrected here. As a character I thought she was excellent. At first I thought she was going to whine a lot, but no, she didn’t. Loved her skills.
Your opinion about Switch?
Wish there had been more of him. For an ex-commando he was very slow. That felt out of character. I know the tank is traditionally a slow member of the party, but sometimes I think tradition has to give way to the actual character you’ve created.
Your opinion about Pixie?
As a fighter she was about the best, fast, accurate, nice mix of skills.
Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
Excellent. It hangs together well. I’m not going to go into detail because of spoilers, and I think this game in particular needs to avoid that because of the various plot twists.
Your opinion about the graphics and overall visuals?
Very nice indeed, lovely mapping with some excellent touches from the initial eye-opening bit to the ‘reveal’ near the end.
Your opinion about the soundtrack?
At first I wasn’t sure, but then it grew on me, and I thought contributed a lot to the atmosphere.
Your opinion about the overall atmosphere?
Very well handled – the right balance between tension and release, known and unknown
Your opinion about the characters' artworks?
Brilliant. I think that artist is the best one you’ve worked with.
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Nice, but not outstanding in any way. Perfectly adequate, don’t get me wrong.
What was your favorite moment and why?
You mean beyond surviving my first encounter with a Scorknight or a Virgin Gnasher? Lots of good moments to choose from, I don’t think I can pick out just one.
How did you like the ending?
Not sure that ‘like’ is the best word here. It was satisfying, but at the same time left questions, which is an unusual combination. Most games are one or the other. It fitted the story very well, and to be honest, I can’t think how else it might have ended.
Any twist you particularly enjoyed?
Not going to answer that directly because of spoilers (oh the responsibility of being first to post!!!) but I thought they all fitted well, no sense of artificial contrivance to shoe horn in something.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Story/dialogues/characters – they are indivisible as e.g. weak characters would undermine the story. Visuals excellent, battles smooth and with what felt like new aspects to the game play.

On a separate note – I wonder if you would get more feedback if this format were ‘looser’, less detailed. I remember reading several posts from people who said things like: my English isn’t good enough to answer all those questions; it takes a lot of time; I don’t have opinions on all the questions, so I can’t answer it; comments like that.
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Re: Inferno Memories

Postby darkange » Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:35 am

Your opinion about Pristine?
Without giving spoilers - cool and surprising ...
In battle she was the best - biggest damage dealer.

Your opinion about Josef?
Typical smart guy who refuses people to insult his ego. Efficient in battle too once you equip him with the item that lets him have 2 actions.

Your opinion about Mathilde?
Too whiny and complaining for me - she is the type of girl that I would tell her to shut the fuck up with her excessive pessimism ... she was still strong mentally neverthless and had great skills/spells .
She was right in the end but that doesn't mean pessimistic people are always right - it was just a particular situation.
Joseph was still right too - he could have done something to change the final situation - anything is possible - since he is a genius - you never know .

Your opinion about Switch?
At first I thought he looked like a bad guy in those screenshots... guess I was wrong lol . Pretty useless in battle and annoying personality in general for me.

Your opinion about Pixie?
I got used to cute animals in your games so this was just normal for me now ... decent fighter in battle - but still Pristine was stronger in my opinion .

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
Spoiler: show
Original unexpected story - at some point after the first " disapearence" I thought " what if shit goes crazy and we end up like in a horror movie by the end of the game and everybody is gone ? " - so I had hunch and I was partially right :razz:

I just wish it was longer... too short .

Your opinion about the graphics and overall visuals?
The graphics were the new style - like the Fortress of Hell - I definetly like this new style .

Your opinion about the soundtrack?
Great original soundtrack - and I always apreciate that - the main bosses song was great.

Your opinion about the overall atmosphere?
Infernish and hellish atmosphere +::biggrin

Your opinion about the characters' artworks?
I am not the type of guy who cares so much about the artwork so I am neutral .

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Clasic and ok - nothing out of the ordinary or special for me .

What was your favorite moment and why?
The big reveals - all of them - because I entirely thought it was something else or another reason . I always like when I get surprised and I didn't guess what was about to happen . I like surprises

How did you like the ending?
Spoiler: show
If it trully is only one ending then I am kind of sad and I wanted something else to happen ... maybe a battle between Pristine and Mathilde where Pristine doesn't kill me in one hit so I have a chance to bombard her with status inflictions and disarm her :razz:

Any twist you particularly enjoyed?
yeah - the moment Joseph reveals the truth in the cave after the water area .

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The story/the soundtracks and the characters. For the first 3 hours it wasn't that exciting but then it got better and better .
Spoiler: show
I loved the ideea of starting out with full party and then playing with fewer and fewer - very neat
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Re: Inferno Memories

Postby ZuluKat » Tue Aug 20, 2019 2:43 am

Awe hell...Littlebro says it all...

Your opinion about Pristine?

Hmmm...really can't say much without giving away too much but she was kind of ahhh...mental with the mood swings. Definitely fit her.

Your opinion about Josef?

Yeah definitely OCD was laughing reminding me of myself when I'm working +::O_o :)

Your opinion about Mathilde?

First, I couldn't stand her whining then I thought about it and yeah, she had a right. Perhaps not knowing is better than knowing? Idk these are a little difficult to answer without giving a thorough explanation. I did like her in the end.

Your opinion about Switch?

Now switch was a cool character but definitely not enough of him.

Your opinion about Pixie?

Pixie is still my favorite and let's just say I was really pissed for some moments and hugged my cat for a couple minutes :(

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?

The story was different from the norm, having it's moments. The dialogues were effective for the plot line.

Your opinion about the graphics and overall visuals?

The artwork was definitely some of the best for Aldorlea! Visuals actually were a driving force in the changes of atmospheres. The caves and underground areas gave a real feeling of claustrophobia which means it worked lol The underwater areas also worked as water is definitely one of my deep fears...reminded me of the underwater sequence in Hell Fortress. +::fear

Your opinion about the soundtrack?

Absolutely loved the there really a need to elaborate? Fit the scenes and set the mood for the areas and battles!

Your opinion about the overall atmosphere?

It fit the story line well...

Your opinion about the characters' artworks?

Already mentioned the best yet.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

Reminded me of the L.P. series (probably because I'm playing those now though) nostalgic almost.

What was your favorite moment and why?

Well, there were a couple but again won't do a spoiler.

How did you like the ending?

Well, a little disappointed but if there's a another one I'll still play it. But only if a certain cat had a kitten...

Any twist you particularly enjoyed?

Yes, but again I can't say anything.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

The realness of the personalities to the situation that the characters are experiencing. And...the feeling of still having hope in a hopeless situation even if it seems to be hanging by a thread.
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Re: Inferno Memories

Postby D-Squall » Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:43 am

So, I finished the game today after 7 hours of playthrough. I was disapointed by how small the game was but I was also eager to finish because the game is indeed a Inferno (it sucked). Unfortunately this along with The King's Heroes, You and who else and Fortress of Hell were games from Indinera that I didn't like it, which is a pity because I used to like all of his games but these few games felt rushed, bad and not epic. While not everyone in this forum might agree with me, it seems that Indinera is losing his magical touch for making good games. Probably won't recommend Inferno to anyone and wouldn't play again.

Your opinion about Pristine?

The tank of the group, very powerful and useful during the whole game. The game without her wouldn't be possible, not because she's the main character, but because she was the only one who could do some damage to the enemies, while the others were more useful as support.

I thought it was extremely unnecessary for her to be on her top or with just the bikini most of the time, it felt forced and it seems she was like that only attract male player and please pervets or weirdos.

Your opinion about Josef?

While he was the guy who tried to keep his cool during the journey, I was very bothered by how little he cared about Mathilde's constant rants (which were valid points), I mean, something wrong was really happening around him but he played dumb (at least that's how I saw it) and was completely ignoring what was around him sometimes, even after he found out the truth.

Your opinion about Mathilde?

Maybe my favorite character in the game, if I was a member of that group, I would definetly act like Mathilde, if something is bothering I'll go ahead and say it, especially when my life is at a risk and something wrong was definetly going on there. I felt sorry for her because she seems to be the only one with eyes to see the real situation but everyone ignored her. During battle she was weak, weak attack, weak defense and low HP, her acid spells were useful as a help to lower the enemy's party HP so that Pristine could finish what was left.

Your opinion about Switch?

Dind't make much of a impression, he died on the beginning of the game. His development were small so I couldn't feel very sorry for him when he died, even though Mathilde tried to make it sound like they were very close friends because they were stuck in the base for a week. In battle he was okay, he was strong, not as strong as Pristine but he was helpful.

Your opinion about Pixie?

Her double actions were very useful and her skills that lower enemies' defenses were useful as well. I felt sorry for her death because, come on, she was just a defenseless animal and her death made Mathilde sad, which was the only character in the game I liked.

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?

The story was good but the ending ruined everything for me, Indy always struggle to make a proper/decent endings for his game, no matter how good the game is, and Inferno is not one of those good games. So the game wasn't that good and the ending wasn't good either, you know what I'm trying to say here: not good at all

About dialogues: I like Mathilde's constant rants and complaints, I usually dislike grumpy and annoying characters but her rants had valid points, I mean, the girl was trying to save herself from all that madness, her survival instincts speaks louder in situations like this. Now what I thought it was really annoying was the rest of the cast, constantly ignoring her and made her like a demented crazy woman who was overreacting over anyhing.

Your opinion about the graphics and overall visuals?

It was great, maybe the best part of the game. The tilesets were something new, it was very well used and the mapping was beautiful.

Your opinion about the soundtrack?

The second best part after the graphics, the title music is beautiful, even though it doesn't fit in the message of Inferno the game shows. The only annoying music for me was the battle theme.

Your opinion about the overall atmosphere?

It was chaotic, which was good. The game managed to capture and deliever to the player that sensation of dead end and that you are fighting for survival.

Your opinion about the characters' artworks?

Oh, good, all very good. I wonder who's the artist. But it was very well done, even the unnecessary bikini artwork of Pristine.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

It doesn't fit that calm, heavenly and serene music to the game's overally atmosphere, but both were great.

What was your favorite moment and why?


How did you like the ending?

Hated it, everyone but Mathilde dies (?) and there were no signs of why they were in the base or what happened for the base to collapse or the monster take over, little explanation of about almost anything. I didn't like it. Rushed ending.

Any twist you particularly enjoyed?

Nope, Pristine being the killer was predictable and after sometine I actually thought she was a robot but I dropped the thought, only to find out she was really a robot, that was a surprise, especially since she was created by Josef. But I still didn't liked it.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Music, character artworks and atmosphere.
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